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A Plastic Bottle

Ali was a horrible child.


You Piece of Shit .

Fuck off .

These, and a lot more,

Ali had said to his parents.

One day, Ali had a dream. He had a flash of yellow.

Then a flash of red, and then another flash of yellow. Then, a bottle.

A plastic bottle on top of a desk.

After that it was just fear and pain.


Ali goes to Joshua Elementary.

He has a driver send him to school.

No, his parents are not well to do, but,

They hired one because Ali once mentioned how they did not care about him.

When, all they said was to ask him to get the bus.
Eventhough, his mom packed his lunch every morning, and,

His dad drove him around wherever Ali wanted to.


At school,

Ali always sat right in front.

For a kid who never does his homework,

With a teacher who hates confrontation.

At least he sat in front.

Ten minutes left for Chemistry class to end,

Ali shot a sinister remark at his teacher.

You call yourself a teacher? You fucking misspelled Organic, are you Stupid?


After school,

The Trading Card Enthusiasts often gathered at the front yard of the school to play.

They really enjoyed it.

Surprisingly, Ali went over,

And politely asked if he could join them.

The boys, being really surprised, but generous, graciously accepted him.

They started treating him super nice and gave him their best,

Their warmest,

Tutorials to ensure Ali eased in just nice into the group.

The smallest of the group, Ben,

Even offered his personal deck for Ali to use temporarily.

Maybe this was Alis calling.

Maybe he just didnt find a group he fit in well.

Maybe this was it.


5 minutes before his driver came.

Ali stood up.

Spit on all their faces.

Kicked their whole set up up.

Threw Bens personal deck all over the front yard,

With many cards falling into the drains and unreachable spots.

And promptly marched off.


5:37 P.M.

Showed on the digital clock that laid just upon the oversized, pricey 60 inch LCD curved TV they had.

Ali was lying on the floor watching TV.

It started to rain.

The house wasnt that well insulated, it started to feel a lil cold.

Just nice, perfect..

For a nice nap.

Ali drowsied off into wonderland.




A large dog with only two legs and two small arms for hands shrieked at Ali.

Ali did not enjoy this rude awakening.

He threw a stone at the dog.




weird, oversized doggo got slightly louder.

Ali didnt enjoy that either.

He spat on Doggo.

For a moment, Doggo kept silent.

Doggo tried wiping the saliva off his face but they were too short for him.

Doggo started crying.



Ali, not one for sympathy. Flashed him the finger and walked off.


He walked through the forest.

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you it was a forest.

Ali gently caressed the flowers as he walked by.

Ali had a fascination for plants.

He had a mini garden of them in his room and treated them with utmost care
Ali kept stopping to look at the plants.

One weird thing though.

It got Ali thinking too.

All the flowers,

No matter the size, or number of petals, or type,

Were only either,


Or, Red.

No matter. Ali was a man. A real man. He walked on anyway.


He was so gentle to the flowers,

He made sure to not step on any or rub against any too hard,

That they bruised, or

Fell off.

Ali really loved them.

Once, he saw a plant that was dying, with a beautiful Yellow flower that was barely vibrant.

He saw he had a plastic bottle of water in his pants, he was really thirsty, but,
He poured it for the plant anyways.

He poured only a little.

The plant seemed to get worse.

Ali poured more,

The plant went further into the ground.

Ali poured all the water. The plant went all the way into the ground but suddenly shot up a healthy

Ali, at first sad, smiled when he saw it.

Ali had a genuine look of love in his eyes.

Fuck you.

The yellow flower, now vibrant and alive,

Was having a Cruel, Evil, Face.

And was telling him off.

Ali was confused. His face was once of utter surprise and dissapointment.

But, youre all pretty and alive now!

Fuck you, I didnt need your help.

The flower wasnt done,

I was just having a dry season, and I could have easily gotten more water myself.

Youre a fucking bastard to have interfered, you stupid fool.

Ali didnt understand.

Ali wanted to cry, but Ali was a man. He held back his tears, violently jerking in a fit that usually comes
when we really need to cry,

He walked away.

The flower did not stop shouting other rude statements at him.

Ali ran.

He ran and ran.

He ran until he didnt have to think about what happened.

He didnt want to think about it.

Ali just wanted the flower to be okay.


Ali couldnt run anymore.

Ali got tired.

He stopped running.

Ali walked instead.

He walked, and walked, and he walked.


While walking, the ground suddenly gave way.

He fell into a slide that took him round and round and upside down.

It made him dizzy.

It made him dangerously nauseously dizzy.

But Ali was a man.

No matter.

He held back his vomit.

He clenched his teeth hard to stave off the pain.

Then, Ali slid off the end.

Ali landed on a bunch of soft hay.


Ali got up,

He looked around,

it appeared to be a room.
A room with a lot of blocks. It was just plain yellow and red blocks all around.

With some hay on the ground at the slide exit.

Ali was awfully bored.

He started to shift the blocks around.

He kept moving them until he made a scuplture.

The blocks then dissapeared everytime he made a sculpture.

It was like a Real Life Tetris and Lego bunched up! , thought Ali.

He kept making sculptures, and the blocks kept dissapearing.

He kept stacking and stacking.


There were no more blocks.

The hay dissapeared too.

The slide exist was no more too.

Ali looked around and examined the room even more.

Ali realized there was really nothing else to do.

It was an empty room, with no plants.

Previously it was like a brick wall with concrete ceiling. The kind youd see in a city.

Now, it was just a plain box.

With every shifting colors.



Then Yellow.

Then Red.


Ali didnt know what to think.

Or do.

He was bored out of his mind.

He started to count how many times the room changed color,

But everytime he counted, they kept changing even faster.

It eventually got too fast for him to count.

Ali decided to just close his eyes.

It didnt work. The flashes of yellow and red kept flashing.

He opened them.
Ali was really confused this time.


Ali started running.

He decided that pain of running into a brick wall was better than not being able to understand what
was happening.

He ran.

He ran as fast as he could.

He wanted to hit this wall really hard.

As he was about to hit the wall.

He just fell off.

He started falling.

What he thought would stop the pain, just made it worse.

He was now falling in every direction.

He didnt even know if he was falling downwards,



Zig zag?
Ali had no idea.

He was just endlessly falling. Helpless.

He couldnt do anything. He was falling ever faster.

Ali decided to just bite on his own tongue.


He bit it as hard as he could.

He wanted it to bleed.

He couldnt feel his own tongue but,

The falling stopped.

The flashes of color stopped.

He was back in the forest.


Like nothing happened.


Then in the darkness of the forest, he saw Doggo.

Doggo didnt look so cute and friendly this time.

Doggo also didnt have any spit on his face this time.

Doggo however, had a lot of spit of his own.

Slobbering. Everywhere.

Doggo did not look happy.

Doggo was rushing towards Ali.


Ali ran.

He ran and ran.


He somehow ended up in the flower part of the forest.

Doggo was no more.

Ali was confused, and sad.

Every flower in the forest was dying.

None was vibrant.

It was a very dull and miserable shade of yellow and red all over.

Ali didnt like it.

He looked around in frustration and sadness.

He couldnt understand.

Why did sadness and anger him follow him,


Even where he showed love.


Ali took out his bottle and wanted to pour more water but,

There was no more water.

He ran again.

This time out of frustration.


He ran and ran and ran.

He ran with his eyes closed.

He wanted everything to end.

Ali didnt like this place.


Ali eventually reached a tree with a door.

The door was yellow.

The knob was red.

He opened it.

Inside the room,

There was a table.

The door shut, hard,

Behind him.


Ali did something and when he did that certain something.

He woke up.

And when he woke up.


He was changed.

It wasnt easy and he still misbehaved.

But he changed his ways.

He couldnt talk to his parents eventhough the driver was no more.

He didnt have the guts to see them in the eye to share his love.


He stopped being so mean to his teacher but,

Mrs Lynda kept treating him with a distance,

Because poor timid Mrs Lynda was still afraid of him.

And Ali was too embarassed to show kindness.


He threw away all his plants.

The whole mini collection.

They reminded him too much of the nightmare.


He bought 5 new deck of cards for Ben.

But was too embarassed to say it was from him. He just left it at the front yard jsut before the kids

The kids, even years after. Still thought Ali was an asshole and still hated him.


There were alot more kids bullying Ali in school now.

He went on as a timid kid.

Multiple times he went home with bruised lips and lost stationery.

Multiple times he went home walking, with his pants torn and thrown paint on.


Things were different.

Things were not nice.

But, alas. Life was not that simple.

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