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Read the story and find the words to match the meanings below.

1 compliments politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something

2 from time to time occasionally

3 dependable trustworthy and reliable

4 trustworthy able to be relied on as honest or truthful

5 by accident without intending to, or without being intended

6 spill to (cause to) flow, move, fall, or spread over the edge or
outside the limits of something
Read the story and find the words to match the meanings below.
1 politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something

2 occasionally

3 trustworthy and reliable

4 able to be relied on as honest or truthful

5 without intending to, or without being intended

6 to (cause to) flow, move, fall, or spread over the edge or

outside the limits of something
1. barefaced liar
2. bend the truth
3. benefit of the doubt

4. black market
5. daylight robbery
6. fair and square
7. false pretences ,
8. fly-by-night
9. money laundering
10. play by the rules
11. rip-off
12. spin a yarn

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