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Build Days

Day 1: On the first day of building, we got our pieces of plywood and started drawing out where
everything should sit on the board. Afterwards, we started gathering all of our needed materials
including small planks for marble tracks and a pulley. We installed the first piece of wood for
George Washington Crossing the Delaware.

Day 2: On the second day of building, Ty and Evan proceeded with building the McDominoes
and the Golden Gate Bridge, while Izagani and Madison worked on the screw portion. Ty and
Evan created placement areas for the dominoes and made a general design of the bridge.
Izagani and Madison gathered materials for the screw, and talked about how to approach
building it.

Day 3: On the third day of building, Ty and Evan installed more marble tracks and continued to
refine the previous parts built. They also installed the bald eagle pulley. Izagani and Madison
settled on building the screw with a funnel and pipes. Madison also painted the bridge its
signature international orange color.

Day 4: Izagani finished the inner working of the screw by attaching pipes to the funnel. Madison
aided Izagani in this process, and also finalized and installed the bridge. Meanwhile, Ty and
Evan made the Pig to Bacon ramp, finished the bald eagle pulley, and added a wood border to
help contain the marble.

Day 5: Izagani started making the Uncle Sam hat for the funnel by making the long round part of
the hat. Madison, Evan, and Ty started making the race car track. As a whole group, they also
figured out where the rocket launcher should sit on the board.

Day 6: Izagani finally finished the Uncle Sam screw by cutting out the brim of the hat with the
jigsaw and installing the pipe needed to connect the marble to the bald eagle pulley. Madison
added multicolored paper on the tracks so themarbles and cars would not fall out. Ty and Evan
tried out multiple ways to have the cars stay put on the incline planes.

Day 7: Madison started making detailed blueprints of the machine. Evan and Ty went back to
the beginning steps of the machine to make sure that they would work consistently. Izagani
brought in the rocket the launcher and brainstormed ways to launch it.

Day 8: Madison continued working on the blueprint and drew all pieces to scale. Evan and Ty
worked on the launching mechanism of the rocket, and settled on completing a circuit. Izagani
drew symbols of America to be placed on the machine.

Day 9: On the last day of building, Ty and Evan finished the rocket mechanism. Izagani
continued and finished the decorating the machine. Madison also finished the blueprint of the

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