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How Sexual Is She?

Its always a pleasant turn when you discover a womans sexual side. And its
really fun when you can get it going over text messaging. You might be surprised to
learn just how easy it is, and how many women want it to happen. I regularly
monitor Google search terms, and discovered something fascinating.

dirty texts to send to a girl: 320 monthly searches

dirty texts to send to a guy: 720 monthly searches

Yep, more women are searching for dirty text messages than men. Pretty cool, huh?
Theres something very private and intimate about text messaging that makes it the
perfect conduit for sexual messages, and once you get into Phases 3 and 4, you can
make some pretty cool stuff happen.

Sexual texting is almost always preceded by some degree of sexuality in person. I

find that its much easier to start getting sexual with a girl over text after
weve kissed each other. Getting greedy and trying to push sexuality too soon is
risky, and in my experience, its more likely to mess things up than it is to move
things forward.

The one caveat is that there are occasionally girls who for whatever reason you
just dont have the opportunity to see much. For example, I met a girl online who
lived in California, and was moving to New York (where I live) about two months
later. We had a great connection, and things quickly moved from online to text to
phone. After a few conversations, we started talking sexual, and before I knew it,
dirty pictures started showing up in my inbox. This can also happen with girls you
meet when youre traveling.

But in general sexuality is something that happens in person first, and on text
second. The easiest way to start with with sexual nicknames: sexyface, cutie
bootie, sugarlips, delicious those are all great names Ive used once we started
talking sexual.

hey sexyface, get a good nights sleep?

Once youve kissed her, you can start to turn up the heat considerably. Lets say
you were eating a watermelon, and sent her a photo of it. Your caption to the MMS
might read.

yummmmm so delicious just like ur lips

Accusations and insinuations are where you can really start getting sexual.

hey I was just checking my websites stats today and found that someone was
searching for [your name] naked photos you know, you coulda just asked me

ok nighty night, and remember you better keep my clothes on in your dreams

The biggest problem I see with guys using this stuff is when they are trying to
create, rather than grow, the sexuality that is already there. These texts go over
GREAT if you have already established a sexual dynamic, but dont write to me and
tell me they didnt work if you dont already have a flirty, sexy vibe established!
Damn You AutoCorrect

Who hasnt had a problem with autocorrect? Heck, theres even a hilarious website
that sprang up with funny autocorrects. Here are two examples of autocorrect that
worked out well. Example 1 In this case, a client had already had sex with a
girl, and wanted to end a subsequent evening of texting on a sexual note.

client: ok bed time nighty night x

her: night night!x

client: i wanna fuck you in your bed and read you a story ;)

client: oops! damn! predictive text!*TUCK you into bed*

her: hahahaaha! perhaps id prefer the 1st one ;)

client: if youre lucky;)

Example 2 this is great for when a girl is about to show up for a second or third
date, theres already some sexual chemistry established. In this example, she was
actually texting me to tell me shed was on her way once she told me she saw it,
I knew itd be about two minutes before she arrived.

her: remind me where it is again?

me: upstairs bar, corner of w bway and houston next to dos caminos

her: ok I see it

me: ok see u in about 63 sex

me: errrr 63 secs

her: lol thought youd invented a new move

me: maybe i have maybe i havent but either way autocorrect isnt getting credit
for it ;)

It also adapts nicely for when she beats you to your date spot you tell her that
youre waiting at the bar and she tells you shell be there soon.

her: Im here at the bar

me: k super close, see u in about 63 sex

me: errrr 63 secs

Fun Games

These two games both came from clients. Very fun if things have already gotten
sexual between the two of you.

client: wanna play line by line

her: Whats that?

client: Well we make a story but you can only send one sentence at a time

her: ahh ok

client: ill start, you walk into my room wearing nothing but that little black

her: slowly walk over to the bed and start to kiss you
You can probably see where, if you were in a relationship with a girl and wanted to
turn up the heat or just spark a great night, this would really light it up.

me: ok lets play a game Ill send you one word and you have to think of a word
that matches it, and vice versa

her: ok

me: spank

her: bondage

me: oral

her: pleasure

me: deep

her: hard

me: swallow

her: wet

me: dripping

her: orgasm

me: doggy

her: style

me: hardcore

her: omg , so turned on right now

This takes advantage of the psychological effect of priming if you have people
reading certain words and saying certain words it primes them for certain
activities. Here you are priming sexual urges with the girl. If youve already had
a few dates that have turned into sex (2 or more), this one is a great way to
precede the next date.
Getting Naked Pics

Sure, theres a technique here, but more important than the technique is her
comfort level with you and comfort is something thats established over time. If
you follow the principles in the Girlfriend Activation System, youll find that
girls will start sending you naked photos without much prompting.

The #1, gotta-have-it, most-important-thing that precedes her sending you naked
photos is that shes comfortable with you and your judgment, and she knows that you
have a trusted private space with her. This originates in your values, and its
not really something you can fake. There is some stuff in the Girlfriend Activation
System that will help you communicate these values, but if its not where your
heart is, shell know.

A few other important points: she already knows that you think shes sexy. She also
knows that youre sexually mature youre not just some man-child who is going to
show off her pics to your friends. It starts with an MMS exchange this is
something that should be woven into your communications with her, starting much
earlier in your texting relationship. Sexuality will become a part of your
relationship as you get to know her, date her and use some of the other material in
this section. At some point, the two of these things (MMS and sexuality) will begin
to intersect.

Some girls will take it upon themselves to send you photos of clothes theyre
trying on, sexy (but not naked) photos, or pics of themselves at the beach, the
pool, or other spots where theyre not wearing many clothes. Other girls will need
a little bit of priming. You can start by sending her a pic of you in something
that you look really good in an awesome suit, new shirt DONT be cliche and send
a shirtless pic at the get-go.

Go clothed first and ease your way into things. Once she replies to you, (usually
itll be something complimentary), respond with haha thanks your turn now. Once
she starts sending you pictures, it is absolutely critical that you are
complimentary. In the language of social dynamics, youre giving her approval for
sending you pics, and making her feel great about it. A few examples:

wow, that looks like the designer made it for your body

you are gonna make all the girls jealous in that bikini that thing is ridic hot

wow what an amazing dress lemme see the back, I bet theres something awesome
going on back there

Notice that nowhere in those is there a tease or a neg or anything else that
would take away her value. Its all about giving love and making her feel good. And
critically, theres nothing overly sexual in those messages. One time I had a
client who sent a text that read youre gonna give at least thirty guys boners
tonight in that outfit. He wasnt trying to be a bumbling fool, but that text was
the sort of childish, locker-room sexuality that should be reserved for guy talk.
Send a few texts like that, and youll be surprised at what girls will start
sending you.

For those who dont outright offer to start sending you pics, you can gently hint
at how much youd like to see her naked. Please note: you cant just drop this
stuff into the middle of a text conversation! Thatd be like trying to have sex
with a girl in the middle of the bar while youre talking about some neutral
conversation topic. Youve got to get her warmed up with the stuff weve already

me: hmmm my phone just got like ten degrees warmer when I opened that pic super
hot but if this keeps up you might cause it to melt

her: well then I hope you have insurance ;) [pic attached]

me: All these pics are amazing, but theres one thing keeping them from being

her: Oh really, and whats that?

me: Too much clothing. If only there was an easy way to fix that

her: hmmm, how about this [photo attached]

me: Truly your body is a work of art

her: haha thank you ;) Youre not too bad yourself.

me: Thanks. But you know that some of DaVincis finest works were nudes, right?

her: I think I heard that somewhere, perhaps

me: I wonder how you would pose if he were to paint you

her: Do you think he would like this pose ;) ? [photo attached]

Note one thing that all of these texts have in common: Im having fun with them.
Rather than begging or pleading or evenasking her to send naked photos, Im using
funny insinuations. When you look at sexuality as a fun dance, or a game that is
played with finesse, youll find that women become much more receptive to your
advances. And if youre creative with your praise and your requests, they has a lot
of fun playing along and doing their part.

A final note on the subject of naked photos: there are some girls who just wont
send them to you, no matter what. It could be privacy concerns (smart girl),
modesty, or otherwise. So if youve tried some of the above and shes not biting,
dont push it further! Its not worth pushing a great girl away just so you can get
a naked picture of her.

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