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The influence of the ttigeminal neme on

facial growth and development Dr. Behrents

Ft. G. Behrents, D.D.S., MS.,* and L. E. Johnston, Jr., D.D.S., Ph.D.**

Cleveland, Ohio, and St. Louis, MO.

For the past twenty years it has been argued that the growth of the face is governed by the growth of a variety of
contiguous soft tissues and functioning spaces (functional matrices). Recently, extensive data have been
marshalled to suggest that the growth of the functional matrices is controlled by trophic influences from nerves.
Accordingly, the present study sought to evaluate the role of the trigeminal nerve in the regulation of facial growth
by placing unilateral stereotaxic lesions in the trigeminal nerve (root, ganglion, or major sensory branch) of the
lo- to 20-day-old rat. The unoperated side and a number of sham animals served as controls. In all, 323
operations were performed, with 119 animals surviving until the age of 50 days. The location and extent of the
lesions were controlled histologically. Cephalometric analysis revealed subtle but statisGcally significant distortions
of the facial skeleton; however, the magnitude of the effect was quite small. Thus, although a modest case can
be made for the contention that the trigeminal nerve exerts a trophic influence on the craniofacial complex, the
conclusion that trophic effects constitute a major factor in the regulation of craniofacial growth cannot be

Key words: Neurotrophism, craniofacial, growth, nerves, skeleton

A s with most scientific disciplines, progress

in craniofacial biology is built on a solid descriptive
growth, and maintenance. It is thought that this effect is
mediated by one or more substances produced by indi-
foundation. From work with implants, vital dyes, ra- vidual neurons and transported to the periphery by
dioactive tracers, and the like, contemporary inves- axoplasmic flow .*
tigators know, at least to a first approximation, when, Nor are neurotrophic effects limited to isolated tis-
where, and how the bones of the head grow; unfortu- sues and organs. It has been shown that a common
nately, they do not yet know why. Indeed, contempo- growth model, limb regeneration, is also nerve-
rary hypotheses concerning the regulation of transfor- dependent .3 In fact, by augmenting the peripheral in-
mative and translatory bone growth involve, for the nervation, regeneration can be achieved in such nor-
most part, code words borrowed from other fields: mally nonregenerating animals as the frog4 and the
genes, function, cyclic AMP, and bioelectric po- opossum.5
tentials, to name but a few. Recently, MOSS+~has suggested that facial growth
Currently, one of the more obscure phenomena in- may also be neurotrophically regulated: Oro-facial
voked to explain facial growth is neurotrophism a growth is now capable of being conceived of as a
term which, freely translated, means nourishment homeostatically controlled series of processes in which
from the nervous system. The nature of this nour- the neural center regulates the peripheral tissues and the
ishment has, for several decades, been the object of periphery, in turn, regulates the center.17
intensive study in a number of laboratories throughout Certainly, from the standpoint of the various ver-
the world. Currently, it is known that a wide variety of sions of the functional matrix hypothesis, the well-
structures (for example, taste buds, epithelia, salivary documented relationship between nerves and practi-
glands) require innervation for their normal formation, cally all of the tissues that constitute the periosteal
and capsular matrices makes this a provocative,
even plausible, conjecture. In addition to an extensive
This article is based on research submitted to the Graduate School of Case literature, the neurotrophic hypothesis has yet another
Western Reserve University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the virtue-it is specific enough to generate predictions
Master of Science degree, Department of Orthodontics, 1975. Recipient of the
Milo Hellman Research Award of the American Association of Orthodontists.
*Associate Rofessor and Director of Clinics, Department of Orthodontics,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. *For an extensive review of neruotmphism mechanisms and effects, see Beh-
**Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthodontics, St. Louis University. rents, 1975, and Behrents,* 1976.

200 Behrents and Johnston Am. J. Orthod.
March 1984

Fig. 1. Dorsal view of the right trigeminal nerve demonstrating lesion locations which were verified
histoloaicallv after the exoerimental period. The stippled area denotes the location of the ceil bodies of
the first-order neurons within the ganglion.

that can be tested experimentally. Specifically, in a 80 mA for 30 to 60 seconds) produced by a standard

paper entitled Neurotrophic Regulation of Craniofa- lesion generator* and delivered through varnished
cial Growth, g Moss has stated (p. 41, his italics): 0.020-inch stainless steel electrodes. For each animal,
Now if such epithelial growth is dependent upon ap- trigeminal lesions were placed in one of three locations:
propriate and operational afferent neuroepithelial tro- in the root, in the semilunar ganglion, and in the major
phic processes, then if such process were absent or divisions anterior to the ganglion (Fig. 1).
deficient, we should reasonably anticipate oro-facial The animals were kept until they were 50 days old,
hypoplasia, malgrowth, or possible malformation. This at which time a total of 119 had survived. All animals
is precisely what we find. with bilateral lesions died. The survivors were exam-
It is the purpose of the present study to examine the ined for gross facial asymmetry, loss of the blink re-
impact of denervation on facial development in the flex, presence and distribution of so-called trophic
growing rat and to evaluate the outcome in light of ulcers, and sensory loss according to the method of
contemporary neurobiologic thought. DeLahunta.g The rats were then killed and prepared for
gross, roentgenographic, photographic, and histologic
A total of 382 Long-Evans rats from forty-seven Dorsoventral cephalograms were obtained with a
litters were used-323 to examine the effects of uni- specially designed cephalostat featuring a source-film
lateral section of the trigeminal nerve and 33 to test the distance of 60 inches. The cephalometric analysis con-
effects of bilateral destruction. sisted of a combination of direct and projected dimen-
Each animal underwent surgery when it was be- sions (Fig. 2). All measurements were taken directly
tween 10 and 20 days of age. In order to minimize from punched films and were executed to the nearest
extraneous damage to the various functional ma- 0.05 mm. Statistical analysis was performed on the
trices, the nerves were approached intracranially via difference between sides (lesioned and intact) for all
standard stereotaxic techniques. The nerves were
coagulated with radiofrequency electrical current (60 to Grass LM-4, Grass Instrument Company. Quincy, Mass.
volume 85 influence of trigeminal nerve on facial growth and development 201
Number 3


Fig. 2. Cephalometric analysis (all measurements were taken bilaterally). A, Orientation utilizing a
machine porion-midline axis. 6, Orientation utilizing the nasal septum. C, Orientation utilizing a man-
dibular orientation. D, Direct measures between anatomic landmarks.
Am. J. Orthod.
202 Behrents and Johnston March 1984

Fig. 3. Dry skull and radiograph of a rat with a lesion of the left trigeminal nerve. This animal demon-
strated one of the more dramatic effects seen.

measures. Given the working hypothesis of this study, bodies were either destroyed or separated from their
the differences were computed in such a way that peripheral neurites. Theoretically, the former should
asymmetry (hypoplasia, malgrowth or possible mal- show neurotrophic effects, while the latter should
formation) consistent with a loss of trophic substances not. All tests were conducted at the 95% level of
would be signaled by a negative sign. confidence.
Based on Bodian-stained, 10 PM paraffin sections,
the location of each lesion was verified and these data RESULTS
were then employed to group the animals for statistical At the end of the experimental period, fifty-nine of
analysis: (1) anterior lesions-53 animals; (2) gan- the 119 surviving experimental animals were free of
glionic lesions-48 animals; (3) posterior lesions- 12 any obvious pathoses. The other sixty presented a va-
animals; (4) sham lesions [6] and unoperated controls riety of cutaneous lesions ranging in severity from
[26]-32 animals (control). small, isolated sores to large, bleeding ulcers. In addi-
Differences among these four categories were tion, many of these animals showed cornea1 dryness,
evaluated by analysis of variance and, for purposes of opacity, and occasionally even complete orbital exen-
discussion, a single supplemental contrast (Ho : anterior teration. All cutaneous and ocular lesions were con-
and ganglion = posterior and control) was performed fined to the ipsilateral trigeminal field and were accom-
using the t statistic. In the presence of significant F panied by varying degrees of sensory loss. Moreover,
ratios, this test was designed to contrast the two groups twenty-five of these sixty showed such signs of motor
with axosomatic continuity with those whose cell deficits as impaired attrition, overeruption, and mal-
Volume 85 Injfuence of trigeminal nerve on facial growth and development 203
Number 3

Table I. Descriptive and inferential statistics for histologic groupings (in millimeters)
Mean difference between conrrol 2 test
and experimental sides Ho: (Anterior and
Measure ANOVA ganglion) =
(see Fig. 2) Characteristic Anterior Ganglion Posterior Control F (Posterior and control)

Perpendicular distance from machine transporionic axis

1 Maxilla -0.06 -0.14 -0.08 0.02 1.82 -
2 Molar -0.17 -0.07 0.01 0.04 5.85** 3.63**
3 Anterior zygomatic arch -0.06 -0.14 -0.06 0.02 2.91* 2.19*
4 Posterior zygomatic arch 0.01 -0.19 0.03 -0.03 4.29** -1.43
Perpendicular distance from machine midline
5 Molar width -0.14 -0.47 -0.18 0.05 4.02* 2.49*
6 Palatal width 0.07 -0.43 -0.26 -0.08 7.39** 0.47
I Maxillary width -0.08 -0.67 -0.55 0.02 7.53** 2.05*
8 Zygomatic width -0.07 -0.30 -0.26 0.03 3.52* 1.70
9 Snout deviation -0.24 -0.54 -0.26 -0.06 3.39* 2.43*
IO Cranial base width -0.03 -0.25 -0.13 -0.01 0.87
11 Cranial base div. 0.02 -0.13 -0.10 -0.02 2.40 -
12 Mandibular midline -0.21 -0.31 -0.61 -0.01 3.63* 0.90
Perpendicular distance from septal midline
13 Mandibular midline -0.19 -0.02 -0.30 0.01 2.19
14 Maxillary width -0.04 -0.02 0.14 -0.04 0.95
15 Molar width 0.02 0.06 0.17 -0.05 1.13
16 Palatal width -0.01 0.01 0.18 -0.01 I .73
17 Zygomatic width 0.08 -0.10 0.10 -0.10 4.71** 0.71
18 Cranial base 0.26 -0.17 -0.11 0.03 0.91
(petrous) deviation
Perpendicular distance from mandibular midline
19 Condylar width 0.14 -0.05 0.27 -0.05 1.76
20 Ramal width 0.21 -0.03 0.33 0.04 2.21
21 Coronoid width 0.00 -0.08 0.17 -0.03 0.61
Anatomic measures
22 Maxillary div. -0.15 -0.06 0.06 -0.07 I .05
23 Anterior zygomatic root width -0.03 -0.10 0.03 0.03 2.43 -
24 Zygomatic length -0.07 -0.05 -0.13 0.04 1.06
25 Zygomatic advance -0.01 -0.26 0.06 -0.03 6.04** 1.91
26 Mandibular length -0.07 -0.12 -0.33 -0.01 2.49
21 Mandibular length 0.05 -0.05 -0.10 -0.03 0.67
28 Mandibular length (coronoid) -0.13 -0.09 -0.20 0.10 2.44

*Significant at 95% level.

**Significant at 99% level

position of the incisors. For these animals, body weight part of the formal inferential analysis and are intended
was only about half that of their littermates. In addi- only to direct attention to those dimensions which may
tion, four animals had a generalized milky-white dis- show a trophic effect.
coloration of the ipsilateral incisors.
Although visual examination of dried skulls re- DISCUSSION
vealed no obvious skeletal deformities (Fig. 3), a vari- The purpose of this investigation was to charac-
ety of subtle changes were apparent from an analysis terize, at least to a first approximation, the role of
of the cephalometric data. The descriptive and infer- nerves in facial development. On the basis of Mosss
ential statistics are summarized in Table I. For empha- recent suggestions, 6~8 it was assumed that unilateral
sis, significant (P < 0.05) mean deviations from zero destruction of the trigeminal nerve would lead to a
(asymmetries) are denoted, either by italics for changes marked ipsilateral reduction in the titer of trophic
that seem consistent with the neurotrophic hypothesis substances and thereby produce a ponderable impact
or by bold type for those that apparently contradict it. on the growth of the facial skeleton.
Obviously, such a large number of tests inflates the Given both the histologic evidence of extensive
experimentwise type I error; however, they are not a nerve damage and the dramatic clinical appearance of
204 Behrents and Johnston Am. J. Orthod.
March 1984

Table II. Descriptive and inferential statistics for clinical groupings (in millimeters)
Mean dt@erence between control
and experimental sides
Measure ANOVA t test
(see Fig. 2) Characteristic Motor and sensory Sensory Asymptomatic Control F Ho: Sensory = Control

Perpendicular distance from machine transporionic axis

1 (As in Table I) 0.07 -0.16 -0.12 0.01 4.27** -2.82**
2 -0.13 -0.15 -0.07 0.04 3.50* -3.16**
3 0.02 -0.14 -0.11 0.03 4.16** 3.23**
4 0.08 -0.07 -0.I.5 0.01 4.03** 0.99
Perpendicular distance from machine midline
5 (As in Table I) -0.30 -0.19 -0.30 0.05 1.68
6 -0.21 -0.02 -0.26 -0.07 1.48 -
7 -0.24 -0.33 -0.44 0.04 2.21
8 -0.09 -0.14 -0.24 0.03 1.88 -
9 -0.04 -0.56 -0.36 -0.04 4.59** 3.51**
10 -0.08 -0.07 0.01 -0.02 1.37 -
11 -0.16 0.02 -0.05 -0.01 2.00 -
12 -0.72 -0.27 -0.10 0.00 9.45** 2.65**
Perpendicular distance from septal midline
13 (As in Table I) -0.62 -0.10 0.07 0.01 14.95** 1.76
14 0.14 -0.09 -0.03 -0.03 2.39 -
15 0.37 -0.06 -0.03 -0.04 9.42** 0.36
16 0.19 -0.01 -0.04 0.08 4.83** -0.31
17 0.07 0.07 -0.08 -0.08 2.78* 1.87
18 0.17 -0.65 -0.07 0.01 7.43** 3.86**
Perpendicular distance from mandibular midline
19 (As in Table I) -0.34 0.16 -0.10 -0.08 4.29** 1.92
20 0.42 0.23 -0.06 0.02 5.25** 1.84
21 0.14 0.00 -0.06 -0.08 0.78 -
Anatomic measures
22 (As in Table I) 0.09 -0.24 -0.07 -0.06 3.64* -2.21*
23 0.00 -0.06 -0.05 0.02 1 .oo
24 -0.03 -0.14 -0.02 0.00 1.17
2.5 -0.07 -0.12 -0.12 -0.02 0.62
26 -0.30 -0.11 -0.02 -0.04 4.21** -0.87
27 -0.20 0.05 0.05 -0.07 2.64* 1.43
28 -0.24 -0.12 -0.06 0.11 2.83* 2.83*
Number 25 35 53 32

many of the animals, it would seem that the stereotaxic complete orbital exenteration) that might, in and of
surgery achieved the general goals of the experimental themselves, be expected to produce changes in the un-
design. As judged by the F ratios, a variety of statisti- derlying facial skeleton.
cally significant asymmetries were produced. In gen- For example, ulcers of the type seen here, although
eral, these asymmetries were associated with machine once thought to have a trophic origin, are now most
coordinates and were most pronounced in those animals often interpreted as a self-inflicted response to profound
with ganglionic lesions. The supplemental contrasts, anesthesia. More to the point, these anesthetic excoria-
however, did not show a consistent relationship be- tions were the most prominent result of the stereotaxic
tween facial asymmetry and the assumed trophic func- surgery and could well have led to some of the
tion of nerves; in only five of the twenty-eight dimen- cephalometric changes, as could the motor impairment
sions was there a significant difference between groups suffered by at least twenty-five of the animals. In any
that might be assumed to have an intact trophic mech- event, it would seem that any changes resulting from a
anism (posterior and control) and those that did not loss of neurotrophic substances would be confounded
(anterior and ganglion). Moreover, the changes seen with the effects of anesthesia and dysfunction. Despite
here must be interpreted with care: for all dimensions, these obvious problems, it is possible to make a modest
they were quite small and were often seen in conjunc- case for a neutrophic influence on facial growth.
tion with a variety of dramatic stigmata (for example, It may be recalled that both efference and afference
Volume 85 Irtjluence of trigeminal nerve on facial growth and development 205
Number 3

require intact neurons and functional central connec- bers along with the sensory fibers. On the basis of t
tions. By way of contrast, trophic effects presumably tests-planned a priori-it is apparent that those ani-
need only a cell body and a peripherally directed neu- mals with sensory defects occasionally differed from
rite (Fig. 1). Retrogasserian section, therefore, would be the controls and to some extent exhibited effects differ-
expected to produce a conduction loss and, at the same ent from those seen in animals with overt functional
time, leave a portion of the trophic mechanism intact disturbances.
(assuming, of course, that a significant proportion of In the present study, only about one third of the
the primary cell bodies escape retrograde degenera- sample survived. As a result, it could be argued that a
tion). Conversely, ganglionic lesions (and, to a lesser major trophic effect was confined, by definition, to the
extent, anterior lesions) would be expected to eliminate 263 animals that died prematurely. In order to examine
all neural functions. Thus, if trophic substances be im- this possibility, the skulls of these animals were recov-
portant in facial development, ganglionic lesions, be- ered, cleaned, and compared with a series of normal
cause they produce both conduction deficits and a loss specimens. No obvious abnormalities or asymmetries
of neurotrophism, should cause a consistently greater were seen. Indeed, a majority of the deaths seemed to
experimental effect than retrogasserian lesions. It may be related to brain edema or to feeding difficulties
be seen from Table I that, in the majority of the rather than to some sort of facial hypoplasia or
twenty-eight skeletal dimensions, ganglionic lesions malgrowth.
did, in fact, produce a greater distortion; however, the In view of the traditional assumptions concerning
difference proved statistically significant for only three the relationship between muscle pull and bone and,
(measures 4, 17, and 25; Ho: ganglionic 5 posterior), more recently, the suggestion that nerves per se regu-
all of which involve the zygomatic arch (and, perhaps, late skeletal growth, the results of the present study
the temporalis and masseter muscles). Although this may seem surprising. It should be noted, however, that
after-the-fact analysis may suggest a limited neuro- a number of workers have begun to question the pro-
trophic influence, it hardly seems indicative of a major priety of the so-called pressure-tension hypothesis
regulator of the totality of facial skeletal growth. and have argued that the osseous changes produced by
In an additional post hoc attempt to isolate and muscle resection could well be an incidental by-product
identify neurotrophic effects, the data were regrouped of a loss of blood supply. (See Boyd, Heulke and Cas-
according to clinical appearance (Table II). As with the telli.O) In response to this argument, Moss has re-
histologic groupings, there were a number of small but ported that the results of experiments such as those of
statistically significant asymmetries. In this scheme, Washburn could be duplicated by leaving the tem-
one category of animals ( asymptomatic ) was free of poral muscle intact and by cutting the branch of the
clinical signs, even though each rat had suffered a his- third division of the fifth nerve which supplies it. This
tologically verified trigeminal lesion. Obviously, for claim apparently has not yet been documented and
these fifty-three animals, skeletal deformation could could not be substantiated here. Despite the fact that we
hardly be ascribed to ulcers, inflammation, or paralysis can lend only minimal support to much that is written
and might, therefore, be indicative of some sort of about the role of nerves and muscles, our results agree
aneurotrophia. As a result, it is interesting to note quite well with those of several recent studies12-4 (al-
that for this group, eleven of twenty-eight measures of though the interpretations may differ14).
skeletal symmetry differed significantly from zero (t Pimenidis and Gianelly12 placed unilateral elec-
test; Ho:deviation = 0)-the three zygomatic arch trolytic lesions in the trigeminal ganglia of sixteen al-
contrasts that proved significant in the histologic group- bino rats. Although the surgery destroyed most of the
ings and eight additional measures that describe the mandibular sensory neurons, the resulting changes
position of the head relative to the sag&al and trans- were minimal (p. 95, their italics): There was ~to
porionic planes of the head holder. It would seem, change in the length and height of the mandible. How-
then, that although a reduction in the titer of trophic ever, the shape of the mandible of most experimental
substances produces little change in the absolute size of animals appeared different in certain respects.
any given anatomic dimension (for example, measures They also reported a kind of functional Class III
13 to 18), it may possibly produce a variety of subtle malocclusion, a result seen on occasion in our material
distortions, the sum of which can be detected only with but not examined in detail.
reference to planes defined by the head holder. It might Similarly, Sarnat and associates13have reported that
also be argued that the significant differences noted for unilateral section of the trigeminal motor root in four
the histologic grouping were the result of functional adult monkeys failed to produce a significant change in
disturbances resulting from destruction of efferent fi- mandibular morphology.
206 Behrents und Johnston Am. J. Orrhod.
March 1984

On balance, these recent findings, as well as those Mizell M, Isaacs JJ: Induced regeneration of hindlimbs in the
of the present study, would seem to argue for a more newborn opossum. Am Zoologist 10: 141-155, 1970.
Moss ML: Neurotrophic processes in orofacial growth. J Dent
circumspect attitude toward the role of nerves and Res SO: 1492-1494, 1971.
muscles in facial development. Although the early de- Moss ML: An introduction to the neurobiology of orofacial
struction of the trigeminal nerve produced a host of growth. Acta Biotheor 21: 236-259, 1972.
interesting effects, some of which may be trophic in 8. Moss ML: Neurotrophic regulation of craniofacial growth. In
nature, the size and distribution of the skeletal sequelae McNamara JW Jr (editor): Control mechanisms in craniofacial
growth, Monograph No. 6, Craniofacial Growth Series, Ann
suggest only a limited regulatory role for trophic sub- Arbor, 1975, Center for Human Growth and Development, Uni-
stances. Obviously, a more definitive characterization versity of Michigan.
probably will require the isolation, identification, and 9. DeLahunta A: Small animal neurological examination. Vet Clin
purification of the chemicals responsible for the effects North Am 1: 191-206, 1971.
IO. Boyd TG, Castelli WA, Huelke DF: Removal of the temporalis
seen in other systems. In the meantime, craniofacial
muscle from its origin: effects on the size and shape of the
biologists would probably find it more profitable to coronoid process. J Dent Res 46: 997-1001, 1967.
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growth. Moyers RE, Krogman Wm (editors): Craniofacial growth in
man, New York, 1971, Pergamon Press, p. 120.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Joel Wisotzky and 12. Pimenidis MZ, Gianelly AA: Class III malocclusion produced
Dr. Marcus Singer for their contributions to this work. by oral facial sensory deprivation in the rat. AM J ORTHOD 71:
94-102, 1977.
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