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Memo to: Hilary Clinton

From: Fabiola Vasquez, Campaign Consultant

Date: September 30, 2017

Re: Mrs. Hilary Clinton, regarding your campaign strategy

Greeting Mrs. Hilary Clinton, looking back into your 2016 presidential elections we need

to evaluate and analyze the approach that was used. As a campaign consultant, I want to evaluate

and use the lessons we have learned from the 2012 presidential campaign, Obama vs Romney.

Using a strong media campaign and spreading his message effectively resulted in the victory of

President Obama. We can see that Obama opponent, Romney didnt use the media campaign to

spread is his message to potential voters and win their vote. Mrs. Hilary Clinton, lets lake a

closer look at both media campaign and see how it help the victor secure votes. We should the

swing states, specifically Colorado and Florida to see how they played a role in the election. We

must review what could have made our campaign stronger and would have resulted in a victory.

Campaign Ads: Clinton vs Trump

Looking back at the campaign video for the 2016 presidential election, we can see that

the Clinton and Trump videos were even more negative than the ads from the 2012 campaign.

As we can see in your campaign videos, there were many ad videos which spoke negatively of

Trump. An example is the ad title Role models. In this particular ad, children are watching

what Trump is saying about other and how he speaks negatively. You are using Trump words to

show voters how we dont want our children to be influenced by these negative words and how

they are coming from a potential role model in their future. In most ad campaigns, Trump

character were brought into question. This is a good strategy especially for negative ad but they
could have been more powerful had they been negative towards what he planned for America.

When potential voters saw your negative ads towards Trump they could have thought it was an

opinion and not agreed which didnt help in leading them not to vote for Trump. Voters always

want to receive facts rather than opinions. In comparison, Trumps were negative in regard to

your plans for America. He used this to his advantage to make his plan look better for Americans

in general, even though they were mostly idealized.

Looking back at your campaign videos, we can see and analyze how effective they were.

The campaign videos stated what your positions were and what plans you had for America.

Specifically, the video ad title Measure, was a great and powerful ad video. This video

centralized on children and how they are the next generation for America. Narrating the video

also make the ad stronger because candidates dont speak in ad, most of the time we hear a

candidates voice being used by the opposing party in a negative way. Voters related to this ad

because there are many parents who care about the well-being of their children. Voters want to

choose a President who want American to succeed in the present but in the future as well.

Swing States:

Next let analyze the swing states that I have chosen, Colorado and Florida. Colorado has

a median household income of $60,629 and poverty rate of 8.5% for families and 12.7% for all

people. Florida has a median household income of $47, 507 and a poverty rate of 12% for

families and 16.5% for all people. In Colorado, 19.4% of the population has completed

secondary education but the percentage reduces to 5.5% for completing in post-secondary

education. We can see how this shows that not many people pushed themselves to enroll and

graduate college in order expand their skills and obtain a professional career. Florida has a

percentage of 20.3% who competed secondary education but the percentage dropped as well to
4.9% who completed post-secondary education. Reviewing the election, we can see how your

presidential campaign won Colorado but did not win over Florida.

Social Media: Obama vs Romney

Lets take a look on a video on about the difference spent of social medial

campaign between Obama and Romney during the 2012 Presidential campaign. Obama Spent

10 times as much on Social Media as Romney summarizes Obamas and Romneys campaigns

and how much they spent total on media campaigns. In the video we see journalists, Lauren

Ashborn and Howard Kurtz, explain how social media played a big role during the election. On

digital spending Obamas campaign spent $47 million dollars and Romneys campaign spent

only $4.7 million dollars. This created a 10 to 1 ratio. We see how Obamas campaign from the

start believed that digital was an important new area to cover. Romneys media campaign got a

much later start as they felt it wasnt as important. Media campaigns plays an important role

during campaign season because through sites such as Facebook and Twitter, one could show

their support with just a click of a button. Nothing is private online and fast information to be

available to the public. We can analyze that the results from the campaign showed that Obama

won the presidential election with the help of social media.

After reviewing the 2016 presidential campaign, the candidate who made best use of

social media was Donald Trump. He used sites such as Twitter to would share his view on

certain topics. In this way, he got free advertising from the internet. He also used the internet to

have voters who didnt agree with him help spread his name, and make him more well=known.

The attention on Trump grew because his behavior online was considered offensive and this

helped him with free advertising. Unfortunately, Mrs. Clinton you werent able to secure a
victory and this is because Trump made the best use out of the media campaign during the 2016

Presidential campaign.
Work Cited

Data Access and Dissemination Systems (DADS). "American Factfinder - Community Facts."
Request Rejected. October 05, 2010. Accessed September 24, 2017.

Data Access and Dissemination Systems (DADS). "Your Geography Selections." American
Factfinder - Results. October 05, 2010. Accessed September 24, 2017.

McManus, Doyle. "The best political ads of the 2016 campaign." Los Angeles Times. October
26, 2016. Accessed September 30, 2017.

Meko, Tim, Denise Lu, and Lazaro Gamio. "How Trump won the presidency with razor-thin
margins in swing states." The Washington Post. November 11, 2016. Accessed October 01,

"Obama Spent 10 Times as Much on Social Media as Romney." PBS. Accessed September 30,

"Quick Facts." U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts selected: Colorado; UNITED STATES. Accessed
September 24, 2017.,US/PST045216.

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