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Notes to change: (playtesting notes)

4 different pieces of the same color, place them on your side with each
Leader, villager/tribesman, archer, warrior
Complete all of your moving first before you can play action cards
You have to use up all your points in each turn
You can only claim spots where you had previously landed on
You can claim other peoples spots
Claiming spots on your base counts
You cant go back onto a space that you were on in the same turn
You have to have moved over the spot in that turn to claim it
Have 7 cards at all times
Your base is the only safe area where you cant get attacked
Captain cant be killed
You can only have up to 3 villager on the board at a time
King cant go onto the barrier space
You have to go around other pieces on the board -- cant go on top of them to move
Killing/shooting - only kills one piece that is 2 spaces awa
You have to land on barrier space to get a barrier
Get 2 barriers
If you get higher than a 3, the
Blind trade - fan out card - has to be before die roll
boundary - when piece lands on it
Barrier spot - not a safe space
Youre allowed to move onto other peoples colored spots. You have to claim the spot for
it to become your color.
Heal - can spawn village anywhere in base
You can go through the barrier space but you have to land and stay on it for a turn to get
Decrease blocks cards
NO CLAIM CARD, just claim where you go
Claim someone elses spot when walking over it

Per player: (4 diff colors)

3 villagers
1 leader
1 warrior
1 archer

Goal: get leader to other side

Types of action cards: Heal, Block, Charge, Shoot

3 points each
Have 7 cards at all time

1. CHARGE: Military

2. BLOCK: Military

3. HEAL: The Explorer

Can be used to spawn a villager in place of pieces that were killed off the board

4. SHOOT Hunter

TRADE: (not a card)

- A whole move

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