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400- to 700-word paper that evaluates affirmative action and managing diversity in the LeasePlan business

Present the business reasons that support LeasePlans strategy for managing diversity.

Compare LeasePlans strategy to manage diversity with principles of affirmative action.

Explain the extent to which LeasePlans strategy is consistent with recommendations from the work of
researchers Alice Eagley and Linda Carli.

Provide examples of R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.s eight generic diversity options that LeasePlan is using to
manage diversity.

Give recommendations that you would make for further improvements in LeasePlans diversity initiative.

Support your thinking with details from the case study and other materials from the text and The Wall Street
Journal article. Cite all resources using appropriate APA format and style.

If you were a manager, what challenges would you anticipate in realizing the aim of managing diversity
as described by Kreitner and Kinicki?

If I were a manager, I would consider challenging to implement successful diversity programs due to the
following barriers:

A negative diversity climate, because I would need to encourage people to change their perception, in order to
boost their potential and enhance productivity. I would need to make a big effort to make people trust and feel
confortable, and to prove that my company is fair with all employees.

Resistance to change, I would need to be wise to persuade people and convince them to work in a different
manner since change is good but not everyone feels comfortable leaving their safe zone. I truly believe this
barrier will be the most challenging of all.

As any problem that needs to be solved, I would follow the scientific method to obtain the best
results. Scientific method is accurate and useful to gather relevant and reliable information with
the purpose of solving problems in the

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