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Leaves of Healing

25th May 1847 to 9th March 1907

The Healing Apostle

Compiled by
Prof. Benedictus Wentworth Ph.D, M.Sc, CEng, FREng in Mechanical
Engineering [Stanford University US (1994, 1987)]
D.Th, B.Th in Biblical Theology [University of Chester UK (2009, 2003)]
M.A in Biblical Exegesis & Linguistics [Dallas Theological Seminary Texas (1997)]
B.A in Archaeology & Bible History [Jerusalem University College Israel (2010)]

This is a humble effort of compiling some of the publications of Rev. John

Alexander Dowies most fondly periodical publication Leaves of Healing.
This is a tribute to a man who shook the whole world demonstrating the
healing power of God in the name of Jesus Christ. A man who overcame the
world and wrought out Zion on earth just as it was planted his heart through
the Word of God.
Ben Wentworth

2012 ThePriest Inc.

With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations [Psalms 89:1]

IMMEDIATE SALVATION FOR THEE. gavest them the love thou didst deny to God. Even now,
although thou knowest these sins are stinging thee like
death adders, thou art strangely fascinated by their
BY THE REV. JOHN ALEX. DOWIE. glamour; and, maddened with unsatisfied desire, thou
art permitting them to coil more firmly around thy soul,
and drain thy life away. Dying soul. Arouse thee! Look

K IND reader permit me to say a few words to thee

concerning thine eternal welfare, and may God,
to Him who died to save thee, and thou shall live.

who loves thee, help me. As when the Hebrew prophet raised
Thou art immortal, the offspring of the Father of The brazen serpent high,
The wounded looked, and straight were cured.
spirits; and because He is eternal, so art thou. On earth,
The people ceased to die.
in the visible creation within mans knowledge, there is
nothing of such infinite importance as an immortal spirit, So from the Saviour on the cross.
such as thou art. A healing virtue flows;
Who looks to Him with lively faith,
The sun is but a spark of fire Is saved from endless woes.
A transient meteor in the sky;
The spirit eternal as its sire, Second, THOU MUST IMMEDIATELY BELIEVE, AND
But thy body is mortal, it is of the earth, earthy, and God requires thee to believe (1) that He loves thee;
it will die, decay, and pass away into dust again. There (2) that He came in the person of His Son to save thee;
are no exceptions. Look at thy body, touch thy pulse, (3) that His Son, Jesus the Christ, bore thy sins, thy
listen to thy throbbing heart and say, Oh body, thou sorrows, and died for thee; (4) that He rose from the
are warm with life, but thou shall ere long be cold in dead and is thine Advocate above, ever ready to
death; for the silver cord shall soon be loosed, and thou interceded for thee; and (5) that if thou dost truly ask the
shall return to the earth, but my liberated spirit shall Father in His name, and dost from thy heart forsake,
return to God who gave it Then pause, ponder deeply and Confess thy sin, thou shalt be saved that
in thy mind the solemn thought, and speak once more, moment, for it is written1 John 1:9If we confess our
But oh my spirit, art thou prepared to stand before sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and
the great white throne of judgment, shouldest thou be to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Do that, in
summoned to-day? simple faith, and thou art saved immediately. Not that
Kind reader, if thou art unsaved, thou art lost, hast THY faith saves thee; for faith never saved any one, and
thou ever earnestly looked upon the Eternity into which yet no one was ever saved without faith. It is the GRACE,
thou mayest be ushered at one step? Consider now, the free love and almighty power, of God which saves
Behold NOW is the accepted time; behold NOW is the the sinner who prays in faith; for it is writtenEphesians
day of salvation. Do not delay: for that may be fatal. 2:5For by grace ye are saved; and again, in the 8th
Thy danger is immediate, and, therefore, so is thy need. verse, For by grace are ye saved, through faith; and
God has, consequently, provided an immediate that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Does this
salvation. Let me tell thee very simply how thou mayest seem hard to understand? Let me try to explain it still
be immediately saved. further. Suppose thou are poor, and in great need. One
First, THOU MUST IMMEDIATELY REPENT. Gods who is kind, and very rich, give thee a cheque for
Holy Spirit has already convinced thee that thou art a money covering all thy wants. At the Bank, thou dost
sinner. Thou dost need a Savior. Turn from thy sin at present that cheque in faith, and thy faith is rewarded by
once, with sincere hatred of all thine evil deeds and getting all the money. But it was not thy faith which
thoughts, with sincere sorrow and desire for mercy. Like provided the moneyno, it was thy kind friend who had
the dying Israelites, the fiery serpents of sin have, with placed it there for thee, it was his grace, so to speak,
their deadly venom, poisoned all the streams of thy which answered the demand of thy faith, which believed
being. Thou didst nurse these vipers in thy bosom, and his written word. So with thy God. Perishing soul, loving
cheques upon the Bank of Infinite Love and Power are

given thee, which cover all thy need, at all times. Take
this:Wherefore He is able to save them to the
uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever
liveth to make intercession for them.Hebrews 7:25.
Present this now, this very moment, at the Throne of
Grace; and thou shalt be saved immediately and to the
The Gospels, and other portions of the inspired
word, are full of proofs that Christ saves sinners
IMMEDIATELY. All his acts of healing were immediate;
as they are still. The leper, who came in faith, was
immediately cleansed (see Mark 1:40-42) Peters wifes
mother was immediately healed when Jesus touched
her (Luke 4:39); the woman who had spent all she had
on doctors, after twelve years of weary and increasing
suffering, was immediately healed when she touched
Him with faith, (Luke 8:43,44) the man who had lain for
thirty -eight years, was immediately made whole at the
pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-9); the man, above forty
years old, and lame from birth was healed in the
name of Jesus Christ, at the Beautiful Gate, and
immediately his feet and ankle bones received
strength (Acts 3: 1-11); and many other were healed
immediately of whom thou canst read. And it was thus
too that Christ forgave penitent sinners, such as the
fallen woman who wept at his feet in the Pharisees
house, to whom He there said, Thy sins are forgiven
(Luke 7:48), and in the Pearl of Parables, He taught us
that the Eternal Father goes forth to meet the returning,
sorrowing sinner, and saves him immediately and
Oh decide now, lest thy day of grace be gone, and
the day of judgment find thee doomed. He is able, He
is willing; and, if thou dost perish, it is because thou wilt
not be save. How shall THOU escape, if THOU dost
neglect so great salvation? How? How? It is the one
question which even God cannot answer. How? How?

Oh, be earnest, do not stay,

Thou mayest perish, een to-day.
Rise, thou lost one, rise and flee,
Lo Thy Saviour waits for thee.

Leaves of Healing vol 1 no 12 Nov 30, 1894 p 188

Leaves of Healing vol 15 p 329 July 2, 1904

On the Around the World Visitation when Dr. Dowie was in Zurich Switzerland he gave the following sermon
on Thursday Evening, May 26, 1904.

The apostle says that He is the Savior of All men,
especially of them that believe.
Again he says that God hath shut up All unto
disobedience, that He might have mercy upon All.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be
God tells us that a time will come when all enemies
acceptable in Thy sight, be profitable unto this people, and unto all shall be put under His feet; when Satan, and sin, and
to whom these words shall come, for the sake of Jesus, our Lord, disease, and death, and hell shall pass away; for death
our Strength, and our Redeemer. and hell shall be cast into the Lake of Fire.
I desire to speak to you tonight concerning the Love The Millennium is the Day of the Lord.
of God in the Salvation, Healing and Cleansing which
He has provided for us, and which will at last reach All The Times of Restoration of All Things, whereof
Men. God spake by the mouth of His holy prophets have
In the 3d chapter of the Gospel according to St. John, begun.
the 16th verse, I read: It will be sometime before the Restoration is
complete; because, even when the Lord Himself comes
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have back to reign, He will reign upon this earth a Visible
Eternal Life. Person, throughout the millenniumthat is the
Thousand Yearsand during that time, the Restoration
Also in the 22d verse of the 15th chapter of 1 will go on.
Corinthians, I find: That Thousand Years is the Day of the Lord.
When that Thousand Years has been completed, the
For as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ shal all be made greatest fight of all will take place.
Satan who will have been bound, will be loosed for
I desire you to believe that. a time.
It is a very Great Word. Then the Final Conflict will come, which the Book of
the Revelation tells us will be closed only by the Fire of
False Teaching Limits Gods Love. God coming down from heaven and destroying the
bodies of those who fight against His Kingdom.
The Love of God is limited by a great many Then the earth will be Gods.
preachers. Then there will be no more fighting, because the
They do not tell you that God loved the whole conflict will have ceased.
world; that He sent His Son to save the whole world Final victory will have come.
They tell you on the contrary, that there are only a All men will know the Lord, and the knowledge of
few who are to be saved; all the rest are going to be the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the
damned forever, and there is no help for them; that if sea.
they do not do what the church says now, they can
never be saved throughout Eternity. The Preaching of the Christ in Hell.
That is not the Word of God.
The Christ said: Make no mistake about the teaching of the Word of
I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw All men unto It is true that there will be a Judgment.
It is true that multitudes will find their way to hell;
but the Christ went down to hell to find those who were means age-long, and that the word translated
disobedient, and hateful, and wicked away back in the punishment has no thought of misery, has no thought
days of Noah, when God could find only eight on all of separation from God.
the earth who would believe. The Greek word koladzo (), used there,
At that time the whole race except those eight means to prune, as a gardener takes his knife and
perished. prunes the vine.
The wicked went into hell and remained there for the The word prune means not to kill the tree, but to
thousands of years until the Christ died, went down into make the tree bring forth good fruit; to make that which
hell, brought to nothing the power of him that had the had been useless or fruitless worth something.
power of death, and preached to the spirits in prison, as The meaning is the punishment of the offender for
the Apostle Peter declares He did. his betterment.
As truly as He took the penitent thief to Paradise, did God does not hate any of His children, it matters not
He take those also who had dwelt in misery for how much they have sinned.
thousands of years, and who believed His God is not glorified by their destruction.
preachingHe led captivity captive.
Some will tell you that there is a parable which says It is Impossible for God to Destory His Own
that the rich man went to hell, and Lazarus went to Offspring.
heaven, and Abraham told the rich man, when he cried
out of hell for Lazarus to come and touch his tongue to God is the Father of our spirits.
cool it, that there was a great gulf fixed which they that These spirits are immortal.
desired to pass from the one place to the other could They cannot die, because our Father cannot die, and
not pass. the spirit that He has given to us is indestructible.
That was true; but did not the Christ bridge that gulf? It cannot possibly be that God would keep in misery,
Did He not put the bridge across it, and did He not hopeless and endless, His own offspring.
Himself go down into hell? No matter who grave their sins are, they are only
The Word of God says so. temporal acts, finite acts, acts that have only a temporary
You constantly repeat it in the Apostle Creed; He life and power.
descended into hell. The third day He rose again from It would not be possible for God to make the
the dead. punishment infinitely greater than the offense.
He bridge that gulf. The great majority of those who are sinful are so
Over that bridge, He brought multitudes from hell to because they are ignorant.
heaven. They do not know that they have been kept from
Everlasting Punishment Is Age-long Pruning. Many wicked people have kept them from knowing
You tell me our Lord Jesus, the Christ, in His Even in Christian lands, multitudes have never really
description of the Last Judgment, says to the righteous, known the Love of God.
Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom I remember how that fact went to my heart when a
prepared for you from the foundation of the world. and poor criminal, a murder not twenty-years of age, was
to the wicked on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye hanged in Chicago.
accursed, into everlasting punishment. He had committed two hundred crimes. He had
He said that the righteous should go into Life been in hands of the police for little crimes from the
Eternal, and the wicked into Everlasting Punishment; time of his childhood, and was continually at war with
that settles it, say some. law.
Why are not the preachers honest? Why was it?
They tell you that the word, Punishment means a He was the offspring of harlot and a murderer.
hopeless misery. His mother and father, after he was hanged, fought
It means no such thing. each other in the public streets over his coffin as his
Why do they not tell you that the word everlasting dead body was being taken from the jail.
He had lived in sin. I hope He will forgive me if I do wrong; because He
He had never known honesty. knows my heart, and I want my prayer to be right.
He had been taught to be a thief and liar as soon as I know that I should have a hard fight, but I do not
he could speak. think it will be very much different from the fight I have
He was driven out, a drunken profligate, and nobody here.
cared for him. The churches did not seek him, and I have to fight the Devil all the time.
when he was about to be hanged, he lifted up his hands Sometimes I have to fight the Devil in solution;
and cried, I never had a chance! because when you see a bottle of whisky there is devil
in that.
The First Impetus of Zion Restoration Host. I find a great deal of Devil in the churches here too.
They fight me as if I were the Devil himself, although
I said then that I would visit every home in Chicago, I am fighting sin, and Satan, and disease, and death, and
and take the Message to every sinner in every saloon, in hell, and getting multitudes saved.
every harlots house. I do not do it their way, and the consequence is that
Last year, through Zion Restoration Host, we visited they fight me.
every house in Chicago eight times. I fight with the Devil now; it will not be much
I have determined that, as far as my power can different when I get to hell, only now I have devils to
extend, Zion Restoration Host shall carry the Message fight who say they are Christian , and when I get to hell,
of Gods Peace to every house in Zurich; to every the devils will admit that they are devils; and I will make
mountain and valley in Switzerland; to every city in no mistake about it.
Europe; to every part of every continent. God will follow the lost.
Already I have reached one hundred twenty million He has provided a way by which His banished may
of the worlds inhabitants; because I believe that God return to Him.
loves every man, and wants to save every man, and will He is the Father of all spirits.
eventually do it. He mourns over the sinful and the lost, and He will
Although many will go to hell, because they will not seek them until He finds them.
obey God, yet it is written by the Psalmist himself, who He is the Shepherd who will seek in every street of
was inspired by God to write it; every city of earth, in every valley, and in every
If I ascend into heaven, Thou art there: The Christ will send Zion to seek them and we shall
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold Thou art there. not rest until we have found them.
If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
You will never get rid of me, you sinners.
Even there shall Thy hand lead me, I will follow you through earth, and I will follow you
And They right hand shall hold me. through hell, until I get hold of you and bring you back
to God.
I believe that. When I come down to hell and find some of you
there you will say, Well, you told us that in Zurich.
Restoration Work After We Get to Heaven. [Laughter]
That is my faith.
A man said to me one day, Well, what are you My Faith is that God means what He says.
going to do when you get to heaven? It seems to me that My Faith is that the Christ means what He says; that
your principal work will be over. God so loved the world that He sent His son to save the
I replied, No, when I get to heaven with God, and world, to draw all men unto Himself.
with the angels, and the redeemed of earth, and I meet Although some crucified the Christ, He did not say,
my loved ones gone before and they who come in at the You go to hell, but He prayed to God, Father forgive
Gates of the City one after another, the tens of them, for they know not what they do.
thousands and hundreds of thousands of my own
people, who will have served God, I shall ask God to let
me go to preach to those in hell. The Same Christ Is Pleading for All Men.
Salvation, of Healing, of Holy Living?
He is the Intercessor for all; not only for the good, Go the straight Way.
but He pleads for the wicked. Our Father, if it takes Him a million years, must seek
His Love touches our hearts; because while we were His sons and daughters, and He will, until at last He has
yet sinners, and wicked, and far from God, He loved us, brought them all home.
He died for us, He pleaded for us, He sent the Holy If any one tells you that the mercy of God is limited,
Spirit to us, and has raised up men to seek the lost and tell him that Gods mercy is above the heavens.
the perishing. Tell him that the Word says it over, and over, and
He has told them to tell men at the very margin of over again, that the mercy of God endureth forever.
the grave when they are burying their deadthe words
are there; they ring over the grave; I Preach a Gospel of Hope.
I hate sin.
As in Adam all die, even so in the Christ shall all be made alive. I hate disease.
I hate the powers of death and hell; but I tell you that
I believe Gods Word. Satan will be conquered by the Christ; that Sin and
God will, at last, even if it takes Him a million years Disease and Death and Hell will be conquered by
to do it, seek, and save unto the uttermost every poor, Salvation, and Healing, and Life and Heaven.
sinful spirit that in its folly, has gone to hell. I know that God will win, for the Times of the
Restoration of All Things have begun; and that work
No One Would Want to Live in Hell, Even for a will go on until All Things are restored to God.
Short Time. I love the Gospel.
It is a Gospel of Love, a Gospel of Life, a Gospel of
Oh, some one says, do not preach like that, Health, a Gospel of Heaven.
because they will be sinful and wicked! If they know May God give you that Gospel and make your spirit
that they can get out of hell, they will not mind going happy while you live.
there for a while. No pillow is so soft as that Gospel when you lay
That is not true. down your head to sleep and awake in heaven.
Every man of common sense can see at once that it All who desire the blessings of this Gospel rise and
is far better to be good, to be saved, to be healed, to be tell God so. [ Nearly all rose.]
cleansed, to be happy on earth, to obey God here and
go straight to heaven when he dies, than to be wicked, Now pray.
sinful and hateful, and go to hell and live with devils
and bad people, and find his way to heaven at last, after PRAYER OF CONSECRATION.
thousands of years, perhaps, in hell.
If you and I are traveling together to a beautiful city, My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. I thank
and I show you a good road, and tell you that all along Thee that Thy love never fails, that Thy mercy endureth forever,
that road there are beloved friends who will entertain us, that Jesus will draw All men unto Him, the most miserable on
and cheer us and help us and make us happy, and take earthyea, the most miserable in hell; that He came to seek and to
save that which was lost. I thank Thee that He cannot stop seeking
us straight to the city to which we desire to go, will we and He cannot stop saving until all the lost are found; until all who
not go that way? die in Adam are made alive in the Christ. Oh, help us to tell the
Or shall we go down into the valley away down the story that God is Love; that He is good to all, and that He cannot
dark river, into mud flats, and wallow in the mire, going limit His mercy, for it reaches all, and it endures forever. In Jesus
ten thousand miles around about, miserable, hungry, Name we pray Thee, give us a True Repentance; give us the True
Faith; give us the True Obedience that we may obey Thee. If we
naked, beset by enemies and surrounded by serpents have made bad vows to bad men, let us break the bad vows, and
that sting us and bite us? obey God, no matter what it costs. For Jesus sake. [All repeat the
I show you the pleasant way to go, and I tell you that prayer, clause by clause, after the General Overseer.]
although you take the other way God will follow you
and will find you, but it may take long.
Will you go the right Way, the loving Way, the Way
that the Christ opened up by His bloodthe Way of Beloved, do you believe what you have prayed?
General OverseerThen do not be afraid to live it
Do not be afraid to say it out, and unborn millions
will bless you; for that Gospel will be a blessing to all
the generations to come.


Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the very
God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame,
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that
calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
Christ, the love of God our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, bless you
and keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere, forever. Amen.

But the Fear not rang in Noahs heart, and when at last he landed on
that mountain and came down, God gave him once more the command,
Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.

This is the same command that God had given to Adam, which, by the
FEAR NOT. way, indicates that before Adam this earth had been populated. Adam,
who came upon it as the first man, was given the Divine command,
Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight,
and profitable unto this people, and to all in every land to whom these words shall come, The same thing that was said to Noah, which always makes me believe
oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. that some other race had occupied this earth and had been cast out of it;
I invite your prayerful attention to the words, recorded by St. Luke, 2d and when I see these demon powers from hell so determined to re-possess
chapter, 10th and 11th verses: this earth, I sometimes ask myself, Were not they the race that was cast out
of it by God before Adam was placed upon it after the chaos and the
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great formless desert to which God had reduced it when He cast these angels
joy, which shall be to all people. down to hell?
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ, the However that may be, I cannot tell, but it seems to me to indicate
Lord. clearly a pre-Adamite race.
However, Noah received the command, Fear not, and as the earth
THE ANGEL SAID UNTO THEM, FEAR NOT: FOR BEHOLD, began to be populated, again man went into ever deeper depths of
I BRING YOU GOOD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY, WHICH SHALL degradation, and to prophet after prophet there came Divine messages and
BE TO ALL PEOPLE. consolation bidding them to Fear not, as they were led to expect
deliverance from God.
Fear not is the key-note of the Gospel, and it is the last note. For instance, Abraham, who was called out of the darkness of
The Alpha and Omega of all that is blessed. heathenism: who doubtless in his early days was a heathen, and of whom
The the glad tidings and the Evangel of God is Fear it is said in a rabbinical legend that he was a worshipper of nature, and
not. turned with disgust from the filthiness of nature.
Those who falsely declare that the Christian religion is based upon fear, Then he worshipped the heroic men and gods, and turned with disgust
have no conception of its glorious realities. from their filthiness.
Fear has no place within the Christian breast. Then he said, I will worship that glorious orb, as the silvery
The word of God declares in unmistakable language the truth on all moonbeams poured down upon him one night; but while he was
that point when the apostle John says, worshipping his god in the moon, it set, and he said, I cannot worship a
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear . . . He that feareth is not
god that goes from my sight.
made perfect in love. Then the night passed on and the glorious sun rose, And now, he
said, I will worship the sun; and it passed on and set, and he said, I
The love of a loyal heart, that is absolutely confident that its love is not cannot worship a god that sets from my sight.
misplaced, is a love without fear; and if there is fear in the breast of any Then the stars rose, and he said, I will worship the heavenly host, but
who say that they love God, then let me tell you that your love must be far as he looked at them, star after star set, and Abraham cried, Oh, Thou,
short of the Divine Standard. who hast made heaven and earth and all the starry hosts, whom I know
not, whatever Thy name may be, reveal this to me, and I will worship
The rabbinical legend says, Fear not, Abraham, came to him, and the
It is not a Divine love where there is fear, for a Divine love is absolutely Bible says it, and that is better; that in His seeking God there came that
without fear. word
Fear not.
That key-note of the angelic message at Bethlehem comes down to us Fear not, Abram, I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
to-day, and reminds us that in every age this has been Gods great, first And every time his heart was faint the words would ring out,
message to His people.
When trembling beneath the awful burden of their sin, and driven out FEAR NOT.
of Paradise, it was God Himself who brought a message of blessing and
bade the trembling, sinful man and woman to know that in due time the If you will take this Bible and read that old Testament through, you will
seed of the womanmark it; not the seed of the manshould bruise the see how prophet after prophet was inspired by that message that came
head of the serpent. straight from heaven, Fear not; how it came to those that served God!
The Gospel was first proclaimed then in Eden; the Gospel of Hope and When the trembling child Samuel heard the voice of God calling in the
the Gospel of Faith, and the Gospel of Love, and the Gospel of Faith templethe light burned low in the temple of God, and the aged high
without doubt; a Hope over which the shadow of despair never comes, priest saw that God had called the childhe said, Speak, Lord; for thy
and a Love where fear never enters. servant heareth. And it was the Fear nots that stilled the heart of the little
It was because they doubted that they despaired; it was because they one, and he went forth to do Gods will.
feared that they ceased to love and to obey; but the message came then, The Fear nots filled the hearts of those who fought for God, as David
Fear not, and the assurance was given of an ultimate salvation. in his period when he went forth with his five stones in the shepherds sling
But the days grew dark. There seemed no hope of salvation. The first taken out of the running brook, and slew the great giant before whose face
born son of man was a murderer, and when Abel lay stark and cold, all the hosts of Israel fled.
stretched out beside the altar of the sacrificial lamb-dead as the lambhis The Fear not was in the hearts of all those great judges who were the
vanishing breath, which the name of Abel means,seemed to be an end deliverers of Gods people.
of hope Fear not came to Gideon when he had 32,000 men against a host, and
But not so, for Seth was given, and his name is compensation, and in God told him there were too many. He told him to sound a trumpet and
his lineage there arose a man whose name was Noah, which means the let those that were afraid to go back, and 22,000 went back at once, and
rest bringer; and he was, under God, the Moses who led Gods people there remained10,000.
out. But how did he lead them out? Again He told him to bring them down to the water and said, those that
He was the deliverer whom God inspired with faith amidst a faithless do not lap, putting their hands to their mouth, send home, and there were
world; so faithless that the whole race of Cain had so infected the race of 300 left, and God said to him,
Seth that besides Noah, his wife and six others, there was not one living
being upon this Gods earth whose thoughts were not of evil, and that Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into thine hand.
continually, and they were swept away.
Fear not, and he set the plan of battle, and ere the morning sun arose
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every the host was defeated.
imagination of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually. [ Hebrew, every day.] So that Fear not came from heaven when Elisha at Dothan stood and
But the message came to Noah, Fear not, and God shut him up and looked upon the great host that were seeking for his lifes blood in that
floated off his ark away upon the dark waters, and shut away from his eyes little mountain city, and he said to his servant,
and ears the awful sights that followed when the doomed race climbed Fear not; for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
from mountain heighth to mountain heighth with the wild beasts and the
serpents to escape an ever rising flood, until the highest mountains of the I suppose he thought that his master was evidently insane: for Dothan
earth were covered, and every human thing and every living thing was was but a little town, and there were, perhaps, a million foes, but the
buried beneath the avalanche of waters from heaven, and the great answer came, Fear not, and God enabled Elisha to pray the prayer:
fountains of the deep that burst forth.
Jehovah, I pray thee, open his eyes, that lie may see. angels will sweep low, if need be, but God shall rise and His enemies shall
be scattered. (Amen.)
And in a moment he saw the mountain was full of horses and chariots of
fire and the hosts of heaven wheeling around that city, and trooping out FEAR NOT.
from all the stars, and standing around the servant of God, and covering
his head in the day of battle. And blindness fell upon that heathen host A glorious message it is, a message of the Gospel of the glory of God.
and they were led into Samaria, and Fear not.
the bands of Syria came no more into the land of Israel. Jehovah is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Jehovah is the strength of
my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
So the Fear not rang out in every age and to Isaiah and Jeremiah and When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my
all the great prophets, and to all those who got a message from God, as did flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Daniel when this same angel Gabriel came again and again, he would say, Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war
should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
Oh man, greatly beloved, Fear not. One thing have I desired of Jehovah, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the
house of Jehovah all the days of my life to behold the beauty of Jehovah, and to enquire
in His temple.
I want to tell you that that Fear not is the keynote and the last note of For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His
the Gospel, and that when Gabriel came to Mary, and said, Fear not, tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me upon a rock.
Mary, when he appeared to Zacharias and told of the coming of John the And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me:
Baptist and said, Fear not, Zacharias; when that angel appeared with the therefore will I offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises
heavenly host in Bethlehem the night that Christ was born and said, unto Jehovah.

Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,
The praise note that I sing to-day, not on Christmas morn merely, is
Fear not.
it was but the initial note of the Gospel of that Perfect Love that
emancipates those who have it from all fear. FEAR NOT.
When I see men and women trembling in fear before the face of man,
I know that they are not made perfect in love. Why shall we fear if God has sent us the glad tidings of great joy which
are for all people!
FEAR NOT IS THE CHRISTMAS GREETING. Now what are these glad tidings? The glad tidings which tell me that
before the worlds foundations were laid the Lamb of God slain had
It was a favorite word of Christ. conquered Satan and sin and death and hell somewhere else.
When His disciples were being sent forth as sheep in the midst of Friends, we are too narrow, a great deal too narrow. And we make
wolves, He said, Fear not them which kill the body. Redemption too narrow.
When the man, whose daughter He had promised to heal, received the There are a great many people whose religion is like that of a man who
message that she was dead, Christ said, Fear not; believe only, and went said he loved the Lord, and he had family worship, and he used to pray,
to raise that dead unto life. and this was his prayer: Oh Lord bless me and my wife, my son John and
At all times, and under all circumstances, the angelic message and the his wife, us four and no more. Amen. (Laughter.)
Christs message has been the same, Friends, are we much broader by nature?
It is bless me and my church, my fellow ministers and their church; just
FEAR NOT. these and no more. Amen. (Laughter.)
The Episcopalian will not preach and he will not pray for the
Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith? Methodists,
The Roman Catholic will not preach or pray for any of them, not that
When Christ has passed out of the grave, and loving hearts sought to it would help matters a bit as far as the efficacy of their preaching or prayer
find Him in His tomb, they found the angel who said, are concerned, but it is an awful travesty of a Christianity that has its roots
away deep in eternity, to make it a poor, miserable, narrow thing, the
Fear not. . . He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. property of petty sects.
Friends, Satan lived before the world was made in its present form. The
When they went forth to do their work and were put in prisons, how angels fell and some one conquered in that fight, which drove them down
often, as in the first portion of the Acts of the Apostles, you will find the to hell; some one conquered in that fight which drove them from the
prison doors were opened and the angel of the Lord took them out, and heavens into the abyss.
said, Fear not,
Go stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life. I BELIEVE HE CONQUERED WHO LEADS ALL THE ARMIES
And they went and did it, though they knew that death and the cross
were before them. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was
called Faithful and True; and in righteousness He doth judge and make war.
You remember how Paul was tossing in the storm on the Mediterranean His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a
Sea, amidst the trembling hearts of all those convicts, and of the centurion name written that no man knew but He Himself:
and his soldiers, as day after day the helpless vessel was being driven And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His name is called The
before the storm, driven upon the lee shore of Malta, and how said Paul Word of God.
one morning to the Centurion, And the armies which were in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in
white linen, white and clean.
And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations:
There stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve. and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the wine press of the wrath of
Saying, Fear not, Paul. Almighty God.
And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS
And then he tells how that angel showed him that the vessel would be AND LORD OF LORDS.
cast upon an island, but that not one should be lost, if the sailors remained
in the vessel. He conquered because He knew how to die; because before the worlds
So the Fear not goes on, and you take the last book of the Bible, and foundation He knew how to die for sinners some where else; I tell you if
you open it and see the risen and glorified Christ in the body of His glory it were necessary for the Christ to reincarnate Himself a thousand times in
appearing to John his servant in Patmos Isle, and John who had known the a thousand worlds, He would do it. He would incarnate Himself to save a
Lord in the body of his humiliation was staggered with the sight of that lost race.
glorious body, of which you read the description there, His countenance By the death of Christ things have been cleansed, not merely on the
shining as the sun in his strength. The glory of that wondrous body so earth, but in the heavens: for it is written,
filled him with aweespecially as he saw that sharp sword, which is the
word of God proceeding out of His mouththat he fell at His feet as dead. Having made peace through the Blood of His Cross to reconcile all things unto
The Christ, the risen, the glorified, the Christ who sways the scepter of Himself; by Him, I say, whether things upon the earth or things in the heavens.
universal empire on the throne of the Father, reached His hand down and I want that there shall be given unto us all a broader view of the
lifted His servant up and said, incarnation, of the atoning sacrifice, of the resurrection life, of the
Fear not; I am the first and the last; I am He that liveth, and was dead;. and, behold,
priesthood, and of the kingship of Christ.
I am alive for ever more, Amen; and have the keys of hades and death. We are too narrow even to broaden out His life to meet this worlds
needs, let alone other worlds. Men are defining their theology that Christ
FEAR NOT. tasted death for some men, but he tasted death forwho?
AudienceAll men.
To me this Christmas-tide, as every morning and every day, the angels Dr. Dowie:----Every man. And I, if I be lifted up will draw, some men?
song that rings out is the Divine message bidding me not to fear. (Amen) Audience:All,
Fear not! and I say to Zion, Oh Zion, fear not! (Amen.) They may be Dr. Dowie: Then you had better believe He is going to do it. Oh the
numerous that are against us, but they are more that are for us, and the un- depth, the boundless depths of eternity, and the heighth, and the length,
seen hosts of heaven will troop from every star and come down and the and the breadth of that Love which hath concluded all in sin that He might

have mercy upon some? The deep mouthed clarions bray

Audience:All. And bears upon a crimson scroll
Our mission is to slay.
Dr. Dowie:Upon all, friends: for it is written,
These two armies exist, but the glad tidings is this: that we who leave
God hath concluded them all in unbelief that He might have MERCY UPON ALL.
O the depths of the riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How the service of Satan and sin, shall find Salvation and Healing, and Life, and
unsearchable are His judgments, and His Ways past finding out. Heaven; and we shall fight with weapons tempered in the fire of Eternal
Love, with the armor that the Christ Himself hath given us, and has made
I believe in the gospel that is co-extensive with the necessities of every with His own Divine Power; the helmet of Salvation; the loins are girt with
miserable being in the universe. (Amen.) That wherever there is misery, Truth; the breast-plate is the Eternal Righteousness of Christ; and the feet
Love goes to save, to heal, and to fight, and fight, are shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace; the shield is the
bright shining Shield of Faith; and the sword with which we fight, is the
AND FIGHT, Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

and put a Fearless Love in the hearts of the great army that follow Him on The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the Word of our God shall stand for ever.
white horses, against the Beast. They who follow Him are Called, and
Chosen, and Faithful. Surely the enemies of God are like the grass and the flower that fades,
Friends, glad tidings is a Gospel; glad tidings to some people? but the word of our God shall stand for ever; so we enlist there, and we
Audience:All. say that the Lord is hurrying up things.
Dr. Dowie:To all the people in some time?
Dr. Dowie:In some conditions?
Audience:----All conditions. I want to tell you a thing that perhaps some of you do not know. On the
Dr. Dowie:Friends, I will not attempt to co-operate 25th day of December, 1897, the twentieth century will begin; the
with a man that limits God. I will fight him as though he were an Dionysian era, that is universally admitted by scholars, is out by four years;
incarnate devil. Limit God? Limit Gods mercy? and, instead of this being the year 1896, it is an accepted fact that this is the
His mercy is from? year 1900. The 1900th year begins on the 25th day, roughly speaking, of
Audience:Everlasting. this month when the Christ was born, and we shall enter in 1897 into the
Dr. Dowie:Unto? last hundred of the last thousand years before the coming of the millenial
Audience:----Everlasting. glory. (Amen.)
Dr. Dowie:His mercy endureth forever?
Dr. Dowie:It is the nature of our Father and God to have mercy. It is DARKNESS.
glad tidings, and I will tell you why. You can go down to the most penitent
and withered and sin-stricken and disease-smitten men and women covered The light is shining! It is not from the lips of one messenger that stands
with all the guilt and shame that hell could put upon them, and you can upon the plains of Bethlehem that the message is heard; but over all the
say. earth to-day God is raising up men and women in millions to carry His
Christ died for you. (Amen.) No limits, no limits, no limits! Message, and I trust He has raised us up in Chicago to say,
Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all
I say to thee, do thou repeat
To the first man thou mayest meet,
On lane, highway, or open street, SALVATION FOR EVERY ONE THAT IS WILLING TO BE
That he, and we, and all men move SAVED.
Under a canopy of love,
Broader than the blue sky above: Friends, there is no damnation by a predestined election of God. I hate
the damning, accursed doctrine that narrows down my God, and makes
That grief and sorrow. and care and pain,
And anguish, all, are shadows vain; Him a monster. What! You tell me that by a predestined act of God, He
That death itself will not remain; predestined one man to be saved, another to be damned? then a monster
That weary deserts he may tread, would sit upon the throne, and not our Father.
Lifes dreariest labyrinths may thread You tell me that a man by electing grace must be predestined either to
Through dark ways under ground be led, Salvation or damnation, and all I have got to say about it is this, you do
Yet, if he will the Christ obey, not find that there. [Placing his hand upon the Bible.] It is not there.
The darkest night, the dreariest way
Shall issue out in perfect day, ELECTION.
And we, on divers shores oft cast,
Shall meet, our perilous voyage past, A man said to me the other day, I am greatly in trouble about the
All in our Fathers home at last.
doctrine of election. Did it ever trouble you, Doctor?
And ere thou leave Him, tell Him this, I said, No, I was born amid extreme Calvinists that said some were
They only miss born to be damned, and some were born to be saved, and I watched them
The winning of that perfect bliss, when I was young, and I would hear a man who would orate upon the
Who will not count it true that blessing, not cursing, rules above,
And that in God we live and move; doctrine of election, and he would coolly consign all unbaptized children
That God whose name is Love. to eternal reprobation, and all persons that God had not foreordained, and
he was appropriating to himself that he was of the election and covenant
Never forget it, will you, there are no limits but to your own miserable of Christ, and I have seen that elder, after had laid it all out to his own
sin and sickness and sorrow and the devils power; he had a beginning and satisfaction, laid out by the devil of whiskey-laid out until he spued in his
he is going to have an end, blessed be God. house, and I said that Doctrine of pre-determined damnation is of the
No revelation is given to us of the Kingdom of Darkness, and error, and devil. It reminds of the scathing lines with which Robert Burns began his
hell, that they will have to be put into some dark abyss, a lid put upon it, Holy Willies Prayer:
and Almighty Power to sit upon it, and keep it down throughout all
eternity for fear the devil should escape again. O Thou, who in the Heavens dost dwell.
It is not going to be; for I read in Gods Word, Who, as it pleases best Thyself,
Sends one to heaven and ten to hell,
A for Thy glory,
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. And no for any guid or ill
Theyve done afore Thee.
The glad good tidings that I have for you is this: that the reign of Satan,
sin, and disease, death and hell shall cease, and that you and I may have That Doctrine is not a message from God, and I watched, friends, and
deliverance now, (Amen) and may march in the army that is marching to I found that the doctrine narrowed down and withered grand men; made
victory now, and that if we do not believe, we will go to hell to join the their sympathy so weak, and their powers so little that they would preach
great multitudes who would not trust their God, but followed the standard twenty years without a convert.
of the devil. Oh yes, oh yes! I am told that I ought to admire the man that preached
There are two armies, and only two. twenty years in a foreign field without a convert. I do not admire him. I
never did.
Along our ranks no sabers shine; The man that can preach twenty years without a convert, is a fool,
No blood red pennons wave,
Our banners bear one single line; because he might reap every day. There is not an hour in which he might
Our mission is to save. not be reaping something. I did not use to see it, but the shadow of that
dark doctrine laid upon my heart for many a long year, although I never
But there is another army, believed it, and when a man said to me one day, Did it ever trouble
you? Yes, I said, it troubled me like bogies trouble babies; but when
It marches to the drum beat roll, I became a man, and knew God, it never troubled me.
Well, how do you define it? said my Scotch friend. I said, There is Let us be ready. All that want to be ready when the Lord shall come,
just the mischief that we Scotchmen have inherited from our fathers, a rise. Those that cannot rise, hold up their hands.
foolish tendency to attempt the definition of the infinite. You want to [Apparently the whole audience rose.]
define; that is, to put a line around a thing that is infinite. There is your Hallelujah, it is all!
failing. Friends, answer me, Are you willing to do Gods will?
Well, he said, how do you explain? Can you say I am?
Well, I said, I do not explain it, because I leave God to explain All answer, I am.
things. My business is to do what God tells me. Are you willing to do right to all men?
Well, he said, how do you apply doing what God tells you to the All answer, I am.
doctrine of election? Are you willing to confess and forsake sin, and make restoration for
Well, I said, David listen, David listen! wrong? Can you say I am ?
All answer, I am.
EVERY CANDIDATE IS ELECTED; Are you willing to make consecration to God of spirit, and soul, and
body, and life, and time, money, and all things?
for God has said by the mouth of His Son, him that cometh to Me I will Can you say I am?
in no wise cast out. (Amen. Glory to God.) So every man that comes, and All answer, I am.
asks for mercy, and is an honest, penitent candidate, God says is elected. Are you willing to let the Holy Ghost in, and make you all over again
That has been enough for me, and I have told all men that they may be ? Can you say I am?
candidates. I have told all men that All answer, I am. Then pray with me.

THERE IS NO ONE WHO BREATHES, AND HAS A HUMAN My God and Father, in Jesus name I come to Thee. Take me as I am. Continue to
HEART WHO IS BEYOND THE REACH OF THE EVERLASTING make me what I ought to be. Give me power to do right to all men, and in Thy sight.
Against Thee have I sinned, Father forgive, and give me power over every doubt by faith;
GOSPEL. over despair by hope, over fear by love, over folly by wisdom, over ignorance by
knowledge, over every evil thing by the power of God, by Thy Spirit. Give me Thy Spirit,
Listen to these words from the Revelation of Jesus Christ, 14th chapter and help me to conclude this year, and enter upon the new century which begins next
and 6th and 7th verses: year, to live on until Thou shalt come: Receive me either when I sleep, or when Thou
shalt call for Jesus sake. Amen. [All repeat the prayer, clause by clause, after Dr. Dowie.]
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to
preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred and tongue After singing the Consecration Hymn, I will to Christ belong the
and people, meeting closed with the
Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His
judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the BENEDICTION.
fountains of waters,
Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil, and the very God of Peace Himself
The Everlasting Gospel is a Gospel that saves the Spirit; a Gospel that sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole Spirit, Soul and Body be preserved entire
cleanses the blood; a Gospel that heals the body; a Gospel that purifies the without blame unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; faithful is He that calleth you,
home; a Gospel which makes anew the City; cleanses the workshop, and who also will do it; the grace of our Lord Jesus, the love of God our Father; the fellowship
makes a nation happy, and makes the world to ring at last with the glad of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, bless you
song, and keep you and all the Israel of God everywhere, forever. Amen.

Alleluiah: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. . . The kingdoms of this world are Leaves of Healing vol 3 p 167
become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and

Friends, I believe in that final triumph of Christ over Satan, of Salvation

over sin, and health over sickness, of life over death: and of heaven over
hell, and the Holy Ghost is willing to bless you and me and put us in
possession of all these blessings of the Gospel, and give us power to carry
them to others who are dwelling in darkness, and the Shadow of death.
Oh thank God that it is not only on a Christmas morning, but as a
ceaseless anthem for everyday, I raise my heart and say in this Voice from
Zion to Gods people in every land,
Alleluia: for


and we are marching on to conquer for the Christ the kingdoms of this
world, (Amen) until we shall stand by the glassy sea, and raise the flag, and
wave the sword in triumph, and sing with angels from heaven, and the
hosts of all the powers of God throughout the universe. Alleluia; for the Lord
God Omnipotent reigneth. . . . The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of
our Lord, and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever.
But friends, if we are to stand near the King on that great day, if we are
not to slink away into the darkness, and fear to look into His face, then let
us be brave now; let us be without fear now; let us calculate the cost and
be willing to pay it, laying down life and talent, and money, and strength,
and time; let us pour out our lives unto death that we may live for Christ,
and for those for whom He died.
And may we live to hear another song that will go between this, and
that song of which I have spoken that last final. song of victory. There will
come upon the midnight air of some night the sound of the trump of God,
the voice of the Archangel summoning from all parts of this earth the wise
virgins to rise and trim their lamps, and my Lord, on that midnight hour,
let me be ready! (Amen.)
Let me go forth to meet the bridegroom, and go with Him into the air.
I do not want to live through these dark days which will terminate the
hundred years that we begin with the closing days of 1897.

It may be at morn, when the day is awaking,

When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking;
That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory,
To receive from the world His own.

Oh, joy! Oh, delight I should we go without dying,

No sickness, no sadness. no dread and no crying
Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into Glory
When Jesus receives His own.

Oh Lord Jesus, how long, how long,

Ere we hear this glad song,
Christ returneth; Hallelujah ! Hallelujah!, Amen."
Saturday, May 21, 1904 AROUND-THE-WORLD VISITATION 127

THE BEAUTIFUL GATE OF DIVINE he did not know it.


I shall address you for a few minutes this morning on

the story of the man who was healed at the Beautiful
Gate of the Temple.

Important Events Witnessed by the Man at the

Beautiful Gate.

He was about forty years old, and was, therefore,

about seven years old when the Christ was born.
He must have heard the Wise Men, or heard of their
sending their servants, doubtless, before them through
the streets of Jerusalem, saying: Where is he that is born
King of the Jews? for we saw His Star in the East, and
are come to worship Him.
Where is He?
That prayer was a very impressive one.
But the Christ disappeared, and the time of His birth
was marked by a most horrible crimethe massacre of
the innocents at Bethlehem.
This lame man must have remembered how, when he
was a little boy, the mothers had wept and wailed, and
how all Jerusalem was filled with horror and indignation
that Herod should have murdered large numbers of
young children, in the hope that he could murder the
I do not read that any priest of that time ever
I do not read that he was ever shut out of the Temple.
The priests went on coperating with that king who Jesus said, This is Elijah, when He spoke of John
was a murderer. the Baptist.
What a terrible story that was for that child to hear! The Angel Gabriel said that he who was to come was
When he was nineteen years of age, he lay daily at to come in the spirit and the power of Elijah.
the Gate which was called Beautiful, a beggar, lame from It is a very great mystery why John himself did not
his mothers womb.
know it. It seems to me a wonderful thing, but not more
He must have seen, or heard of, the little Boy, who
had asked the doctors such questions that they could not wonderful than many other things that have happened.
answer, who had spoken to them words at which they
wondered. Ignorance of Ones True Personality.
When John the Baptist came to preach, this man was
seven years older than he. Many persons in their ignorance, have denied that
He heard the wonderful stories of how the priests they were this or that, not knowing any better.
went out to see John the Baptist. Not many years ago, I knew personally of the
He knew that the minds of the people were stirred as following incident.
to whether John was the Christ, or whether he was the
Elijah. A certain young man was told that he was Earl of
Then John himself said, I am not, it was a great So-and-so.
dash to the hopes of multitudes, for he was Elijah, and He said, You go away. Do not talk such nonsense to
The solicitor said to him, You are the Earl
The following report has not been revised by the General Overseer. So-and-so, and I am here to put you in possession of
128 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, May 21, 1904

your estate. proclaimed.

If you do not go away, I will knock you down, said He knew of His preaching, and knew of His healing;
the young man. And he looked as if he would do it. but he was not healed.
The solicitor went away and brought with him a
friend of his, saying once more, You are the Earl of Why the Lame Man Was Not Healed by the
So-and-so, and I have come to put you in possession of Christ.
your estate.
He said to his friend, Take away that lunatic. The Christ went in and out of that Beautiful Gate of
The friend said: He is no lunatic. You are the Earl of the Temple, occasionally, for three years.
So-and-so. Come to my house and examine the papers. The blind were made to see, the lame walked, and
The young man came; they showed him proof of his the dead were raised, and this man knew it, but still he
paternity, and who he was. lay at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple unhealed.
It was with difficulty that he could believe them, and Why?
considerable time was spent before he could be One does not need to go far to see.
convinced that it was not a conspiracy to make a fool of Rabbi Eliezer, he would say, tell me, is Jesus of
him. Nazareth the Christ?
At last, however, he believed what he did not know Jesus of Nazareth! The bastard! I hate Him! said a
in any other way than by documents that were put rabbi in Sydney one day.
before him, that his mother was the wife of a dead earl, He is no Christ, the rabbi would say to this lame
and that he was the legitimate son. man.
He took possession of the estate, and sits today in the But, rabbi, he would plead, is it not written that a
House of Lords: virgin shall conceive and bring forth a Son?
John the Baptist did not know, but he did the work of Then they would say, in their Pharisaical pride, Dost
Elijah up to his light and knowledge. He was Elijah the thou teach us? and threaten to excommunicate him.
Preparer. Elijah the Tishbite was Elijah the Destroyer. That was the way they tried to put down the Christ.
This man at the gate heard how Herods paramour When a man received sight, and found Jesus in the
had succeeded in getting John the Baptist murdered! Temple, he worshiped Him, but the Pharisees said,
Give God the glory; and as for this fellow, He is a
The Priests Afraid of John the Baptist. sinner.
They lied!
The priests were, doubtless, very well pleased, that They had tried to make out at first, that he had not
John was dead, because he had been preaching been blind. But his parents had said, This is our son,
Repentance, and they were wicked. and he was born blind.
They were afraid of him even after he was dead; How then is it that he now sees? they ask.
because when Jesus, the Christ, said to them, The Ask him, said his parents, he is of age.
Baptism of John, was it from heaven, or from men? they He answered for himself.
reasoned, If we shall say, From heaven; He will say, When they said that Jesus was a sinner, he said,
Why then did ye not believe Him? But should we say,
From menthey feared the people: for all verily held We know that God heareth not sinners; but if any man be a
John to be a prophet. So these cowardly priests, who in worshiper of God, and do His will, him He heareth. Since the world
began it was never heard that any one opened the eyes of a man
his day denounced John, were afraid of him when he born blind. If this Man were not from God, He could do nothing.
was dead, afraid of the people, and afraid of the Christ.
They said: We know not? At that time he had not acknowledged Him as the
They lied! Christ. It was only afterwards that he did, but he was a
They are not the only priests or ministers who have brave, good man, and he would not deny the Christ.
lied. Without any great stretch of the imagination, we may
Time went on, and Jesus appeared. suppose that this man lay there at the Beautiful Gate of
This lame man, at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, the Temple and asked the rabbis as to whether Jesus
at last saw the Christ, whom John the Baptist had was the Christ, and they said, No.
Saturday, May 21, 1904 AROUND-THE-WORLD VISITATION 129

He knew, therefore, that if he acknowledged Jesus as his wooden leg into a hole, and walked around it all
the Christ, he would be flung out. night.
They had passed a decree that any one who I do not know whether that store is true, or not, but
acknowledged Jesus as the Christ would be I can see the churches walking around their wooden leg,
excommunicated. It was after he was excommunicated Salvation.
that the blind man who had been healed met the Christ Get Salvation for the spirit.
the second time. But is that all?
When a man is a poor beggar, over forty years of age, Have we not souls and bodies as well as spirits?
and has never been anything but a beggar, he is likely to Is not the spirit in bondage, if the body is tied up
believe what the rabbis say, what the ministers say, so he with rheumatism?
said, I repudiate the Christ. When you put in both oars, the oar of Salvation and
He must have done so, because if he had cried to the the oar of Healing, and pull, then you do not go around,
Christ he would have been saved and healed. you go ahead.
That day, at the Beautiful Gate, the oar of Divine
The Conversion of the Lame Man. Healing was put in.
That man was healed.
The Christ was then crucified and buried, and it was You know how simply the story is told.
reported that He had risen again. The Apostles said that they had no money.
This man was in great trouble about the matter.
He heard Peter preaching at Pentecost, and I think Money Spent in the Extension of the Kingdom of
that was the time he was converted. God.
Multitudes were converted, and possibly this man,
who may have cried, Crucify Him, with the rest of the You say, That is not like you, Dr. Dowie.
rabble, was among them. I have oftentimes been without money.
At any rate, when Peter and John came up to the A hundred times I have given, in Melbourne, my last
Temple at the hour of prayer, three oclock in the shilling for the extension of the Gospel.
afternoon, this man asked them for an alms. I have sold pictures, and books, and furniture to
My distinct conviction is that he knew who Peter and extend the Gospel.
John were. Out of a million dollars, that is, more than two
They were well-known men. hundred thousand pounds, that I received in a given
They had been going in and out with Jesus. time, I spent nine hundred fifty thousand dollarsone
Peter had just preached that great Pentecostal hundred ninety thousand poundsfor the extension of
Sermon. the Gospel.
I did not spend fifty thousand dollars during those
Salvation Alone not Much Trouble to the Devil. seven or eight years, on my family.
I did not spend five per cent.
Up to that time, there is no record that there had been But, you say, now you fatten on the tithes and
any preaching or practice of Divine Healing by the offerings of the people.
apostles. I have not taken a penny from the tithes and
Salvation only had been preached and realized. offerings fund for several years, and give larger amounts
The people were all rejoiced that there thousand had to that fund than any other person in Zion.
been baptized in one day, and they welcomed these I came to see that
apostles, everywhere. The Pharisees did not care much
about that. Salvation does not bother the Devil. Poverty Does not Glorify God.
If you get into a boat with one oar, and try to row you
will go around in a circle. I had always thought I could glorify God by being
The Church, likewise, does not make any very great poor.
progress, even where there is True Salvation by itself. But I had not read rightly.
It reminds me of a one-legged, drunken man who got The Word of God says of the Christ, Though He
130 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, May 21, 1904

was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye Australia, and I think I am likely to receive from four
through His poverty might become rich. hundred to a thousand this year.
I came to the conclusion that my poor people ought This racket that the priests and others are kicking up
to be saved, and healed, and blessed and shown how to will send a great many people to Zion City. [Applause.]
make money. I set myself to it. That is the only good thing there is in it.
Not one voice has been raised by a minister to
demand that I shall have fair play.
The people will see that the ministers are on the side
of the mob.
If this kind of thing goes on, they will see that
Melbourne is a good kind of city to live outside of, and
that Zion City is a pretty good place in which to live.
There we have never had disorder.

A Rich Man Without a Penny in Fils Pockets.

When the apostles said that they had no silver or

gold, they did not mean that they were poor.
Baron Rothschild once got into an omnibus going
along the Strand, in London.
The story is told that he fumbled everywhere for the
coppers, but could not find themhad not a single
copper with him.
He turned to the conductor and said, I say, my
good fellow, just excuse me, I have no money with me
I will take your number, and see that you get the fare.
You cant work me like that, you old Jew, said the
conductor. You will have to get out.
Just then one of the other passengers recognized the
great banker and paid his fare.
It was not that the baron had not plenty of money.
He simply was not carrying any with him. You might
find me often in Zion City, without a penny in my
pockets, because I do not need money there.
Not long ago, in fact, I took the train in to the city of
REV. CLEMENT FRIEND HAWKINS. I had only had a minute or two in which to get ready,
I coperated with them; we have made money, and and my carriage was driven at a great speed to the
we are using it for God. station.
We used three hundred thousand dollars in one When I was safely on board, I felt in my pocket to
month, on the New York Visitation; that is over sixty find if I had anything with which to pay expenses in the
thousand pounds. city. I had not a cent.
We gave that out of our own pocket, and we are just I turned to my personal attendant, and asked him
as well to-do now as ever, and a little more. whether he had any.
We give our tithes and offerings, and send the Gospel No, he said, I have none.
to all the world. What shall we do? We are getting into town?
Oh, we can get money, General Overseer, many
A Tribute to Overseer Voliva. people around here would be glad to lend you money.
I found it so, for the conductor of the train readily let
I sent Overseer Voliva here, paid all his expenses, me have fifty dollars.
andI say it publicly he has never cost me a dollar since. Because, therefore, the apostles had no money in
He is a man who knows how to do things. their pockets it does not follow that they were poor.
He has not cost Headquarters a dollar since he came, At that time the people were laying vast sums of
and has been a blessing. money at the apostles feet.
I have received about two hundred people from I have calculated what was put at their feet at about
Saturday, May 21, 1904 AROUND-THE-WORLD VISITATION 131

fifty million dollars. American newspaper in New York.

Whether they were poor or not, they had no money What do they know about Zion City, over a
at that particular time, and for a minute they did not thousand miles away?
know what to say. If the writer had been there, he was a liar, because he
Perhaps they tried to find some money for the poor said that I had sixty thousand acres of land, and I have
man; for Jesus had said that it was more blessed to give only six thousand seven hundred.
than to receive. He said that the cemetery was away on the outskirts
He was always giving to the poor, and they were of that great tract of land, when the cemetery is only two
accustomed to give in all these cities. miles and a half from the center of the City.

Zion is Giving to the Poor.

Mrs. Dowie works all day sometimes, and half the

night in her department.
She has her secretary and stenographer at work too.
She is in charge of the Womens Work of the
Christian Catholic Church in Zion Throughout the
World. We have a Home of Hope for Erring Women,
where we have as a rule from twenty to thirty erring
women and their babies, numbering from fifteen to
Mrs. Dowie sees to this Home for me. I have never
entered it.
The women have been blessed, saved, healed,
baptized, and a very large proportion of the women who
have entered that Home are in the Church today,
Mrs. Dowie has something like six hundred fifty
Dorcas women making garments for the poor under her
She and the Dorcas women clothed about a thousand
poor families, last year, in Chicago; many of them not
connected with Zion at all.
We are always giving, and we love to give.
We have a corps of Maternity Deaconesses who have
outfits for the mother and babe.
When we find women who have been abandoned by
their husbands, we send Deaconesses who take care of
them, bring the little one into the world, and clothe the
babe and the mother until she is able to get about and REV, J. STEPHEN McCULLAGH. WIFE AND
help herself. DAUGHTER.
Mrs. Dowie receives vast quantities of goods.
Merchants in all parts of the country send her Instead of being in an obscure place, Mount Olivet
shop-worn goods, but warm and good articles. Last is one of the highest points in the City of Zion.
winter she received a whole case of boots and shoes for We put it there purposely.
the little boys. That much for the poor outside of Zion. We intend to make it a very beautiful spot.
Inside of Zion, everything has been looked He says that we put it away back there for fear the
after-clothing, food, and fuel-ever since the Church was people might know how many deaths there were.
organized. [Applause.] That is all a lie, every word of it, and told by a
Methodist minister, too!
A Methodist Ministers Shameful Lie Nailed.
A Good Thing to Put in Both Oars.
Any statement to the contrary, such as that published
by Mr. Fitchett in his Southern Cross, is an abominable This poor man at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple
and shameful lie. received the healing instantly, and then how many
A week or so ago he published one taken from an people were saved?
132 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, May 21, 1904

A voiceFive thousand.
General OverseerTwo thousand more than at
Pentecost! The Word says that Peter preached, and that
the number of men that believed were five thousand.
I believe that there were at least as many women,
because there are usually about twice as many women
saved as men. You see what a good thing it is to put in
both oars.
Now, you Methodists, go and repent of all your
naughtiness, and get the confidence to go in for Divine
All who desire to give themselves wholly to God
[Nearly all rose.]

My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. Take me
as I am. Make me what I ought to be in spirit, in soul, and in body.
Give me power to do right, no matter what it costs. Give me Thy
Holy Spirit. Enable me to trust Thee, and serve Thee. Take away
my sin. Give me grace to rest in Thee as that poor man did who had
never walked; that in the Name of Jesus, in the power of the Spirit,
and in accordance with the will of God my Father, I may get the
blessing and glorify Thee. For Jesus sake. Amen. [All repeat the
prayer, clause by clause, after the General Overseer.]
The meeting was then closed by the General
Overseers pronouncing the

Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the very
God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame,
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that
calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
Christ, the love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, Bless you
and keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere, forever. Amen.

Leaves of Healing vol 15 No 5. Saturday May 21,

1904 p 127
THE OPENING OF THE BEAUTIFUL GATE All who have been healed through faith in Jesus, rise.
OF DIVINE HEALING. [Fully five hundred persons, their faces shining with
joy and thanksgiving, stood.]
And all the people saw him walking and praising God: Did God heal you?
And they took knowledge of him, that it was he which sat for PeopleJa. [Yes.]
alms at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple: and they were filled with
wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him. General OverseerThrough faith in Jesus?
People Ja.
The Breadth of the Love and Mercy of God. General OverseerDid any man heal you?
People Nein. [No.]
Do not be narrow. General OverseerYou are Gods witnesses?
Do not forget that the Father loves all His children. PeopleJa.
He loves the ignorant and the wicked among them, General OverseerHallelujah! Hallelujah! That is the
as well as the good. way with Zion the world over.
Sometimes a father or a mother on earth thinks a I found scores and scores, on my Visitation to
great deal more of the naughty children than of the Australia, who had been blessed when I was there
good. sixteen years ago.
Parents pray for them still more than they do for the They are Gods witnesses, telling the story of Gods
good, because the good are all right. blessing to them wherever they are.
Our Father in Heaven loves us all. The healing of the lame man was a very effective
He loves His own children that do good, but He sermon.
loves His children that are naughty and wicked and Why did not the priests like it?
ignorant, and is always seeking to bless them. Because it was their own condemnation.
Do not forget that God is not so narrow as you would They had crucified Jesus.
make Him to be. Every minister of this city, and of this land who fights
Some people think that the only ones whom God Zion and fights Divine Healing is fighting against God
loves are the Zwinglians, or the Calvinists, or the Roman and against His Word; for the Covenant of Healing is as
Catholics, or the Lutherans, or those who are members old as the Word of God. It is recorded back in Exodus
of the English church. 15:26.
They think that the only people who get blessing are Keep your hands off, you who do not understand
those who are like themselves. Zion.
They pray something like this: God bless me and God will defend His work.
my wife, my son John and his wife, us four and no Be still if you do not understand it.
more. [Laughter.] It does not pay to fight against God.
Let us be broad and let us be kind. You reporters confine yourselves to what you
Let us remember that The Love of God is broader understand, and keep your hands off Zion.
than the measure of mans mind, and that the heart of The meeting was closed with the call to Repentance
our Father is kind and good to all. and Consecration, responded to by practically the whole
I think that the man at the Beautiful Gate of the congregation, the Prayer of Consecration and the
Temple was a very wicked man.
He could often have touched the hem of the Christs BENEDICTION.
garment, as He went in and out of the Temple, and he
did not. Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the very
God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
Perhaps the rabbis had threatened him if he should, whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame,
and he was afraid of them. unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that
Perhaps they told him that Jesus was a bad man, and calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
he believed them. Christ, the love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
There are some rabbis of that kind in Zrich. our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, Bless you
and keep you, and all the lsrael of God everywhere, forever. Amen.
There are many who say, Do not go to hear Dr.
Dowie; he is a bad man. Have nothing to do with him.
They have never proved it of me, however, and they Monday Afternoon Meeting.
have never proved it of Jesus.
They simply lied then, and they lie now. The meeting held by the General Overseer in the
After speaking of witnessing to Divine Healing, the Velodrome, Monday afternoon, May 23, 1904, was the
General Overseer said: first of a series of Divine Healing services in which the
302 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday June 25, 1904

Spirit of God was present in mighty power to heal. together in purity in the Christ, we will get back the
In the prayer service after this meeting, the promise primitive man.
in Isaiah, 35th chapter, was abundantly fulfilled. I do not think that the primitive man was as white as
The blind actually and instantly received their sight. we are.
The deaf heard. The good friends also gave me these pictures.
The lame walked. It is altogether unexpected, and it is exceedingly kind
The sinful confessed and were delivered from the of you.
power of their sins and were healed. I will add these to my library, a little library of ten
The sorrowing received Divine consolation and cried thousand volumes, in which I have a few books as big
for joy. as these, but not many.
It was indeed a Pentecostal season yea, more, for the If you keep on giving them to me, I shall have to get
Beautiful Gate of Divine Healing had been opened. another room and I shall have to get another stable.
I thank you very much.
May God bless you.
Velodrorne, Zrich, Switzerland, Monday Afternoon, May 23, 1904. After the singing of a hymn, Elder Kradolfer read the
REPORTED BY E. W. AND A. W. N. 8th chapter of Matthew, the first seventeen verses.
Prayer was offered by Elder Hodler.
The General Overseer began his discourse by
INVOCATION. reading the 16th and 17th verses of the 8th chapter of
Matthew, after which he said in part:
God be merciful unto us and bless us,
And cause Thy face to shine upon us; Our Bodies the Temples of God.
That Thy Way may be known upon earth,
Thy saving health among all the Nations;
For the sake of Jesus. Amen. This gathering is especially for a little talk with those
of Gods people who have given their hearts to God,
Some Birthday Presents. who are conscious that they are saved, and who now
want to get healing for their bodies from God, believing
Elder Hodler spoke in German, making formal as they do that their bodies were made by God to be a
presentation to the General Overseer of a team of habitation for the Holy Spirit.
magnificent black and white horses, and of two large, The Word of God has taught you that your bodies
beautiful books, illustrating Zrich, Switzerland, and are the Temples of God, the Temples of the Holy Spirit;
Europe. therefore you must ask God to cleanse this temple of all
The General Overseer made response: its impurities, that God may be satisfied and may
I have no doubt that Elder Hodler said very kind possess it to use for His glory.
things, because he has been doing kind things ever since Our Lord Jesus, the Christ, had been teaching. You
I came. will find the teaching in the 5th, 6th and 7th chapters of
I had almost forgotten that my birthday came this Matthew.
week. This 8th chapter is a narration of events which
It has not come yet, and yet they begin to give me immediately followed that sermon, or series of sermons,
presents. called the Sermon on the Mount.
Elder Hodler and his beloved wife were determined
to remember my birthday, and so they gave me two big Teaching Must Be With Authority.
They are black and white; because, I suppose, the He taught as one having Authority.
Elder knows that I love the black people, and I love the No one should teach unless he is quite sure of what
white people. he teaches.
When the horses go along the street, the people will You would not wish a professor of mathematics to
say: Ah! that is just like the General Overseer. He stand in the university and to say that he did not know
believes in black and white being mingled together. what he was talking about.
One day, when all the black and white, and all the What a foolish thing for a minister of the Gospel to
yellow and brown, and all the races of the earth mingle stand up and tell you that he does not know, and that
no one else does!
I have no time to talk about things I do not
The following report has net been revised by the General Overseer. understand. I am a practical man.
I have nothing to do with theories unless they can be
embodied in practice. Age?
I have no use for a religion that belongs only to the PeopleJa.
grave, but I want a religion that materializes, and that Then He is with us now
gives effect to Faith. He is the same Savior, the same Healer, the same
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and Faith Cleanser, and the same Keeper, and is just as willing, or
gives the proof of the things that are not seen. He would not be the same.
Faith must give substance and embody manifestation, After dealing graphically and convincingly with
or else it is not Faith at all. several important truths bearing on the subject and
This is true regarding other things. presenting interesting illustrations of his points, the
When an architect draws a plan, it must be one that General Overseer made his call for Repentance,
can be followed out in the erection of a building Confession and Consecration, to which, apparently, all
So it is with true religion, you must be able to build. present responded by rising and repeating the
The man who does the things that God tells him to
do is like a man who builds upon the rock, and the PRAYER OF CONSECRATION.
result is a house which will not give way.
My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. Take my
Faith Creates Mighty Things. spirit, my soul, and my body, and make me clean. Forgive all my
sins, and give me power to do right. If I have wronged any, may I
confess, restore, and do right no matter what it costs. Give me
By Faith, God Himself made the world. power to speak rightly, never to say that Thou dost make me sick;
When He said, Let there be light, they were Words never to say that God made any one sick; but to say that God sent
of Faith. Jesus to make the people pure and healthy. For Jesus sake help me
All the forces of the Universe came into union, and to live a good life. [All repeat the prayer, clause by clause, after the
General Overseer .]
brought the light. Faith is not a mere intellectual
expression. Do you believe what you have prayed?
If is a spiritual power. People Ja.
If saves the spirit; it saves the soul, and it cleanses the General OverseerWill you live it?
body from diseases that would kill. PeopleJa.
May God give us back the Faith that Jesus preached! General OverseerThen God Bless you. May He
When He came down from that mountain, the bless you all.
wondering multitudes followed Him.
Gods Willingness to Heal.
Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the very
A poor leper also followed after Him, and cried: God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame,
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that
Was that a good prayer? calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
No. Christ, the love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
It was an ignorant prayer. our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, Bless you
But God is so good; the Christ is so kind that even and keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere forever. Amen.
when we make an ignorant prayer, He looks in
compassion upon us.
Do not pray the lepers prayer. Monday Evening Meeting.
Do not say If Thou wilt, because Jesus answered
that prayer once for all. To put into words the Spirit that pervaded the
He stretched forth His band, and said, I will. Be evening service of that rainy Monday in the Zrich
thou clean. Velodrome, would be to define the Infinite; for it was
He touched the leper, and the leprosy passed away. the Spirit of the Living God.
Has Jesus changed? The hall was again crowded, many standing and
People Nein. [No.] many turned away because there were no seats for
General OverseerIs He not the same yesterday, them, even standing room.
today, and forever? The General Overseer spoke with great boldness and
PeopleJa. [Yes.] power, and there was not one moments waning of the
General Overseer----Does He not say, Lo, I am with intensity of interest with which he was heard.
you All the Days, even unto the Consummation of the The day closed with Zion in Zrich thanking God for
the outpouring of His blessings upon the people.
304 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday June 25, 1904

We had expected great things during this Visitation, Perhaps they thought that He ought not to have
but God was exceeding our expectations. taught at all.
But the people heard Him.
People of every degree in life, in Galilee, especially,
Velodrome, Ziirich, Switzerland, Monday Evening, May 23, 5904.
followed Jesus.
The Jewish council of the Sanhedrin had evidently
The meeting was opened with the Invocation. come to the conclusion that they must understand Jesus.
A hymn was then sung. If they could capture Him and make Him one of
Elder Kradolfer read from the Inspired Word of God themselves, they would do it; but if they had to fight
in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, 8th chapter, Him they would kill Him.
and the first eight verses. They wanted to know.
The tithes and offerings were received and the It seems to me that this great delegation came
announcements were made, while a hymn was sung together to hear His teaching; to understand, if they
followed by a solo by Mrs. Kradolfer. could, what His wonderful power was, why the people
The General Overseer then delivered his Message, heard Him as they did not hear them; for the words in
saying, among other things Luke 5:17 say:

INVOCATION. And it came to pass on one of those days, that He was teaching;
and there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which
were come out of every village of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem:
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be and the power of the Lord was with Him to heal.
acceptable in Thy sight, be profitable unto this people, and unto all
to whom these words shall come, in this and every land, in this and Not one of the doctors of the law, Pharisees or priests
all the coming time, Till Jesus Come. Amen.
of high dignity was healed.
TEXT. The only healing recorded is that of this poor palsied
man, whom they let down through the roof in the midst
For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins are forgiven; or to say, of His teachinga helplessly paralyzed man, who
Arise, and walk? apparently could not walk.
But that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power on earth The Power of the Lord was present to heal.
to forgive sins (then saith He to the sick of the palsy), Arise, and
take up thy bed, and go unto thy house.
Jesus had been teaching things that they would not
The Character of Jesus Audience. He taught them that He Himself was the Messiah;
that He was the Wonderful, the Counselor, the Mighty
The same story is told in the Gospel according to St. God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.
Luke, giving, in addition, the circumstances under which They would not believe it.
this miracle was wrought. They would not listen except to mock.
Luke tells us that it was on a certain day, when the They said that He was a blasphemer, making Himself
doctors of the law and people of high station from all equal with God, saying that He had power on earth to
Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem gathered together forgive sins.
to hear Jesus. In the midst of all this, the man was put down
This audience was a very wonderful one, through the roof.
representing as it did, the most learned and the most Jesus looked at him and saw the Love, and the Faith,
reverend and powerful teachers of the time. and the Confidence shining in his eyes.
They must have numbered hundreds. He said:
Why did they come?
Jesus was not a rabbi. Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins are forgiven; or to say, Arise,
and walk.
He had no degree from any university or from the
rabbinic council. That was
He was an untitled man, known only as the son of
the village carpenter. The Father Speaking in the Christ.
He had no standing and no power as a teacher,
according to them. The Father did the work.
Jesus addressed this man as son.
He said Of Mine Own Self I can do nothing.
The following report lias not been revised by the General Overseer. These priests had said within themselves, He is
blasphemer. calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
They were afraid to speak up. Christ, the love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, Bless you
That was the questionwas God in Jesus, the and keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere, forever. Amen.
Jesus had understood the thoughts of their hearts.
The man rose and walked. Tuesday Afternoon Meeting.
That was the answer to His question.
It did not change the attitude of the doctors of the The second Divine Healing meeting of this Visitation
law and of the Pharisees, convincing as it was. fully redeemed the promise of the first.
You cannot convince some people. The rain had ceased, and the sun was shining from
While the Christ was on earth the people were a sky of wonderful depth of bine.
healed in countless multitudes; but that did not All nature was full of rejoicing in the freshness of
convince the Pharisees. springtime.
When Lazarus was raised from the dead, it did not Zrich never looked fairer than on this day.
convince them. The meeting being held during working hours, there
Such is the condition of the Church even today. was not quite so large an attendance as at the previous
Men are in the pulpits who never expect a prayer services.
to be answered. The Velodrome, however, was well filled, and, best
These men were not converted. of all, God was with the speaker and with the people.
They went down to Jerusalem and conspired Miracles of healing were wrought by the Power of
together how to murder the Christ. God in the prayer service held after the teaching.
It will always be the same.
Men who are hypocrites and bad at heart will
never believe until they are converted. Velodrome, Zrich, Switzerland, Tucsday Afternoon, May 24, 1904.
They will fight the men of faith who do believe.
That man was healed. *REPORTED BY E. W. AND A. W. N.

That proved the Power of the Christ to forgive sins The Service opened with the Invocation.
and to heal sicknesses. A hymn was sung, after which prayer was offered by
Elder Hocher.
Repentance Must Precede Faith. The 8th chapter of Matthew was read by Elder
You must restore and do right. After the General Overseer had made some
Your Faith must be based upon Repentance. That announcements, the tithes and offerings were received,
is the only True Basis of Faith. during the singing of a hymn by the congregation. The
It is folly to say I believe, until you have said General Overseer took as the text of his Message,
from your heart, I have done wrong, and I repent. Matthew 8:16, 17:
God is longing to bless yon, but there is only One
Way. TEXT.
That is not your way, nor my way; it is Gods Way.
It does not matter what you say or think; Gods And when even was come, they brought unto Him many
Truth is not changed. possessed with devils: and He cast out the spirits with a word, and
After relating the facts concerning some wonderful healed all that were sick: That it might be fulfilled which was
cases of healing, through the Power of God, the General spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities,
and bare our diseases.
Overseer made the call to Repentance, Confession and
Consecration, to which apparently all responded, He began his teaching with a clear declaration of the
repeating after him, very earnestly, the Prayer of utter worthlessness of human opinion unless it be in
Consecration. accordance with what God thinks, illustrating his point
The meeting was closed with the Grace, and the in a manner that made the truth convincingly clear.
He then passed on to an examination of the
BENEDICTION. theological lie, that God makes His people sick for their
good and His glory.
Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the very This he demolished by appeal to the Authority of
God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame, Gods Word and to common sense, proving that disease
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that is the work of the Devil.
306 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday June 25, 1904

He reduced to a ridiculous absurdity the teaching of

the denominational ministers who thank God for Velodrome, Zrich, Switzerland, Tuesday Evening, May 24, 1904.
disease--a token of His Loveand then send for the
doctor to take it away. REPORTED BY I. M. S. AND A. W. N.
He closed with a very helpful teaching on the subject A preliminary service was held before the General
of obedience to God and to those whom He has placed Overseer arrived, conducted by the Rev. Carl Hodler.
in authority. The General Overseer came upon the platform at
He then said: half past eight oclock, and pronounced the
All who desire perfect Salvation for spirit, soul and
body, stand. [Nearly all rose] INVOCATION.
Now pray.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be
PRAYER OF CONSECRATION. acceptable in Thy sight, be profitable unto this people, and unto all
to whom these words shall come, in this and every land, in this and
My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. Take me all the coming time, Till Jesus Come. Amen.
as I am. Make me what I ought to be, in spirit, in soul, in body. I do
repent. Help me to do right to any whom I may have wronged; to He read from the Inspired Word of God, the 5th
do right in Thy sight. Save me. Heal me. Cleanse me. Keep me. chapter of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, and the 20th
Give me strength to walk in the Way of God. For Jesus sake. [All verse; also 10th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles and
repeat the prayer, clause by clause, after the General Overseer.]
the 38th verse.
General OverseerBeloved, do you believe what you He then delivered his Message:
have said?
PeopleJa. [Yes.]
General OverseerAre you determined, by Gods THE TWO CHAINS, GOOD AND EVIL.
grace, to live it?
People Ja.
General OveseerThen get together, keep together, TEXT.
and do not walk with those who would destroy your
faith in Godin a Real Baptism, in a True Obedience. Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put
Make your Vow to God, then God will Bless you. darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet,
and sweet for bitter.
BENEDICTION. I desire to call your attention to the thought
suggested by the two chains.
Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the very All good has its origin in God, and has its expression
God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame, in Jesus, the Christ, the Eternal Word.
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that Through Him all things were made.
calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the He is the Author of all Good.
Christ, the love of God our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, On the other side, you have Satan the author of all
our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, bless you evil.
and keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere, forever. Amen.
The Age-long Conflict Between the Christ and the
Tuesday Evening Meeting. Devil.

Continued good order, perfect attention, and an ever- If we believe the Word of God, we believe that it was
increasing spirit of prayer marked the crowded meeting Satan who came into this world and deceived mankind
held by Gods Prophet of the Times of the Restoration and taught men to sin against God.
of All Things, on Tuesday evening, May 24, 1904. This is the teaching of the Word of God, and of our
This service, like all the services of the Zrich Lord Jesus, the Christ.
Visitation, was attended not only by the poor, the sick When the Pharisees said to Him, Our father is
and the sorrowing, but by men and women high in Abraham, He replied:
social, financial, commercial and religions circles, from Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father it is
all parts of Europe. your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stood
But they were all as little children, as they sat learning not in the truth, because there was no truth in him. When he
the Truth of God from the lips of His Prophet. speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father
of great intellectuality; that it is an evidence of a mans
He said in the plainest terms that the Kingdom of being a powerful, free-thinking man when he doubts
God and the Kingdom of Satan were in conflict, and God.
must always be in conflict, until that Kingdom of One of our English poets has said, Believe me, there
Darkness, of Sin, of Disease, and of the powers of Death is more faith in honest doubt than in half your creeds.
and Hell should be utterly destroyed by Him, through I am not defending the creeds at this moment,
Salvation, through Healing, through Life and through although I have perfect confidence in the Apostles
the Powers of Heaven. Creed.
In the plainest of plain language He tells us that the But there is no faith in honest doubt.
conflict is between Good and Evil. For this reason, no mortal man can ever honestly
The Apostle Paul, in language that cannot be doubt God, our Father who is in heaven; He who made
mistaken, says that our conflict or wrestling is not with this beautiful world in which we dwell; He who sent His
flesh and blood, but is against principalities and powers, Son to Redeem us; He who loves us, and preserves us,
against the world rulers of this darkness, against the and provides for us.
hosts of spiritual wickedness in the upper air. That is the To doubt Him is sin.
meaning of the expression spiritual wickedness in high Doubt is never honest.
places. It is, literally, the hosts of evil spirits in the
upper air. How the Devil Finds Embodiment in People.
In the Book of the Revelation, the statement is made
that at the end of the age, before the coming of the Satan was embodied in the serpent when he tempted
Lord, three unclean spirits will go forth out of the mouth Eve.
of the Beast, out of the mouth of the false prophet, out All that fell with Satan, when they were cast out of
of the mouth of the serpent, to deceive the rulers of this the heavens into hell, more disembodied spirits, seeking
earth; to lead them to battle and to lead nations into for embodiment.
conflict with one another, before the Great Day of God The first embodiment by one of their number was in
the Almighty. a serpent.
This conflict between Good and Evil is the conflict in Their next embodiments were in the heart of a
which you and I must take part. woman and then of a man because of sin.
We must rank ourselves either under the Banner of Today there are multitudes of people on earth who
Jesus and fight for Good, or under the Banner of Satan are incarnate devils.
and fight for Evil. They give way to the Devil, and by means of sin the
The Christ and Satan are two Unseen Powers, which evil spirit enters in.
are leading forward the hostile forces. Let a man be tempted to be a thief, or an adulterer,
There is no possibility of making a treaty with the or a murderer when he is sober, and he will say, No.
Devil. But, put a quart of whisky into him, and he often
The Kingdom of God must overcome the Kingdom becomes a liar, thief, adulterer and murderer.
of the Devil. The Devil gets into humanity through vanity, pride,
envy, uncleanness, drunkenness, and eating filthy things.
Sin Through Doubt; Salvation Through Faith. The Devil gets in today just as he got in when Eve
ate of the forbidden fruit and disobeyed God.
When Satan came upon this earth, the first thing he Take care what you drink.
did was to make man sin. Take care what you look at.
Sin came by Doubt, and the first work of the Christ Take care what you hear; for every one of the Five
when He came into this world was to bring Salvation, Senses is a Gate by which God can enter, or a Gate by
and Salvation comes by Faith. which the Devil can enter.
Sin comes by Doubt.
The man who doubts must always be unhappy. Danger of Questioning Gods Commands.
If he doubts his friend, friendship is destroyed, and
he is miserable. When the Devil said to Eve, Hath God said? she
If a man doubts his wife or a wife doubts her discussed the matter with him, and reasoned it.
husband there is misery. Did God really say it? she questioned.
Doubt is misery. She knew that God had said it. Why did she not say,
If a man doubts God there is misery. Doubt is sin. Yes, God has said it, and I will not reason about it!
To doubt God is to sin against God. Whenever you begin to reason with the Devil, he has
Some people will tell you that doubt is an evidence
308 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday June 25, 1904

the better of you. More life, and fuller, that we want.

The moment you begin to question the commands of
God, you are lost. Jesus said, I came that they may have Life, and may
The man who hesitates when he hears the command have it abundantly.
of God saying, Thou shalt not commit adultery, and Jesus and Salvation go together.
begins to question the command, goes down. Satan and Sin go together.
After Eve had discussed the matter for awhile, she Salvation and Healing go together.
permitted the Devil to enter. Sin and Disease go together.
She thought that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she Disease and Death go together.
would become a goddess and would be like God Health and Life go together.
Himself. But sin entered and disease entered. Life and Heaven go together.
The very atmosphere became polluted. Death and Hell go together.
Death came in through Sin. Do not forget it.
God had said that in the day they disobeyed, dying, Disease is one of the links in the chain of evil, and
they should die. the Christ came to break every link in that Chain; to set
Death began when sin entered. us free from Satan, free from Sin, free from Disease, free
The first-born, Cain, was an incarnate devil. from Death, and free from Hell.
Before the birth of Abel, the mothers heart must Oh, what a Power a Real Salvation is!
have broken in penitence, and God came into her spirit Oh, what a Blessing a Real Healing is!
again, for Abel had the Spirit of God in him when he Oh, what a Power a Divine Life is!
was born. Oh, what a Glory to have the Christ within us, and
then to have Salvation, Healing, Life and Heaven within
Death Is of the Devil. us!
Do you want that?
Death came by sin and disease, and it has continued AudienceJa. [Yes.]
to be so. Many people will tell you that death is a gift All who want that, stand up and tell God so.
from God. Poets will write poems about death, as if it [Apparently the greater part of the audience rose.]
came from God. What does Gods Word say? The meeting was closed with the Prayer of
Consecration, the Benediction, and the Zion Salutation,
The wages of sin is Death; but the free Gift of God is Eternal Peace to thee! from the General Overseer, the people
Life. responding heartily, Friede sei mit euch reichlich.
The Word of God says, Him that hath the power of Leaves of Healing vol 15 no 10 June 25, 1904 p 301
death, that is the Devil.
Death and hell shall be cast into the lake of fire.
Death is Gods enemy.
The Christ came, not only to take away our sins and
our diseases, but to destroy Death.
He has said in His Word that He came for that
purpose. Death is as corrupt as hell, and it is hateful to
It is written, O Death, where is thy sting?
The Christ came to destroy death.
He said, I am the Resurrection, and the Life: he that
believeth on Me, though he die, yet shall he live.
Believest thou this?
People Ja. [Yes.]
General OverseerHe giveth His beloved sleep.
Oh, I am so glad that it is not death.
No man that breathes with human breath,
Whatever crazy sorrow saith,
Hath ever really longed for death.

Tis life, not death, for which we pant;

Tis life of which our nerves are scant.
Divine Healing is Absolutely the Will of God.

GODS WILLINGNESS TO HEAL. In this matter of Divine Healing we have nothing to

teach except the absolute will of God.
Although I might not be able to see why, if God said
Divine Healing Home No. 1, October 3, 1894.
that it was His will that I should be sick, I should want
Dr. Dowie said: In the course of our exposition of to be sick, because He would know what was best. But
Gospel according to St. Matthew, we have reached the God has uttered no such thing.
eighth chapter, which is, as it happens, the very central Divine Healing is on exactly the same plane as
point of all the teaching in Divine Healing. We use it Divine Salvation.
again and again hundreds of times in a year. We have When a sinner comes to God for Salvation, there is
found it to be the passage which in exposition has been no portion of the Christian Church which would say to
the most helpful throughout the many years of our that sinner, Go to your Father and say to Him, Father,
mission. I have sinned against Heaven and in Thy sight, and am
Dr. Dowie then read the first seventeen verses of the no more worthy to be called Thy son. If Thou art
eighty chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. willing, please take me back into Thy favor, O God,
I will begin today the discussion of the willingness of and if not, then take me and send me back to the
the Lord to heal, but I will not conclude what I have to swines trough. Send me to perdition, that Thou mayest
say; for upon that question hinges the whole subject of be glorified in my damnation just as much as in my
Divine Healing. salivation. Father, let Thy will be done; and if it is Thy
will to send me to hell, send me to hell.
To Know God's Will is the Most Important You could not imagine that such a prayer as that
Thing. would be a right prayer.
You could not imagine that any portion of the
The most important of all things is to know Church of Christ would teach such a prayer.
absolutely what the will of God is. Why should not that prayer be offered? The answer
There are no more precious words to me in the would come back, because the will of God is declared
Holy Word of God than these two words of God, I plainly in His Word, saying:
will, in whatever connection they come.
It is written of Christ in prophetic Scripture, and He The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count
Himself says it: slackness; but is longsuffering to youward, not wishing that any
should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
In the roll of the Book it is written of Me The will of God is declared plainly that Christ tasted
I delight to do Thy will, O My God;
Yea,Thy Law is within My heart. death for every man.
Jesus said, Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no
To those who are truly Christs, the first and the wise cast out.
most supreme thing is to know what the will of God is. The Word of God declares that every sinner can
The next thing is, in so far as that will directs us either find salvation, and that Christ suffered not only for the
to do or to abstain, to do that will. sins of His own people, but for the sins of the whole
Unless the law of God is absolutely within the heart, world.
the law of God will not be pleasing. But if the law of The desire of God is that the whole world shall be
God is in the heart, the supremest joy is to do the will blessed.
of God, or to abstain from doing things which are No man is damned unless he elects to be damned.
contrary to the will of God. No man will find his way to hell unless he chooses
When the natural man receives God, he gets to find his way there. If any one desires to find God,
spiritual discernment. He gets spiritual power to see the that man must find his way to heaven by Gods Grace.
glory and the beauty and the power of the blessed will God is intensely willing that he shall.
of God and the joy and happiness which must come by We therefore say to the man who is affected with
conformity to that will. Power not only to discern, but sin, Go to God; do not be afraid; He is your Father;
power to do, and delight in doing, Gods will, becomes you are His son. If vou have spent all in riotous living
the supreme joy of the life. and come to Him with only the dregs of your existence,
I think every one who has made any advance in if you will only cast yourself on His mercy, He has
spiritual life will recognize this as his experience. never sent away a sinner who has truly repented of his
sin; therefore come and seek His mercy. He is willing

to save you. and perfect life that there would be if that body were
It is our duty to speak to sinners in some such way clean and free. Yet I will say that a Christian may live
as that. a Christian life and be sick. We know large numbers of
those impure in body, unclean in body, very sick, who
We Must Prove That Divine Healing is Gods are truly Gods children. But the Grace of God does
Will. not flow through them to others in such purity and
power as it would if they were in sound bodies.
In exactly the same way are we to speak to the sick.
We are to say to them, There is nothing plainer than A Diseased Body is an Impediment to One's
that it is the absolute will of God to heal you. Work for God.
Give us, they cry, not merely the assertion, but
the proof of such an assertion. The spirit itself is beclouded and the thoughts are
That proof it is our duty to give. It is of no use diverted, and the whole of the living stream of Gods
making assertions without advancing proof. There is no own life in you is in a manner tainted by disease. You
use of making assertions unless you prove them to be cannot live or think or act as you would wish to.
reasonable and justified. God Himself has declared that Therefore it must be, and it is, the will of God that
He desires to reason with His people. He has said, the body should be presented to Him as a reasonable
Come now, and let us reason together. service. There is nothing more reasonable than that if
we are to serve God in these bodies, these bodies
We Are to Present Our Bodies to God, should be clean.
Acceptable for His Service. It makes a great difference to a man when teaching
whether he has severe catarrh in the head or not. If a
As declared, in this connection, by the pen of the mans head is full of catarrh and his lungs weakened by
Apostle Paul, it is His absolute will that we should disease and all the miseries consequent upon a
present these bodies unto Him. Paul says: tuberculous condition, that man must be impeded in
giving to others the abounding life of God.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to There is no use of such a man speaking of life for
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, the spirit, life for the soul and for the body when he is
which is your reasonable service. And be not fashioned according
to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, scarcely able to utter the words, and is most manifestly
that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will a victim to the violence of disease. His testimony is
of God. injured.
I believe that the reason why Christian people are
The declaration is made that it is a reasonable impeded very much in their ministry to others is
service to present the body to God; that it is an because they have not presented their bodies to God
acceptable service unto God. and their bodies are not cleansed.
God desires the body as a living sacrifice. He wishes Starting with that thought, I desire to prove to you
to make it holy. from the Word of God and from sound
We have a right to present our bodies to God that reasoningbecause this is a reasonable servicethat it
He may sanctify them and cleanse them from every cannot be the will of God that we should be sick.
particle of pollution, so that they may be vessels unto I will take the negative side today: that it cannot be
honor, sanctified and made meet for the Masters use the will of God that His children should be diseased.
and prepared to be used in every good work. In the first place, consider this: Jesus would never
These treasures of Divine grace which God has have entered into this world had there been no sin.
given to us in spirit are contained, like our spirits
themselves, within an earthen vessel. If the Disease and Death the Products of Sin and Satan.
communication of Gods Grace is to be effective to
humanity, the earthen vessel by means of which that Sin is the work of the Devil. Disease and Death are
communication is made must be clean. If the vessel is the results of Sin, therefore Disease and Death are
impure, it is simple common sense that, no matter how products, so to speak, of Father Satan and Mother Sin.
clean water you put into that vessel, the impurity of the No one who bas any belief in the inspiration of the
vessel will taint and pollute the water and make it Scriptures can seriously question that fundamental
undrinkable. position.
So it is with the service of God. The Grace of God Disease is simply death in an incipient form. Disease
flowing into our spirits is impeded when we have an is working death. The declaration was made by God
unclean body. There is not the same full, free, large
that in the day that man sinned he should die, or That Prince of Persia was not an earthly prince,
dying thou shalt die. because he had to get some help of another kind. lt was
As a matter of fact, Adam and Eve did not die for a withstanding in the heavens itself.
many long centuries. They both lived on beyond the There are many indications in the Scripture that
Fallafter being driven from the Garden of Eden. Sons Satan has divided his kingdom very cleverly, and has
and daughters were born unto them, yet the Word of appointed demons to preside over nations to tempt
God was true that in the day they ate, dying they kings and peoples.
should die; for in that very day that they ate, sin There were good angels who watched over Persia,
entered into them. The moment that sin entered, as well as evil angels.
disease came with it. That was the form which death
assumed. A Twenty-One Days Battle in the Upper Air.
Death immediately entered by means of sin, and,
therefore, disease is simply death in its initial stage. You see this angel had been sent forth, and it took
You will find that made abundantly clear by the fact one and twenty days for him to get there.
that up to the time that Adam and Eve sinned in the If the Prince of Persia had been a mere man, he
Garden of sinless innocence, they were not conscious could not have hindered the angel at all.
of any climatic difficulties. But after they hid themselves It would be impossible for any man to keep back an
from the face of God, they realized that they were angel of God.
naked. They were ashamed, and they needed covering If any angel of God wished to get into this bouse,
because the elements were against them. there is no doorkeeper who could keep him out. This
Sin had entered and sin had polluted the earth. Prince was the Devil, who with his hosts had power
Sin had entered, and into the very element of the air to block the way and make it a matter of great difficulty
Satan and the evil hosts had come. for the angel of God to get to Daniel, no less than
twenty-one days of fighting having taken place.
Satan, the Prince of the Power of the Air. Michael, the archangel, is always represented in
Scripture as the great military angel who contended
When sin entered, the way was opened from hell to with Satan about the body of Moses. He was the great
earth and vast numbers of evil spirits trooped up from military angel in charge of the hosts of heaven. He
the depths of hell and took possession not merely of the swept the hosts of hell away to let this angel through
earth, but of the air. In the Scripture, Satan is revealed with Gods Message.
to us distinctly as the Prince of the Power of the Air, You will find quite numerous references in the
the spirit that now worketh in the sons of Scripture to the fact that the air is in possession of the
disobedience. Devil. For instance, the Devil went out and wrought up
That spirit is not only the god of this world, but he a great wind out of the wilderness and brought down
blinds the eyes of those who believe in the light of the the house of Jobs sons about their ears and killed them
Gospel. all.
Not only has Satan very large powers upon the solid The Devil tried to destroy Christ by a wind; for
earth, but he has immense power in the very air itself when Christ was lying asleep in the hinder part of the
and in the unseen skies above us. ship, the Devil caused a great storm. The apostles and
That is not an assertion merely, that is a fact. You Christ Himself were in great danger.
will see, for instance, in the Book of Daniel, that the The Devil may have said, I have great power in the
prophet is told by the angel that he was impeded in elements, and I will drive that ship to the bottom of the
coming from heaven to earth, although sent forth by Sea Galilee.
God Himself, because of opposition on the way. It is The disciples awoke Christ and said: Master, carest
one of the most remarkable passages of this kind in Thou not that we perish?
Scripture, and gives a very clear account of this angel Christ arose and looked around upon the winds and
having had to fight his way through: the waves. He did not say, Oh waves, you are obeying
My Fathers will; oh wind and waves, pile on; you are
Then said He unto me, Fear not, Daniel; for from the first day doing right. Standing in the ship, He rebuked the
that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to humble thyself winds and the waves and said with a commanding
before thy God, thy words were heard: and I am come for thy
words sake. But the Prince of the Kingdom of Persia withstood me voice, Peace, be still. Therefore He rebuked the
one and twenty days; but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, power which lashed them into fury and commanded
came to help me: and 1 remained there with the kings of Persia. that power, the Prince of the Power of the Air, who was
endeavoring to sink the vessel, to be still. That is the

plain English of it. I called my household together in 6036 Edgerton

Avenue. After having gone over to investigate the
Destructive Storms Not the Work of God. position, I said that it would be vain for us to take our
things out and attempt to escape, because the whole
It has always been to me an exceedingly pleasant region would be burned down unless God altered the
thing know that I do not have to credit God with these wind.
terrible storms. I read the other day of a terrific I did not permit anything to be taken out of the
cyclone, in a certain city, which tore up the buildings house, but went in to prayer and asked God to alter the
and destroyed men women and children and cattle and wind.
created great devastation.
That was not the work of the Almighty God. That God Changes the Wind in Answer- to Prayer,
not the work of a Holy, Beneficent Being. and Saves From Destruction.
That was the work of demoniac power.
The atmosphere is in a distorted and horrible When we arose from prayer about twenty minute
condition for the most part. It is either too hot or too afterwards, the wind, which had been in the southeast,
cold much of the time, and when we have a nice day had changed to the northwest. The flames were driven
and begin to feel that the weather is beautiful, up out into the lake with terrific violence.
comes the Devil with another storm and some trouble If that wind had continued, with the immense mass
somewhere. Hence it is a joy to me, and has been in of inflammable material in these buildings, that
my voyages across the great wide sea, to know that in conflagration might have gone on until there would not
every storm and in every tempest I could hear the voice have been any Chicago.
of demons, high above the storm and tempest, but I I claim no glory, but I am simply telling what is the
could call, upon my God and hear His Voice across the truth.
waters and above the tempest saying, Peace, be still. I take that story as an illustration. There are scores
of persons who know that is true.
God Delivers From the Power of the Storm When the next fire took place, which burned down
Demon. the greater part of the buildings, the wind was in the
right quarter and we prayed God to keep it that way. It
I have cried to Him often and often in the midst of never wavered from the southwest.
the sea and He has heard. Skeptical persons may say that the wind which had
Our vessel once had been dismasted, through the begun with the fire in one quarter was bound to shift
carelessness of one who had neglected it. The vessel around. If so, why did it not shift around the second
was also on fire and the fire was nearing the powder time when we prayed at it should stay where it was? I
magazine. give as much glory to God for keeping it in the same
In one case, on the coast of New Zealand, our screw direction the second time as I did in the first time for
broke. We were approaching the rocks not far from shifting it around.
where a great mountain lifts its head. There, where Once on the New Zealand coast, the wind was
steamer after steamer and vessel after vessel had been blowing strongly from the northeast and driving us
wrecked, we were in danger of being wrecked. The toward the rocks. After prayer and a conversation with
wind was driving us ashore toward the rocks which we the Captain, and finding where we were, breakers in
could not escape. There was an absolute certainty that sight, we were driven by a strong northwest wind right
many would be lost unless the direction of the wind out to sea. We were enabled to spend two days in
changed. repairing our propeller shaft. We got up to Auckland
I have prayed to God in such seasons as these and two days late, but all safe.
He altered the winds. I give all the glory to God. The question of the atmosphere being in charge of
When the first fire took possession of the buildings the Devil, very largely, is a very important point.
Worlds Fair grounds, only a few hundred yards away
from Zion Tabernacle, there was a strong southeast The Devil Carries Disease in the Wind.
wind blowing. The embers were driven over to this
Avenue and were beginning to set fire to the sheds in This plague of grip from which many of you are
many places. I took up a piece of burning wood three suffering traveled with the wind. I watched it. I was
or four feet long. I saw very clearly that the houses on upon the Pacific Coast at the time. I noticed by the
this Avenue and our Tabernacle would be destroyed telegrams when it had reached Russia.
by fire unless God intervened. When it had reached Eastern Europe I began to say,
It is coming to the West; you will find presently the Prince of the Power of the Air, and that the many
Germany, France and all the countries on the west diseases which come in the air have a diabolical origin.
coast of Europe will be included. It will reach England Some of them may be traced to the sin of man, but that
and come over to the United States. It will come by the shows a diabolical origin still.
road of the wind. For instance, suppose you take cholera and trace its
I watched it with great care. It came with the rate of origin, as you can, to the filthiness of the pilgrims at
the wind. It was not connected with the climatic Mecca, who actually drink water full of cholera germs
conditions of particular country. After it had passed and die in thousands beside the sacred well. These
over the United States of America and passed out of people carry on the work of the Devil, for the
the Golden Gate, it went down into the South Seas and Mohammedan religion, root and branch, is the work of
struck the in habitants of islands in the warm latitudes. the Devil.
Then it came to Australia and went to the home from In one form or another, even where we cannot trace
which it had come, which, in my humble judgement, it, we can always be sure of it, the Devil is at the
was hell. bottom of every disease and every pestilence.
It was filthy and horrid and most deadly in its Every storm which devastates and distorts is the
nature. In this City of Chicago, when I came here later, Devils work. There will be no pestilence or devastating
there was a second attack of it in the winter of 1891. storms in heaven.
Three years ago were 1000 persons a week died in Meanwhile the Devil has tremendous power in this
Chicago. It was in the atmosphere. world. The only ones to escape are the people who can
The atmosphere itself is laden with this disease. A do Gods will.
pestilence walking in darkness, it is a destruction
wasting at noonday. Smallpox and cholera are nothing Christ Will Usher in New Heavens and a New
to it. Earth.
When it came my way, I said, I will not fight it;
because You have given me a promise: A thousand Now, inasmuch as Christ came to destroy the works
shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; of the Devil, He came to destroy every atom of disease
but it shall not come nigh thee. in the air. My judgment is that the day will come when
One day it seemed to strike me. I just went to God the earth will be purified and the air will be purified,
and it went as quick as a flash. I did not have it at all in and the Devil and his hosts will be sent back to hell,
the midst of all that plague. where they belong. On that day there will be a new
I was able to attend to all my duties and do the work heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
devolving upon me. Yet in going in and out from righteousness. There will be no death, no disease, no
Evanston, I saw men dying. Nearly all were going political bosses and no Board of Death. Cities will be
about sneezing, coughing. clean.
That was in the air. That came either from God or The cities are full of disease because of the inability
from the Devil. of the poor people to pay for cleaning which
contractors are paid to do and neglect. Dirt and muck
It Would Be Impossible to Love a God Who is left in the poorer part of the city, and then disease
Would Send Such a Pestilence. extends to the richer part of the city.
The Devil generates disease in the air in a thousand
If it came from God, I do not love God. If that came ways. Some ways are inscrutable to us.
from God, I cannot love God. It would be impossible I do not know how far volcanic action may be
for me to love Him. I could not call Him a God of traced to diabolical power, but in my judgment it is
Infinite Love who would torture, fill with disease and traceable to that power.
make miserable His own creatures. I could not love one The destruction, for instance, of thousands of lives
who would devastate homes as was done in this city, in New Zealand by a volcano was a diabolical act. It
depriving children of fathers and depriving wives of was not Gods act at all.
husbands. I do not believe that God creates blind forces and
Strong men were laid low in a few hours, and there leaves us to be the sport of them. I believe what the
are weeping widows in all classes of society. Bible says, that this world is a world largely in
Those who have escaped death are suffering possession of the Devil.
blighting disease as a result of the disease.
Why I have taken so much time this morning is to The Great Fight is for the Spiritual, Psychical and
elaborate the point and make it strong, that the Devil is Physical Deliverance of Humanity From the Devil.

The great fight going on is not merely for the

spiritual deliverance of the people, but for their
psychical and physical deliverance, and the deliverance
of the earth itself from the bondage of the Devil.
Although the fight seems long, yet one day with the
Lord is as a thousand years, and He may fight a
thousand years more to drive out the Devil.
I solemnly believe, notwithstanding all the
allegations of science, which would give me some
materialistic origin of these things, that they have a
spiritual origin, an origin in the Devil.
That is the teaching of the Word of God. That is a
very important point, and the more you think of it the
more you will see it.

Leaves of Healing Vol 8 No. 6 December 1, 1900 p170


THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL although at that time a small thing, would become one
DECLARED. of the leading questions of the end of the Nineteenth
There is scarcely a newspaper, secular or religious, or
Report of Meeting held in Divine Healing Home No.1, a pulpit in any denomination, today, which is not
October 17, 1894. Morning Talk Healing Ever Gods Will. discussing the subject of Divine Healing, on one side or
the other.
The General Overseer has not revised this report,

T HE eighth chapter of the Gospel according to St.

Matthew is an
We know that God blessed the words as they were
spoken, in that little room in
inexhaustible treasure-house of Devine Healing Home No. 1, and
Gods freedom-giving truth, we pray and believe that He will
concerning the glorious bless them now as they enter
teaching on Healing. Day after hearts of tens of thousands over all
day, month after month and the earth.
year after year Gods
Messenger to Zion has been
searching out its riches and HEALING EVER GODS
giving them to the hundreds of WILL.
thousands who have heard his
talks on Divine Healing.
Divine Healing Home Number 1. October
God has blessed these gems 17, 1894.
of truth, and many, now
serving God in fulness of Dr. Dowie read from the eighth
health and strength, praise chapter of the Gospel according to
Him for healing received St. Matthew.
through His Word as
proclaimed to them from this The Willingness of God to
chapter. Heal Inseparable From a Right
The talk which we publish Conception of His Nature.
this week was delivered in the
early days of Zion in Chicago, The willingness of God to heal
six years ago. is, upon reflection, absolutely
It contains very important inseparable from any right
truths concerning Gods willingness to heal, and closes conception of Gods nature. We know it to be true, that
with the most remarkable prophecy, which has since like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth
been so marvelously fulfilled, that Divine Healing, them that fear Him.
The analogy throughout all the Scripture demands There is nothing good about it. I thought I did know
that we shall consider God in the light of a father one or two virtuous actresses, but I was mistaken. In all
toward his children. my life I have never found a virtuous actress, whether
It also demands, consequently, that we shall not star or others. It is demoralizing. It aims to present life
have, for one single moment, any conception that a as it is, and life as it is for the masses of the people is
good, kind father on earth would give evil things to his essentially evil. I never permit my wife and children to
children. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself brought that enter the theater.
out in His talk with the bad men around Him.
Wicked and evil as these Pharisees and Sadducees God is More Willing to Give Good Gifts Than
were, cruel and hating the Lord for His purity and for are Our Earthly Parents.
His courage in smiting their impurity and uncleanness,
there was not a Pharisee or Sadducee among them Our Lord Jesus Christ took that analogy. If even bad
who, when he entered his home and took up his little men would shield their children from bad influence; if
baby in his arms, did not feel that he wanted to do for they would not give their children a stone for bread, a
that baby every good thing serpent for a fish, a scorpion for an egg, how much
more should your Heavenly Father give good things to
Even the Wicked Desire Their Children to them that ask Him? Christ Himself puts that argument
Become Good Men and Women from the point of view of an ordinary earthly father who
has no other desire than to save his children from
How often you will see these bad men carefully disease of spirit, soul or body.
shield their children from bad influences Most saloon- I have known of women who have lived the most
keepers do not want their wives and children to live infamous of lives, and on a large scale; have been
over the saloon. The last place they want their children keeping wicked houses and getting large revenues from
to come into is the saloon. Over and over you see them; but their children, who were carefully trained,
them guard their offspring with the utmost care. never knew what their mothers did.
Gamblers and saloon-keepers and men who live vile I know of one girl in Scotland who was educated
lives will keep their wives and children in the suburbs, with the utmost care by a most pions person who lived
in a nice cottage away from the contaminating in a little cottage with her outside of Edinburgh. She
influence of the city. They would be exceedingly angry never knew what her mother was. She thought that her
if their children were allowed to come into any of these mother lived in a distant part of England; but her
bad places. mother lived an infamous life in the neighboring city of
The proprietor of a theater in Australia said to me, Edinburgh. That child was trained up in all respects a
I never permit my wife or children to enter the modest, sweet, pure, virtuous girl. She was a true
theater. It is demoralizing. I have been a theatrical Christian. Only after her mothers death, when she was
proprietor and manager for thirty years, but never my twenty-five years of age, did she learn what her mother
wife and children to attend the plays. had been. Of course she was distracted with grief when
I was using his theater for my Sunday services. I was she knew that the money which she had received had
about to deliver two lectures against the theater. I been badly acquired. She made a good use of it.
asked him to call upon me, for I wanted a little If such love for their children is shown in the lives of
conversation with him. I told him what lectures I the vilest people, how can we imagine for a single
intended to deliver. moment that the infinitely good and Eternal Father
I said, Of course, if you desire to cancel my lease could ever be the author of vile disease which torments
because of that, you are at liberty to do so; but if you the life out of His children and makes them to be
do so for these two Sundays, you must do it miserable and wretched?
altogether. You cannot imagine it. There is the analogy given by
No, sir, he said; I wish you more power in God Himself:
fighting Devil. When you come to think right into that, Like as a father pitieth his children,
you see against the theater. It is demoralizing to the So the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.
very depth. It is not reasonable to suppose that God could be the

author of sickness and other evil. If it were possible for disease to enter heaven, then it
would be possible for Gods own dwelling place to be
God is Pure, Hence No Disease Can Come From defiled.
Him. I think you will read very plainly in the Word of God
that that is impossible; for here is the revelation of God
God could not be the author of disease on this concerning the City of God. Here is a description of the
ground; there is no disease in God and disease cannot City of God:
come out of God. If there is no disease in me it is And the gates thereof shall in no wise be shut by day (for there
impossible for me by any touch to convey disease to shall be no night there): and they shall bring the glory and the
honor of the nations into it: and there shall in no wise enter into it
you. anything unclean, or he that maketh an abomination and a lie: but
It would be impossible for you to get disease from only they which are written in the Lambs Book of Life.
my hand if I had no disease in me. Is it not in like Nothing which is unclean can enter heaven; nothing
manner impossible for God to communicate disease if that defiles.
there is no disease in God? Is there any disease in Does not disease defile? Then it cannot enter heaven.
God? Is there any corruption? Then it is impossible for Therefore it cannot come from heaven.
God to communicate them. As it cannot come from God and cannot come from
Lady in audienceAll things are possible with heaven, where does it come from? It comes from just
God. the opposite sources. It comes from Satan and from hell.
Dr. DowieThere are some things impossible with These simple fundamental truths are things which
God. you must get a good firm hold of and tenaciously keep
as the foundation of your whole faith in these things.
It is Impossible for God to Do Any Evil. If one of you can imagine for a single moment that
disease is a beneficent and good thing, throw up your
I say it is impossible for God to lie; it is impossible hands and let disease come down in floods you cannot
for God to do evil. All things are not possible with contain until you sink beneath them. The more disease
God. There is no such statement in the Scripture. God vou have, the better,
is incapable of being a devil. God is incapable of being If disease is beneficent in its character, God forbid
anything else but absolutely good. How could He be that I should want any of you to lose any of it. O God,
anything else and be God? here is a man with tuberculosis in his foot. If disease is
lt is impossible for God to lie. beneficent in its nature, Lord, give him tuberculosis in
It is impossible for God to steal. the other foot.
It is impossible for God to be filthy. Here is a dear brother who is blind. If disease is
It is impossible for God to do evil. beneficent in its nature, O dear Lord, make him deaf,
It is impossible for God to be corrupt. too.
It is impossible for God to be diseased, and it is not Here is a sister who is deaf, and if it is a good thing
possible, therefore, for God to communicate disease. to be deaf, O God, please make her blind, too. Of
Is that not reasonable? course that is right, if it is good and beneficent and
There rests the whole argument concerning this works out good purposes.
matter. God must be willing to heal because He cannot Hallelujah! The more you get of it the better! Praise
communicate disease. the Lord for what you have, and ask for more. That is
Disease is the consequence of sin and the work of logical.
the Devil and would not have been in this world had The common sense of humanity as well as the Word
there been no Devil. When you come to think right of God is absolutely opposed to all this silly nonsense
into that, you see how it falls into everything else in about disease being beneficial. People have tried to
Scripture. make themselves imagine that it would make them
sweeter and better, but nobody was ever yet made
It is Impossible for Disease to Enter Heaven; sweeter by neuralgia or better by typhoid fever. No one
Hence It Cannot Come From Heaven. ever realized how much sweeter the air was when they
had lungs being eaten out by wretched little parasites.
Christ Came to Destroy the Works of the Devil. would not enter upon this conversation unless you
would stand all I had to say.
The willingness of God to heal is absolute; because Well, he said, I challenge your statement. I will
disease as I have said before, is a consequence of sin give you all I have if you point to a single passage of
and work of Satan, and our Lord Jesus Christ came Scripture which says that God will cleanse the blood.
into the world to destroy the works of the Devil. I said, I believe you have spoken rashly.
To this end was the Son of God manifested, that He might No, he said, I have not.
destroy works of the Devil.1 John 3:8. I said, Either one of two things will happen: either
The great purpose of God in Christ is to go about in five minutes I will have a deed or some note in hand
as a Destroyer of sin and evil. Christ is a Deliverer of giving me all your possessions, or else you lie, and I
men from the power of the enemy and a Restorer of all believe you lie.
that is wasted and destroyed by the evil one. He is the Oh, he said, that is worse than ever.
Giver of a power and life which will enable his people I said, You do not intend to give me all you have.
to carry out His blessed will; His redemption. If it were If you do, I want your paper in five minutes. Turn to
not for that, I could not claim the strength which I have your Bible. I will put it all on one clear, straight passage,
to claim from day to day when truly weary and worn although we can find a hundred.
out with ceaseless toil. I have to claim it, and I do get He said, The words I want are that the blood is to
it. I ask it and get it, and have gotten it all the years be cleansed by God. It isnt there.
through, because I know it is there for me. I said, Stop. You do not know anything at all about
it, Brother, was not Joel the prophet of the Holy Spirit
God Desires His Children to Be Clean. dispensation, and therefore the prophet of this
Turn to the story of the leper. Notice that the Lord I agree to that, he said.
said, I will, and took the if out of the lepers prayer,
Be thou clean. Emphasize, please, these words: Be Gods Promise to Cleanse the Blood of His
thou clean. It is very clear that God wishes you to be People.
First of all, you must be clean in spirit. You must I said, Here is the word. The third chapter of the
have a clean heart. prophet Joel, and the last verse:
Create in me a clean heart, O God; And I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed; for the
And renew a right spirit within me. Lord dwelleth in Zion.
We consist of spirit, soul and body. This soul is the He looked at that passage and said, I never saw that
animal life, the blood. The next thing is the cleansing before.
of the blood. I said, Hand over to me all your property, right off.
Once a brother minister said to me, I listened to He said, I will not.
you with great pleasure. Many things you teach are I said, I told you you would lie.
new to me; yet I see they are true. 1 think, however, He did lie, too. I did not covet his property. I would
that you go too far in saying that God is absolutely only have used it for good if I had gotten it. He erred,
willing to purify the soul, in the sense in which you use not knowing the Scripture nor the power of God.
the word, and I now think rightfully, the animal life. I What was the healing of the leper but the cleansing
do not believe it is anywhere said in the Scripture that of his blood?
the blood is to be cleansed by the Lord.
How long have you been a minister? I asked. Divine Healing is in Most Cases the Cleansing of
Thirty years, he replied. the Blood.
Just thirty years too, long, so far as this teaching is
concerned; just thirty years of gross ignorance, I said. What else is Divine Healing but the cleansing of the
Pretty strong words, Doctor, he said. blood?
You know you told me to talk candidly, and I am Nineteen-twentieths of it, you might say the whole of
doing and I am doing it,I answered. I told you I it, is the cleansing of the blood.

Rheumatism is a blood disease. great wisdom of the Lord in sending this man to the
Cancer is a blood disease. priest.
Scrofula is a blood disease. When a man was cleansed and sent to the priest, the
Catarrh simply means an impoverishment and priest quarantined him. He examined the man again
pollution of the blood. and again to prove by the closest scrutiny that there was
This absolute cleansing of the blood has been no leprosy. Then the priest, with the full responsibility
promised. That is healing. Healing is the cleansing out of what he was doing, showing the bare skin of the man,
of the body, by the power of God, the impure thing brought him, in the presence of all the people, to the
which has caused the disease. door of the Templein the tabernacle times it was the
The spirit and soul and body of man have to be door of the Tabernacle. There, before the vast
clean. You cannot have a clean body without clean multitudes, the priest would declare that the man was
blood. cleansed.
It is only the power of the Holy Spirit, the Eternal These multitudes would know that man had been
Power of God Himself, that can cleanse the blood. unclean until the hand of the Lord touched him and
When I pray for the healing of a rheumatic, I am said, Be thou clean. You can see that symbolical
praying for the cleansing of the blood; and I know touching, first, of the blood on the right thumb, on the
there must flow through me some Power, the Power of ear, on the right big toe; the priest declaring that he was
the Spirit, which shall at once cleanse the blood. cleansed through the blood.
Then the oil, emblem of the Holy Spirit, was applied.
The Purpose of Jesus in Sending the Healed The oil is a type of the Spirit, and the blood typical
Leper to the Priest. of the sacrifice, Christ Himself, the Spotless Lamb.
The effect of that testimony in the presence of all the
I wish to point out to you something about the people would have been glorious. But the man did not
lepers story which is not generally understood. When do what Christ told him to do.
this man was cleansed, immediately Jesus said to him, Perhaps the man said to himself, What have I to do
fourth verse: with the priest? He had nothing to do with my
And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy cleansing.
way, show thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses Some people nowadays say, Why should I stand up
commanded, for a testimony unto thein.
in my Church and say, I am healed? My minister had
I desire to point out to you two things. First, what nothing to do with it.
Christs command was and the purpose of it; second, That is just the place to tell it, for a testimony unto
the disobedience of the leper and the very serious them.
consequences of it. But this healed leper did not obey Christ.
Why did Christ tell the healed leper not to tell any
man, but to go and show himself to the priest? Simply The Serious Consequences of Disobedience.
because the priest, under the Levitical law, was the
proper sanitary officer. Under that law it was necessary Please refer to the first chapter of the Gospel
for the man to report himself so that he could be according to St. Mark, the forty-fourth and forty-fifth
officially cleansed and allowed to return to his family. verses:
In order to secure that official recognition of cleansing, See thou say nothing to any man: but go thy way, shew thyself
a sacrifice had to be made. to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing the things which Moses
commanded, for a testimony unto them. But he went out, and
The Ceremonial for a Cleansed Leper. began to publish it much, and to spread abroad the matter,
insomuch that he (marginal reading) could no more openly enter
into a city, but was without in desert places: and they came to him
Refer to the fourteenth chapter of Leviticus and you from every quarter.
will see what the law required in connection with the
healing of a leper. To prove that the marginal reading is correct, I refer
Taking that whole requirement, you can see the you to the next verse, When He (Jesus) entered again
into Capernaum. It was not Jesus who could not enter blessing and the healing which came to them have to be
into the city. It was in the early part of Christs spread abroad, and they do not make their offering to
ministry. Jesus openly entered into the cities of the Lord. The consequences are that they miss the
Capernaum, Bethsaida, and went in and out of the blessing and are without in desert places. They do not
Temple at Jerusalem openly. Even in the days stand forth boldly in the Church of God and witness.
preceding His crucifixion, He went in and out openly.
As He said, I have spoken openly to the world, I ever Loss of Blessing Through Failure to Testify.
taught in synagogues and in the Temple, where all the
Jews come together. Why the translators put in the Beloved friends, I have seen a great many people
word Jesus I do not know. The correct reading is, wondrously healed, who, instead of giving their
Insomuch that he (the leper, not Jesus) could no more testimony, were afraid of what the priests would say,
openly enter into a city. In the Greek Testament it is afraid of what the parson would say, afraid of what
simply the personal pronoun, he. somebody else would say. They have trembled, kept it
Because of this mans disobedience, he was driven back and waited for a better occasion. Of course it
out into desert places. He could not resume his never came, and their testimony was stifled, and people
position in the city. The priests said, How dare you in their own churches did not know they were healed,
come into this city? We have not cleansed you. We because they did not have the boldness to rise up and
have not pronounced you clean. You have never say it in the Church.
offered the ceremonial cleansing sacrifice. They The very best thing a Roman Catholic could do on
refused to believe that he was healed. being healed would be to go back to the priests and tell
Loss to the Cause of Christ by the healed What a mighty opportunity that man lost. He never
Lepers Disobedience. got it again.

Not only did the man lose much by being out in the Opportunities Come to Us But Once.
desert places, where they came to him from every
quarter to see that he was healed; but his family lost I am never going to live inside this body a second
much and the Church lost much. The spectacle of that time. I am never going to walk over the same road I am
man standing in the door of the synagogue, or perhaps walking today, a second time. I am not going to live
the very door of the Temple itself, and being over October 17, 1894, a second time. Hence the
proclaimed to be clean by the priest, would have been opportunities which I have today I must seize and use
a striking testimony to the Lords having healed him. now, because they will never come again.
Instead of that, his testimony was conveyed to the few Some other opportunity may come, another day may
people or the many who came to him from the various dawn, but it will not be the same opportunity, nor the
places from all quarters. O how much more powerful same day. Before this day is over, some one whom I
would that testimony have been had it been delivered might have helped will pass beyond the possibility of
in a place where multitudes could have heard it! my helping. Hence I take this opportunity. I desire to fill
It does not pay to disobey the Lord. up all the day. I wish you to fill it. That you can live this
Perhaps this man thought he could save a little day, that you have an opportunity of saying something
money. Perhaps he thought, I did not get cleansed by for Christ today, are privileges which will never come
the priests. It will cost me so many dollars to buy the again.
lamb, to pay the Temple fees, to buy the log of oil and O how many opportunities we have lost; how many
do this and that and the other thing, and in order to words might have been spoken!
save a few dollars he disobeyed the Lord; and the You hear that some man is dead and you think, Did
consequence of that disobedience was that he was shut I ever speak to that man? Did I ever talk to that man
out. about his salvation? I was his next door neighbor. I met
I think that there are a great many people under this him in business. I never spoke to him.
present dispensation who forget to make their offering You may think, Here is my neighbor sick. I went
to the Lord. They forget that the power and the down and I heard all these teachings, and I am

ashamed to tell my neighbor; I am ashamed to write to Witness to what you know. Witness that others are
my sister; I am ashamed to confess that Christ is the healed. Witness that you know what the Bible teaches.
Healer. If people turn around and say, Why are you not
Perhaps one of the reasons why the healed leper did healed? Confess that it was not Gods fault, but some
not witness for Christ before the priest, was that he was imperfection in yourself. Then ask the brother putting
afraid that these priests, whom he knew hated Christ, that question, Brother, may it not be because you do
might take some steps to put him to death. It might not help me? May it not be because my own friends
have been fear, because he knew the priests hated hinder me a little? That will be a question for them to
Christ, which caused his disobedience. think about; because they can hinder a great deal.
These priests showed in their faces, and by their Witness to the truth that you are not healed. Witness
actions, that they were conspiring against Christs life; that Christ is the Healer of the sick. Tell others that the
trying to entrap Him. The great mass of the people saw reason you are not healed is because you have failed
the priests were bent on Christs destruction just as somewhere your duty. You notice I say comparatively
soon as they could bring it about. little about healing publicly, because I do not need to.
Whether it was fear or whether meanness to save a I am sure healed. People do not need me to tell them I
little money and not make the sacrifice that Moses am healed. They can see me and hear me.
commanded, whatever it was, he lost the opportunity. You know that my lungs are in good order, because
It does not matter how you lose the opportunity, I make you hear me. One brother minister said,
whether through fear or through meanness, you will Doctor, if you go on and talk like that, delivering two
never have it again. or three discourses a day, you will not last five years.
I have an opportunity now of devoting every dollar I said, Brother, I will live to bury you, if I am in this
I have and every dollar I can get to the extension of country.
the Kingdom of God. I have that opportunity now. I Do you not think that you hurt your lungs? he
use it. I put every dollar on wheels to run around the asked.
world. I put dollars into type; I put them into Divine No. I expand them; I strengthen them, I replied.
Healing Homes; I spread literature. I help some one. The way for a man to get good lungs is to use them; not
This lepers opportunity was lost, and this most to lie on a sofa. The way for a person to have a good
glorious healing lost nine-tenths of its power because strong arm is to use it. If you do not use it, you will lose
the man from meanness or cowardice or some other it. If you keep your eyes shut, no matter if you have
wrong motive was obedient. God requires of us the ever so good and bright eyes, by and by the eyelids will
consequences of lost opportunities. refuse to open,
I repent every lost opportunity; repent in dust and That is the way with some people. They shut their
ashes. eyes against the truth until by and by they do not need
I used to think that expediency was an excellent any exercise of will to keep their eyes closed.
thing and it was a good thing not to talk. If I were to
keep my life by expediency now, I would not talk For this peoples heart is waxed gross,
And their ears are dull of hearing,
some of the things I talked yesterday. I would not talk And their eyes they have closed;
some of the things I talk often. I have given expediency Lest haply they should perceive with their eyes,
to the winds when it interferes with the plain, bold And hear with their ears,
declaration of truth. And understand with their heart,
I have said: And should turn again,
And I should heal them.

I Will Declare the Whole Counsel of God, Testify to what you have.
Regardless of What May Say, Do, Think, or Use for God what He has given you.
Threaten. Some one may say, I am sick, I cannot preach the
Witness to all the knowledge of God that you get. I would preach the Gospel with the last lung power
Some persons say, I am not healed, how can I I had if I were sick. I would fight the Devil with the last
blow I could give. I would fight if I could only fight right, the Almighty will spew it out of His mouth. There
with my head or if I could only kick. are churches in this city God has spewed out of His
mouth already. They have no life. Some churches die
I Hate Sin and Disease and Death With Intense when their leaders die.
Hatred When John Alexander Dowie is dead, Divine
Healing will still live, because it lives now. It lives in
I hate sin. I will fight it to the end of life; I will die every place where I have ever taught it. It lives in the
fighting the Devils works. homes, in the lives of tens of thousands. If I were not
I hate disease. That is one thing which keeps me up preaching a living, Everlasting Gospel, it would not live.
in this ministry. I hate tuberculosis; I hate to see a Divine Healing has never been dead. The Gospel has
strong mans lungs dug out by the Devil. I hate to see never been dead, but the churches which fight it will be.
a full, active life wasted. I hate to see a dear old mother Last year in the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in
tortured with rheumatism in her last days, which this city influential persons asked the minister, Why do
should be so peaceful and happy. I hate disease. I hate you not ask Dr. Dowie to come down and hold a
it with my whole heart, I hate it with a perfect hatred. mission in this church? This church would be full.
That hatred was put into my heart by God. God hates The pastor refused.
sin. I dare say there are 200,000 people within half a mile
radius of that church. Sometimes the congregation can
O ye that love the Lord, hate evil. be counted by tens. The church has a high steeple, and
has seats for a thousand people. It is as dead as a door
Hate evil with all the intensity of your nature. Your nail. They rejected Divine Healing; shut the door
love for God will be in exact proportion to your hatred against it.
of sin. Divine Healing has come back to the earth, and if
These men about the world do not like to have you the Protestant churches will not accept it, they will
attack evil. They say, Let it alone! That proves they suffer.
never learned to hate sin. If you have to deal with a fire Divine Healing is a small thing today, but I believe
and let it alone, it will burn down the house. Leave that it will be one of the great questions of the century.
little spark alone in the room and our house is gone.
Sin is hell fire, and I not leave it alone. God put me in
this world to fight it. Did not His own Son come into Leaves of Healing vol 8 No. 11 Jan 5, 1901 p329
the world to fight the works the Devil?
I fight because I long to see you men and women
I have no weapons of war. I do not propose to use
gunpowder or dynamite; but I propose to use the
Word of God.
I do not propose to use artillery to free men from
sin; but let the enemy look out.

A Church Which Blocks Gods Way Will Die.

Let the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians and

others who blocking the way to the delivery of men
from sin and disease, look out.
The Jewish Church blocked Gods way, and what
did He do with it? He scattered it like the wind. The
Jewish system has never been resurrected since that
day. Christ said, Your house is left unto you desolate.
If the Church of the Living God today will not do


Let it be supposed that the following words are God?

a conversation between the reader [A] and the writer B. No, there was a still greater purpose than that.
[B]. He healed the sick who trusted in Him in order to show
us that He came to die not only for our sins, but for
A. What does this question mean? Do you really sicknesses, and to deliver us from both.
suppose that God has some one especial way of healing
in these days of which men may know and avail A. Then, if that is so, the atonement which he
themselves? made on the Cross must have been for our sicknesses
B. That is exactly my meaning, and I wish very as well as our sins. Can you prove that is the fact from
much that you should know Gods Way of Healing, as the Scriptures?
I have done for many years. B. Yes, I can. And the passages are very
numerous. I need quote two only. In Isaiah 53:4, 5 it is
A. What is the way in your opinion? written of Him. Surely He hath borne our griefs
B. You should rather ask, WHO is Gods Way? (Hebrew sicknesses), and carried our sorrows; . . . and
For the Way is a Person, not a thing. I will answer your with His stripes we are healed. Then in the Gospel
question in His own words, I am the Way, the Truth, according to Matthew, this passage is quoted and
and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by directly applied to the work of bodily healing, in
Me. These words were spoken by our Lord Jesus chapter 8, 17th verse. That it might be fulfilled which
Christ, the Eternal Son of God, who is both our Saviour was spoken of by Isaiah, the prophet, saying, Himself
and our Healer. John 14:6 took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.

A. But I always thought that these words only A. But do you not think that sickness is often
referred to Him as the way of Salvation. How can you Gods will, and sent for our good, and therefore God
be sure that they refer to Him as the Way of Healing may not wish us to be healed?
also? B. No, that cannot possibly be, for diseases of
B. Because He cannot change. He is the same every kind are the devils work, and his work can
yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) He said never be Gods will, since Christ came for the very
that He came to this earth not only to save us but to purpose of destroying the works of the Devil, I John
heal us, (Luke 4:18) and He did this when in the flesh 3:8
on earth. Being unchanged He must be able and willing
and desirous to heal now. A. Do you mean to say that all disease is the work
of Satan?
A. But is there not this difference, namely, that He B. Yes, for if there had been no sin (which came
is not with us now? through Satan) there never would have been any
B. No; for He said, Lo, I am with you alway, even disease, and Jesus never in one single instance told any
unto the end of the world; and so He is with us now, person that sickness was Gods work or will, but the
in Spirit, just as much as when He was here in the flesh. very contrary.

A. But did He not work these miracles of healing A. Can you prove from scripture that all forms of
when on earth merely to prove that He was the Son of sickness and infirmity are the Devils work?

B. Yes, that can be done very easily. You will see A. What should a Christian then do when
in Matthew 4:23 and 9:35 that when Jesus was here in overtaken with sickness?
the flesh, He healed every sickness and every disease B. A Christian should obey Gods command, and
among the people. Then if you will refer to Acts 10:38 at once turn to Him for forgiveness of the sin which
you will see that the Apostle Peter declares that He may have caused the sickness, and for immediate
[Jesus] went about doing good, and healing all who healing. Healing is obtained from God in one of four
were oppressed of the Devil. Notice that all whom he ways, namely; first by the direct prayer of faith,
healed, not some were suffering from Satans evil without any aid from the officers of the Church,
power. praying as the Centurion did in Matthew 8:5 to 12;
second, by two faithful disciples praying in perfect
A. But does disease never come from God? agreement, in accordance with the Lords promise in
B. No, it cannot come from God for He is pure, Matthew 18:19; third, by the anointing of the elders
and disease is unclean; and it cannot come out of and the prayer of faith, according to the instructions in
Heaven, for there is no disease there. James 5:14 and 15; and fourth, by the laying on of the
hands of them who believe, and whom God calls to
A. That is very different from the teachings which that ministry, as the Lord commands in Mark 16:18
I have received all my life from ministers and in the and in other places.
churches. Do you really think that you are right, and
that they are all wrong in this matter? A. But are the people healed in this way in these
B. It is not a question as between myself and them. days?
The only question is, What does Gods Word say? God B. Yes, in thousands of cases. I have myself laid
has said in all the ages to His Church, I am the Lord hands upon many hundreds of thousands of persons,
that healeth thee, (Exodus15:26) and therefore it and I have seen the Lords power manifested in the
would be wicked to say that he is the defiler of His healing of great numbers, many of whom are living
people. All true Christians must believe the Bible, and witnesses in many countries, who have testified
it is impossible to believe that good and evil, sickness publicly before thousands, and who are prepared to
and health, sin and holiness could have a common testify at any time. This ministry is being exercised by
origin in God. If the Bible really taught that, it would devoted Christians in many parts of America, Europe,
be impossible to believe our Lord Jesus Christ when He Australasia and elsewhere.
says, A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither
can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Matthew 7:18. A. Is it not the same as Christian Science, Mind
Healing etc?
A. But even if I agree with all you say, is it not true B. No. Divine Healing is diametrically opposed to
that the gifts of healing were removed from the church, these diabolical counterfeits, which are utterly
and are not in it now? antichristian. These impostures are only seductive
B. No, the gifts of healing, were never forms of Spiritualism. Trance Evangelism is also a
withdrawn, and can never be withdrawn, from the true more recent form of this delusion, and it deceives
Church of God; for it is written The gifts and calling many.
of God are without repentance. (Romans 11:29). There
are nine gifts of God to the Church (enumerated in I A. But how shall I obtain the necessary faith to
Corinthians 12:8 to 11) and all these are in the Holy receive healing, which faith I am at present conscious
Spirit. Therefore, so long as the Holy Spirit is in the I do not possess?
Church. All the gifts must be there also .If they are not B. It is written, Faith cometh by hearing, and
exercised, that does not prove that they do no exist, but hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17) Our
that the faith to exercise them is lacking in Gods Missions are held for the express purpose of teaching
servants. The gifts are all perfectly preserved; for the fully the word of God on this matter and I very heartily
Holy Spirit, not the Church keeps them safely. invite you to attend the meetings which are announced
for Zion Tabernacle. All are welcome and there are no
charges of any kind made, for all Gods gifts are free
gifts Salvation is the first of these, without which you
cannot be healed through faith in Jesus. All the costs of
this work are covered by the free-will offerings of the
people who attend these meetings, and others whom the
Lord leads to help; but the poorest, who have nothing
to give are as heartily welcome as the richest.

A. Do you see the sick and lay hands upon them in

this Mission?
B. Yes, after we feel satisfied that they are fully
resting in the Lord alone for the healing, we see
privately so far as time permits, those who attend; but
under no circumstances do we claim the power to heal
any; for power belongeth unto God.

A. Have you any writings upon this subject which

can be purchased?
B. Yes, these can be obtained at the office of Zion
Publishing House, 1207 Michigan Ave., or at Zion
Tabernacle, 1621-23 Michigan Ave. Chicago. Ill. But
the best book on Divine Healing is the Bible itself,
studied prayerfully and earnestly.

We extend to you a hearty invitation to attend

the meetings, which are free to all. Our prayer is that
you may be lead to find in Jesus Christ our Lord and
God, your present Savior from sin, your Healer from
sickness, your Cleanser from all evil, your keeper in the
way to Heaven, your Friend and your All for time and
eternity. We pray that these words may help many who
read, and that our little conversation may bear fruit in
leading many readers to look to Jesus only.

Hush every lip, close every book

The strife of tongues forbear;
Why forward reach, or backward look
For love that clasps like air,

The healings of Christs seamless dress,

Is by all beds of pain
We touch Him in lifes throng and press
And we are whole again.

Leaves of Healing p 796 vol 3 Oct 8, 1897


THE GOSPEL OF DIVINE HEALING They were chosen because of their

DECLARED AND DEFENDED. honestyhonest fishermen. And just think of it, an
honest tax-gatherer. The good Lord knows how
much we would value him in Chicago. ( Laughter.)
INVOCATION. An honest tax collector. No wonder Matthew was
chosen to be an apostle. I think a man that is an
Let the words of my mouth and the rneditation of my heart honest tax collector must be a prodigiously noble
be acceptable in T hy sight, profitable unto this people. and fellow. There are so many temptations to be the
unto all to whom these words shall come in this and other opposite, you know.
lands, in this and all the coming time for the sake of Jesus, our But our Lord, in His infinite wisdom, as
Lord, our strength and our Red eem er.
Augustine so beautifully put it, saved philosophers
TEXT. by means of fishermen, and not fishermen by means
of philosophers; and most certainly the great beauty
Himse lf took our infirm ities, and bore our sicknesses. of His speech was this, that the common people
heard Him gladly. And the words of the New
In the 8th chapter of the Gospel according to St. Testament mean exactly what they say, and nothing
Matthew it is written: else. There is no hidden meaning.
When the even was come, they brough t unto Him many
that were possessed with dev ils; and H e cast out the spirits with
His word, and healed all that were sick: VERY OCEAN.
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the
prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our It has shallows in which a child may wade; it has depths
that you cannot fathom, and all the great and
beautiful and simple truths, along the margin of
One of the great diplomatists of Europe,
which we wade, and bathe, and gather up the
Talleyrand, is said to have uttered there words:
pebbles, have great depths beyond. But there is
I belie ve that langua ge w as inven ted to conceal thought. nothing mysterious even about these depths,
excepting that they are great depths of mysterious
I have oftentimes thought that the language love, and wisdom, and power. I do not say that what
employed by theologians would lead me to believe we see of truth is all there is to know; that would be
that they had the same opinion as Talleyrand; that silly, because there is the vast unfathomable depths
they evidently thought the Word of God was not beyond; for the illustration which I have just used,
intended to convey thought, but to conceal it. you will remember, was in the words of Newton,
It has amazed me, beyond all expression, all my who, when somebody said how great his
life through, to find how people would quibble at achievements were in science, said: I am only a
the plainest of plain speech. child who wanders up and down along a great
If there is anything more clear than another, it is seashore of a boundless ocean, picking up a
this, that the New Testament was written for plain beautiful pebble here and there, while the great
people; that it was written by plain men. They were ocean lies unexplored before me.
not philosophers; they were not theologians; they And while I do not want to suppose that all we
were not orators; they were not poets, but they were can know of the truth is simply the fundamental
greater than all these: things we know here, yet let me point out to you
that the future developments of truth will be along
THEY WERE APOSTLES FILLED WITH these simple elemental lines; that the greatest
THE HOLY GHOST, AND THEY WERE simplicity of thought is necessary for discovery.
THINGS. And he went with them. Do you not know that
Christ was baptized amidst a crowd of sinners? Did
Sir Humphrey Davy and the great men of the you ever think of that? He went down to the Jordan,
Royal Society were indignant with Stephenson for and he said to John the Baptist, Baptize me, and
applying to the British Parliament to get a bill to he began His ministry by being baptized in the
have a railwav that would go at the terrific rate of waters of Jordan with the harlots and the thieves,
twelve miles an hour, and kill the people, and and the sinners of Jerusalem and Juda.
frighten the cattle in all the country and make such I tell you some of you have got to get a dip, a
a tremendous to-do. It was an awful thing, and they triple dip too, and I would like to dip some of you.
petitioned against it. Oh! if I could only wash out of you all the sin at the
It was George Stephenson, an humble man, a same time, all the old miserable narrowness about
workiug engineer that found it out. God.
It was not the great men from Yale and Harvard
that God Almighty used to redeem this Nation, but Him self took ou r infirmities an d ba re our sicknesses.
the Rail-splitter from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln.
It was not the mighty rnilitary genius of These words were said concerning Him.
McClellan, who knew splendidly how to fortify and He had been teaching all the live-long day upon
fight behind fortifications ----and the army that does the mountain side, perhaps for day after day, and
that is always beatenbut it was the Tanner of He said something which led them to know that this
Galena, who knew how to go out and get the other would be His last discourse at that time, and he
fellows fortifications, that won. commenced with that wonderful and beautiful
It is the simple man; it is the man that makes no
pretensions: it is the man of simple faith that finds PARABLE OF THE TWO HOUSE-
out God. The pure in heart see God. Always the BUILDERS:
pure in heart, and if you want to see truth, just see
it as it is presented to you with open eyes. The one man digging deep, digging deep.
What are you about?
Himse lf took our infirm ities, and bare our sickn esses. I am going to build a house.
The other man says I am going to build a house
What is simpler? What is plainer? But you get the on the sand: I wont dig deep. While you are
theologians upon that text, my! these old miserable digging for foundation 1 will have my house half
fossils how they will go at it and they will say that it up.
is a spiritual thing: it means your spiritual infirmities, He got a great house; it is a summer resort. Oh,
and your spiritual sicknesses. it a grand affair, right down there on the sand; but
Well now, it did not used to mean that. It meant this other man wants a house he can always live in.
people who had sore eyes, and sore heads; it meant He goes down and digs deep.
people who had tumors. It meant people who had
leprosies. It meant people who had rheumatism. It APPLICATION.
meant people with all kinds of sicknesses, and
diseases, and they were so weary and so tired. That is the man that repents. Do you not know
They had gone to all kinds of doctors; they could that digging deep is repenting, going back into your
not be healed of any. past life, digging up your o1d sin, paying that
It meant in the olden time that these pour, sick hundred dollars to Jones you cheated him out of,
people many of whom could not read a line, flocked telling your wife all about those lies you told before
to Jesus, and they heard Him preach, and they went you were married.
down with him into the baptismal waters and they You wives confess: tell your husband of the lies

you told him. Oh! yes, you did, you liars. And there went out unto Him all the land of Juda, and
You know he thought you had a nice they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of H im in the river of
Jordan,concealing their sins?
complexion; he did not know until you were
married that you had bought it in a paint-shop.
(Laughter.) Audience:Confessing their sins.
He thought you had a nicely formed body, and Dr. Dowie:That is the beginning of the Gospel.
he did no know you were all padding. (Laughter.)
Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus carne into
He thought you had a sweet temper, but he did Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,
not know it was all put on. And saying, T he tim e is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God
Oh, you liar, how you deceived him, and you is at hand: repent, ye, and believe the go spel.
have got lots of repentance, lots of it, you women.
You are not all angels by any means, and you know He never said believe and repent. He said repent
it too! (Laughter.) and believe, and when He told of His mission, He
And men are not all devils, not by any means. said:
But you are a bad lot, both of you. We are all a bad
I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to faith?
lot. Very much all a bad lot, and we have got to
Audience: Re pentance.
repent, and the man that goes to dig deep, goes
away back into his past life to repent. That is the Dr. Dowie:He never talked about their faith.
man that is going to have his house upon the rock. Why these Jews were full of faith. They had faith in
When he goes down he goes to bed rock. You see Abraham, and they had faith in Isaac, and they had
he repents faith in Jacob, and they had faith in Moses, they had
faith in the whole of the Bible, and they had faith in
REPENT! themselves, any amount of it, and faith in the
church, and they were full of faith; yet they were
I do not care a pin about your faith. Talk about damned.
believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Lay down your Christ said:
belief on the Lord Jesus Christ, and talk to the
people about repentance. (Amen.) That is the Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
beginning of the Gospel. The beginning of the compa ss sea and land to make one proselyte and when h e is
Gospel is not Faith. See! There it is in the first made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than
chapter of Mark:
The Lord Jesus Christ said:
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of
As it is written in the prophets. Behold. I send My Ye are of your father the devil, a nd the lusts of your father
messenger before Thy face, which shall prepare Thy way ye w ill do.
before Thee.
The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the And He told them:
way of the Lord, m ake H is paths straight.
Ye are like unto whited sepu lchers,. . . full of dead m ens
I tell you before the Lord can do anything, His bones and of all uncleanness.
Way has got to be prepared, and the paths have got
to be made straight. Now, He said that, and He cried to them.
Repent, Repent.
John did baptise in the wilderness and preach the
baptism ofwha t? REPENT YE.
Dr. Dowie:The baptism of repentance for the remission That is the beginning of the gospel.
of sins. Now, any man that says:
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and tho u shalt be saved, in, falls at the feet of these men. Oh, why dont you
and says that is the beginning of the gospel, he does let me kill myself?
not know the Gospel. Because we want to see you saved. We want to
see you right with God.
THE MESSAGE TO THE PHILLIPPIAN My God, can you want to save me? And there
JAILER. he repents, and he takes their feet out and washes
their stripes. and he says:
Well, Paul and Silas said that, says some one.
Yes, why do you not go back a little, and not W hat must I do to be saved?
start in the middle of that narrative.
Why do you not go back to the Phillipian jailer MODERN HERESY REBUKED
lashing these prisoners, and driving them into
prison, and putting their feet in the stocks, and Why dont you fellows start with that repentance?
smiting them, and spitting on them, covering them Why do you start with that infernal lie, that if a
with every indignity? man will only believe, he will get to heaven?
Why do you not go to hear him talk there, and I can tell you of many men that believe, and they
say: Now, there you are; that is what it is to be a are going to hell. Surely! They are full of faith. Oh!
Christian; lie there and rot. He put them right into yes, they are splendicl Presbyterians, and, fine
the inner prison and put their feet in stocks. Why do Episcopalians, and first-class Baptists, and
you not see that means a heart full of devilry, full of thoroughly good Lutherans, and fine Roman
hatred for those men who have been preaching? Catholics, and all the rest of it, and they are all
He goes away off to his dinner. I have got these going to hell.
fellows in the stocks; that will settle their tricks,' and They have got faith. They say: I believe in my
he has a jollification with these magistrates who have church.
got them there. Perhaps he gets money for having And not a particle of faith in any church will save
treated them so badly, and he is having a high time, you.
and it is midnight, and they are singing the songs of
Bacchus and of Venus, and singing of the grove of THE GOSPEL PREACHED.
Daphne, and they are drinking the Falernian wines.
Somebody else is singing down there in the It is faith in God; the faith of God; and that never
prison. The quivering voices of these men are rolling comes to a man that has not repented.
from the prison walls, and they are so close to Jesus, Now, that is the beginning of the Gospel. That is
and God has heard them. how Christ preached it.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake, and And what did He say when He went away?
thundering, and the lightnings are flashing, and the
prison is rolling, and every gate has gone open, and Go ve into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
the man rushes in. All the prisoners are gone! and in Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
hopeless despair he is thinking how he will put the name of the Fa ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
sword in a sure place, and from the innermost
prison he hears the voice: A WORD ON BAPTISM.

Do thyse lf no harm : for we are all here . Dr. Dowie:---There is a threefold immersion; there
is a threefold God, and there is not a scholar to-day
Why, that is the voice of that fellow Paul that he in any denominatiou who will not admit that triune
had lashed and put into prison and cursed and immersion is the primitive move of baptism.
damned by all his gods, and he stops himself Dr. Phillip Schaff of the Presbyterian body than
committing suicide. whom there never lived a greater scholar in this
He drops his sword, he calls for a light, he jumps

country says that the trina baptisma, triune lot of you, and you got a doctor too, and a nice
immersion, was the primitive baptism. mess he made of it. Made a great mess of you with
There is no question about it. morphine, did he not? Has the morphine gone out?
Go ye into all the world, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe som e things?
A gentleman (front the audience):Yes, sir;
Audience: All things. three days after I came here.
Dr. Dowie:---How long were you under its
EMM ANUEL. influence?
The brother: Five years.
Dr Dowie:All things whatsoever I have commanded you;
and lo I am with you som etimes? Dr. Dowie:---And you came here, and God took
Audience: Alway. that out of you in three days?
Dr D owie:E ven unto the end of the world. The brother:----Yes. I weigh 110 pounds and I
should weigh 140.
Dr. Dowie:----Do you believe it? Dr. Dowie:----That man carne to us a victim of
Audience:Yes. morphine.
Dr. Dowie:Why then He is with us now. Is He The brother:----My wife is coming to-morrow or
just the same to-day? Has He changed? next day; she is a victim to morphine also.
Audience:No. Dr. Dowie:-----Listen! Is He the same Christ?
Dr. Dowie:Is Jesus Christ one thing yesterday, Audience:Yes.
something else to-day, and something else to- Dr. Dowie:----Able?
morrow? Audience:Able.
Audience:No. Dr. Dowie:Willing?
Dr. Dowie: ---Is He the same? Audience:Willing.
Dr. Dowie:-Present?
Audience: Ye sterday,
Dr. D owie:--And ---
Audience:----Today Dr. Dowie:---To heal?
Dr. D owie:---And --- Audience:---To heal.
Dr. Dowie:---The same. The same Saviour?
Audience:The same Saviour. Dr. Dowie:Well, then what becomes of the
Dr. Dowie:---The same Healer? theology of the day that says He is not? That He
Audience:The same Healer. used to be, but that now instead of healing by
Dr. Dowie:---Just as able? means of simple faith in Him, He uses digitalis, nux
Audience----Just as able. vomica, arsenic, strychnine, and Mother Siegels
Dr. Dowie ---- Just as willing? Soothing Syrup, (laughter) and Pink Pills for Pale
Audience:Just as willing. People, and Pale Pills for Pink People.
Dr. Dowie:Just as present to heal? (Laughter.) Is that so? and he now heals by the
Audience:Yes, sir. science of medicine! The science of unmitigated
Thou, oh Christ, art all I want.
Where is the science in Medicine?
but please send me a doctor." ( Laughter. ) Is that Scientia means accurate knowledge does it not?
how you sing it? It means sure and certain knowledge about a thing.
Audience: ----No. Where is the sure and certain knowledge about
Dr. Dowie:--- That is how you did sing it, a whole medicine?
ALLOPATIIY. Well, how is that going to work, Mr. Homeopath,
set a thief to catch a thief?
See, here is a man steps up. I am an Allopath. Oh, well, it works. I am the fellow that does it.
An allopath. Well, how do you cure people? Now, what do you think of the Allopath? "
Well, if they have got a disease in them, a poison, He is a fool!
I look along the list of my medicines, all that Now, Mr. Allopath, what do you think of the
pharmacy has taught me [You sorcerer!] and I find Homeopath?
another poison stronger than the poison that is in the He is a fool!
man, and I say, Now open your mouth, and shut They are both right; the devil is right. Humanity
your eyes, and see what I have sent you, [Laughter] knows that. Humanity is staggering to-day under an
and in it goes. awful weight. Men have got upon the back of
Well, what do you do? humanity. Men have got humanity by the throat.
I have knocked out that first poison.
Well, now, Mr. Allopath, after this stronger INOCULATION.
fellow has got in, what is he going to do?
Oh, well, after a while he may give us some Men have got humanity, and tied him down, and
trouble. now they inoculate him. They started to inoculate
What are you going to do then? you against smallpox. They inoculate you against
I look along the line of my pharmacy, and I pick pox by putting pox in you. And they will inoculate
out another fellow, aud I say, Shut your eyes, and you against hydrophobia, by putting in
open your mouth. and I put him in and knock that hydrophobia; and they will inoculate you against
one out. trichinosis, by putting in trichina, and you will not
That is very good. Now, what is the next thing? know where you are, if you do not take these fellows
Supposing that strong poison you have put in gives by the throat by legislation. They will will take you
the man trouble with the kidneys or liver, or his by the throat, and they will lay you down there, and
stomach, or something? they will inoculate you with every dirty disease there
Well, then I look along the line of my is going,
pharmacy, and I say, Shut your eyes, and open Mrs. Marsh (from the gallery):Doctor, it is true
your mouth, and I put in another and knock him in my case; they forced it in my arm, and it broke
out. (Laughter.) out all over my arm.
Well, Mr. Allopath, when does this stop? Dr. Dowie:Yes, and we have children here with
Oh, it never stops until we knock the man out. all kinds of diseases consequent upon inoculation.
(Laughter. )

Well now, what are you? Never. Look here, you Christians, you have got
I am a homeopath. a Bible. That Bible covers 4,100 years of human
What is the difference between you and this history, can you find one word in it in praise of the
fellow? doctors or drugs? Can you find one word in it
He says Contraria, contraribus curantur, (the directing you to go to a doctor? No. Where is the
contrary cures the contrary) and I say Similia, passage,
similibus curantur. Like cures like.
Well, what does that mean? Is any among y ou sick? let hini call for the doctor?
That means when you have got a poison of one
kind in, you put a poison of the same kind in, and A Voice:----It is not there.
knock it out. Dr. Dowie:Where is the passage that praises

doctors? The Bible has nothing to say, but know it, then you are not to be reckoned with at all;
for you are too ignorant to argue with.
Ye are all ph ysicians of no value. Let me tell you this, that if there were no Divine
Healing, it would be infinitely better for you never
Where is the word that praises the surgeon and to touch medicine. But now, is there Divine
tells you to lie down under his knife? Healing?
On the contrary, Audience:Yes.
Dr. Dowie:---Well, how do you know?
I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord I change not
Voices:We have been healed.
She suffered many things of many physicians, and had
spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered but rather HYPNOTISM.
grew worse .
Dr. Dowie:Well, are you not a pack of fools?
That is the story of the woman who touched the Were you all not all hypnotized? Now, that word
hem of Christs garment; it is true story of thousands hypnotism amuses me. People say that I hypnotize
here. people. I was traveling with a man the other day
who did not know me. He said to me very
THE MATTER TESTED. respectfully: Where do you live sir.
I said: "I live in Chicago," and then he asked me
Every one here that has taken drugs, put up your a few other questions: Do you know much about the
hands. (Apparently all hands were raised.) ministers of Chicago.
Everybody that has been perfectly healed by the Yes, I said, I am one myself.
taking of these drugs, put up your bands. (No hands Well, he said, can you tell me anything about
were raised.) that Dr. Dowie? (Laughter.)
Where are you? Why, I said, I could tell you a little."
Every one in this meeting who has been healed Well, now, what kind of a man is he?
through faith in Jesus, stand to your feet. (Several Well, I do not think much of him.
hundred rose.) That is just how I think about him. (Laughter.)
Now, do you see that? There are hundreds on Well, he said a few things to me.
their feet: How many hundreds I cannot tell. Now I said, Why do you believe that?
Now, that is a fair test. I will take any Well, he told me what he had read in the paper.
congregation, and I will prove from that Now, I said, I know that is not true. I told
congregation what Dr. Prof. Douglas McClagan said him the truth about that.
in my own hearing in my native city university when Well, then, he said, what is true?
I went to hear him in 1869 deliver the discourse in Well, I said, all these things are lies. We were
opening the medical session for that year. gettlng near to Chicago by that time, and he said to
me: I begin to think you know a good deal about
I am an honest physician, I am an honest professor, and
I am an h onest man. I am asked to speak on m edicine as a him.
science, and the first thing I hav e to sa y is m edicine is not a Well, I said, I am the man himself.
science it is purely empirical. From the days of Hippocrates (Laughter.)
and of Galen until now we have been stumbling in the dark Oh! he said he would come and hear me
from diagnoses to diagnosis, and treatment to treatment, and
preach, and he did so, and God blessed him.
we have not found the first stone to lay as the foundation for
medicine as a science. Gentleman, medicine is not a science. But now listen!
Among other things my friend said it had been
Friends, we challenge the first principle of our alleged I hypnotized people.
opponents, and say medicine is not a science, and Well, I said, do you know what the word
you know it. And if you are too ignorant not to hypnotism means?
Well, it means mesmerism, something or other Now, the very verities of things would make it
to make them imagine things. impossible for salvation and sin to come from the
Now, I said, why dont you get to know what same source; would make it impossible for disease
a word means. Hypnos in Greek is sleep, and the and health to come from the same source.
word hypnotize is to make people sleep. Now, if you And what are you talking about, when you talk
had ever heard Dr. Dowie, you would never think about disease being Gods will?
he makes people sleep. That is a lie.
Now, what is hypnotism? It is putting people to You might as well talk about sin being Gods will.
sleep, in a state of sleep, compelling them to do You might as well talk about death and hell
whatever you like. being Gods will; they are not.
Now, that is what the devil does; that is not what The will of God is salvation from sin, healing
God does. from sickness, life to overcome death, and heaven to
Now, is there Divine Healing? You say yes. I say overcome hell, and that is the eternal verity of the
yes, but our testimony in this is nothing. I admit that. thing.
I do not care a pin about human testimony upon When Christ came down to this earth He planted
any subject. Himself squarely upon that proposition: that good
and evil were irreconcilable; that a good tree cannot
A THING 1S TRUE WITHOUT' ANY bring forth corrupt fruit, and an evil tree cannot
TESTIMONY. bring forth good fruit, and He had come to destroy
the works of the devil, and He went about
Because it is true testimony does not make it true. destroying sin, and healing all that were oppressed
It was true before you testified to it. It was true of the devil.
before I spoke it. Truth is a truth apart from Why do you not get your theology straight?
Now this truth is a truth fixed in the eternal WHY DO YOU NOT GET THE WORD OF
verities of things. GOD STRAIGHT?
If there are not two powers conflicting with each
other on this earth, then we are all blind, we are all There it is. That He came to destroy the works of
deaf, and we are all fools; for the clearest of all the devil. There it is in Peters sermon to Cornelius:
things is this, that good and exil are warring; that
salvation and sin, that health and disease, that life How God ano inted Jesus of N aza reth w ith the Holy Ghost,
and death, and heaven and hell are marching in and with p ower: who w ent abou t doing good, and hea ling all
that were opp ressed of the de vil.
battalions, and in corps, and in one great arrny
against each other; good and evil.
There it is in Isaiah, as interpreted by the Holy
Ghost to Matthew:
Himse lf took our infirm ities, and bare our sickn esses.
Now, if there are but two armies, and two sets of
influences, and God is good, and salvation and And as spoken by the Holy Ghost through Isaiah
healing, and life and heaven are His, then here is the direct:
other that Satan, and sin, and disease, and death,
and hell are hanging together; and if I am on the Surely He hath borne our sickne sses, . . . and with H is
side of God, I must be fighting with my Savior stripes we are h ealed .
against sin; I must be fighting with my Healer
against disease; I must be fighting with the Prince of God never did evil; God never committed sin;
Life against the powers of death and hell; I must be God never inflicted misery on any.
fighting on the heavenly side.

AN INFERNAL LIE. yet we did esteem Him stricken,

Stop, said a man one day. I had been saying we, the Jews; that when He was nailed to the cross
these words: It was one of the infernal lies that had said:
been taught to me as a child in Presbyterian You saved others, you cannot save yourself. You blasphe-
Scotland, and that I had sang in a lot of hymns that me r; come down from that cross. God has stricken you; God
I would to God were forever buried in an ocean of has sm itten you; God has afflicted you .
oblivion. A stanza from one of these hymns was this:
Jehovah lifted up His rod;
Oh, Christ, it fell on Thee; Not God did it. We did esteem Him.
Thou wast sore stricken of Thy God, I remember that mans face. He sat down. He
The res not on e stroke for me.
turned pale. He saw it in a moment, and I said,
Now, if there ever was an infernal lie, that hymn Listen! He was wounded for our transgressions, not
embalms it. for His own. He was bruised for our iniquities, not
for His own. The chastisement of our peace was
Thou wast sore stricken of Thy God . upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.
Professor, it was these ungodly Jews that said God
I said in the address I was then delivering, struck Him, God smote Him, God afflicted Him,
When did Christ strike his Son? This theological and
professor rose up in the gallery. He was a
Presbyterian, and he was a Mac, and his face was as THEY LIED WHEN THEY SAID IT.
dark as one of his mountains with a storm: That is He rose right up, and he was a man every inch of
blasphemy. him, and he said:
I turned to a gentleman who was with me, mayor Dr. Dowie is perfectly right, and I never saw it
of the town, Who is that? Well, it is so and so, and until this moment. Doctor, will you corne and
he is professor of theology in Dunedin, and he is a preach for me nest Sunday?
minister of a large church here. I said, I will. (Laughter and applause)
Well, I said, Professor, what did you say that How men can have invented that infernal
was? theology that God nailed His Son to the cross! That
was the devils doing.
No, friends, God never did a bad thing yet, and
What is blasphemy. He never will. God is good, God is good to all. His
Blasphemy to say that God did not strike His tender mercy is over all the world. And I will tell
Son. you, friends, in arguing out this subject, we forget
Well, what do you say? sometimes the great tenderness and lowliness of
He said, I say Dr. Dowie what you ought to say, God: How Christ came down, and made this truth
what is in your Bible; that He was so plain; that He talked so that the humblest could
understand Him; that God loved them, and wanted
stricken , smitten of God and afflicted. to save them from their sirs and sicknesses, if they
would only yield themselves in spirit and in soul,
Well now, Professor, do you know that? and in body to Him, He would cleanse them. Is that
Yes. true?
Well, do you say that is in the Bible?
Yes. CALL.
Well, I said. give me the Bible; it must have
altered since you read it. In my Bible it reads thus: Dr. Dowie:Then, every one that wants God to
cleanse them, spirit, soul and body stand.
Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; [Apparently all rose.]
Now listen! Do you hate sin? Can you say I do? unto the com ing of our L ord Jesus Christ, faithful is He that
Audience:I do. calleth you, who also will do it, the grace of our Lord Jesus; the
love of God our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, our
Dr. Dowie:Are you willing to give it up? Can Comforter and Gu ide; One Eternal God, abide in you, bless
you say I am? you and keep yo u an d all the Israel of G od everywhe re
Audience:I am. forever. Amen.
Dr. Dowie: Are you willing to do right, if you
have wronged any; to re-store and to confess? Can
you say I am?
Audience: I am.
Dr. Dowie: Will you ask God to help you by His
Spirit? Can you say, God helping me, I will? Leaves of Healing vol 3 p 633july 31 1897
Audience:God helping me, I will.
Dr. DowieWell, pray with me.


My God and Father, I come to Thee. Take me as

I am. Make me what I ought to be in Spirit, in Soul,
in Body. Give me power to do right to in Thy sight.
Give me Thy Holy Spirit, for Jesus sake. Amen. [All
repeat the prayer, clause by clause, after Dr. Dowie]
Now, did you mean it?
Dr. Dowie:Can you say, God helping me, I did.
Audience:God helping me, I did.
Dr. Dowie:Well, I will tell you what God
means: God means that you are forgiven, and God
means if you go right on, He will give you perfect
deliverance, and that is worth having, and may God
make you strong and brave to do right.
Now, we will sing our Consecration hymn, I
After singing the Consecration hymn, the services
were closed with the following

Father, we bless Thee; we bless Thee for the sunshine, and

the sweet air for the springing grass, and the bright glories of a
com ing harvest: for the unchanging love that nev er fails: for,
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sh oweth
know ledge , and there is not a place where the voice of Thine
infinite 1ove is not heard.
He lp us, oh God , to tell the story of a love that never fails,
that destroys Satan an d sin, disease, and dea th, an d he ll, and
will purify this earth, and make it more heautiful than even in
its primitive glory. God he lp us to fight on the side of the right,
and the good, and the pure, and the true, and the beautiful, on
the side of God. Take evil out of our h earts. M ake us strong to
be, and to do good for Christs sake.


Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil, and the very

God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and I pray that your
whole Spirit, Soul and body be preserved entire without blame
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Morning, October 21, 1903 VISITATION OF ELIJAH THE RESTORER.
so-called Sermon on the Mount is a synopsis of a large
DIVINE HEALING MEETING. number of addresses that the Master spoke first to His
REPORTED BY S. E. C., A. C. R., O. R., AND J. S. B. disciples, and then to the multitudes that gathered.
Our Master means our Teacher.
The word used in Greek, didaskalos, ()
The third of the Divine Healing meetings of the is the exact equivalent of the Hebrew word rabbi.
Madison Square series was in charge of Overseer
William Hamner Piper, Overseer of the Christian The Christ Taught and Preached Before He
Catholic Church in Zion for the New England States. Healed.
Promptly at 10:30, Overseer Excell led the
congregation in singing Hymn No. 391, Crown Him, You will observe that He sat on that mountainside,
after which Overseer Piper read in a very impressive and began to teach.
manner the 8th chapter of the Gospel according to St. It was in this way that He carried on His mission.
Matthew. I am to speak of the Christ the Healer, but I must
No less than five thousand persons had assembled speak of the Christ the Teacher and the Christ the
by eleven oclock, when Dr. A. J. Gladstone Dowie Preacher before I can make it clear to you how you can
entered the building and took charge of arranging the receive Him as the Christ the Healer.
people. Our Master went about doing three things: Teaching,
It was found that not more than two hundred and Preaching and Healing.
fifty members of Zion Restoration Host were in the These three things are very different, and the Divine
building, and these were placed in the choir gallery, order is Teaching, first; then Preaching; then Healing.
leaving the entire floor to New York people, who
completely filled it. The Need of Teaching.
After prayer by Overseer Mason, Hymn No. 20,
Soldiers of Christ, Arise, was sung, while the General That is the order still.
Overseer, accompanied by Overseer Jane Dowie, One of the great difficulties at all times, in the
stepped upon the platform multitudes of the people especially, is for them to
understand that if they would know, and be, and do
anything effectually they must be taught.
CHRIST THE HEALER. Divine Healing is not an accident.
It is simply the result of Law; the Law of the Spirit of
Life in the Christ Jesus working in us in accordance with
Madison Square Garden, New York, Wednesday Forenoon, October 21,
Divine purpose and Divine plan.
The Christ, the Healer, is therefore the Christ, the
The General Overseer pronounced the Teacher. What did He teach?
What did He preach?
INVOCATION. The key-note of the Healing lies right there.
He was only a man, by human appearance, but He
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, taught the most astounding and perfectly ridiculous
be acceptable in Thy sight, and profitable unto this people, and thing, according to the multitude of the rabbis.
especially to those who, in their sin and sickness are seeking
deliverance for spirit, soul and body. Amen. For instance, He had the audacitythink of ithe had
the audacity to say that He, a mortal man, was Immortal
He then said: God, and that in Him dwelt the fulness of the Godhead
The Overseer who has had charge of this meeting bodily!
until now has read to you the 8th chapter of the Gospel I dare say that if He came today to New York to
according to Matthew. teach that, clothed in the ordinary garb of man, and
You will observe that in speaking to you concerning said, You must believe that I am God, manifest in the
the Christ as the Healer, this chapter presents Him in flesh, many of the New Yorkers would want to kill
His fulness as such. Him.
In the 5th, 6th and 7th chapters you have the It was an astounding thing for a man to say, I am
continuous teaching which is usually called the Sermon God.
on the Mount. It was an astounding thing for a man to say, I am
As a matter of fact, it is perfectly clear that the the Conception of the Holy Spirit. I am the Son of
74 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, November 7, 1903.

Mary, but God is My Father. I am the Son of God. What is the use of talking that trash in a world where
men are sinners, and know that they are sinners; in a
The Declaration of the Christ Received With world where men are sick, and know that they are sick;
Doubt and Anger. in a world where men are suffering, and know that they
are suffering?
The astounding nature of that Declaration can be There was more in the Christs teaching.
better understood if you put yourself in the position of Having taught that He, as Teacher, was superior to
the Jews. all teachers that had preceded Him; and that He had
Put yourself in the position today of a Jew, who the right to put aside Moses who said, An eye for an
does not believe in the Incarnation; and the most eye, and a tooth for a tooth, He said, I say unto you,
preposterous thing in the world is the Declaration that love your enemies; do good to them that hate you; pray
Jesus, the Christ, was the embodiment, in the flesh, of for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.
the Eternal Logos, the Eternal Word, by which all He also taught them: Do not kill; rather be killed.
things came into being. Speak the truth, live it, and take the consequences.
The thing is perfectly preposterous from a human Lex talionis, the law of retaliation, is an ungodly and
standpoint; but that was His claim, and He spoke with anti-Christian thing, and therefore, war is always wicked.
the authority of the indwelling power of the Father, and Wisdom is better than weapons of war.
of the Spirit.
He declared to humanity that He was the The Christ's Mission Was to Destroy Every Work
long-promised Messiah; that He was the Wonderful, of the Devil.
the Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father
and the Prince of Peace. He taught more; He taught them that He came to
But they first laughed at Him, and then became take away sin and sickness, because sin and sickness go
angry when they found that they could not laugh Him together, Satan and Sin, Disease and Death and Hell,
out of it. are all links in one chain.
In the end they killed Him, because they said that Jesus, Salvation, Health, Life and Heaven, are the
He, being a man, made Himself equal with God, and links in another chain.
set Himself above Moses and the Prophets by saying: One is the chain of Good, and the other is the chain
Moses said unto you but I say unto you; and a of Evil.
greater than Solomon is here. There would have been no Sin but for Satan.
He said these things with the emphasis and There would have been no Disease but for Sin.
confidence of a man who knew his power. There would be no Death but for Satan, Sin and
Those that believed Him were blessed; those that Disease and there would be no Hell but for these.
rejected Him did so to their own undoing. There would be no Salvation, Healing or Life but for
It is the same thing now. the Christ.
The Divinity of the Lord Jesus, the Christ, is The battle is one between Jesus and Satan; Salvation
any Sin; Health and Sickness; Life and Death; Heaven
The Essential Truth in the Teaching of Divine and Hell and the battle goes on all the time until the
Healing. Christs Universal Reign begins.
So He taught them that He had come to put away
Hence, Christian Science proves itself to be a false Sin any Sickness, and that they were both hateful to
and wicked system. God, and the source of misery to man.
It is very hard to find what they really do believe. In teaching them this He not only taught, but when
They will tell you that God is a principle, and not a they believed it, He said to them: Put away your sins.
person. Repent Do right. Restore.
They will tell you that Jesus, the Christ, is not God. It is very important to remember that
They will tell you that the Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus,
the Christ, is not to be considered at all, and thatI The Beginning of the Gospel Is Not Faith but
quote the exact words of the high priestess of that Repentance.
cultMan is incapable of sin, sickness, or any
departure from holiness. If you do not repent, you cannot believe, because
If man is incapable of sin, sickness, or any other Repentance is the first thing.
departure from holiness, he needs no religion, not even When Jesus came, He came preaching the Gospel,
Christian Science. and saying, Repent ye, and believe in the Gospel.
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Morning, October 21, 1903 VISITATION OF ELIJAH THE RESTORER.
When John the Baptist preached, he said Repent anything Himself, it was the Father that did it.
ye, an believe the Gospel. He said: The words that I say unto you I speak not
When Paul preached, he taught Repentance toward from Myself: but the Father abiding in Me doeth His
God, and Faith toward our Lord Jesus, the Christ. works. He gave glory to the Father.
That is the Divine order. Today it is the same.
If you have lied to any one, you must confess to that lt is the Father in Heaven, who, through His Son,
person. and by His Spirit, is the Savior, the Healer, the
If you have stolen, you must restore. Cleanser, the Keeper, and the Guide of Men.
You must put every wrong right to the fullest extent One day after Jesus had taught these things a leper
of your power. came to Him. How did he get there? How did He dare
There is no use in talking about believing in God to come?
until you have repented toward God and toward man. He may perhaps have been hiding behind some
If you have money in your pocket that belongs to bush or tree, listening to the Master; because he did not
someone else, you must give it up. dare to appear in the presence of others.
If you have property that has been acquired The Masters series of discourses was over, and He
fraudulently, it must be restored. had come down the mountainside that day.
If you have lied to your wife, and quite likely many Perhaps He had said something about His coming
of you have, you must own up to it and tell her the away, and the leper thought, I may never see Him
truth, and if she does not forgive you, you will have to again, and I believe that He is the Incarnation of God.
suffer the penalty. You wives are not all angels, and So, with the sackcloth on his lips, he ran down the
you must tell the truth too, no matter what it costs. mountainsicle, and fell at Jesus feet, and said, Lord, if
Everything must be put right between husband and Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.
wife, father and son, mother and daughter, brother and
sister, and master and servant. Never Pray the Prayer of the Leper.
Repent ye, and believe in the Gospel, was the
Christs teaching. The Christ answered that prayer in a way that made
He also said words which meant If you will repent it impossible for the leper ever to pray it again.
and come to Me, I will take you in. I will cleanse your He said, I will.
sin and heal your sickness. Suppose the leper had said: But I should like to be
The Christ is just the same today. convinced of this. I should like you to reason it out for
He is the same Savior, the same Healer, the same me. Can you not sit down and talk it over?
Cleanser and the same Keeper; and His way is just the The leper did not talk nonsense, and since the Christ
same today. has said I will, should we say, If thou wilt?
No matter what the parsons, the papers, or the Has He not always been willing to heal those that
people say, the power of God is just the same today; repented and believed?
and whatever God hath spoken shall surely be Then is He not willing to heal you?
performed, for Jesus, the Christ, is with us, the same AudienceYes.
yesterday and today, yea, and forever. General OverseerI desire you to be set right
concerning this very essential point.
Simple Faith in the Christs Word Brought I am working today for those that have eyes to see
Blessing to Many. and ears to hear.
There are a large number of professing Christians,
The people believed what the Christ taught, and who will tell you that you cannot be too sure of it.
came in their simplicity. They say, 'You know, Doctor, God might not be
Mothers brought their babes, and He took them in willing; and, therefore, you must not be too sure.
His arms and laid His hands upon them and they were I hope that you are following me closely, because
healed. teaching comes first, preaching next, and healing last.
The sick were brought by their friends, and as they I know what I am talking about.
looked up into His face, they repented. I dare say that there is no other man on Gods earth,
They looked into the face of the Son of God and who knows as well about Divine healing.
saw the Father shining through His beneficent, loving I have delivered tens of thousands of addresses, and
eyes. have seen hundreds of thousands of persons healed.
The Father was in Him; in fact, He never did I have been over this road a great many times.
76 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, November 7, 1903.

The Christ Has Not Changed Since His It seemed to me, as I looked at Sir Robert
Ascension. Christenson, professor of toxicology, as if he had
swallowed his own poison.
The trouble with a great many Christians is that they Professor Maclagan said, Did I not tell you that you
say that you cannot be sure about the Christs would not cheer long?
willingness to heal. He told them that Scientia meant accurate
Did any one ever repent, and believe, and come to knowledge, and accurate knowledge they had none.
the Christ for healing, and hear Him say, I am not You may say that that was thirty-four years ago and
willing to heal you? that we have science now. Are you sure of it?
There is no such record. Which is it, tell me, homeopathy or allopathy?
Is the Christ the very same? The homeopath says similia similibus curantatr, like
AudienceYes. cures like, and the allopath is indignant and says,
General OverseerIs He with us? contraria, contrariis, curantur, the contrary cures the
AudienceYes. contrary.
General OverseerIf He is with us All the Days, "You are a fool, says the homeopath; you are
even unto the Consummation of the Age, although another, says the allopath, and in my opinion they are
invisible, He is the very same Christ, and must be both right.
willing and able and present to heal.
Divine Healing is a thing of the past, and we have A So-called Science Whose Doctors Always
something else today, some one may say. Disagree.
What have you instead?
We have the Science of Medicine, is often the I never knew two distinguished physicians of any one
answer. Science of humbug! school to agree.
I have known of five physicians of one school in this
Leading Men in Medical World Testify Against very City of New York diagnosing a ladys case, and
Their Own Medicines. giving five different diagnoses.
They gave five different prescriptions, none of which
In my native city, Edinburgh, I heard Professor touched the disease at all, for the very good reason that
Douglas Maclagan, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence the lady was in perfect health, and she had gone out to
in the University of Edinburgh, talk on the subject, trick them. (Applause. )
Medicine as a Science. They could not get him to One said she had kidney disease.
talk at the opening of the medical sessions until that Another said that she had incipient consumption.
year. Another informed her gravely that the spleen was in
I will never forget how they cheered him. a very bad condition, and she had much difficulty to
Sir James Simpson and Sir Robert Christenson were restrain herself from laughing in his face.
there. In a certain city, some arsenic had gotten into the
Sir Alexander Grant was there, and Carlyle was our dough of a baker who supplied bread to a very wide
leader and rector. district.
It was a magnificent array of great and mighty men As a result a number of persons died.
of the medical and surgical profession. The physicians in every case diagnosed the disease
They cheered him as he stood up, but he said, You differently.
will not cheer me long. The physicians gave certificates and the bodies were
He stopped before these men, and these were his properly buried.
words: Gentlemen, I am an honest man if I am a Every one of these persons had died of arsenic
doctor, and an honest man is the noblest work of poison; but the allopathic physicians and homeopathic
God. physicians had almost all given ridiculous certificates.
Then, in the most deliberate mariner, he said these One said that it was kidney disease; another said
words: Medicine is not a science; it is purely liver disease; another, consumption; another, inward
empirical. From the days of Hippocrates and Galen cancer; and still another, senile decay.
until now we have been stumbling in the dark from I tell you in the plainest of plain terms what the
diagnosis to diagnosis, and from treatment to doctors themselves know, that in diagnosing they are a
treatment, and we have not found the first stone that failure, as well as in treatment.
we can lay for a foundation for medicine as a science. Every one knows what cancer is; but, I ask, have you
Oh, how they groaned! ever found any one to cure it?
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Morning, October 21, 1903 VISITATION OF ELIJAH THE RESTORER.
An Impudent Interrupter Answered. I was also healed of consumption at the same time.
General OverseerThis is Mrs. Ruby, a former
VoiceYou cannot cure it either. doctors wife. Her husband practiced medicine nineteen
General OverseerNo, I cannot cure it, but God years at Winterset, Iowa, and he was very hard on her
can and has done so. because she believed in Divine Healing.
VoiceNo one has been cured of cancer. Her testimony can be found in LEAVES OF HEALING,
General OverseerI desire to state to you that, Volume V, Number 49.
notwithstanding your answer, I have seen large How many years were you unable to walk? (to Mrs.
numbers healed of cancer by God through faith in Ruby).
Jesus, the Christ. (Amen.) Mrs. RubyFor thirteen years I never stood alone.
I will be very happy, if that gentleman is an honest General OverseerWhere do you live?
investigator and seeking the truth, to give him the Mrs. Ruby1816 Gilgal avenue, Zion City, Illinois.
names and addresses. of persons who have been General OverseerShe fell down an unfinished
healed of cancer. stairway, and the result was horrible.
My officers will give him the information at the The three lower joints of the vertebr were broken
door. and three of the ribs were tore from the spine.
A few years ago, in Chicago, some of our enemies On the side a large tumor formed, and the internal
were guilty of the same temerity of which this organs were grown together with internal cancers.
gentleman is guilty. They had the same shape of head External cancers covered her breast and extended
and the same impudent way of introducing themselves. under the arm.
They were foolish enough to say that LEAVES OF Her husband, who was a Doctor, became angry
HEALING contained lies, and that the people were not every time he heard the name of Dowie; but when he
healed. was convicted of sin, he quit his business, sold his
I instantly directed my attorney to summon a property, brought his wife on a stretcher to Chicago,
hundred, and if necessary two or three hundred of the and took her into Zion Home.
people that had been healed. One morning, I came into the assembly room to
Some of them had been healed of cancer, such as teach, just as I am teaching now, and saw her, and
Mary Casey, who had nineteen cancerseighteen small asked, Who are you:
ones and one large one. And when she told me, I said, I have never seen
I had the affidavits of these witnesses taken, and I you before, although you have written to me often.
compelled Judge Barton Payne to sit in his Court for Where is your husband?"
four days, and not only hear the affidavits, but we got A man who sat beside her said, I am he. You
the people on the stand, and they gave details of their have been quite a bad boy, I said.
healing. Yes, he returned, I have come down here with my
The God who healed the leper can heal the cancer. wife to receive Salvation for myself and Healing for her.
He who said, I will; be thou clean, does heal Doctor, you cannot whip me too hard; knock the Devil
cancer as well as other diseases. out of me.
At this point a number in the audience rose who I prayed with her.
said that they had been healed of cancer, and the
General Overseer asked them to come to the platform. How God Justified His Servant.

Testimonies to Gods Power to Heal Cancer. That morning before I came into the room, I had
read a bitter attack that had been made against me by
General Overseer (to the first)What is your name? Dr. John M. Thoburn, bishop of the Methodist
Mrs. JonesMrs. Florence Jones, 3312 Gilboa Episcopal church, and my heart was sad.
avenue, Zion City, Illinois. I was dying from a I said to God, This woman has been unable to walk
cancerous tumor. for thirteen years. O God, vindicate Thy servant, and
General OverseerWho said so? heal her. For thirteen years she had been unable to
Mrs. JoncsDr. Richardson, of 5701 Wentworth stand on her feet. Her daughter told me that she could
avenue, Chicago, Illinois. He was the only physician not remember having seen her mother standing and
who examined me at that time. walking.
After I was examined I heard of your teaching. I prayed with her and told her to stand, and she
You prayed for me, and I was healed. stood. I told her to walk, and she walked.
78 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, November 7, 1903.

I have her invalid chair, and a photograph of how There are so many healed in our ministry, that we do
she was at that time. not know a tithe.
Here she is today healed of all her cancers and Many are healed that I never see, such as people
other miseries. Do you want me to tell you of another living at a distance that ask me to pray for them.
case of healing of cancer? Overseer BryantGeneral Overseer, I wish to say
VoicesYes. regarding Mrs. Grote that I put out a number of tracts
General OverseerThis is Mrs. Grote, of 1525 Race in Cincinnati containing the circumstances of her
street, Cincinnati, Ohio. How many cancers had you? healing, with the names of the fine physicians who
Mrs. GroteFifteen on my right side. treated her.
General OverseerHow many doctors had you? It stirred the doctors and they became very angry,
Give their names. threatening us for using the names.
Mrs. GroteDr. Grivy, Dr. Hoppey, Dr. Hayne, But they had given her up to die, and God
Dr. Zinkey, and Dr, Walker, all of Cincinnati. wonderfully healed her.
General OverseerWhat did they say about you? It was nothing other than a mighty Miracle wrought
Mrs. GroteThey said that my cancerous tumor by the Healing Power of Jesus, the Christ, and these
was in a hidden place. doctors knew it was true.
General OverseerHow long did they treat you? I was in charge of the branch in Cincinnati at the
Mrs. GroteEight months. time and I knew it was true.
General OverseerDid they then give you up to General OverseerThe gentleman who has just
die? spoken was Elder in Cincinnati for some time.
Mrs. GroteYes. He is now the Overseer-Designate for South Africa,
General Overseer-Did I pray for you? and at the close of this Visitation he goes to that great
Mrs. Grote Wonderfully Healed of Cancer. I am exceedingly pleased to hear his testimony,
because every one that knows Overseer Daniel Bryant
Mrs. GroteOn a Sunday afternoon I was brought knows him to be a man of the highest character.
to Zion Tabernacle in Chicago. His grandfather was one of the ablest ministers in
I believed you to be a man of God, and as you Chicago and a minister of the Ninth Baptist church
passed by me I remembered the story of how the there.
woman in the Bible touched the Christs garment and Those who desire to seek the Lord for healing will
was healed, and I believed that I could be healed as please to hear what I have to say.
the General Overseer went by, and I was at that There is no use asking the Lord for healing while
moment. you are smoking tobacco.
Overseer MasonGeneral Overseer, there are fifty You may call yourself anything you like, but your
people here from Cincinnati that can confirm this wife will probably give you the same name I
testimony. do--stinkpot.
General OverseerDid I touch you? How can you ask God to make you well when you
Mrs. GroteNo sir, are taking nicotine poison?
General OverseerBut you believed that Gods How can you ask God to Jesus, the Christ?
blessing was upon us. Unless you do this, there is no use in your seeking
I never heard this womans testimony before. I do the Lord for healing.
not remember that I have ever spoken to her. All stand and pray.
Mrs. GroteI spoke to you once. I was a Roman
General OverseerShe is a Christian Catholic now.
Did the cancerous tumor pass away? My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. Take me
Mrs. GroteIn three days and three nights it as I am. Make me what I ought to be, in spirit, soul, and body.
Give me power to do right, no matter what it costs; to repent, to
passed away. restore, and to believe in the Lord Jesus, the Christ, for my spirit,
General OverseerI did not know when I opened my soul, and my body. For Jesus sake. (All repeat the prayer,
the service that I had any one in the room that had clause by clause, after the General Overseer.)
been healed of cancer.
The Restorationists are nearly all out at work; but I The General Overseer then pronounced the
hope that my friend down there will make a note of
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Morning, October 21, 1903 VISITATION OF ELIJAH THE RESTORER.

Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the

very God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God
your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire without
blame, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is
He that calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord
Jesus, the Christ, the love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in
you, bless you and keep you, and all the Israel of God
everywhere, forever. Amen.

Leaves of Healing vol 14 No. 3 Saturday November 7, 1903 p 73

JESUS THE PRESENT DAY HEALER. life, helping others, and living as Jesus would have me live. For His
sake. Amen.
The Services were closed with the General
The General Overseer pronounced the Overseers pronouncing the


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be Beloved, abstain from every form of evil. And may the very
acceptable in Thy sight, be profitable unto this people and unto all God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
to whom these words shall come, in this and every land, in this and whole Spirit, and Soul, and Body, be preserved entire without
all the coming time, Till Jesus Come. Amen. blame, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He
that calleth you who also will do it. The Grace of our Lord Jesus,
the Christ, the Love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the Holy
TEXT. Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you,
bless you, and keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere,
And when even was come, they brought unto Him many forever Amen.
possessed with devils; and He cast out the spirit with a Word, and
healed all that were sick:
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the
prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our diseases. Leaves of Healing vol 15 no 12 July 9, 1904 p 301
Speaking on this text, the General Overseer laid the
foundation for his teaching in the proclamation of the
important truth of the supremacy of the Father.
The Word with which Jesus cast out the evil spirits he
showed to have been the Word of His Father.
Proceeding to the great present-day work of Jesus as
the Healer, the man of God pointed out and proved, on
the testimony of he most noted of the worlds
physicians, the worse than uselessness of the so-called
science of medicine as a means of healing.
Bringing the matter down to a present day practical
reality, the General Overseer described, very vividly,
some wonderful answers to God to the Prayer of Faith
for the healing of the sick which had occurred in his
own experience.
Passing on to the discussion of the origin and cause
of disease, he spoke with convincing power upon the
duty of Gods people in the care of their bodies and of
the sin of defiling them in any way, whether by filthy
eating, drinking, living or thinking.
After a brief but very profitable discourse concerning
the relative order to Teaching, Preaching, and Healing,
the General Overseer dealt with some of the false
teaching the was turning the people away from God.
Among other things he exposed the fallacies of
Christian Science.
Gods Messenger closed his teaching with a ringing
call to Repentance, and the led the people in the
following earnest

My God and Father, I come to Thee in Jesus Name. Help me
by Thy Spirit to confess my sin. Give me power to do right to any
whom I have wronged, to my fellow men and to Thee my God.
Give me faith to trust in Thee my Father, to trust Thee for
deliverance in spirit, soul, and body. Give me power to live a good
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Forenoon, October 28, 1903 VISITATION OFF ELIJAH THE RESTORER
For I would not, brethren, have you ignorant of this mystery, lest
EIGHTH DIVINE HEALING MEETING. ye be wise in your own conceits, that a hardening in part hath
REPORTER BV S. E. C.. A. C. R. AND L. V. S. befallen Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in;
And so all Israel shall be saved: even as it is written, there shall
come out of Zion the Deliverer; He shall turn away ungodliness
from Jacob:
As the remaining days of the New York Visitation And this is My covenant unto them, when I shall take away their
grew fewer in number, more honest, intense interest and sins.
confidence was shown in the Divine Healing Meetings As touching the gospel, they are enemies for your sake: but as
conducted by the General Overseer. touching the election, they are beloved for the Fathers sake.
To an attentive, appreciative audience, the man of For the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.
God presented a learned, logical argument, and yet one Overseer Brasefield has just read to you the first few
that all could clearly follow. verses of the 12th chapter of Pauls first Epistle to the
Madison Square Garden, New York City, Wednesday Forenoon, October It is one of the astounding things that that of which
28, 1903.
Paul would not have the Church ignorant is the very
The meeting was opened by Overseer Brasefield. thing of which the churches are profoundly ignorant
The Congregation united in singing Hymns Nos. 44 today.
and 43 of the Special Song Sheet. I very much question whether this chapter is read,
Overseer Brasefield read the 103d Psalm, which was upon the average, in a great city like New York, by any
followed by prayer by Overseer Piper. minister, once in three years, or ten years.
Conductor Rice then sang as a solo Hymn No. 33 of It is a remarkable chapter.
the Special Song Sheet, at the close of which Overseer It begins with the words that he would not have you
Brasefield read in the Inspired Word of God the 4th ignorant, and yet if is a chapter that is almost never
chapter of Ephesians, and the 12th chapter of 1st read. Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would
Corinthians, after which the General Overseer came not have you ignorant.
upon the platform and delivered his Message: Nevertheless these gifts are almost never talked about
in the churches.
GIFTS OF HEALINGS; ONE OF THE NINE I desire to speak this morning concerning these Nine
PERMANENT GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Gifts of the Spirit, and especially the Gifts of Healings.
The Nine Gifts Bestowed upon the Church as a
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be Perpetual Inheritance.
acceptable in Thy sight, profitable unto this people and unto all to
whom these words shall come, in this and every land, in this and all There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
the coming time, Till Jesus Come. Amen. There are diversities of ministrations, and the same Lord.
There are diversities of workings, but the same God.
The triunity of God is set forth here, in the
The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. ministration, working, and diversities of the nature of the
The Apostle Paul, in speaking concerning the gifts, The gifts are enumerated.
says, The gifts and calling of God are without There are nine.
repentance. The first is the Word of Wisdom; the second, the
That very far-reaching word may be well placed at Word of Knowledge; the third, Faith; the fourth, Gifts of
the beginning of what I have to say, concerning the Gifts Healings; the fifth, Workings of Miracles; the sixth,
of Healings as a present day reality and one of the Nine Prophecy; the seventh, Discernings of Spirits; the eighth,
Gifts of the Spirit. Tongues, and the ninth, the Interpretation of Tongues.
These are the Nine Gifts of the Spirit that were
A Truth of Deepest Importance Seldom Referred to. purchased by the Atoning Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus,
the Christ, and that were bestowed upon the Church as
The passage to which I refer is in the 11th chapter of its perpetual inheritance, after our Lord rose from the
the Epistle to the Romans, and I should like to read to dead, and the Holy Spirit came.
you the verses connected with it. Not one of these gifts has ever been taken away.
If any one shall say that any of these gifts has been
492 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday , February 6, 1904

removed from the Church, the onus of proof is upon the repentance, and He gave the Gifts of Healings, and
person who makes the assertion. never repented of them, they are in the Church today.
It is not true. The question arises, Where is the demonstration that
It cannot be true; for the gifts and calling of God are they are in the Church?
without a possibility of repentance upon the part of I hope to supply the answer.
God. If I could not demonstrate that these gifts were in the
Church and were a present-day reality, the fact that God
God is not a man, that He should lie; says they are would make it true.
Neither the son of man, that He should repent.
Faith to Exercise Gifts, Lacking in the Church.
What God has given He will maintain.
He does not give to His Church gifts of which He
John Wesley, in his notes upon this passage, makes
Himself repents.
a remark something like this: All the gifts are in the
Church, in the Spirit; the Gifts of Healings included.
The Inconsistency of the Apostate Churches.
But he remarks: The faith and the knowledge of
how to exercise these gifts is lacking in the Church.
None of the churches would contend for one
moment that the first gift of the Spirit, the Word of When God restores to His Church men of faith, men of
wisdom, men of knowledge, who know how to come
Wisdom, has been withdrawn.
into touch with God in these matters, it will be found
If I were to assert that, they would say, That is
that the gifts have been there all the time, and they will
be exercised.
If I were to say that the second gift, The Word of
The prophetic word of that prophetic and apostolic
Knowledge, had been taken away, they would say that
man, John Wesley, is true.
was wrong.
If has been the remark of commentators innumerable
If I were to say that the third gift, Faith, had been
that the gifts were never taken away, but that the
taken away from the Church, they would say that was
Church had got into a state of decay and degeneracy, in
which it was impossible to exercise these gifts.
But when I come to the fourth gift of the Spirit, Gifts
This condition began at a very early period.
of Healings, they say, Oh, that was taken away.
For the first three or four centuries of the Churchs
I throw the onus of proof upon the man that makes
history, any one who is a candid scholar will admit that
the assertion.
the early Christians never thought of going to doctors or
I say that it is neither historically provable nor
drugs for healing.
logically provable, but upon the contrary, it is absolutely
They prayed to God.
impossible to prove that the Gifts of Healings have been
Their elders obeyed the injunction in James and
taken away.
anointed the sick, and they were healed.
Many men were found in the Church who were used
Gifts of God Are All in the Holy Spirit.
of God in the Gifts of Healings.
When they laid hands on the sick, God used them,
You cannot disagree, if you are Christians, that
and the people were healed.
wherever the Holy Spirit is all the gifts are, for all the
gifts of God are in the Spirit.
Contentions and Lack of Unity Weakened the
That is the foundation truth.
Early Church.
If the Spirit is in the Church, and all the gifts are in
the Spirit, is it not a logical sequence that the Gifts of
This continued with ever-diminishing force until
Healings, which are in the Spirit, are in the Church?
Constantine really a heathen at that time, for he was not
It must be so, unless the Spirit has lost control of His
baptized until very late in life, and worshiped the gods
own gifts.
even when he pretended to believe, or according to his
Wherever He is, the gifts must be.
That is plain, simple common sense, and good light really did believe, in the Christ-called for the
Nicene Council.
Constantine was a very large-minded man for those
The Spirit is in the Church.
Therefore the Gifts of Healings as one of the Nine
He saw that Christianity had become a tremendous
Gifts of the Spirit are in the Church.
political force in the empire, and he allied himself with
That is positively impossible to overcome.
Christianity as against heathenism, gradually coming to
Then, if the gifts and callings of God are without
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Forenoon, October 28, 1903 VISITATION OFF ELIJAH THE RESTORER
see that it would be well to put Christianity above all the matter to me who is pope, who is king, or who is
contending and foolish heathen systems. Queen; I shall be Vicar of Bray, and I shall hold on to
When he called that great Council of Nice, my office as long as I live and can.
composed of the early Christian Fathers, up to which It was a shocking thing for a man to be anything and
time the Christians had been persecuted over and over everything merely to hold his office; but I am afraid that
again by his predecessors, these men were a very the Vicar of Bray is not dead yet.
quarrelsome lot, and complained to the emperor against I am inclined to think that there many Vicars of Bray
one another in such bitter terms, that the emperor saw alive.
that if he read their contentions petitions he would get
into serious trouble, and have no result. How the Gifts of Healings Became Lost to the
So he called for a brazier, and, taking their petitions, Church.
put them into the fire in the presence of the Council,
calling upon the gods to witness that he had not read a Thus, in the early ages, multitudes of priests of the
line of them. heathen gods and goddesses became nominal Christian
He rebuked the fathers for their contentions spirit. ministers and bishops.
Many of them were faithful to the Christ, but they They could not pray the prayer of faith that saves the
were quarrelsome over definitions of dogma. sick, nor anoint the sick for healing.
Some were Arians and some were Trinitarians. Therefore they gradually invented the dogma that the
Some were this and some were that. gifts had been taken away, and that there was no more
Some of them were very immoral; no doubt about need for them; all they needed was doctors and
that. surgeons.
But many great and mighty men were in that That was false teaching.
Council. When they were confronted with the passage in
Jamesthere were many Christians that demanded that
From the Time of the Council of Nice, the their ministers should fulfil the Word of God, which
Church Became and More Degenerate. says: Is any among you sick: let him call for the elders
of the church they said That is passed away too.
If became allied with the empire, becoming a part of Then they invented unction, and
the political machinery of the empire.
When Constantine favored Christianity it was Instead of Anointing the Sick for Healing, They
astonishing how quickly Pontifex Maximus of Jupiter Anointed Them for Death.
became the Pontifex Maximus of the Christ.
When he became a Christian, it was amazing how Then there came into the Church that ordinance of
quickly the great priests of the heathen pope became extreme unction, in which men and women when dying
Christians. call for the priest, who comes, gets the confession, gives
They became Christians because they saw that absolution and then administers the last ordinance,
heathenism was going to be swept away; but they anointing them with oil, for death, not for life.
became more professors. Then they are supposed to die quietly.
They know nothing about Christianity, except that it That is a lie. That ordinance is not in the Bible.
was apparent that if they did not become Christian, they The ordinance that is in the Bible is one of Divine
would have to leave their priesthood. Healing. The sick are to call for the minister of God
Like that famous Vicar of Bray in Queen Elizabeths who prays the prayer of faith through which the sick are
time, who, when accused of shocking inconsistency, to be raised up.
said, I am not inconsistent. But they changed that ordinance of life to an
He was asked to explain the fact that when under ordinance of death, and so removed that difficulty.
Henry VIII. he was a Roman Catholic; then when Therefore the Gifts of Healings passed away from
Henry VIII. became a Protestant, he became a active exercises in the Church.
protestant; when Queen Mary ascended the throne and They have continued away from active exercises in
was a Catholic, he became a Roman Catholic; then the Church, because the Church has continued to
again became a Protestant when Queen Elizabeth came believe the lie which these men invented: that God had
to the throne. taken away the gift, and that He no more heard the
But I am perfectly consistent, he insisted. prayer of faith.
When asked again to explain, he said: It does not That accounts for the fact that the Church today is
494 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday , February 6, 1904

ignorant, and will not seek them. Hear Him, ye deaf, His praise, ye dumb,
They do not pray that prayer of faith. Your loosened tongues employ,
Ye blind, behold your Savior come,
They do not anoint the sick with oil for healing. And leap ye lame, for joy.
They do not exercise the Gifts of Healings, and
follow the words of the Christ, who said, These signs I suppose they will soon omit the verse in Jesus,
shall follow them that believe: In My Name . . . they Lover of my soul, which reads:
shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Thou, O Christ, art all I want;
Facts Which Prove the Continuity of the Ministry More than all in Thee I find:
of Healing. Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,
Heal the sick and lead the blind.
If you desire to get some brief account of the Some of them will want to sing it: Thou, O Christ,
continuity of the Ministry of Healing in all the ages, it is art all I want, but please send me a doctor.
very easily accessible. Perhaps the Congregationalists also will soon cut out
Dr. Gordon of Boston, in his little book, The of their hymns:
Ministry of Healing, has given a few of these
illustrations, taken from various ages, showing the At even ere the sun was set,
continuity of the Ministry of Healing. The sick, O Lord, around Thee lay;
Any one that is a scholar will know that all the early Oh, in what divers pains they met!
patristic writings are full of incidents in this line. Oh, with what joy they went away!
Once more tis eventide; and we
There never has been an age or a time in which the Oppressd with various ills draw near;
gifts have been wholly lost. What if Thy Form we cannot see?
John Wesley often prayed the prayer of faith, not We know and feel that Thou art here.
only for himself and others, but for his horse. . . . . . . . .
touch has still its ancient power;
On one occasion he was journeying across the No word from Thee can fruitless fail;
country and became very sick. Here, in this solemn evening pour,
His horse was lame and he had a long distance to go. And in Thy mercy, heal us all.
He saw that unless help came he could not get there,
so he tied his horse, went behind a hedge and prayed They may want to revise the 103d Psalm, and cut
for himself. out: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all
He received a great spiritual and physical blessing thy diseases.
and felt wonderfully restored. If they did that they would have to begin with the
Then he prayed for his horse, that by this time was covenant of Divine Healing in Exodus 1:26: I am
exceedingly lame. Jehovah that healeth thee.
He was very sorry he had overridden, and asked They would have to go through the Old and New
God that he might be enabled to reach the meeting, a Testaments, in which there are large portions which are
long way off, where he had promised to speak to a large full of Divine Healing, the Last chapter of the Bible
number of people. telling us of the Leaves of the Tree which were for the
He says, Thereupon, believing that God answered, healing of the nation.
I got upon my horse, and found, not only that the rider They will have to get a completely revised edition of
was well, but that the horse was well, and I got there in the Bible and the Hymnal, before they can take Divine
good time. Healing out.
You can never take it out, for God is a God who
Things Which the Superiorly (?) Educated People made our bodies and our souls, as well as being the
Do Not Believe. Father of our spirits, and He pities us and cares for us.
He has provided in His Son that there shall be
Of course the Methodists of today are far too redemption for spirit, soul, and body, and that the
superiorly educated to believe in any such foolish thing Ministry of Healing shall be continued in the Church.
as that God would hear prayer for a horse. It does not matter that there is an unfaithful ministry,
Of course, they do not believe in such things. or an unfaithful Church, God is faithful, and an
It is a sign of their superior (?) education, I suppose, unfaithful ministry and Church will be set aside.
that in some of the editions of the Hymnal, they have The faithful, God will honor.
omitted from the first hymn, Oh, for a thousand He will raise up a faithful ministry, and restore the
tongues to sing! the verse: gifts to His people. (Amen.)
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Forenoon, October 28, 1903 VISITATION OFF ELIJAH THE RESTORER
These gifts are exercised. all around me every week, for I was oftentimes the only
I have referred to the little volume of Dr. Gordons. minister available to bury the dead.
A full account of all this can be found in the little
Facts Concerning a Present-day Ministry of tract entitled, He is Just the Same Today.
Healing. This brought a new life into my ministry; for I had
never thought of laying hands upon the sick until that
I now refer to my own personal ministry. time.
My ministry covers a larger period of Divine Healing From that day to this, it would be quite safe to say
Ministry than that of any other man living today. that I have prayed, upon the average, either with or for,
It may be that it covers a larger period than that of more than ten thousand people every year.
any other man who over lived in the world.
I am speaking of what I know. A Wonderful Ministry.
In the first place, when dying, I asked God to heal
me and He did. There have been some missions in which I have
That was forty years ago. prayed, within three weeks, with more than ten
I will enter into no lengthened particulars, more than thousand.
to say that I was dying, and God immediately restored That will not be New York, because you have kept
me to such a degree of strength that the next morning I up such a din and noise, and been so restless, that you
attended to business. are not prepared for the prayer-room.
I have had three severe attacks in the forty years But I thank God that we are getting down to
since and have overcome each time by faith in the business, and it may be that in the ten days that remain
Christ. I shall see the results in those that have a quiet spirit,
I have been able to minister to humanity almost and are still enough to let God talk to them.
continuously for these forty years. It is wonderful when I look back, and think of the
As regards the Ministry of Healing, while in my vast number that have been healed.
church in Newtown, Sydney, Australia, at the beginning I have seen that personal ministry very largely in this
of the Seventies, God was making me to see that country, but in a still larger degree in Australia; for, let
medicine and surgery, which I had long seen to be a me say that the Australians are very much ahead of you
mass of inconsistency and abomination, were utterly in quietness of disposition.
incapable of healing even the commonest diseases. They are thoughtful.
I saw my people dying, and the doctors standing They do not get up an infernal racket at election
helpless, confessing their helplessness. time, as you do.
Some of them even moved with their families from I never saw them going about in Uncle Sams clothes,
the neighborhood, and left a few of us to battle with rattling baby-rattles, and shouting, What is the matter
what was practically a plague. with Cleveland? Hes all right! You bet! Every time!
Some of my brethren in the ministry moved their In my time they sat and listened to the contending
families. I was an unmarried minister. politicians, and then voted according to their
I had collegiate charge of the Congregational body in convictions, after thoughtful consideration.
Australia, at Hampton College. The last thing that seems to be in the minds of the
multitudes of people in this land, is real thoughtful
God Proves His Gift of Healing. consideration. Nevertheless, tens of thousands have
found the Lord as their Healer in this country.
During one of the most discouraging days of this
awful time, when my people were dying all about me, A Record of Thousands Healed Through Faith.
and I in despair was calling upon God, He opened my
eyes to the real truth and power of Divine Healing. The fourteenth volume of LEAVES OF HEALING has
I went at once to a home where two lay prostrate, now begun, and each of these volumes is, on an
burning up with that terrible fever; and there God average, from eight hundred to one thousand pages,
answered my prayer of faith and they were immediately containing thousands upon thousands of stories from
restored. people that were healed under my ministry, through the
From the moment these two dying ones were healed, prayer of faith.
I lost no one of my church; but I kept on burying I see Mr. Samuel Hadley in a seat before me.
Wesleyans, Episcopalians and Presbyterians, and people I remember when he came into the prayer-room a
496 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday , February 6, 1904

dying man. I shall not wait until the churches are converted.
He had to explode between his teeth a capsule like I shall do my part to convert them, and the only way
dynamite to start his heart beating. is to knock the nonsense out of them, and to knock it
Did God heal you, Mr. Hadley? out quickly.
Mr. HadleyYes sir, He did.
General OverseerDid He heal you through my If You Do Not Like My Methods, I Do Not Care.
Mr. Hadley:Yes sir, you had your hands on my As for your ministers that do not like my way of
head. teaching, I give them not a thought.
General Overseer That is Mr. Samuel Hadley, of What have you done that you should boast:
the Jerry McCauley Mission; but it is as much the You have not done as much in one year in visitation
Hadley Mission as it is the McCauley Mission. in this city as Zion has done in two weeks.
I am glad to see him, only he ought to have been in It does not matter whether you like my oratory or
Zion long ago. not.
I look over this audience, and see many who were It may not be that you are pleased with me, but God
healed. Almighty is, and He blesses me; therefore I do not care
I will ask you who know that the Gifts of Healings whether you are pleased or not.
are a present-day reality, because you were healed Men that are preaching to little audiences of three or
through my agency to stand. (About half the audience four hundred people come here and write about their
rose.) impression of me as a preacher.
I can look over this audience and see those who were What do I care?
healed of cancer and all kinds of diseases. I am a greater authority on preachers than they.
These witnesses are either true or false. Yet it is like their impudence to sit down and express
If they are true and the Word of God is true, then themselves through the American, the Journal and the
Divine Healing and the Gifts of Healings, as a World.
present-day reality, are not affected by your theories. It looks to me almost like being sent into the fields to
I am so glad the time is coming when prejudice is feed swine, where they are feeding the swinish readers
passing away and wickedness being driven out. of these swinish papers.
There are some things you cannot drive out until the They have been kind enough to say how disgusted
prejudice passes away. they are with me.
I shall not tell you how disgusted I am with them.
Pet Sins of the Churches Not to Be Dealt With It does not very much matter what you think of me.
Tenderly. Is does not matter what New York thinks of me.
I shall say, what perhaps you will quote against me as
Some persons say, Doctor, cannot you wait awhile? extremely egotistical:
I say, No, sir; I have come to the conclusion that
there must be a splendid mansion built upon this old lot What I Think of New York Is of More
which has only old rookeries upon it. Importance Than What New York Thinks of Me.
I have not time to take down the old shingles, treat
them tenderly and put them away gently. You will find that that is true. I am Gods minister. I
I have come to the conclusion that the only thing to told that to Chicago, and they laughed.
do is to put a fire-stick under the old buildings and let But the day came when they did not laugh, because
the cockroaches and other creatures shift for for years I held the balance of political power in that
themselves. city.
It is time to work quickly. The day is coming when Zion will hold the balance
The time has come when apostasies and other of political power in New York. Do you hear?
opposing forces must be swept out of the way. (Applause.)
The spiritual forces of God must go forward and It would not take fifty thousand votes now to settle
sweep them out of the way. the question of political power in New York.
It is Gods world; it does not belong to the Devil. Whatever man held fifty thousand votes, world elect
I do not propose to permit the thought for a moment the Mayor, and I believe that it will not be ten years nor
that we have to stand and wait till the Devil is converted. five years before Zion holds these fifty thousand votes,
I have no confidence in his conversion. and we will elect your mayor for you. (Applause.)
I shall not wait until the Freemasons are converted. We shall not shrink from using our political power,
Madison Square Garden
Wednesday Forenoon, October 28, 1903 VISITATION OFF ELIJAH THE RESTORER
financial power, commercial power, or ecclesiastical PRAYER OF CONSECRATION.
power, to extend the Kingdom of God, and to smash
the Kingdom of the Devil. Our God and Father in Jesus Name, we come to Thee. Take us
Is not that right? as we are; make us what we ought to be, in spirit, soul and body.
Give us power to do right, no matter what it may cost. Give us
PeopleYes. power to trust Thee always. For Jesus sake. Amen. (All repeat the
General OverseerIt is a new idea to some of you, prayer, clause by clause, after the General Overseer.)
but it is a good one, and the quicker yon get it into your
heads the better. The Service was then closed with the
May God help us to see the way of Salvation,
Healing, and Holy Living, by which you can get from BENEDICTION.
Zion on earth to Zion above.
That is what we are here for, and, incidentally, to Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the very
destroy the works of the Devil. God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame,
until the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that
Some of You Make War on the Devil With Rose- calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
water. Christ, the love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, bless you
The people that manufacture the whisky, and those and keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere. forever. Amen.
who own the infernal dens where it is sold, and get large Leaves of Healing Vol 14 No. 16 Feb 6 1904 p 491
rents from the whisky-sellers, are the ones who deserve
the largest blame, not the poor saloon-keeper, who
oftentimes does not have a dollar when he dies.
It is the rich people that are behind all these evils.
You must go for legislation that will help in smashing
these things.
Persuasion is all very well, but there is no use in
talking about persuading a death-adder or a rattlesnake.
The only thing I do for a rattlesnake or a death-adder
is to hit it over the head and kill it.
We have been able to get two saloon-keepers in this
city to give up their saloons.
They have sent in their applications for fellowship,
and will probably be baptized.
We shall not give their names just now, for we do not
intend to expose them to the malignity and ridicule of
the press. God will bless the faithful labors.
Gods Gospel is a Gospel of law; and the law of the
spirit of life in the Christ Jesus demands that there shall
be a reign of law.
The law of the Lord enlightens and purifies, and it
must reign in this city.
This city is not the Devils altogether, and we have no
right to hand it over to the Devil.

It Is Our Business to See That New York Is Won

for God.

We do not intend to merely sit and rest in our

beautiful little City; but we shall continue to work.
Every now and then we shall visit some City or State,
until we shall plant the Banner of Zion all over this land,
that Salvation and Healing and Holy Living may come
to all the people.
Divine Healing Meeting
Held in Shiloh Tabernacle, Tuesday Afternoon, April 22, 1902.

REPORTED BY O. K. S. , J. M. S. A. C. R. AND F. A. F

T HERE is no ambiguity in the teaching and

preaching of the General Overseer.
CHORUSWere marching to Zion,
Beautiful, beautiful Zion;
Were marching upward to zion,
It is so direct and simple that a child can understand, The beautiful City of God.
and so practical that it appeals to the understanding of
the most intelligent listener. Overseer Jane Dowie read from the Inspired Word of
This is especially true in his treatment of the God the whole of the 67th Psalm, and the first seventeen
fundamental principles of Salvation and Healing. verses of the 8th Chapter of the Gospel according to Saint
He always places them in their Scriptural and logical Matthew.
order. The General Overseer then said:
Salvation first; then Healing. When we say let us pray, do not let me be the only
In his teaching and preaching at the Divine Healing one to do the praying. You pray, also.
Meeting, held in Shiloh Tabernacle, on Tuesday Some of the most marvelous healings that I have ever
afternoon, April 22, 1902, there was no room for his known have been those of person who were healed
hearers to misunderstand the essential conditions of the while we all were praying; persons who expected God to
manifestations of Gods Healing Power. bless them, and who got a blessing before the teaching
Lovingly, yet firmly, the truth was pressed home to was closed, or the prayer-room opened; and who got
the understanding and consciences of those who were very perfect ones, too.
seeking Gods blessing in their bodies. The General Overseer then offered prayer, after
And the spoken word was accompanied by the which Hymn No. 350 was sung.
conscious Power of the Holy Spirit.
It was not spoken alone to those who listened to the Christ has for sin atonement made,
speakers voice, but also to that vast multitude to whom What a wonderful Savior!
the inspired utterances will be borne on the wings of the We are redeemed! The price is paid!
Little White Dove. What a wonderful Savior!
Alone in their conscious need and sorrow many will
read in this and the coming time, and the blessing of ChorusWhat a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus!
God that was invoked at the beginning will follow the What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Lord!
Message in its mission of Hope and Love.
It was the first Divine Healing Meeting held in Shiloh I praise Him for the cleansing blood,
Tabernacle, and in its manifest Power a glorious earnest What a wonderful Savior!
of many that are to follow. That reconciled my soul to God;
What a wonderful Savior!
Shiloh Tabernacle, Zion City, Illinois, Tuesday Afternoon, April 22, 1902.
He cleansed my heart from all is its sin,
The meeting was opened with the singing of Hymn What a wonderful Savior!
No. 151, Gospel Hymns Nos. 5 and 6.
The Blood of the Christ Cleanses from All Sin.
Come, we that love the Lord.
And let your joys be known
Join in a song with sweet accord; We must not be content with merely singing these
And thus surround the Throne. words, we must know, by personal experience, that they

*The following report has not been revised by the First Apostle.
LEAVES OF HEALING Saturday, March 25, 1905

are true.
I wonder whether you all can say that the third verse For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
expresses your experience.
One great trouble with humanity is that they want
He cleansed my heart fomr all its sin.
their own way; and when they get it, they go to smash.
Not merely from some, but from all its sin There is no quicker way for a man to go to pieces
It is a great thing to be able to say that; not merely than for him to go his own way.
that your sins are forgiven, but that your heart is
completely cleansed. Keeping and Overcoming Power Needed by
The blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanseth us from all Those Who Are Saved and Healed.
How far have you a right to thank Him for the But if he will go Gods Way, he will be kept together
cleansing blood? and be strong.
How much has God done for you? Ask God to do for you that which will enable you to
Do not be satisfied with being forgiven for past sin; sing:
but think of the privilege which is yoursthat of being
He cleansed my heart form all its sin,
cleansed from all sin! What a wonderful Saviour!
If you are not thus cleansed, ask God to do it; and if And now He reigns and rules therein;
you cannot say that He cleansed you, you can sing, He what a wonderful Saviour!
will cleanse my heart from all its sin, and then you can
go right to Him for the cleansing. He walks beside me in the way,
What a wonderful Savior!
And keeps me faithful day by day;
He Cleansed my heart from all its sin, What a wonderful Savior!
What a wonderful Savior!
And now He reigns and rules therein.
It is not only a good thing to be saved and healed,
Is that true? but the best of all is to be keptkept by the power of
God through faith unto Salvation.
God Will Heal Only in His Own Way. You need not only to be made well, but to be kept
well; not only to be made clean, but to be kept clean.
It is just here that the blessing comes firstin a
He gives me Overcoming Power
prepared heart. What a wonderful Savior!
God will not give you the blessing of Divine Healing And triumph in each trying hour
for your body if you do not yield your spirit entirely to What a wonderful Savior!
God will do things in His own way. It is a wonderful thing to receive Overcoming
I think so and so you say. Powerto overcome the World, the Flesh, and the Devil.
Well, it does not matter what you think; and it does When you have overcome the World, you have
not matter what I think. realized a great victory; but when you have overcome
Never forget that. your own Flesh, overcome and conquered self, you have
The only thing that matters is what God thinks, and obtained a greater victory.
you have to think as He thinks, or else you will not think
rightly. The Evil of Bothering About Old Sorrows.
You have to do as God tells you, or you will not do
rightly. If you do not already possess this Overcoming Power,
His thoughts are not your thoughts, and His ways are I want you to get it.
not your ways. Just think of the many things that God has promised
All Gods methods are entirely different from ours. to him that overcometh.
Shiloh Tabernacle
Saturday Aternoon, April 22., 1902. CHRIST, THE UNCHANGEABLE HEALER.
Put on your thinking-caps. And, besides, I discount these old experiences.
People do not think keenly enough. What is the use bothering about them. Leave them
They do not think continuously; they let go. alone.
Now, hold on! Think, and think until you get Go on, and get a new and better experience.
through! Overcome the habit of trotting out all the good things
He give me Overcoming Power! you ever did.
Have you overcome the World, the Flesh, and the I suppose it is not difficult for some of you to trot
Devil today? them all out, for they are few in number.
Have you overcome your bad habits, or is there need If you had done a great deal of good in your life, you
to cut off a little piece of your tongues, or to sweeten would not be able to remember a tithe, a hundredth, or
them a little? even a thousandth part of it.
Do you continue to bother about the past? I like to forget the things that are past, both good and
That is another trouble with many people. evil, and to look forward to better things.
They keep thinking about something that has A man may do more harm to the cause of true
happened; and they are, therefore, always in trouble. religion than tongue can tell by continually pouring out
They have an old sorrow, and spend all their leisure his old experiences.
in digging it out of its grave, and rattling its skeleton Why dont you get some new experience to talk
over the stones. aboutsomething that is fresh and up-to-date?
When you participate in an experience meeting, you
Better to Overcome the Past than to Be ought to tell some very recent experience.
Overcome by the Past.
God Demands a Permanent Consecration.
Or they have an old wound, and they like every now
and then to open it and give it a rub until it becomes a What a wonderful Giver He is to give Overcoming
very painful and offensive sore, so that everybody Power and Triumph in each trying hour! What a
around knows that the old wound is there. wonderful Conqueror!
That is a very bad habit.
Let it go. To Him Ive given all my heart,
It is in the past anyway. What a wonderful Savior!
Get the Power to Overcome past things.
Is that true? Be quite sure about it!
Do not let your past overcome you.
The way to overcome the past is to go right on into The world shall never share a part;
the future, and leave the past behind. What a wonderful Savior!
But think what that meansHe give me Overcoming
Power! That is a pretty strong thing to say. It is a grand and
Overcoming Power over all the pasteven the good glorious thing to be able to say it truly.
things that have been done. The Devil shall never have a part; the Flesh shall
Some carry these good things around with them they never have a part, because, To Him Ive given all my
are afraid that somebody will forget them heart.
They like every now and then to enumerate them. I have heard of people giving their hearts, but they do
They keep a regular catalogue of them, and parade not give them for long.
them until people get awfully tired of them. As the little boy said when something was given him,
They always tell you about their experiences. Is it for keeps?
Or is it only a loanjust a transient loan?
I Take No Stock in your Experiences. You sing it, and you give it then, and you give it for
a time.
It is manna that was stinking long ago, if it ever was But something turns up, and it is at once very evident
any good. that your heart has not been given wholly to God
LEAVES OF HEALING Saturday, March 25, 1905

because, if you give your heart wholly to God, it carries That is the principal thingnot only to make it real for
everything with it. a time, but real for all time and under all circumstances.
Get a hold of that thought and when you sing these
Everthing Belongs to God. hymn, endeavor to mean every word.
After the announcements and further singing, the
It carries your time, and your talents, and your General Overseer pronounced the following
money and you business, and your husband, and your
wife, and your son, and your daughter, and your INVOCATION.
Can we truthfully sing this line from our hearts: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be
acceptable in Thy sight and profitable unto this people, and unto all
To Him Ive given all my heart. to whom these words shall come, in this and every land, in this and
all the coming time, Till Jesus Come. Amen.

Or, is your heart holding on to the world? The words that have been read to you from the 8th
Is it in a lot you bought in Zion City, and a one chapter of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew will
thousand one hundred years lease? constitute my subject, not only for today, but for many
Do not get your heart there, because you own days.
nothing there. It is only a leasehold I shall specially speak to you this afternoon
All that any of us have in Zion City is a leasehold. concerning the words in the 17th verse of the 9th chapter
This ground is Gods of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
If there is no other place in the world of which God
is the owner, Zion City is such a place. It belongs to
Let us yield everything we have, remembering that it HEALER.
belongs to God.
See that your time, and your talent, and your money
and your husband, and your wife, and your son, and
your daughter, and your friends, and all the powers that
God has given you, and all that He ever will give you, That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Isaiah the
is given to God. prophet, saying Himself took our infirmities, and bare our diseases.

Entire Consecration Brings Real and Continuous I want you this afternoon to listen very earnestly to
Blessing. every word that I shall say, as having a direct bearing
upon the whole question of your own personal healing.
I say here today, that I am grateful that I believe that Let me first of all tell you that our Lord Jesus, the
the reason why God has so wonderfully blessed me is Christ, has not changed; that Jesus, the Christ, the
that To Him Ive given all my heart. Messiah, is the same yesterday and today, yea and
If you have not already given Him all your heart, if forever ! the same Savior, the same Healer, the same
I were you, I would sing it this way: Cleanser, the same Keeper, the same Friend.
There is no change in Jesus.
To Him I now give all my heart. And let me tell you that Jesus is not away from us, but
The world shall never share a part.
that what He said is true, Lo, I am with you alway, even
If you give your heart to God wholly, He will make unto the End of the World; or, according to a better
you such a blessing to the world in every way! translation Lo, I am with you All the Days, even unto
I say again that, looking back upon the past, I believe the Consummation of the Age.
with all my heart that it has been only the entire All the Daysthere is not a day when He is not with
consecration of all my spirit, soul, and body that has us in spirit!
brought blessing; and it has been real and continuous. These two things you will please keep in mind.
Shiloh Tabernacle
Saturday Aternoon, April 22., 1902. CHRIST, THE UNCHANGEABLE HEALER.
There is no change in Him. every generation of doctor says that the last generation
He is the same Savior, the same Healer, the same was a generation of foolsand they are right.
Cleanser, the same Keeper, the same Sympathetic The generation that is coming on will say that the
Friend of humanity that He was in the days when He generation that is passing away was a generation of
walked visibly in the flesh upon earth. foolsand they will be right.
Still the people continue to be fooled in every
The Kingdom of Hell as Well as the Kingdom of generation.
Heaven is Within. Therefore, I want you to think of what I shall say to
you as something that happened a little less that two days
Remember, also, that He is always with us, although ago, when Jesus, the Christ, was here in the flesh on
invisible. earth.
We need also to keep in mind that human nature One day is with the Lord as what?
today is very much the same evil thing that it was AUDIENCEA thousand years.
nineteen centuries ago. GENERAL OVERSEERAnd a thousand years is as
The human heart has not changed. what?
The Devil has not changed for the better. AUDIENCEOne day.
Sin is still sin; disease is still Disease; death is still
Death; and Hell is still the same old stinking Hell. To Think as God thinks Brings the Remote Past
Filthy, foul Hell! A real Hell! Not a Hell that you can Very Near.
reach only through death.
You can find it withinperhaps in some of you. GENERAL OVERSEERIt is less than two thousand
The Kingdom of Hell is within mankind, as well as years since the Christ was here on earth, and these years
the Kingdom of Heaven. are just two of Gods days.
Hell is a condition even more than a location. To God it is as if it were yesterday when His dear Son
Heaven, also, is a condition even more than a was here on earth.
location. Eternity, immeasurable time, is something that we
It is a fact that there is a real Devil, and a real Devils cannot grasp; we have no words for it; but God is
work going on in the world today, and that mankind is Eternal and His years are without end.
still made up of the same stupid, foolish kind of people; Not only to Him are a thousand years as but one day,
they let the Devil fool them every generation, the same but to those of use who think as God thinks, the things
old way. that happened when the Christ was here on earth are but
You would think at mankind would learn something; as those of yesterday.
that they could not always be fooled, but there is no So much have I come to think in that way that I tell
change. you frankly the things that Jesus wrought nineteen
centuries ago, are to me more real than the things that I
Humanity slow to Learn by the Sufferings of Past have seen wrought by God during the few short years of
Generations. my own lifeduring the years in which I have ministered
to multitudes in this and many other lands.
Some whose fathers and grandfathers were fooled by Listen closely to the teaching, for that is the most
whisky, are themselves fooled by whisky today. important thing.
Succeeding generations have been fooled by whisky, Now open your Bibles to the 4th chapter of Matthew,
and all kinds of miseries have happened to them. and read the 23d verse:
Tales could be told of bloodshed, of murder, of
rapine, of woe, and of misery, right back for And Jesus went about in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,
generations; and yet the present generation is going in and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner
of disease and all manner of sickness among the people.
just the same way.
The doctors have fooled generation after generation The Importanace of Storing Up the Word of God
in the same old way; not with the same drugs, because in the Mind and Heart.
LEAVES OF HEALING Saturday, March 25, 1905

He went about doing three things. Having done that , I say to that man, I have made up
The first thing was Teaching. my mind that you know how to do this thing. Now go
The second was Preaching. and do it.
The last thing was Healing. After he had done it, I examine the job and say,
How many kinds of sickness did He heal? That man did not know how to do it, or He did know
AUDIENCEAll kinds. how to do it as the case may be.
GENERAL OVERSEERKeep that in mind, and
remember the placeMatthew 4:23. The Difficulty Is Not in Not Knowing the Law, But
The best place in which to make notes is in your in Doing It.
Some of you have not much mind left. Some people do not know, and therefore cannot do.
You lost it through taking medicine. Others do not and will not know.
I could point to thousands of people that have poor And there are still others who will not pay the price
memories because of the drugs they have taken, and of that knowledge demands.
the wretched operations they have undergone. When you know the Will of God, you have to do it.
I am so sorry when people forget; therefore I say Let me tell you the difference between these three
bring pencil and paper; but I never carry pencil or things, Teaching, Preaching and Healing.
paper. Preaching the Word is only a secondary thing.
Do you notice that I never preach from paper? As used in the original, in the Scriptures, it means the
I have the word in my heart and head; then I get in simple proclamation of an ascertained trutha
front of my desk and look at you, and talk. declaration that something has happened.
The next chapter I want you to read is the 9th chapter Properly speaking, it is the proclamation of a herald,
of Matthew, the 35th verse: like the cry when a king dies, The king is dead!
He then blows the trumpet and proclaims the name
And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in and titles of the new king, and cries, Long live the king!
their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and That is preaching.
healing all manner of disease and all manner of sickness.
He does not argue about it; he simply proclaims that
God Has to See that One Is in Earnest Before something has happened.
Giving Healing. But Teaching is different, and of far more importance.
The teachers duty is to instruct the ignorant, and to
Here we find the order as beforeTeaching, enlighten those who are in darkness; to remove from
Preaching, and Healing. their mind ignorance about God and His Ways.
Healing did not come first, nor second.
It came last. A Teacher Should Be an Educator as Well as an
That is where it will come now. Instructor.
You have to get the Teaching, and you have to
Believe it, and you have to Live it. It is not only to instruct them, but to draw out of
God has to see that you are in earnest, before you them.
can get Healing; remember that. Teaching has two sidesone is instructing, or putting
I know a good deal about this matter, although there in, the other is educating, that is drawing out.
are lots of things that I do not know. As in starting a pump, you have to put in before you
When I dont know, I get a man that does know, and can draw out.
I say to him, How much do you know about this thing: God first instructs; that is, He puts something into
He tells me, and I say, Now go away; I will see you you, and then He educates and draws it out.
by and by. This instruction and educating process is going on all
Meanwhile I begin making inquiries about him and the time; that constitutes teaching.
learn the opinion of competent persons to his A teacher should not only be an instructor, but an
Shiloh Tabernacle
Saturday Aternoon, April 22., 1902. CHRIST, THE UNCHANGEABLE HEALER.
educatorone that not only puts something in, but
draws something out. That is what Jesus taught.
The first thing to consider is what Jesus taught; He taught that Satan and Sin were at the root of all
because, if I am to teach you effectually today, I must human misery.
teach as Jesus taught. Somebody may say, I do not believe that there is a
If you are to be blessed, you must believe what Jesus Satan.
taught; you must do as Jesus tells you; you must get the Then go home!
Teaching and the Preaching. Get out of this meeting quickly, because I will not
If you do that, you will get the Salvation and the bother myself about you.
Healing. You are not disbelieving my word, but the word of
I will tell you some of the plain, simple things that our Lord Jesus, the Christ.
some of you think you know, and which you do not He said there was a Devila great, big Devil who is at
know. the head of all the devils.
The trouble with a vast number of people is that they When in the days of his early ministry, people sinned,
think they know things that they do not know. I find that and lied, and said they belonged to Abraham, Jesus
more and more every day I live. answered, No! Ye are of your father the Devil. And the
lusts of your father it is your will to do. He was a
One May Talk Like an Angel and Be an murderer from the beginning, and stood not in the truth,
Incarnate Devil. because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie,
he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father
Vast numbers of people think that because they can thereof.
talk about a thing they know it. If you differ with the Lord Jesus, the Christ, I can
You may be able to talk religion like an angel, and teach you nothing, because I can teach you only what
sing it like a seraph, and yet be an incarnate devil. the Lord Jesus, the Christ, taught.
It is not a matter of your being able to talk, it is a
matter of your really having. Satan The Father and Sin the Mother of All
See whether you really do know. Disease.
The first think that Jesus said He came to do, was to
take away the Sin of the world. That is what John the If you imagine that I have something to teach other
Baptist said He came to do, when he exclaimed, than that which Jesus, the Christ, taught, you have come
Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of to the wrong place and the wrong man.
the world. I have to teach you simply what my Master
The first thing that the Lord has to do, is to take away taughtnothing else.
something that is in you. You had better believe what He believes.
He has to take away forever the Sin of the Heart that You had better believe what He taught.
has defiled you, in Spirit, Soul and Body. You had better think as He thought.
That Sin has made you sick. He said that He came to take away sin; or, to put it in
There is no use concealing the fact that sin is at the another form, The Son of God was manifested that
bottom of all sickness. He might destroy the works of the Devil.
Either you sinned, or you parents sinned, or Adam That is putting it plainly.
and Eve sinned. The first work of the Devil is Sin, and the next is
It may be that somebody sinned against you, and the Sickness, because Sin is like a motherthe female
consequence is that you now suffer; but you must counterpart as it were, of the Devil.
remember that, in one form or another, sin is the cause When Satan begets disease he begets in the womb of
of your disease. in Sin.
Mother Sin and Father Satan are the source of all
One Must Accept the Authoritative Teaching of human misery.
the Christ. There never yet was a sickness; there never yet was a
LEAVES OF HEALING Saturday, March 25, 1905

disease; there never yet was a misery, that cursed GENERAL OVERSEERThat is the proper
humanity that was not the offspring of Satan and Sin. translation.
That is the teaching of the Lord. Surely He hath borne our sicknesses, and carried our
Gods Hatred of Sin, Disease, and Death. AUDIENCEWe did esteem Him stricken, smitten
of God, and afflicted.
He taught, therefore, that He came into this world to
take away Sin, and to destroy the Works of the Devil, Some Peopel Persist in Walking in a Circle Instead
which came through Sin; namely, Disease, and Death, of Going Ahead.
and All the Powers of Hell.
God hates Death as He hates Disease, as He hates GENERAL OVERSEERWas he stricken, smitten
Sin. of God, and afflicted?
Him that hath the power of Death that is the Devil AUDIENCENo.
The Wages of Sin is Death and death is so hateful GENERAL OVERSEERIt is We did esteem Him
to God that one day Death and Hell shall be cast into smitten of God, and afflicted.
the lake of fire. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was
If we are to believe Christs teaching, we must believe bruised for out iniquities: the chastisement of our peace
in His Power to eradicate sin, and not only to take away was upon Him; and with His stripes we are Healed.
sin, but to take away Sickness, a consequence of sin. If That is the Word of GodThat Healing came through
the Christ came only to take away the cause, and not the the wounds of Jesus; that He died not only for our sins,
consequence, it would be an illogical act. but for our sicknesses.
It was impossible for the Christ to make an Do you believe that?
atonement for sin without making an atonement for If you do not, there is no use talking to you further.
sickness. You will never get any further, if you stop there.
He must needs take away sickness as well as sin. You will be like the man with a wooden leg. He got
It is impossible for him to be other than the destroyer it into a hole, and walked around the hole all night; he
of Death. never got any farther.
He was drunk.
The Absolute Certainty of the Christs Many people are drunkstupidly drunk, as regards
Atonement. spiritual things.
Hey say, I do not see. I will not see. I believe in
That is the point upon which the churches have gone getting my wooden leg into a hole and walking around
to the Devil, and become apostate. it all the time. Here my father stood; here I stand. I do
I want you to look up Isaiah, 53:4. not believe in Salvation and Healing; I believe in
What is the first Word? Salvation only. I am a man that has one natural leg, and
AUDIENCESurely. one wooden leg. I do not believe in two oars; I believe
GENERAL OVERSEERIs it perhaps? in one oar.
GENERAL OVERSEER----There is a good deal in Only an Out-and-out Christian is acceptable to
getting a word into ones mind God.
It is not perhaps; it is SurelySurely!
Now what does it say? When a man pulls on one oar only, he goes around
AUDIENCESurely He hath borne our griefs, and in the same place.
carried our sorrows. I am telling you how to get the boat along.
GENERAL OVERSEERHave some you in your Salvation and Healing go together.
marginal Bibles; Have you a mark against the word Pull on both oars at the same time.
griefs there? What does it read in the margin? Read it. Do not pull on one at one time, and another at
AUDIENCESicknesses. another time.
Shiloh Tabernacle
Saturday Aternoon, April 22., 1902. CHRIST, THE UNCHANGEABLE HEALER.
Believe in the Christ all around. people, while the flesh was yet warm.
Isaiah says, With His stripes we are Healed. It was horrible to see the depravity; to see the
Now, the question is, Do you believe it? deterioration of character of young men who spent hours
Have you come with medicine in your pockets? in the dissecting-room.
I saw one man putting a lozenge into his mouth, and They steadily lost all feeling; and they became
wondered if there was any opium in it; and I saw a drunken dogs, oftentimes drinking to steady their nerves.
woman sneak into her reticule and take out something, A medical society of the State of New York declares
and I wondered what she had in her mouth. that twenty-one percent. of all the practicing doctors in
Perhaps some of you have come to the Divine this country today are not only users of alcohol and
Healing Meeting with a few pills in your pockets. morphine, but that they are victims of its use.
The Lord have mercy upon you. They are drunkards; they are opium fiends.
I do not know, but I want to say if you believe the If twenty-one percent use it to excess, what about the
Word of God, you will live it. other seventy-nine percent
You have to live it out-and-out, or not at all. They are a dissolute and brutal body of men.
You cannot fool with doctors and drugs and trust I know them, and they know me.
God at the same time. In every country of the world they howl when they
hear of Divine Healing; because they know that it is the
The Moral Depravity of the Medical Profession. death-knell of medical practice everywhere.

Oh, but doesnt God send us the doctors, and God Never Made Medicinal Poisons.
doesnt God send us the drugs: you may say.
Well, if He sent the doctors, He sent a mixed Moreover they know that the day for fooling the
multitude, didnt He? Homeopaths, Allptaths, Isopaths, women with local treatments and horrible operation has
Osteopaths, Psychopaths, Hydropaths. gone
My God! How many paths of that kind there are My good Lord, how women and men have to suffer
that lead to the grave! over all the world, through these accursed things!
If God Almighty sent us doctors, He would be likely No! God never sent us doctor, and God never sent us
to send us doctors all saying the same thing drugs to be put into our stomachs.
No two schools of medicine say the same thing. Oh, God made those poisons.some say.
No two members of any on school of medicine say No, He did not.
the same thing. God made minerals, but man has turned them into
God Almighty never sent such a set of men into this liquid poisons.
world. The former have their place in nature, but they were
Many of them are unmitigated scoundrels. never intended for human stomachs.
Nobody knows, better that the doctors themselves, God has said, in the Bible, Ye are all physician, of
that I speak the truth when I say that there is not a no value, andIn vain dost thou use many medicines,
worse class of men on God Almightys earth today, and you know that is true.
taking them as a whole. Jesus, the Christ, came to Save and to Heal, but He
I was educated among them, and I know what I am never yet healed any one who did not give Him the
talking about. heart.
Unless you will yield your heart to Him, my brother
Divine Healing the Death-Knell of Medical and my sister, you cannot be saved; and unless you
Practice. repent, you cannot be Healed, for Salvation must
precede Healing.
In the University of Edinburgh, where I was a I do not know of a single case in which God ever
student, it was a horror to meet these young men a short healed anyone who was opposed to or alienated from
time after they had been in the dissecting-room and Him.
plunged their knives into the scarcely dead bodies of
LEAVES OF HEALING Saturday, March 25, 1905

Humilty of Heart Essential to Salvation and You have to confess or be damned.

Healing. If I were you, I would not be damned when I might
be saved.
Humility of heart is essential, no matter how ignorant I would not be sick when I might be well.
one may be of the personality of the Christ. I would not be weak when I might be strong.
One must needs be a humble worshiper of God. I would not be in the shadow of Gods anger, in the
The man born blind did not know that Jesus was the fierceness of His wrath, when I might live in the sunshine
Son of God; but he had known God, and he worshiped of His pleasure.
God, and would not curse Jesus. Why should you?
When Jesus said to him, after he receive his sight, Why be such a fool as to hold on to your sin, and
Dost thou believe on the Son of God? he said,Who cover it up, and be sick, and die a sinner?
is He, Lord, that I might believe on Him? I want you, first of all, to get Salvation.
And when Jesus answered,He it is that speaketh I am very little concerned about your Healing as a
with thee, he said, Lord, I believe! first thing because if you get a real salvation, there can
He had no difficulty in believing. be no question, beloved friends, about your Healing.
He was ready to believe that the Man whom God You will get the Healing, if you keep on seeking it.
had used to open his eyes was not a sinner, and that He Get the real Salvation first, and may God bless you.
would never lie to him. And so, when He told him that Every one in this meeting who is determined, by the
He was the Son of God, he believed Him. grace of God, to have a real salvation for Spirit, Soul and
So with the centurion. Body, and to ask God for it, stand and tell God so.
He did not know about Jesus, but he knew about [Apparently all rose.]
God; and God sent the Apostle Peter to him, and when
he preached Jesus, he received Him, thus it always has PRAYER OF CONSECRATION.
If there have been, here and there, some that have My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. For Jesus
been blessed who did not know Jesus, they were really sake have mercy upon me, For Jesus sake take away my sin; give
me a true repentance, that I may hate sin, and determine to do right,
lovers and worshipers of God and were ready at once to to put away sin; to confess to those whom I have wronged; to bring
receive Jesus as He was revealed to them. the hidden thing to light; and, no matter what it costs, to put the
wrong thing right. For Jesus sake, have mercy on me. Cleanse me
All Gods Commandmens are Reaonable and perfectly. Cleanse me through the blood shed for me, by the power
Right. of the Holy Spirit given to me. Father, help me. And now help me
to bring my body to Thee. Cleanse my defiled blood. Cleanse the
diseased body. Give me power to hold on, no matter how long it
God will not ask of you, my brother or my sister, takes, until I get to the place where I trust Thee perfectly; where I
more than is reasonable or right. trust Thee always. For Jesus sake. Amen.
He will never ask of us more than He has a right to
ask of us. That is a very glorious sighta sight I often see; but I
But He has a right to ask of you today whether you always rejoice in it.
will surrender your heart; whether you will repent of While you are still standing, I ask you, my brothers
your sin, whether you will quit your sin, whether you sisters, do you mean that prayer?
will confess your sin to those whom you have wronged; AUDIENCEYes.
whether you will make restitution for wrongs. GENERAL OVERSEERAre you really going to live
If you cover your sins, you will not prosper. it?
He that covereth his transgressions it is written, AUDIENCEYes.
Shall not prosper but whoso confesseth and forsaketh GENERAL OVERSEERMay God bless you!
them shall obtain mercy. The General Overseer then pronounced the
If you come and forsake your sin, you will obtain
mercy but there will be no mercynot an atomso long BENEDICTION
as you keep your sin concealed.
Shiloh Tabernacle
Saturday Aternoon, April 22., 1902. CHRIST, THE UNCHANGEABLE HEALER.
Beloved, abstain from every form of evil. And may the very
God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that
calleth you, who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
Christ, the love of God our Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God, abide in you, bless
you, and keep you and all the Israel of God everywhere forever.

Leaves Vol 16 no 23 mar 23 1905 p723

226 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, June 11, 1904

The Day of the Lord is a Thousand Years.

CASTING OUT DEVILS. If you will read your Bibles, you will see that the
biggest fight comes at the end of the Thousand Years.
REPORTED BY E. W. AND A. W. N. Then comes the end, and the Universal Triumph of
the Christ, after which the Kingdom will be delivered up
to God the Father.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be
acceptable in Thy sight, O Jehovah, my Strength and my When He comes back there will be a great conflict,
Redeemer. Amen. because the world will not have Him to reign over it, any
more than it would have Him before.
TEXT. He will reign in great power from Jerusalem, until He
hath put all enemies under His feet.
And when even was come, they brought unto Him many I do not care what king or what president, or what
possessed with devils; and He cast out the spirits with a word, and people oppose Him, that king, or president, or people
healed all that were sick:
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the will perish.
prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our diseases. He will bring back with Him those who have been
He will bring back with Him those who have been
You will see that He cast out the spirits with a word. glorified.
It was not His word. They will come back in new bodies which stones will
not hurt, and which cannot be killed again, if they were
The Words Spoken and Works Wrought by the killed before.
Christ Were the Words and Works of the Father. You will see something very wonderful when the
Lord comes back.
He said, The words that I say unto you I speak not He will rule and reign.
from Myself: but the Father abiding in Me doeth His He will not have any voting either.
words. He will appoint the people whom He think best, and
All the healings were the work of the Father. He will not consult your opinions either.
All that Jesus did was done by the Spirit of the God does not consult human opinions.
Father through Him. The Word that was spoken by the Christ, was the
He had laid aside His own Power and Godhead, and Word of the Father.
had come down to this earth in great humility as a Man. He came to do the Will of the Father, and not to
He is a Man still. speak His own words.
The Advocate with the Father is the Man, the Christ,
Jesus. And they brought unto Him many that were possessed with
When He comes back to earth, you will see a Man. devils.
He will not be a stinkpot, and He will not be a I Wonder How Many Here Are Possessed with
beerpot and a defiler; but He will be a Glorified Man in Devils.
a Glorified body.
If I should pass away before He comes, I should Oh, Doctor, Doctor? None of us are possessed with
come back a man, and a better one that I am now, with devils!
a better body; with the body of this humiliation Are you not?
changed and fashioned like unto His Glorious Body. What kind of temper have you?
When the saints come back, we shall have a glorious Most women are good compared to men, but some
time. I know I shall be with the Lord, because He will of them have a devil of a temper. [Laughter.]
come back and reign, and it will take a Thousand Years It is a devil, an ugly, mean devil.
to put things right. They torment themselves, and sometimes their
husbands; but for every woman that is bad-tempered, I
Something About the Millennial Reign. think there are ten men.
Men are a bad lot.
Saturday, June 11, 1904 LEAVES OF HEALING. 227

I am sorry that I cannot speak better of my own sex. How do you know it?
I feel humiliated personally, when I think of how bad You cannot fool me about it. Did you not try to
men are, and how bad I should have been, but for the murder that child before he was born?
grace of God. She fell back fainting.
It is a terrible thing to see how men abandon their I let her faint, and waited until she regained
wives, and their own flesh and blood to poverty, shame, consciousness.
and misery, to ignorance and crime, utterly regardless Doctor, she cried, how did you find it out?
of consequences! Find it out! I said:I have seen this hundreds of
What a horrible thing is the dreadful vice of times.
Impurity, which throws upon the streets of the cities Oh! Not only that, she confessed, but I murdered
illegitimate offspring until this country is groaning under three unborn children, and I tried to murder him and I
its blight! did not succeed.
Ten percent. of those born in Sydney are illegitimate. Do you not see, I said, that the devil that was in
The birth-rate of this City of Adelaide is lower than your heart got into him before he was born? He was a
that of any other city in the states because of the vices murderer in the womb, and he has been a murderer
of the people. since.
I am not bringing a railing accusation against you. She cried.
That is the report of the commission, which says that She said, Yes, it is true.
the men and women of Australia are deliberately
murdering their unborn offspringa horrible crime! How People Get Criminal Instincts.
Such people are possessed with devils.
They are full of uncleanness and lust. Do you know how people become criminals?
They have the Devil of Murder in them. They become criminals before they are born. They
A lady brought a little boy to me one day. have the criminal and murderous instinct in them.
He was a pretty little fellow, with light, curly hair, When a woman hates her own offspring, and wants to
bright blue eyes and a healthy color. murder the unborn, the Devil gets into the child.
She said,He has a devil. I know what I am talking about.
What does he do? I asked. I have examined a large number of cases, and visited
She burst into tears as she told me that he took the jails, and I never found case of a murderer who had
delight in torturing animals, and that he had tried to committed many murders but that he was the offspring
strangle his baby brother or sister. of a woman who wanted to murder him before he was
A Reason Why Children Are Possessed of Devils. That is my experience and my experience goes for
What is the cause? I asked her. It has been a very long one, and one of very close
Oh, she said, I do not know. observation.
That is a lie, I said, a mean lie. You do know. It I said to that woman: Get your husband. He is guilty
is not the childs fault. too,
Oh, she said, I am a Christian! I pray, and I do Yes, she said.
this, and that, and the other thing. He came. He was a very fine man occupying a public
I did not say that you do not pray, but your prayers position.
will not be answered, I said, You murderer! You nearly murdered your
Why? wife, as well as you children. Get down upon your face
Because, I answered,you do not confess your sin. before God, and confess your blood-guiltiness!
You cannot exercise faith unless you have repented.
What shall I do? she asked. A Plain-spoken Rebuke and Call to Repentance.
I said, Tell the truth. You are a liar.
What! Doctor! Every man or woman who hates the unborn child,
You are a liar; I know it. and wants to murder him before he is born, is a
228 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, June 11, 1904

murderer! black. He is.

God dealt with those in the olden time on the But there was a time when the black was superior to
ground that they were murderers. the white.
You cannot do that with impunity. The valley of the Nile will show you that before the
You have no right to say that you will not be a black man was oppressed and neglected in many ways,
mother if you are a wife. he had a magnificent civilization.
You undertake the obligation when you become a But Ethiopia has not been stretching out her hand to
wife. God in vain.
You were told that marriage was ordained for the You say that you will not have any but white men in
mutual care that the one should have of the other, and this country, and the whiter they are the better.
for the continuance and increase of the human race; Let me tell you what God said about that.
that children should be brought up in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord, to His praise. Gods Judgement Against Race Hatred.
If you do not want to undertake that obligation, do
not marry. Moses married a Cushite woman.
If you do marry you ought to be joyful mothers of She was a black woman, and Miriam, his sister,
children. turned up her nose.
If husband and wives prevent conception they are She said that Moses ought not to have done it.
murderers. There are many sisters who try to rule their brothers
God dealt with Onan, who prevented conception. int that way.
God was angry with him and permitted him to be Aaron, Moses brother, was against him, too; but God
slain. was angry with them.
You do not know your Bible if you do not know He came down to the tent of the congregation and
that. reproved Miriam and Aaron.
You had better read it. He defended Moses, who had a right to marry a
It is a horrible story; but it is the story of how God black woman.
punished, with death, a man who would not be a father. When Miriam came out of that tentwell, she was
The same law applies to a woman who will not be a very white.
mother, and this is a thing that must be dealt with. She belonged to the Lily-white Party.
If I were to be shot in the streets tonight I would say She was a leper, as white as snow.
this. She would have died in her leprosy if Moses had not
This thing is a crime before high heaven, and it is the prayed, and God had not healed her.
destruction of the State. You people who think you are superior person
The population of this country is decreasing. because of the color of your skin, talk nonsense.
If it were not for the little immigration, it would The Jewish people have a mixture of African blood.
decrease more rapidly. The tribes of Ehpraim and Manasseh were the sons of
Moreover, you are terribly afraid of immigration. Asenath, a black princess, the daughter of Potiphera,
priest of On, of the black belt of Egypt.
The Ridiculous Nonsense of Your White You have a devil in you when you have this color
Australia Movement! line, and this color cry.
It is nothing but a devil, this black spot upon the heart
You say that you cannot have black men here, that cries out: I will not have anything to do with a
because the white men would not get on. yellow man or a black man.
Bosh! You send missionaries to them, but you will not have
We have eight million black people in the United them.
States, and we get on all right. I am thankful to say that we have many friends,
We are not afraid of the eight million blacks. personal friends, of all colors.
We love them and they do excellent work. We have seventy nationalities in Zion City, and if you
I do not say that the white man is not superior to the do not want to sit down at the Lords Table with a black
Saturday, June 11, 1904 LEAVES OF HEALING. 229

man, a Chinaman or a Japanese, do not come to Zion I get them on the platform and lecture the parents
City, because they sit down at the Lords Table. upon their duties and privileges.
I ordained them as officers of the Christian Catholic I bless the babies.
Church in Zion. I do not sprinkle water on their noses.
I have the honor of knowing some princes of China I bless them in the Name of the Lord.
who have spoken from the platform of Shiloh They will get baptized properly when they are old
Tabernacle. enough.
You say that they belong to another race. But to return to my text.
That is nonsense! He cast out the spirits with a Word.
May God cast out these horrible lustful devils from all
There is Only one Racethe Children of Adam who have any of them!
and Eve. May God cast out this Onan devil!
The father who tries to escape the consequences of
Some families are blacker, and some are yellower, fatherhood, and the woman who submits to it, has
and some are browner, and some are white; but there sinned.
is more good blood in a brown man that there is in a I tell every woman throughout this country that if her
white man, as far as blood is concerned. husband will not fulfil his God-given office, she has a
The virility and strength of an Ethiopian is, for the right to live away from him, and to no longer be the tool
most part, greater than the strength of a European, of his filthy lust.
because the blood is there. I say it plainly, as far as my voice can reach, and the
The whiter you are the less strong you are, as a rule. printed page can carry it.
It is a good thing to have some color. Devils! Lustful Devils! Shameful Devils!
Although the Caucasian family is a strong one, we But that is the proper name for it.
have nothing to be proud of. I like to see my dear people in Zion present their
We are becoming degenerate, and if you do not take clean, sweet babies, in which there is neither alcohol, nor
care we will die out. tobacco, nor pig.
The Africans have increased in America from four Let us go on to the next part of that verse.
millions to eight millions within the last half century,
and if it had not been for immigration from Europe the And when even was come, they brought unto Him many
Americans would have almost died out in many places. possessed with devils; and He cast out the spirit with a word, and
healed all that were sick:
Not everywhere, however, because, thank God, That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the
there are a great many splendid American people who prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our diseases.
have always been true to the motherhood and
fatherhood instinct and to the directions of the Word of Do you believe it?
God. VoicesYes.
There are very large families, especially in the
country districts of the United States, some of them Divine Healing a Part of the Atonement.
having as many as nineteen children.
God wanted Mrs. Dowie and me, I suppose, to do General OverseerThen the Christ died for our sins,
His work, so He did not give us many children. and for our sicknesses, and with His stripes we are
I am very fond of children. healed.
Then what do you want with a doctor?
The Consecration of Children. Thou, O Christ, art all I want, you Methodists sing,
but do you live it?
Sometimes, when I consecrate babies, I consecrate You do not, many of you.
two hundred at one service. You sing. Thou O Christ, art all I want, then say, I
Zion City is a great place for babies. have a pain; please send for a doctor.
It is a beautiful sight to see these babies and their
mothers and fathers. Thou, O Christ, art all I want
More than all in thee I find;
230 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, June 11, 1904

Raise the fallen, cheer the faint. And does it not end with the words;
Heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Thy touch was still its ancient power;
That is good Methodist theology. No word from Thee can fruitless fall;
It was John Wesleys theology. Here, in this solemn evening hour,
The very first hymn in your hymnal, Oh for a And in thy mercy heal us all.
Thousand Tongues to Sing, ends with the words:
If you do not believe that He is the Healer, why do
Hear Him ye deaf, His praise ye dumb, you sing that hymn, you hypocrites?
Your loosened tongues employ; Be honest and say that you will not sing it; that you
Ye blind, behold your Savior come, do not believe it; and do not read the Bible, which says,
And leap, ye lame, for joy.
I am Jehovah that healeth thee.
That is Divine Healing, is it not? You had better alter it, and say that He used to be,
AudienceYes. but that He is not now.
General OverseerYou Presbyterians, why are you If you do that, you will have to get a new Bible,
kicking at Divine Healing? edited, perhaps, by the editor of the Register and by the
Have you not another hymn in which are these doctors. [Laughter.}
The Plain Strong Speaking of the Christ.
All thy iniquities, who doth
Most graciously forgive, As to plain speaking, I tell the editor of the Register
Who thy diseases all and pains that I am not nearly so blunt as Jesus, the Christ.
Doth heal, and thee relieve.
He said, ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall
It is not Used to heal, but it is doth heal. ye escape the judgment of hell?
Why are you kicking at Divine Healing? When He talked to them of their uncleanness, He
Have you not another paraphrase that says: said, Ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which
outwardly appear beautiful, but inwardly are full of dead
As when the Hebrew prophet raised, mens bones and of all uncleanness.
The brazen serpent high, Did I ever say anything harder? I can give you much
The wounded looked, and straight were heald, more of that, if you want it.
The people ceases to die, It is all in the Bible.
So from the Savior on the cross
A Healing virtue flows. He spoke plainly, and that is why they killed him.
It was not that He did not tell them the truth, but
What are you kicking at? because He told them the truth.
Why do you not live as you sing? That is why John the Baptist lost his head.
And you Congregationalists, do you not sing: It is a very serious thing to prevent your ministers
from speaking plainly.
At even eve the sun was set, If they are afraid of you, the Lord have mercy upon
The sick, O Lord, around Thee lay, you.
Oh, in what divers pains they met,
When your teachers are afraid; when they are dumb
Oh, with what joy they went away.
dogs (D. D.s) that do not bark nor do anything else,
Once more tis eventide, and we, what is the use in feeding them?
Oppressed with various ills, draw near; I would not keep a dog that did not bark.
What it thy form we cannot see? I would not keep a dog that would not bite if any one
We know and feel that Thou art here.
came along to do mischief.
Oh, Savior Christ, our woes dispel; What is the use in keeping a dumb dog?
For some are sick and some are sad, It might do very well for a ladys lap as a poodle dog,
And some have never loved thee well but it is good for nothing else.
And some have lost the love they had. It might do very well for an afternoon tea.
Where it the fight in you?
Saturday, June 11, 1904 LEAVES OF HEALING. 231

Why do you not get up some fight? kill the people, do not stand upon ceremony.
Oh, we have very nice, quiet churches! you may When I am fighting with the World, the Flesh, and
say. the Devil, why do not some of you rise up and say,
Yes, so has West Terrace Cemetery. Hallelujah! Amen! Back him up!
Is the Church to be quiet? Why do not some of you ministers do it?
Is not the Church the fighting force of the Kingdom You are afraid.
of God? If you are to be healed you will have to fight sin.
If it does not fight, who is going to fight? You will have to get sin out of your heart.
If you do not fight the good fight of faith, who is Then God will hear your cry for healing, if you will
going to fight it? give up doctors and drugs.
If you do not protest against sin, who is going to
protest? Doctors and Drugs Prevent God from Healing.
If you make war upon sin with lavender water or eau
de cologne what good will that do? But you cannot have two physicians at one timethe
Great Physician and an allopathy or homeopath.
The Way to Kill a Snake. If you will trust Jesus, the Christ, as your Healer, leave
the doctor alone.
Oh, but Doctor, you do not need to use such strong If you do not, God will not hear you.
language, they say. He will not undertake your healing in connection with
When I am hitting a snake, I do not consider what doctors and drugs. He never promised that.
kind of stick I shall use. If it is a crooked stick, I do not On the contrary, you cannot find one word in the
mind. Scripture that commends drugs.
The harder the stick the better I like it. In vain shall ye use many medicines, God says.
I have done some riding in this country when I was The woman that touched the hem of the Christs
younger. garment had suffered many things of many physicians,
My horse would, at times, leap into the air, and and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered
nearly throw me off because there was an adder in the but rather grew worse.
way. That is the way with most of you.
Then I would tie my horse to the nearest fence and You had better give them up, before they give you
go after that adder. up.
I would smash its head, and then hang the snake up They will never give you up while you have a dollar
on the fence. left.
Then I would say, Well done, John Alexander They will never give you up while there is a chance
Dowie. That alone is a good mornings work, because of getting something out of you.
the children coming along from school might have been The doctor will be candid if you are poor.
bitten by it. He will say, My dear madam, there is no use in my
I paid my servant boy a shilling a head for snakes coming. It is only wasting money.
until he brought so many that I had to reduce it to He knows that you have none.
sixpence. Not that there are not some doctors who are kind,
Then he brought so many I had to reduce it to three and will keep on treating people, even when they can
pence. expect no pay. There are many men who do their best,
I used to say, Johnnie, how far did you go after and are very kindhearted
these snakes? But doctors do not have much faith in medicine.
He was hunting the whole country over. The older they get the less faith they have drugs.
One day he came across one that was too big for One old physician said to me, When I was a young
him. doctor I had a hundred remedies for every disease. Now
When we went down to kill that snake, we did not I am an old doctor, I have a hundred diseases without
stand on ceremony. any remedy.
When you are going to kill a thing that is going to He was wise.
232 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, June 11, 1904

He was candid.
Let us trust God.
All who will do so stand. [Nearly all rose.]


My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. Take me

as I am. Make me what I ought to be in spirit, in soul, in body.
Give me power to do right, not matter what it costs. Give me Thy
Holy Spirit that I may trust Thee fully for spirit, soul and body.
Amen. [All repeat the prayer, clause by clause, after the General

The people were then dismissed by the General

Overseers pronouncing the

Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the very
God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame,
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that
calleth you, who also will do it.The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
Christ, the love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God abide in you,
bless you and keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere,
forever. Amen.

Leaves of Healing vol 15 No 8 June 11, 1904p 226

years, be loosed from her infirmity on the Sabbath
SOUND AN ALARM, day? Luke 13: 10-17. He constantly cast out
devils, and He was accompanied in His journeyings
Or Zions Present Conflict with Spiritualism, through Palestine (see Luke 8:1-3) by the twelve,
Papalism, and other Powers of Darkness. and certain women which had been healed of evil
spirits and infirmities: Mary that was called
Magdalene, from whom seven devils had gone out,
BY THE EDITOR. and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herods steward, and
Susanna, and many others who ministered unto Him
of their substance. It is also recorded that He
t is other special consequence that we consider called the twelve together, and gave them power
I the teachings of the Spirit of God, in the more
sure word of prophecy; and whereunto do we well
over all devils (Luke 9:1); that the Seventy
returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are
that we take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a subject unto us in Thy name; and He said, I give
dark place, until the day dawn and the daystar arise unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions
in our hearts. 2 Peter 1:19. We shall, for the [symbolical words for devils] and over all the power
present, examine principally the New Testament of the enemy. (Luke 10: 17-22); that His last earthly
prophecy bearing upon the subject. Let us observe, conflict, like His first, was with the devil, when, just
first before His crucifixion and death, He said, The
prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me
THAT THE LORD JESUS HAS FORETOLD, (John 14:30); and the apostle John, long after, sums
AND PREPARED HIS FOLLOWERS FOR THIS up the whole object of Christs manifestation to be
CONFLICT WITH THE POWERS OF HELL that He might destroy the works of the devil. (I
AND DARKNESS. John 3:8), thus showing Him to be the Fulfiller of all
Old Testament prophecies, the first of which was
His own entrance upon his earthly ministry began given when God said to that old serpent, the devil, in
with that conflict, and although we have not any Paradise, I will put enmity between thee and the
record of the details of that great struggle for the woman, and between thy seed and her seed [between
empire of the human race, yet we have the closing devils and sons of God]; it shall bruise thy head, and
scenes, in which we see that by His use of the thou shalt bruise His heel. Now, this work has been
sword of the spiritit is written He gives the begun by Christ, is going on by His Spirit, and will
great tempter himself, after a forty days battle, the be finished when, in due time, He hath put all things
final blows which put him to flight. Matthew 4:1-11. under His feet. So that the Church of Christ may
His whole course of ministry is beautifully summed assuredly rest upon the prophecy of Gods word:
up Peter (Acts 10:38): God anointed Jesus of And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your
Nazareth with the Holy Ghost, and with power; who feet shortly. Romans 16:20. We observe, second
went about doing good, and healing all that were that
oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him. He
traced physical as well as spiritual diseases to this CHRIST GAVE POWER OVER ALL
cause; and, when healing a woman who could in no DEVILS TO HIS PEOPLE BY THE GIFT OF
wise lift up herself, and was bowed together, He THE HOLY SPIRIT; THAT THIS POWER WAS
recognized in her a spirit of infirmity; and, when EXERCISED THROUGHOUT THE APOSTOLIC
blamed for casting out this devil on the Sabbath day, AGE; AND THAT THE CONFLICT WITH THE
He justified Himself by saying, Ought not this SPIRITS OF HELL AND DARKNESS WAS SET
woman, whom Satan hath bound, lo! these eighteen FORTH AS THE GREAT WARFARE OF THE
CHURCH OF CHRIST. Paul I now, but who are ye? And the man in whom
the evil spirit was, leaped on them, and overcame
That promise of Christ was that they were to them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled
receive power when the Holy Ghost is come upon out of that house, naked and wounded. (Acts 19:
you (Acts 1:8), and this power, which came at 15, 16.) A warning to all sham Christians!
Pentecost, remains now, according to the promise of And these illustrations of the fact that this power
our Lord, who said, He shall be with you forever. over all devils was directly exercised throughout the
John 14:16. The manifestations of this power were apostolic age by believers in the Lord Jesus, in the
shown in the gifts of convincing speech conferred power of the Spirit, are also supported by the
upon believers (Acts 2) which resulted in the inspired exhortations to its continued exercise, and
immediate conversion of three thousand souls (verse by reminders that it is with these, devils that the
41). In gifts of healing added thereto, one remarkable Christians warfare lies in every condition, and in
case, that of the man lame from birth who sat at the every age.
Beautiful gate of the temple, resulting in the Paul warns the Church at Corinth against those
immediate conversion of five thousand men (Acts who would corrupt their minds from the simplicity
4:4). In gifts of prevailing prayer (Acts 4:24-31) and purity that is toward Christ, and who act as
for, when they had prayed, the place was shaken the serpent who beguiled Eve in his craftiness. 2
wherein they were gathered, and they were all filled Corinthians 11:3 And, in the same chapter (verses
with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of 13, 15), he declares that such men are false
God with boldness. In gifts of discerning evil spirits, apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves
as in the cases of Ananias and Sapphira, when Peter into the apostles of Christ. This transformation, he
said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie says, is a proof of their being under diabolical
to the Holy Ghost? Acts 5:3. And lastly, in signs of control, for he argues that they are the ministers of
power to cast out and to control devils, as when Satan, who himself is transformed into an angel of
Peter healed everyone who was vexed with unclean light, This warning is similar to that of our Lord
spirits. (Acts 5:16) or was when, through the (Matthew 24:24), where He says, For there shall
preaching of Philip, in the city of Samaria, many arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show
were cast out, for from many of these which had great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were
unclean spirits, they came out, crying with a loud possible, they shall deceive the very elect. And, in
voice (Acts 8:4-8) or as when Paul conquered that addition to these Satan-inspired deceivers, Paul
child of the devil, Elymas, the sorcerer, at Cypress, reminds the Corinthian Christian that they must not
who was struck with blindness, and silenced (Acts look upon idols as if they represented nothing, but
13: 6-12); or as when at Philippi, the same apostle, that the idolaters around them were really
being sore troubled with a spirit of divination sacrificing to devils were holding fellowship with
which possessed a certain maid there, turned and devils, and were drinking, in their heathen feasts,
said to the spirit, I charge thee in the name of Jesus the cup of devils and sitting at the table of devils
Christ to come out of her, and it came out that very I Corinthians 10:16-22.
hour (Acts 16:16-18); or as at Ephesus, where the Here let us, in passing, note that it is within our
evil spirits went out (Acts 19:12), at which place, own knowledge that the principle of diabolical
also, when certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, communion and sacrifice is at the present moment
took upon them to call over them which had evil fully established amongst Modern Spiritualists, at
spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We what are known as materialization seances, to
adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth, the which silly men and women bring bouquets of
spirits would not own these hypocrites, and so one flowers, and other things of more importance, for the
evil spirit answered, and said, Jesus I know, and spirits of devils with whom they meet. But to
continue. and from the power of Satan unto God, that they
Paul warns younger women in his epistle to may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance
Timothy (I Timothy 5:14,15) of their danger in among them which are sanctified, by faith that is in
giving occasion to the adversary to speak me, Acts 26:14-18. And truly he could say, I was
reproachfully; for some are already turned aside after not disobedient; for he went forth, from Jerusalem
Satan. Peter likewise warns, All of you to be to Athens and from Athens to Rome, he fought in
sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the devil many cities and lands, for thirty years, amidst
as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he countless devils, with the Prince of the power of the
may devour, whom resist steadfast in the faith. I air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of
Peter 5:8,9.James speaks of the devils, also, who disobedience, Ephesians 2:2. His courage never
believe and tremble (James 2:19); and declares that failed; and although, at the time he wrote these
an evil tongue is a fire; a world of iniquity, which is words, he was an ambassador in bonds, awaiting a
set on fire of hell thus tracing all speech that martyrs death and crown, in prison at Rome, yet he
defiles and hurts the good, to its origin in the spirits demanded prayer for utterance, that he might
of devils. John writes to young men who are speak boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians
strong, and in whom the word of God abideth, 6:19,20. And, although he said, No man stood by
rejoicing that they have overcome the wicked one. me, when he stood before the heathen tyrant who
I John 2: 14. He also says, He that is begotten of sacrificed to devils, yet he could say, the Lord
God keepth himself, and that wicked one toucheth stood with me and strengthened me, . . . . and I was
him not. I John 5:18. He speaks of those who are delivered out of the mouth of the lion, the devil who
children of the devil (I John 3: 10); and warns the would have fain made his heart to fear by his
children of God against lying spirits, and false demoniac roaring. And it is with the divinely-inspired
prophets who deny that Jesus Christ is come in the words of that glorious hero, who shortly after
flesh; telling them that this is the spirit of antichrist, finished his course, and received his crown of
whereof, ye have heard that it should come, and even righteousness, that we close this section of our
now already is in the world I John 4:1-3. argument. They are the words of the Spirit of God to
Again we observe, in passing, this is the sin which the Church in this, as in that day: Put on the whole
makes Unitarianism an open door, and broad armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against
highway, into Spiritualism, for the denial of Jesus as the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against
the Christ, Gods anointed and eternal Son, is a flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against
common article of faith with both. As James puts it, the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness,
in a passage already alluded to, the Unitarians who against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the
say they believe in one God, are in agreement with heavenly [the upper air] places. Ephesians 6:11,12.
the Spiritualists, who believe in many devils: Thou These solemn words must close the proofs in
believest there is one God; thou doest well, the devils support of our second observation: and we submit
also believe and tremble. Fatal and false is the that its truth is fully proved from these inspired
acknowledgment of God which rejects faith in the Scriptures, to whose authority every true Christian
divinity of His Son! owes allegiance.
That the warfare of the Christian is to be against
the powers of hell, is most surely made clear by these WE NOW OBSERVE THIRD THAT THE
teachings of the Spirt of God. SCRIPTURES DECLARE THAT THIS
Paul said, when addressing Agrippa, that it was CONFLICT WITH EVIL SPIRITS IS TO
for that purpose Jesus had sent him forth, giving his INCREASE IN INTENSITY UNTIL THE
commission in these words: I send thee to open LATTER TIMES, WHEN THESE SPIRITS
their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, WILL PUT FORTH MIGHTIER AND SUBTLER
POWERS, AND MAKE A DETERMINED from pages 397 to 425, he is pleased to treat of what
EFFORT TO POSSESS THEMSELVES OF THE he calls, The Rights and Wrongs of Divorce.
WHOLE WORLD, AND OF EVERY SOUL A more grossly wicked and immoral chapter was
THEREIN. never penned.
He begins with an attack upon the Lord Jesus,
The prophecies in the New Testament afford, and laundation of the Pharisees; and he declares that
clearly and definitely, conclusive proof of this the history of divorce is coeval with the history of
observation. I quote but three of these, as being marriage; and suggests that the first idea of divorce
sufficient: occurred in Paradise He quotes with approval from
The first is in I Timothy 4:1,2: But the Spirit many enemies of marriage. For instance, at page 409,
saith expressly, that in the latter times some shall fall he says: In regard to marriage and divorce, he [Mr.
away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits Andrews] speaks out like a lover of truth, not
and doctrines of devils, through the hypocrisy of men intuitionally, but intellectually. He opposes the
that speak lies, branded in their own conscience as perpetual or exclusive marriage. He objets to civil
with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and marriages, because they make personal property of
commanding to abstain from meats, which God women, restricting her self-sovereignty, and
created to be received with thanksgiving by them ultimating in compound selfishness and imperfect
that believe, and know the truth. This prophecy is offspring. He says, The man and woman who do
fulfilled in Spiritualism in its main features. love, can live together in purity without any
Abundant proof of this is to be found in the mummery at all. Now what this means is clear
writings and in the practices of leading Spiritualists. enough, namely the abolition of marriage in any
Prominent among these A. J. Davis has distinguished form, and all the consequent horrors of such a state.
himself by his specially spiritualistic attacks upon On page 410 he quotes approvingly from another,
the sacred institution of marriage, which lies at the who writes: A love may be genuine and true for the
foundation of all national virtue, happiness and time, and not for all time. The woman who filled my
progress. ideal twenty years ago, may have no attraction for
In his Genesis and Ethics of Conjugal Love, at me now. There is no evident reason why the law of
page 46, he says: The true plan of correcting the variety, which extends to the studies, pursuits,
evils in social life is, first, to provide by law for the pleasures, tastes, and passions, should fail when it
legitimacy of all children, and for their support and comes to the question of variety in love: What does
education from public or private funds; second, to this peculiarly Spiritualistic teaching mean, if it
restrict marriage and parentage, as far as possible, to does not mean approval of general immorality and
competent persons; and third, to let those who make base desertion of wives, especially when advanced in
mistakes, in spite of caution and the law, get out as years? Again, he quotes at page 413, approvingly
easily and voluntarily as they got into the trouble. from Dr. Nichols, who says, If by marriage is meant
Here, he, is distinctly taught a diabolical doctrine, an indissoluble monogamy (or union with one), a
which would destroy the foundation of all morality. legal exclusive bond of a civilized institution, I deny
If divorce is to be thus easy, the land will be full of that it ever is, or ever can be, right. I assert that the
vice, family life will be impossible, parental and promise of a man to love any woman as long as he
political obligations will be set at naught, and the lives is wrong. I denounce, therefore, the civilized
utmost confusion and danger must follow. The evil marriage as a violation of the laws of nature, and the
results would defy description and exaggeration. commands of God. Where the seducing spirits are
In proof of the real nature of this attack, we no now leading men, in forbidding to marry, as Gods
refer to another work of A. J. Davis, entitled, The word prophesied they would (I Timothy 4:1-3), is
Great Harmonia, Vol IV, The Reformer, where, now, we hope, become clear; and, if more proof is
needed that it is an abyss of unbridled lust and social have been most careful to assert nothing except that
chaos, we find it in abundent in the writings and which Spiritualistic works of easy reference in this
practices of many leading Spiritualists. Such proof city, can verity. If we were to state facts within our
may be found at pages 418, 433 of the volume from personal knowledge, we could add most heart-
which we have just quoted, and at pages 65, 66, 100, rending illustrations of the misery and ruin which
and 101, of A.J. Davis book on Conjugal Love, these horrible and detestable doctrines have wrought
and in many other Spiritualistic works. in breaking up once happy homes, and destroying the
But one of the crowing proofs is to be found in precious lives of many persons, after ruining them
the history and person of Andrew Jackson Davis body, soul and spirit.
himself, as recorded in the Magic Staff; or Papalism and Spiritualism join hands, and have
Autobiography of A.J. Davis, He gives without their common origins in forbidding to marry for
shame, the story of his two marriages, which shows the former forbids marriage to the nuns and priests,
that he induced both women to get divorces from and the latter forbids it altogether. All this diabolical
their husbands in order to marry him, and that, both anti-marriage philosophy of Spiritualism may be
in law, and in fact, he was living in a state of adultery summed up in the word of Dr. A.B. Child, one of its
in 1876, when the edition of the book in my most advanced teachers. He says
possession was published. The proof of this may be Virtue and vice, a lie and the truth, are
seen at page 550, where a decree of the Supreme taught by the spirits to be of equal value to be, in
Court, Erie County, New York, is quoted. That fact, not words conveying opposite ideas, but words
decree grants a divorce to Mr. S.G. Love, on the conveying identical ideas as in the following
ground that the defendant (his wife) is now, and has expressions: WHAT IS CALLED EVIL GOOD, A
been for some time, living in open adultery with the LIE IS A TRUTH INTRINSICALLY; VICE AND
said A.J. Davis, and that the said defendant, Mary F. VIRTUE, TOO, ARE BEAUTIFUL IN THE EYES
Love, now calls herself Mary F. Davis; and it shall be OF THE SOUL; VIRTUE IS GOOD AND SIN IS
lawful for the said plaintiff to marry again, as if the GOOD, Whatever Is, Is Right, pages 18-27. etc.
defendant was actually dead; but it shall not be The next passage to which we refer is in 2
lawful for the said defendant, Mary F. Love, to Thessaloanias 2:3-12, where, after saying that ere
marry again until the said plaintiff is actually dead. the day of the Lord comes there must be a falling
This decree was obtained in 1856. Hence, in 1876, away first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of
A.J. Davis has been living, from 1855, in a state of perdition, he that opposeth and exhalteth himself
adultery for more than twenty years, for Mr. S.G. against all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so
Love was then living, and may be still. In 1854 Mary that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself
F. Love, had, on her own application got, in a forth as God, this has surely been fulfilled in the
scandalous way, after an understanding with Davis a triumphs of the seducing spirits, who have long
divorce in the state of Indiana; but it was of no avail ruled the apostate Church of Rome, and who, on
either to herself or Mr. S.G. Love, who, about two July 18, 1870, promulgated the diabolical doctrine,
years after, sued for, and obtained the Supreme of the Popes infallibility. By that doctrine, as defined
Court decree which have quoted. The whole story, in the Constitution Pastor ternus, chapters three
even upon A.J. Davis own version of it, is a and four, that infallibility is defined as making the
scandalously bad and immoral transaction, and the Pope the one supreme pastor with the entire and
story of his first marriage is not a whit better or supreme power of jurisdiction, and the absolute
cleaner in some respects it is worse. fullness of this supreme power; and that, therefore,
We give these facts as specially Spiritualistic the definition of the Roman pontiff are unalterable.
illustrations of the effects upon leading Spiritualists Here is the man of sin revealed! He has
of the immoral doctrines of Spiritualism; and we approval of Mgr. Berteaud saying, The Father and
the Pope may have and probably have, secrets three unclean spirits, as it were frogs; for they are
between them in which Christ does not participate, spirits of devils, working signs; which go forth unto
and thus it is practically safer to go to the Pope than the kings of the whole world, to gather them
to Christ, for, when the Pope speaks it is more than together unto the war of the great day of God The
Christ speaking, it is God the father himself. He has Almighty.
allowed Cardinal Manning to say that he, the Pope, As the dragon represents the direct power of
may rightly say: I claim to be the supreme judge and Satan, it is probably here that, amongst other forms
director to the consciences of men; I am the sole, last of Satanic delusion in these days, Spiritualism is
supreme judge of what is right and wrong. He has foretold, with all its spirits of devils,. The beast is
allowed a newspaper, published under his own generally supposed to represent the Romish Church,
direction, in Rome, The Civilta Cattolica, to say: and other forms of ecclesiastical corruption; and we
When the Pope reflects, It is God who thinks in have already shown that at this very time there is a
him. Hence he is seen to be, as prophesied, sitting revival of diabolical pride and imposture. The false
in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God. prophet who comes last, doubtless refers to
But, associate with him in these latter days (see Mohammedanism; and the prospects of a revival of
verse 8 and 9) there is to be revealed the lawless Moslem fanaticism throughout the East are said to
one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath be many some of them, as in Egypt, are already
of his mouth, and bring to naught by the apparent. Hence, it seems to us that Spiritualism, as
manifestation of his coming; even he whose coming one powerful form of this prophesied going forth of
is according to the working of Satan, with all power, the spirit of devils was to be expected about this
and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceits of time and here it certainly is, a most dangerous ally
unrighteousness for them that are perishing. I to all the other existing delusions imposed upon men
suggest that this describes Spiritualism accurately, by seducing spirits.
whilst it also covers Socialism and other forms of But, even if our application of these prophecies be
political oppression, which desire to bring about a incorrect in some particular, we submit humbly that
state of Anarchy similar to that of the French our third observation is one the less proved, and that
Revolution, when to be a Christian was to be a a most desperate conflict is lying before the Church
criminal in the eyes of the Lawless One, whose with the spirits of devils The utmost courage,
doom, for instance, was the guillotine. These scenes vigilance, wisdom, faith and power are needed at this
would be repeated instantly did Infidel socialism crises, and to her Lord the Church must turn her eyes
obtain its longed for supremacy in the governments and prayers, for only by the breath of his mouth, and
of the world. Who shall say it will not? the manifestation of his coming, can these demon
We would further draw attention to another hosts be overcome and brought to nothing
prophecy, which seems to bear out this What, then, shall be done? When the enemy shall
interpretation. come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift
We allude to the passage in the book of up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19. In whose
Revelation, 16: 13-16. It is part of that which hands shall this standard be place?:Who is she that
happens after the sixth vial is poured out upon the looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear
river Euphrates, which dries up; and which symbol is as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?
generally held to apply to our days and the rapid Song of Solomn 6:10. Tis the church of Christ, and
drying up of the Turkish Empire in the East, which is she alone can lift up the royal standard, and carry it
going on daily. Then the inspired vision of things to on to victory. May ever soldier of her army in all
come continues, And I saw coming out of the lands put on the whole armor of God, and withstand
mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the the spiritual hosts of wickedness, who are now
beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, flooding the nations with every vice, and destroying
every virtue.

Lord Jesus, come!

Against this earth by sin oppressed
By demons from beneath possessed
Some dark and foul, as hell and night,
And some transformed, like sons of light.
Usurp Thy throne within the heart.,
And bid men choose the evil part.

Lord Jesus, Come!

Lord Jesus come!

Thine answer sweet our spirits hear,

It soothes our grief, we cannot fear;
It came to him on Patmos Isle,
Who loved and lived on earth awhile;
It comes to us I quickly come
Yes, Even so, Lord Jesus Come!
Lord Jesus come.

Leaves of Healing Vol 1 #7 Oct 12, 1894. P 100

Saturday, march 12. 1904 AROUND-THE-WORLD VISITATION. 637

Visitation upon which I am about to go, as the General

THE SONG OF SALVATION, HEALING, AND Overseer of that Church, is one which, while it is
HOLY LIVING. Around the World, will take me to no country where the
flag of Zion has not been planted.
One of the peculiarities of the little City which, under
INVOCATION. God, I had the privilege of founding, is that there are no
less than seventy nationalities within it, and yet they are
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be so perfectly united, and in such perfect harmony do they
acceptable in Thy sight, and profitable unto this people, O Jehovah, live, and work, and worship, that it would be impossible
my Strength and my Redeemer.
for you to know, by looking at them, that they were not
a people born in the same place, and brought up under
In the 7th chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke the same influences.
it is written, in the 22d and 23d verses: Sometimes when I hear our beautiful Choir of seven
hundred fifty voices, as they come into Shiloh
TEXT. Tabernacle in beautiful Processional, singing their
lovely songs, I, like all who ever hear them, am thrilled
Go your way and tell John the things ye have seen and heard; the with the perfection of their harmony, especially when I
blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and know that there are nearly seventy nationalities
the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have euaggelion represented among those singers.
()the Glad Tidings, the Gospel Good Tidings
preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall find none
I come to you, therefore, as the representative of a
occasion of stumbling in Me. Church whose catholicity is unquestionable, and bring
you greetings and love messages, not from the lips, but
Greeting to San Antonio and the South. from the heart.

It affords me very much pleasure to speak for the first Difficult to Understand Zion Through Press
time in the Southland. Reports.
My work in this country has been on the Western and
Eastern coasts, and in the North; and I have never before It is difficult for a people to understand a man or a
had the privilege of speaking further South than work through the distorted columns of the daily press.
Washington, D. C. I thank God that the press of the South is very much
In speaking to you, I wish also to speak to all whom better than the press at the North, so far; but I must not
my voice can reach through the printed page. praise them too much, for I have had too much
experience with them. (Applause and laughter.)
One drop of ink makes millions think. I am exceedingly glad to be upon good terms with the
press, if I can; and if I cannot, why I am perfectly equal
It seems to me that in the days in which we live, we to having a good fight, and whipping them well.
are greatly privileged; for if we can speak that which But I would rather be at peace than at war.
will do good, it can reach to earths remotest bounds. My Message Is One of Peace.
I speak to you this afternoon as a fellow citizen of the The Message of Zion Restoration Host is Peace be
great Republic, and as one deeply interested in the to this house.
beautiful land of the South. Perhaps some day I shall be, In New York City we visited four millions of people,
at least a part of the time, your friend and neighborI in their six hundred thousand homes, and left four
know not. million two hundred thousand Messages.
If possible, it will be so. Hundreds of thousands were outside of Madison
But I bring to you the greetings of a people whose Square Garden, unable to get in, during our meetings
catholicity is unquestioned and unquestionable. there.
It was a continuous joy to minister to a people who
Catholicity of Zion. were eager to hear.
The Message that Zion Restoration Host brought is
The Christian Catholic Church in Zion, although in the Message with which it is sent everywhere: Peace be
existence for only seven years, has planted her Banner to this house.
upon every Continent, and has within her fold men of
every clime, and tongue, and nation; so that the Zions Salutation.
638 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, March 12, 1904

The Message with which we greet one another in Hebrew is Jehovah is my God; and the priests of Baal
Zion City is, Peace to thee, and the answer comes, were priests of Jehovah who had gone to serve the
Peace to thee be multipliedthe old Latin Pax tibi, Devil, and the sojourner of Gilead had stood alone with
pax tibi multiplicatur. It is the old salutation of First the cry Eliyahu! Jehovah is my God!
Century Christians. I think it is a little better than Personality of John the Baptist.
hello, howdy, good morning. John the Baptist was a man cast in the same mold, the
Let me recommend it to you as a morning salutation: son of Zacharias, the priest of the order of Abijah, the
Peace to thee, and let the Message come back, Peace son of Elizabeth, born in the very purple, as it were, of
to thee be multiplied. priestly dignity, educated, in all probability, with Herod
I am very glad to have the privilege, as I always have, himself; a man of rank, learning, capacity, and great
of speaking to the ministers and members of all eloquence and power.
churches, and the representatives of all classes. He had gone out into the wilderness to preach; the
people had come to him, and they had believed.
Go your way and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; The angel Gabriel had not lied when he said to
the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, Zacharias in the Temple that the barren Elizabeth should
and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have the Good
Tidings preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall find bear a son in whom the spirit and power of Elijah
none occasion of stumbling in Me. should come.
Although he knew it not, John was Elijah.
John the Baptist, a prophet above all others who had How often a man knows not his mission!
appeared up to that time, save the Christ Himself, the When they said to him. Art thou Elijah? he said I
greatest of all the prophets, is the John of whom the am not.
Christ is speaking. But Jesus said he was.
John, at that time, after a very brief ministry of about The angel who spoke to his father before he was
a year, had been seized by the troops of Herodarrested born, said he was.
because he had dared to tell the truth. He was Elijah the Preparera wonderful man. He
He rebuked a voluptuous king and an adulterous had finished his work.
paramour when he said Thou shalt not have her to One day when his work was about completed,
wife, concerning Herodias, his brother Philips wife. baptizing at the fords of the Jordan, amid a crowd of
sinful men and women who were weeping their
Unscriptural Divorces. penitence before their God, he saw the Christ.
How did he know Him?
It mattered not that there had been a decree of divorce Because He that sent Him had said to him, Upon
by some court, that had been compelled to issue it whomsoever thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and
through fear and by fraud. abiding upon Him, the same is He that baptizeth in the
The Law of God is never altered by such decrees. Holy Spirit.
So John said, I saw, and bear witness that He is the
In vain men call old notions fudge, Christ, and he bade all men follow Him, saying, He
And bend their conscience to their dealing; must increase, but I must decrease.
The Ten Commandments will not budge,
And stealing will continue stealing. Let us have the spirit of John the Baptist the
willingness that the Christ shall increase, no matter how
Thou shalt not commit adultery can never be wiped we decrease.
from the Statute Book of God. The more we decrease the better, that the Christ may
It does not matter about your divorce. fill the world.
It will not stand before God, unless it be for one
cause. Bitterness of John the Baptist's Imprisonment.
Herodias had said of John the Baptist, I shall have
his heart's blood. So, John did his work; and the Christ was followed
There was a wonderful similarity between the by even his disciples, and then they arrested him, and
condition of John the Baptist and Elijah the Tishbite. put him in the dungeon of the Castle of Machrus.
Elijah the Destroyer, the Tishbite, the sojourner of There the man who had lived in the open air, in the
Gilead, cried continually Eliyahu! Eliyahu! solitudes, who had gone into the wilderness, and lived
Eliyahu! with God, lay in the darkness and dampness of a narrow
They gave it to him for his name. Its meaning in the cell.
Saturday, march 12. 1904 AROUND-THE-WORLD VISITATION. 639

Oh, how he felt the agony, like an eagle in a cage, significance of that Message when he got it?
beating its breast against the bars, longing to fly! But ere he gets it, let me ask you to think of what
John the Baptist bore his imprisonment with what they would hear and see.
was almost impatience; he did not mind dying. The moment that the Christ gave that word, all those
who had been blessed would be glad to gather around
Ruin Wrought by the Tempter. these men, and tell their stories.

Just at that time the Tempter came. The Story of a Ruler's Daughter.
Oh, how the Tempter comes!
Just when Elijah the Tishbite had triumphed at I think that one of the first stories would be that of a
Carmel, the Tempter came and made him flee, and hide beautiful little maiden who comes forward and says:
under a juniper tree in the distant wilderness. Now messengers of John, Elijah, go and tell him you
Although John did not flee, the Tempter sowed doubt saw me. Well, who are you, little maiden?
in his mind, coming to him thus: John the Baptist, you By her side there stands a stately man, and she says:
made a mistake; Jesus of Nazareth is not the Christ. If This is my father, Jairus, but there is no phylactery on
He were the Christ, do you think He would leave you his brow; there is no rabbinical garment upon him.
here to die in this dungeon? He is not the Christ. He He has been cursed in the temple of his God.
does mighty works; He does great miracles, but He They have erased his name from the roll of the
leaves His Forerunner to die in a dungeon. John the rabbis; they have cast him out because he confessed the
Baptist, you made a mistake. Christ.
A man can bear anything but doubt of that kind. They had passed a law that whoever acknowledged
Oh, he could not bear it! the Christ would be cast out, no matter what his rank
So, one day, when access was obtained to him, in might be.
some way, by two of his disciples, he told them to go But, oh, it does not hurt to be cast out by men if you
away, through Samaria into Galilee, and see the Christ, are taken in by God!
and take Him a Message. This was the Message: I used to hear Jesus.
He lived so much in Capernaum, and I loved Him,
Art Thou He that cometh, or look we for another? and I believed that He was the Messiah of God; for I saw
Him bless the little children that were sick, and when
You see somewhat of doubt was there; at least there they would go back to their mothers they were well.
was a question that He must have answered ere He died. I saw Him heal, and I loved Him so!
Scene Where the Christ Was at Work. Many Doctors, Many Ills.
When these messengers, travel-stained with a long One day I was very sick, and my father got the
journey, came up to see the Christ in Galilee, they saw doctor.
Him amid the crowd of sinful and sick and weary men Then I became sicker, and they got another doctor.
and women. (Laughter.)
He was teaching them, and preaching to them, and Then I grew still sicker, and they got still another
they were listening. doctor. The more doctors came, the less they knew, and
The weight of sorrow, and sin, and shame was rolling I grew worse and worse until I said to my father, O
away, as the night rolls away when the sun shines; for it Father, it is only Jesus that can heal me. Go and find
was the Sun of Righteousness who had arisen upon them Him.
with Healing in His wings. My daughter, he said, I care not. If I
They were amazed. acknowledged Jesus, I should be cast out of the
When at last they got access to Jesus, all He said was: synagogue.
Go and tell John the things that ye do hear and see. Go Then I shall die, I said, but, oh, if Jesus were here,
among these people; go among the blind who have I should not die!
received their sight, the deaf who hear, the lame who Then I became so sick that it was evident that death
walk, the dead who are raised, and the lepers who are was corning, and with a bitter cry he said: O daughter,
cleansed. Go among these poor people who have had the you shall not die! I will seek for the Christ; I will seek
Gospel preached to them; get their testimonies, and take for the Messiah until I find Him, and I will ask Him to
them back to John. come to you.
Do you think for a moment that John missed the
640 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, March 12, 1904

So he strode away, and he searched, and he found The people in Gadara were so angry about His killing
that the Christ was gone. their pigs Chat they said, You get out!
He went to the house of Peter, the fisherman, but the They made Him getor at least He gotor perhaps
Christ was across the sea. they might have done Him injury.
What had He gone there to do? If any of you love your pig more than you do a clean
To cast out devils and to kill pigs! healthy body, healthy blood, healthy children and a clean
life, I pity you.
What Jesus Thought of Pigs. Eat what is good.
Drink what is good.
The only prayer of devils that ever the Christ of God You cannot prove to me that the pig is good.
answered was that prayer, when across the sea at Gadara
the devils said: Send us not away into the abyss, but The Maidens Story Resumed.
suffer us to go into the swine. And He said, Go! And
they went. He had gone over there to cast out devils and to kill
That is what He thought about eating swines flesh, pigs. Poor Jairus when he got down to the side of the
and that is what I think. lake, found that the Master had gone.
A pig is a good place for a devil, and if you think a The little girl continues the story, saying:
good place to have a pig is in your stomach, perhaps you While my father was standing there, among a great
think it is a good place to have a devil, too. (Laughter.) crowd of sick people, the rumor passed that the Christ
Of all the dirty, foul, deadly, filthy things you can eat, was coming back again.
the worst is pig. Oh how he watched the boats as they came in!
Finally, Jesus came in a fisherman's boat.
And the swine, because he parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, (I hope it went faster than the boat I was in the other
but cheweth not the cud, he is unclean unto you.
Of their flesh ye shall not eat, and their carcasses ye shall not day; it went about a mile an hour. Laughter.)
touch; they are unclean unto you. When the Christ came, strong hands pulled His boat
in. As He came up the steps of the little wharf, He met
The God of heaven said that, and the Christ of God father.
could find no better use for a pig than to let it be the There is another one there that the Scripture tells us
habitation of a devil. about. I suppose she was there to tell these men from
I would about as soon preach to a goat as to a man or John all about her story.
woman full of pork. (Laughter.) That is my opinion. I She had been sick twelve years with a hemorrhage.
will tell you why. She was defiled ceremonially, and she was near the
rabbi, but the rabbi stopped not; for he saw his dying
Diseases in Swine's Flesh. daughter, and he saw the Living Christ. Do you not
know what a wonderful thing it is if you can see the
When you eat swines flesh, you eat cholera, you eat Living Christ?
trichinoses, you eat tuberculosis, you eat scrofula, and
you eat cancer; because all these diseases are bound up God Must Be Worshiped in the Christ.
in the unspeakable pig.
There is no land where the pig is not eaten where Jairus fell at His feet and worshiped Him.
cancer is found. Ah, that is the thing!
The Hebrew tongue has no word for cancer. You cannot be a Christian and not worship the Christ.
The Christ, as far as the record shows, did not heal a You cannot be acceptable to God and reject His Son.
case of cancer during His earthly ministry among the You cannot know the way to heaven and put aside
Jews, who did not eat swines flesh. Him who is The Way.
The Greek word would be karkinoma (), The rabbi had to bow and worship God in the Christ.
and it is not found in the New Testament. My brother Jew, my brother Israelite, listen.
Why? Jairus was not doing anything that the Scripture
People who do not eat pig do not have cancer; they disapproved; or had not the prophet said that unto us
do not have scrofula; they do not have cholera; they do there should be born in the City of David, the Messiah,
not have trichinosis and tuberculosis. the Jehovah, the Wonderful, the Counselor, the
You had better do without the pig, had you not? Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the
(Laughter.) ImmanuelGod with us?
Saturday, march 12. 1904 AROUND-THE-WORLD VISITATION. 641

He was doing what the true Jew ought to do. I have spoken without money, and without price.
He was worshiping God, Immanuel in the Christ of I never asked you for a dollar, and I do not in tend to.
God, and so he said: I worship Thee. My little daughter That will make some of you quite happy. (Laughter.)
lieth at home at the point of death. Come, O Christ! You do abominate a collection.
Come and lay Thy hand upon her, that hand that has You so abominate it that you would rather give
blessed so many, and she shall be healed. anywhere than to God.
I will come, He said, and He went at once. My people give, but they give freely.
He walked along the way to Jairus house with a When the Christ reached the room where the little
quick step in the free gait of the great loving Christ. maid lay dead, He found them howling.
Bertrands picture I think is best of that, his robe The word in Greek telling what He did, is a very
flowing out, with the beautiful blue border which every emphatic oneek ballo, ( )He threw them
Israelite wore, either a riband or lace of blue. out. Then everything was quiet.
All He said as He stood beside the bed, as He laid His
Great Faith of a Sick Woman. hands upon her, was Talitha, talitha, cumi.
She said to Johns disciples: My spirit had left my
The sick woman heard what the rabbi said. body, and was winging its way to heaven when I
Did not that rabbi say, lay Thy hands upon her, and heard,'Talitha, talitha, cumidaughter, arise!
she shall live? she asked herself. Oh, I cannot stop I came back to my body, and I rose, and there was
Him, but if could only get in there, if I could only touch Jesus, my Jesus! my Jesus! this very same Jesus, that has
the hem of His garment I should be made whole. been talking to you today.
You know their stories. I was raised from the dead.
Alongside the little girl the woman may have stood Go and tell John that you saw Rachel, the daughter
on that day, when Johns disciples were there, and said of Rabbi Jairus, who was raised from the dead.
I am that woman; I am the woman who was there. I Tell him that you saw Rebecca, the woman who
touched the hem of His garment. touched the hem of His garment.
What happened to you? Tell him that you saw Isaac, who was touched by
I was healed immediately; and He turned and said, Him a few days ago, and was healed of leprosy.
Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole. Go in peace. Tell him that you saw the blind man of Bethsaida.
I gave my testimony there in the middle of the street Tell him that you saw the deaf man whose ears He
before all the men and woman I, Rebecca, poor Rebecca, touched, who all at once heard the singing of the birds
that had been ill twelve years, suffered many things of and the voices of his loved ones for the first time.
many physicians, spent all that I had, was nothing He heard, for the first time, the music of those who
bettered but rather grew worse. But while this was sang the praises of God.
going on, a messenger came running to the rabbi, saying, Go and tell John.
Trouble not the Master; thy daughter is dead. My Ah, you say, those days are gone! They have not
father, says the maiden, heard them say that I was come back again.
dead, but before he could say anything the Christ said:
Fear not; only believe. The Story Brought Up to Date.
The Christ went on, and came to the place where I
was. Listen! Two weeks ago today I stood in the Chicago
There He found the mourners. Auditorium, where I have preached for two years every
The Folly and Misery of Paid Howlers. It does not hold as many, great as it is, as our own
Tabernacle in Zion City which, although it seats seven
These mourners were paid to howl for so much an thousand three hundred, is often not large enough.
hour. There are howlers of that kind still. You will find We are building one now to seat sixteen thousand.
them in many places. Some howl in Congress for so I stood this day two weeks before a great audience in
much an hour. Some howl in municipal councils for so the Chicago Auditorium.
much an hour. I said: Those who have been healed through faith in
Some howl in theaters for so much an hour, and some Jesus, rise.
howl in pulpits for so much an hour. (Laughter.) They rose; and as the people who were strangers
I never was one of them. I never asked anybody to looked, it was amazing to them.
give me a dollar for speaking. Thousands upon thousands, tier upon tier, of them
642 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, March 12, 1904

rose. like that man over there-he says, No. (Laughter.)

Those who had been deaf and now hear, blind and I will not forget that man; I will have him say Yes
now see, dying with cancer and now healed-thousands before I am through. (Laughter.)
and thousands; for He is the very same Christ today. Some families have fallen behind.
I tell you that glorious truth. The black man has fallen far behind, but the Christ
What would be the use of telling you an old story that who tasted death for every man tasted death for him.
had no up-to-date application? Although it is true that, in this Southland, the
I am weary of stories that do not have any application Anglo-Saxon rules by right, because God has blessed
to this day. him, and made him the ruling race, yet, my brothers, he
that ruleth over men must be just. He that ruleth over
I Am an Up-to-Date Man. men must be humble.
He that standeth must take heed lest he fall; for there
I want things right up to date, and that is why I do not was a time when the black race was ahead of the white
like to go down from Rockport to Aransas Pass at the race.
rate of one mile an hour. (Laughter.) Your fathers and mine were once painted savages, an
I could go down there and back again in my little unknown people, and there were black men who were
launch in an hour. their superiors-learned men, men like Augustine and
Many of you down in the South want stirring up; do Cyprian, Christian Fathers; men like the wonderful
you not think so? prophet who ordained PaulSimeon, called Niger,
Say Yes or No. Honor bright. (Laughter.) Voices nigger.
Yes. No. The black man fell behind, and we have come up. We
You slow Nos! (Laughter and applause.) are their superiors and their rulers.
That is all that ails you; you do not go fast enough. But we must be gentle, we must be kind, we must be
Listen! God is never out of date. sympathetic, and we must help them up; for it is all one
The Gospel is never out of date. race.
The Christ is never changed. May the great God give us all white hearts, and make
Do not talk about a Christ who does not save, and us not to hate a man, or rob him of anything, because he
who does not heal, or else you have to throw the Christ has a black skin.
away altogether; for my Bible and yours says that
Jesus, the Christ, is the same yesterday and today, yea, No Difference.
and forever.
He is the same, He is the same Savior, He is the same My brothers and my sisters, I should be recreant to
Healer, He is the same Cleanser, He is the same Keeper. my duty, as a minister of God, if I did not say, There is
If He is not the same, the Bible is a lie. no difference. The God that saves, saves us all alike.
He is the very same Jesus, but you must fulfil His The difference that has come, has come because of
conditions. superior blessing to our family.
You cannot get blessing from Him unconditionally. We must be kind, and gentle, and loving, and help the
Let me tell you the story that has come down to us other families up.
through the ages. Then the wilderness and the solitary place shall be
It is the sweet Redemption Song that I read to you glad for them.
today. The Song of Redeeming Love extends not only to the
spirit, and to the soul, and to the body, but to the earth,
Only One Race of Men. the barren earth.
Oh, how one groans, to see, all along the beautiful
God made us all. shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the alluvial deposits of
We all have one Father. thousands and thousands of years, five, ten, twenty,
God made all men, no matter where they live. thirty, forty feet deep, bearing nothing but cactus,
There is only one race of menthe human race. It miserable mesquit and wretched weeds, when there is
has only one father and one mother. soil enough there and rich enough to raise food for an
There are many families in that race. empire!
There are families that are centuries behind others. May God grant that the wilderness and the solitary
The yellow man of China has been standing still for place shall be glad for the people of God, so that it shall
centuries, and, when you ask him to go quicker, he is rejoice and blossom as the rose; so that, in the Time of
Saturday, march 12. 1904 AROUND-THE-WORLD VISITATION. 643

the Restoration, to which that Song refers in its fulness,

the glory of Lebanon shall be given to the land, the A people that know God as their Savior and their
excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the Healer will restore the world.
glory and excellency of our God. They will turn the waste places into gardens.
They will be toilers and workers, and bringers forth.
Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. There is more than that.
Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not. There is a Way, and there is a Highway, a Way of
Holy Living, a Way where there is no longer sorrowing
Fear Is of the Devil. and sinning. What a miserable thing it is when a man
knows that smoking tobacco means amaurosis, and
If I were to fear you, I could not help you. paralysis, and cancer, that he will continue to do it!
I have loved my fellow men too much to fear the face What a miserable thing it is that you will continue to
of man. shatter your nerves, and pay seven hundred million
When any one tells me that he is afraid, I sometimes dollars a year for doing it!
say, How does it feel to be afraid? I have never known What a wretched thing it is that you will make Liquid
it. Fire and Distilled Damnation, and spend thirteen
I never shall. hundred million dollars a year in drinking the damning
There is no fear in Love. Liquor!
God is Love, and there is no fear in God. May God make the American people wise!
Perfect Love casteth out fear. Yes, there is a Way, and it is a Highway of Holy
Fear hath torment. Living, and the unclean will not be allowed there. There
God rid us of fear! is no lion there; and there is no ravenous beast of
Fear not! damning Liquor, or filthy nicotine, or alcoholic poison.
There is no raging beast there; but the redeemed shall
Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the
recompense of God; He will come and save you. walk there.
Salvation first, Healing next, Holy Living next, and
That is the first thing. Hear me, the first thing in the then Triumph.
Song of Redemption is SalvationSalvation for the
spirit, Salvation for the soul, Salvation for the body, Triumphal Ending of Redemption Song.
Salvation for the home, Salvation for the workshop,
Salvation for the city, Salvation for the nation, Salvation The redeemed shall walk there: and the ransomed of
for the world, Salvation for all. Jehovah shall return, and come with singing unto Zion;
It is a faithful saying, worthy of all acceptation, that and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads: they shall
the Christ is the Savior of all men, especially of those obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall
that believe. Salvation is not only for some, but for all. flee away.
Oh, is there not sorrow?
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened. Is there not sighing on the sea of lifemen and
women dying, sad, weary, tempest-tossed and not
Salvation Is Not Enough. comforted?
Oh, what a world it would be were sin, and disease,
It is not enough that I shall be dragged out of a river and the powers of death and hell banished, and we lay
if I am drowning. I must be helped after I have got out. down in peace to sleep when life had come to its end!
I have been bruised. I am bleeding. I am almost He giveth His beloved sleep.
dying. I must be healed. We shall walk in the land where there are no tears.
Humanity must be healed. Brothers, sisters,
The strong swimmer who has gone into the current of
the great rapid River of Life and seized upon humanity I say to thee do thou repeat
to save it is the Healer, and so He came to heal. To the first man thou mayest meet,
On lane, highway or open street,
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the That he, and we, and all men move
ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Under a Canopy of Love,
Broader than that blue sky above;
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the
dumb shall sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and That grief, and sorrow, and tare and pain,
streams in the desert. And anguish, all, are shadows vain;
644 LEAVES OF HEALING. Saturday, March 12, 1904

That death itself will not remain;

That weary deserts he may tread,
Lifes dreariest Labyrinths may thread,
Through dark ways underground be led.

Yet if he will the Christ obey,

The darkest night, the dreariest way
Shall issue out in perfect day,
And we, on divers shores oft cast,
Shall meet, our perilous voyage past,
All in our Fathers home at Last.

And ere thou leave him, tell him this,

They only miss
The winning of that perfect bliss
Who will not count it true that blessing, not cursing, rules above,
And that in God we live and move;
Whose nature and whose Name is love.

Love! He loves us with an Everlasting Love.

He longs to bless us and turn us from our iniquities,
and make us pure and clean, and holy, and plant here in
this great land, a people who shall have children that
shall grow up to be the very princes of the earth.
God grant it!
God bless you, and God save you, and put the Song
of Salvation, and Healing, and Holy Living and
Triumphal Entry into the Zion above, and to the Zion
here in your hearts. All who want to reach Gods Zion in
heaven, stand up and tell Him so.
(Nearly all rose.)
Pray with me.

My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. Take me
as I am. Make me what I ought to be in spirit, in soul, in body. ( All
repeat the prayer clause by clause, after the General Overseer.)

I Stand on Zion's Mount, was then sung by the Zion

party, and the Service closed with the


Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And

may the very God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly;
and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be
preserved entire, without blame, unto the coming of our
Lord Jesus, the Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you,
who also will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the
Christ, the love of God, our Father, the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, one Eternal God,
abide in you, bless you and keep you, and all the Israel
of God everywhere, forever. Amen.
(To be continued.)
Leaves of Healing vol 14 No. 21 March 12 1904 p


Letter of the General Overseer to the Associated News, Stating the Creed and Discipline of
the Christian Catholic Church.

Letter of the General Overseer to the Associated Second. That no persons can be members of the
News, stating the Creed and Discipline of the Christian Church who have not repented of their sins and have
Catholic Church in Zion. not trusted in Christ for salvation.
Third. That such person must also be able to make
As the American Hamburg Streamer Graf Waldersee a good profession, and declare that they know in their
was slowly passing the statue of Liberty at Bedloes own hearts that they have truly repented, and are true
Island, and steering for the open sea at Sandy Hook, on trusting Christ, and have the witness, in a measure, of
the morning of Saturday, August 11, 1900, a Deck the Holy Spirit
Steward handed me a little bunch of letters and Fourth. That all other questions of every kind shall
telegrams. be held to be matters of opinions and not matters that
One of these was from the Editor-in-chief of the are essential to Church unity. These four articles were
Associate News (Main Office, 102 Fulton Street, New unanimously adopted as the basis of fellowship in the
York) from which I make the following extract. Christian Catholic Church in Zion by two Conferences
on Organization which were held in Zion Tabernacle
Rev. John Alex Dowie, No. 2, Chicago.
Christian Catholic Church in Zion. Our addresses and the discussions of these
Dear Sir:Leading newspapers throughout the country, which
are supplied by us, will publish a signed editorial from you, if you
conferences have been published fully in our weekly
will kindly send it to us at once, explaining the discipline and creed paper, LEAVES OF HEALING, and also in pamphlet
of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion. form, by Zion Publishing House, Chicago.
The trouble which your ministers have encountered in Ohio The details of these proceeding give our views as to
leads us to believe that the doctrines of your Church have been many of the things which, in our judgment, are included
grossly misunderstood, and the means we offer you is that best way
of putting the true facts before the people. The editorial should be in an acceptance of the first article; and it is only fair that
about fifteen hundred words in length. In sending same, please these should be taken into account in considering the
enclose also copy of latest photograph to be used in connection with question of our creed.
the above. We plainly stated the conditions upon which we are
Thanking you in advance for the courtesy, we beg to remain willing to accept the responsibility of organizing the
Yours truly, FREDERIK GRANT, Editor-in-Chief
Christian Catholic Church in Zion and of assuming the
This article, therefore, is my response to the responsibilities fo the Government of that Church under
foregoing courteous invitation, and I ask the kind the title of General Overseer.
consideration of readers in all parts of the United Sates I will be observed that many of the distinctive
of America to this attempt to put within so small a limit features of our teaching, therefore, of our creedthat is,
the facts concerning the discipline and creed of a our beliefare not expressed in the basis of fellowship,
movement which requires a volume rather than an nor indeed in some cases in the discussions and
article. I will slightly alter the order suggested by Mr. addresses.
Grant, and deal first with our Creed and second with The fact is that every item of belief is found far better
our Discipline.The actual written creed contains but expressed in the Word of God than we could possibly
four articles, which are as follows: express it in any attempted condensation thereof.
First. That we recognize the infallible inspiration and There is nothing, it will be seen, in our written creed
sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures as the rule of faith and that can possibly be objected to by any individual, or by
practice. all Christians who hold to that old Protestant definition

that The religion fo Protestants is the Bible. Or, still more brief, Zion believes and preaches the
The difference between our creed and those of the Gospel of the Kingdom, while the churches believe and
churches which we call apostate, including in that term preach the Gospel of the Churches.
both the Greek and Roman Churches and the Protestant These are daring words, and must, of course, in the
denominations generally, is that while many of these so- very nature of things, create offense.
called churches hold in theory as we do, they have And here, let me add, is the great trouble with the
invented creeds which destroy the supremacy and churches; that the offense of the cross has ceased, so far
infallibility and sufficiency of the word fo God, and as their teaching are concerned. The denominations and
establish another foundation unknown to the Holy the ungodly world are on excellent terms with each
Scriptures; namely , the definition of Councils, Synods, other.
Popes, and other official bodies and persons, as being of It is bad for the people when the police and thieves
Divine authority. are on too good terms.
Our creed is that neither councils, synods, nor popes, We do not shrink from the charge that Zion is
can in any degree modify, omit, or add to the offensive, in a Scriptural and good sense, and we
fundament principles upon which God has established deplore that the denominational churches have seemed
His Everlasting Kingdom. to place Christianity on the defensive.
Hundreds of times have we declared that the Aggressive Christianity, absolutely refusing all
opinions of men are utterly valueless in themselves; that alliance with the Word, the Flesh and the Devil, is the
it does not matter one straw what any man thinks; the only Christianity known to the New Testament, and the
only thing that does matter eternally is what God thinks. only Christianity which God can approve.
Hence we are at absolute issue with any attempt to Believing this, our creed of necessity declares that the
define the Infinite; for everything that is Divine must be Gospel is as unchangeable as God Himself. That Gospel
Infinite. which began to be preached by John the Baptist, who
It is extremely absurd, in our judgment, to limit by was, in his day, the Messenger of Gods Covenant and
any human definitions that which of necessity is the Forerunner of the Christ, begins with Repentance
incapable of being limited by the boundaries of mans and demands of individual men and of every
mind. community and nation that all men everywhere should
We hold with Faber: repent and, furthermore, immediately bring forth fruits
meet for Repentance.
But we make His love to narrow The basis of individual, social and political well--
By false limits of our own; being is therefore true Repentance for past
And we magnify His strictness
With a zeal He will not own.
transgression. This Zion proclaims, not as an abstract
doctrine, but demands that it find immediate expression
For the love of God is braoder in action.
Than the measure of mans mind Herein lies the first step of that to which we now
And the heart of the Eternal proceed, namely,
Is most wonderfully kind.

If we attempted to express in a sentence that which THE DISCIPLINE OF THE CHRISTIAN

seems to us increasingly to be the essential difference CATHOLIC CHURCH IN ZION.
between our creed and that of the churches, it would be
in these words: Zion denies the right of the people to rule
The Christian Catholic Church in Zion preaches the themselves.
Everlasting Gospel fo the Kingdom of God as it is set Zion affirms the right of God to rule the people.
fort by Jesus Christ and the inspired Evangelists and Zion is in no sense a Democracy.
Apostles in the pages fo the New Testament, whilst all Zion is not a Republic, after the model of existing
churches with which we have any acquaintance preach Republican Institutions in America and Europe and
a more or less temporary gospel fo their particular elsewhere, in which cunning bosses amuse the people
church as it is set forth in their creedsin short, The with the idea that they rule themselves when they are
Gospel of the Denominations. really ruled by expert political tricksters.
Zion, in short, is a Theocracy. permanently set aside.
We shall never advocate and resort to arms or force Any return to these Zion will visit with instantaneous
of any kind to establish Theocracy, even whilst Zion severity, at the same time patiently pleading with the
proclaims its unalterable opposition in principle to every offender; but, failing Repentance, will resolutely sever
form of government except Theocracy, and its the corrupt person from further fellowship, until Gods
determination to restore that Divine and Original Form conditions of restoration are obeyed.
of Government which was established in Eden ere man But Zions discipline is not merely punitive.
fell into transgression, and was only disestablished by It is only so in order that it may be beneficial; and
the advent of Satan, sin, disease, death, and all the other the sharp pruning knife is only used to make the tree
powers of hell which came in the horrid train of that fruitful.
Fallen Being whom Paul calls The God of the World. Hence Zion seeks, by patient teaching and toil,
Zion, therefore, exercises the severest and yet the through all her ministers, to train her people for the
most loving kind of discipline. Zion shows no mercy to, most happy an useful of lives on earth, and for
and will make no terms whatever with evil of any kind preparation for heaven when earthly life shall cease.
or description. To this end Zion at once undertakes for her people
Sin must be put away by righteousness: not the to lead them to the fountains of perennial salvation and
theoretical imputation merely of Christs righteousness. healing and cleansing to be found in Christ, the
The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, and Peace, Fountain opened for sin, for all uncleanness, and,
and Joy in the Holy Ghost. therefore, into the kings highway of Holy Living, where
Hence in demanding Repentance, Zion also enforces no defilement can come. To this end mutual exhortation
it by all the spiritual power which she possesses. forbearance and co-operation are taught.
In using the word Zion, let me here interject, I use it Obedience to the Law of Purity in All Things is
as a larger term than the Christian Catholic Church: of demanded.
the Christian Catholic Church is but an organization of Hence Zion enters into the home, and requires that
men and women who are in Zion, and we cheerfully the relations of husband and wife shall be established
recognize that Zion is in the hearts of millions who are upon a Christian basis, and that the family shall be ruled
not in the Christian Catholic Church, and of vast in accordance therewith.
numbers who are not in any Church whatever. Respect, reverence and obedience are taught, as not
Zion in all this article must be held to stand for the only due to parents, but as due to God in whose ever
Kingdom of God. present sight every moment of life must be
To continue, therefore: Zion refuses to recognize conspicuously lived; and to all good laws and lawful
spiritual fellowship with the impenitent who only authority which do not conflict with the laws and
pretend Repentance, but do not bring forth Fruits meet authority of God as set forth in the Holy scriptures.
for Repentance, as being possible. Zion demands that children shall not go from a
Zion demands that falsehoods shall be confessed; that prayerless home into a godless world, and that no
wrongs of every kind shall be redressed by the guilty member of the family shall engage in any traffic or
parties at no matter what cost, be it loss of property, occupation which injures humanity in any degree.
reputation, or even life itself. In order to make it easy to do right, Zion aims to
Under no circumstances will Zion, therefore, make isolate her people entirely from the world and its
compromise with evil or permit the sinner to profess ungodly occupation, both in business and in pleasure.
faith in Christ the Saviour until he has fully resolved, Zion will not withdraw from the world. But Zion aims
without any conditions, to put all things right to the to rule the world, and to compel the world, which is so
utmost possible extent, both with God and man. largely now in rebellion, to submit to the love and rule
Every defilement, therefore, of the flesh and spirit of God.
must be instantly and absolutely put aside. In order to effect these purposes, Zion pools its
Filthy reading, thinking and associations; filthy eating, interests, so to speak.
drinking, smoking; filthy remedies, so-called, whether Zion requires, first, in accordance with the Word of
they be narcotics or any other poisons; filthy God a Tithe of all earnings to be given into Gods
companionships of every kind, must be instantly and Storehouse that there may be meat in His House and

that the gospel may be extended throughout the world. If in the above definition there seems to be pride and
Zion further expects that the people shall co-operate imperious harshness to any reader, we can only say that
in all her Financial Institutions, and in the industries so far as any man can judge his own heart, pride or
which are springing from these, which will find their first imperious lust for power is not within the heart of the
embodiment in Zion City, near Chicago, where it is our write, nor, so far as he knows, in the hearts of those
hope that an objet lesson will be taught to all the earth. associated with him.
Prosperity is synonymous with obedience to God and There is no heavier responsibility than Power or
His Laws. Adversity is synonymous with Disobedience Authority.
to God and His Laws. May we not, inclosing, answer a possible word that
Zion demands obedience, and enforces it by every may be uttered by some reader who says, Such
Divine power which God has committed to her care and principles are tyrannical and destructive of love?
keeping. May we not direct attention to the fact, that the
Zion loyally renders unto Cser, whether he be present union existing between the writer and his people
President, Czar, Emperor, or King, that which belongs who know him best, is a bond which is one supremely
unto Cser; and yet Zion absolutely refuses to recognize of love, and that the nature and the Name of God, who
the right of Cser to enter the domain of the conscience is the Absolute Ruler of this universe, is Love.
or to interfere with the actions of those who offend the I am the friend of all, and the servant of the servants
righteous law, but live quiet, peaceable and good lives. of God, in Jesus Christ.
Zion will avail herself of every God-given power
which can be represented by education, money or
voting power, and will not hesitate to avail herself of
help from all who are willing to concede her right to
rule her people in matters which do not infringe upon
the rightful powers committed to those power that be, General Overseer of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion.
which are ordained of God. London, October 24, 1900.
But, on the other side, Zion will contend against the
powers which be that are ordained of the Devil, and will Leaves of Healing vol 8 No. 3 November 10, 1900
never submit to mob, boss, presidential, monarchial,
imperial, or autocratic power, in matters where God has,
in Christ, given universal Liberty.
sits in an ecclesiastical or a political seat of power.
All who do not approve such principles do not
belong to Zion, are not welcome in Zion, and if there
are any such who have come into Zion who object to
these principles, they are heartily invited to retire from
But all everywhere who desire the Supremacy of God
in the heart, the home, the business, the city, the State,
the Nation, the world, are heartily invited to submit
themselves to God and enter into association with Zion,
and co-operate with us in the Extension of the Kingdom
of God.
The discipline of Zion is that of an army, which does
not vote as to who shall be its officers, but believing that
God has given apostles, prophets, and teachers, obeys
those whom God has set over His Kingdom, in so far as
these obey the plainly revealed Word of God.
it to the Church.
Let us get the real meaning of the word Church.
PREACHING, TEACHING, HEALING. It is an ecclesia (), assembly of believers.
It is not a Gospel of the Church that Christ came to
preach. He came to establish a Kingdom, a Kingdom,
The General Overseer then delivered the evening A KINGDOM!
The politician tells you to keep your religion out of
INVOCATION. politics.
The business man tells you to keep your religion out
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be of business.
acceptable in Thy sight, be profitable unto this people, and unto The voluptuary tells you to keep your religion out of
all to whom these words shall come, in this and every land, in this
and all the coming time, till Jesus come, for His sake. pleasure. Let us have politics, business and pleasure
without religion, is their cry.
In the fourth chapter and the twenty-second verse of That is why the world is going to the Devil.
the Gospel according to St. Matthew we read these Christ came to establish a Kingdom. He is a King,
words: and His Kingdom extends into everything: to the heart,
TEXT. the home, business, politics, pleasure, and every
relation of life.
And Jesus went about in all Galilee, teaching in their
synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, Christ's Kingdom is Over All, in All, and
and healing all manner of disease and all manner of Through All.
sickness among the people.
When Christ was here on earth His mission was The Gospel is a larger thing than the mere Gospel
conducted in an orderly manner. of an ecclesia, an assembly, whether it is in the stately
Disorder is devilish, diabolical, and belongs to hell.
worship of Rome, the English Church or any other.
Order is the first Law of Heaven: it is Divine.
Christ, our Master, did not conduct His mission in There is no Gospel of the Church.
go-as-you-please and do-as-you-like manner. It is the Gospel of the Kingdom.
The Church of God is founded and is organized in All Jesus parables were about the Kingdom of
an orderly manner. Heaven.
Christs Mission had three distinct branches. He was Later there was the magnifying of the Church. The
a Teacher, Preacher and Healer. Church idea has been so much magnified that people
His first business was to teach. have forgotten that the Church is simply a gathering of
He went about teaching in their synagogues. those who are in the Kingdom.
The next thing was to preach the Gospel of the
Kingdom. A great many may be in the Kingdom who are not
in the Church, and a great many may be in the Church
Christ's Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom. who are not in the Kingdom.
The King preached the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Mark that word, Kingdom. That is why I am preaching the Gospel which a
It was not the Gospel of the Church. There is no great many people do not like.
Gospel of the Church. There is no Gospel of the It is the Gospel which tells my people what they are
nation, of the republic or of the monarchy. to do in business, in politics, and in everything.
It is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. We intend to have Zion rule the earth yet.
Christ did not take much notice of the Church.
The word Church does not exist in the Four Gospels The saints shall judge the world. Hallelujah! (Halle-
except in the Gospel according to St. Matthew. lujah!)
The only times you will find it are when He spoke I believe in carrying the Gospel into everything.
to Peter and said : Thou art Petros (, stone), That is why Zion is getting blessing.
and upon this rock petra () (that was the rock cf Jesus went about in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,
his confession), I will build My Church. and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner
And again, concerning those who had sinned: Tell of disease and all manner of sickness among the people.

Teaching is the first thing; not preaching. Christ Taught His Own Divinity,
Preaching is a very small matter.
I am not a preacher. If one of you should say He said, I that speak unto thee am He. Before
tomorrow, Dr. Dowie does not preach, you would be Abraham was I am.
right. I do not preach; I teach. Then I preach a little, He taught that He was the Eternal Logos; that all
and then God heals. things came into being by means of Him, and that
The first thing is teaching. without Him came not into being anything that has
How did He teach? What did He teach? come into being.
In the first place, He never read a sermon. He said that in Him was Life, and that the Life was
I have been wondering whether anybody in England the Light of men; that God had created the world
can preach without a manuscript. The only one I have through Him; that He was its Creator, its King, its
heard preach without a manuscript is dear John Saviour; that He was the Eternal Son of God.
McNeil. I enjoyed hearing him very much, although he They said, We will kill You for that.
does not understand about Divine Healing. There is They said, You are not the Christ, You are a
lots of good in John McNeil. blasphemer; You are the son of Joe, the village
Where is the teaching capacity? carpenter, and of Mary. If You say that You were born
Christ let teaching come first, preaching second, and before he knew her, then You are a bastard.
healing last. I have heard a Rabbi hiss the word between his
He taught in the simplest possible way. He taught in teeth: I hate him, the bastard of Nazareth!
such a way that the common people heard Him He was either a bastard or the Son of God. He was
gladly. not the Son of Joseph.
Lately I have heard some fellows preach, and He was the Son of God and He said He was. He
although I was thoroughly educated and have been a said, in effect, I am God.
pretty close reader, and know something about a few He said:
things, I declare to you that I felt a good deal of I am in the Father, and the Father in Me.
sympathy with the old woman who said that she ought He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father.
to have left her Bible at home and brought a dictionary. That was a pretty daring thing for a man to say, was
(Laughter.) it not?
It seemed to me that the preacher had swallowed a Oh, you say, but we believe that.
dictionary. Do you! Would you believe it if He stood here as I
What does this wretched slavery to manuscript stand tonight and said it? You criticise the Jews and are
mean? hard upon them because they rejected His Divinity.
I used to hear Gladstone and Disraeli in the House Would you accept it if He came down from the lakes in
of Commons in the days when these giants of debate the north of England with a few fishermen to London,
were there. Did they read their speeches? No. They and believe He was the Son of God?
looked the House in the eye, and talked to living men If He went into Westminster Abbey today, as He
from their hearts. They were full of their subjects. went into the Temple of old, and said, I am the Son of
The teacher must be accurate. God, and took a whip of small cords and cast out the
The teacher has a good deal of hard work to do. hypocrites who had turned Gods House into a house
You know humanity is ignorant. of merchandise and a den of thieves, would you believe
The great design of the Devil has been by false Him any more than they did nineteen centuries ago?
teaching to lead men astray. Christs great purpose was A VoiceYes, but they would not believe a
to eliminate truth from error, to present truth itself, and self-made Pope.
to show men by His teaching that the thing that He said General OverseerNow this impudent man cannot
was absolutely true. keep back the devil who is in him. He must talk. He
His preaching was to say, Receive the truth, and cannot keep it back. He must show to everybody what
come into the Kingdom of God. Act upon it, and then a fool he is. I am no Pope, and I am not a self-made
you will get Salvation, and you will get Healing. Pope.
What did He teach? My people, who know me better than that vile
fellow there, love me, and would die for me. that it was the work of the Devil, and that He had come
They would not die for him. to destroy it.
You hold your peace. I do not suffer devils to speak. What good news that was. What glad tidings it was,
You would not do that in Westminster Abbey, you because they had been taught that they were to say
would not do that in Dr. Parkers, and you shall not be with Job:
allowed to do it here. (Amen. Applause.) The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the
Friends, Gods Word says that they who rejected Name of the Lord.
Christ were ignorant. It is just because that man is They failed to see that when Job said that, Job was
ignorant that he uttered that scandalous insult just now. blessing God for what the Devil had done. It was the
I fight popery in every form. Devil who had destroyed his children, and the great
wind from the wilderness was the Devils work, the
Obedience to Christ Makes All Else Easy. Prince of the Power of the Air; and it was the Devil
who had stolen his cattle and killed his servants. Job
This teaching of His own Divinity is the first thing. thought it was God, and he blessed God for what the
When that is accepted, that is the basis of everything. Devil had done.
Once you have believed that Christ is the Son of God, There are a great many people today who are
that the Father dwelt in Him, that the Holy Spirit dwelt constantly being taught the same thing: to bless God for
in Him with immeasurable power, and that He is Lord the Devils work.
of Lords and King of Kings, then everything else is
easy, because you obey Him. The Folly of Blessing God for the Devils Work.
I obey Him the best I know how. If I disobey Him,
it is not consciously, it is not wilfully. A man goes away and sins. We will say he is a Free-
The next thing that He taught them was that the mason. He is going through the Blue Lodge. He
whole theology of the time was a mass of lies upon becomes an Entered Apprentice, a Fellow Craft and a
many points. Master Mason.
Among these points was this, that evil was the work They have a banquet when they have finished the
of God. work of the Blue Lodge, and they drink until all is
The Rabbis had long taught it. The Rabbis are blue. Then he goes home singing, We wont go home
teaching it today. until morning. It is quite unnecessary, for it is morning
The churches are teaching today that disease and now. He rolls into the gutter, and tries to make a
evil are the will of God, the work of God, even, and blanket of the paving stone. The policeman comes
that what we have to do is to accept disease as Gods along, picks him up and carries him home.
will, bow to, it, receive it, and get all the blessing there Then he gets sick, and they send for the minister.
is to be gotten out of it. The minister comes and says it is the hand of the
He told them that that was a lie. Lord.
He taught them that disease was the direct That is a lie. It is the hand of the Devil. If he dies, it
consequence of sin; that sin was the work primarily of is the Devil who killed him, and his own sin in obeying
the Devil, and that He had come into this world for the the Devil.
purpose of destroying the works of the Devil. (Praise Here is a girl who jumps around and hops about
God.) dancing until a late hour. Then she takes ices and
He taught them that He was going about doing wines, and goes home at 4 oclock in the morning with
good, and healing, not some, but as Peter said in the a cloud over her gentle breast.
house of Cornelius: She gets a severe cold, and coughs.
God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with She has consumption.
Power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were They bring in the minister, who says, It is the
oppressed of the Devil. mysterious hand of God.
He taught them that there was no form of She dies, and they write upon her tomb, The Lord
demoniacal possession, and that there was no form of gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the
oppression by disease which was the will of God, but Name of the Lord.

That is an infernal lie. It was the Devil who took her. What doctor knows a cure for cancer? Yet you can
Jesus taught in very plain speech that their diseases see a cancer; you can feel a cancer; you can smell a
were the result of their sins. cancer. No cure is known by man for that cancer.
Here is a man, for instance, who has a filthy cancer Frederick William, late Emperor of Germany, the
in his throat. father the present Emperor, died with a cancer in his
How did he get it? Because he was a dirty stinkpot! throat.
He would smoke; the dirty dog! He would chew. He The doctors went on cutting him and cutting him.
would stink his wife until she just loathed him. He cut it when it was only a little pimple, but they could
became an offense. not save him.
A little while ago a dear old gentleman who was a But there was an old Christian woman named Delia
smoker came to see his little grandchild whom he had King, who still lives at 1261 Center Street, Oakland,
never seen. Her mother said, When your grandfather California. At the very time the Emperor was dying of
comes, you are to kiss him. the cancer, she came to me and said, Doctor, look at
So she leaped up and kissed grandpa, but she was my throat. I looked turned away sick.
down on her feet in a minute. No power could ever get The cancer had eaten half across her tongue at the
her to kiss grandpa again. roots. It had eaten away one tonsil, and she was left to
At last her mother said, If you do not kiss grandpa, die.
I will whip you. She said, What you have taught is true. Place your
So she came up and tried to kiss him, and she finger on that cancer and, pray, and I will be healed.
jumped away again. She was sixty-nine years of age thon. That was in
At last grandpa said, Now, dear, tell me why it is 1888. This is 1900, twelve years later. Delia King is
you do not kiss me, I love you so? living her cancer is gone, and she is praising God.
The child said, Well, Grandpa, I can't kiss you (Praise God.)
because you stink so. Facts are facts. You cannot knock out a fact with
The dirty old stinkpot! your impudent talk about my being a Pope. That will
When he heard that he said, Thank God, that is a knock the fact out. The facts are there, and I will knock
message from a child. I will never smoke again. you out with the facts.
Then she always wanted to kiss grandpa. The fact is there. Christ had the facts on His side.
Some of you dirty dogs wonder your wives do not He had the facts, and they had the theories. Their
kiss you! Who would kiss you, you dirty stinkpots? theory was that faith in Him was of no account. But the
You go on smoking and you get cancer. Then they facts remain: the blind received their sight; the deaf
cut it out. At last you die. They write upon your heard; the lame walked; the cancerhold on! I made a
gravestone, The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken mistake about that. Christ never healed a cancer.
away. That is a lie. The Greek word for cancer is not in the New
The Lord Jesus Christ taught that kind of plain talk. Testament.
There is no word for cancer in Hebrew at all. Do
Jesus Taught That Doctors Were of No Account. you know why?
Because the Jews never ate pig. Pig is where cancer
Everybody knows that who knows anything. The comes from.
doctors of His time were like the doctors of our time. There is no cancer, and there is no scrofula where
My good Lord, save you from the doctor. no swines flesh eaten.
I was educated amongst them at Edinburgh
University, and had a narrow escape from being one. The Filthiness of Swines Flesh.
In Christs day the doctors were just as they are
today. The poor woman suffered many things of many Gods Word says:
physicians spent all she had, but was nothing bettered, Their flesh ye shall not eat, and their carcasses ye shall not
but rather grew worse. touch; they are unclean unto you.
There is not a doctor living who knows a cure When the Lord Jesus Christ wanted to show His
plainest disease. contempt for swines flesh, he answered the prayer of
devils, and sent the devils into the pigs. They have Father, bless this assembly. Bless the assemblies in
never left them. (Laughter.) the week which lies before us. Grant unto those who
It is the dirtiest, filthiest flesh that curses humanity. oppose themselves that they may give up their folly,
You think it is clean. and that they may trust in Thee and relinquish the
The pigs in America, similar to those you eat in fighting of God and of His truth, for Jesus sake. Grant
London, eat snakes. tonight as we go home that we may remember that the
There is an island near Detroit, Michigan, which was Christ who went about all Galilee teaching, preaching
full of snakes. They turned in some pigs. Somebody and healing is with us still, the same Teacher, Preacher
said the snakes would kill the pigs; but, bless your life, and Healer as ever. For Jesus sake, bless us. Amen.
it was the pigs that killed the snakes and ate them all. Beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And
You ate the pigs, perhaps. may the very God of Peace Himself sanctify you
Ugh! The filthiness of it! wholly; and I pray God your whole Spirit and Soul and
Jesus never healed a cancer. He never saw one. Body be preserved entire, without blame unto the
There was no such thing as cancer in Palestine. coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; faithful is He that
I never knew of an orthodox Jew who had a cancer. calleth you, who also will do it; the grace of our Lord
You dirty pig-eaters! How can you eat pig? I was in Jesus, the love of God our Father, the fellowship of the
Belfast, Ireland, the other day. A drove of pigs was Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide; one Eternal
being driven in the street. The leg of one pig was God, abide in you, bless you and keep you, and all the
running, and the poor pig was very sick. At last it could Israel of God everywhere, forever. Amen.
not go. It lay down and could not get up. They sent for
a butcher to have it killed and served up to you in
London, full of disease. Leaves of Healing vol 8 No.2 Nov 3, 1900 p 50
Jesus taught very plain things.
His teaching was very effective.
They believed Him and they obtained Salvation and
Healing, because they believed that He was the Son of
God who could plead with the Father for them; that He
was the Saviour of the world, the Lamb of God that
taketh away the sin of the world.
These were the three things which Jesus did. He
went about teaching, preaching and healing.
All who believe that Jesus Christ is just the same
today, stand and tell God. All who believe that Jesus
Christ has changed, keep your seats. (With a few
exceptions the audience arose.)
Now pray.


My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. I believe

that Jesus is just the same Saviour, Healer, Cleanser and Keeper.
For His sake hear my cry. Take away my sin. Help me to do right,
to find deliverance through Him, for His sake. Amen. (All standing
repeat the prayer, clause by clause, after the General Overseer.)
After the Doxology had been sung, the services
were closed by the General Overseer offering the



Fifty Cents a Year



A Christian Do When Sick?




General Overseer of the Christian Catholic Church
Church in Zion.

Delivered in Zion Tabernacle, 1621-1633 Michigan Avenue,

Chicago, Illinois, Lords Day, July 11, 1897



Entered at Chicago Post Office as Second Class Matter. Published Monthly

Press of Zion Printing Works, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be

acceptable in Thy sight and profitable unto this people and to all to whom
these words shall come, oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.

I will ask you this question before I announce my text:

Should not a Christian obey the commands of God as contained
in His word?
Say Yes or No.
Then, there is no question what a Christian should do; when
Here is the apostolic command inspired by the Spirit of God
showing you what was the practice of the primitive church.
What should a Christian do when sick?

Is any among you sick ? let him call for the elders of the church; and
let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
And the prayer of faith shall save him that is sick, and the Lord shall
raise him up; and it he have committed sins, it shall be forgiven him.
Confess therefore your sins to one another, and pray one for another
that ye maybe healed. The supplication of a righteous man availeth much
in its working."James 5:14-16. R. V.

A commonly quoted saying, amongst people who like to

make declarations that they do not live up to, is The religion
of the Protestants is the Bible.
It is a very good saying in a sense, although I do not
approve of it wholly even as perhaps they want it to be




I believe in the perpetuity of inspiration, and the perpetuity A Christian is a member of the Church, that General
of the Life of God in His church. Assembly and Church of the First-born, whose names are
A dead apostle, or a dead epistle has no power. written in heaven, and cannot help being if he is a true
The Spirit of God makes the words spoken in every age to Christian.
live, and I have just as much right to ask to-day that the Holy Therefore, he ought to be identified with the visible Church
Ghost shall guide me, inspire me, control me in, speaking in in some form, even in some imperfect form. If I were pushed
Chicago as Paul had when he spoke in Ephesus. (Amen.) to it I would not hesitate to say that it would be better for a
I believe the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ is greater than man or woman to be connected with the Church of Rome than
the Bible; that there are thousands of things that Christ could not to be connected with any part of the Church.
not tell us, that we were not able to bear, and while no religion Apostate though that church is, fallen though it be, it
can ever be true that contradicts the Bible, yet that religion is contains a vast mass of truth, and I have no sympathy with
forever true which fulfills and which develops, and which those who say, I am going to be a Christian, but I refuse to be
embodies, and which applies the principles of the Word of connected with any organization.
God. You might just as well in the late war have said, I am
Now, returning to the expression, I have a right to require going to be a soldier, but I decline to go into the army. I am
of every Protestant to do what the Bible commands, and the going to be a soldier all on my own account; I am going to
answer to the question, what should a Christian do when sick, fight just as I like and where I like. I am going to fight rebels
is provided by the Bible. where I meet them and just as I like. Now you were a soldier
Neither in the Old Testament, nor in the New, from Genesis (to Mr. Dinius) what did they call these. fellows?
to Revelation, covering 4, l00 years of human history of Divine Mr. Dinius:Guerillas.
Revelation, in no part of that Bible is there one single word Dr. Dowie:Why they are not reckoned as soldiers. They
approving doctors, surgeons, or drugs. were called sometimes guerillas, and they were an utterly
There is no provision in the Bible for any other healing of irregular kind of soldier. And they were not recognized as
Gods people than God Himself. regular soldiers by either, and were shot as brigands and
They who say the opposite have a right to give us the murderers.
chapter and verse and prove it. A soldier in the great army of the Lord must be willing to
On the other hand my lecture of last Sabbath day, tracing enter and shoulder his musket, and wear the uniform of the
Divine Healing from Genesis to Revelation, provides the other regular army, in some of its many parts; and, if he can not get
answer. The lecture of to-day concentrates upon the question: a higher place than a full private, be a full private. It was the
What should a Christian do? full privates that won the battles, anyhow. Generals directed
them, but the full privates fought the fight, bled and died and

won the battle. I think it is a piece of the greatest impudence for a man to
A Christian ought to be associated with the Assembly, with tell you that he has reached so high a state of wisdom,
the Ecclesia, as it is called in the New Testament. You know knowledge and grace that his identification with you would be
I am against denominations as they stand just now, but I would to his deterioration. It is his duty, if he is a Christian of such
rather that a man, after all, was among the miserable Baptists exalted character to get in amongst us and help us to be better.
with the water frozen sixty feet thick around the baptistry, or I have
with the Presbyterians who have got great chunks of doctrine,
which are just as hard as steel, and would require the stomach NO SYMPATHY WITH THE GO-AS-YOU-LIKE
of an ostrich to digest. (Laughter.) I tell you I would rather AND DO-AS-YOU; PLEASE KIND OF CHRISTIANS.
they were in some portion of the Church of God, imperfect as
it might be, than not under cover at all. I do not believe in guerillas, and I have no confidence
There were many regiments that were not of much account, whatever in the man who will not come into the church and the
and there were regiments during the war that were composed army of the Living God, and be prepared to wear the uniform,
of splendidly educated men, and these men formed the crack shoulder his musket and walk in the ranks. Now, if you are in
regiments of the army, but everybody must be in the army one the Church you have a rightful claim and a right to call for
way or another. help.
There are certain rights that a man has in the Church. Every
WHEN YOU ARE IN THE CHURCH, YOU HAVE A Christian has a right to ask of every member of that church
RIGHT TO CALL FOR THE ELDERS OF THE CHURCH. sympathy, love and co-operation in helping him when in
distress of any kind.
But, if you are not inside of the church, what right have you
to call for any elders? IT IS THE BOUNDEN DUTY OF THE CHURCH OF
A Christian is supposed to be associated with some portion GOD TO FIND HELP FOR ITS OWN POOR;
of the Church of God, and I do not hesitate to say that it is an
evidence of a lower type of Christianity when a man says, I help for its own sick; help for its own sad, sorrowing and
will not be associated with any. For instance, the other day a lonely members; that help which God designed the Church to
brother said to me: Well, Doctor I see so much inconsistency, be always ready to extend lovingly and instantly to all its
and so much of this and that in the Church, that I can not be members.
connected with any, not even with your church. It is the duty of the Church, and I feel it increasingly, to find
Well, I said The Lord bless you. I do not think we are ways in which its own members can co-operate with each other
very perfect, but oh, my brother, you who have such a perfect under circumstances that will enable them to make home
stamp of Christianity, why do you not come in and help us, happier, purer; away from bad influences, and to cooperate in
(laughter) and bring us up to your own majestic standing? industries in such a manner that they can get the reward for

their labor, so that they will build and inhabit, and that they But the first question is, Who is an Elder?
will sow and reap, and they will not build and another inhabit, Now, the only answer that can be given to that is to refer to
and not sow and another reap. the Ordination of Elders, and to see what an Elder is, according
I am a Christian Socialist to the center of my being. to the Scriptures.
I believe with all my heart, and ever have, and have ever It is in the epistle of Paul to Titus that you find the best
taught, and have ever plead, that the Church of God must have definition of the Elder.
all things in common and get back to its primitive power. Now, I want you to count upon your fingers the number of
I do not say that all things in common means that all things qualifications as they go on. Here is the way to find out who an
are on a dead level of equality. Unity and equality are two Elder is.
different things. Absolutely different. Now, listen!
One man is worth a dollar a day. Another is worth five.
Another is worth fifty. Another is worth a hundred. Another is Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the
priceless, and there are some who are not worth a red cent. faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after
In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the
The highest power in the Church of God is associated with world began:
the deepest humility. But hath in due times manifested His word through preaching
If you are in the Church of God, you have a right to call for according to the commandment of God our Savior.
the elders.
You will notice that these three verses contain the decla-
WHO IS AN ELDER? ration that he is a minister, a servant of God, and an apostle in
the kingdom and Church of God. He, therefore, is writing as an
That is the next thing. apostle. The church is founded upon the Foundation of the
You will find a large number of persons to-day who teach apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief
Divine Healing who are guilty of the grossest disorder in this Corner Stone.
matter. The only authoritative word that can ever be spoken by an
They say that any one is an elder who possesses the re- officer in the Church in the last resort is the word of an apostle.
quisite faith, or who says he does; and who will have the You say, One of the twelve apostles. What are you talking
audacity to act as self-ordained. about? There were twenty-one apostles whose names are here.
The word elder, Presbuteros, has got a definite meaning; it There were only twelve at the time, but the apostolic office was
is an office in the Church of God, and when a Christian is sick, continued as each apostle departed.
the command is that the Christian is to call for the Elders of the You will find James, the brother of the Lord, and Jude the
Ecclesia. Elders of the Assembly or Church. brother of James who were not apostles when He was living,
They are to do something when they come. became apostles. You will find that Barnabas and Saul, who

were not apostles when He was living, became apostles. There the man was; it is what he is. The first thing is that he is to be
is sixteen. a man of blameless life. That is the first thing. It is not what he
You will find that Apollos was an apostle; you will find that thinks about himself; it is not what other people say about him.
Andronicus and Junias were called apostles. There is nineteen. The first qualification for an apostle is, a man of good,
You will find that Epaphroditus is called an apostle. There blameless life, who stands without fear and without reproach.
is twenty of them, and I forgot the first one, Matthias, making The next thing is,
twenty-one whose names are recorded in the Word of God.
The apostolic office was continued, and if the apostolic The husband of one wife.
office was not continued Paul was not an apostle; Barnabas
Now, Brother Graves, [turning to Evangelist Graves whose
was not an apostle; James the brother of the Lord, was not an
healing is recorded in LEAVES OF HEALING, Vol. 3, No. 39]
apostle; Jude, the brother of James, was not an apostle. And the
you are not married and you cannot be an elder, you sinner.
Bible lies when it says they were apostles, or you lie, if you say
(Laughter.) You cannot be an elder, and no unmarried man or
they are not.
woman can be appointed or ordained to the office of elder; for
Now, Paul was an apostle. What does he say to Titus
women were elders. There were women elders, Presbuteras, as
To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and well as Presbuteros. The feminine form is used as well as the
peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour masculine.
For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the Now, the first thing was that an elder must be blameless,
things that are wanting. and the husband of one wife; therefore a polygamist cannot be
an elder. An unmarried man, an nonogamist, cannot be an
Now, here is an apostolic commission. elder.
First, blameless; second, the husband of one wife; third,
And ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee.
Having faithful children, not accused of not or unruly.
Now, who is fit to be ordained as an elder ?
Here, you see, is the definition. No man has a right to enter the office of elder who has not
been able to keep his own household in order. How can he rule
If any be blameless.
the Church of God, if he cannot rule his own house?
If his own children are going to the devil, how can he rule
That is the first thing. It does not matter if a mans life may
the Church of God? He cannot. And he has got no business to
have been a sinful life. He may have been a thief; he may have
be an elder.
been a liar; he may have been as the apostle Paul himself was,
Let him exercise his authority, and let him exercise the
a murderer. He said, referring to Stephens death, that he was
disciplinary power which as a father he has, and let him bring
a murderer.
his house into order. No use saying a man cannot do it. He can.
Now, he may have been all these things, but it is not what

The laws of God and of man stand on his side it: bringing his
family into order. AS THE STEWARD OF GOD.
It is a shocking shame and disgrace for a man to say, I have
got a boy ten years old, or twelve, or fourteen, or sixteen, and Do you not see an overseer has to recognize that everything
that comes into his hand is simply a stewardship?
I cannot do anything with him. Cannot do anything with him?
Now, I realize that; I know that many things are going to
I would do something with him. I would make him do right. come as Gods Steward in Zion, but a great deal has come to
Cannot do anything with him? Why do you not exercise your me in various ways, and I just look at it and say, Now, Lord,
authority? You can do it. You ought to do it. It is a shame for that is your money, you sent it to me, help me to use it. I ask
you to say you cannot. It is a disgrace for Christian fathers or God to help me to turn it into LEAVES OF HEALING, and into
mothers to say they can not keep their children in order. Tabernacles, and to help people here and there, and when any
man needs some little help, or woman, and is poor, in the
For a bishop Church, I do not call a church meeting, I do not go to a
committee, but I love to help and I have the power to do it, as
The word bishop is simply the word episcopos, one who the steward of God.
looks over, simply overseer; that is all there is to the word Whatever instruction and knowledge He gave me, I am
bishop. simply the steward of it, and whatever money He gave me, I
I am a bishop, if you will have it, because I am overseeing. am the steward of it; whatever time and influence He gave toe,
I am the steward of it. That is to say, I have got to give an
I have a kind of oversight over brother Graves here and I am
not quite sure whether I have not an oversight over brother account to Him, and I have got to use it in distributing it
Peterson. He says I have, and I have a sort of oversight over amongst the people, and in doing what I can to win men to
these brethren here, and I have even an oversight over my
A voice:Are these terms identical?
father here, and keep him in order, and I think I have an
oversight over all these dear folks about me, and I have an Dr. Dowie:No, they are not. Presbuteros and Episcopos
oversight over a great many people in the world, and I thank are not identical. Presbuteros simply means an elder, and
Episcopos is an overseer, meaning that a man may be an elder
God that I look over my field every morning, and every night,
and an overseer. He may be an elder and apostle.
and I bow down before my God, and I ask Him who sees what
The greater includes the less, but the less does not include
they need, in His infinite mercy to bless them that day, and to
the greater. The office of apostle will include the office of
help me that day. That is the kind of overseer I am. I am
prophet and teacher, and everything else. That is to say, that
simply the general roustabout, and I have got to pay the bills,
the apostle must be one whose office enables him to grasp the
(Laughter,) and stand the knocks, and get all the abuse, and all
that kind of thing. Then 1 get the honors too, honors from God; powers pertaining to all the offices.
I get that. But to continue the qualifications for eldership.
Not self-willed.
A bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God;
Now, friends, there is no doubt that here lies one of the
Now, that is the thing,
hardest parts of the office, because there is not any man among

us, and especially any man with any power, who has not got a Not soon angry.
tendency to self-will. He would not be worth a button without
a strong will. Do not get angry too soon, but when you do get angry, get
I say this, that the will under God is one of the mightiest angry mightily; go at it!
powers that enters into the composition of a man, and the
Be ye angry and sin not.
human will seems to have been almost the one thing that
escaped destruction by the fall of man. The Lord Jesus Christ
appealed to the will of these Pharisees, and He said, Oh. I tell you the thing I am troubled about is there are a
whole lot of elders that are never angry with anything.
Ye will not. (Laughter.) Everything is all right. They are always washing
their hands in invisible soap and water; everything is all right.
And He said, (Laughter.) Sweetness. Oh, my good Lord. save me from
If ye will, One of them the other day, got on to his pulpit down in New
York; he got up; he drew a long breath, and he cast up his eyes,
And He pointed out to them that they had the power to will (laughter) and said:
or not to will. There was a tremendous power in these men of
not willing, and there was a tremendous power when they Ah! Ah! God, we love Thee. We do not want to be like Paul; we
willed. would like to be like John. we would like to lay our head upon thy breast,
and be still. (Laughter.)
Just look at Paul when he willed to be a Christian; when he
said, Humbug! Unmitigated humbug! He never will have any
Lord, what wilt Thou have me do? chance of being like Paul. He has not got enough grit in him to
be like Paul. He will never have a chance of being like John
And surrendered his will. What a tremendous power he and James, for they were called Boanerges which means Sons
became by that very strength of will that he had always of Thunder! My! When John fell upon anybody something
previously possessed, but which was so gloriously guided by happened. You just read that third epistle of John to the well
God. beloved Gaius, and see how he talks of Diotrephes:
But Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them,
Therefore, if I come. I will remember his deeds which he doeth,
Develop will; let them have all the will power they can speaking against us with malicious words "
contain. Let them exercise will, but let them be guided for
God; not self-willed, but divinely controlled. Will is one of the When he comes to Diotrephes, look out! I guess it was a bad
great qualifications in ruling. You must have a strong will, but quarter of an hour for him There are many of that kind in the
must not be self-willed. It must be Gods will, not churches now-a-days, speaking against us with malicious
self-willed. words, and we always give them a bad quarter of an hour
when we get to dealing with their lies and impudence.

What did they think John was? John was a Son of Thunder! I hate that teaching. I am angry with it. It is unmitigated
I tell you when he spoke he smote. He is the only one of them cant and humbug.
all who uses so frequently the strong term liar. He says: Love sin to death? I tell you, if you take sin into your bosom
and start loving it to death it will burn you up. It will defile
He that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth you. The only thing I have got to do with sin is to take it and
not the record that God gave of His Son.
cast it out. Is it loving Satan to love Sin.
Never attempt to love a thing to death. That is what the
I tell you he is a strong fellow is John. He got angry, but he devil wants you to do.
did not get angry soon, but when he got angry Diotrephes had
to look out, for I tell you his anger was a divine anger. It was Not given to wine.
like the anger of the Master. When the Master got angry He
just smote those Pharisees hip and thigh. No man can be an elder who takes wine; intoxicating wine.
It is the poison of hell. It overthrew Noah, who had been
Ye generation of vipers, how shall ye escape the damnation of hell? faithful amidst a faithless world. It will destroy all who love it.
There is a time to be angry. I get angry just a little with the No striker.
world, and the flesh, and the devil, and I do not mind letting
them know about it either. No man can be an elder that strikes anybody. It is better to
I am angry every day of my life with canting hypocrisy That be killed than to kill. I carry no weapons of offence or defence.
I hate more than anything else. Said the very same man, My life is in Gods holy keeping for Time and Eternity.
Not given to filthy lucre.
Oh, just be like the pearl oyster.
No man can be made an elder who is a greedy man.
It is all a lie about the pearl oyster.
But a lover of hospitality.
The dear pearl oyster comes up to the surface of the water, and it open
its little mouth and a bit of grit or something comes into it and it shuts its He has got to be a hospitable man; one who likes to take
mouth and sinks. It finds that it has got something in it that hurts it. And care of Gods children. Such a man who says: Come along to
what does it do? Why the pearl oyster covers it around with its life and
dies, and that is the pearl.
supper with us.
A lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
That is all an imaginary piece of humbug and a lie. Holding fast the faithful word, as he hath been taught that he may be
That is the way to do with sin. Do not fight it. Let the sin able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convince the gainsayers.
in and put around it the warm arms of your love and love the
That is what he said. That is what he wrote. That was what AN ELDER, AND SUCH AN ONE MUST BE
that peace-loving and sin-embracing so-called elder said down ORDAINED, THEN HE IS AN ELDER.
there in New York.

And when a man lives up to these qualifications, or a both, but the man that has stood best, though both of them have
woman, I tell you when you go to them, and say Pray for me, stood, and the man who has a Church and Divine Healing
and that man prays, and takes the oil in his finger and anoints Home in Brighton, near Melbourne, is that old man, that
you, and you are in earnest, you are going to be healed every humble man whom I took from the lowest ranks almost.
time. When that man speaks, he speaks as a power, and when he
Now, I have not ordained one elder in this church. I tell you prays, he does exactly what he was told by me years ago to do,
it takes time to find out a blameless man. It takes time to find and he does that to this day, and he just does it humbly, and
men that fulfill all these qualifications. I could easily ordain there are most remarkable healings.
men, could ordain them by the score, but, oh! friends, I do not He anointed some time ago a lady that had eczema all her
want to ordain elders that are not elders. I do not want to life. She was tearing her skin, tearing herself to pieces almost,
ordain men that God can not bless. I must see that they fulfill her whole body running blood at times, and was a horrible
the qualifications. sight, and only now and then was she a little better. But
meanwhile he led her to Christ; he was the means of her
I ORDAINED IN MY CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA TWO salvation; he was the means of her healing, and when she was
AS ELDERS, ready he anointed her, and within less than a fornight the whole
of the disease fell off her, and to-day she is at perfectly healthy
both of them godly. One was a very able man, splendidly woman.
educated, and in good position, and the other I went for away The wealthy lady who gave the home which he now has in
down to the lowest rank socially, and I took a brick-layer, a Brighton, Melbourne, was anointed by him when dying with a
man working every day, his hair beginning to get tumor, and God has mightily blessed him.
grayWhy, he said, Doctor, you do not mean to say you
have chosen me to be an elder? When I spoke to him privately WE WANT ELDERS IN THIS CHURCH WHOSE
he said, I am not fit. Well, I said, who is to say you are fit, TOUCH GOD CAN BLESS.
is it you, or is it I? Am I responsible or you?
You are. I have taken the material I had, and God has wonderfully
Then, I said, you do what I tell you. I tell you to go into used my brother Speicher. There has been no formal ordination
training for being an elder. Now, you are to take six months of him. I have asked God to bless him all the way through. He
training. Do you hear? has already been ordained to the Baptist ministry.
He said, I will do what you tell me, and he did. Brother Dinius here of the United Brethren and Brother
Well, I told him what I wanted him to do in these six Bchler out in Johannesburg of the Congregational, I believe
months, and that man did it. It was a private training, and I am we will have to have a reanointing and separation of these
not going to tell you what it is, because you are not fit to hear brothers to this office of elders.
it; you are not there; it would be no use to you if I did tell you. I have taken time this afternoon to show you who the Word
I told him. I said, I believe I am guided by God in saying of God says is an Elder.
this. Now, that does not mean anybody, and the consequence is
Well, he said, I will do it. He did it; the other man did that when anybody has been anointing, and everybody 'us
it. They waited upon God. One midnight hour I ordained them imagined they were Elders, we have had the whole thing go to

pieces. But, meanwhile,

Now, the Church of God is a Church, and Oh! that God
would raise up and qualify Elders, (Amen) and that in every Let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the
part of this great city, and to every part of the earth we might Lord, and the prayer of
Audience::Faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up;
send them to the sick and the sorrowing. That is my great Dr. Dowie:And if he have committed sins they shall be forgiven
desire that we shall out of our own members find men and him.
women that can be ordained us elders.
Sometimes that fails. Sometimes a faithful elder will pray,
Is any among you sick ? Let them call for the elders of the church, and people will not be healed. Then there comes another
and let them
AudiencePray over him. provision.
Dr. Dowie:Anointing him with
Audience:Oil. Confess your faults one to another.
Dr. Dowie:In the nameof Mah-hah-bone.
Audience:The Lord. There is the Confessional. Do not make any mistake. There
is a Confessional in the Christian Catholic Church, and there
Dr. Dowie:Baal-Sha-Lisha. You wretched Knights of must be, but it is voluntary. It is one where there is no priest
Kadosh. In the name of whom? who claims power in himself to give absolution.
Confess your sins one to another ye who have sinned against
Audience::In the name of the Lord. each other.
Tell each other; confess to some man of God, if you want to
Dr. Dowie:What Lord is that? get godly counsel, to some Christian in your church in whom
A Voice:The Lord Jesus, the Son of the living God. you have confidence.
Dr. Dowie:These wretched men that drug the Church of
God down into the hands of Baal. You have got the Baal Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another that ye
Sha-Lisha, brother Methodists, in most of your pulpits; you may be healed.
have got the Baal Sha-Lisha, Bishop Cheney; you have got
the Baal Sha-Lisha, Jenkins Lloyd Jones: you have got the Some of you will not get healing until you have owned up
Baal Sha-Lisha, Pastor Lorimer, of Boston, and late of the your sins. Wives own up your sins to your husbands. Brothers
Immanuel Church of Chicago. You have got the Baal and sisters own up your sins to each other. Own up your sins,
Sha-Lisha, you wretched Freemasons. Repent. (Amen.) confess them, get right with God. Then the supplication of
Pray your prayers beside your Baal altars, but there is no some manevidently something more than an elder,
God in heaven hears you, and there is not a god in hell will
take any notice of you when you confront Elijah and Elijahs The supplication of a righteous man availeth much in its working.R.
God at Cannel.
The time is corming when these priests of Baal are going to I think my ministry lies in that sixteenth verse. I have never
be taken by a Divine hand down to the brook Kishon as on the anointed a single person, and I have not been asked to anoint
day when Elijah triumphed, and there they are going to be people. God has used me in the laying on of hands, and I have
separated forever from the Church of God on earth.

been so used all the way through. I never anoint. The consecration Hymn was then sung. After a short
Anointing is all right, but I have not used a drop of oil in my intermission, Dr. Dowie made the charge to the candidates for
life. I have never been called upon to anoint, and I have never baptism, and 51 received the ordinance of Believers Baptism
dealt with that duty of an Elder. My ministry was the laying of by Triune Immersion. Their names and addresses are found on
hands on the sick when they had confessed sin, and I never page 605 of LEAVES OF HEALING, for July 17, I897, Vol. 3,
close a service without a public confession, and a public No. 38.
consecration to God. The audience was dismissed with the benediction.
Now, friends, I want to pull on record that it may go forth
to other lands, what the teaching of this Voice from Zion is
concerning what a Christian should do when sick, and who is
an elder. Any one who is not ordained by the hands of some
one who is manifestly divinely commissioned, and who does
not fulfill these various conditions as set forth in the Word of
God, is not an Elder.
I want to see elders in this church, and I am praying for and
expecting to have the joy of ordaining them. May God grant
that they may be elders indeed, and let all the people say,
Amen. (Amen.)


Now friends, every one of you who desires to forsake sin

and sickness, and impurity of every kind, in spirit, soul and
body, and who desires God to prepare you for whatever part in
His service He designs you to take, rise up and tell Him your
hearts desire. (Apparently all rise.)


My God and Father. In Jesus name I come to Thee. Take me as I am

Make me what I ought to be in Spirit, Soul and Body. Give me power to
do right to any whom I may have wronged, to confess, to do right in Thy
sight. Give Thy Holy Spirit, enabling me to trust in Jesus the Lamb of God
who taketh away the sin of the world, and to do His will, Thy will in Him,
in all things: Cleanse my spirit; cleanse my soul; cleanse my body. and
keep me clean for Jesus' sake. [All repeat the prayer, clause by clause,
after Dr. Dowie.]
1300 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago

REV. JOHN ALEX. DOWIE, President Land and Investment Association

REV. O. L. TINDALL, M.A., Prin. Min. Tr. Dept. JOHN ALEX. DOWIE
REV W. F. MATTHEWS, M.A., Prin. Prep. Dept

Organized for the Purpose

Ministerial Training School of securing the site and building up
REV. O. L. TINDALL, M.A., B.D., Principal

For the teaching of men and women how to pray, teach and ZION CITY.
preach in the carrying of a Full Gospel to all nations.
Instruction by the President and a corps of able Lecturers.

Shares $100 each, upon which dividends of six percent interest

Preparatory and Collegiate Department per annum are guaranteed, and an additional dividend
of two percent per annum if made by the Association.
REV. W.F. MATTHEWS, M.A., Principal
Copies of the Articles of Agreement, to be signed by each
Regular Classical and Scientific Courses are offered, equal shareholder, will be mailed for inspection, upon
to those in the best collegiate schools. Also courses in application.
English Branches and Modern Languages. A first-class
Commercial Course is also presented of those who wish to Remittances should be made either by Bank Draft on New
prepare especially for business life. The study of Shorthand York or Chicago, or through any Express Companies
and Typewriting can be pursued. payable to the Association.

Zions Junior School, 1243

Michigan Boulevard Address all communications in connection with this
MRS. W. F. MATHEWS, Principal department of Zion to
Receives pupils from the First to the Fourth Grades. The
next term will begin Thursday, September 13, 1900. The
Zion Land and Investment Association,
1300 Michigan Boulevard,
school year is divided into two terms. The first term CHICAGO, ILL.
extending to the end of January, the second to the middle of
June. Tuition is $15.00 for each half-year term. H. Worthington Judd, Secretary and General Manager


THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL DECLARED. people down to the present time, is set forth in a
striking and convincing manner in the first talk. In the
Report of Meetings held in Divine Healing Home No. 2, October 22 and 24, second is shown the great blessing which God gives to
1894. Gifts of Healings Permanent in the Church, and' Lord, but Say the those who, through faith, can say, as did the centurion,
Lord, but say the word, and Thy servant shall be
healed. These discourses have brought many blessings

A TRUE WORD, spoken in love, is an inestimable

to those who heard them and lived the truths as set
forth. They have proved, in their own bodies, that the
Gifts of Healings have not been taken away.
It never dies. It goes on and on, spreading the light
until the time shall come when They need no light The General Overseer has not revised these reports.
of lamp,
neither light of sun; for the Lord God shall give GIFTS OF HEALING PERMANENT IN THE
them light. CHURCH
All the wonderful words of Gods truth; words based
upon Gods Word; words given him by Gods Holy
Spirit; words spoken with all the power of a Divinely - Divine Healing Home No. 1. October 22, 1894.
imparted love, which Gods Messenger in Zion has Dr. Dowie said: We are tarrying a long time with the
spoken, have brought blessing to men in ever-widening eighth chapter of Matthew, for this is the center of all
circles. our teaching, especially the first seventeen verses. We
They have been carried on the snowy wings of the have found it so for many years, these words especially,
Little White Dove over mountain and plain; over Himself took our infirmities, and bare our diseases. I
burning sands and ocean wave; into kings palaces and was dealing with the willingness of the Lord to heal. I
into the dark haunts of poverty; and everywhere they will; be thou clean.
have gone, men have turned from sin, have cried unto
God for mercy, and have found pardon, peace and Everything in Divine Healing Turns Upon the
healing. Willingness of God to Heal.
Those words have been treasured up in grateful,
loving hearts and have found expression in holy lives, The origin of disease has engaged our attention in
deeds of consecrated service and joyous testimonies to previous talks. I have dealt quite at length with the
Gods wonderful works in them. position that disease is the consequence of sin and the
The two talks which follow are full of the most work of Satan. I have showed that inasmuch as our
blessed Divine truth, spoken by Gods Messenger to Lord Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the
Zion six years ago. Devil, He could not destroy these works without
The absolute unchangeableness of Gods Way of destroying disease, for disease is the work of Satan.
Healing, from the earliest days of His dealings with His
Disease is the progeny of Father Satan and Mother Sin, If that is the case, do you not see that the assumption
who have Brought forth a horrid brood of all kinds of is wholly unfounded in Scripture?
miseries which curse humanity, disease being by no Inasmuch as the Scripture is to Christians the one
means the least. infallible rule and guide, and inasmuch as for 4100
Because disease was the work of the Devil, and our years of dealing with His children God never once
Lord Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the commanded that they were to seek for healing through
Devil, and as Peter said in the bouse of Cornelius, man, the assumption that medicine is a reversion to
went about doing good, and healing all that were Gods ordinary way of healing is totally unfounded.
oppressed of the Devil, and inasmuch as never did our Such teaching is diametrically opposed to the fact
Lord Jesus Christ say that disease was the work or will that God has always revealed Himself as the Healer. He
of God, I hold it was reasonable, logical and Scriptural made a Covenant with Moses and His people at the
to declare that our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to waters of Marah 1490 years before Christ came in the
destroy disease. flesh. He told Moses what to do when he came to the
After all, that was a negative side of the question, springs and found them polluted, so that they could
and the question is, Can we be quite sure that His will drink. He bade Moses cut down a tree in that desert
is positively to heal, and are we sure that He is at all and cast it into the waters, and promised that when he
times willing? did this the waters would be healed and that the people
who were famishing with thirst should drink.
An Objection to Divine Healing on the Ground Everything happened as God had declared. Moses,
of an Alleged Change in God's Way of Healing. with simple faith, in advance of all science, so-called,
cut down the tree and threw it into the water. The
Against the position that He is, people sometimes highest and truest science was to obey God. He obeyed
argue: Dr. Dowie, you make a mistake; you are God and God did what He promised. He healed the
speaking as if God were willing to act now as He did bitter waters. He made the bitter waters sweet. Then He
nineteen centuries ago. God is not willing to act in that made a Covenant. Then He gave Divine Healing as an
way now because it bas pleased Him in His Infinite absolute Covenant with His people; made it upon
Wisdom to work by other means. The Gifts of Healings certain distinct and clear conditions. He said:
were only given for a time. They were removed when
the necessity for them ceased to exist. The necessity for If thou wilt diligently hearken to the Voice of the Lord thy God,
these gifts was to establish the Christian religion, and and wilt do that which is right in His eyes, and wilt give ear to His
commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the
inasmuch as that has been firmly and fully established, diseases upon thee, which I have put upon the Egyptians: for I am
the necessity for miracles has passed away and healing the Lord that healeth thee.
reverts to the old operation of nature and its laws.
That is the common teaching of the theological Old Testament Verses Which Seem to Say That
seminaries and the common teaching of the churches. God Caused Evil Should be Translated
It is wholly false. Permissively.

There is No Scripture Commanding, Advising or I will call your attention to a point contained in the
Even Implying the Use of Drugs for Healing. closing words of the passage: I will put none of the
diseases. The verb there is permissive, not causative.
In the first place, the whole assumption that God Dr. Robert Young in his Hebrew Concordance of the
ever at any time had designed that men should be Scriptures agrees with me in that interpretation. I said
healed by means of medicines, science or doctors, it years before the Concordance appeared. As a matter
whichever you wish to call it, is an assumption which of satisfaction, I am glad that a scholar has agreed to
cannot be based upon a single iota of Scripture truth. that which I declared years ago. I have called the
From Genesis to Revelation there is not one single attention of far greater scholars, professors of certain
passage which says or even implies that God has said universities, to the point. They said that the point had
to His people, Is any among you sick, let him call for never been raised, but they were perfectly amazed to
a doctor. find that a very large number of cases to which I gave

them a clew were undoubtedly cases in which the

active verb must be translated permissively. God says that these conditions being fulfilled, He
The last clause is properly translated in the will permit to be put upon us none of these diseases.
permissive sense: I will permit to be put upon thee But the conditions are that we shall hear God and do
none of the diseases which I have permitted to be put what God tells us. The conditions never alter in any
upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth dispensation.
God, as you know, did not want the Egyptians to The Only Faith Worth the Name is That Which
suffer at all. He sent His servant Moses to demand that Finds Expression in Obedience.
His people be set free. Pharaoh hardened his heart, and
God simply withdrew His protecting hand that they For people to talk about an abstract faith which does
should reap as they had sown: plague after plague. He not come down to Obedience is arrant nonsense.
that hath the power of death . . . is the Devil. God Faith is absolute and practical and constant and
simply permitted the Devil to have his way by determined Obedience to God, no matter what the
permitting him to bring plague after plague on the consequences may be. Faith is hearing and doing. It is
landwithin limits. God simply permitted him to do four times repeated in that Covenant: Diligently
certain things. hearken to the Voice of the Lord thy God, and Do
The question of permission is always a fine and that which is right in His eyes, and Give ear to His
somewhat difficult question. It is clear in Gods work commandments, and Keep all His statutes, You are
that God never causes evil. He may permit man to reap to have nothing to do with listening to any other voice.
the consequences of sin. It will be no excuse to say that some one else said so
There is no good whatever in disease. God simply and so. The question is, What did God say?
permits man to receive the consequences of his own In the great Day of Judgment you will not be
transgressions. There is no good in it except in this vindicated; your conduct will be disapproved and
sense, that man is thereby taught that the wages of sin severely condemned and you will lose, by not obeying
is death, and that the Law of the Spirit of Life, in Christ, God absolutely.
is come to set him free from the Law of Sin and Death. The trouble is that men are listening to the voices of
ten thousand times ten thousand men, and not to the
God Never Does Evil That Good May Come. Voice of God. I do not ask you to listen to my voice
except in so far as God in His Infinite Love and Mercy
He is ever pleading with humanity to avoid falling permits me to voice His own Word.
into these things. In the case of the Egyptians, for Some suppose they have nothing to do to get their
instance He sent His servant for the very purpose of healing. In a passive way they sit here and say, I
beseeching the Egyptians, who had broken the suppose that is essential to my healing, but the sooner
covenant with Him and His people, to no longer it is over the better. Those who listen like that will
continue this breaking of the covenant and enslaving never get blessing. You must listen, and you must listen
the people, and to let Gods chosen people go. But the diligently. You must be quite sure that it is the Voice of
Egyptians refused to obey, and God permitted them to God to which you harken.
reap a little of what they had sown. You can determine whether any voice is the Voice
God does not permit man to reap all he has sown. of God or not. If it is, it will agree with all that is good
He is constantly interposing, permitting the Devil to go and right in your conscience and reason. It will agree
only so far and evil men to go so far, restraining them with the Word God. If it differs from the Word of God,
in His infinite Mercy; for the sake of His people sparing it is not the Voice of God, and if it differs from sound
humanity. reason, it is not the Voice of God.
You are at liberty to disobey the Voice of God; but
If thou wilt diligently hearken to the Voice of the Lord thy God, if you disobey, you sin; not because I say it, but
and wilt do that which is right in His eyes, and wilt give ear to His because God said it.
commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the
diseases upon thee which I have put upon the Egyptians: for I am
the Lord that healeth thee. The Covenant of Divine Healing Has Never
Been Altered. the power of Satan and sin and disease and death and
I therefore hold that those who say that medical All through the Epistle to the Corinthians there is a
science is a reversion to Gods original plan, that God command to yield your body to God, and the glorious
is not willing to heal today, must be charged with promise that the life of righteousness shall be made
erring, not knowing the Scriptures nor the continuous manifest.
power of God manifested in continuous ministry of Throughout the other epistles the same thought
healing. runs. When you get to Revelation it is full of it until you
There is no change in God. I am the Lord, I come to the end, where the River of Life is flowing
change not. was said through Malachi by God Himself from God and the Leaves of the Tree are for the
in the Last of the Old Testament, and this Covenant is Healing of the Nations.
at the opening of the revelation to His chosen people, To say that God has revealed Himself to humanity
1100 years before. as healing in any other way, is not in accordance with
I am the Lord that healeth thee, is at the the Word of God. This statement which is made in
beginning, and I am the Lord, I change not, at the theological seminaries is merely an assumption and a
end. In the very middle of the Bible you will find: poor, pitiful excuse for the purpose of supplying a
faithless ministry with a false reason for the cessation of
Bless the Lord, O my soul, the Gifts of Healings.
Who forgiveth all mine iniquities The statement that the Gifts of Healings were only
Who healeth all thy diseases.
imparted for a time is entirely contrary to the Word of
Gods Word gives voice always to the same thing. God; for the Word of God declares:
As for the New Testament, the man who does not
The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.
see Divine Healing taught in it is wilfully blind. He
shuts his eyes. He shuts his ears. He hardens his heart. There can be no possible mistake as to what these
The New Testament from the very beginning to the gifts are; for they are enumerated with exceeding
end is full of Divine Healing. accuracy by the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 12: 1-11:
From the opening of our Lords ministry He went
about doing good, teaching, preaching and healing. He Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you
proclaimed, when He opened His mission in the ignorant.
synagogue of Nazareth, fourth chapter of Luke, that He
had come for the very purpose of saving and healing. How often ought this passage to be read in Church!
Divine Healing is all through every Gospel and in the Never was the Church so intensely ignorant as today on
Acts of the Apostles down to the very last line, when the question of spiritual gifts.
Paul turns upon the rabbis and Jews of Rome and
For to one is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom; and
declares to them: to another the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit; to
another faith, in the same Spirit; and to another gifts of healings, in
For this peoples heart is waxed gross, the one Spirit; and to another workings of miracles; and to another
And their ears are dull of hearing, prophecy; and to another discernings of spirits: to another divers
And their eyes they have closed; kinds of tongues; and to another the interpretation of tongues; but
Lest haply they should perceive with their eyes, all these worketh the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each one
And hear with their ears, severally even as he will.
And understand with their heart,
And should turn again, Gifts of Healings are Permanent in the Church.
And I should heal them.

Divine Healing in the Epistles and Revelation. Taking that passage in connection with the one just
quoted from Romans, For the gifts and the calling of
The Epistle to the Romans is full of it. The God are without repentance, you will see that any one
redemption of the body is the very center of the whole who says that God has taken from us, or repented of,
teaching in Romans the redemption of the body from the Gifts of Healings, lies. Either he lies or God lies.
God cannot lie.

Hence the theologians lie. If a Church has it in its own hands to purge itself of
There are a great many liars around, are there not? that charge, it must purge itself.
The Gifts of Healings are among the Nine Gifts. There Instead of teaching that God has set Gifts of
is no man in the Church today who would say that the Healings permanently in the Church, they say He has
first three are taken away: the Word of Wisdom, the set the science of medicine.
Word of Knowledge, and Faith.
What about the other six? Do not we need them Medicine, Physicians Admit, is Not a Science.
There is no use of people spinning out theological Doctors themselves laugh at the expression. The
theories which have no Scripture to back them. As wisest physicians of the day, not the least in rank in the
Protestant Christians have refused to take the army of Hippocrates or Galen, not the least in rank in
interpretation of a fallible Church and have demanded the various schools of medical treatment, and every
that the Church shall be guided by the Word of God, man of common sense and honesty throughout the
which is infallible, they should believe the doctrine of whole medical profession, will tell you that medicine is
Divine Healing which is taught all through that Word. purely speculative. They will admit that they have not
found the first stone to lay as the foundation of a
The Church of God Must be Guided by the science, and that they are continually being
Word of God. disappointed.
They cry Eureka1 I have found it! and they find it
We care nothing for the Roman Councils, or the is only one more bubble which they have grasped; a
decisions Roman popes, or the writings of Roman will-o-thewisp which leads them into deeper bogs of
fathers, except in far as they are in accordance with the fraud and humbug and lying. Take LEAVES OF
Word of God. HEALING, Volume I, Number 4, pages 61 to 63. There
The Church of God is not the superior of Scripture. are about one hundred doctors own statements as to
Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit for the guidance what medical science is. Who challenges these
and the control of the Church of God. The Church statements? I did not invent them. They are quoted
which refuses to be guided or controlled by the accurately. They are not quoted out of their proper
Scripture is a false Church, whether Protestant or context. They are statements which can bear only one
Roman Catholic. interpretation. I know from my own personal
The man or woman who refuses to be guided by the knowledge in the great University of Edinburgh, in
Word of God has fallen away from Him. There is no which many noted doctors have received their
other decision. Either the Church must be above the education. The highest professors in that University
Word of God or must be ruled by the Word of God. It have declared in my hearing that medicine is not a
cannot be both. science.
As for the power to interpret the Word of God, the This statement that medicine is a science is met by
Church cannot interpret it in a manner which is the doctors themselves, who say with one voice, You
opposed to common sense, to sound reason and to the are wrong, medicine is not a science. This statement is
clear, unmistakable meaning which the words were also met by the fact that you can take any congregation,
intended to convey when they were first written. as I often take the congregations in Zion Tabernacle,
It does not matter whether it is a Church of Rome, and say to them, All who have been to doctors and
a Presbyterian, a Congregationalist, a Baptist or any taken medicine, put up your hands. Almost without
other Church, the Church or minister who refuses to be exception all hold up their hands. When you ask all
controlled and guided by the Word of God is apostate who were perfectly healed by doctors and medicines to
and fallen. put up their hands, no hands are raised. When you ask
The Protestant churches are apostate in so far as all who have been healed through faith in Jesus to
they have denied the perpetuation of that which God stand, hundreds rise to their feet.
declares is absolutely without any change.
The charge of apostasy is a very serions charge, and God Would Not Take Away Gifts of Healings
no man should make it lightly. and Give Such an Inefficient Substitute as Medicine.
A bit of sound reasoning would make you think, which God revealed in these Scriptures.
Could God have taken away the greater and
substituted the lesser? If Christ is the Same, Christianity Should be the
Thirty five centuries ago God revealed Himself to Same.
Moses and that rabble which came out of Egypt; to that
poor mass of enslaved humanity, so long ground down The same works are wrought in the same Name.
under oppression, so wretched, so unclean, that they all It is, therefore, important that the Church of God
perished in the desert except a very few who, with their should express the same characteristics in the
children, entered into the Promised Land. Thank God Nineteenth Century as in the First. The infidels have a
for giving so mighty and glorious a Covenant to these, perfect right to demand that Christianity of today shall
His people, in their discouraged condition. be exactly like the Christianity of nineteen centuries
Is it in accordance with your conception of God that ago. You have no right to demand, on the ground of
now, at a later period, with all the glory of Jesus Christ pure reason, that they shall believe the miracles of
and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, He should nineteen centuries ago if you cannot show them the
take that Covenant away and leave in its place every same wonder-working God in the Nineteenth Century.
medical quack and medical sham and all kinds of Inasmuch as Christ said, He that believeth on Me,
abominable opposing systems, none of which heal? Is the works that I do shall he do also; these signs shall
that in accordance with Gods mercy in dealing with follow them that believe; in My Name they shall lay
His children? It is not. God would never take away the hands on the sick and they shall recover; the prayer
greater to substitute for it the lesser, even if the lesser of faith shall save the sick, reason demands to see the
were a good thing, which in this case is not provable. things done. Therefore, the assertion of the Church that
It is not provable that medicine is at all a beneficent Christianity was sufficiently established by miracles
thing. It is not provable that men would have gotten nineteen centuries ago, the proof of manuscripts written
better quicker with the use of any medicine. Doctors nearly three centuries after the events will not do. It is
themselves confirm this. People get better, one not sufficient to satisfy human reason.
candid man says in these quotations, in spite of our If you can show that God is the same God; that
medicines, and not because of them. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yea and
forever; that the same works are wrought today in
Miracles of Healing are Needed Now to Prove Chicago which were wrought nineteen centuries ago in
the Truth of the Gospel as Much as in Jesus Life Jerusalem, then you are writing another page of the
and Apostolic Times. Gospel which goes to show as many and just as clear
proofs of its Divinity as the pages before us. That is
The statement that the Christian religion has been what the world needs.
sufficiently established by works which were wrought We cannot rest upon words which were merely for
nineteen centuries ago is not reasonable, inasmuch as nineteen centuries ago. The Words of Christ are
historical statements can be questioned with more or spoken to us. We declare and He declares that they are
less show of reason. As a matter of fact, coming to a Spirit and Life. They are Eternal, and the same results
candid admission, we have no older manuscripts of the will follow faithful obedience to them.
New Testament in existence than those written in the
Fourth Century. If Christianity is depending simply Miracles Wrought by God Today Cannot be
upon the possession of historical documents to prove its Denied.
truth, then the infidel may say to us, Find me a
manuscript of your documents, written between the Robert Ingersoll may sneer at the miracles of
First and Fourth Centuries. nineteen centuries ago, but all the sneering of Ingersoll
Christianity does not depend for its truthfulness cannot alter the fact that miracles are wrought today.
upon the possession of any such manuscripts. lt He cannot alter the fact which each of the issues of
depends and always will depend for its truthfulness LEAVES OF HEALING asserts. He cannot deny that the
upon the fact that the Church of God is the possessor little boy who came in with a paralyzed leg is running
of the gifts, founded upon Christ, graces and powers about today, attending the Armour Avenue public

school on the other side of the city, and is in the class dear unto the centurion and not to Jesus is not sound.
for physical instruction. Read the two verses as if one. Read the pronouns he,
The infidels ask for facts, and we are stuffing them him and his, all through as referring to Jesus. It referred
down their throats until they will have to stop talking. to Jesus in the first verse and why to the centurion in
If the whole Church of God instead of trying to the second verse? Many read it as dear to the
mislead humanity by trying to reason away the plain centurion, but I read it as dear unto Jesus.
language of Scripture, would just set to work and put it
into practice, all infidelity would be swept away like The Centurions Servant May Have Been One of
chaff before the wind, like stubble before the fire. Jesus Disciples.

LORD, BUT SAY THE WORD. Possibly, as oftentimes was the case among rich
people of those times, the centurion was blessed
through his servant. Servants were often faithful and led
Divine Healing Home No. 1, October 24, 1894, their masters to Christ. In that case the Lord, of course,
knew perfectly well who this servant was.
Dr. Dowie read from the eighth chapter of The
A little later than this He healed Peters wifes
Gospel according to St. Matthew, the first seventeen
mother, one of His disciples. The Word does not say
verses, and from the first ten verses of the seventh
that because she was Peters wifes mother He healed
chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke.
her. Faith must be exercised by the person themselves
He then said: This morning we will speak
who are to be healed, except in a case of mental
concerning the centurions servants healing. Many
incapacity. In that case, the faith must be exercised by
persons have believed that this is a case in which it is
the person responsible before God an dn before man
evident that the Christ healed without any faith upon
for the infant or imbecile person.
the part of the person who was healed; that He healed
This passage throws a great deal of light on the
in consequence of the faith of the person asking Him,
subject. It shows that the centurions servant was dear
and not upon the faith of the person whom He was
unto Jesus and therefore subject to His care. Having
asked to heal. The argument is that this centurion was
been appealed to, He healed him because the servant
faithful, but that the servant had nothing the healing at
had faith to be healednot only the master, but the
all; that he was simply one whom his master loved, and
servant had faith.
that his master, therefore, had come to cerning him.
Possibly the master might have come because the
servant implored him to beseech the Lord to heal him.
Faith Necessary to Healing.
However, in any event, the rule is laid down, Without
faith it is impossible to please God, and he had faith,
Dealing with that point, first of all, let us say that it
however limited and imperfect it may have been. The
is not in accordance with the facts nor with the
principal point is to consider the story itself and how
principles Without faith it is impossible to please
the Lord healed in this case.
It is a very beautiful story. It has been very much
I think that the seventh chapter of Luke, which we
used in our meetings. I trust that God will use my
have been reading, will take away that objection. Read
exposition of it this morning.
the first and second verses:
The centurion was a man of considerable station. At
After He (Jesus) had ended all His sayings in the ears of the the this time Galilee was held in the grip of the conquering
people, He (Jesus) entered into Capernaum. power, the Roman Empire. A centurion, although he
And a certain centurions servant, who was dear unto Him commanded, as you see by his name, only 100 soldiers,
(Jesus), was sick and at the point of death. was a man of considerable power. These soldiers
inspired great terror.
Make the antecedent of the personal pronoun all
At this time the whole Roman Empire was held by
through, Jesus. The conjunction and, which makes a
180,000 soldiers throughout the eastern and western
separate sentence of the second verse, was really a
portions. Today there are 12,000,000 of armed men in
word of the same sentence.
the same country and peace is not maintained.
The assumption that the centurions servant was
The power of pagan Rome was very great. The because they are worth counterfeiting. People
terror her legions inspired was very great. One hundred counterfeit Christianity because it is worth
soldiers represented a great deal, just as in India 100 counterfeiting. People counterfeit humility because it is
British soldiers make quite a representation of British worth counterfeiting. There is a spurious humility rarely
power. accompanied by courage or faith.
This centurion was really an humble man. His heart
was truly humble.
Remarkable Faith of the Centurion.
You Can Measure the Majesty of a Mans Faith
But this centurion had become a devout Christian. by His Humility.
It is evident that he believed that the Lord Jesus Christ
was not only a good man, but that He was God. His This centurion, with his deep humility, believing that
faith was very remarkable. The Lord said He had not Christ was God, did not feel himself worthy, although
found so great faith, no, not in Israel. a man of high station, that Christ should enter under
In the first place, that faith was based on a very deep his roof. But in the very same breath, he was most
humility and a consciousness of his own unworthiness. courageous. Christ had already said, I will corne and
Reading the passage in Luke, you see that the rabbis heal him. Most people would have been very much
first came to Jesus and besought Him to go and heal pleased and would have said, O come along, Lord; I
the centurions servant, and the recommendation which will show you the way.
they gave was, He loveth our nation, and himself built But the centurion had more faith than that. He had
us our synagogue. They thought that was a proof of the faith and courage to say to the Lord not only that
his worthiness. It proved beyond all question that he he was unworthy to have Him corne under his roof, but
took a great interest in them, and probably was a he said, But say the word, and my servant shall be
Jewish proselyte. healed.
There was the courage of a great faith there; a faith
Church-Building Not Necessarily a Manifestation which believed that every power in the Universe was
of Piety. obedient to Christ. It was a very sublime faith, when
you come to think of it; for Christs social position was
Many build churches who are servants of the Devil. a very humble one as compared to the centurions. The
They take a great hand in building, without any piety centurion was a man representing the Roman power,
at all. It is not an evidence of piety to build a church. the conquering power, probably coming down to the
The Cathedral of St. Patrick in Dublin was restored by garrison at Capernaum and holding Galilee in his
Sir Arthur Guiness, the great brewer, who was knighted hands, while our Lord Jesus Christ was only a peasant
for his services. It stands amidst the most squalid in appearance. He had been a village carpenter; He
surroundings and on every side you can read, had worked to support His mother and His brothers
Guiness Beer, Guiness Stout. It was out of the and sisters when His reputed father had died.
people that the money was taken. God will not bless
that kind of churchbuilding. The leprosy of sin is in the The Beautiful Illustration of Christs Authority
very walls. Given by the Centurion.
This centurion was a man who built the synagogue
because he really loved God and loved the nation and This centurion was a man of dignity, of rank and of
loved Gods own people. They thought he was worthy power; owning a magnificent mansion, probably,
on that account. The centurion did not think so. The having many servants and soldiers around him, and yet
proof that the centurion was really pious was that he he said he was not worthy for Christ to corne under his
did not think he was worthy. Hence he sent the rabbis roof. He believed that Christ was God The beautiful
to the Lord. Hence he said, when he talked with the illustration which he gave shows this. He said, in effect,
Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldest corne I am under authority, yet I can command men under
under my roof. me and be obeyed. I am under the Roman Procurator
True humility is always accompanied with great Pontius Pilate, and he is under Caesar. I have power
courage, great boldness, great faith. There is a spurious and can command all men under me to go, to come, to
humility as there is a spurious imitation of everything do, and they are bound to do it.
that is good. Everything good is counterfeited. You The Roman law was very strict on the subject of
never saw any one counterfeit a piece of brown paper, obedience. If a man disobeyed, he was put to death,
because it is not worth counterfeiting. People especially if he were disobedient in the face of the
counterfeit bank notes and United States currency enemy.

The centurion said, I say Go, I say Come, I say Do Instances of Healing Without Laying On of
this, and my servants obey. Thou hast only to say, Hands.
Come, Go, Do this, and every power throughout the
Universe must obey. But say the word, and my servant We have seen a great deal of this healing without
shall be healed. human touch. I should like to see a great deal of it; I
Our Lord admired that faith and admired the should like to see the people see it much more
courage of that faith. The centurion recognized that complete in God.
which I hope you will increasingly recognize, that it is After a few years of ministry in my Tabernacle in
in the power of the Holy Spirit that all these works are Melbourne, my people would very seldom ask me to
wrought. The mere physical presence of Christ was not pray for their healing. The members of my own
essentiel to the working. He is present wherever there Church, in hundreds and hundreds, went on day after
is faith, and He will speak the word wherever true faith day, week after week, and year after year, either
calls upon Him to do it. But your faith must be equal to coming to me for prayer or requesting prayer while in
it. There are not many whose faith is equal to this. their homes. In four years I do not think I went to their
homes in more than half a dozen cases. Yet prayer was
Large Faith Necessary for Healing Without always answered.
Laying On of Hands. In my ministry in Australia there was a very great
deal of healing of this kind in the meetings where we
There were not many persons who had faith for were speaking. One morning I was expounding this
healing without the touching of the Lord or the laying and painting out the beauty of this centurions faith and
on of hands. Still there were and are some. that the Lord had said, Go thy way, as thou hast
We had one yesterday in the healing-room whom believed, it shall be done unto thee, and his servant
you saw, a lady living at Morgan Park. On Friday week was healed. When I got to the end of the exposition I
last Mr. Ashley came to me and told me about her said, I am impressed, all at once, that you shall pray,
case. She was in dire distress. Her life was despaired of. and that all who are in the Home (the meeting was in
Physicians said that she could not live many hours. A my home) shall seek the Lord for their healing and
most malignant cancer was winding itself literally expect to get it. You say, Lord, but say the word, and
around her heart. I Thy servant shall be healed.
I could not go to see her. I knew about the lady; We knelt in prayer. lt was very crowded. We let the
knew she was needed for her family, but I had great people at that time come into the Home. The staircase
pressure upon me. Serious cases in the Home required was crowded; it was quite crowded outside and
my attention. I had duties that morning of a very everywhere.
pressing character. As we knelt and prayed, there was a gracions sense
If I had gone at the time asked, I could not have of Gods presence and power. I exhorted the people,
gotten back to the meeting until 6 oclock. before we prayed, to ask the Lordno matter what the
I looked at my duty and saw my duty was to stay trouble was, blindness, deafness or anything elseto
here. I said, I cannot go and still do my duty here. I fulfil the conditions and God would answer.
long to go. I will go in spirit. You are a man of God. We had knelt and prayed then silently for perhaps
We will pray and believe that God will heal her. She two minutes, when I heard a rustling behind me. I
has earnestly called for me and I cannot come, but the thought they were getting tired, so I said Amen and
Lord will but say the word, if you have faith, if her arose.
husband has faith and she is faithful. I will pray at such
an hour this afternoon, expecting the healing. Send me Touching Story of Restoration of Sight to a Girl
this in the morning. Who Had Been Blind for Twelve Years.
Next morning I received a letter returning the
request for prayer and saying that the lady had been I had scarcely gotten to my feet when a little
most marvelously healed, but needed strength. Mr. German lady, whom I had not noticed at all, sprang
Ashley came on the Lords Day following and told me forward, literally sprang forward, seized my hand and
that when he got home she was very much botter. Now said, O Herr Pastor, Herr Pastor, my maid say she can
she is up and about, and yesterday some of you saw see.
her in this room and heard what she said. The cancer I said, Who is your maid?
was not one-half the size it was ten days ago. It had She turned round and almost dragged forward in
been firm and hard, but was getting soft. It was a most her excitement a great, big, tall, awkward-looking girl
malignant looking cancer even in its death. about twenty-one or twenty-two years of age. She
towered over her little mistress and looked very poorly
clad. Dragging forward this maid, she said, Katrina, herself in the mirror, which was a large one, opposite
you can see, cant you? her, and did not know herself.
The maid did not say anything. She had large brown She received perfect sight. A few days later she
lustrous eyes. She looked all around the room. She did rapidly began to read. She had never forgotten the
not seem to hear her mistress. She did not seem to form of the letters.
notice anybody. She looked as one in a dream, as if One day, standing at my door, I asked her to
walking in her sleep. describe the persons standing on the other side of the
Katrina, did not you tell me you could see? said street. She told me even to the color of the hair.
the mistress, excitedly. Tell the Doctor; tell him. That was instantaneous and perfect and, so far as I
She muttered something under her breath almost, know, permanent. It was received just as she was
and continued to look in the same stolid way at the kneeling in prayer.
audience and mvself. I was watching very closely, and
put up my hand for them to be still. I said, Katrina, Faith of One Inspires Faith in Another.
come here.
She just looked at me. One evening in our Tabernacle in Melbourne, I had
I said, How long were you blind? received a letter from Madame De la Pierre, of
Twelve years, said her mistress; she be blind Mentone, France, wife of a French Protestant, saying
twelve years. she was watching for the arrival of the French mail
I said, Katrina, can you see? steamer in Australia and. expecting me to pray for her
I never will forget the pathetic tone in which she on the night succeeding the arrial of the mail, fixing the
then said words like these, I think I have them almost exact time when we would be at my evening meeting,
exactly, O can it be that I can see? Then looking all Australian time. She said she would pray at the same
round she said, Shall I wake and find it is only another time, expecting to be healed.
dream. I have so often dreamed I could see. O shall I I remember reading that letter to my people and
awake and find it another dream? saying, Now, I believe that woman will be healed. It is
I took her hand and gave her a pinch. Then she for the glory of God. She has been reading our
started, then she knew she could see, and the tears literature and believes these things; believes the Word
flowed. She and every one wept. There was much of God. She believes my prayer will be answered. She
excitement, although I kept things as quiet as I could. will be answered.
Some had been there a long time without healing.
How the World Looked to One Who Had Been One woman was under our teaching for twelve months
Blind for Twelve Years. and had not received the healing. She was afflicted with
When they got calmed down, I said, Katrina, I The people knelt, and when I prayed the prayer of
want to know what you can see. She did not know the faith for Madam De la Pierre, of Mentone, France, this
names of some of the objects. She could tell there were woman prayed, Here is Thy servant, O Lord, offering
flowers on the table, but had not seen any for twelve the prayer of faith which I believe in my heart is
years. She was quite sure they were flowers. She answered. I also pray for healing for this lady in
remembered flowers, for she was about ten years old Mentone, yet here I have been under this ministry and
when she lost her sight. believe these things and am not receiving healing.
She had lost her sight completely after a fever. Her Lord, but say the word and I believe Thou wilt heal me
blindness took that form which is most hopeless of all, now.
absolute destruction of all nerve power. Her eyes were She had asthma in an exceedingly aggravated form
perfect in form, but she had no power to see. and various internal disorders, and as she knelt, she lost
I began to try and get her to tell me what she saw, all sense of time and place and everything. She did not
and I thought a simple way was for her to count the know how long she was kneeling there, but was
number of persons on the other side of the table and conscious that God had answered, that she had corne
tell me how many there we? She began counting, and to the secret place of the Most High. She was so sure
I found she always counted one too many. She counted that she arose and breathed perfectly, freely. She
them again and again. That is a man, that is a woman, turned to the people and said, I am healed, and she
that is a girl; thirteen, I am sure. retained the healing.
No, Katrina, you are wrong again. One too many. There things have happened so frequently in our
She went at it again. There are thirteen, she said, missions that they are quite numerous now. Indeed,
and the thirteenth, every time I come to her, points there are more cases in our knowledge than there are
her finger at me. Then we saw what it was. She saw recorded in detail in the New Testament. We have seen

this again and again. in the building. She had an empty small valise with her,
One of the instances in this country which impressed intending to take something home that night. She took
man y persons on the Pacific Coast was that of Rebecca off all her trusses and instruments and put them into the
Potts, told in our American First Fruits. I will tell it little bag and went away.
briefly. lt is told by herself. This occurred at the afternoon meeting.
Her husband came in for the evening meeting. He
Healing of an Aged Woman of Severe said, Rebecca, do not go too far forward. The
Strangulated Hernia. meetings are late. I enjoy them very much; but I cannot
pay for a carriage every night for two and a half miles.
Mrs. Rebecca Potts was an aged lady over seventy We will miss the car again tonight if you go forward.
years of age, wife of a minister, a godly wornan, one of We cannot get out quickly.
the oldest inhabitants of Los Angeles, renowned for her She said, I am going forward to my old seat.
piety, and loved for good and kind corisideration for After it was over, he said, Now, Rebecca, just as I
the poor. said, the car has gone and we will have to hire a
For ten years, a doctor told me, she suffered from carriage.
strangulated hernia of the most aggravated kind and No, she said.
was oftentimes in great pain. She had to-wear internal What do you intend to do? Stay in town all night?
instruments for the purpose of keeping her from dying. I intend to walk to Boyle Heights. That is where
She could not walk from her bed across the floor until they lived. It was two and a half miles away.
all these instruments were in place, nor walk more than He said, Rebecca, I am sure you are daft now; you
a block at the farthest. She was in pain so that her life have lost your head. You cannot walk two blocks, let
had become one of comparatively feeble power for alone two miles.
good compared to what it had been. She mourned over She said, John, look at that bag. There he saw all
it a great deal. the things. She said, There is nothing to be said, just
When I came to Los Angeles she came to the walk to Boyle Heights.
meetings. It was the third day of our meetings when I She walked two and a half miles home, up and
had given out the hymn, What a Friend We Have in down hill. She got home all right. She got that healing
Jesus. I commented on it as I did the other day. I said, as she stood there.
I believe the trouble with you is not that you do not I do not say that all have that faith. I know that all
take your troubles to the Lord, but that you do not do not.
leave them with Him. I believe that there are godly Ask God why you should not have faith? Why not
people who have taken their sicknesses to the Lord in let the Lord do it, He must do it, whether through my
prayer and that the Lord answered them, but they did agency or through your faith. I should be very glad if
not leave them with the Lord. I believe that if you will you could exercise the faith this morning which would
go to the Lord and say, Lord, but say the word and I bring a perfect healing as you pray. I do not know what
Thy servant shall be healed, you will get the healing. hinders. It is not in my power to tell. I do not see your
After I said these words, she said in her heart, so she hearts, I do not see your lives. You are strangers to me,
tells the story, O God, Thy servant has spoken truly. whose faces I have never seen before. I cannot tell what
I never saw that truth. I never left my trouble with in your past or present lives may be lacking. I only
Thee; I have taken it back again. I believe Thou art know that God demands a full Repentance. Do your
able, art willing; have I not the faith to leave it with part and the Lord is just as willing to say, Go thy way;
Thee? I leave it with Thee now and I say, Lord, but say as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee, as He
the word and I believe it shall be done now. was nineteen centuries ago. I believe you could get that
While the people were singing, she was standing healing now as I got my healing thirty years ago
there praying, and then she stopped because she could without any human touch or any human ministration.
not pray any more. She described what followed like I should like faith to be increased so that Christian
this: She seemed feel a hand laid upon her head and a people everywhere could get this healing.
burning fire went through her body and the parts so
seriously disordered. The pain was terrible for a You Must Lean Upon the Lord.
moment or two. All at once it ceased and she felt she
was healed. I am willing to help all I can, but if you would only
say as you pray, in simple faith, Lord, but say the
Faith Manifested in Doing. word and I Thy servant shall be healed. If there is
nothing between you and God, what is there to prevent
After service was over, she went into a retiring room your being healed now? This is a good time, a good
place, and the Lord grant it. In so far as you have faith,
it will be done.
Lord, increase our faith.

Leaves of Healing vol 8 No. 12 Jan 12, 1901 p 361

May 1898 Vol 2 No. 5 50 Cents a Year 5 Cents a Copy



Reply to the Exposition of the Sunday School Lesson by

Rev. Dr. John Lindsay Withrow, Pastor of the
Third Presbyterian Church, Chicago, in
The Record of Jan. 8, 1898.

Delivered in Zion Tabernacle, 1621-1633 Michigan Avenue

Chicago, Jan. 9, 1898 by the


General Overseer of the Christian Catholic



prepared for hunting, did not prevent him from properly

attending to the lion that he met by the vineyards of Timnath.
Behold, a young lion roared against him.
And the Spirit of Jehovah came mightily upon him, and he rent him
as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand.
Just as Dr. Dowie was stepping upon the platform on the
afternoons of Lords Day, Jan. 9, he was given a clipping from
the Chicago Record of Saturday, Jan. 8, containing the
exposition of the Sunday School Lesson of the day, by Dr. The services were opened by singing:
John Lindsay Withrow. Blessed be the Fountain of blood,
The Ordinance of Believers Baptism was to be celebrated To a world of sinners revealed;
in accordance with the regular program, and a large audience Blessed be the dear Son of God:
had assembled to witness the Triune Immersion, Only by His stripes we are healed.
Though I've wandered far from His fold,
Into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Bringing to my heart pain and woe,
Wash me in the blood of the Lamb,
The Triune Baptism of Resurrection Glory and Power was And I shall be whiter than snow.
the subject announced for the afternoon service, and so far as
the exposition of the Scriptures went, the subject was strictly Dr. Dowie then said, I shall read a number of passages
adhered to. bearing upon the subject of Believerss Baptism this afternoon.
But the announcement of the subject, and the publishing of In the Gospel according to St. Mark the first chapter.
one hundred thousand slips containing the program of the The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God:
services in Zion Tabernacle, did not prevent Dr. Dowie from As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send My messenger before
combating the error taught by Dr. Withrow under the heading Thy face, which shall prepare Thy way before Thee.
of The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the
Lord, make His paths straight.
CHRIST'S METHODS OF HEALING. John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the Baptism of
Repentance for the remission of sins.
And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of
Dr. Dowie had no opportunity of preparing his reply, for the Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing
time of service had come, and he at once stepped to the front their sins."
of the platform and announced the hymn. Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee,
But when the proper time came to introduce the clipping, he preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God,
met with the Sword of the Spirit, in a most masterly manner, And saying The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye and believe the gospel.
the opponent of Divine Healing, and completely demolished
the false doctrine he was giving to the teachers of the Sunday In connection with Jesus baptism in His earthly ministry;
Schools through the widely circulated pages of the Record. the fourth chapter of the Gospel according to St. John.
The fact that Samson had other plans in mind, and was not

When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus baptized at His command those who repented.
made and baptized more disciples than John,
(Though Jesus himself baptized not, but His disciples,)
He left Judea, and departed again into Galilee.
I read that passage for the purpose of calling your attention
to the fact that and it is very beautifully set forth, especially by Matthew.
Let read the last three verses in the last chapter of the
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power
that He baptized by means of His disciples. In the previous It might be well to discriminate here, respecting the proper
chapter there is, reference again to Christs baptism. use of word, and this word can never be too carefully
After these things came Jesus and His disciples into the land of Judea;
understood. The word Power' is not the correct rendering.
and there He tarried with them, and baptized. The word used here is , exousia, and it is not
For John was not yet cast into prison. properly translatable by the word power. It is translatable by
Then there arose a question between some of Johns disciples and the the word Authority.
Jews about purifying. Authority is power, and it is more than power, for power to
And they came unto John, and said unto him, Rabbi, He that was with a very large extent may be held by bad men and evil spirits,
thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou bearest witness, behold, the same
baptizeth, and all men come to Him. and the possession of power is no evidence of the possession of
Authority in itself.
He tarried with them and baptized, at the same time that It is a proof essential to the existence of Authority that there
John was still conducting his baptism in non, showing that shall be power manifested, but sometimes a Divine Authority
the baptism of Christ was a baptism that went on at the same seems for the time being to be unaccompanied by power.
time as the baptism of John.
John was still baptizing as Jesus was baptizing, into the THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN POWER AND
name of the Eternal God, without reference to the Son or the AUTHORITY
Holy Ghost. There was no baptism there into the name of the
Son, or into the name of the Holy Ghost. Certainly John did not might be illustrated by the recent history of this country.
so baptize, and there is no evidence that Jesus baptized in His A number of states defied the national Authority. They
name until the end, when He said, denied the right of any Congress, Senate, Cabinet or President
to interfere with their interpretation of law, and said that they
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name ask and ye shall recieve, had the right to cede. They called it secession. On this side of
that your joy may be full. Dixies line it was called rebellion.
The rebels, as the North called them, the secessionists as the
I call your attention to these as passages offering this South called themselves, seized upon power. They seized upon
thought: That Jesus baptized, and His disciples, while He lived, the arsenals and military resources, and naval resources of the

United States that were within their grasp. God should taste death for every man.
They dominated the courts of law, and they created what
they called a government, and they had great power. They We see Him working out His Divine purposes, and those
drove the citizens into the army. Some of them were very who stand by Him say, We are marching to victory.
willing. Others went unwillingly, but they created a great
military force, and a naval force and all over these Southern THE BANNER OF CHRIST OVER US IS THE
states there was power in the handsjust as you may choose to BANNER THAT WILL PREVAIL,
look at it,of the rebellion or secession.
Now all the way through, the national government at but everywhere around you on this earth you see all kinds of
Washington held that they had no Authority, that that which Banners,
they had done was in defiance of national obligations, and of Banners with vultures upon them.
national Authority. Banners with dragons upon them
Well, the question, was: Who was right? Down in the Banners with lions upon them.
Southern states they laughed and mocked at the claims of the Banners with bears upon them.
National Authority existing in Washington. Banners with stars and stripes upon them, and there is not
They had power, but the National Authority marched on and one of these Banners but will have to be trailed and lowered
on, and broke the Rebel power, and then everywhere the flag, before the Banner of Christ. He must prevail, but we do not see
which was the emblem of National Authority was planted over it. It is not so yet.
every court house, and every legislature and every capitol of We that it shall be and hence it is that I would like you,
every state and the other flag was trampled under foot, and beloved friends, to remember that
hidden out of sight. But for years there was power in the
Southern states and an absolute power until it was broken and THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD IS FORMED TO

ON THIS EARTH, IT IS UTTERLY VAIN TO SAY, the rule of God; and that the gospel we preach is the gospel of
THAT THE DIVINE AUTHORITY IS ESTABLISHED the Kingdom Of God. (Amen.) Do you believe that? Yes.
And that His Kingdom must rule over all kingdoms; all the
It is no such thing. powers, and all Authority must be beneath that flag and any
All Authority is in the hands of Christ in heaven and on one that says the opposite is a rebel and has to be put down.
earth, and with that Authority there is ample power to vindicate He can call himself a secessonist if he likes.
it, and ample power to eventually triumph over every rebel. He can call himself a Republican, if he likes.
He can call himself anything he pleases, but the man that He
But now we see not yet all things put under Him. does not recognize the supreme Authority of Christ. and the
nation that does not recognize it, must decay and die and
We do not see any such thing as all things put under Christ. perish.
Now, I want to say just right here, that that is the reason
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the
suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the grace of
why I declare that like all human governments,

THIS GOVERNMENT MUST PERISH AS A that Zion stands for. The absolute supremacy and all pervading
GOVERNMENT, power of Christ.
We limit that power to no man and to no nation. We do not
unless this government recognizes what it does not yet rec- separate business and religion. We make a business of religion.
ognize, God in its Constitution, and Christ the Son of God as We make religion a business, and we make business a re-
having all Authority in heaven and on? ligion.
Audience:Earth ' We do not separate politics and religion.
Dr. Dowie:Every spot of it, including the United States We make politics religion, and religion politics.
and the Capitol at Washington.
Now that is the fight of the Church. The true Church, WE DO NOT SEPARATE ANY FORM OF LIFE FROM
THE SUPREME KING, AND IS A THEOCRATIC In the workshop, in the manufactory, in the business resorts,
INSTITUTION. in the banks, His principles everywhere must prevail, and when
they do prevail, a great many professions will cease to exist.
Amidst all forms of government it declares that in all The profession of the lawyer,
departments of human life, beginning with the Spirit of man,
and the Soul and the Body; beginning with the home and Which justify the wicked for a reward, and take away the
ex-tending to the business, the city, the state, the nation, there righteousness of the righteous from him!
is no such thing as the separation of Church and Home and
State. Brother Cowan, is that not true?
The Church must dominate the State and control it and there Mr. Cowan:It is true.
must be no separation between the Church and State, for the Dr. Dowie:You are an old lawyer and you know it.
ultimate aim of the Church is to absorb the State. That is the (Laughter.) But there are a few men who refuse to justify the
Kingdom God. wicked for a reward, but they are very few. How many do you
You may not like that definition, but it is all true. know in Chicago?
Mr. Cowan:I think I know of three. (Laughter.)
He must reign, till He hath put all enemies under His feet. Dr. Dowie:He is not quite sure.

All rule, all Authority, all power must be absolutely His and THERE ARE MANY PROFESSIONS THAT WILL
no man will have a right to sit upon a bench and judge unless DISAPPEAR.
he is a Christian, and He
The profession of the lawyer will go. There will be no use
Will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness. for him with his litigation and his making the worse appear the
better, and that kind of thing.
The collectors will all be honest, and there will be no voting, There will be no use for the pharmacist and sorcerer, be-
and there will be no parties or bossing. cause Christ will be the Healer.
I want to see this thing, because it is at the very heart of all

There will be no use for doctors or drugs or devils of any for, which Christ Himself will account for when He delivers up
kind, non-incarnate, or incarnate.
There will be no pork packers. That business that sent the The Kingdom to God, even the Father; when He has put down all rule,
and all Authority and all power,"
devils into the swine at Gadara.
What a wonderful age is at hand, and meanwhile we had When He Himself shall
better begin making the change now. What do you think?
(Applause.) Be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be
all in all.
There is no derogation of His Divinity, for me to speak of
The beginning has got to be made somewhere. Let us begin as He spoke of Himself. There is no derogation of His Divinity
right here; right in this city; right in this place. to speak of the Father as He spoke of Him when He said,
Now, I want to point out to you the difference between
Authority and power. I believe we have the Divine Authority He is greater than all."
to say these things. I believe too we have the Divine power to
carry out this thing, because Christ has all power. We grieve Him, and we grieve the Holy Ghost when we
speak of Him, and speak of the Holy Ghost in terms that
AUTHORITY IS MORE THAN POWER. neither the Holy Ghost nor Christ used concerning either.
A rebel has power sometimes, but Christ has not only AN ILLUSTRATION.
power, but Authority. A rebel has never any Authority.
A false church may have power, like the apostate Church of
Rome. A false government may have power, like any rebel I can not understand, said a man to me one day, how the
government you please to think of, but Authority is a different Father can be greater, and yet Christ, God, and the Holy Ghost,
thing. God, and these three one.
Now what I read was: All Authority is given unto Me Well, I will tell you.
Well now, who gave it to Him? Do you believe you are made in the image of God?
Audience:God. Audience:Yes.
Dr. Dowie:God the Father gave it to Him. Never forget Dr. Dowie:Did God make man in His own image?
that Jesus Christ the Son of God said,
My Father . . . is greater than all. Dr. Dowie:Then, I have got three parts, spirit and soul
and body. Have I not? Yes.
Never forget it. Dr. Dowie:Are not these three one? Which is the greatest?
All Authority is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.
Dr. Dowie:Now, because one of these three parts is the
Delegated Authority, an Authority that is to be accounted greatest, does that alter the fact that there is only one man?

No. Does it alter the fact that there is only one God, if Jesus is such a sublime verse. Jesus said,
says: My Father is greater? Does it alter the fact that the Holy
Ghost is God, or Christ, God because they both tell us to All Authority is given unto Me in heaven and in?
worship the Father? These three are One, but unity and equality
Dr. Dowie;Go ye therefore.
are two different things. I am united as one man; my spirit and
my soul, and both to my body, but they are not equal. My body Do you see that? Oh, there was a tremendous power in that
is an inferior part. My soul is an inferior part. My spirit is the therefore, I am with you. I will back you. Every angel in
superior part, and yet these three are one. heaven if needful will come forth and surround you. Stand!
What does it matter, the few millions of the United States? The
ANOTHER ILLUSTRATION. hosts of God will troop over all the skies, ten thousand times
ten thousand missions, if need be.
You have a United States of America, have you not? I command. Go ye therefore, you poor fishermen, and
Audience: Yes. tax-gatherers and discredited rabbis, go, I am with you.
Dr. Dowie:But Rhode Island is not as large as New York, If we would only realize what power there is behind us!
is it? No. Or as rich? No. Nor as powerful; and Delaware
is not as big as Illinois, although by your Republican form of GRANT MARCHED OUT,
government it has as many senators.
because he felt that it was an honest nation behind him that
SENATORIAL REPRESENTATION. would lay all its millions of dollars down to carry that thing
through, and can we not march out and take the other fellows
Your government is not just. The idea of a little state like forts, knowing that we have got all heaven with us?
Delaware having as many senators as New York! And these Cowards you are, talking about holding the fort! Get out of
silver states in the west. Five or six of them have not got the your forts! What is the use of going inside of fortifications?
population of Chicago, and each of them have got two senators, I tell you, the army that fights behind entrenchments 'is
and they impede legislation. You have not got a representation whipped every time. Go for the devils fortresses, and espe-
according to population. Why it is land, square acres, that is cially when he is fortified in the church. Batter him. Shatter
represented, not people! him. Break him up.
People do not open their eyes. They go away praising the Pull down the strongholds of sin, and set the prisoners go
Constitution that has been amended now fifteen times, and it free.
ought to be fifteen times more amended. The first amendment Pull down the strongholds of the doctors and druggists and
I would like to make would be to put the name of God in the the sorcerers, and let the poor sick people go free. (Amen.)
Constitution. What do you say? Amen. Audience:Amen.
Dr. Dowie:That is it. Let us have some God in it. Oh, that

Dr. Dowie:Go ye therefore, and teach, or as the margin reads, Same Healer? Yes. Same Cleanser? Yes. Same Keeper?
make disciples Yes. Just as loving? Yes. Just as kind. Yes. Just as able?
Yes. Just as willing? Yes. Just as longing to heal? Yes.
Now disciples are people that sit at the Masters feet.
All who know by practical experience that you have been
healed, stand. (About a thousand persons rose,)
Of all nations, baptizing them into the name-"
Now, did you not all dream you were healed?
The Revised Version reads, Into. It does not say, In. Those standing answered:No.
The Revised Version was not made up by scholars who Are you sure of it? Yes.
believed in immersion but they had to translate the Greek word Well, were you saved first? Yes. Before you were healed?
, eis, Into for there is no other word for it. Yes. And you know it?
Bless the Lord that you do know it. Well, sit down now.
Baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
That is a Triune Baptism.
in his exposition of the Sunday School lesson in the Chicago
Dr. Dowie:Teaching them to observe some things? Not to be too Record of Saturday, Jan.8, 1898. He is ex-Moderator of the
Audience:All things.
Presbyterian Assembly, and the pastor of the Third
Dr. Dowie:Whatsoever I have commanded with you, sometimes? Presbyterian Church in Chicago.
Dr. Dowie:If Christ came to Chicago. Poor Mr. Stead
wrote that book, and the poor parsons preached about it, and About His methods it must be said, that Jesus never intended to do His
wondered what wonderful things would happen if Christ came chief work by curing the ills that flesh is heir to.
to Chicago.
I would want to take the next train out of Chicago, if I could Have I ever taught you that healing was the first thing?
not find Him here. Chicago would be hell. Very near it now, is Audience:No.
it not? Dr. DowieSalvation is the first thing, by repentance and
faith. That is what I have always taught, is it not?
Lo I am with you," what? Audience:Yes.

Audience:Alway. At this moment there is a greater craze concerning the healing of

Dr. Dowie:Just the same? Yes. Same Saviour? Yes. diseases as the chiefest part of religion, then ever before has been known.

Tell Dr. Withrow, if he refers to this work, he lies. (Amen.) They were all dead, and Job was a fool and said, The Lord
The first thing in this work has been what? gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the
Audience:Repentance. Lord.
Dr. Dowie:And the next thing? He blessed the Lord for what the devil did. The devil did all
Audience:Faith for Salvation. that, did he not? Yes. Well, Job was a fool to bless the Name
Dr. Dowie:And I have demanded a clean life, and I have of the Lord for the Devils work.
demanded confession and restitution, before I would pray with Then the devil came along again. Job was in many respects
you, did I not? Yes. I have demanded that you should cease a good man and perfectly honest and upright although ignorant
to be stinkpots, have I not? Yes. Many of you have ceased to of the cause of his miseries
be stinkpots. Get up, men. (All those who had abandoned the Many people are pretty fair, good men, but they are fools,
use of tobacco rose, the number being about 100.) and the worst kind of a fool on Gods earth is a, man like Dr.
Just look at that! The Lord bless you. Your wives like to Withrow. Then many people go after this fool.
kiss you now. No one wanted to kiss you when you were
I say to Dr. Withrow, and to everybody that repeats this lie THE DEVIL SAID; "ALL THAT A MAN HATH WILL HE
that this work is placing healing first, that there is not a GIVE FOR HIS LIFE: HE TOLD A TRUTH.
meeting closes but what we demand repentance toward God.
Often times we do not say anything about healing, because it After all the miseries of Job recorded in the first chapter, the
is no use talking to people about Divine Healing until they have devil renews his attack. I will read the words accompanying
got Divine Salvation. Dr. Withrows quotation from the second chapter so that there
Now Dr. Withrow misrepresents, and I believe he does it shall be no mistake.
wilfully, because he has had the LEAVES OF HEALING sent to
him again and again by his people, but he closes his eyes, and Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present
is wilful and is sinful. themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present
himself before the Lord.
And the Lord said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan
Once, at least, the devil told the truth, when he said, speaking of af-
answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from
flicted job:
walking up and down in it.
All that a man hath will he give for his life.
And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered My servant Job,
that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, that
That was a lie which the devil told, and Dr. Withrow ought feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity,
to know that it was a lie. I will prove to you that the devil told although thou movest Me against him, to destroy him without cause.
a lie there. The devil had afflicted Job, had he not? Yes. He And Satan answered the Lord, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a
had stolen all his cattle? Yes. He had burned up all his grass? man hath will he give for his life.
Yes. He had pulled down the house in which his sons lived, But put forth Thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and

he will curse Thee to Thy face. Behod, I am vile . . . Therefore have I uttered that I understood not;
things too wonderful for me, that I knew not. . . Wherefore I abhor myself,
Did not God permit the devil to do that? Yes. To go and and repent in dust and ashes.
touch his bone and his flesh? Yes. Did Job curse God? No.
Did not Job say: God healed him then, and God will heal Dr. Withrow, if he
will only repent in dust and ashes. May the good Lord bless
Have pity upon me, have pity upon me. O ye my friends: for the hand him. He did tell a lie when he said that the devil told the truth.
of God hath touched me? Jesus said of the devil that he was a liar from the be-
ginning, and
In his ignorance he thought it was the hand of the Lord. And
did not Job say, Abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it,"
Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him?
Dr. Withrow to the contrary notwithstanding.
Dr. Dowie:Is it true that Job was willing to curse God QUOTATION FROM DR. WITHROW RESUMED.
even when he ignorantly thought that God was destroying his
life? No. Who told a lie when he said Job would curse God And so any quack can call after him a crowd, if by some hypnotic
to His face? The devil. Who tells it now? Dr. Withrow. trick be can relieve them of the afflictions of the flesh.
Dr. Withrow does it now, because Dr. Withrow says that for
once the devil told the truth. Now the devil told a lie, because I wonder if he means me? (Laughter.)
Job said, I do not understand why I am sick, but I trust God, What is Hypnotism? Audience:Sleep.
and I will trust Him, if He kills me. The devil had said that he Dr. Dowie:Does it come from the word , hypnos,
would give everything for his life, and, if God only put forth sleep?
His hand to afflict him he would curse God to His face, and Audience:Yes.
even although he wrongly imagined God had afflicted him, did Dr. Dowie:Did I not meet with you here last Friday night
he do it? at nine o'clock, for an All-night with God in Zion, and did I not
Audience:No. pray with you at seven oclock the next morning?
Dr. Dowie: But Dr. Withrow says that the devil spoke the Audience:Yes.
truth, when the devil spoke a lie, and Job had to find out Dr. Dowie:Were you awake? (Laughter.) Yes.
afterwards, and Job was told afterwards it was Gods will to Dr. Dowie:Did I keep you here under a Hypnotic in-
heal him; that it was the devils hand that defiled him, and you fluence? Why Hypnotism is putting people to sleep. Dr.
know Job said, Withrow does not know what Hypnotism means. If there is a
wider awake people than those of Zion anywhere, I want to see

them. works of the devil?

TRAFFIC IN CHARMS. Dr. Dowie:The Scriptures say that

When he associates with his traffic in charms the sacred name of He went about doing good, and healed all that were oppressed of the
Christ, it is simply sacrilege. devil. . . Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses With His
stripes we are, what?
Yes, but when did I use charms? Did I ever bring to you any Audience:Healed.
charms? Have I got any bone of St. Anne. Have I got a rabbits
foot, like Mr. Bryan ? (Laughter and applause.) IGNORANCE OF THE SCRIPTURES.
And when, and where, Dr. Withrow did I traffic in
charms? To whom did I sell charms, and who bought them? Dr. DowieHe came to heal men because disease was the
Dr. Withrow you have invented that story if you refer to me: work of the devil, the consequence of sin, and Dr. Withrow
and it is a lie! does not know his Bible, if he does not know that.
I remember once I was lecturing, and I had a pencil case, A Voice:Doctor, he says he has studied the Scriptures
just like this, (exhibits a pencil case) and sometimes when I forty years, and he ought to know.
lectured I held the pencil case in my hand, and there was a Dr. Dowie:Yes, and these Pharisees whom Jesus talked to
newspaper which said, Do you see that thing that he holds in had studied the Scriptures fifty and sixty years, and Jesus said
his hand ? He fascinates the people with it. (Laughter.) It is full to them:
of strange mysterious things.
Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. (Amen.
The next day I took it out and showed them that it was a
pencil case. (Laughter.)
They had studied the Scriptures, but what did their studying
WHY DID CHRIST HEAL? amount to? They were not honest when they were brought face
to face with facts, and they lied and they said that Jesus power
Now, this is more serious: was the power of Beelzebub.
They lied, and the modern Pharisee does the same thing.
Any reader of the New Testament must see that Jesus used His divine
energy to heal (lesson 5. 23), All manner of sickness and all manner of
disease, only for the sake of proving His deific power. A FALSE ASSERTION CONCERNING CHRIST.

Now, when did He say that? Again, Dr. Withrow says:

Dr. Dowie:Did he not say that He came to destroy the He did not go healing every day and as many as He could.

Well, what did He do then? Dr. Dowie:Who joined these words together?
It is recorded in Matt. 4:23, Audience:God.
Dr. Dowie:Who is trying to put them asunder?
Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and Audience:The devil.
preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness Dr. Dowie:The devil and Dr. Withrow, (Laughter) the
and all manner of disease among the people.
devils advocate. It is poor business for the Moderator of the
Presbyterian Assembly to become the devils advocate, and to
And again in Luke 9: 11,
tell a lie about Gods word and Christs work.
When Christ opened His first discourse at Nazareth, what
But the multitudes perceiving it followed Him; and he welcomed them
and spake unto them of the Kingdom of God, also them that had need of did He say? In Luke four it is quoted thus:
healing He healed.
The spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He bath anointed Me to
preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
Did He ever separate the healing from the teaching?
to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind,
Audience:No. to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the
Dr. Dowie:Or the preaching from the teaching? Lord.
Dr. Dowie: Go on to the 9th chapter, and you will find the Did He not say He came to save?
same thing in the 35th verse. Audience:Yes.
Dr. Dowie:Did He not say He came to heal?
And Jesus went about how many of the cities? Audience: Yes.
Audience:All. Dr. Dowie:How dare these men say he did not!
Dr. Dowie:All the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues,
and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and
every disease among the people. ANOTHER FALSE ASSERTION.

Did not the whole three go together? Yes. Again, Dr. Withrow says,
Did He ever separate them? "No.
What God hath joined together, what right has Dr. Had healing been His whole or highest mission, He would not have
left one sick in all the world .
Withrow to put asunder? None.
What is the use of talking such nonsense? If salvation, one
God be merciful unto us and bless us; and cause His face to shine
upon us; that Thy way may be known upon the earth," that? might retort to Dr. Withrow, had been (and it is) His highest
Audience:Thy saving-health among all nations. mission, He would not have left one unsaved in all the world.
Why does not Dr. Withrow know, if he knows anything that
even Christ Himself can never save a man against his will. Can

He? Why do you not know that

Dr. Dowie:I will give Dr. Withrow a quotation: Without faith it is impossible to please God?

'In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith by hearing ye You cannot be saved; you cannot be healed unless you re-
shall hear and shall not understand,, and seeing ye shall see, and not pent and believe.
preceive: It is gross deception, continues Dr Withrow, which cunning men
For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and women practice upon suffering humanity when they place themselves
and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their upon a par with the Christ.
eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and
should be converted, and I should heal them. Brothers and Sisters, have I ever placed myself upon a par
with Christ? No.
He could not heal them, and He could not convert them, and Have I ever spoken of myself as on a par with Christ? No.
He can not do it with Dr. Withrow. It is because they will Have I ever said that I healed anybody? No.
not. He can not do it with the Pharisees of to-day, unless they Have I ever written it? No.
yield to God. They want converting. Do you hear? I have given God the glory, and I have said that none has
What Jesus said to Peter, I say to Dr. Withrow to-day, ever been healed, except through faith in Christ, and by the
power of God the Father working through His Son, and by the
When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. (Amen.) Holy Ghost.
This is one of the lies that go out, and people read it and say
May it please the Lord to convert him. Oh, that refers to Dr. Dowie, and he puts himself on par with
Christ, and it is a mean lie for a Christian minister to tell about
ANOTHER FALSE ASSERTION. his brother minister.

Again, Dr. Withrow says, EASY CASES AND SQUIRMING OUT.

Because a word of His, and disease instantly, always and altogether
Again, Dr. Withrow says,
obeyed His will.

Christ never selected easy cases; He never squirmed out of a failure

But do you not know, Dr. Withrow, that it is written that
by complaining that conditions were unfavorable, and other like excuse.
He did not any mighty works there because of their unbelief?
Have I been squirming out of anything? No.
And. Now, he talks about easy cases. Do I select the as cases
that come to me at all? No.
He marvelled because of their unbelief? But the devil and the doctors have prepared a good many of

the worst and hardest cases for me that ever existedsuch as rose.)
cancer, consumption, blindness, deafness, diseases of kidneys, Did it not fill her mouth? Yes. And exude out of it? Yes
tuberculosis of the bowels, paralysis, etc. Large numbers have Did the Lord not perfectly heal her? Yes.
been carried on cots for hundreds of miles in a dying condition, Did not Dr. Boynton testify here that he had examined her,
and they have walked back into the homes out of which they and that he could not find the slightest trace of it? Yes. Was
were carried. that an easy case? No. That case can be found in LEAVES OF
HEALING Vol. 3, No. 43, pp. 753-761.

See that cot up there, Dr. Withrow? (Pointing to the Have you not seen on this platform, little Albion Wyman,
tabernacle wall.) That was the cot of Amanda Hicks who was whose mother died of consumpion? Yes.
dying of a cancer. She is a full cousin of Abraham Lincoln, and He was dying. His kidneys were running blood. His mother
was brought up here from Clinton, Ky., when specialists from had died of consumption six years before. Col. Wyman was in
Chicago gave her up. The cancer, which was in the region of the States Attorneys office in this city, a lawyer who has
the caecum, had burst and filled all the abdominal region. Was stood on this platform, and you will find his testimony in the
that an easy case? No. LEAVES OF HEALING, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 49-51. Did you not
She took morphine for twelve weeks, and without large see the boy here? Yes.
quantities, could not get a moments rest. Is that an easy case? After four years of perfect healing, did you not hear his
No. Did the Lord heal her? Yes.. father say he stood about the highest in the John Marshall
You can read her testimony in the LEAVES OF HEALING School of this city? Yes.
Vol. 1 No. 13 pp.193-195 She is now living at Creal Springs And he was dying; given up. Dr. Davison gives us the
this state. diagnosis and the prognosis, and the whole thing in writing,
which is published in the LEAVES OF HEALING No. 4 of Vol.
ETHEL POST. 1. Was he not healed? Yes.
He rose the next morning. He went out in three days, and
Let me take another. Ethel Post, are you anywhere in this went fishing with his brother in ten days after he had been left
building? (No reply) She does not happen to be here this to die.
afternoon. You all know Ethel Post, do you not? Yes. Was that an easy case? No.
Have you not heard Dr. John R. Boynton say she had a
cancer in her mouth, and as he thought, she was going to die? MRS. S. A. KELLEY,
Did you not hear him say he left her to die? Yes. Have you not seen Mrs. Kelley? Yes.
All of you who saw the, cancer, rise. (About three hundred Did you not hear her testimony that she was a consumptive

for twenty-five years? Yes. And did you read her brothers Wilker:Five inches.
confirmation? Dr. Dowie:Are you now standing on equal feet?
And her doctors? Yes. Miss Wilker:Yes, sir.
And did she not say she thought she had died? Yes. Dr. Dowie:Her Sisteris that true?
And did not the Lord raise her up? Yes. Miss Annie Wilker:Yes, sir.
And did you not see a stout, healthy lady here after nine Dr. Dowie:Where do you live?
years'? Yes. Miss Wilker,1048 West Adams street.
Was that an easy case? No. Dr. Dowie:Go and tell Dr. Withrow your leg was from
That case is fully given in Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 21-24. birth five inches short, and show him that you are healed.
OTTILLIA WILKER. Was that an easy caselame from birth? What shall we say
more! Is there need? No.
Dr. Withrow, have you any sense or manliness, or truth That case is fully told in LEAVES OF HEALING Vol 3. No.
about you? Why do you not tell the truth? 6, pp. 81-82.
Have there not been people healed here whose legs were Go and tell Dr. Withrow that he lies, (Amen) and that I
five inches short from birth? Yes. never squirmed out of anything. I am not the man to squirm.
Where are you Tillie Wilker? Are you the girl? [Miss Do you think I am? No.
Ottillia Wilker rises in the choir.] Did you ever see me squirm? No.
Miss Wilker:Yes, sir. I have made the other fellows squirm several times when
Dr. Dowie:Where is your boot? they have attacked Gods work. (Laughter.)
Miss Wilker:Right above with those in that crown. Dr.
Dowie:How many inches short was your leg? Had Jesus failed but once the Pharisees would have sounded out the
Miss Wilker:Five. fact to the ends of the earth.
Dr. Dowie:How long had your leg been short?
What is the use of talking Jesus failing. Do you think He
Miss Wilker:From birth.
fails now? No.
Dr. Dowie:What did the Lord do?
Why, I never fail, and I never succeed. Who is it that heals
Miss Wilker:He healed me.
Dr. Dowie:How much did it come down the first time I
Audience:Jesus, God.
prayed with you?
Dr. Dowie:Well, what is the use of talking. Do you think
Miss Wilker:Two inches.
he failed because there were a great many unhealed? Were they
Dr. Dowie:How much did it come down the second time?
all healed when Jesus lived? No.
Miss Wilker:All the rest of the way.
Were they all healed when He died? No.
Dr. Dowie:How many inches was that altogether? Miss
Did not the apostle Peter find multitudes unhealed? Yes.

Were they unhealed because Christ could not heal them? Dowie leaned forward from the platform and took him by the
No. Why? Because they did not believe. hand.
Did I ever ask you for any money? No, sir.
FAILURES AND SUCCESSES AN FOOLING. Did I ever ask any whom you know for money for my
I never failed once, Dr. Withrow, and I never succeeded Audience:(Unanimously) No.
once and I never fooled once. I have never claimed to heal yet. Dr. Dowie:I asked you to give to the work of God in
The Lor has succeeded, and, if there has been any failure, who Zion. Did you give willingly or grudgingly?
has failed? Audience:Willingly.
Audience:The people. Dr. Dowie:I know you did, and I hope you will give
Dr. Dowie: Has the failure not been on the human sdie willingly to-day. (Laughter.)
always? Yes.

You know I have prayed the prayer of faith. I prayed for one Again, Dr. Withrow says.
perosn, for instance, who left this crutch here last Tuesdya. Is
the person here? Yes. Where are you? Stand. (An old Christ raised public interest and then drew public attention to Himself
gentleman rose in the audience.) Did you leave that crutch? I by healing and then began to treat the deeper disease of sin.
did. Did the Lord heal you? Yes.
Yes, and somebody left some trusses. Who owned these? Now, Dr. Withrow, I know you are ignorant. I have been
Stand, if you are in the audience. guessing all the time that you had to go back to school and
A voice:They were left here last week. begin at the beginning. (Laughter.) I tell you I will have to get
Dr. Dowie:Who healed these people? God. a Zion college for ministers; (laughter) for Moderators of the
I baptized that man who left his crutch after his healing did Presbytery and Assemblies. Dr. Withrow is crassly ignorant in
I not? Yes. that assertion.
Did you not tell the brothers around you last Wednesday Did Jesus Christ not go about Teaching first? Yes.
night after you were healed, that you dressed yourself for the What next? Preaching.
first time in many years? And what last? Healing.
The Brother:Over sixteen years. And did He heal any that did not believe? No.
Dr Dowie:Bless the Lord for that. (Amen. Applause.) . Did He not go to the root of sin first? Yes.
The brother here walked down the aisle toward the platform, Dr. Withrow, why do you not know what you are talking
and said: Doctor, I want to shake your hand. (Applause.) Dr. about? When there was a crowd of Pharisees there one day, a

man was let down on a bed into the center, and Jesus said: not ask God to forgive you because you were naughty?
The Boys:Yes, sir.
Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. Dr. Dowie:Do you ask him to heal you first?
The Boys:No, sir.
What did He first deliver the man from? Sin. Dr. Dowie:What do you do?
Then, what did He do? Healed him. The Boys:We repent and ask forgiveness first.
Dr. Dowie,That is right. (Applause.) Now, that is a class
And behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man
in Zion.
blasphemeth. And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye
evil in your hearts? For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins are forgiven; or
to say, Arise, and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of man hath
power on earth to forgive sins (then saith He to the sick of the palsy,) Arise ANOTHER IGNORANT UTTERANCE
and take up thy bed, and go unto thy house. Again, Dr. Withrow says,
Did the man who had been palsied do it? Yes. For that He came into the world. For the promise was:
Which came first salvation or healing? Salvation. His name shall be called Jesus, For He shall save His people from
Dr. Dowie:Well, now, does not Dr. Withrow know any their sin.
better? He has been through all the schools Not from tumors, and cancers and leprosy, but from sin. (Laughter.)
Elder Dresser:That is the trouble.
Dr. Dowie:And all the colleges, and he has just vacated JENNIE PADDOCK.
the supreme chair of Moderator of the Assembly of the United
States of America, and he has come through it all, and he is a You know Jennie Paddock do you not? Yes.
bigger fool as to Divine Healing than the smallest boy in Zion. Did not the Lord heal her of a big tumor? Yes. You will
(Applause. Laughter.) There is not one boy in Zion that would find that case fully told in Vol. 1, No. 31 of LEAVES OF
make that blunder. The little boys say oftentimes I must HEALINGpp. 481-485.
repent. I have been naughty, I must ask God to forgive me, and All of you who have been healed, and who know of the
then he will heal me. healing of tumors and cancers, stand. (Several hundred people
QUESTIONING THE BOYS CHOIR. Well, did Jesus come to heal these cancers and tumors?
[Addressing the boys choir ] Do you not do that boys?
The boys in the choir answered: Yes. MARY CASEY.
Dr. Dowie:Will God heal you if you are naughty?
The Boys:No. Dr. Dowie:Mary Casey, where are you?
Dr. Dowie:What do you do when you get sick? Do you (Mrs. Casey rose in the gallery.) Where do you live?

Mrs. Casey:6139 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. passed away in two, weeks.

Dr. Dowie:Did you have a cancer? Dr. Dowie:And have you a perfectly natural breast?
Mrs. Casey:Yes, sir. Mrs. Casey There is no sign of a cancer.
Dr. Dowie:How big was it? Dr. Dowie:Did the Lord come to heal you of cancer?
Mrs. Casey:It weighed, I suppose, about four pounds. Mrs. Casey:He came to heal me of cancer.
Dr. Dowie:And you were a Roman Catholic at that time?
Dr. Dowie:How long had you had it?
Mrs. Casey:Yes, sir.
Mrs. Casey:Seven and one-half years. I had eighteen Dr. Dowie:The Lord bless you. (Amen.)
kernels on my left arm. You will find that case fully reported in LEAVES OF
Dr. Dowie:Eighteen besides the big one? HEALING Vol. 3, No. 24, page 382.
Mrs. Casey:Yes. Now, do you think I ought to say any more to Dr. Withrow?
Dr. Dowie:One big pig and a litter. (Laughter.) Well, now VoicesNo.
Mary, did I lay hands upon you? A voice:Invite him down here to see.
Mrs. Casey:Yes, sir. Dr. Dowie:Oh, he has been invited down here, like all
Dr. Dowie:Where? Chicago, a hundred times, but you can invite him, again if you
Mrs. Casey:At Tabernacle No. 1, the Little Wooden
Mrs. Hunger:Doctor, invite him to join the boys class.
Hut. (Applause. Laughter.)
Dr. Dowie:What happened Mary?
Mrs. Casey:I went in the prayer room, and you said, SOME PARTING SHOTS,
There are two questions that I ask: One is, have you given
yourself wholly and solely to God, and the other is, are you Dr. Dowie:One word now simply in parting. Dr.
looking to God alone for your healing and not to mortal man?' Withrow, you have had so good a reputation that
I said, Yes but, O my, you did not know what diseases I notwithstanding all your impudence, I have kept my hands off
had. you until this time, but I am caring more for the sad and sick
and sorrowing who are driven back from the wells of healing
Dr. Dowie:You did not know me at all? than I am for fear I grieve you or not. It is time to spank you
Mrs. Casey:You laid your hands on my head, and I well, and let the people know the truth, Dr. Withrow.
asked God right then and there to forgive me of my sins, and
to heal me for Jesus sake. I expected it and I got it. A QUESTION FOR PRESBYTERIANS.
Dr. Dowie:Was that cancer killed?
Mrs. Casey:That cancer was killed that very night. Come, tell me, ye Presbyters of the Presbyterian Church
Dr. Dowie:How long did it take to pass away entirely? everywhere; why is it that your own people are becoming in-
Mrs. Casey:Eleven weeks. fidels under your own ministry
Mr. DeW:The 34th chapter of Ezekiel explains it.
Dr. Dowie:When did the kernels pass away?
Dr. Dowie:Let me tell you Dr. Withrow; there are none
Mrs. Casey:In three days, and the one under my arm of you preaching the Gospel as Christ gave it, or as the first

Apostles preached it works upon the credulity of its adherents as to invite them a fear of (that
Voice:That is right. most horrible of doctrines) eternal punishment (I say, believing all these),
I, in all kindness and in all earnestness, request that over my remains there
Dr. Dowie:You are preaching a part of it. You have a be no religious services of any kind, nature or description whatever.
form of godliness, and you are denying the power. Let me tell I also request that my body be cremated at the Fresh Pond or other
you the result, Dr. Withrow. You say that the people becoming crematory, and that my ashes be left there.
infidels? I say they are. Take one case. You have possibly all
read it. It happened only this week. I was shown a clipping Dr. Withrow, you have such men in Chicago. The Treasurer
from a Memphis, Tennessee paper, and I clipped it myself out of one of your largest funds, and an elder in one of your
of a Chicago paper, and have had it sent to me from New York. churches has just bolted with all the money and left his family
Mr. Henry Morehouse Taber, of New York, has just died. to disgrace, and his son to suicide.
He has left, it is said, three million dollars. He has also left a Dr. Withrow, your church is honeycombed with infidelity,
will. Mr. Taber was President and Treasurer of the Board of because many of your members are Freemasons, and every
Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church, New York. He has Freemason is an infidel, (applause,) and every Freemason is a
left a will in which he denounces all religion as superstition, liar, if he professes to be a Christian.
and expressly declares the absolute falsity of the Christian
He was a high official of one of the principal Churches of
the denomination of which you were Moderator, and a hypo- On the Sunday he says that Christ is the Alpha and the
crite and infidel at the same time. The following are the Omega, and then on the Monday night enters the lodge where
every degree from the first degree of the blue lodge up to the
PROVISIONS OF HIS WILL: thirty-third degree leaves out the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Masons, is that not true?
The will is in the handwriting of the testator and contains Voices:Yes.
the following: Dr Dowie:Brother Judd stand. (Mr Judd rises in the
audience.) Were you a member of the Oriental Consistory?
Believing that all religions, including Christianity, are superstitions; Mr. Judd:Yes, sir.
that the basic doctrine of the Christian religionthe fall of manis
utterly and absolutely false, and that its oppositethe rise of man from Dr. Dowie:I have affirmed here that the narne of the Lord
the lower orders is a scientific fact; that beliefs in (so-called) miracles are Jesus Christ is cut out of the Freemasons ritual wherever there
hallucinations of the brain, and never had the slightest existence in fact; is a quotation from the Bible. Is that true?
that the chief characteristics of what is termed the the word of God are
injustice, cruelty, untruthfulness and obscenity; that the effect of orthodox Mr. Judd:That is true.
Christian teaching is to encourage ignorance, selfishness, Dr Dowie:Of course it is true. Did you ever hear His
narrow-mindedness, acrimoniousness, intolerance, wrong and mental (Jesus) name mentioned?
slavery; that Christianity, so-called, is not the religion of Christ; that it
supplants ethical culture and true morality with meaningless theology and Mr. Judd:Never did.
unbelievable dogmas; that it puts an unknown (and probably unknowable) Dr. Dowie:And you professed to be a Christian and said
imaginary being in the place of nature; that it gives a name and a you would carry Christ everywhere, and you never carried Him
personality to evil an equally unknown and imaginary being; that it so
beyond the door of the lodge. Were you a hypocrite?

Mr. Judd:I certainly was. Hominum Salvator, Jesus the Saviour of Mankind. What is it?
Dr. Dowie:I believe it. Thank God you can stand up and Baal-Sha-Lisha, the Lord of three, and this accursed
say it boldly. (Amen. Applause.) Freemasonry is the worship of Baal from the from the
A gentleman, evidently a Freemason, here rose in the beginning to the end. (Amen Applause.)
audience and addressing himself to Mr. Judd, said: "Did you Now do not suppose me to be that man, because I am not
ever see the degree where Christ was resurrected from the big enough to fill his shoes, but what this age and nation and
dead? time demands, is a John the Baptist who will standup and fight
Dr. Dowie:Hiram, the Widows son, you mean? this deviltry in the spirit and power of Elijah, and who will
The Gentleman:No, Christ. meet these and prophets of the grove, and call upon God to
Mr. Judd:I never heard the name of Christ mentioned. answer by fire. (Amen.) And I summon myself these priests of
Dr. Dowie:And you took the 18th degree? Baal in this city to defend their position.
Mr. Judd:Yes, sir. They are afraid. They are cowards; cowards to the depths of
Dr. Dowie:That is enough. (Applause.) (The gentleman their black hearts; full of lies, and Dr. Withrow is their
referred to, attempted to speak again.) You sit down. defender, and Dr. Bristol is their defender, and Dr Lorimer is
The Gentleman:I do not like to hear falsehood. their defender, and they can find Baptists, and they can find
Dr. Dowie:I tell you, Brother Judd is telling the truth. I Presbyterians, and they can find Methodists, and they can find
will call upon others. Brother Cowan, stand. Is it Hiram or Congregationalists, and they can find Unitarians, and they
Jesus who is raised from the dead? infidels to defend them, and to attack Zion.
Mr. Cowan:Hirarn. But I tell you the day is coming when those who have made
Dr. Dowie:Did you know of Christ in any degree? lies their refuge will be swept away. Their covenant with death,
Mr. Cowan:No, sir. and their agreement with hell will be disannulled, and God
Dr. Dowie:Did you ever hear his name in the lodge? hasten that time. (Amen.)
Mr. Cowan:No. I am going to have the people know the truth. You will not
Dr. Dowie:Every Mason who will stand up and back that find a word of this in the papers to-morrowand yet the
up, stand up together. (Nine men rose.) Nine against one. largest congregation that meets this afternoon in Chicago is
The Gentleman:It is supposed to be symbolical of the here,because the papers belong to the devil, like Dr. With-
resurrection of Christ. rows Exposition of the Sunday School Lesson (Laughter.) If
Mr. Judd:I never heard of the resurrection of Christ I were the devil, I should back up the Presbyterians and the
there. (Applause.) Methodists. (Applause.)
Dr Dowie:A symbol of Christ that never mentions His I have just been examining the statistics of the Churches for
name. It is absurd to connect it with Christ at all, and Masons 1897. The New York Independent pressed me for our own
in their Lodges never do. statistics, and I gave them and you know God has added
Cross with the letters I. H. S., does not mean, Jesus thousands to Zion in the last year.

But what is the condition in the Methodist church of this After prayer, the offering was received, and an address was
land? 16,411 ministers, 25,252 churches in the Episcopal delivered on Christian Baptism, followed by the ordinance it-
Church North, and how much of an increase do you think they self
had during the year of 1897? Fourteen thousand three hundred
and eighty-four, which makes exactly, six-tenths of one
per-cent increase for the year.
Is there a business man here that would invest his capital
and consider it a good investment to get six-tenths of one per-
Voices: No.
I want to tell you this: that when a business yields no more
than six-tenths of one per-cent., it is insolvent; it time to wind
it up.
And what of the Presbyterian Church of which this wicked
Rabbi Withrow is so distinguished a leader?
All the Presbyterian Churches of the United States have
11,324 ministers. and 14,701 churches.
Their total increase for the year is 29,816.
This is two members for each church for the entire year or
one every six months, and a twenty-sixth part of one each
The Regular Baptists are even worse.
They report 24,342 ministers and 40,721 churches.
The increase for the year is 29,296.
This gives about seven-tenths of one member each for the
entire year.
Unless the good Lord raises up somebody to preach
primitive Christianity the Church will die out.
My God help us to do our little work. Let these men look
after themselves now, because I will batter at the gates of these
churches. I will train my guns upon their refuges of lies, and I
will not spare them throughout this year, God helping me.
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Delivered in the Auditorium, Chicago, Lords Day, October

27, 1895, and Lords Day, November 3, 1895.

speak of Jesus as the Preserver. I speak of Jesus as the
Redeemer of the world. I speak of Jesus as its rightful Lord
FIRST SERVICE IN THE AUDITORIUM, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, HELD and King. He is the Lord of all. I speak of Him as All, for He
SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 27, 1895, AT 2:45 P. M. is the Lord of all. But this afternoon I want to speak of how
he pursued his Divine mission when here in the flesh; and
of how He pursues it still by partaking in His infinite mercy
of our human nature, and entering, by His Spirit, into these
temples of clay, and filling our spirits and our souls and our
bodies with His own eternal presence and power and so
N the fourth chapter of the Gospel according to carrying on His mighty work for the redemption of
I Matthew it is written: And Jesus went about all humanity. He is redeeming tens of millions of men and
Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching women into whom He is putting His mighty Spirit so that
the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of we, who were destined from the beginning to be
disease and all manner of sickness among the people. In the habitations of the Triune God, may be in spirit, soul and
thirteenth chapter of Hebrews, the eighth verse, it is written: body His dwelling place and a habitation for God. In this
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yea and way through the spirit Christ carries on His work. But let us
forever. see how He did it when in the flesh, when in His own
Jesus went about all Galilee doing three things, and human body He lived upon this earth, how He pursued His
these three things embrace His whole earthly mission. He ministry.
went about teaching and preaching the Gospel of the First, He taught. Now, first of all He did not heal
Kingdom of God and healing all manner of disease and all people. He did not preach to people, but, first of all, He was
manner of sickness among the people. the great Teacher. He went about
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday. Gods yesterday teachingpreachinghealing. Teaching is the first thing
was a thousand years long, for one day is with the Lord as He did, preaching is the next, and healing is the last.
a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Jesus What did He teach? He taught that He was God. He, a
Christ is the same today. Today is the second thousand years mortal man to all appearance, had come down from the
since He came into the flesh. The second thousand years is little mountain town of Nazareth in Galilee, with a few
drawing to a close and, blessed be His Name, Jesus Christ uncouth men, untaught in the rabbinical school, not one of
is the same forever. (Amen.) An everliving, unchanging whom had a title, except that they might be called
God. An unchangeable Saviour. Oh, how shall I speak of fisherman, tax-gatherers and such like; He came down from
Christ as a Healer? I want to speak of Him as I ought to that mountain town to Jerusalem; then he went through all
speak, as the Alpha, and the Omega, as the beginning and Galilee and Judea, and Samaria, and Perea, teaching for
the end. All things were made by Him, the Eternal Word three short years.
that became flesh. In Him was life, and the life was the What did He teach? I want to tell you what He taught.
light of men, in every age. I speak of Jesus as the Creator. I I know. There are things I do not know by the million, but

there are some things I do know, and I know what Jesus He taught His own incarnation. Oh, that lovely Story,
taught. I know, but I know it not yet in all its fulness. I have of how in the midnight of human darkness, when the
been sitting at His feet for forty-two years. To me the Christ Roman Empire was heathen, and the world in all its empires
has filled my life, and for me there is no life, no love, no was unsaved, and all humanity was plunged into the deep
power apart from Him. He has been to me, all. He is more darkness of sin and unable to find God; the Story of how the
to me now than ever, and I know Him. I know something heavens opened and an angel chorus burst upon the earth,
of the power of His resurrection and I know something of for Christ was born in Bethlehem, born of a woman whom
the fellowship of His sufferings, and I have trod somewhat God had sanctified, whom the Holy Ghost had purified
in His footsteps, and I love to speak His Name. Jesus! Jesus! until the sensual passion was gone, and the Virgin yielded
Jesus! The Name that charms our fears, that bids our herself to the Holy Ghost, and became the mother of the
sorrows cease. Tis music in the sinners ears, tis life, tis Son of God. So He was born; born in a manger to sorrow
health, tis peace. (Bless His Name.) and shame.
And at the throne of God where every man may come The Devil tried to murder Him in the hour of His birth
that Name is all prevailing, and in His Name I have seen by endeavoring to know where He might be found, through
many saved, I have seen many healed, I have seen many the Wise Men of the distant East, who came to Jerusalem,
blessed; and I pray this day, as I prayed for long, weary saying, Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we
months past, that His Name shall be in Chicago blessed have seen His Star in the East and have come to worship
above every name. (Amen.) Then at the Name of Jesus Him. Day and night through the streets of Jerusalem, the
every knee this day in the Auditorium shall bow and every City of the Great King, that question rang,Where is He?
tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Everybody became troubled. The city did not take notice at
Father. (Amen.) first. Where is He? The strange men, with hands raised in
Now let me tell you what He taught. First of all, He front of them, kept up the cry in every street and lane,
taught His own Divinity. He claimed to be God. And if He Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen
were not God our faith would be vain, our preaching would His Star in the East and have come to worship Him. At last
be vain, and we should be yet in our sins, and the Jews Herod, the base king, also became troubled. He was a
would be right who crucified Him as a blasphemer, for He usurper, an Idumean, not a Jew, although the king of the
said, I am God. God? God? You ask, a man God? No, a Jews at that time. He became troubled.
God become man. Not a man become God, but God My brother, if you will only keep preaching, and keep
become a man. Consider the difference between a man preaching, and keep preaching, Jesus, Jesus, you will make
becoming God (an impossible thing and a blasphemy) and the whole world tremble. If you will only keep asking,
God becoming man, a very different thing. Where is He? you will make Chicago anxious to find
Then He taught that the prophecies were true. That the Him. (Amen.) Herod got the rabbis before him and said,
fall of man through the fall of woman should be blotted out, Where is this King of the Jews to be born that I too may go
should no longer be mans curse, for a Virgin had conceived and worship Him? Oh, the hypocrite! He wanted to find
and brought forth a child, and His Name was, Immanuel! Him to murder Him. That is the Herod who built the

Temple for the worship of God. Many a temple has been Baptist, baptize Me. Then John steps back! He sees Him
erected in our day by the hands of hypocrites. The Temple with the eye of a Divinely-endowed prophet, the eye with
at Jerusalem was built by a man who wanted to murder which Elisha saw the armies of heaven circling around the
Jesus. But God preserved the Christ and warned Joseph and hill of Dothan long before. The prophet sees the unseen,
His mother to take Him down into Egypt. He went there and so John the Baptist saw the glory around the head of the
and stayed there possibly for years, and then they brought Man of Sorrows. He sees the Holy Ghost ready to descend
Him back to Nazareth. Mary the mother of Christ had other upon Him. The Unseen Light, hidden to mortal sense, is
sons and daughters, James, Joses, Simon, Jude, etc. seen by John, and as he sees the Christ, he falls back amazed,
The Christ grew up in the humble home of Joseph the and says, I have need to be baptized of Thee, and comest
carpenter of Nazareth. Was this God? God working at a car- Thou to me? But He said, I come to fulfil all
penters bench? God making rude tools for the people to righteousness, John; take Me and baptize Me beneath these
work with in a rude country? Was this God? waters of Jordan. I who shall go down into death shall rise to
Mary would look at the box with the gold, the life; put Me, then, beneath the waters of this Jordan; thou
frankincense, and the myrrh which was given by the Wise knowest Me, oh John, I am the Christ. And John put Him
Men at Bethlehem, on the night of His birth, and then look there, and as He came up out of the water, oh, how the sky,
at the work He was doing, and then think of Gabriels the heavens, opened, and the Voice of the Eternal Father
message; she would think of the conception; she would look spoke, not in the thunder, but in joyful strain, This is My
at her Son calmly pursuing His daily task, finding food for beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Then as the
her children and their widowed mother. God? God? Never Christ came up from the waters, John cries, Behold the
saying anything, preaching nothing. God? For thirty years Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.
attending to the family wants. God? Yes, friends, behold our What did He do then? He went about doing good from
God in the workshop at Nazareth, and the more of God that moment, and healing all that were oppressed of the
there is in you the more faithfully will you do your daily Devil; for God was with Him. Now what did He teach?
duty, the more you will find that your common days task That He was God. I today say this. Listen! Listen! If you do
will furnish all you ask. Hear Him say, even at the not believe that Christ is God, you shall die in your sins.
carpenters bench, My Father worketh hitherto, and I And, Listen! To the Unitarian who says, I believe in the
work. And thus He lived until thirty years of age. Father, but I reject the Son as Divine, I say as Gods
Then He suddenly leaves His mother, sisters, brothers, minister, you have no part or lot with Christ, for he that
friends, and goes down to the River of Jordan. And all denieth the Son denieth the Father, and he that denieth the
unnoticed, He stands amongst a mighty assembly of people Son does not acceptably confess the Father. He teaches men,
and sees there the mightiest prophet that ever stood upon not that they can do this or that or the other thing and live
this earth, John the Baptist, of whom Jesus Himself said, as they please. But, Listen! Oh man, oh woman of Chicago,
Among them that are born of women there is none greater Listen! He taught and He teaches them still that men have
than John. Coming down with the crowd to the river, this no right to think as they like, that they have no right to do as
silent Man, thirty years old, walks up to John and says, Oh, they please, that they must think and act as God wills, and

the life that is acceptable to God and blessed of God must be the next moment he lets it go, down it comes on top of my
lived in accordance with God's laws and in obedience to head, and I do not think any more about anything.
Gods will. (Laughter.) Do you see it?
Can I not think as I like? No! Listen! you scientist, You have got to think as God thinks. This great nation
you opinionated talker. I hear you say, You would destroy, once thought it could exist half for slavery and half against
then, all liberty of thought? Liberty of thought! What do slavery, but there arose a man who said, A house divided
you mean by liberty of thought? There is only one liberty of against itself cannot stand; we cannot live as a nation, half
thought in the Universe, and that is the freedom to think as slaves and half free. Where did he get that from? Noble
God thinks. All other thoughts are bondage. It is so in Abraham Lincoln got that from the Bible, God bless his
natural science. You scientists who want to reject my first memory. (Amen. Applause.) He got it from the words of
proposition that you are to obey God, Listen! If you do not Jesus Himself. He just uttered that thought and America
think as God thinks about electricity, the electricity that took it up and said, We shall not be divided; there shall be
makes this great room full of light, what will happen? I no Mason and Dixons Line, and it was wiped out. Yes,
think as God thinks about it; the electrician who takes care Lincoln led the nation to wipe it out, but, like the Christ
of this building thinks as God thinks about it; therefore I can Himself, he died for doing it. Oh, no man shall ever
handle it (as Dr. Dowie spoke he took up a covered electric wipe-out any blot of human shame without suffering
wire, winding it around his hand), and it does not hurt me; himself. They said of Jesus, He saved others, Himself He
but if I do not think as God thinks and in my folly I say, I could not save. It was true, but not as they thought it. He
do not care. I think as I please about electricity. I believe I came to die. Abraham Lincoln uttered a Divine thought and
can take hold of an uncovered wire connected with a America marched to battle with that thought, and God stood
dynamo of any power, and that I can handle a wire by the army of the North and wiped out slavery. But, oh! for
conveying a power of ten thousand volts, then I will find Lincoln there was death. He saved others, himself he could
that my thinking will mighty quickly stop (laughter), not save, unless he sacrificed the fettered millions for
because I shall be electrocuted. (Dr. Dowie suited the action whom Christ died. He was not willing to be saved at such a
to the word, as he gathered himself up an electrocuted mass price, and he was ready to die. God give us men in the
in imagination.) I have got to think as God thinks. If I object Church today who have no thought of self, who will take
to the law of gravity and somebody tells me, Doctor, right every talent they possess and lay all gladly on the altar of
over your head there is a five-hundred-pound weight humanity's salvation. But to do this we must think as God
hanging, and I am going to drop it. Clear out! I say, I guess thinks. Do you see it? Then hear what God says; obey Him,
not; why should I get out of the way? Because, he says, and think as Christ taught.
the law of gravity says that if I let it drop it will fall right on Christ taught that every man on earth was in need of a
top of your shining head. (Laughter.) But, my good Saviour. He taught how they could be saved. Now, how
friend, I say, I do not think, as you do up there, about the were they to be saved? I know what the teaching is today.
law of gravity, and in fact I do not believe in the existence of Do you know it? Is it Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and
the law of gravity. All right, he cries. You will see. Then thou shalt be saved? No. Ah, I can see, you have been in

Zion Tabernacle. (Laughter.) No, thats not it. We do not entered into Church fellowship upon a profession of faith
begin our Gospel there with faith. We do not say, Believe which is not worth a pin.
on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Do you There is a gentleman sitting here today, the president of
want to know the Beginning of the Gospel? Open your a railroad company, who told me last night that after coming
Bibles at Mark 1 and read: to this city, some time ago, he had learned from my
preaching in Zion Tabernacle that there were many in the
The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Church of which he was a member in a neighboring State
Even as it is written in Isaiah the prophet, that were not saved: for they had not repented. He told me
Behold, I send My messenger before thy face
Who shall prepare thy way;
of a leading lawyer in his city to whom he had talked after
The voice of one crying in the wilderness, he returned to his home. He went to the lawyer, who was
Make ye ready, the way of the Lord, dying, and said to him, " Mr. , you are a sinner dying in
Make His paths straight; your sins. You have not been saved. You have never repented
John came, who baptized in the wilderness and preached the of your sins. That is true, replied the lawyer. Well,
baptism of repentance unto remission of sins. And there went out unto
him all the country of Judea, and all they of Jerusalem; and they were
continued this gentleman, Dr. Dowie shows me that the
baptized of him in the River Jordan, confessing their sins. Gospel begins with Repentance.
That lawyer with his keen intellect caught the idea, and
That is the beginning of the Gospel, not Faith, but saw that I was right. He saw that no man has a right to say
Repentance. In the fourteenth and fifteenth verses of the that he is exercising faith for the forgiveness of sins unless he
same chapter you will see that Jesus Himself preached the has first repented of his sins, confessed and forsaken them.
same Gospel: That is it; let a man give back what he stole, quit being a liar,
tell the truth and repent practically. The dying lawyer did it,
Now after that John was delivered up, Jesus came into Galilee, and he dictated to his stenographer a few days before he died
preaching the Gospel of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the a beautiful letter which was read at his grave, in which he
Kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe in the Gospel.
said in effect, I was a member of the Church, like many
Repentance first and Faith next. Not faith first. Young others, upon a profession of faith; but I had never repented
until it was brought to me from Chicago by my brother
preachers around me today, never preach Faith first, on pain
of Gods displeasure. Preach Repentance first; tell men they (that brother who is in this place today); and now I know I
have repented, and I know Him in whom I believe for my
must confess and forsake their sins. Oh, but, you say,
Paul and Silas said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and salvation, and I pass away without fear. The keen mind of
that lawyer saw that the faith which is not based upon
thou shalt be saved. Yes, they said that to the Philippian
jailor. But he had already repented. Do not preach repentance is worth nothing, and that is why the churches
are filled with impotence and sometimes with wickedness,
Repentance to a man who has already repented of and is
because there are multitudes in the churches who have not
truly sorry for his sins and wants to give them up by the
truly and practically repented of their sins.
Grace of God. Preach to that man Faith, but tell the sinner
Christ preached repentance. Listen! You thieves, repent!
first every time, to repent. Some of you no doubt have

Give back all you stole and steal no more. You who in busi- am a Christian. No, it does not. Judas Iscariot partook of
ness have lied, lie no more. Give back what you stole, you the Lords Supper, and went right out and betrayed Him to
scoundrels of stock brokers and Board of Trade bandits who His enemies. There are multitudes today who have partaken
have told lies and boomed or depressed the market, and of the Lords Supper and are daily selling the Lord Jesus for
gained on the falling or rising market when you yourselves silver, for gold, for diamonds, for drink, for tobacco, for the
had lied the boom or fall. (Applause.) God says to you, world, for the flesh, for the Devil.
Repent, ye bulls and bears, and commands you to give up What is it to be a Christian? Do you want to know? To
unjust gains. God says to every thief, Repent! Return what be a Christian is, first of all, to repent and to bring forth
you have stolen and steal no more from your fellow-men. fruits meet for repentance. Come, all you stock jobbing
Ye employers that have been stealing the life bloodof your thieves; go to your ledgers and write to the people you have
employees, grinding down delicate young men and women defrauded to come, and give them a check for all you have
to the lowest cent, laying upon them heavy burdens, stolen from them if it takes every cent you have in the
breaking their health and their hearts: Repent, you thieves, world. (Applause.) Call your hands together, you wholesale
or you will go to hell for your sins! (Applause. Amen.) and retail thieves (applause), and say, My men, my women,
Do not think it is enough to say, I am a member of the I have taken from you that which was not mine, more than
Church of Rome. I was baptized; I was confirmed; I am a a reasonable profit, and now I will give you back what I have
Christian. stolen, as far as I know. Then you will get forgiveness.
You are not! You are a liar! (Laughter. Applause.) A little What must I do to be saved? What must I do to be
water sprinkled on your nose when in childhood, whether saved? said an exhorter in a little Methodist meeting one
put there by a Roman Catholic priest or by an Episcopalian evening, and away back in the building sat a man who knew
priest, or by a Presbyterian priest (laughter), or by any other this exhorter, and he replied, Go and pay Tom Jones for the
kind of a priest, will never change your heart. (Amen. yoke of oxen you cheated him out of. (Laughter.) That man
Applause.) There are lots of baptized thieves around. We see was right. Do right if it takes you to prison, to the gallows.
damnation sprinkled on every side. Oh, but you say, I (Amen.) Brothers, sisters, do right. It is better to go to prison
have been confirmed. Ah, did some bishop put his hands and to the gallows than to go to hell. (Amen.) Listen! Men,
on you? You confirmed liars, adulterers, thieves, wicked confess to your wives; wives, confess to your husbands;
men and women, how dare you say you are Christians thieves, confess to those you stole from. If you are a servant
because some man put his hands in confirmation upon you? and stole from your master, confess.
Simon Magus tried to buy the Holy Ghost from the There is only one true Church, and that is the Church
Apostle Peter; but He was not, and is not, for sale. Some of the First Born, whose names are written in Heaven, and
people try to buy the Holy Ghost by getting baptized all that is not the Church of Roman Catholics, or
over, but they come out of the water as black as they went Episcopalians, or Presbyterians, or Baptists, or Methodists,
under it. (Laughter.) There is no baptismal regeneration, but it is the Church of the Living God which Jesus
whether it is by sprinkling or by immersion. Listen! You say, purchased with His blood. (Amen.)
I have partaken of the Lords Supper and that proves that I Thanks be to God, you can find that Church scattered

amongst all denominations. Yes, even in Rome, thank God, it take Him to heal them when they trusted Him? A
you can find men and women who, even in the midst of moment. He said, Come unto Me all ye that labor and are
spiritual darkness and ignorance, are, like Cardinal heavy laden, and I will give you rest. And they came. His
Newman, singing to Christ amidst their darkness, Lead hands touched them and the fever fled and every form of
Thou me on. There are many in that communion who disease and uncleanness departed, and He has done that
look away from the miserable lies of papal infallibility and here.
Mariolatry and transubstantiation to Christ alone as their Come, I will have a testimony meeting right here. Every
eternal Hope, and who like Faber sing, man and woman in this audience who has been blessed in
spirit or soul or body out at Zion Tabernacle, arise to your
Was there ever kinder Shepherd, feet. (Many in the audience arose.) There are a thousand, I
Half so gentle, half so sweet, believe. Praise God! Praise, God! Many have been healed of
As the Saviour, who would have us
Come and worship at His feet?
blindness, of deafness, of cancers. He does it now, for He is
the same Saviour, the same Healer. Let me show you how
But the separations of Christians into different denomi- He heals. First of all, He healed the broken-hearted and to
nations is not of God, and is not acceptable to Christ, who the sorrowing penitent He said, Thy sins are forgiven
demands that His Church shall be united. thee. Then into their bodies came the Divine life and light,
He prayed for that just before He went down into the and they arose healed of their infirmities.
agonies of dark Gethsemane on the night of His Last Come, see a little girl whom He healed come with me
Supper, saying, That they may all be one; even as Thou, to Galilee. It was yesterday, only Gods yesterday, that this
Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us: happened. Come, I want to lead you along the streets of
that the world may believe that Thou didst send Me. Capernaum, and take you into this house. See that little
This world will never know that God sent Christ on daughter, but twelve years of age, lying there. See the father,
this earth as long as the Church is divided into miserable who is a rabbi, bending over her, and the little maid is
denominations. There is but One Church, and that has but whispering, Father, go and get Jesus to come and heal me.
One Name. I dare not, my daughter. If I do the rabbis of the Great
It is the Only Name given in heaven or on earth Council in Jerusalem will strike my name from the roll of
whereby we must be saved. The Church of God must bear rabbis; they will curse me in the temple of my God. Oh
the Name of Jesus Christ His Eternal Son, its Saviour. daughter, I dare not do it. And the maid replies, Then I
(Amen.) shall die; no doctor can heal me.
There is no use of telling a man he is a sinner and Said the Rabbi, Daughter, you shall not die. Yes, my
leading him to repentance, unless you tell him how to get father, I shall; for you cannot get Him to come and heal me
out of his sin. Oh, how good of God, convicting men of sin unless you go to Him and worship Him. And the rabbi
in order to show them the path of salvation! Jesus preached cries, Then I will worship Him; you shall not die. Away
Himself as a Saviour and Healer, delivering from every form speeds the rabbi, and he searches through the streets of the
of sin, and then healing from every sickness. How long did city for Jesus, and cannot find Him. Then He is told He has

gone to Gadara, but is coming back today. He watches for prayed with you after you were carried to your room in
Him beside the sea, and the moment that Christ appears he Divine Healing Home No. 1, and you were instantly healed
falls at His feet and worships Him, and cries, Lord, my of heart disease in the Name of Jesus. Is that so? Yes, sir.
little daughter lies at the point of death; come and lay Thy Oh, I look around, and even here I see many of those that
hands upon her and she shall live. Christ says He will go. were dying, that are alive now. Doctor (turning to a
Away through the streets He goes with the rabbi. On the gentleman to the speakers right), you had a cancer and it is
way a woman touches the hem of His garment and is gone? Yes, sir. Oh, I look around, and I know Jesus saves
immediately healed. He turns around and addresses words from sin, and delivers from sickness, and we know that we
of comfort to her. Then they go on. Suddenly a messenger shall forever live! live! live! For we have passed from death
comes to the rabbi and says, Your little daughter is dead; do unto life. (Amen.) We shall die no more. We know that if we
not trouble the Master. But Jesus said, Be not afraid, only fall asleep in Chicago, we shall awake in heaven. Praise the
believe. Did I not say I was going to heal her? Yes. Then Lord!
I am going to do it. Then they go into the house and into Let me tell you what He heals in Chicago.
the room and there they find the beautiful little girl dead! Do you know what He has been doing in this city? I do
Oh, she is dead! But the hand of Christ is laid on the head not want to reproach this city. No word of reproach shall fall
of the child and He says, Oh, Jairus, dont cry; thy daughter from my lips today; for I love Chicago. I have suffered, but
shall live. I said I would heal her, and I will. Satan has taken I have never murmured. No one has ever heard me
her breath, that angel of death, for it is he that hath the complain. If some one must suffer, Oh God, if some one
power of death; but oh Jairus, while that death angel is the must suffer, let it be me. If I have suffered and endured
Devil, I am the Resurrection and the Life, and he that shame it has all been to the glory of His Name.
believeth on Me though he were dead, yet shall he live. See, here is a little boy who was healed in Zion
Listen! Talitha cumi! Maid, arise! In a moment the spirit Tabernacle. His story is fully told in No. I of the new series
has come back into the body and the maid arises and looks of LEAVES OF HEALING. He is only nine and a half years
into the face of Jesus. She lives! She is well! Blessed Jesus! old, and for six years he wore a steel boot and brace, and he
That was done by Thee, yesterday, and Thou art just the had never known in all those years freedom from pain. He
same today! Praise the Lord! Glory! had also worn a plaster cast and could not stand without
crutches and braces. He came to Zion Tabernacle, he
He Is Just the Same Today. repented of his sins, and asked me to pray for him, and I told
his mother (she lives on Armour Avenue) to take off the
Ah, how often and how often have I stood beside the braces. We prayed and the Lord answered our prayers, and
bed of the dying and broken-hearted. the little leg became strong and was lengthened
Yes, mother! (Addressing an aged lady in a front seat.) instantaneously, and he walked off without a crutch, or
I did not see you until this moment, Mrs. Dawson; but your brace, and on equal feet. This happened in March of last
son and daughter brought you dying to me that I might help year, and he has been walking ever since. Bless God, He
you to find Jesus the Healer. Is it not so? Yes, sir. And we heals the children still. (Amen.) And this is only one of

hundreds upon hundreds whom God has healed of every They are all gone? Yes, sir. Blessed be God. Jesus is the
kind of sickness and infirmity almost. same today.
Do you want to know what He has been doing? Do you want to find in Jesus a Saviour from sin, and
There is a woman who will tell you. She lay dying about Healer from disease? Yes! Yes! was answered by thousands
seventeen miles from where I was preaching, and she asked of voices. Then, bow your heads while I pray for you all.
me to pray for her. The Lord heard and instantly healed her
of a tumor, and in a week from that time she was at work My God and Father, in this room Thy Holy Spirit is working in
making carpets. Jennie Paddock can tell you what the Lord many hearts. Oh, how Thou dost love every sinner in this world. How
Thou dost weep over this city in its sin and sorrow. God bless this
has done for her. Yes, sir; it is true. company.
Mary Dowling was blind in both eyes, had not seen God save this company. (Amen.) God heal this company. God
from one for years, and now she can see and goes to school, quicken this whole city into life. God help those who are now before
and reads nicely. There are hanging on the walls of Zion Thee; for every one who will come shall be received for Jesus sake.
Tabernacle crutches, braces, plaster casts, trusses, steel boots, Amen.
etc., that were left with me when the Lord cured the owners
of diseases. There are also some historic cots there. On one God commandeth every one, everywhere, to repent.
of these a lady was brought to our Home from Kentucky; Oh, my brother; oh, my sister, repent and forsake your sins.
she was over fifty years of age and was dying of cancerous We know that God is here, and we know that God will
tumor. Dr. Owen, of this city, dare not cut it out. She came forgive every one that cometh unto Him in Jesus Name
to us and was healed. A few days after her healing she visited praying for forgiveness from sin, and that He will deliver all
Professor Miller, at Chicago University. She spoke in who come asking for deliverance of spirit, soul and body.
Now, every one in this assembly who desires to be delivered
various churches; in her own college, of which she was
principal, Clinton College, Kentucky. She has gone to from sin in spirit, soul and body, arise. (Nearly every one, at
least four thousand persons, in the great audience arose.)
Europe, has ridden sixty miles on a bicycle, and wrote to me
from Rome, Italy, that she was in perfect health. The Lord Can you say from your heart, I hate sin? If so, say I do. I
healed her. Jesus is the same today and will be the same
tomorrow. If you will give up your sins and give your heart Then, if you are truly repentant by the Grace of God
and are willing to trust to God for deliverance from sin, raise
to Him, you will have no more use for doctors' drugs or
surgeons' knives. God said thirty-five hundred years ago, I your hands and repeat with me this prayer of consecration.
(Nearly every hand was raised and thousands of voices
am the Lord that healeth thee; and He has also said, I am
the Lord, I change not. joined in the following prayer of consecration with Dr.
Satan is the Defiler. Next Lords Day I will take that up.
I shall then have a great wrestling match with the Devil. The My God and Father, in Jesus Name I come to Thee. I hate sin.
Devil and not God is the cause of disease. Take it away for Jesus sake, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin
Ah, Mrs. Casey, how many cancers did you have? of the world. I come to Thee. My Father, take me as I am. Make me
Nineteen, Sir. And how many have you now? None. what I ought to be. Cleanse me in spirit and in soul and in body. Give
me Thy Holy Spirit, and deliver me from the evil one, for Jesus' sake.


Brothers, sisters, did you mean that prayer? Yes. Do

you mean to keep your vows, God helping you? I do.
Then God means what He says. Jesus said, Whosesoever
sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosesoever
sins ye retain, they are retained. In His Name therefore,
and in the power of the Holy Spirit, I declare to you as His
minister, that if you have confessed and forsaken your sins,
God has this moment remitted them. In Christs Name, I
say to you, Go thy way and sin no more, lest a worse thing
come unto thee.
After the Consecration Hymn, I Will, had been sung,
the Benediction was pronounced, and this first service in the
Auditorium closed.


1621-1633 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill,

SATAN THE DEFILER. Ingersolls lecture on The Foundations of Faith, on

Sunday afternoon, November l0th, at 2:45 oclock, at the
Auditorium, and Dr. Dowie said:
While I will deal with the lecture generally, I will
specifically deal with this expression which is given great
emphasis by that Prince of Infidels I was almost going to
say Prince of Liars, and I think I would be justified in saying
VAST audience was assembled at the second service that, for the lie that he has uttered is one of the most
A in the Auditorium. The service was begun by the scandalous, infamous and disreputable. It is not dangerous
singing by the choir and audience of On Christ in a sense, excepting to those who are already far from God
the Solid Rock I Stand. Mrs. Dowie read the tenth chapter and which will keep them so if it is believed by them. I
of the Acts of Apostles, beginning at the thirty-fourth verse. mean this statement of Ingersolls: The God of the
Then the large audience again joined in singing I Will Sing Christians must perish from the universe. He is of no use.
the Wondrous Story, after which Dr. Dowie stepped to the He has never answered a prayer. That statement is a lie
front of the platform and spoke as follows: (applause), a wicked and infernal lie (applause), and I intend
Above all other exercises in this service, we expect to prove its falsity next Lords Day afternoon here. (Amen).
greater results from the exercise in which we are about to It is for the young men and women who have departed from
engage than any other. When we have said Let us pray, we the faith of their fathers that I am especially solicitous.
have said three words that bring us at once, if we are in the I do trust that our lecture of next Sunday afternoon may
spirit of prayer, into direct and immediate communion with help to make plain and clear the foundations of faith, the
God. The real presence of God is then made manifest to us. reality of Gods Word, and the truth of Christs
Not a God afar off, but Where two or three are met unchangeableness, and that God is the Hearer and Answerer
together in My Name, there am I in the midst. We can with of prayer in Chicago today. (Amen.) I intend to prove this,
perfect confidence believe that by the Eternal Spirits power and to try conclusions with that Prince of Infidels, and to
Christ Himself is with us in this hour, as we bow at our call for a verdict from the people who no doubt will throng
Fathers throne. I would like you all to pray in spirit and to this building. May God defend the right and bless His work.
follow the attitude directed in Scripture where the invitation (Amen.)
is given in these words, O come, let us worship and bow Dr. Dowie then announced that in accordance with his
down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker: for He is our usual practice in Zion Tabernacle on the first Lords Day of
God. every month, he would invite every Christian present to
Dr. Dowie then offered prayer. remain and partake of the bread and unfermented wine at
Attention was then called to the envelopes which had the Lords Table immediately after the service. He said that
been distributed among the audience containing slips by the term Christians he meant all who truly repented of
indicating the nine meetings of the week in Zion their sins, and who brought forth fruits meet for repentance,
Tabernacle, and calling special attention to the reply to and who rested for pardon, peace, life and heaven by faith in

God alone through Jesus Christ our Lord. These and these anointed Jesus of Nazareth for that end.
alone, whether they are members of any denominational Some say the Devil never was born; that he never
Church or not, were the participators he invited. Dr. Dowie existed; that he is a fiction of imagination; a crude and
added: The dying thief, who confessed on the cross, had fearful creation of an effete superstition. Others tell us the
never seen the inside of a church, or been baptized, or been Devil is dead. Is the Devil dead?
sat upon by any Church committee, and after a man has There is a story told in my native country, Scotland, to
been sat upon by any Church committee he is mighty flat. this effect: An aged learned minister of the Gospel, in a
On the Day of Pentecost there was no committee which sat certain town in Scotland, was one morning taking his usual
upon those who were there at the time, but they were at walk by the side of a river, and a young man who had been
once baptized and received. They had no use for a away in a distant country where he had become an infidel,
committee. We have no committees in this work. If there who used to attend this good mans ministry, and knew his
were to be a committee I should appoint a committee of habits, thought he would have some fun with the
three and recommend two of them to stay at home and see Dominie, as he called him. He had been in America and
that one man did the work. I never knew a business estab- had imbibed the teachings of some Ingersoll or some similar
lishment yet that was conducted by means of committees. It child of the Devil, and he came back full of his infidelity.
seems to me that the Church of God is greatly injured by its Meeting the Dominie he said, Good morning, Dominie.
committees. Good morning, my son, said the minister. Dominie, I
After a song by the choir and the collection of the offer- have just had bad news, said the young man. Weel, what
ings, the speaker proceeded with his sermon, saying: I am to is it? asked the Dominie. One of your great friends is
speak to you today concerning dead, replied the youth. Aye? and who is he? asked the
old man. It is the Deel, and he laughed long and loudly.
SATAN THE DEFILER. But there was no laugh on the face of the Dominie.
Putting his hands on the young mans shoulder and looking
I spoke last Lords Day afternoon concerning Jesus the straight into his face, he said, Puir, fatherless bairn let
Healer. I ask your attention today to two passages of Scrip- me translate it for you, Poor fatherless child, what will
ture. The first is the First Epistle of John, the eighth verse: become of you now that your father is dead? (Laughter.)
"He that doeth sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sinneth Well, if the Devil were dead we should not be sorry; we
from the beginning. For this end was the Son of God would rejoice, and we shall one day join in singing a song of
manifested, that He might destroy the works of the Devil. victory when the Devil shall be swept off this earth. But
And in the tenth chapter of Acts, in the thirty-eighth verse, meanwhile the Devil is not dead. He is very much alive, and
it is written, How that God anointed Him with the Holy if you want further proof of that fact you have only to preach
Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and the Gospel as I have preached it for a number of years and
healing all that were oppressed of the Devil; for God was you will find plenty of devils in Chicago and elsewhere.
with Him. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested (Laughter.)
that He might destroy the works of the Devil, and God Now this afternoon I want to talk to you concerning

Satan, Diabolos, the Accuser, the Prince of Darkness, inhabitants; otherwise it would have been absurd to use the
sometimes called Lucifer. Today he wields such a word replenish.
stupendous power that if we did not know God overrules all My own contention is that, in all probability, Satan had
things and will ultimately triumph, we would despair of at one time, with his hosts, inhabited this earth, had been
humanity and despair of the world. But the same glorious ejected from it, and he, with a host of disembodied spirits,
revelation that shows us the preexistence of Jesus as the came up again from the depths of hell into which they had
eternal Life, as the Saviour of the world, by whom all things been cast, determined to repossess themselves of this earth,
came into being, defines also the end of Satan and the limits and they have been at it for four thousand years, and have
of his kingdom. very largely succeeded in dominating the earth and
There is no difficulty in understanding, if you are wise deceiving man first of all.
to read. Satan had a pre-existence before man was created. In what way? By means of Satan himself. The first
Satan, perhaps, with his host, once dwelt upon this earth, woman was deceived by means of Satan, who broke through
because I have never believed, since examining the subject, the heavenly watch.
and the Scriptures do not teach, that man was the first We know so little about this, but if we had an absolutely
inhabitant of this earth. I know many men in the Church reliable copy of the Book of Enoch the Seventh from
who are afraid to admit the existence of a pre-Adamite race, Adam, which Jude quotes in his epistle, we should
but the Scriptures themselves clearly teach the existence of probably have an exact account of that mighty prophet of
such a race. how Satan first of all corrupted man, by first corrupting the
Remember when Noah came down from the ark, his angelic Watchers of the heavens whom God hath placed
wife, his three sons and their wives, eight in number, that there to guard humanity in the upper air. By seducing these
the command of Jehovah to them was this: Be fruitful; Watchers, probably, Satan himself, first, and then his host,
multiply and replenish the earth. What did that mean? It had got through to this earth.
meant exactly what it said, that he should replenish the Since that time Satan is called in Scripture, the prince
earth. The earth had been full of inhabitants. They had all of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the
been swept away by the flood. Noah had lived among them. children of disobedience. Our warfare is therefore, as Paul
When he came down from the ark there was not one living the apostle wrote, not against flesh and blood, but against
being upon the earth, but himself, his wife, his sons and the principalities, against the powers, against the
their wives. The whole cursed race of Cain, the murderer, world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of
had been swept from the earth. God said Be fruitful; wickedness in the heavenly places, or, as it might be
multiply and replenish the earth. properly read, against the hosts of evil spirits in the upper
Go back one step further. When God created Adam, and air.
in due time Eve, and put them in the Garden of Eden, what [Since preaching this discourse one of my scholarly
was His first command? Be fruitful; multiply and replenish listeners in the Auditorium, and I am glad to know there are
the earth. Exactly the same words He said to Noah. The many such, has called my attention to the fact that the Book
inference there is clear. The earth had once been full of of Enoch has been found, and that a translation of it has

appeared in England. I was aware of that fact, and am the stood erect before its fall, that most subtle of all beasts on
possessor of a rare copy of that translation, and have had it earth. Into that beast Satan entered, and possessing it he
by me for more than twenty years. But I do not think that it became the chief tempter and seducer of mankind. Since his
is wholly reliable, although it does contain, in exact success at that time the great single design of Satan and the
language, the passage quoted by Jude, and doubtless has spirits which fell with him is to possess man in one form or
much of what Enoch wrote. The MS. of the book from the other.
which the translation is made was discovered by Bruce in He was nearly ejected from the earth at the time of the
Abyssinia, and he presented a copy to the Bodleian Library, Flood. But he deceived Noah, and when Noah had been
Oxford, on his return to England. This was translated by the taught to plant the vine, Satan also entered into the planning
learned Dr. Richard Laurence, Archbishop of Cashel, and at and turned the sweet and innocent juice of the grape into a
one time a professor of Hebrew in the University of Oxford. hellish poison by showing men how to arrest the grape in its
St. Augustin, I may also remark, writes concerning the Book fermentation; that is, in its process of decay. The hellish
of Enoch in his work entitled DeCivitate Dei, book 15, poison of alcohol can only be gotten by decay. Satan devised
chapter 3, and elsewhere, and there is no doubt that the this sweet rottenness, and so transformed the fruit of the
Book was well known to the apostles and in the early ages of vine as to make it the means of the damnation of millions.
the Christian Church. The MS. translated by Dr. Laurence Satan has been seeking to possess man, body and soul and
is doubtless one of great value; but there are grave spirit, through all these ages, and has succeeded in
difficulties against accepting it as a whole. Possibly more possessing himself, first of the spirit, then of the soul, and
reliable MSS. of this wonderful Book may yet be found, as then of the body. Satan has done this. It is not a question, it
the power of Great Britain extends in the East and in Africa, is a fact.
where there are many buried treasures of this kind, Now when Christ came to this earth He came for the
doubtless, which God has been preserving until this Time purpose of establishing a kingdom, and the Kingdom to be
in which we live, the Time of the Restitution of all things, established was for a specific purpose. Hence it was needful
which God hath promised by the mouth of all His holy for Him to meet Satan, and in a conflict with Satan Christ
prophets since the world began. Enoch is the earliest of all must rise superior to every possibility of temptation in a
the prophets and his Book, if found in a perfect form, would perfect manhood. It was necessary that He should establish
be older than any of the books now comprising the Bible. It a kingdom which should be in effect the destruction of the
would also be one of the greatest importance concerning the demon power on earth, call it by what name you will. Christ
history of the world before the Flood. May God bring the spoke of Satan as the father of lies. He had been in the
hidden things quickly to light, and give His people clearer truth, but he abode not in the truth. He rebelled against
knowledge and above all greater wisdom and faith. J. A. the truth and strove to establish a kingdom by transgression
D.] of law and by the establishment of anarchy. He designed to
Satan seeking for human and earthly embodiment tear God from His throne and through anarchy to become
became embodied in the beast. Not in a crawling serpent, the supreme god of the universe, and he wants to do it still.
as we hear it nowadays spoken of, but in that beast when it There is no disease in God and there is none in heaven.

Disease and health cannot come from the same source; for Christs answer is sublime: for the Word of God is as a
death and life are as much opposed as are heaven and hell. two-edged sword, and He thrust Satan through and through
Let us go back, let us ask God to show us how Satan has with it, saying, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the
defiled. Lord thy God.
The struggle between Satan and God is, first of all, for In the third and last temptation Satan says: You have
the possession of the spirit of man. overcome me now for forty days and nights as no man ever
There are three parts in man, not two. Man is composed has, and have resisted every temptation, and I have only one
of spirit, soul, and body. The spirit alone is immortal, not favor to ask before I myself become Thy worshiper, and that
the soul. The soul dies. Christs soul died. Christ himself is, come with me. And He took Him up into an
said My soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death. exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the
The soul of the man and the soul of the beast are alike. But magnificence of the world in a moment of time and said,
the distinguishing thing in man is the spirit. God is the All these will I give Thee if Thou wilt fall down and
Father of Spirits, and our spirit is immortal because it owes worship me. And Christ rose to the highest summit of
its origin to God. manhood, and in majestic utterance said, Get thee hence,
The struggle of Satan is to possess the spirit of man. In Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God,
his conflict with Jesus in the forty days he presented finally and Him only shalt thou serve. Now we can see how man
three temptations. The first is the temptation of the body of in his spirit can become the master of the Devil.
Christ. Hungry, weary, worn, and exhausted,If Thou be the The greatest lie that ever was uttered concerning the
Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. Word of God since the reformation is to be found in
The answer of Christ, almost dying from hunger, was, It is Christian theologya lie that has been the abomination of
written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word the Church and its pollution; a lie which has made it
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. incapable of sustaining its position; a lie which asserts that
Satan next took Him to a pinnacle of the Temple and God worked in such a way as to be the author of or the
said to Him, If Thou be the Son of God, cast Thyself willing permitter of sin or disease; the Calvinistic lie, which
down: for it is written, He shall give His angels charge made Godwhat shall I say?
concerning thee, and in their hands they shall bear thee up, There are words which leap to my lips which are bitter,
lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Satan for it is bitter to me to think of the infernal lie to which in
quoted Scripture. my boyhood days I had to listen, that God had foreordained
Is there anything more contemptible than when Robert the damnation of the wicked and therefore had created them
Ingersoll, or the Devil, which is the same thing, quotes vessels of wrath to be subjects for His vengeance, and
Scripture? Is there a more contemptible practice for a man made them incapable of virtue or holiness. Oh what a lie!
than to try to thwart Gods plan by using the Bible? I And that second lie that came after the first, namely, that
propose to have it out with that man who uses the Bible in God the Father in His infinite wisdom has consented that
that fashion. I have long intended to do so, and I feel quite His children should be a prey to disease, to all kinds of
desirous of having a good whack at him next week. But sicknesses and infirmities, because by means of this God

purifies the hearts of His children, and brings them to today, there are things that God cannot do.
Himself. That is an infernal lie! (Amen. Amen.) Once when I said that in Australia a man arose in the
When did Christ say that? Where did Christ say that? If meeting and said, Dr. Dowie, permit me, I must leave this
He should say it I should say to Him, Why did you say it? meeting; I must protest against the statement just made by
But He never did. When did He say, looking into the faces you that there is something God cannot do, I said, Why do
of suffering men, Do not ask me to heal, you; your you protest against it? Because, he said, there is nothing
Heavenly Father knows what is good for you, and therefore that God cannot do. Well, I said, wait a moment. You
in His infinite love and mercy He has allowed His hand of believe the Bible, do you not? Yes, sir, he answered, and
affliction to fall upon you and has made you sick in your I wish you did. Thank you, I replied, I do. So you say
body that He might make you pure in your spirit? Never! there is nothing impossible with God? Yes, sir," he replied.
(Amen.) But the Son of God was made manifest that He Well, I said, it is written in the Bible, it is impossible for
might destroy the works of the Devil. What works did He God to lie. (Amen and laughter.) Oh, he said, every-
destroy? In the house of Cornelius the Centurion, Peter the body knows that. (Laughter.) Well, I said, you did not a
Apostle, in describing Christs earthly life, said, God few moments ago. Now, I said, sit down and you may
anointed Him with the Holy Ghost and with power: who learn something.
went about doing good, and healing all that were I tell you today there are a good many things impossible
oppressedof God? No. with God because they are evil. It is impossible for God to
Of the Devil? Yes. Why? For God was with Him. Do make a man sick. It is impossible for Gods hand to com-
you see it? In Matthew 4:23, which I quoted last Lords Day municate disease.
afternoon, it says, And Jesus went about in all Galilee Impossible! And why? For this good reason. That God
teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of is incorruptible and pure and incapable of communicating
the Kingdom, and healing all manner of disease and all evil. Hence it is impossible for an incorruptible thing to
manner of sickness among the people. communicate corruption. (Amen.) It is impossible for a
Nineteen centuries ago every kind of sickness and every being who is without disease to communicate disease. It is
kind of disease was healed by Jesus. Peter declares that all impossible for God to make people sinful or sick or unclean
whom He healed were oppressed of the Devil; if that is true, or miserable, for if He did He would then be a fountain of
then nineteen centuries ago every kind of disease was the sin and disease. It is impossible for any disease to come from
work of the Devil. Can it be Gods work today? No. heaven, for in heaven there is no sin, no disease, no death,
Whose? The Devils. It must be so unless you are going to and no power of hell, and, therefore, it is impossible for any
prove that God is doing the work today which the Devil of these things to come from heaven. No possibility exists
used to do nineteen centuries ago. Now the lie that God that God can be the Author of disease.
wills diseases has crept into the churches, is embalmed in Ah, say some, wait! Have you not read, Dr. Dowie,
their songs, and taught from their pulpits, that God blesses in Gods Word, Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and
humanity by laying His hand, full of corruption, upon it and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth? Do you not know
making the people sick. I tell you this, as Gods minister that these words mean that God chastens men with disease?

I do not: for Satan is the Defiler and Christ is the Healer. a statement made that had less of truth in it than that. I have
But I do know that this is the construction put upon this some acquaintance with sickness. Last year I laid these hands
verse, even by clergymen who ought to know better. They more than fifty thousand times upon the sick. I know what
evidently are not aware of the word , the Greek I am talking about. I see often from one thousand to fifteen
word for chastisement. It comes from the word, , hundred sick persons in a week in Zion Tabernacle and in
child, and that word is the basis for the word pedagogue in the Homes, etc., and I pray definitely for thousands whom
our own language, which means an instructor of children. I never see. I have visited hospitals and have worked among
And so the word a means instruction, the suffering in many lands, and have for nearly twenty years
education, the training of a child, the education of its been used in the ministry of healing through faith in Jesus.
faculties, of spirit, of soul, of body. It means the careful Shall I tell you what I know?
bringing up of the child, keeping it healthy and separating Disease does not bring people nearer to God; it drives
the child from everything that is evil and making the child them further away from Him. It is the Holy Spirit that
clean and wholesome, pure, holy, strong in every way. brings people to God, whether sick or well. I ask you who
Whom the Lord loveth He nourishes, He educates, are sitting here today, is that not so? Yes. If you say that
strengthens, brings up as a father does a child, is the fair sickness and disease will bring you nearer to God, then
meaning of the original words. It has nothing to do with suppose, for a moment, that I have a choice stock of diseases
making sick, but the opposite. Do you for a moment here, and I say, come up here and let me give you typhoid
imagine that education is imperfect unless the child is made fever, or consumption, or cholera; let me knock out an eye
sick? When you send your child to college do you say, or break a leg for youI will do all this as Gods minister to
Now, Mr. Jones, I send you my son; educate him; but see bring you nearer to God and to show you that He loves you.
that he gets a regular dose of sickness every quarter; knock My experience is directly opposite to the teaching that
out an eye if you think it necessary; give him tuberculosis, diseases, the corruptions born of father Satan and mother
typhoid fever, or any suitable disease, at frequent intervals; Sin, ever brought people to God. Those who have lived
or break a leglove him, Mr. Jones, and chasten him as the nearest to God find that disease lessens their faith, depresses
Lord does His children: for whom the Lord loveth He their spirits and leaves them in the shadows and darkness;
maketh sick. If that were so I would say, Lord, dont love and when their loved ones have passed away it often leaves
me. a shadow behind that is never effaced so long as they think
Disease is the result of sin and would not have been in God sent the disease.
the world but for sin. To make disease a part of the plan or Disease good! Who said it? Did Christ ever say it?
purpose of God is to make God the Father of sin, and that Never! He never said that disease was according to Gods
would be to transform God into the Devil. Now this lie has purpose, and no man has any right to say it in His Name.
been embalmed in song, prayer and preaching long enough. Satan is the defiler and Christ is the Healer. For this purpose
Oh, but, says somebody, don't you know that disease the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the
makes men better sometimes? That people are brought to works of the Devil.
God by sickness? Are they? I deny it. I say there never was Let me close.
SATAN THE DEFILER. 37 Spirit and Soul and Body be preserved entire, without blame unto the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also
Next Lords Day when I deal with that prince of will do it. The grace of our Lord Jesus, the love of God, the Eternal Father,
the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, the Eternal Comforter; one Eternal God,
infidels, Ingersoll, I shall have testimony to disprove that abide in you, bless you, keep you, and all the Israel of God everywhere,
attack upon God and on prayer. Listen. Every man and forever. Amen.
woman here who asked Almighty for Jesus sake to heal
them, and every one who got an answer to that prayer, stand
upon their feet.
(Many hundreds stood.). Well, then, come up here next Sab-
bath and I will put you on as Gods witnesses.
Now, beloved friends, I want to ask you who have felt the
oppression of Satan, who are sick and sinful, but who want to be
free from his power, stand to your feet and ask God to help you.
You who want to belong to the Devil, sit still. (Nearly every one in the
vast audience arose.)
A VoiceThey are all up, Doctor.
Dr. DowieNo; there are some who want to belong to the
Devil yet; the Lord save them!
Brothers, sisters, are you willing, by the Grace of God, to do
what is right in God's sight? I am. Are you willing to do right by
your fellow men; if you have stolen, to restore it; if you have lied,
to confess; if you have wronged any one, to put it right again; can
you say, By the Grace of God, I will? I will. Then let us pray.
Dr. Dowie led those standing to pray as follows, which they
did word for word:

My God and Father, for Jesus sake, take me as I am and make me

what I ought to he. Cleanse me from every defilement of the flesh, of the
spirit, by Thy Holy Spirit. Help me to do right, for Jesus sake. Forgive my
sins. He died for sinners, and therefore died for me. In His Name I give
myself to Thee, and for His sake I beseech Thee to take me and keep me
and use me. Amen.

The hymn Sinners Jesus will Receive was then sung by all,
the Ordinance of the Lords Supper was again announced, and
the following benediction was pronounced:

And now, beloved, abstain from all appearance of evil. And may the
very God of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole

Fifty Cents a Year.




General Overseer of the Christian Catholic

Church in Zion.
Delivered at a Conference with Mennonites, at the Railway
Schoolhouse, near Pekin, Illinois, May 14, 1897


Entered at Chicago Post office as Second Class Matter Published


Press of Zion Printing Works, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.


Notice that word, That Thy Way.

I WILL. Who is Gods Way?
Jesus Christ is Gods Way. Jesus said:
An Address on Divine Healing With Answers to Questions.
I am the way, the truth and the life.

BY THE REV. JOHN ALEX DOWIE. Christ is Gods Way. He is the way to the Father,
No one cometh to the Father but by Me.
Thy saving
The Conference was opened at 9:30 a.m., Dr. Dowie
conducting the services, which were commenced by singing, Sickness. Saving what?
What a friend we have in Jesus, Audience, Saving health.
All our sins and griefs to bear;
What a privilege to carry, Dr. Dowie:Not saving sickness. Sickness never saved
Everything to God in prayer. you.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear Thy savinghealth among all nations.
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in Prayer. Salvation and Healing are joined together.
In giving out the second stanza of the hymn Dr. Dowie said: Let the people praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise Thee.
Now, last night I said there was something better than O, let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for Thou shalt judge the people
taking it to the Lord in prayer. It is better to leave things with righteously, and govern the nations upon the earth. Selah.
Let the people praise Thee, O God, let all the people praise Thee.
the Lord in prayer. Then shall the earth yield her increase.
Now I would advise you to sing with me,
Do you not know when people get right with God, God is
Leave it with the Lord in prayer. going to bless the very soil? He is going to bless the earth, and
it is going to yield its increase.
And God, even our own God, shall bless us.
Now, my brothers and sisters, let us read the 67th Psalm: God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.:

God be merciful unto us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon Oh, beloved, I want to see all blessed this morning. God
us; Selah. bless us.
That Thy Way may be known upon earth,
And all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.

Now, brothers and sisters, let us read the And Jesus said unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, show thyself
to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto
8TH CHAPTER OF MATTHEW And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto Him a
centurion, beseeching Him,
And saying. Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy,
and read it from the heart.
Mind you, I sometimes make mistakes, I want you to look Now, you watch me; I might read wrong.
on your Bibles, and see if I read rightly.
And Jesus said unto him go home, and tell him that his heavenly
When He was come down from the mountain, great multitudes Father made him sick for his own good. Is that right?
followedPeter. Is that right?
A Voice:That is not according to the German version.
Audience:No, sir. Dr. Dowie:Or the English version either. I made a little
Dr. Dowie: Followed Martin Luther, followed Mennon. mistake there just to see whether you read rightly. That is what
(Laughter.) Is that the claim there? some folks say, you know.
A voice:No sir; followed Jesus; followed Him.
Dr. Dowie: Whom did they follow? I want you all to talk My servant, lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.
back to me, it make it so nice and homely.
Audience: They followed Jesus. and Jesus did not say to him, Go home and tell him that his
Dr. Dowie:Whom do you want to follow? heavenly Father afflicted him for his good, but Jesus said:
Audience:Jesus. I will come What?
Dr. Dowie: Now, friends, whom are you going to follow Audience:I will come and heal him.
to-day? Let us follow Jesus, and if we see something to-day The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest
come under my roof: but speak the word only and my servant
that we did not see before, let us follow Jesus, let us follow A Voice:Shall.
Him. Let us do what the multitudes did when Jesus came down
from the mountain. Great multitudes followed Him. Oh, let us Dr. Dowie: My servant can be healed? Is that right?
follow Jesus! A Voice:Shall be healed.
I do not want you to follow John Alex. Dowie, excepting so Dr. Dowie: Read the German, please, [Audience reads it
far as he follows Jesus. If I follow Jesus, that is all right; you in German.]
can follow then safely, but never follow any man who does not Dr. Dowie: What is that?
follow Jesus. A Voice. Shall be healed.
Dr. Dowie: My servant shall be healed. Now that is
And behold, there came a leper and worshiped Him, saying, Lord, if Thou
wilt, Thou canst make me clean. faith. Faith never says, May be healed. Faith never says, Can
And Jesus put forth His hand, and touched Him, saying, I will; be thou clean. be healed, but faith says Shall! SHALL!
And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

OH FRIENDS, IT IS A GLORIOUS THING TO GET concerning two persons: the one was this Centurion, and the
THAT DIVINE SHALL INTO YOU. other was the Syro-Phoenician woman, the Canaanitish
Whatsoever God hath promised it shall be done. If I fulfill woman.
Gods conditions, God will fulfill His promise every time. You
Oh, woman, great is thy faith.
can say shall, can you not?
Audience (repeats after Dr. Dowie):Shall be healed. They were not Israelites at all; they had been Gentiles and
Dr. Dowie: Let us all say it. heathen.
Audience: My servant shall be healed. Friends, how often we see that the greatest faith is exercised
Dr. Dowie: Now, get hold of that, just the simple by those who have been outside of all church privileges. They
elementary truth that when Jesus speaks it shall be done. are brought in, and they put to shame many that have been
My servant shall be healed. born amidst good influences.
For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this What a shame it is, that the greatest faith should be
man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant. exercised often by persons, who have come from the heathen
Do this, and he doeth it.
world and outside! And so it was in that day.
What did he centurion mean by that? He meant this that Now, may God grant that we shall not be put to shame.
every thing he said to those under him, they did, and he meant And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall
that Christ was above all authority, and whatever Christ said sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven:
would be done throughout the whole heaven and earth. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out in to outer darkness; there
shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Do we believe that? Do we really believe that Jesus the Son And Jesus said unto the Centurion, Go thy way; and as thou has believed.
of God is exalted, and that He has all power in heaven and on
earth? That is, just exactly in the same proportion as you believe,
I believe it. I hope you do, I want you not only to say you
So be it done unto thee And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.
believe it, but really to believe it deep, deep, DEEP down in And when Jesus was come into Peters house, he saw his wifes mother laid,
your hearts. and sick of a fever.

My servant shall be healed. I said last night in Pekin that the Pope pretended to be
When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to them that followed, Verily I
say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no not in Israel. Peters successor. Now, if he really was, and followed Peters
example, he would marry and have a mother-in-law; but you
Brothers, it is a remarkable fact that the Lord only used see he does not, and that is the cause of great scandal in Europe
these words. to-day, and all over the world, the fact that priests do not
Great Faith
Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and
I WILL. 9 10 I WILL.
adulterers God will judge. sick:
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esias the prophet, saying,
Now, I wonder what he said.
The Bible says it is a good thing for Gods ministers to be Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.
married men; in fact no man has a right to be an elder unless he
is married; for the first condition of an elder is that he shall be Now, is not that plain? Is it not plain that Christ came to
take away our infirmities and our sickness?
Blameless, the husband of one wife.
Will you please to repeat that with me?
Remember that. Audience (repeating after Dr. Dowie): Himself took our
If any man has been ordained to the eldership amongst you infirmities, and bare our sickness.
who is not married, that was wrong. Because Paul declares Dr. Dowie: Now, say it in German, [audience reads the
that. In the first chapter of Titus, you will see there in the 5th passage in German.]
verse Paul has written to Titus, Dr. Dowie: I wish I could speak German? Now, say it in
For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things Audience: HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES,
that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:
If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not
accused of riot or unruly and so on. Now, you will not forget that. You keep on saying a truth
for a number of times, and getting the Word of God in your
You see a man has got to be blameless, and the husband of heart, and you will not forget it.
one wife. He must be a married man to be an elder; and in Well, now, I am going to ask you to pray for me, pray for
order to be an apostle, and a true follower of Peter in that each other, that we may have good time. I am so glad to meet
sense, following Peters example. The Pope ought to be a you at his early hour; for it is just ten oclock, and we have
married man. The fact that he is not, is one of the proofs that time for a little talk, and time for a little prayer.
he is not following the apostle Peter. Now, brothers and sisters, shall we not pray in faith? What
are we going to pray for this morning? I have come here in
And when Jesus was come into Peters house, He saw his wifes mother laid,
and sick of a fever.
love and a great desire to be a blessing to you. I very seldom
And He touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and leave Chicago. I have not held a mission outside Chicago for
ministered unto them. nearly four years.
I was down in Washington the capital the other day
How wonderful she was healed. And now comes a beautiful attending to business for my Lord, and for this work, and I held
scene. some meetings. These were the first for more than three years.
When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed But they were not planned before I left Chicago.
with devils: and He cast out the spirits with His word, and healed all that were When the Lord used me to my good brother, Mr. Andrew
I WILL. 11 12 I WILL.

W. Ropp, here some time ago, and he was healed, shortly after pray in the tongue that is so well know to many and then after
he said; Now, you will come out to Pekin some time wont you have prayed in German, will you ask God to give us the
you? and I said: I will come, two years ago. Holy Sprit that I may be able to speak right to the people, that
I do not know any place that would have brought me away they may be able to hear aright, and that our hearts may all be
from Chicago just now, excepting Pekin, because I have much humble, and that we may all be teachable before God, that God
to do in perfecting our work at the center. may lead us by His Spirit.
But I promised these brothers and others, who have been Now, Elder, you pray in Deutsche, and I will pray in
blessed under my ministry in this neighborhood, that I would English.
come, and here I am. Our beloved brother Sommers and others [Elder Buercky offers prayer in German. The following
have been very loving friends. prayer was then offered by Dr. Dowie.]
I know they have prayed for me very earnestly, and I know
they have been a blessing to many. They have brought their PRAYER.
dear sick friends to the Lord in faith, and they have been
blessed, and they have spread the literature, and they have been Father in heaven, we thank Thee for the prayer offered, and now in
among those that have helped me in that great city to do good, Jesus name let the Holy Ghost come upon this assembly. Teach them
many thing out of Thy Word, dear Lord, and use my lips.
and I thank God to-day for it.
I am so thankful that there are those here who have been healed and
When I have an opportunity of showing how I love my blessed already under our ministry. Oh, we are glad to meet with so many
brethren, and how I want to be a blessing to those whom they earnest Christians who are seeking for life, and light, and for more of the
love, I delight to take it. love of God. Oh, shed that love abroad in every heart. Let every one here
So now we are going to pray here to-day for what? We are to-day realize the presence and power of God in this dear little school-
going to pray for the blessing of God, to open to us that Word, house. God bless, and bless those who are yet going to come to the
meeting to-day, in the afternoon when more will be able to come. Oh,
to make us understand it better than we have understood it God! Fill this place with Thy glory, and now hear us, and in Thy great love
before; to make us love it, and to make us get all that God has and mercy, answer us for Jesus sake. Amen.
for us a Perfect Redemption, here and now, for spirit, soul, and
God has more for using His Word than ever we have got
yet. You believe that? Treasures that we have never yet been Beloved brothers and sisters, before I deliver my little
able to get out of it. address, I want to make a short statement about a matter of
Now, I am going to ask you to pray for that, I should like interest to many of you. My good brother Ropp this morning
for you all to pray, and I want you to pray in English and also after breakfast, showed me a letter which he received from
in German, the tongue that is so familiar to many of you here. Elder John Harms of Hillsboro, Kansas. That brother has been
I will ask dear Elder Buercky to lead us in prayer. Come up amongst you raising money and raising corn for the India
here, elder! I felt to ask you to pray in German. I want you to famine relief fund, but our brother Harms, it has come out our
I WILL. 13 14 I WILL.

knowledge, is himself a very poor man, and is in great need at When I have spoken, I am going to answer any questions
this time. I understand that the crops were an absolute failure that may be asked me by any of the elders or brethren present
A Voice:For the last three years. who would like to get information regarding any particular
Dr. Dowie: And the good brother has been reduced to point.
very great necessity; and as I read this letter I felt this morning Now, the Lord said, I will to the leper.
that I should like to ask you to give the morning collection to
I will; Be thou clean.
brother Harms, and let it be a good one for the brother. I want
you to help our work, but I want you, first of all, to help a good A great many people have this thought about the Lords
man that is needing some of the necessaries of life in his home. healing. They say, While we know that God can heal his
May God bless him, and let the offering be taken, I think while people every Christian know that we do not know that the
it is being taken we can sing Jesus Lover of My Soul. Lord is always willing to heal His people, sometimes it may
The offering was taken during the singing of Jesus Lover not be His will, and therefore we cannot be sure when we pray,
of My Soul, followed by the address, and the right way for us to pray is to say this I am telling
you what other people say now we are going to say when
I WILL we pray, Father, if it be Thy will, heal us, and we must just
leave it there, because we cannot and do not know whether it
INVOCATION. is Gods will.
Now, that is wholly wrong. You have no right to pray like
Let us just ask God for a blessing now upon the Word.
Father in heaven, bless the word that we are going to speak for Jesus sake.
When the leper came to Jesus he said:
Give me Thy Holy Sprit, and help me to speak it in great love, in great wisdom,
and with the omnipotent power of the Holy Ghost. Amen Lord, if thou wilt?

Now, I want to talk to you this morning about the Did he not say that? Is that not how it reads in your German
willingness of the Lord to heal His people. That is a very version? I want you to give me it in German. I am going to
lovely subject, is it not? the willingness of the Lord to heal make you (addressing Elder Buercky) my German talker. Now,
His people. talk loud. Some of these dear people are deaf, you know. You
must always remember that there are usually deaf people
TEXT present in a large congregation. Now, then, what does it say in
German, the prayer of the leper?
Jesus said, [A brother reads in German the passage:]
I will: Be thou clean.
I WILL Lord, if thou will, thou canst make me clean.
I WILL. 15 16 I WILL.

Lord, if thou wilt. He put in an If did he not, and what you have said to me: Can I see you this morning? and I say,
did the Lord say? Tell me in German. Yes, if you will come to my room No. so and so, I will see
[A brother reads in German the passage:] you at eleven oclock to-day.
Well, now, suppose you come to my room at eleven
I will; be thou clean. oclock. My secretarys room is close to mine, and I have a
number of young men there who are attending to my large mail
Dr. Dowie Now when Jesus said, I will, did the leper
and correspondence. Suppose that you come to my room, and
say If thou wilt any more? Tell me. You tell me Yes or No.
you say to my secretary, The Doctor told me that if I came he
Audience:No, sir.
could see me at eleven oclock.
Dr. Dowie Why?
All right there is the Doctors door, knock there.
A Voice: Because the Lord had said I will.
Suppose you come into the hall near to my door, and you lie
Dr. Dowie: If I say I will, I do not want yo to say If thou
down upon the floor, and begin to howl like this: Oh! Doctor,
wilt any more. If you ask me to do a thing for you, and I say,
if thou wilt, if you wilt, thou canst see me in thy room. Oh!
I will, I do not want to hear any more about it, excepting you
Doctor! If thou wilt. Well, I wonder who it is making all that
shall believe what I say.
noise, and I touch my bell, and my secretary comes, and I say,
Mr Carpenter, who is out there making that noise?
Oh, it is a person you told to come and see you this
morning, and I told him to knock at your door.
Supposing now that you were in our Zion home. Now, I
And what did he say?
have a great many sick people there. I have got as many people
The person said to me, Oh, it is so good of Dr. Dowie to
in that house as there are people in this school-house nearly;
invite me to come. Oh, I could wish he was willing. Oh, if I
not quite as many, but there are a large number of person in the
only knew he was willing. I said,
Home now.
Did Dr. Dowie not tell you he was willing?
We have thousands who come to Zion Tabernacle. There
Yes, and I wish I could believe it.
are two institutions; there is the Home where I live, where I see
Oh, Dr. Dowie, if thou wilt, if thou wilt, and you keep on
the sick people who come from distant parts, and where they
howling like that, and I say, Mr. Carpenter, go and tell the
live when they are in town; and there is a great big Tabernacle
person I am willing to see him. Bring him right in. You come
where I teach and preach and where we see everybody.
up closer and being howling again. Oh, Dr. Dowie, if thou
But, suppose that I was teaching in my home this morning,
and after I had finished teaching, you come up and say:
Mr. Carpenter, tell that person to come in at once.
Doctor, can I see you this morning?
He wont come in, Doctor.
You know they all want to see me at the same time
sometimes, and they cannot do it, because I am a very, very
He says it is too good to be true; he wont come in unless
busy man, and I have an immense number of things to do. But
I WILL. 17 18 I WILL.

you go out. So I go out and say, My dear friend, I told you you imagine a thing, it becomes a very real difficulty.
to come to my room at eleven oclock, and I am willing to see I read of a man once who in the darkness stumbled over a
you.: precipice, as he thought it was, in the road. It was dark and he
Oh, Dr. Dowie, I wish I could believe it was true. Oh, if knew there was a great steep precipice not far away. In the dark
thou wilt, if thou wilt. he stumbled over, and he held on to a tree and managed to get
his foot on the ledge of a rock. He could not get up, and he was
APPLICATION. afraid to fall lest he should fall down a terrific precipice. There
all night in the darkness he held on to this root of a tree. He
Now, would that not be great nonsense? But that is the way was afraid to lose his footing lest he would fall. When the
people talk to God. Jesus said, I will. He was willing to heal morning came, he looked around and there was not precipice,
the leper, and they say, Oh, I wish it could be true. I wish I but there was only sixteen inches to step down.
could believe it. Now, he had imagined he was hanging over a precipice all
Why, you can believe it, if you like. When I say to you I night. If he had only a little light to show him there was only
will see you in my room at eleven oclock you can believe that, sixteen inches to step down, and that there was no precipice
if you like, and you do not need to go howling here, but to just there, he would not have hung in fear all night; but he hung
come and knock at my door. there in fear all night, and it turned his hair white by morning,
You told me to come at eleven oclock. because he was in darkness and was afraid.
That is all right; come in, my friend, sit down. There are a great many people imagine certain difficulties
I remember Brother Ropp one day said, I want to see you that do not exist, and that is the thing that keeps them from
with my wife and daughter, and some friends, Doctor, and I getting blessing; they get afraid.
said, you can come. When the time came, he knocked at the Now, let me show you, let me anser some of the common
door, and I said, Why, you are all here. Come in, so they all objections to the Lords willingness to heal.
came in.
Now, brothers it is so foolish of people when God says I 1.MANY PERSONS SAY: DOCTOR, I CANNOT BE
will, to say I wish I could believe it. You can believe it if you SURE THAT THE LORD IS WILLING TO HEAL
IN THE WAY OF BELIEVING THAT THE LORD IS THE Well, friends, the Lord will not heal you unless you repent
HEALER. of your sins, and unless you give yourself to Him. Well, you
say, I have repented of my sins; I have confessed my sins and
The difficulties that you say exist. I do not believe that they do trust Jesus as my Saviour. Well, then, the Lord is willing
do exist, but they exist in your imagination, and you know if to heal you.
I WILL. 19 20 I WILL.

Well, but Doctor, because the Lord was willing to heal the 2 BUT SOME PERSONS WILL SAY: BUT,
leper, does it follow He is willing to heal me? DOCTOR, WAIT A LITTLE, DO YOU NOT THINK
Yes. Why? Now, I will tell you, there is one thing about SOMETIMES GOD SENDS US SICKNESS FOR OUR
Jesus that you can always be sure about, He never changes. GOOD, AND THAT WE ARE BETTER BECAUSE OF
Does He? Tell me, Yes or No. Does God change? SICKNESS, AND THEREFORE IT CANNOT BE GODS
Dr. Dowie:Is Jesus Christ the same? SOMETIMES A VERY GOOD THING?
Audience: Yes.
Dr. Dowie:Yesterday? Now, that is commonly enough said, is it not now? And I
Audience:Yes. am going to dispute with you, if you believe that.
Dr. Dowie:And to-day? I want to show you that sickness is not a good thing, and
Audience:Yes. that it is not true that God sends it.
Dr. Dowie:And how long? Now, these are the two points I want to dwell upon, that
Audience:Forever. sickness is not a good thing, but a bad thing, and the devils
Dr. Dowie:Now, brothers and sisters, follow me closer. work always, and that God cannot send it; that it is impossible
If Jesus Christ is the same, when He was on earth, was He for God to send disease.
not the Saviour from sin, tell me? Now first, is disease from the devil? That is the point: Is
Audience:Yes, sir. disease always from the devil?
Dr. Dowie:Was he not the Healer from sickness? Now, I make the assertion first which I want to prove, that
Audience:Yes sir. every kind of sickness, and every kind of disease from which
Dr. Dowie:Is He the same now? you suffer, or from which any one upon this earth suffers its
Audience:Yes, sir. the work of the devil; and I want therefore to show you that the
Dr. Dowie:Was He not willing to save and heal all who work of the devil can never be the will of God.
came to Him? Now, the first thing is to show it is the work of the devil.
Audience:Yes. Open your Bibles at the 4th chapter of Matthew at the 23rd
Dr. Dowie:Is He the same now? verse, and read with me there both in English and German; for
Audience:Yes. I want this made very plain to you, and therefore I am asking
Dr. Dowie: Well, if He is the same now, must he not be my good brother the elder to read in German. Now, he is going
able and willing to save and heal you? Tell me. to believe that half the people are deaf, he is going to read
Audience: Yes sir. louder than he did the last time.
Dr. Dowie: Well, that is very plain, simple, common Now, that is one reason people listen to meI speak loudly.
sense. In the 4th of Matthew, the 23d verse, I will read it to you
first in English.
I WILL. 21 22 I WILL.

the Bible say that nineteen centuries ago everybody whom

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching
the gospel of the kingdom, and healing what?
Jesus healed was made sick by the devil, that they were
Audience:All manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the oppressed by the devil?
people. Audience:Yes.
Dr. Dowie:Did He heal every kind of sickness?
Now, read that in German, please. [The brother reads the Audience:Yes.
23d verse in German.] Dr. Dowie:Nineteen centuries ago every kind of sickness
Dr. Dowie: Do you believe that? Do you believe all that? was the devils work? Is that so?
Audience; Yes, sir. Audience:Yes.
Dr. Dowie: Now, I want you to talk back. I am going to Dr. Dowie:Whose work is it to-day?
make this a little class, you know. This is a school house is it Audience:The devils.
not? Now, you are all in school this morning, please, and when Dr. Dowie:It must be the devils, unless God is doing the
the teacher asks you questions, you will please answer them. work now that the devil used to do. Do you think God is now
Now, then, does it not say He went about healing all manner doing the work the devil used to do?
of disease? Do you believe that? Tell me. Audience:No, sir.
Audience: Yes. Dr. Dowie:And did not the Lord heal all kinds of
Dr. Dowie:Very well, now, I do not need to read more sickness?
passages to show you that He healed every kind of sickness, Audience:Yes.
and every kind of disease. That is written of Jesus many times. Dr. Dowie:And all He healed were oppressed of the
I want to show you where all these diseases comes from. devil?
Turn to the 10th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, 38th A brother: That is what is says in that passage.
verse. This is a statement of Peter in the house of Cornelius, Dr. Dowie:And does it say differently in another passage?
the Centurion, covering all Christs mission and ministry. Let us look at another passage to see what Jesus came into the
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: world to do. The first Epistle of John, 3d chapter. We will just
who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed with the devil; take it from that passage. I want you to get the Bible. I do not
for God was with Him. want you to think anything, excepting what Gods word
teaches. Now, my brother, will you please to read after me in
Now, my dear brother, read that. [Reads in German.]
Dr. Dowie:And healing whom?
Audience:Alle. He that committeth sin is of the devil. [Reads in German]
Dr. Dowie:It does not say some of them were oppressed For the devil sinneth from the beginning. [Reads in German]
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested. [Reads in German]
with the devil does it? Read it again. And healing
Audience:Alle. Say that again. [Repeats in German.]
Dr. Dowie:Now, I want you to say Yes or No. Does not
I WILL. 23 24 I WILL.

dear brothers and sisters to follow the Lord; that is all. You
That He might destroy the works of the devil. [Reads in German.]
follow the Lord.
What did Christ come into the world to do? I am so glad to see so many young men here. I am so glad
A Voice: To destroy the works of the devil. to see so many men as well as women.
Dr. Dowie:Did He go about destroying sin? Tell me, It is a remarkable things in connection with our work that
Yes or No. while the other churches have more women than men, we have
Audience:Yes. more men than women; and I noticed this morning there are
Dr. Dowie: Did He go about destroying disease? more men than women in this audience by a great deal.
Audience:Yes. I am very glad we have the women with us. We have always
Dr. Dowie:Whose work was He destroying when got the women. They are nearly always on the right side, but
destroying disease? the men are hard fellows to get hold of. They are a bad lot for
Audience:The devils. the most part. They have got to be put straight.
Dr. Dowie:Whose work was He destroying when He Now, I want you to follow me a little more closely.
destroyed leprosy, cancers, and all that kind of sickness? Tell
me! Whose work was He destroying? And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and
preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all
Audience:The devils. manner of disease among the people.
Dr. Dowie:Well, whose work is it today?
Audience:The devils. All kinds of sickness; do you believe that every kind of
Dr. Dowie:Now, dears any of you say any more it is sickness possible to humanity was healed by Jesus, tell me?
Gods? It is the devils work. Audience: Yes.
Let me ask you another question: Did Jesus ever say to Dr. Dowie:And all that He healed were oppressed of
anybody, Your Heavenly Father made you sick? whom?
A VoiceNo. Audience:The Devil.
Dr. Dowie:Would there have been any sin in this world Dr. Dowie:If nineteen centuries ago every form of sin and
had there been no devil? Say Yes or No. sickness and disease was the work of the devil, I ask you whose
Audience:No. work it is to-day?
Dr. Dowie:Well, then, is not disease the result of sin? Voices:Same fellow. The Devils work. The devils
Audience:Yes. Dr. Dowie:If it were Gods would not God be doing the
Dr. Dowie:And is not sin the work of the devil? work the devil used to do?
Audience:Yes. A Voice:Yes.
Dr. Dowie:Well, then is not disease the work of the devil?
Dr. Dowie: Very well. Now, wait a moment, I want you NOT KNOW WHAT JOB SAID,
I WILL. 25 26 I WILL.

Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God
hath touched me? The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

I know he did, and Job was a fool for saying it. Job blessed the Lord for the devils work! The Lord had
Oh, Doctor, Doctor, that is the Bible. given him, and the devil took it away, and Job was so ignorant
Yes, and the Bible says that Job had to repent for saying that he blessed the Lord for what the devil did.
that. Now, I want to show you that. I want to show you that Job Now you will see that after Job had talked nonsense and
talked nonsense, and than God had to put him right. Jobs friends had talked nonsense for about twenty or thirty
You refer to the Book of Job, please, because I want to put chapters, than God stepped in, and here is what He said. Now
this point right. There are some folks that say: Oh, Job said it you follow me.
was the hand of the Lord which made him sick. But I go in Read it in the Deutsche as I read it in English.
further. I want to ask you a question: Was it God or was it the
devil who stole all Jobs cattle? Tell me. God or the devil Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
which? Who is this that darkeneth counsel by the words without knowledge?
Audience The devil. [a brother reads the foregoing in German]
Dr. Dowie: Was it not the devil that stirred up the Does that not mean who is talking nonsensedoes not
Sabeans and Chaldeans, and all those thieves to steal his cattle, know what He is doing? Is that not it?
and who burnt up his grass? Was it not the devil that brought Then God goes at Job, and all through that chapter, and all
up a great wind from the wilderness, and pulled the house through the next chapter He rebukes Job. Now, turn to the 40th
about his sons ears? Tell me, was it God or the devil. chapter and read again.
Audience:The devil.
Dr. Dowie:Now, were not all the miseries Job suffered Moreover the Lord answered Job, and said,
the work of the devil? Were not all the boils on Jobs body put Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct Him? He that reproveth
God, let him answer it.
there by Satan? Does not the book say? Then Job answered the Lord and said,
Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer Thee? I will lay mine hand upon my
So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with sore mouth.
boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown. Once have I spoken, but I will not answer; yea, twice, but I will proceed no
Is that not true? Say Yes or No. Then answered the Lord unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
Audience:Yes. Gird up thy loins like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto
Dr. Dowie:Very well, Job did not know; Job thought that Wilt thou also diannul My judgement? wilt thou condemn Me, that thou
God did it, and Job said so. Now, what did God say to Job? mayest be righteous?
Now, listed in 38th chapter of Job. Here is what the Lord said
to Job after he had said the Lord had made him sick. Job had He then rebuked Job. He rebuked Job all through that
I WILL. 27 28 I WILL.

chapter, and all through the next chapter to the 42d chapter. I Oh, I said, wait a minute before you go. Does not your
will read it in English. Bible say it is impossible for God to lie?
Oh, he said, everybody knows that.
Then Job answered the Lord, and said,
I know that Thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden
Well, I said, you did not a minute ago. You said there
from Thee. was nothing impossible for God.
Who is it that hideth counsel without knowledge? Therefore have I uttered
that I understood not; things to wonderful for me, which I knew not.
Hear I beseech thee, and I will speak; I will demand of Thee and declare
Thou unto me.
I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear but now mine eye seeth Thee. Let me tell you this, it is impossible for God to lie, is it not
Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. Tell me.
Audience:Yes sir.
Didnt Job repent for saying all that nonsense?
Dr. Dowie:It is impossible of God to do evil is it not. Tell
Didnt Job repent in dust and ashes for saying that God had
made him sick? Then God heard his prayer, received his
repentance, and God healed him.
Dr. Dowie:Is disease a good thing or a bad thing?
Now, I want to say to you than God cannot make you sick.
Audience:Bad thing.
You understand? That God cannot make you sick.
Dr. Dowie:Very well, can you get a bad thing out of a
Audience:No sir.
Dr. Dowie:Is there any disease in God?
Now, I remember when I was in New Zealand, away down
in those southern seas, a minister rose up very angrily and he
Dr. Dowie:Is God pure?
said: Doctor, I am going.
Audience:Yes sir.
I said, Why are you going?
Dr. Dowie:Is God holy?
Because that is blasphemy.
Audience:Yes sir.
What is blasphemy?
Dr. Dowie:Is there any corruption in God?
You say it is impossible for God to make anybody sick. I
Audience:No sir.
am going because, he said, it is blasphemy to say anything is
Dr. Dowie:Can you get corruption out of God?
impossible with God.
Audience:No sir.
I said, You say that?
Dr. Dowie:Well, if you cannot get corruption out of God,
how can God ever give you any disease? You cannot get out of
Why, I said, you cannot have read your Bible.
God what is not in Him.
He said, I have read my Bible and My Bible teaches me
There is no disease in God. It is impossible for Gods hand
that there is nothing impossible for God.
I WILL. 29 30 I WILL.

to communicate disease. Audience:No, sir.

Dr. Dowie:Any corruption?
ALL ILLUSTRATION Audience:No, sir.
If there is any disease in me to-day, and should I turn to Mr.
Peter Ropp, and say, Elder Ropp, you shall have smallpox, Audience:No sir.
or to Elder Buercky and say Elder, you shall have jaundice Dr. Dowie:Can you get corruption out of God?
and Brother Andrew you shall have what would you have? Audience:No sir.
Rheumatism, (laughter) and Elder Strubhar you shall have Dr. Dowie:Well, if you cannot get corruption out of God,
you shall have-what shall you have-well, we will give you as how can God ever give you any disease? You cannot get out of
a special favor, cholera; and if I were to come to you and say God what is not in Him.
I was doing all that because I loved you, the rest -of you would There is no disease in God. It is impossible for Gods hand
get out of this school-house in case I should love you too. to communicate disease.
(Laughter.) I think you would all want to get out of this
school-house, because you would say, Dr. Dowie is a fountain ALL ILLUSTRATION
of disease, would you not ?
If there is any disease in me to-day, and should I turn to Mr.
THE APPLICATION. Peter Ropp, and say, Elder Ropp, you shall have smallpox,
or to Elder Buercky and say Elder, you shall have jaundice
Now, if God can do that thing; if God can give to one and Brother Andrew you shall have what would you have?
small-pox, and another rheumatism, another scarlet fever, and Rheumatism, (laughter) and Elder Strubhar you shall have
another leprosyif Gods hand can do that, must not the you shall havewhat shall you havewell, we will give you
disease be in God? Is there any disease in God? as a special favor, cholera; and if I were to come to you and
Audience:No. say I was doing all that because I loved you, the rest of you
Dr. Dowie:Then it cannot come out of God can it? would get out of this school-house in case I should love you
Audience:No. too. (Laughter.) I think you would all want to get out of this
Dr. Dowie:Then you can never get disease from God: school-house, because you would say, Dr. Dowie is a fountain
It is impossible for God to make anybody diseased. Is there of disease, would you not?
any disease in heaven, tell me?
Audience:No, sir. THE APPLICATION.
Dr. Dowie:Any small-pox in heaven? Now, if God can do that thing; if God can give to one small-
Audience:No. pox, and another rheumatism, another scarlet fever, and
Dr. Dowie:Any fever or rheumatism in heaven? another leprosy-if God's hand can do that, must not the disease
I WILL. 31 32 I WILL.

be in God? Is there any disease in God? Audience:Yes.

Audience:No. Dr. Dowie:And all that were healed were oppressed by
Dr. Dowie:Then it cannot come out of God can it? Whom?
Audience:No. Audience:The devil.
Dr. Dowie:Then you can never get disease from God: Dr. Dowie:And he is the same old devil, is he not?
It is impossible for God to make anybody diseased. Is there Audience:Yes.
any disease in heaven, tell me? Dr. Dowie:Is he any better? Has the devil improved any?
Audience:No, sir. Audience:No, sir.
Dr. Dowie:Any small-pox in heaven? Dr. Dowie:Is he not the same old devil? Does he not do
Audience:No. the same kind of works. I think he is a worse devil than he used
Dr. Dowie:Any fever or rheumatism in heaven? to be, because devils grow worse just as people get worse.
Audience:No, sir. Either a man grows better or he grows worse, and the devil
Dr. Dowie:Any corruption? must get better or worse. Now, I do not think the devil has
Audience:No, sir. been getting any better. I believe he is a meaner devil than he
Dr. Dowie:Well, then, if it is not in heaven, can it come ever was, and I believe he has got control of more disease
out of heaven? factories now than he ever had. There is more disease in the
Audience:No sir. world now than ever, because there is more sin.
Dr. Dowie:Well, then, if disease cannot come out of
heaven, and cannot come out of God, where does it come THE DEVIL HAS BEEN STUDYING. CHEMISTRY,
A voice:From the devil. and do you not know this that ever since the devil has been
Dr. DowieFrom the devil, and from hell, and from people studying chemistry, he has been giving the result in tempting
that have been oppressed by the devil; from Gods people and poisonous drinks to the people. He got Noah drunk, didn't
oftentimes, who have been saying that disease came, from God. he?
But the original source is the devil. Dont you know that Noah was faithful in the midst of a
How wicked to say that disease comes from God! Do you faithless world, and then when Noah came down from the ark
hear? It is wicked to say that disease comes from God; because, the devil said something like this to him: I want to work this
if you say disease comes from God, you make God a fountain vineyard on shares with you. Do you know what he did ? He
of disease, and you make heaven a place of the diseased and got Noah to make intoxicating wine, and Noah got drunk, and
not of the pure. ever since that day the devil has been getting people drunk in
Well, now, you are all with me are you not? You all believe various ways.
that Christ healed every kind of sickness, dont you. Say Yes The devil has been getting people mad and bad by means of
or No. poisons, and you will find, during the last half century
I WILL. 33 34 I WILL.

especially, poisons have been multiplying, drug-shops are just your Greek lexicon you will see that the word pharmakos
getting crammed with poisons; and that all kinds of poisons are means a maker, and a seller of poisons, a sorcerer, a murderer.
being bought by the people. They not only buy alcohol in the I will tell you this, that if it be a bad thing, and it is, for a
form of whiskey, wine and beer, but they buy it in other forms; man to run a saloon where he sells one poison, alcohol, it is a
they not only buy nicotine poison which is in tobacco, but they ten times worse thing for a man to run a drug store where he
buy other poisons belonging to the same nicotine family. sells all the poisons to all who come with money. Many men
They buy opium, they buy cocaine, they buy strychnine, and women will buy deadly poisons in a drug store, poisons
they buy arsenic, they buy laudanum; they buy all kinds of which madden and intoxicate, who would not enter a beer or
poisons, and do you know that these druggists shops are just whisky saloon. Humanity is being destroyed by these deadly
the devils own shops. poisons.
Do you know it is a remarkable fact that
Now, some will say to me;
I never saw that until the other day.
I will show it to, you in the last chapter of the book of God gave us lots of things He did not mean to put in our
Revelation. I want you to read it. Now, I shall be rather curious mouths. It is only a baby that wants to put every thing in its
to know how the Elder translates that. The 22d chapter of mouth. A baby will put your hair in its mouth, and if you put
Revelation, the 14th verse: your watch down, it will smash the watch, and put it all in its
mouth. Is there anything a baby does not want to put in its
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have the mouth? Men are like babies about saying everything God has
right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. made, every creature, is to be eaten. All right, go and eat a
For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and
skunk. ( Laughter.) Go and eat a rat. If everything is made to
murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
be eaten, go and eat a buzzard.
These are outside of heaven. Now, read me that verse, Do you mean to say that God made everything to be eaten?
please, in German. [The brother reads in German.] Did He mean everything to be drunk? Verily no. There are
What does that word sorcerers mean in German? many things in nature that God never intended to be eaten or
A voice:Witchcraft. drunk.
Dr. Dowie:I see that is not a good translation there any
more than in mine. Do you know what the word is in Greek ? BUT YOU CANNOT GET ALCOHOL WITHOUT
The word in Greek is pharmacist, ; they are DESTROYING SOMETHING.
pharmacists. Any of you who know Greek, if you will take up
I WILL. 35 36 I WILL.

You have got to destroy the grape before you can get wine. DIVINE HEALING IS IN THE BIBLE, BUT DRUGS
You have to destroy the corn, and make it corrupt, before you AND DOCTORS ARE NOT IN IT.
can get whisky. You have got to destroy barley before you can
get beer. You have got to destroy the grain, and get alcohol out That is a remarkable thing is it not? Think that over. That
of this rotting juice. there are 4,100 years of Gods Revelation to humanity in the
A sheep is a good thing, but is a rotten sheep a good thing Bible, and not one word in favor of doctors or drugs.
to eat, tell me? Is that a good thing to eat? Is it a good thing to Friends, I see a great deal of doctors. I see a great deal of
eat tainted bad meat, tell me? Is it a good thing to eat the rotten the result of doctors practice. I was born in Edinburgh,
juice of the grape, and the rotten juice in these dirty, filthy Scotland. I went out to Australia when I was a young man, and
poisons? Let me tell you, God never gave us these poisons to I returned to Edinburgh Scotland, and studied at the University
drink. of my native city. I had been healed by God, but I was very
See, here is the Bible. You know it, you have got it as well much interested in the sick, and I used to visit the hospitals. I
as I. Between these two boards from Genesis to Revelation used to attend the clinics; that is the lectures by the bed-sides
there are 4, 100 years of human history. of the sick people. I used to go through all the hospitals with all
the great professors. I know a great deal about doctors. And I
SHOW ME ONE PASSAGE IN WHICH GOD TELLS am accquainted with griefs sicknesses.
PEOPLE TO TAKE DRUGS? I see now every week from 1,000 to 1,500 sick people. I
suppose on the average I have prayed, laying hands upon the
Show me one passage in that Bible in 4,100 years that tells sick 50,000 times a year, for many years. I have been praying
people to go to doctors. Where will you find it? for the sick, laying hands upon them since 1876; that is twenty-
Do any of you know of a passage from Genesis to one years, and I dare say that my average for the last, fifteen
Revelation which says, Is any among you sick, let him call for years has been at least 50,000 times each year. That may seem
the doctor? It is not there. Do any of you know of a passage impossible to some of you, but if you are down in Zion you
in the Bible that says, Is any among you sick, let him call for see something of how it is done.
a doctor, and take the medicine, and ask Him to bless the You see the sick there in hundreds, and in thousands. I
medicine and heal you?" It is not there. It is not in that Bible, prayed on Tuesday last with nearly five hundred sick persons.
but I will tell you all that is, said about doctors in that Bible is I prayed on Monday for nearly a hundred. I prayed on
that they are all physicians of no value. In vain shall ye use Wednesday for nearly a hundred. I have prayed this week,
many medicines. before I left town yesterday, with about 800 sick persons,
I am the Lord that healeth thee is in that Bible. I am the laying hands upon them, and I have prayed for nearly a
Lord, I change not is in that Bible. thousand persons whom I did not see at all whose requests
Come unto me; I took your infirmities and bore your came in to me. I say, therefore that I have a right to talk as one
sicknesses, that is in the Bible. that knows a good deal about doctors and drugs, and their
I WILL. 37 38 I WILL.

consequences, and I say to you this, that helped women to destroy their offspring. Give them their way
and they would utterly destroy the human race. Murderers!
THERE ARE SOME DOCTORS WHO ARE GOOD I speak strongly. I feel strongly. They know nothing about
MEN, DOING THE BEST THEY CAN, BUT NINE OUT what they are talking about when they pretend to diagnose and
I was educated mongst them.
They are not godly, they are not Christians, and the training It has not an atom of science in it.
they get is a very bad one. I know no worse training for a In my own University, one of the greatest professors,
young man than to send him to be a doctor. When he has gone Prof. Douglas MacClagan, said in my hearing:.
into the college they send him into the dissecting room, and to
send a young man into the dissecting room, is to ruin him, nine Gentlemen, medicine is not a science. It is purely empirical. From the
cases out of ten, morally. days of Hippocrates and of Galen until now we have been stumbling in the
dark from diagnosis to diagnosis, from treatment to treatment, and we have
It is a most degrading thing for that young man to go into
not found the first stone to lay as a foundation for medicine as a science.
the dissecting room, and see the horrid sights of the dead and.
naked bodies of women and girls who have been taken from Where is the science in medicine?
the hospitals, and dissect them. It is a degrading thing. It is an Here are two opposing schools. Here is one man calls
unnecessary thing; it is a brutal thing. And when they first go himself an allopath; here is another who calls himself a
in they often faint, and then they take whisky, and they take homeopath. Take these two as an illustration.
morphine, and things of that kind, to quiet their nerves, and the You say to the homeopath, If I put my body in your care,
great mass of doctors to-day are under the influence of these sir, how will you treat it? On what principle?
drugs. The homeopath says: I will treat it upon this principle,
Doctors to-day are the most demoralized class in the Similia similibus curanturlike cures likemeaning that the
community, as a rule. In Chicago there are hundreds of them way to cure one disease is to put in another of the same kind.
that are just incarnate devils. I say that when I am there. I do That is a funny way to cure it, is it not?to catch a thief by
not only say that here. You will see in my tract, Doctors, putting another thief inside the house.
Drugs and Devils that I not only said it, but I gave the facts Well, now, Mr. Allopath, what will you do?
which proved it. I quoted cases; I challenged these men to deny Oh, that homeopath is a fool. I will do exactly the opposite.
them; that is why they want to kill me; that is why they want What will you do?
to put me in prison, because they know I have got them in the The allopath says: Contraria contraribus curantur; that
hollow of my hand. is, the contrary cures the contrary.
They have murdered babes, the unborn babes. They have Well, how do you do it?
I WILL. 39 40 I WILL.

Well, when I see a disease in you, I put in the opposite and they were looking out for a sensation, and Nellie went up
fellow, and knock him out. to the editor, and she said: I think I have got a sensation, and
Oh, well, Mr. Allopath, after you knock him out, what do she told him her plans.
you do with the fellow you put in? All right, said the editor, do it Nellie. So the editor gave
Oh, well, he will give us some trouble after awhile, and we her six crisp, new twenty-dollar bills, and Knell with a smile
put another fellow in and knock him out. upon her face left the office, and went up Fifth Avenue, drove
Well, Mr. Allopath, what do you do with the fellow that up in a carriage to a great doctors house. She got out; she went
has knocked him out? into the house, and of course, this was a very high-priced
Oh, I put in another stronger one, and knock him out. doctor. His consultation fees were high. She put down her
Well, but Mr. Allopath, what do you do with that stronger twenty-dollar bill for a consultation with the doctor. The doctor
one you put in by and by? received her very nicely, very politely, and he began to
Oh, by and by we knock the patient out. (Laughter.) examine herput his finger on her pulse, shook his head, put
That is it. Now, is there any science in that nonsense? his stethoscope to her breast, thumped her, listened, shook his
I tell you this, I have been through schools of medicine; I head (there was nothing in itI mean his head) (Laughter.) He
could qualify within a very short time to be a practitioner, if I did not know a thing about it, he sat down, and thought.
chose, under the laws of this State. I would not do it. For a man What do you think is wrong with me? said Nellie, sly
to give drugs is just to walk in the dark; to put deadly poisons little girl that she was. What do think is wrong with me?
into peoples stomachs. He does not know what they are going Well, my dear young lady, it is quite a grave case; I think
to do. There is nothing so criminal, and so foolish, and so silly that you have incipient tuberculosis; that is to say, you have
as the so-called practice of medicine. consumption. So Nellie sat as gravely as she could. Doctor,
will you please write out my case, and give me a prescription?
NELLIE BLYS EXPERIENCE WITH THE DOCTORS Certainly, so he wrote the diagnosis of her case: This
OF NEW YORK CITY. young lady has incipient tuberculosis, and he gave her a
prescription, and he took up the twenty-dollar note, and she
Take an illustration that will make you laugh. It made me took up the prescription, bowed and went out to her carriage.
laugh when I heard the story. This is the way the story was told She drove up Fifth Avenue a little further, and she got out of
to me, and although I cannot personally vouch for its truth, I the carriage, and went in to another doctor, sat down. Doctor,
know that similar facts are of daily occurrence all over he will you please to examine me, and tell me what my trouble
world. is?
Down in New York there is a bright young lady named Certainly, Miss. He saw her twenty-dollar bill too.
Nellie Bly. Nellie Bly is a reporter upon the staff of the New He felt her pulse, sounded her, tapped her, shook his head,
York World. It is a sensational paper. They were looking (there was nothing in it[laughter] nothing in his head) and he
around for a sensation. Nellie Bly had gone around the world, sat down, and she said: Doctor, what is it?
I WILL. 41 42 I WILL.

My dear young lady, I am sorry to tell you that you have in the World only keeping out the names of the doctors, and the
every appearance of incipient Brights disease of the kidneys. World threatened if the doctors denied it, they would publish
(Laughter.) their names. They never denied it. (Laughter.)
Doctor, will you write that out, if you please, and give me
a prescription? So he wrote it out, and gave her a prescription, THE DOCTORS IN CHICAGO.
invited her to come again. She got into her carriage, and went
away further up the Avenue, got out at another doctors, Will The other day in Chicago there were a number of people
you please tell me, Doctor, what the matter is with me? died in a certain neighborhood, and the hue and cry arose they
Yes, looked very serious, thumped her, shook his head, were all poisoned; somebody put poison in the bread. It was no
(nothing in it.) (Laughter) she sat down. Doctor, will you such thing, they had all eaten swines flesh, and they all died
please tell me what the trouble is with me? of trichinosis. The dirty trichinae in the swines flesh had
I do not like to tell you, but it is quite apparent that your entered their muscles and killed them.
liver is very badly deranged. (Laughter.) I knew of fifteen people in one week that died through
He sat down and wrote a prescription. eating pork with the dirty trichina in them.
She got into her carriage, and went to another: What is Friends, the doctors do not know what they are talking
your profession? about.
Well, she said, I am a literary woman. He felt her pulse,
shook his head. My dear young lady, you are in great danger; DOCTORS IN THE EAST.
you have got incipient idiopathic muscular atrophy.
Well, she said, Doctor, what does all that mean? A little while ago in an eastern city there were seventeen
(Laughter.) Well, he said, it means, my dear young lady, people died in a certain neighborhood. The doctors were
idiopathic muscular atrophy, that unfortunately your muscles summoned, and they did not know. They each gave a different
are without nourishment, and they are rapidly decaying, and autopsy. One died of scarlet fever, and another one jaundice,
am afraid, my dear young lady, that you will be paralyzed. and so on. Presently it was found that every one of these people
Well, Doctor, will you write that down, please? He gave had died of arsenical poison, arsenic, having got into a batch of
her a prescription, and with great difficulty she got out of the flour. All their bodies were disinterred, and the poison was
place without laughing, but when she got out she said to the found in their stomachs. There was not one doctor found it out.
driver, Drive back to the World office. So much for their skill in surgeries.
She entered the editors room, and she said: There are the
five prescriptions, the five diagnoses, and now just imagine RESULT OF TRUSTING IN DOCTORS.
how much wisdom there is in our best doctors, for there is not
a thing the matter with me. (Laughter.) Friends, I know what I am talking about when I say this:
That is said to be a fact which was published the other day When you put yourself into the hands of men who say Now
I WILL. 43 44 I WILL.

open your mouth, shut your eyes, and pay your money, and let He that believeth in me, though be were dead, yet shall he live:
us pour down your throat whatever we like, that you are a And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believeth
thou this?
pack of fools, and that the Bible will not back you up.
Your condition will be like that of the woman who came to
Death is Gods enemy.
Jesus. She
Death and hell shall be cast into the lake,of what?
had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all she A voice:Fire.
had, and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse. Dr. Dowie:The lake of fire.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed iswhat?
Now, the Lord is the Healer; there is His word, I will come Audience:Death.
and heal you.
I want you to believe it. I know it and thousands and tens of Dr. Dowie:Death is Gods enemy.
thousands know that He is the Healer.
No, I hope not; I pray not.
Salvation must come first, and your hearts must be right with What is going to happen?
God, and you must put away the things that are wrong, and Unless the Lord comesfor He is comingto take me to
then give yourself to God, and He will keep you, He will heal Himself, I will tell you what will happen to me. If I am
you. faithful, I will do my work, I shall be saved, I shall be healed,
A man once said: Doctor, if people were always healed like and one night I shall lie down in peace, and I shall sleep on
that they would never die; they would never die. earth, and wake in heaven.
I said, That is true, and they ought not to die.
Oh, doctor, you do not mean to say people are not going to He giveth His belovedwhat?
A voice:Sleep.
What did Jesus say?
Even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with
If a man keep my sayings be shall never seewhat?
Him. Lazarus sleepeth. Stephen fell asleep.
Those who are Christians have a right to expect to live their
Dr. Dowie:He shall never see death. lives without sin, letting God take away that sin, that sickness.
Without dying, you should lie down in peace when your days
I WILL. 45 46 I WILL.

work on earth is done, to sleep on earth and wake in heaven. I give my people wine. In Australia I have drunk considerable
I want to lie down in peace and sleep, but I do not want to quantities of wine, but there was not a drop of alcohol in it; it
die. was unintoxicating wine.
Death is Gods enemy. When at the marriage feast of Cana, in Galilee, He drank
wine, but it was not intoxicating wine, and the proof of that is
this. If you ask any Jewish Rabbi to-day, as to whether in the
He that hath the power of death iswhat?
A voice:The devil.
feast of the Passover there is any alcohol, he will say, No.
Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He Now, our Lord Jesus Christ when He ate the Passover supper,
also Himself likewise took part in the same; that through death He might He drank wine, but there was no alcohol in it; for this reason,
destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil. that there never was any alcoholic wine, or any fermentation at
all in the Passover Feast, and in the marriage feast.
That is what the Bible says. Death is the devils work. The other day there was a Rabbi married, and when he was
How God hates death. married to his bride, there was a glass of wine poured out, and
she drank one-half of it, and he drank the other half of it, and
Oh, friends, it is a good thing to know then that God is
then threw down the glass, and ground it beneath his feet in the
willing to save you, and heal you, and cleanse you, and to synagogue.
keep you, and when your work is done, let you lie down and I asked, What kind of wine was that?
rest in peace. Just as a tired man does when he comes in from That, Doctor, was unintoxicating wine.
the fields. He lies down in peace, and he sleeps until the And what was the reason of his throwing down the glass,
morning. Oh, that we might do our work, and then lie down in and tramping it beneath his feet ?
peace, and sleep on earth to wake in heaven. That there should never be any leaven of sin in that mar-
SUPPLICATION. In the Orthodox Jewish wedding there is no alcoholic wine
Well, then, I said to a Rabbi, there could have been no
Father in heaven, bless this address for Jesus sake. Amen. alcoholic wine used at the marriage feast at Cana?
He said, Wherever there was an orthodox Jewish marriage
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. there was no possibility of its being used.

If any one present has any respectful questions to ask about DOES NOT OLD WINE FORM ALCOHOL IN IT BY
my teaching or work, I shall be very glad indeed to answer AGE?
them. I will give you a little time to ask these questions.
Dr. Dowie:No, sir; not so long as the air is excluded. The
moment the air gets to it, if it is not drunk, within a few hours
it would form alcohol, but as long as it is drunk within a
certain time, no alcohol is formed.
Dowie:Yes, He drank the wine that I drink. I drink wine. The brother:I thought age, even if sealed up, would
I WILL. 47 48 I WILL.

make it form alcohol. unmarried, because the Holy Ghost had said that bonds and
Dr. Dowie:Age will not make it form alcohol. Age would imprisonment awaited him in every city, and it is not a very
make it form a sugary deposit, but alcohol is only formed when good thing for a man to be married who is getting into jail in
the air gets to it. It is never formed otherwise, and that fact every town he comes to.
explains the reference to old bottles in the Scripture. The old
bottles used to be made of skins, and they had poured the wine IS IT POSSIBLE FOR AN UNCONVERTED MAN TO
into skins, and sealed it up, keeping out the air so that it would BE HEALED?
not burst. But if you poured out the wine from the skin, and
then tried to pour new wine into the old skin, the contact with Dr. Dowie:Yes, by the sovereign grace of God. God is a
the air would make it ferment, and the consequence was it sovereign, and I dare not shut out the possibility of God
would burst the skin. But there is no possibility of alcohol healing a person who is not converted, because God is a
forming until the air gets to it. I may say we use unfermented sovereign, and He can do what He likes, but my brother's ques-
wine in our communion service. We use non-alcoholic wine, tion leads me to this supplementary answer.
and it is made in various ways; sometimes it is sterilized. It is I do not know of a single case, in all my experience, of an
corked up and hermetically sealed, and it never ferments until unconverted man being healed through faith in Jesus Christ.
it comes to the air, and if you do not drink it within a short Why? Because it is impossible for an unconverted man to
time, it will ferment. exercise faith in Jesus for healing; because faith in Jesus is only
possible to a man who has given his heart to Jesus. That does
WAS PAUL EVER MARRIED? not mean that some were not healed who did not know Jesus as
Christ; for I there are several mentioned in Scripture who were
Dr. Dowie:Yes, I hold that Paul had been married; for so healed. But these were godly and converted according to
this reason, that at the death of Stephen, it says in the Bible that their light.
Was consenting unto his death.
The word that is used for consent there is a legal term, BEING SICK THAT I AM NOT CONVERTED?"
showing that he was one of the Sacred Council and cast his
vote for the death of Stephen. He could not have, been a Dr. Dowie:No. Salvation and Healing are two different
member of that Council unless he was thirty years of age, and things. A person may be saved and yet sick. They are two
a married man. different things altogether; but if you are continuing in sickness
The probabilities are that Paul was a widower when he and sin, that will show you that you are not trusting Jesus for
wrote his letter and said: healing, but it does not show you are not saved. Multitudes of
Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife.
Christians are sick who are saved, and they are never healed,
but their Salvation is not affected by it at all. Still they do not
That his wife had died while he was still a Rabbi, and after live to glorify God, and they do not do the good they would if
he became a Christian he thought it was best for him to be they were well.
I WILL. 49 50 I WILL.

I am glad my brother asked the question. Salvation is a Sometimes you correct the child, but do you correct the
totally separate thing from Healing. You must be saved before child by breaking its leg or knocking out an eye? Is that the
you can be healed, but it does not follow that you are unsaved way you correct it? Do you correct it by giving it a dose of
because you are unhealed. On the contrary, vast numbers are small-pox? No. Neither does God. The word there simply is:
saved who are not healed at all. I am very sorry it is so, but it Whom the Lord loveth He nourisheth, He instructeth, He
is so. I should be very sorry indeed to say that every one who traineth, He cherisheth as a loving Father does a child. He
was not healed was going to hell; but I do say this, that a brings it up in order that the child may be a strong man,
person who is not healed, and is not seeking God for healing, healthy, and pure, and good, and to be a blessing.
will very soon go to the grave, and I wish they would live You see that is the word there, and it is very much misun-
longer if they are true Christians; for the Lord hath need them. derstood. It does not mean, Whom the Lord loveth He maketh
That is why I am talking to you dear Christians, because there sick. If it meant that, then the sicker you are, the more the
are many Christians amongst you sick. I want you to live a Lord loves you, and the consequence is that when you get one
long time. I want you to live healthy lives so that you can do sickness, you should say humbly, How the Lord loves me in
more for Christ in your families, in the Church and in the my right leg. Oh, how He loves me with this rheumatism
extension of His kingdom in the world. Lord, love me on the other side too.
Will you explain, It is all nonsense to suppose that Whom the Lord loveth
He chasteneth means Whom the Lord loveth He maketh
Dr. Dowie:Yes, I will explain that. I am very glad that MEANS OF
our brother asked it. The word chastening or chastisement HEALING THE UNCONVERTED SICK? "
in the original tongue has a very definite meaning. The word Dr. Dowie:-No; not an unconverted sick man, because. in
that is translated chastisement there is in Greek, that case then that man would be healed against his will. That
and comes from the little word is the man would be healed with a bad heart. That man would be a
genitive form, and paideia in the original Greek means child of the devil, and healed because t prayed for him. God
training, the nurture, the growth and instruction, and the does not heal children of the devil.
bringing up of children. So that passage in Hebrews means "IS A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST ALLOWED TO. WEAR
Whom the Lord Loveth He nourisheth, He cherisheth, He GOLD?
instructeth, He traineth, and He bringeth up as a loving father Dr. Dowie:-Yes. I will answer that. Now, you please turn to
does a child. your Bibles in the first epistle of Peter, the 3d chapter. Now, I
Now, when you bring up a child, do you give it a regular want to read the whole passage. This is the passage which is
dose of sickness every month ? Is that any part of its training;. rested upon by friends who say that a Christian must not wear
or do you endeavor to keep the child well? Tell me. Do you gold. Will you please to read the whole passage now with me.
endeavor to keep the child well? Yes or No. Please read it in Deutsche after I read it in English.
Audience:Yes. " Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own
Dr. Dowie:Is that not the object of the mother to keep the husbands."
little one clean and well, and keep it from being sick You please to notice that all this is about women. You
I WILL. 51 52 I WILL.

see it is not about men at all; it is about women.`' it another, you are at perfect liberty to do so.. My wife, for
" That if any obey not the word, they may also without the instance, wears her hair as she pleases. She wears it as she
word be won by the conversation of the wives; likes; she wears it to suit herself, and to please me, and she
" While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with wears it in various forms, and my wife is approved of God. My
wife wears gold that has been presented to her. My wife wears
" Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of
plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of clothes according to the color that she likes. She does not wear
apparel." [The brother real the foregoing, clause by clause, in black always. She sometimes wears colors. God gave us colors.
German after Dr. Dowie.] She was born in a country that is full of colors, and full of
Now, if that passage means you are never to wear any gold, beauty, Australia.
it also means you are never to wear any clothes. Do you see it? Gods Word nowhere says that you are to wear only black,
That is the first thing I ask your attention to. If that passage or that you are to wear only white; but Gods Word says you
says you are never to wear any gold, it also says that no woman are to dress in a becoming and proper manner.
is ever to tie up her hair, and she is never to wear any clothes. Now, my wife dresses, as any one knows who sees her, in
Read it again: various colors. She is very fond of colors. I think just now at
this time she is wearing purple, and she is wearing red, and she
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of is wearing green, and she is wearing various combinations of
plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of colors. It does not bother her a bit. She simply gets what she
apparel. wants, and it is as cheap to buy a colored thing as a black thing,
and often times it costs less money to buy a colored thing than
Are you not to wear any clothes? You would die if you did a black thing. But my wife wears her hair, and wears any gold
not wear clothes. You would be very disgusting, and immoral, that is presented to her, and , wears any colors that she chooses,
and very improper. It would be a shameful thing for a woman and she goes and preaches, and she goes and teaches, and here
to go about naked. A shameful thing for men to go about is the answer to all you women who think differentlyGod
naked. Even savages do not go about wholly naked. blesses her. Multitudes are saved by her preaching, and when
It means that you are not to spend your time as the ancients she prays with the sick many are healed, and you know it.
used to do. Why they used to spend hours and hours in getting Now, if God were displeased with my wife for doing that,
their hair plaited in various forms, and all kinds of ornaments He would not answer her prayer.
put into it. Sometimes it took a whole day to get a woman's I said to you last night that I wear these gold sleeve links.
hair ready. Sometimes it does now. Sometimes it takes three Where did I get them ? I got them, the first set-this is only just
or four hours to get a fashionable womans hair ready. a duplication of them-from the children whom I was the means
That is the first thing, that you are not to spend many hours of healing, whom God healed. I never healed anybody. I laid
over your hair, but it permits you to tie your hair up in a my hands in 1876 upon three dying children, and they were all.
comely manner, and if you choose to put it one way, or to, put healed. That was the beginning of my ministry of healing. I
I WILL. 53 54 I WILL.

have told the story fully in my tract, entitled, He is just the pray for them, I always say God bless Mary Ray; she is Mary
same to-day. I knew nothing about, their thank-offering, but Hardie now; God bless her husband, God bless her children,
a few weeks afterward they came to my house with a God bless my own son and daughter who gave me this second
beautifully written note. I was about to leave my home in set. And do you know that these studs have reminded me, as
Newtown, Sydney, New South Wales, to go and marry my nothing else in the world could, of the first healing and of my
wife, in Adelaide, South Australia, a thousand miles away. I own dear ones.
was not then married. They, were healed through my agency. And when I take out my watch, that is gold too. I suppose
They were dying, and were instantly healed. They brought me that cost some hundreds of dollars. I never paid a cent for gold
a pair of gold studs with a letter in words something like these: ornaments or articles of use in my life. That watch was given
I remember it as if were to-day. to me the other day, as a token of gratitude by two ladies of
Cincinnati, for the blessing which God made me to their dying
DEAR PASTOR: aunt. She was carried to my Home dying. She was brought into
God has used your hands in praying with us when we were dying. We
our Home a dying wreck and the Lord used me to her, and the
want to put something in your hands that will always remind you of your
dear little children whom you prayed for other day, without my knowing anything at all about itthey
And we want you to please take these studs that we have purchased sent this watch, and they asked me to accept it as a token of
with our savings, and put them in your sleeves on your marriage day, and love. The fact was my other watch was not keeping time and
remember us always when you look at them. was always getting me into troublebut they made me a
present of this watch.,
I put them there, and God has used these hands in being laid Do you think that does me any harm to wear that watch? I
upon thousands and tens of thousands of people, and I never take it and as I use it I thank God. It will last me all my
think of my studs until somebody calls attention to them, lifetime, unless somebody steals it, and then may the Lord have
because I never see them for one thing. They are on the other mercy upon the thief. (Laughter.)
side of my sleeve, and I have not an atom of pride or vanity But it will last me longer than a common watch would.
concerning them. I do not care a pin about them; so far as Now, let me say a word more about this wearing of gold.
appearances go; but I wear them because they remind me of the Friends, if you are going to spend all your money in wearing
children who were first healed, and when I put them on in the gold, and if you are going to spend all your money and vex
morning I still pray for these children and for the children who your husband in wearing clothes, and not dress in a seemly
appreciate them. They have grown up now, and one of them, fashion, the Lord have mercy upon you. I do not object to any
the one that was healed first. Mary, the one that I told the story of you wearing any attire you please.
of in He is just the same to-day, she is a wife, and she is a You are at liberty to wear a bonnet such as many of you are
mother, and she has got noble sons and daughters away off in wearing. I do not think it quite becomes you. I would like to
the great Australian land. Without the mercy and healing see more of your faces. Some of you have got very sweet faces,
power of God she would have been dead, and when I take up but I cannot half see them.
these studs ;the morning and put them into my sleeve I always
I WILL. 55 56 I WILL.

I think some of you have got very nicely shaped heads but, dress was adopted by the beloved sisters whom I seebefore
I really cannot tell what the shape of your head is. I love to see me and their mothers, was a protest against the shameful waste
a nicely shaped head; it seems to me a very pleasant sight; but of money upon attire.
you know if you choose to wear a hat that does not show how I can only say this of my wife who wears colors, and wears
very nice your face is; all right, I will not object to it; you have bonnets of a different kind to some that you are wearing here,
a right to wear that hat. But you have got no right, to say that that she does not spend as much money as persons that wear
my wife shall wear that hat. She has got a right to wear what the plainest of attire; for this reason, that she takes care of what
she likes, and there is no passage in the Word of God that says God gives her. Makes it over and over again, and there is not
she shall not. a single thing that ever my wife wears that is not worn out to
I think that sometimes you do a great deal of injury to the the last thread by somebody; for it goes at last to the poor. I do
cause of God when you say that the plainer your attire, the thank God for the rainbow with all its colors, and for heaven
holier you are. with all its beauties. To tell the truth I would like to see some
I know a great many people who are very plainly attired, of you here, very nice looking ladies I would like to see a little
and have very proud hearts. I know a great many people who more the shape of your head, and to see a little more the shape
have very beautiful attire, and very humble hearts; and I of your body. Why shouldn't I ? I like to see beautiful forms.
venture to say of my wifeI would not say it, if she was here; God does; and that is why He made them comely. I can admire
I would not praise her to her facethere is no purer woman a lovely form and face without sin, and those who cannot have
upon God's earth; there' is no humbler woman upon God's polluted hearts.
earth; there is no woman that will do more for the sick, and Brother Ropp this morning showed me his elks and his deer.
sorrowing that my wife will do, and she is always nicely They were beautiful to look at, and as I looked at them I
attired. She always wears colors. She has done so from her thanked God He had made such beautiful creatures.
youth, and I love to see her do it. I love to see beauty. I would like to see a beautifully formed
I must confess that I love to see a rainbow with all the angel. I like to see a beautifully formed man. I admire a
colors. I must confess I love to see your beautiful flower beautiful baby. I admire a beautiful lady. I can do it with a pure
gardens with all their colors, and I should very much object to heart, and those who are talking otherwise oftentimes have got
somebody taking a tar brush, and going through the garden and very unclean hearts.
painting them all black. (Laughter.) But I say these things lovingly to you. If any man think
Let me tell you another thing, heaven is full of color. Let otherwiseif any of you think otherwise, it does not matter, go
me tell you that the foundations are of precious stones, the on, beloved sister, be humble in heart, wear whatever attire you
walls are jasper, the streets are gold; but God forbid that I please. I would not object to it; I have no right to object to it.
should have any of you go away, and spend all your money But on the other hand, dont you criticize your sisters who
upon adornment. choose to wear a little green in their bonnets, a little flower on
There is an excess of it, and one reason why plainness of their jackets like that young sister there. She has got some nice
I WILL. 57 58 I WILL.

blossom there, and she has got a nice face, and the blossom perhaps, so as to make my meaning clear. My brother perhaps
looks very nice alongside of her pleasant and pretty face. I love means by the question something that I do not see. He may
to see it. I love to see children playing in the fields, and putting mean two or three things. Now, for instance, a mans physical
a garland upon each others brow, don't you ? condition may be derived from his parents; his parents may
I love to see children; I love to see grown-up people fond of have sinned; they may have been drunkards; they may have
beauty. Oh, I love beauty! I love beauty; I love color; I love been immoral, and the consequence is a mans physical
God; I love the thoughts of heaven, and I love every thing that condition from the very beginning may be miserable because
has got color to it. I revel in the description of the City of God, of bad blood, and an impure condition, or a distorted frame: in
and I stand entranced before the glories and beauties of earth, that case his physical condition would not be dependent upon
and sky and sea. his spiritual condition; because his spirit might be all right, but
Why, you do not wear much color yourself some might say! he is the inheritor of the consequences of his fathers sins. In
No, I am black and white like most of you. But still I love to that case, of course, he can come to God, and ask God to heal
see colors, and let those wear them who choose. him of things that have been inherited from his parents.
Now, friends, do not be misunderstood. I would not say one But if you mean it the other way. Ordinarily speaking, will
word to grieve anybody in the world unnecessarily, and upon a mans physical condition keep pace with. his spiritual?
this matter of clothes I simply say to you, Give to others the The brother:That is what I mean.
liberty that you claim for yourselves. Dr. Dowie:If a man lives close to God, and is living a
holy life, and abstains from every form of evil, abstains from
WHEN DOES THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN TAKE all things that would hurt him to eat or drink; abstains from im-
PLACE, IN A MANS LIFE? pure thought, and impure reading, and impure connection, the
consequence is that his spiritual nature is that of a clean man,
Dr. Dowie:The moment he repents of sin fully, vows to and of necessity his body is guarded, and he endeavors to eat
do right to his fellow man and God, and trusts in Jesus Christ that which is good, and do that which is good. As a rule such
for a full Salvation. That moment it comes, just that moment. a mans body will keep pace with his spirit, especially if he is
We see it gloriously displayed in Zion Tabernacle. Many not foolish enough to go to doctors and take their medicines.
people stand up there, and repeat the consecration prayer, and (Laughter.) I do not know if you are a doctor. (Laughter.) Of
the healing often comes at the same moment they repent of sin, course, you know I am not speaking with any reference to you
and trust Jesus. specially.
But I will say this, that if a man is of a degraded spiritual
DOES A MANS PHYSICAL CONDITION DEPEND natureif a man is spiritually impure, he will be very quickly
UPON HIS SPIRITUAL CONDITIONBELIEF? physically impure, because the corruption will sooner or later
extend to his body as well as to his spirit. Prize fighters are
Dr. Dowie:Largely. I will answer it a little differently, good illustrations of this. Magnificent physical frames become
I WILL. 59
masses of walking corruption, because they yield to the
demands of their filthy spirits.
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Will you please rise with me, and ask God to bless us all?
[Apparently all present rose.] A VOICE FROM ZION. Published monthly. 32 pp. 50 cents a year. Subscriptions may
Say with me a little prayer. begin with any number of the volume. Rev. John Alex, Dowie, Editor

Vol. 1, No. 1, January. 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Woman of Canaan.

No. 2, February, 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permission and Commission.
PRAYER OF CONSECRATION. No. 3, March, 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reply to Dr. Hillis.
No. 4, April. 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reply to Ingersolls Lecture on Truth.
No. 5. May, 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Redemption Draweth Nigh.
No. 6, June, 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Talks With Ministers
My God and Father, in Jesus name I come to Thee. Take me as I am. No. 7. July. 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanctification of Spirit, Soul and Body.
Make me what I ought to be in spirit, in soul, in body. Give me power to No. 8, August, 1897
. . . . . . . . . . . . Secret Societies: The Foes of God, Home, Church and State.
No. 9, September, 1897 . . . . I Will: Address on Divine Healing, with Answers to Questions.
do right; if I have wronged any, to confess, and to restore, and to do right No. 10, October, 1897 . . . . . . . Doctors, Drugs and Devils; or, The Foes of Christ the Healer.
No. 11, November, 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethiopia Stretching Out Her Hands to God.
in Thy sight. Cleanse my spirit, cleanse my soul, cleanse my body. Make No. 12, December, 1897 . . . . . . . . . . The Christian Ordinance of Baptism by Triune Immersion.
me good, and pure, and true by Thy Holy Spirit for Jesus sake. Amen. Vol.2. No. 1, January, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What Should a Christian Do When Sick?
No. 2, February, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organization of the Christian Catholic Church.
No. 3, March, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . You Dirty Boy! A Reply to Rev. P. S. Henson, D. D.
No. 4, April, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How to Pray.
The Doxology was then sung, and the Conference closed by No. 5, May, 1898 . . . . Christs Methods of Healing. A Reply to Rev. J L.Withrow, D. D.
No. 6. June, 1898 . . . . . . . . Zions Protest Against Swines Flesh as a Disease-Producer.
Dr. Dowie pronouncing the Benediction. No. 7, July, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tobacco: Satans Consuming Fire.
No. 8, August, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . False Christian Science Unmasked.
No. 9, September, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Divine Healing Vindicated,
No. 10, October. 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Press: The Tree of Good and Evil.
No. 11, November, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimates and Realities: A Reply to Baptist Ministers.
No. 12, December, 1898 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diabolical Spiritualism Unmasked.
Vol. 3. No. 1, January, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zions Bible Calendar.
No. 2, February 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ye are Come Unto Mount Zion.
No. 3, March, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighting Blackmailers.
No. 4, April, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ingersoll Exposed.
No. 5, May. 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Science Exposed as an Antichristian Imposture
No 6, June, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . Jobs Boils; or, Objections to Divine Heating Considered.
No. 7, July, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Man of Sin Revealed.
No. 8, August, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zion's Answer to the Messengers of the Nation.
No. 9, September, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reply to Dr. Gray.
No. 10, October, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reply to D. L. Moody and the Rams Horn.
No. 11, November, 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repentance.
No 12. December. 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zion and Her Enemies.
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