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Informatica Lab exercises


1. Load the employees who have no comm. (use Scott user as source)
2. Employees whose comm is either missing or 0. (Scott source)
3. Employees having comm > 500 including nulls. (Scott source)
4. Employees hired in 1981. (Scott source)
5. Managers of department 10 and 20.(Scott source)
6. Employees whose name is starting with J. (Scott source)
7. Customers residing in India. (DWH source)
8. Products under Boys category. (Use DWH user as source)
9. Sales of the year 2000. (DWH source)
10. Customers whose age<=50. (DWH source)
11. Customers whose marital status is missing. (DWH source)
12. Products whose amount sold should be at least 10. (DWH source)


1) Calculate Sal+Comm removing nulls. (Scott source)

2) Concatenate the fields ename, job, hiredate with spaces in between them. (Scott
3) Derive day, month, year, quarter info from sale_date, by making use of variable port
for repeated expressions. (Scott source)
4) Add an extra port to load system date into target table. (Scott source)
5) Remove first letter for all employees whose name is starting with S. (Scott source)
6) Insert a flag value 1, if salary is a multiple of 100 else 0. (Scott source)
7) Calculate age for all customers. (DWH source)
8) Create a column to display the length of customer name. (DWH source)


1. Calculate yearly sales. (DWH source)

2. Calculate total amount sold for each year. (DWH source)
3. Calculate No of sales done by each customer. (DWH source)
4. What are the sales made by customers in a given month of all years? (DWH
5. Calculate total quantity sold for each product. (DWH source)
6. Calculate Quarterly sales. (DWH source)
7. Calculate total sales done by a customer in every year. (DWH source)
8. What is the maximum amount sold in the year 2000? (DWH source)
9. How many sales are done by each customer every year? (DWH source)
10. How much quantity of sales is done for each product every quarter?
11. What is the total salary paid by each department, with sorted input enabled? (Scott

1) Route all the Employees with job as MANAGER INTO 1ST target, job as ANALYST
into 2nd target and rest into 3rd target table.
2) Load all the Employees with comm as not null into first target and the rest into second


1) Rank on emp table based on their names.

2) Calculate Top ten sales for every quarter.
3) Employee having 5th highest salary.
4) Bottom 10 ranks from emp, based on their commissions.


1) Sort on commission column in ascending order, with nulls in commission placed at

2) Sort the employee names in descending order for each department.
3) Load the job's for each department available.
4) Sort monthly wise sales based on sale amount.


1) Extract manager name for all employees.

2) Join Customers, Cities, States, Countries, Sub regions and Regions to form a Customer
dimension. (DWH source)
3) Join Emp and Dept with sorted input enabled. (First check with master as dept and
then with emp).
4) Perform incremental loading using Joiner transformation.
5) Load employees having salaries greater than their department average salaries.


1) Extract manager name for all employees.

2) Give grade for all employees, based on their salaries from salgrade table.
3) Load employees having salaries greater than their department average salaries.
4) Perform incremental loading, using an unconnected lookup, with out using an external
5) Source as Dept and lookup on emp. (check with lookup policy on multiple matches).
6) Associate each employee record with the count of employees in their departments.

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