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Wake Forest Categorization of Strength

Development and Preferred Lifts

Development Area Primary Lift Secondary Lift Secondary Lift

Total Body Power *Power Clean *Power Clean-n-Jerk Power Snatch

Power Shrug (from
Total Body Strength *Dead Lift
Hip and Knee
*Front Squat *Back Squat Lunge/Stepup
Hip Extension Power *Hang Clean Hang Snatch Kettle-bell Swings

Hip Extension Romanian Dead Lifts Stiff Legged Dead

Glute-Ham Raises
Strength (Rdls) Lifts

Upperbody Push *Standing Press *Bench One Arm Bench

Upperbody Pull Chins Bent Rows One Arm Rows

Sample Post Season Three Day Per Week

Monday Wednesday Friday
SandBall Clean SandBall Clean SandBall Clean
KB Clean-n-Press KB Clean-n-Press KB Clean-n-Press
Low Hurdles High-Low Hurdles Low Hurdles
CalisthenicsRope Skipping Calisthenics-Rope Skipping CalisthenicsRope Skipping

*Power Clean *Dead Lift *Hang Clean

Hang Snatch & Power
*Bench *Standing Press

Bent Rows (Superset) One Arm Bench Chins (Superset)

*Front Squat One Arm Rows (Superset) *Back Squat

Jumps Work Jumps Work
Legged Squat

Rdls Jumps Work Rdls

Chins-Dips-Pushups Chins-Dips-Pushups Dips-Pushups-Curls

Stretch Stretch Stretch

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