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Good day everyone! My name is Myles Austin D.V.

Gernale your very own President of The

Great Unity Party list (). I am from Grade 11 Fitzgerald. My class adviser is Ms. Desirre Atienza, I
am 17 years old, I have studied in AIS from grade 7 and previously a bronze medalist in last
school year as grade 10 Tamaraw. I will discuss my responsibilities for this 2017 AIS student
council. The president is the head or the leader of the party, whom he/she presides over the
student cabinet and is responsible for the scheduling and organizing student activities and
events, in charge of the schools funds for activities, and most importantly works with and leads
students to resolve problems. Why vote for me? I am a collaborative student, I listen to others
suggestions and respect them. Being the head of the party, listening is always important to gain
valuable suggestions and information to manipulate them for good use. And I also respect the
opinions of others since, everyone has their own perception of things that not everyone thinks
of the same thing. And last, I juggle things around, what I mean is I can manage my activities in
regards to time and efficiency (being in the student council, actor in the school play, and a
swimmer in the swimming team) 3 activities in 1 day. As the president I am highly expected to
work the best of my abilities to work with people to create unity to reveal the togetherness of
people thus creating strength. Especially that AIS is an international school where students of
different culture meet. Regardless of different culture people can still work together for the
betterment. This is the beauty of unity. And I will expect that the road will not always be
smooth. There will be hurdles to that will challenge my abilities and to encourage me to expect
the unexpected. I am not really the superman of such tasks in the politics but personally
coming from me, I will do my best to meet satisfactory of this school year 2017-2018. Being the
leader, I will have this particular quote with me. Its from an old Spiderman movie from 2002
which is With great power, comes great responsibility I will ensure this quote will be in every
part of me. Once again, Im Myles Austin D.V. Gernale the head of the Great Unity Partylist,
Thank you all.

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