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//make a note on bit wise operator mainly applications of bitwise operators.

and 3 programs
check if a number is + or -
find the smallest of two numbers(3 statements small 1 small 2 equal)
find the biggest of two distinct numbers
accept the avg score from the person(avg score) and give the results as follows
0-39 fail
40-59 second class
60-79 first class
80-100 distinction also chech for the boundries.
find the biggest and smallest of 3 numbers wen all are same
check if a number is perfect square:1 sqrt function usage
check if an year is leap year or not
find the compound interest amount by accepting PTR
check can we have string and floating point values in switch case values.
p34:count the number of digits in a given number
p35: find the sum of the digits of a given number
p36: find the smallest(biggest)digit in the given number
p37:count the even(odd) digits in the given number
p38:find the sum of series n+ n2+ n3+(squre,cube)..........upto 10 terms
p39:find the sum of the series 1 -n + n2 -n3............m terms
p40: find the sum of the series n,-n2/3,n4/5,-n8/7........m terms
p41: find the gcd of a number
p42: find the lcm of two number
p43: find the hcf of two numbers
p44: check if a number is prime number or not
p45: print all the prime numbers between m and n(m<n).
p46: accept the number of lines(n) and print the following shapes(figures)
**rt angled triangle(all 3),**squre,**equilateral
triangle,**rectangle,**rombus,**boundry of equilateral,**boundray of rohmbus
p54:pgm on recursive1.factorial of a number 2.print the first n terms of the
fibbonacci series by taking first two numbers as 1 and 2 using recursive. 3 find
the sum of the elements of an array using recursive function 4. implement
sequential(linear) search using recu
5 binary search 6.carprkar"s constant using recur.7 print the decimal num in
binary using recur.8 reverse a number using recurse num.
p64:find the smallest and biggest element in an array
p65:copy elements of an array into another array in reverse.
p66:swap the consecutive elements of an array(2,1 4,3 6,5 )
p67:count the number of occurances of an elemet in an array
p85:search for a particular name
p86:print the shortest and longest name in the list of 2d array.
p72.c assignment(ascii)
p88:accept n names from the user and sort dem.(any sorting type)

p96::Structure linked to another str

p98:program to understand union
p101a.:implement linear q using an array or dynamic array and shift the elements
after every deletion.
p117.c implement singly linked list and perform the following operation
1.insert at front
2.insert at rare
3.insert at position
4. delet from rare
5 delete from front
6 delete particular node(position/data)
p118.c: implement reverse a singly linked list(imp)
a.using loop
p119.c: sort a singly linked list using bubble sort
p120.c: (vvvimp)merge two sorted SLL
p121: ivvvi creat a sorted singly linked list.2 cases.
p122:for above program delet all the nodes of the node be deleted

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