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c assignment(ascii)
p88:accept n names from the user and sort dem.(any sorting type)

p96::Structure linked to another str

p98:program to understand union
p101a.:implement linear q using an array or dynamic array and shift the elements
after every deletion.
p117.c implement singly linked list and perform the following operation
1.insert at front
2.insert at rare
3.insert at position
4. delet from rare
5 delete from front
6 delete particular node(position/data)
p118.c: implement reverse a singly linked list(imp)
a.using loop
p119.c: sort a singly linked list using bubble sort
p120.c: (vvvimp)merge two sorted SLL
p121: ivvvi creat a sorted singly linked list.2 cases.
p122:for above program delet all the nodes of the node be deleted

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