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Jackson Barber

Paul Anderson
English 1010

The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as it is more commonly known as, is

something that has been a hot topic in this country ever since it was enacted. Some

people say that it is just what this country needs, while others say that it will not do what

it is intended to, as well as hurt us more in the long run. The acts purpose is to make

healthcare more easily acquired. I have acquired here a grouping of articles, that should

shed some light on the overall view points and points on the Affordable Care Act, these

viewpoints are that of Sweden, Executive, Republicans, taxpayers, and that of the

beneficiaries. I did this to answer my question, What is the impact of Obamacare on

people's lives, and how do they feel about it?.

Other Countrys Viewpoint

I conducted a good search using the words, Outside Country's Viewpoint on the

Affordable Care Act. The article I chose was a web page article written by Robert H. Frank, it

was entitled, What Sweden Thinks of Obamacare. It was published by CNN News. The

authors purpose in writing this article was to inform people on what Sweden thinks of the

Affordable Care Act. The summary of the article is mainly Sweden's view on healthcare that is

provided by the government, as Swedish residents do have their health care taken care of by

the government. They person that conducted the interview of the Swedish people, said that they

have no kinds of complaints about it. What I have learned about is Swedens viewpoint on

Obamacare and how they have an effective system that is similar to the Affordable Care Act. I

feel like this is a valuable viewpoint because of how they have worked with a program similar to

this one, and it has worked for them for many years. I feel like this source is missing a lot of

information about what

Jackson Barber
Paul Anderson
English 1010

actually is the Affordable Care Act, and what it does.

Facts and Statistics of Obamacare

I conducted a google search using the words, Facts and Information about the

Affordable Care Act. The article I chose was written by the US Department of Health and

Human Services, it was an informative article title, Key Features of the Affordable Care Act. It

was published on, and was intended to inform the population about ObamaCare. The

Website points out the Key Features of the Affordable Care Act as well as a sheet of the facts

related to it. I feel like this is a very informative web page that serves its purpose to inform and

enlighten citizens on the facts behind Obama Care. I learned more in depth of its purpose and

its coverage. I learned more in depth of its purpose and its coverage to help those people who

are in need of the relief that it is intended to supply. This is a very valuable source as far as

being informative, stating facts, and benefits of the Affordable Care Act. I do however feel like

this article is missing any counter points, or any possible downsides to ObamaCare.

Republican Candidates Viewpoint

I conducted a google search using the words, Republican Viewpoint on the Affordable

Care Act. The article I chose was written by Megan McArdle, it was a News Article titled,

Republicans Obamacare Alternative, Finally. The authors purpose was to inform the voting

population on what the Republican Candidates viewpoint was on Obamacare and what their
Jackson Barber
Paul Anderson
English 1010

plan was involving it. I personally disagree with this article, as its main purpose is to endorse to


the Affordable Care Act, and put in a very red version of it in its place. I have learned from this

article that two Republicans whom are in the running for president in 2016 have plans to repeal

the Affordable Care Act and replace with their own version of it, under the working title of 2017

what it is compared to Obamacare.Project. It's valuable for my topic as it offers the opposing

side of the argument and points out. This article however did not offer the viewpoint of the ones

who are going to have to pay for it, the taxpayers.

Tax Payers Viewpoint

I conducted a google search using the words, Taxpayers Viewpoint on Obamacare. I

found an article titled, Whos paying the new Obamacare Tax?, it was published by Kaiser

Health News. The authors purpose in writing this article was to show and inform on who and

how much is being payed for Obamacare, the intended audience of this article is the US

population. The article mainly talks about about the statistics involving the people who are going

to have to pay for the Affordable Care Act through taxes. I learned about the statistics behind

the amount paid to fund Obamacare and how that breaks down to individuals. The value of this

article is that it shows how it will affect the people who are not benefiting from the Affordable

Care Act, and how much they are having to pay to fund it. While this article does bring a

valuable viewpoint, the final thing that I am missing is how this is helping the people that this Act

was made for.

Jackson Barber
Paul Anderson
English 1010

Beneficiaries Viewpoint

I conducted a google search using the words, Beneficiaries Viewpoint on the Affordable

Care Act. From this search I found an article titled, The Affordable Care Act and

Medicare, How the Law is Changing the Program and the Challenges That Remain. It written

by Karen Davis,

Stuart Guterman, and Farhan Bandeali, and published by The Commonwealth Fund. The

author's purpose in writing this article was to inform the general populations about the

Affordable Care Act. In summary, the article gives a more in depth description about the exact

group that benefits from Obamacare and what the Affordable Care Act's overall goal was. I

learned more about the what the intended goal of Obamacare is and how and what the

taxpayers money is doing. This article's value is more about the overall facts and statistics

about what the Affordable Care Act's goal, funds, and programs are. I feel like the main thing

that this article is missing are any direct quotes from the people who are benefiting from it.

Jackson Barber
Paul Anderson
English 1010

In conclusion, the Affordable Care Act is still a very controversial act that is still highly

debated to this day. Obamacare has helped a lot of people in making healthcare more widely

accessible to the people of America. Many people feel like the act should be repealed. The

republican and conservative side is the side that feels like Obamacare should be gotten rid of,

while on the flip side of the coin, the democrats support the act and feel like it shouldn't. thought

these articles, I feel like I have achieved a greater understanding for the Affordable Care Act,

and as well as the different types of viewpoints on it.

Jackson Barber
Paul Anderson
English 1010


Sweden's Viewpoint (An Outside Countries Viewpoint)

Executives Viewpoint

Republican Candidates Viewpoint

Tax Payers Viewpoint

Beneficiaries Viewpoint

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