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I just couldn't agree more with this picture.

I can imagine how many times I have been guilty of this. This
instant gratification or nothing else culture is really trying hard in ruining our relationships with God if we
are not focus.

I realize God sometimes answers our prayers in not the ways we would love to have them, sometimes the
answers to our prayers usually come in seed or raw forms. And we have to work out the details by making
use of our creativity, giftings, skills and talents God has placed in us and across our way.

I pray we develop the patience needed to stay through the process in the kitchen and not give up too
soon when the answers dont come the way we imagine them. Amen!

Please dont forget to share and invites your friends too

If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? -Ps 11:3

Permit me to paraphrase, If the foundation by which people gets saved or come to the knowledge of
Christ be faulty, the righteous are in a dire mess

Being rich isnt a sin even in the eyes of God. But, we must be careful not to sought or use God as a means
to getting money like many charlatans on pulpit do today. They go as far as telling people to accept Jesus
if they want money. By bible standard on how to be saved, such people are not saved, although they
attend church programmes. People need Jesus and the salvation of their soul. Dont you think by inviting
people to come to Christ in order to satisfy their cravings is faulty?

We have no record of any rich apostle or disciple who pioneered the faith. They were constantly maligned,
in peril of sickness and death, imprisoned, killed, in hunger- yet they sought God all on His own and not
for a profane benefit they thought they could get in return.

Today, greed and selfishness and the propelling force of our flesh and sinful nature has sadly driven us to
a place where God has become a means to an end. Then you wondered why we have burgeoning nominal
Christians who dont care about the things of God but what they can get from Him.

And then you wondered why many fake pastors emerged employing every gimmicks and clandestine
approach to swindling unsuspecting victims of their money and material equivalent. and then genuine
and concerned Christians wondered why Christians has becomes so worldly and the world so christian, it
is becoming increasingly hard to spot out a true Christians.

Where have those thaf manned the pulpits gone wrong?

When we have God, we dont walk as though we are confident and proud but as soon as our bank account
balance shows positive figures or we acquire some level of material gains, we developed a false
confidence, we become conceited with a big chip on our shoulder, we fall completely for the deceitfulness
of earthly riches.

why do you think Jesus told the rich centurion to do away with his wealth, He knows his confidence is tied
to his wealth. one thing I have discovered by reading the bible in my little walk in Christ is that wealth
provides false confidence which alienate Gods help.

When we invites people to give their lives to Christ for what they can get, we have set an unbiblical pattern
that will ultimately yeild frustrations. Dont get me wrong I am not against people of God getting rich, but
let it not be the basis on which people come to Christ. Jesus said come unto me all that weary and heavy
laden and I will give you rest. This should be our basis in getting gets saved from the heart. Until people
know they need Jesus and understands that riches and wealth are fringe benefit as you walk in obeidient
with him, we have a long way to go.

Gods ultimate in sending His son is to reddened the soul of men and by constant fellowship witb Him
becomes Christlike.

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