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We have all heard about Jesus life as the son of God, Born of the virgin Mary and known

as the savior of mankind.

In this essay I intend to remember and give vital importance to the life of Jesus of Nazareth

by relating facts that marked Jesus life on earth and the motives that led him to die


Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, a day we celebrate today as Christmas. His birth is

announced by an angel to his mother Mary. He told Mary that his son would rule as King

forever. He angel tells Mary to name his son Jesus.

The star of Bethlehem is one of the most famous symbols of Christmas. According to the

gospel of Matthew he was seen by wise men or magies of the east and it took them to

Bethlehem. This he star announces the birth of someone very important. The magies of the

East Considered as the best thinkers and fortune tellers of his time. They knew that this sign

in the sky signaled the birth of a new king of the Jews, so they followed it to Bethlehem,

carrying gifts with them; gifts with very important messages that many do not know were

not gifts for a normal child. At first the gold that is something of great value that means

that Jesus is going to be king and that it is a gift worthy of a King. Second incense that was

offered frequently to God so it marks the divinity; and the third myrrh that is a natural resin

used to prepare corpses and this alert of death.

And this passage of the magicians by Judea alert to King Herod, king of Judea; of the birth

of the aspirant to the throne, then this one organizes the massacre of the innocent children

under two years in order that this child did not become great and it Dethrone Given this the

holy family leaves Judea.

Jesus was not the first prophet to know Israel, but when he began to preach in the sea of

Galilee amazement to the people, with incredible actions that we know as miracles, of

course these miracles were the ammunition that their enemies used to finish him; When we
think of the miracles of Jesus; we com to mind impacting action how when Jesus walked

in the waters, this has become a demonstration of his divine power, another miracle is

when he multiplies bread and fish and feeds thousands of People, but why does a person

with so much love for humanity be condemned to die? . The miracles of Jesus were against

the customs of his day. For example cure lepers. Jesus to things that were

not allowed back. The people of the time attributed diseases and suffering not only to

God but also to works of evil demons, they were considered responsible from the minor

annoyances to an attack of murderous fury, but Jesus does not want any person to be

excluded from life Religious and interceded for being people expelling their demons, this is

why people began to think, is it a magician or is a sorcerer who is allied with the devil?.

That was one of the accusations against Jesus, which they say drives out demons because

Jesus is the prince of the demons. Jesus miracle stories come to the ears of his native

Nazareth and people are outraged to learn that a carpenter's son dares to defy the religious

rules that direct his life and when Jesus returns to Nazareth and dares to speak in The

Synagogue the locals try to lynch it, but this is not given and instead Jesus begins to win

followers. Since Jesus was born, Jesus began a path that only had an end to his death, Jesus

was accused of breaking the religious laws of his time and the punishment for this was

stoning, but Jesus was crucified, Jesus knew he had to die on the cross and It is said that

Jesus already knew how the event was to be.

The priests claim that when Jesus was proclaimed king by his followers Jesus tried to take

power and defy authority. The accusation against him was to proclaim himself king

messiah, Jesus was taken where the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate to answer for the

accusations and Pilate Condemned by saying that he was an agitator and had to be

crucified, Jesus was declared guilty and declared to death crucified, Pontius Pilate wanted

that image to be engraved in the memory of all who were passing the Passover in
Jerusalem, in the year 30 of our era and That is where his ordeal begins.

In conclusin, Jesus life is an event that marks before and after for humanity the

birth of Christianity as the world's largest religion with thousands of followers on all


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