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Generation Y = Millennials

This morning I got to school 30 min early, but not before dropping off my kids, stopping to get my

morning addiction known as Starbucks, made a post and lightly chatted with about 45 people on social

media, paid my bills with the magic of Bill Pay, and even had a small intimate one on one with my

mother, compliments of face time. All while on my way to school/work day. The level of multitasking I

can do is insane, yet efficient. And while I am a 33 year old who decided to go back to college full time, I

also maintain a full time job and volunteer in a nonprofit organization. I dont think this would be

possible if the times I lived in did not raise me to be a multi attention driven person. Meaning: here I am

provided with many outlets of information along with options on even the most minimal of things, like

getting coffee for say. Do I go to Starbucks or maybe Dunkin Donuts? How about Coffee Bean, or should

I use my Krueger coffee maker that currently sits with 22 flavor options or my Nespresso which has

another 18 plus options, how bout simple old Foldgers ? This is what Millennials are provided with-

options, options and OPTIONS, may I add tailored made options where our scanning and narrowing

ability is really remarkable. And yet we are often referred to as a slow and the lazy generation

Lets talk the about the pink elephant in the room - Generation Y, or commonly known as Millennials.

Im sure you have heard of this term and its many stereo types. Im sure Millennials themselves know of

these stereo types and of the relativity it provides in their lives. Ive too thought to myself, yes I know

what that means (assuring voice, hand wave and everything) I text, I do like 3 things at the same time,

Im a technology savvy individual, open minded. Along with the other stigmas like they are lazy,

narcissistic, liberals, entitled, not being as sharp, short attention span, large divorce pool, uncultured,

etc. Off course I know what being a millennial means! Interestingly enough while all those traits are

some of the characteristics of the things Millennials identify with there is a more complex, refreshing

and even romantic definition of what it means to be Generation Y.

Lets start with a little history, Generation Y refers to those generally born early 1980s mid 1990s,

with dates varying among countries which can extend to 1977-2004. They are referred to as Generation

Y because they were born under the heels of generation X. Sometimes referred to as "Echo Boomers"

due to a major surge in birth rates in the 1980s and 1990s, and because Millennials are often the

children of the Baby Boomers. This age group has also been called the Peter Pan Generation because of

the statistics that show propensity of some to move back in with their parents, perhaps due to economic

constraints, and a growing tendency to delay some of the typical adulthood rites of passage like

marriage or starting a career. They also happen to take baby boomers as the largest generation. If each

generation has a personality, you may say that the baby boomer is the idealist, shaped by Woodstock,

JFK, RFK, and MLK. Generation X is the skeptical independent, shaped by latchkeys, Watergate, and the

PC. Generation Y is the connected (internet), diverse collaborator, shaped by 9/11 or other terrorist

attacks, texting, and the recession (of many economies). Born in a time of growing technology,

accessibility, working class parents, an era that placed high value on children- protection and having

helicopter parents, as well as the carrying over of Generation Xs fractured families of divorce, and

being in the visual for front of everything you can think of, this is a generation of acceptance and


Its a generation representing a high impactful shift in generational mindsets and in the shaping of the

Modern World and its culture- where its collective, educated, diverse, worldly and inclusive. Moving

from the skepticism of its predecessor Generation X, Generation Y is socially patient, optimistic, holds

esteem in educational judgments as well as promotes liberties to all. Their tool for success and defeat is

technology. To come to think of it technology and the ecosystem serve as natural cohabitants for

Millennials. It is commonly joked around that Millennials have a digital sixth sense.
It is undeniable that technology and its advances have shaped Generation Y and the other generations

to come. Mainly in part to two realms, communications technology and visual technology. These

influences on the Millennial Generation were magnified because Millennials were able to see what

many generations did not see or have access to say or hear: photographs, footage, in vast quantity, real

time communication amongst thousands of people worldwide. First with television- the access to news

and constant visual stimulation, to its niche channels and programs such as VICE, CNN, PBS, MTV, HBO,

Disney Channel, National Geographic to name a few is how Millennials found comfort in the variety of

interest that one individual could choose to have without having to identify with a particular group. This

type of access as a child or teen allows identities to be stimulated independently without too much

corrosion or the need of classism. Promoting an open mind to new things, experiences, and awareness

of other existing cultures, subcultures, worldly events, and vast interest. For example you could be

raised on country music and then find the hip hop culture on MTV. This type of access allows people to

remain curious, experiment with new avenues and build a sense of identity that is less imposed by

history or governmental structures. Bringing this generation to grow up and mature more quickly in

understanding social, cultural, and worldly acceptance. Then we have the wireless phone, to cell phone,

to the smart phone - when we think about this we only see the actual idea of being able to

communicate as we please, when we please, without having to be segmented to a chair, place, and wall.

But as we look closer. Most Millennials had to go through all these upgrades within a 10 year gap (and

still evolving). These type of change teaches Millennials to stay new, active, informed, in a state of

progression almost subsequently adding to the optimistic trait other generations may perceive as nave.

Millennials are optimistic because they have been engraved to accept changes- to stay current. Now to

our infamous internet- the surplus of everything. The internet to a Millennial is not simply a medium

used rather a way of life, their culture, in some way their creed. It is second nature. It holds most of all
the things we want. Its like a parent, a friend, an experience. You could be in the most private place, for

say the toilet and shopping in Paris at the same time. It has no boundary in allowing the individual full

control of what it is they are trying to find, communicate, or do. Entitled you may ask. Well of course

when the atmosphere provided for them requires little effort to manifest so much of the normalitys of

everyday life. We can see how other generations can resent and perceive why the entitlement takes

place. However what Generation Y feels entitled of is not to encourage aristocracy, superiority, laziness,

rather access. We are now in an era where access is measured, a commodity and even a formality in

every spectrum of our lives. Unless you are in a tribe somewhere in the amazons where the way of life is

that of the 1500s.

So far we have talked about the access to being vocal, clamorous, and interactive. But all these

technological tools allow us to also remain private without having to sacrifice social interactions. By

having the internet we can communicate privately and still present our thoughts and views to many

people. We can still look for information without having to be classified as a particular something.

Many individuals are too often not ready to expose their physical identity but want to be heard. And

they too get a chance and the platform to hold on to their internal identities and protect what they fear.

You will find that most mature Millennials respect privacy yet are very transparent. Seemingly coming

across as a contradiction. Much of the information we independently look for or find through the

internet can be unedited by media or corporate guidelines and presented by fellow peers. Having this

access to live events while staying in communication as it happens allows Millennials to become

involved and engaged emotionally as scenarios are unfolding. This type of access is the real key as to

why Millennials set themselves apart from other generations. Everyone can be heard, everyone can

share a story with the world and remain discrete or make strives without the need to be permissive. It

gives the power to the people. In addition adding to this power is accountability. One cant share their

opinions, videos, happenings with a mass of people and not expect a reaction. There is back lash and
scrutiny that comes with the territory of having the power to influence and share all events under the

sun. Millennials are not afraid to say you are wrong, or questions your intelligence, the facts, footage,

and motives. They are fearless in front of a keyboard and camera. They see everything as IS .Their

judgment and questions start to become more structured towards educated opinions, then they present

the topic in the form of a group debate, as major democracies do. This being a major impact in why

most Millennials are or appear to be liberals; as time progresses we are seeing more moderates.

Because of the natural need and habit of freedom of expression Millennials possess they run like an

invisible tsunami of opposition to the more conservative generations or groups, such as Governmental

institutions and churches. This ability to be open and daring with their voice allows Generation Y to

remain flowing and mutable. This is a generation whose ideals lie on the ability to move in and out of

boundaries. It is about groups who are willing to share and influence the most, about learning new

things, playing with latest gadget, and who prefer accepting a mutant from outer space as a friend then

having a friend be an identical twin of themselves. They treasure, respect, individualism, love and

represent inclusion and integration. Making them a great generation for the interest and growth of

people. They are less likely to go to war and are about preservation of humankind.

Did you know Millennials are the most educated generation to date? In part to women now being

counterparts to the growing group of individuals who pursue college careers. The most significant

difference between generations X and Y as to other generations is how much more emphasis they put

into the education itself versus the outreach of money. There are many articles surfacing in regards to

Millennials being very educated and savvy, yet get paid the least and are unemployed. Or like

mentioned earlier Peter Pan kids who didnt grow up or learn how to keep a job. So much about that

sentence is very much manipulate, as to the research and what and whom they are researching about.

Yes, Millennials have a large unemployed rate mainly do with a global and national economic recession.

This is not a matter of ability rather circumstance. Yet they remain driven and choose to grab a
bachelors degree and try to maintain lesser paying jobs while still being in pursuit of their goals, live at

home, than to start a family not feeling financially sound. These are choices that too often seem

criticized. Millennials enjoy freedom, access and security. And while starting a family and having a six

figure salary is attractive they tend to make the better long term choice of quality life styles versus

traditional expectancies. Because of this large pool of unemployed Millennials the room of

entrepreneurs has significantly increased. They have double this amount from the two previous

generations. They dabble their energy into topics or work atmospheres that allow them to submerge

themselves in their pertaining fields to then be inclined to share their new found findings. No matter

where you turn this level of interconnection is always supported and applied by Millennials and inviting

to past and future generations.

Another reason why Generation Y is more educated and less likely to be married by the age of 25 is in

large part to those helicopter parents, the social and government programs of that time such as DARE

and LA.s Best who emphasized on education and preserving a good healthy mind as the singular most

important factor to success. They had all sorts of media outlets reminding them to stay drug free, they

got raised on stay in school, its cool and if you are a Millennial yourself you may even remember this

one this your brain, this your brain on drugs (an egg gets thrown into a pan) commercial. They even

had Smokey the Bear to remind them of the dangers of forest fires. You had TV parental controls being

implemented often in every TV guide and at the beginning of every program. Then you have of the

Millennial divorcee parents and a larger group both working parents which translates to children and

teens having more time in these programs and under the supervision of a day care or so. When you go

back to the idea of access you can see how visual influence allows them the ability to be a tad bit more

individualistic and in many ways independent. Millennial parents (those parents to Millenials) had to at

least witnessed or heard of the troubles of war and often reminded their children of the dangers of it.

They were protective parents who were looking to give their children a better economic life or a better
time to live. There is very little oppression surrounding Millennials. Giving them the edge to pursue

careers and make those so called narcissistic choices. This again is a reason why you see higher divorce

rates because Millennials understand individual preservation, they are not tie down to religious, or

traditional factors and are accustomed to seeing that being married and unhappy is not the equivalent

to good values. Many of them have witnessed divorce first hand or know of someone who is a child of

divorce and can understand the pros and cons of such decisions.

Millennials are definitely consider more liberal then conservatives, often show less faith in political and

religious institutions, yet there is research pertaining to the rise of the faith in the existence of god and

the rise in interest in political affairs. Many churches messages clash with the Millennial ideals of

tolerance for racial, gender, and sexual orientation. Remember that television was potentially a

Millennials babysitter or best friend and pop culture was huge in influencing this generation. In many

ways Generation Y is not involved in politics, however if there is a negative rise in the overall health of

political matter, or we see unfair treatment, there is trouble in paradise and that is enough to get a

Millennial very much involved. Examples of this were when the voting of Barack Obama took place or

the increasing unexpected support for Bernie Sanders left many groups in shock and sent a message to

Capitol Hill that Millennials are well alive and maturing. The latest we are witnessing is the Take a Knee

movement (NFL) and the Black Live Matter movement. Overall you can say Millennials do have a lot of

room to grow and within the same sentence see that they have covered a lot of humane ground. They

may delay in areas of traditional culture and potentially procrastinate in the economical developments

other generations have been stronger in, however the abilities they do possess is something this society

needs to grow and move forward in the right direction. They will most likely become encouraging to

new, soon to be sheriff in town Generation Z. If one can say a phrase to some up this generation I

believe social justice would be atop of that list.

There are many other topics I did not go touch on such as, pro green, health and sex which Generation Y

is leaving there mark in. For more in depth information, polling, statistics on millennial behaviors please


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