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1. District of Jalca Grande

Geographical Location

This district is located in the province of Chachapoyas, in the amazon region. It is located
on the right bank of the river Uctubamba Valley, in the province of Chachapoyas,
department of Amazonas in the northern sierra of Peru.

Fig. N 2 Location map of Chachapoyas


Site Description

The district of La Jalca is considered the folkloric capital of the department of Amazonas.

The Jalca presents a spatial configuration distributed around the main park in orientation
to the east of the park is the municipality of the district; toward the southwest corner is
located the main church of the site, which is of Hispanic origin; in orientation to the south
we can appreciate the main plaza where there will take place the parades for the holidays;
and to the northeast lies the state of initial and primary level.

Fig. People of the Jalca Grande.

One of the most outstanding characteristics of the Jalca Grande is that rises on vestiges
that can be seen through the streets of the four traditional neighborhoods. architecture that
was developed in the Jalca, was aimed at certain traditional patterns such as houses with
typical constructions Chachapoyas two floors but adapted to the environment, its walls
are made of wood and finishes with mud, the majority of houses with tiled roofs and
spacious .today it can be seen that only some houses show these traditional patterns; on
the other hand, the majority of dwellings are built using clay and cement, and the roofs
of flat surface with balconies.

When speaking of the Jalca Grande it is impossible not to mention the stone
church because it calls the attention from the moment you arrive to the place. The church
was built in the 16th century and is located in the main square of the village. It is

considered as the first oldest Christian center in the region, as it is linked with the time of
the founding of the city of Chachapoyas. This temple is associated to the myth of John
the bear as you can appreciate an iconography of this animal in a structure located in the
outer part .The material used for the construction of the church was the stone and for your
edification used elements drawn from pre-Hispanic constructions that existed in the area.

Cultural Events

Their traditions and customs are peculiar to Jalca Grande, but some adapted by the
closeness they have with the people of Mendoza. Their breakfasts are adapted to the
environment: Coffee with molasses, rice with banana, fried egg and beans and plenty of
racacha cassava or carrot.

The festivity in honor to San Juan Bautista and San Pedro

As reported by the lord Seripondio Huamn that the festivity in honor to San Juan Bautista
is made the days 22, 23 and 24. While the festivity of San Pedro is going to develop the
28 of July.

The start of the festivities in commemoration to the two saints begins on 22 July. It is a
short journey by way of procession from the church to the cemetery

First day of travel of San Juan.

The fiestas in the villages are always accompanied with typical drinks of the place and
the Jalca was no exception. Its main drink is the chicha of maize, but due to the long
process that is followed to obtain at the present time is being replaced by huarapo chicha
or cane, whose process is faster and get in just two days. This drink is shared between the
people who gather in the evening hours to perform serenaded by the feast of San Juan and
amanecen dancing in the company of the musicians. The next day in the morning, the
population is still celebrating his feast day with the representation of "the Bear" IN THE
PEOPLE'S PARK This character is to be found in the company of His oseros, who will

participate in the staging. Then will be passed by the House of the stewards where beef
soup and mote to visitors.

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