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Jurassic Park

“Kill or Be Eaten” Variant

by Etienne Michot

Goal: To accumulate the most Victory Points.

Set-up: Set-up is the same as the normal rules.

 Players choose a Character Card (randomly or by choice) and take 4 cards from the Draw Deck.
 Players place their character standees on the game board’s START space.
 Place two Spitters in each Spitter pen, three Raptors in each Raptor pen, and T-Rex on the T-Rex
starting space.
 Each player rolls 1d6 with the player rolling the highest number going first. Play proceeds from
player to player in a clockwise fashion.

Sequence of Play:
1. Dinosaur Roll (controlled by the current player)
2. Dinosaur Movement (controlled by the current player)
3. Dinosaur Attack (controlled by the current player)
4. Character Escape
5. Character Shoots
6. Character Movement
7. Repeat sequence 1-6 for each player.

Dinosaur Roll
 Roll Dinosaur Die
Spitters (Yellow) Die Facing = 1-2
Raptors (Green) Die Facing = 3-4
T-Rex (Red) Die Facing = 5-6
 Color on die determines type of dinosaur that can move.
 Number on die determines maximum number of spaces that can be moved. Dinosaurs do not
have to use all of their movement. For example, “Red 5” was rolled. Player may move the T-
Rex only 2 spaces in order to attack an opponent two spaces away.

Dinosaur Movement
 Dinosaur Movement is based on the number showing on the facing of the dinosaur die.
Spitters (YELLOW) can move 1-2 spaces.
Raptors (GREEN) can move 3-4 spaces.
T-Rex (RED) can move 5-6 spaces.
 As per regular rules, it costs one point to move one hex space regardless of the type of terrain.
 Dinosaurs may not move onto or through Utility Sheds or Pens (once they have left a Pen area).
 Dinosaurs may move through characters and other dinosaurs, but may not end their movement
with another dinosaur for the most part. [Exception: see Eating Other Dinosaurs]

 Eating Other Dinosaurs: A larger dinosaur will eat a dinosaur one-size smaller than itself if
ending its movement on the same space. Simply remove the one-size smaller dinosaur. [For
example, T-Rex will eat a Raptor and a Raptor will eat a Spitter, but a Raptor cannot end its turn

with T-Rex, Spitters cannot end their turn with a Raptor or T-Rex, and T-Rex cannot end its turn
with a Spitter.] After eating another dinosaur, the larger dinosaur will attack any characters in
the hex space.

Dinosaur Attack
 If an active dinosaur ends its turn on a space containing a character, it attacks.
 Roll a d6 for each character in the space. WOUNDS to characters are caused as follows:
Spitter: 1 = WOUND
Raptor: 1-3 = WOUND
T-Rex: 1-5 = WOUND
 Each character can sustain up to a maximum of 5 WOUNDS. A character that receives five
WOUNDS is dead and removed from the game. The player, however, may still participate in the
game by rolling for, moving, and attacking opponents during the dinosaur turn.
 After a Dinosaur Attack, a character is PINNED regardless if it suffered a WOUND or not, unless it
was killed during the attack.
 Example: T-Rex lands on a space containing two characters, Dr. Grant and Lex. One d6 is rolled
to attack Dr. Grant and another d6 is rolled to attack Lex. The first roll is a “3” causing Dr. Grant
to take a WOUND (his 2nd). Dr. Grant is now PINNED. The second roll is a “6”, a rare miss;
however, Lex is also PINNED.
 A “PIN” is defined as per normal rules. A pinned character may not move unless a “1 ESCAPE”
card is played, the dinosaur moves away during Dinosaur Movement, or the ESCAPE RULE is
applied. (See Escape Rule)
 A player receives -1 victory points for each WOUND received during the game.

Character Escape
 A character still PINNED after the Dinosaur’s turn may escape by playing a “1 ESCAPE” card, and
moving 1 space away.
 ESCAPE RULE: A player who does not have a “1 ESCAPE” card or chooses not to use it, may
attempt to escape by rolling 1d6 with a successful escape (moving 1 space away) on a roll of 5-6.
On a roll of 1-4, the escape attempt fails and the character remains PINNED. This Escape Rule
counts as the player’s sole action for that turn.
 A character unable to ESCAPE may be attacked repeatedly each dinosaur turn if the dinosaur
remains in the space and ONLY if the same type of dinosaur is rolled.

Character Shoots: Every character is armed with a rifle.

 A character who is one space away from a dinosaur, and who is NOT pinned (not in the same
space as a dinosaur), may attempt to shoot the dinosaur.
 Each CANCEL card serves as 1 round of ammunition. Each character may shoot (play a CANCEL
card) once per turn but shooting counts as a player’s sole action for that turn. If you shoot, you
MAY NOT move. [NOTE: CANCEL cards are not used to cancel another card in this variant.]
 Roll 1d6
 Kill Shots: HITS +1VP
Spitter: A roll of 1-5 is a HIT, and kills the Spitter.
Raptor: A roll of 1-3 is a HIT, and kills the Raptor.
T-Rex: A roll of 5-6 is a HIT and inflicts one WOUND; it takes five WOUNDS to kill T-Rex.
Give T-Rex a -1 T-Rex WOUND token per HIT.
 Players receive +1 VP for each HIT inflicted on a dinosaur.

Character Movement
 If a character has NOT attempted an escape nor shot its weapon during the turn, it may now
move 1 space for free OR play a card from its hand to move more than 1 space.
 All normal movement rules apply. Characters must stop when entering a space with a dinosaur.
A character may not move into dinosaur pens. Characters on or adjacent to roads may play a
2/3 card. Characters may land on or move through spaces containing other characters.
 It costs 1 movement point for each hex space when playing a Movement card.
 Characters must move the maximum number of spaces depicted on the card. [Exception:
Characters may move either 2 or 3 spaces when using a road and playing a 2/3 card; must stop
when entering a hex space containing a dinosaur; and do not have to enter the Helicopter Pad,
Ship Dock or Visitor Center by exact count.]
 Characters ending their turn on a Utility Shed are safe from Dinosaur attacks, and may exchange
up to 4 cards as a BONUS action, as per normal rules.
 NOTE: CANCEL cards are used only as ammo for shooting (see Character Shoots). CANCEL cards
cannot be used to cancel another player’s card in this variant.
 After playing a card and moving, players refresh their hand back up to 4 cards by drawing the
top card from the Draw Deck. Maximum hand size is 4 cards.
 In lieu of escaping, shooting, or moving, a player may refresh his/her hand with 1-4 cards from
the Draw Deck and returning the exchanged cards to the Discard Pile. A player may not look at
new cards until the exchange of cards is complete. Otherwise, a player may simply PASS.

Utility Sheds: When a character piece first reaches a Utility Shed space . . .
 the power is turned on and the electric fence surrounding the adjacent pen is activated
 any dinosaurs still inside the electrified pen may not escape for the rest of the game
 the human player who first reached the building receives +2 VPs per Utility Shed activated
 A player may not use a “2/3” Movement card to reach a Utility Shed.

Helicopter Pad and Ship Dock

 A player may voluntarily end his/her participation in the game by moving onto the Helicopter
Pad or the Ship Dock spaces.
 Characters can only reach the Helicopter Pad from the two adjacent beach spaces.
 Characters can only reach the Ship Dock from any one of the three adjacent ROAD spaces, not
the one adjacent BEACH space.
 Characters do not have to land on the Helicopter Pad or the Ship Dock by exact count. For
example, a player one space away from the Helicopter Pad may use a 2 Movement Card to
move one space onto the Helicopter Pad.
 A player may not use a “2/3” Movement card to reach the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock.
 More than one person may go to the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock.
 Dinosaurs may not enter the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock.
 Characters choosing to move to the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock must do so before anyone
enters the Visitor Center.
 A character moving onto the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock effectively ends his/her play for the
rest of the game.
 Each character moving onto the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock receives +3 VPs.

End of Game
 The game ends immediately upon the 1st player to enter the Visitor Center.
 To reach the Visitor Center, a character must enter through the front door from the space
directly next to the front door.
 A character entering the Visitor Center may do so in one of three ways:
Play a “1 Escape” card if pinned.
Play a “2”movement card if not pinned. You do NOT have to enter the Visitor Center by
exact count.
Move 1 space without playing a movement card if not pinned.
Players may not play a “2/3” Movement card to enter the Visitor Center.
 The first character to enter the Visitor Center receives +5 VPs.
 If all characters move to the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock, and no one enters the Visitor Center,
the game then ends when the last character moves onto the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock.
 The game can also end if dinosaurs eat all of the players. (OPTIONAL RULE: The game ends after
a set number of characters have been eaten, such as 3 or 5 in an 8-player game, in order to
avoid a longer game.)
 In the situation where there is only one remaining active character on the board, the last active
player immediately moves his/her character to the Visitor Center gaining the +5 VP, and thus
ending the game. [NOTE: The sole remaining character does not take a turn and cannot do any
other actions.]
 The WINNER of the game is the player with the most Victory Points.

Victory Points: The WINNER of the game is the player with the most victory points (VPs).
 -1 VP per WOUND. There are a total of twenty-four WOUNDS that can be sustained by players
during the game if all 8 characters are used (8 x 3 = 24).
 +1 VP per HIT inflicted on a dinosaur. NOTE: Killing off T-Rex with its 5th HIT only gains the
shooter +1 VP. There are a total of twenty possible VPs from shooting dinosaurs: Spitters = +6
VPs; Raptors = +9 VPs; T-Rex = +5 VPs (6 + 9 + 5 = 20).
 +3 VPs for moving onto the Helicopter Pad.
 +3 VPs for moving onto the Ship Dock.
 +5 VPs for being the first person to enter the Visitor Center.

Record Keeping
 Players may keep track of WOUNDS to characters and T-Rex by using cutout cardboard tokens,
or simply checking off on a sheet of paper. Give each player a -1 WOUND token when
successfully attacked by a dinosaur. Give T-Rex a -1 T-Rex WOUND token when successfully
shot. Five WOUND tokens kills a character; 5 WOUND tokens kills T-Rex.
 Players may keep track of victory points by using +/- VP cutout cardboard tokens, or simply
keeping track on a sheet of paper.

Character Abilities (optional). Players may use their character abilities once per turn and ONLY during
their turn.
 John Hammond – may change a Spitter die roll to a Raptor die roll with Raptor movement
limited to 1-2 spaces each.
 Dr. Alan Grant – able to escape from T-Rex using any Movement card. Must play a movement
card to escape.
 Dr. Ellie Sattler -- able to escape from Raptors using any Movement card. Must play a
movement card to escape.
 Dennis Nedry – travels +1 space if starts and ends on a road. (He stole a jeep!) Does not apply
when using a 2/3 Movement card. Does apply to a 1-space movement without a card (1+1=2
road spaces). In addition, Spitters successfully WOUND Nedry on rolls of 1-2, an easier victim.
 Robert Muldoon – may use a CANCEL card to shoot twice. After shooting the first time, he may
shoot again if the first shot was a miss or if shooting at another adjacent dinosaur. If only
shooting once, turn card over and keep in hand. Discard after 2nd usage. A flipped CANCEL card
still counts toward a 4-card hand size.
 Lex Murphy -- able to escape from Spitters using any Movement card. Must play a movement
card to escape.
 Tim Murphy – able to use 2/3 Movement cards on or off roads.
 Dr. Ian Malcolm – May change a Raptor die roll to a Spitter die roll with Spitter movement
becoming 3-4 spaces each.

Sticker Labels for Character Cards (Print on postal label; cut out around borders; apply to top of sleeved
Character Cards.)

 John Hammond
Change Spitter
to Raptor die roll
 Dr. Alan Grant
Escape from T-Rex
using Movement card
 Dr. Ellie Sattler
Escape from Raptors
using Movement card
 Dennis Nedry
+1 movement
when using road
 Robert Muldoon
card to shoot twice
 Lex Murphy
Escape from Spitters
using Movement card
 Tim Murphy
Use 2/3 Movement
cards on or off roads
 Dr. Ian Malcolm
Change Raptor
to Spitter die roll

Solitaire Variant (May also be played cooperatively.)
 Setup:
All regular variant rules apply unless changed below.
Randomly select 3 characters to play using their special abilities.
The 3 characters share a common hand of 5 cards, which is replenished back up to 5
after a card is played.
Each character can only take a maximum of 3 WOUNDS before dying.
 Goal: The goal is to activate the power to the six Utility Sheds and have one character reach the
Visitor Center without everyone being eaten.
 Utility Sheds: When a character piece first reaches a Utility Shed space . . .
the power is turned on and the electric fence surrounding the adjacent pen is activated
any dinosaurs still inside the electrified pen may not escape for the rest of the game
the human player receives +2 VPs per Utility Shed activation
 Turn Order:
Human Player Turn (in order of selection)
 Character #1’s turn – Move, Shoot, or Pass
 Character #2’s turn – Move, Shoot, or Pass
 Character #3’s turn – Move, Shoot, or Pass
Dinosaur Turn
 Roll Dinosaur Die to determine type and movement.
 Move the closest dinosaurs of the type rolled toward the nearest character(s).
 If two or more dinosaurs of the same type are equal distances to a character,
move a dinosaur from a deactivated pen before moving one outside its pen.
 Otherwise, randomly choose any one of the equally distant dinosaurs to move.
 A larger dinosaur equal distance from a human character piece and another
dinosaur one-size smaller will always attack the smaller dinosaur instead. [For
example, Red 5 is rolled on the Dinosaur Die. T-Rex is three spaces away from
John Hammond but also three spaces away from a juicy Raptor. Move T-Rex to
the Raptor space and eat (remove) the Raptor.]
 A dinosaur in a hex space with a character (even from previous turn) will attack.
Repeat above turn order until an End of Game condition occurs.
 End of Game: The game ends immediately upon any one of the following conditions:
one character pawn enters the Visitor Center
all character pawns have been killed or have entered the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock
Card Deck has been depleted even if player has cards in their hand (do not reshuffle)
the last dinosaur has been killed or neutralized in its pen
 Victory Points:
-1 VP per WOUND (maximum of -9 VPs)
+1 VP per HIT (maximum of +20 VPs)
+2 VP per Utility Shed activation (maximum of +12 VPs)
+3 VP for reaching the Helicopter Pad or Ship Dock (maximum of +9 VP)
+5 VP for entering the Visitor Center
 Level of Victory:
30 – 40+ VPs Major Win
20 – 29 VPs Minor Win
10 – 19 VPs Minor Loss
< 10 VPs Major Loss

Wound & VP Record Sheet
Player 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Player 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Player 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Utility Sheds +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
Helicopter Pad +3 +3 +3
Ship Dock +3 +3 +3
Visitor Center +5
Spitters +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Raptors +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
T-Rex +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
*Print out and place sheet in a document protector using a non-permanent marker to cross off boxes
for wounds, hits, and VPs, and then total your score in the right-hand margin.
Wound & VP Record Sheet
Player 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Player 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Player 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Utility Sheds +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
Helicopter Pad +3 +3 +3
Ship Dock +3 +3 +3
Visitor Center +5
Spitters +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Raptors +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
T-Rex +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
*Print out and place sheet in a document protector using a non-permanent marker to cross off boxes
for wounds, hits, and VPs, and then total your score in the right-hand margin.
Wound & VP Record Sheet
Player 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Player 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Player 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Utility Sheds +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
Helicopter Pad +3 +3 +3
Ship Dock +3 +3 +3
Visitor Center +5
Spitters +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Raptors +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
T-Rex +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
*Print out and place sheet in a document protector using a non-permanent marker to cross off boxes
for wounds, hits, and VPs, and then total your score in the right-hand margin.

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