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Melinda Kelly

IT727XA Activity 2.2 - Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Natural Disasters WebQuest Commented [1]: Title

Lesson Goal: Natural Disasters are a constant occurrence. Students will complete their WebQuest to Commented [2]: Description of activity
gather information on 5 natural disasters (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and floods.) Do Commented [3]: Goal
natural disasters happen at the same speed, frequency, type of weather, together? I want to use a
WebQuest because students have a hard time narrowing down credible information on the Internet. If I
can provide them with the websites/videos/blogs/pod casts that I feel are credible and worth using,
students can focus their energy on learning the content. It is also a fun way to get kids actively engaged
and not just listening to me lecture about each disaster. I think this strategy will give students a sense of
ownership over their findings and feel more confident with their work. Commented [4]: Strategy description and advantages

Objective/Purpose: Commented [5]: Performance Objectives

We will enhance our knowledge of natural disasters by completing a WebQuest over a 1
week time period.
We will read the directions in the WebQuest to get to the correct resources.
We will read the resources provided to get the information needed.
We will record the results of the WebQuest in our science journal.
We will follow along to Mrs. Kelly read the WebQuest directions before we start.
We will talk with our group members about our findings.

Grade: 5nd Commented [6]: Descriptor: Grade Level

Content Area: Science Earths Systems Commented [7]: Descriptor: Content Area

Technologies Used: Computers, Internet, WebQuest Commented [8]: Descriptor: Technologies Used

ISTE Standards: Commented [9]: Descriptor: ISTE Standard

3c Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create
collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.

3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas
and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Materials/Resources Needed:
Science Journals
Laptops (1 per student)

Anticipatory Set: Watch some short clips from Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. Ask students
what they

Instructional Input: Day 1- Students will be sitting at their desks looking at the projector screen.
During this whole group time, I will explain to them that we are going to be practicing our research
skills on the computer in order to build our knowledge of natural disasters. I will show them my rubric
for how I will be grading their science journal.

Modeling: Day 1 - I will have made up a sample WebQuest all about farm animals. I will demonstrate Commented [10]: UDL: How will I teach content
how to access the WebQuest and click on all of the pages available. I will start with 1 of the animals
and use my science journal to answer the questions about that given animal.

Guided Practice: Day 2 - We will work through 2 of the animals together as a class. I will ask Every Commented [11]: Assessment of required resources and
Pupil Response (EPR) questions as we work so I can make sure all students have a firm grasp before I skills
let them move to independent practice. Students are able to ask me questions that they feel necessary to
complete their task.

Independent Practice: Day 2-5 - Students will work in assigned pairs to complete the WebQuest. Commented [12]: Description of Integration Strategies
They can go through the order of natural disasters in any order they choose. They will be required to
answer the questions about specific natural disasters in their science journal.

Checking for Understanding: Day 5 - I will collect their science journals and read through their Commented [13]: UDL: Assess the outcomes
answers to the questions throughout the WebQuest. I will use the rubric to assess their learning. Commented [14]: Evaluation Plan for students
5 points available per natural disaster (25 total points) performance
5 points available for use of technology (5 total points)
30 possible points

27-30 points A
24-26 points B
21-23 points C
18-20 points D
0-15 points F Commented [15]: Evaluation Plan for lesson

Differentiating Instruction: Commented [16]: UDL: Engage in different ways

Below grade level Based on their specific needs, anything from answering verbally to an aid,
partner, or teacher, drawing pictures, working through less than the 5 natural disasters, give a
packet that has cloze notes for them to fill out, answer in multiple choice form instead of open
ended questions
Above grade level Students can select another natural disaster from a given list and create
their own page for the WebQuest. There can be a discussion going with students who have
completed the task early, create their own set of questions for all of the natural disasters
ESL If possible, have the ESL teacher translate the WebQuest for me so language is not a
barrier. Answer verbally in native language to ESL teacher.

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