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Part 4. - . REFRIGERANTS, BRINES, OILS CHAPTER: 1. REFRIGERANTS ‘This chapter provides information: concerning thé refrigeration cycles: and characteristics of the commonly used refrigerants and their selection for. use in air conditioning applications, : “To provide refrigeration, ‘refrigerant may be utilized either: és 1. In cénjunction with a compressot, condenser and evaporator in a compression cycle, 2 With ait absorbent in conjunction “with an absorber, generator, evaporator, and condenser in an absorption eyele. ° ‘The refrigerant pbsorbs heat by evaporation gen- rally ata Jow tem, erature and pressure level, Upon, condensing at a higher level, it rejects this heat to any available medium, usually water or alr. “na compression system the refrigerant’ vapor, 8 Breaure by the use of @ compressor. 7" an absorption system the increase in pressure produced by heat supplied irom steam of, other fuitable hot fluid which circulates thru, a,col_ of Pipe. The absorber-generator, is analogous. t0 ‘onipresor in that, the" absorber ‘constinites, the suction soke and the generator the compression Stroke: The evaporator spray header ‘corresponds to the, expansion valve. The evaporator and con- denser are identical for both compression and ab: sorption ‘systems, on +. "This chapter includes a discussion of the refrigers- ton cyele, refrigerant selection, and the commonly. Used refrigeranta\as well as tables indicating their tics and properties. REFRIGERATION CYCLES ‘ABSORPTION CYCLE . “The absorption réliigeration cycle utilizes two ‘phenomena: : 1, The absorption solution (absorbent plus. re. frigerant) can absorb refrigerant vapor.” 2, The refrigerant boils (lash cools itself) when subjected to a lower pressure, ' These twoy phesiomena are’ sed ini the lithium ‘bfomide absorption machine to obtain xefrigera- tion by using the bromide as an absorbent and ‘water as a refrigerant. ‘Water is sprayed in an evaporator which is main. tained at a high vacuum. A-portion of the water flashes’ and cools that which remains. ‘The..water vapor:is absorbed by-a lithium bromide solution fn the. absorber,. The. resulting solution, is then js returned to the evaporator, completing the _Figure 1 illustrates the absorption cycle, Figure:2 fitustrates the cycle plotted on; the equilibrium diagram with numbered points repretenting® pres! sures, temperatures, concentrations in the eyclecq2’, On the lower-left side of Fig. 1 is the absorber partially filled with lithiuia broriide solution.'Ont the lower right side is the evaporator containing ‘water. A pipe connecting the shells is evacuated so that no air is present. The lithium bromide begins to absorb the water vapor: as the vapor is absorbed, the water boils, generating more vapor and causing. the remainder of the water to be cooled. PART 4. fi i: REE nVapoieébeealy ie (pis ied "08 “cireutaaa ie pay inkide ube Wibesp Fetal ROEM the dined ing'coils of other load, fs Rash:eooled by the: Water (on the Sutside f the evaporator tubes: The lithiuti bromide solution absorbs water'vapor easier iEitis sprajed; therefore,-a amp is'used to‘circilite:the solition:from the bottoin of the absorber to'a spay headerat:the rop-of the’ absorber: $88 ylfabtsc "the lithiuim bromide Continiies to absorb wate? vapor, it becomed' diluted, ‘aid its'ability to*absorb’ additibuial-warér vapor: decreases:"The weak" soli! tion is uniped to the generator where heat is’ ap! i by stem ar ther stable ot id ip the erator must be heated and “thé strong’ solutior cig fom te generator init "Bs"osle, a hee se jn the flute Water vapat boiled fiom th Saliligh i ie gen fatot passes 16 the condenser to contact Lively cold condenser ‘tubes: Th in the” “condenser and returr he that there isn! Toss of yal the condenier water goes thrit the éondenser tubes it passes thru a tube bundle located i ‘in the absorber Here it picks ip the heat of dilutio’aid the hea of condensation which igor athe solution absorks water taper. ec REFRIGERANTS, BRINES, OM J J) el) eo) el) a) eo) Be) J eo) ee) ee) ee Je) a) a) 1s Hate ee ae ely LMT paris iu VETTE A VT aA WE TLD TP PPA | N/T] ls zg sca Rs j spl fy f j ff tion cycle utilizes. two quid. retige 1, The evaporaiion of a liquid refrigerant. by sorbs heat to lower the temperature’ of its Q Q a My NW 4 Q phenoinena: on 7 20) ZOMPRE PART. REFRIGERANTS, BRINES, O11 7) aC) a) er) oo) el) Starting with ihe liquid refrigerant ahead of the ~~ raporator at point A in both Fig. 3 and, the admission of liquid to the evaporator is controlled by an automatic throtling device (expinsion, valve) which is actuated by temperature and pres sure, The refrigerant pressure is reduced acrofs the’ valve from condenser pressure, point 4, to the evap: orator pressure, point B. The valve acts as a bound: | ary between the high and low sides of the system. ‘The pressure reduction allows the refrigerait to boil oF vaporize. To sipport boiling, heat fromthe. air oF other medium to be cooled is transmitted:t6 the evaporator surface and into the bolling ighld ata lower temperature. The reftigerant liquid nd ~ vapor passing thru the evaporator coil continués!to | absorb heat until itis completely evaporated, point C. Superheating of the ges, contrélled by the. ex: pansion valve, occurs from € to D. a ‘The superheated gis. is drawn thr the, jucti Ting into the compressor cylinder, The downstroke of the piston pulls a eylinder of gas thru thé'siic” tion valve and compresses it on the upstroke, raising its temperature and pressure to point E, The pres” sure produced causes the hot gas to flow to thé con- denser. The compressor discharge_valve prevents eujnen__| "iy Tiel | Varer | Ugeia a Tigo] tent Tel |Vapar | op a Gooey | was reset oat 7 ‘nore | Jaa) | wosso | "plate | 236. | 7257 one 2 ‘bons Et ‘bogs 356, ‘008s “DONsd ‘bows ‘boar bons BEBE pag[eeees|BRENelsszsslecnwolvens 2 3 0] aaza Bai010 a | 4396 aio)" @ & | tar Bio. re ‘se | S06 101s oe | a8 bros oe 70 | 523 Ba1018 7 | 3700 “D101 R % | $08 |] ‘broat a ie | Shao / ‘ona % > _fa| Sar Bioas. a 3902 Boi02% e 78 1038 8 73 ‘21030 u Tas io al aise 1033 cl B30 ‘toss a aoe ‘21037 Ky pa) ‘prose 5 380 Bio FH oar. ‘104 2 Tos aor04e 1 tat ‘S1048 ie Mas ‘ioe i Yos [ier | Sass | ros 2s 1 suse | oan6 1 toe [inze | dase | ntost Tindes oF merry Balam one otmorphere: a SS “Gouieny oH du Pot Be Neco & © = ) rs a re ee Ja) ao) Je) eo J 1,8) 8") &) BO) eo) foo the ‘REFRIGERANTS: 449 i thee TABLE 6—PROPERTIES OF REFRIGERANT 113,.LIQUID AND SATURATED VAPOR (Contd) egpgeeeeeceeitll., ee os hoes 13.86 iaye_| "ou1o2 tszt_[ oantes | 1994} 90.3 hes hos thew’ thes thee thes thes Shes thes ei 4.20 PART 4, REFRIGERANTS, BRINES, O1 bi inns ymornes oF tnntotant 14, 1000 AND sania varon | EE es oS | ee ee eer ee fa. [A it oat ea ie saa. bal Tauvifiscoaiiire renal ‘01056 21088 Goon a Ev. de Font do Nemours VED INN Nek ee eae ee 1 Gs GG CHAPTER 1, REFRIGERANTS 4ai ‘TABLE 7—PROPERTIES OF REFRIGERANT 114, LIQUID AND SATURATED VAPOR (Contd) a ome ERTWATPY, ETTORE ES wT fee | e/) “Gea | Ugo Venere sezes| ~ ania lszexs|eazsslesxy: (aes “aif of CHAPTER’. BRINES ‘This chapter provides itiformation to guide the_ engineer in thé selection of brines, and inclides the properties of the commoily used brines. ‘At temperatures above 82 F, water is the most_ commonly used heat transfer medium for conveying 1 refrigeration load to an evaporator. At tempéra- tures below. 82 F, brinés are used: They may be: “1 An ‘aqueous sohition “of inorganic salts; Le. ~ sodium chloride or calcium chloride. For low temperatures, a eutectic mixture may be'uied. 2 An aqueous’ solution of organic compounds; f.e. alcohols or glycols. Ethanol water, meth: anol water, ‘ethylene -glycol ‘and’ propylene ‘glycol are examples. way 5..Chlorinated or fuotinated hydrocarbons ai hialocarbons. A sohition of any silt in water, or in general’ solution, has a certain concentration at which the freeting point is at a minimuma. A solution of such & conéeniration is called ‘a eutectic mixture. ‘The Aémaperature at which it freezes is the eutectic teni? perature. A sohition at any other conceniratioi| starts to freeze at a higher temperature: Figif? 27 Mustrates the relationship'-between the freezing Point (temperature) of a brine mixture ‘and -the Percent of solute'in the mixture (concentiatioi)” Chert 18 covers a range of temperatures 'wide ‘enough to reveal the two freezing point ‘ares?! When the temperavitre‘of a brine with a cotcén- tation below the eutectic falls bélow the’ freeziig ‘point, ice’ crystal8 form arid the concentratioa "of the residual solution increases until at the eutectic temperature the remaining solution reaches a eutec- tic concentration. Below this temperature the mix. ‘uré solidifies to form a mechanical mixture of ice and frozen eutectic solution. = When the temperature of a brine with a, 1140 Rd x v X35 Bt nes RORAKY KP where: Y = brine velocity (see) tbfeae “9 ar = np gray of brine =" 1 Sey epi Example 1 illustrates the use of the multiplier to etermine the brine friction loss thru a heat transfer coil, Examplo 1 — Friction Lost Multiplier Given: : ‘A 94 in. copper tube coll with x ce 429 tyjsccand a pressure drop of 75 pi ‘Mean water temperature = §5 F. Finds . Fiction toss multiplier and pressure drop’ when’ using sthylene' glycol at a mean brine temperature of 825 F and ‘4195 solution by weight at the sare cecut liquid velo Selation: Refer to Chart 1 it water velocity of «00006 TAT ag: = Hoot broliteroughnes of drawn tubing, Ug A Gans-ig0s-wnrnuaywisinonoNeo nya, F = § thes Shae PART 4, REFRIGERANTS, BRINES, OIL thes E CHART 28—WATER—VISCOSI hess 4 | 19 a Sex Water Specie beat = 0900 Beal . Spe raviy = 1085. * ‘Fetennl conucvty—See Chae 6. Use yp eotton, FEE cha wn tha chew chess & hos viscosity (cENTIPOISES) = OR 3 4 7 4 . os a 307 4080" «GO 7G BO. 80.100 MEAN BRINE TEMPERATURE (FD ” ‘This chapter’ covers general classifications -and quality of lubricating oils, thet are important in ‘refrigeration. The recommendation of oils. to .be . Used in a refrigeration system is primarily: the re-“- sponsibility of the selrigeration’ system manuiae turer, However, itis important for an engineer to tnderstand the basis of the selection of these oils {in order to properly apply them in the fil CLASSIFICATION. Oils classified by source fall in'three main grip ‘animal, vegetable and inineral. Animal and ege- table oils ate called fixed oils because they ‘cirinot “be refined without décomposing. They are uristable and tend to form acids and gums that make them ‘unsuitable for refrigeration purposes. ¢ :-ivd'st ©. There até three"major classifications of ‘misifal naphthene bai, paraffin base, and thixed base. * When distilled, x naphthene base oil yilds a residue of heavy pitch or asphalt, California oils, some Gulf ‘Coast and:heavy Mexican oils are in this class~A’ « Paraffin base oil yields a paraiiin wax when distilled, ‘The best sources of paraffin bate oils are Peninsyl- Vania, Northern Louisfana, and parts of Oklahoma ‘and Kansas. The mixed oils contain both naphthene and paraffin baies. IMinois and some mid-continent oils are-in this class, sh * «Experience has shown that the naphthene base oils are more suited for refrigeration work for three iain reasons: a ? LeThey flow better at low. temperatures, ;:: 2 Carbon deposits from these oils are of a soft nature’ and can easily be removed, : 8. They deposit less wax at low temperatures. ‘When obtained from selected crudes and properly refined and treated, all three classes of mineral oil can be considered satisfactory for retrighration PROPERTIES ‘To meet the requirements of a Felrigeratis tem, a good refrigeration cil should: " oil and Retiigeran 12, For example, oat 40 F taining 20% Refrigerant 12 by weight has vise of approximately 150 SSU- er ‘When the amount of Refrigerant 12 is increased to40%, the SSU is reduced to 45. Re When ofl and refrigerants are miscible, the’ofl is carried thru the; system by the refrigerant, imperative, that the oil be returned to the-com- reno. Keeping low side gat velocity ip sures fais Proper ol retirn, With a completely clef rant, the oil is diluted sufficiently even temperatures to keep the viscosity low and to"al the oil'to return easily with the refrigerant/té: There’ is athird’ group of refrigerants” white niscibility with gil varies. For example, Refrigerant, tr, dine ‘i shinple'to determi, ‘Using; the fus shown in the Fig. 14, the selected, bat ‘of oil is slowly odied ‘under test conditions, unt {Be il no longer. ors, "This, eemperatue, .» Figwe: 14 shows. two ols with diferent, pour’ ts which have 22 is completely-miscible with oil at high tempeta-, F).,On the left the oil with a, ures, but at low temperatures it separdtes into two is freely. On the right the oil wit layers withthe oil on top. When desiging or select’ ~ Pour peittases dar tee ene ‘ing equipment for this-group of refrigerants, great int ond git hai ee,, Ge mt taken to tll for Tow tempers, POM Rim depends on the wax ei Se, separation of oil and refrigerant. taueg y Oil separation in a flooded cooler jtecessitates the. ‘use of an Gil bleed line from the ‘bottom if, the Grolerio te suction oop. Bones tre is than Refrigerant 22 and floats on top of the liquid, r it, an auxiliary oil bleed line from the side of the cooler is required. il pout potit is veiy important with nénimise 3 Ble and* paftly, miscible, refrigerait;” with POUR POINT iiscible refrigerants ‘the viscoscity ‘of «the oil’ re-~ (The pour point ofan pil is that temperatuié at frigerant. mixture asumiea greater importance se Which it ceases to flow: shown in Chart 29, Oil-Refrigeran} Viscosity, Ve eC a) a ee) a ee 2) eT) ee 4 e ee) ie 458 PART 4, REFRIGERANTS, BRINES, OIL5 Fic, 16 — Canon Devostr 7 ‘CARBONIZATION Fie. 17 — Fioc Tair - All refrigeration oils ean be decomposed by heat, When such action takes place, a carbon deposit remains, Carbonization properties of an oil are mensured by the Conradson Carbon Value. This values found by heating and decomposing an oil until only the carbon deposit remains. The ratio of dhe weight of the carbon deposit to the-weight of the original oil sample is the Conradson Carbon Value. Hoot surfaces within thé refrigeration system some- times: decompose the oil. The earbon remaining is hard and adhesive in_ paraffin base ols, and. forms sludge. [Naphthene base oils form a light fully a ‘Almost all refrigeration oils have some acid ten- ‘dencies-Nearly all oil contains material of uncertain ‘composition referred to as, organic acids, These-are re CHAPTERS, REFRIGERATION OILS Fé. 19 —Dunixorne Tose usually harmless and ‘should not be confused with rineral acids which are harmful, ‘The neutralization number is a measure of the amount of ‘mineral'acid,-and’ is determined by mensuring the amount of test fluid that must be added to the oil to bring it to a neutral condition. ‘Aclow neutralization number means that few acids are contained in the oi. Improper refiniag say leave a largé proportion of corrosive acid present in an ol. A low neutral tion number indicates alow acid content. Acids may corrode inteiot parts of the systems; they react with motor insulation and other materials o form sludge ‘hich can evéntually nise a complete system breake down. A low neutralization number is highly desir 20 in regen oi DIELECTRIC. STRENGTH, Dielectric strength is a:mieasure of the resistance of an oil to the passige Of electric current. It is measured in Kilovolts on, a test cell as shown in Fig. 19, The poles. n the cell are a predetermined distance apart. They are immersed in the il so that Srrent must pass thru the ol to flow from one pole to the other, The kilovolls necessary t6 cause’ ‘pet to jump this gap the dielecuic rating. Good refrigeration oils normally have a, tating of over 28 Kilovolts, a name “The cofrosion tendency of a refrigeration, off is, measured by the copper strip cofrosion test, (Fig. 23), This text is intended to, indicate the, of usidesirable silfur compounds in, the Fe tion oil. : A strip of polished copper sample ina test tube. This js'subjected to teripera- tures around 200 F. After about 5 hours; the copper is removed fromthe oil,-cleaned. witha’ solvent, and examined for discoloration. If. the ‘copper’ is tarnished or pitted, then sulfur is present in the oil. Well refined oils rarely cause more than a. slight taynithing of copper in this test. 6242! Motsrun i ‘Auk i taig Systane negative i ‘A good ietrigeration ol should’ he if if’ does not, the copper strip corrosion fest. ‘ontains sulfur in a corrosive fori Sulfur alone is a deadly éneiniy “of ‘the refriger: o tion system but, in the presénce’ of inoistu ‘Jarod acid is formed, one’of the’ dost: cores omnpounds in existence. Though the sulfuirous acl ‘converts iminediately to sludge, tid lade is sertai {create serious mecianical problems. ;, MOISTURE CONTENT .» Moisture in any form is an eneiny of the refrige ‘ation systema; moisture contributes to copper platin: formation of sludges and acids, and can cause freee up (Fig. 24). No refrigeration oil should contat | enough moisture to-affect the reffigeration systen CHAPTER %, REFRIGERATION Gis Fie, 25 ~ Coton Tesrine coLoR Bt melee “The color oa retain 3 expr by ‘numerical value that is basedl on! cofnparison of the oil with cerain color standards. ‘Ths i done With the colorimeter shown in Fig. 25. The color of a good refrigeration oil should be light but‘not water white. Continual refining of @ Iubricating oil results in a. water white color. It also." results in poor lubricating qualities, Under-refining leaves a high content of Uneaiu rated hydrocarbons which darken’ and discdlor an oi, These are-believed to be the constituents in oil that act as a solvent for coppér. Therefore, the ain istorefine the oil sufficiently to remove these hydro- carbons ‘but not so much as to destroy the Iubri- cating quality. SPECIFICATIONS 1. For open and hermetic reciprocating com- Pressors at standard air conditioning Jevels, the following oil characteristics are typical: Viscosity, 150 + 10SU at 100F = 40 1045 SSU at 210 F i Dielecttic (min), 25 ky <2 + Pour Point (max), —35F Flash Point (min), 80¥ © ns co Neutralization Number (max),.05 © =: 2 loc Point (max), —70F se 2 For centrifugal comprestors| used! for’ water cooling at air conditioning levels, the following are typical properties: fac Viscosity, 800 ++ 25 $SU at 100 F we 50 to 55 SSU at 210F Dielectric (min. 25 ky => » Pour Point (max.), 20 F y Flash Point (min), 400F © 922-00 3 ‘Neutralization Number (max), Q1. 0 =.°. 3 4 For special applications consltshe equine manufacturer, ) ) go! € mo) «ol @l) el) J all) all) eo) oo) lo) eo) ee) ea) le Tl) at )

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