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Name Explorers Unit

Date Ms. Faulks

Throughout this unit we are going to take a Virtual Field Trip discovering the lessons of European Explorers
during the Age of Discovery. To activate these lessons or for a print out of any extra copies visit :

Day 1: The Explorers

Part I: Once you get to our website we will watch a video about the European Explorers: Age of
Discovery. Pay careful attention and circle which one Explorer you would like to learn more about

Christopher Columbus

Ferdinand Magellan

Jacques Cartier

Henry Hudson

Part II: Use the explorer you chose from above to answer the questions below.

What is your name:

What country did you sail for (England? France? Holland? Spain? Portugal? Italy?):

What discoveries did you make(land, resources, people, animals, plants..etc):

What problems did you encounter (disease? war? lack of resources? Environment?) :

Write a summary of your explorer:

Part III: Create Your Own: After hearing what your classmates had to say about their explorers lets create
our own adventures! Be creative

What is your name:

What country do you sail for (England? France? Holland? Spain? Portugal? Italy?):

What discoveries did you make (land, resources, people, animals, plants..etc):

What problems did you encounter(disease? war? lack of resources? Environment?):

Tell us a story about your adventures

Day 2: God, Glory and Gold

Last time we traveled along this journey we learned about a famous explorer and we created our own
settlement and went on our own journey! Today we will find out what they found when they got there! If
you need extra help refer to the explorers page. An extra copy of each handout can also be found on the

Part I. Go on to under the God Glory & Gold page; Read the article titled
God Glory & Gold.

Part II.
1. According to the first paragraph, who were the Vikings?

2. Explain why Marco Polo was an important explorer?

3. Explain how the middle men on the Silk Road impacted the Age of Exploration

4. Explain how the Renaissance is connected to the Age of Exploration.

5. List some of the improvements that were made in sea travel that allowed the Age of Exploration to

6. Explain the meaning of the word Glory.

7. How is the passage organized (chronological, cause and effect..etc) Use evidence from the text to
explain your answer

8. What is the key idea that the author wants readers to understand from this text? Use evidence from the
text to support your reasoning.

Part III. You will be assigned to one of the following groups:

Go to: and read the article pertaining to your country and fill out the
Motivations for Exploration worksheet. You will present your information to your classmates before our
Quiz on Motivations for Explorations
Day 3: Today we will read about navigational technology and answer questions along with the reading.
We will then create their own compass and map.

Part I: Go on to to access the article: Navigational Technology

Part II: Answer the following questions

1. What is an example from this passage that shows theimpact of the invention of the Compass? Cite

2. Explain one of the improvements made to the caravel ship.

3. Explain the development of cartography. How did this impact exploration.

Summarize the main idea of "What is an astrolabe?" in one sentence!

Part III: Create your own compass.

A compass helped explorers know which direction they are travelling. European travelers were seeking a
faster way to travel WEST to reach a trade route to Asia. As we already learned many explorers thought
they discovered a faster way to Asia but in reality they found a "new world". Design your own compass to
lead you and your explorer to guide you along your travels.

Go on to to access all necessary materials

Part IV: Make your own Map

You are embarking on a mapmaking adventure similar to what the cartographers experienced during the
Age of Exploration. Without having traveled the world yourself or having access to satellite images like
mapmakers do today, you have to rely on reports given to you by explorers. You will use the information
given from a set of explorer reports and your knowledge of maps to create a map of a New World!

Go on to to access all necessary materials

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