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The Little Prince

Chapter 4 The Narrator speculates as to which asteroid from which the little
prince came
The pilot learns that the planet of the little prince is barely larger than a
house. But this does not surprise him because he knew that there are also small
ones that are hardly seen thought the telescope. And when an astronomer discovers
one, he names it with a number.
The pilot believes that the planet where the little prince came from is recognized
as asteroid B-612 which was discovered by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909. He
presented his discovery to the International Astronomical Congress but it was
greatly discredited because of his Turkish costume. The report was later accepted
in 1920 when the astronomer presented it again, wearing a European attire, as it
was imposed by a Turkish Dictator to change to European costume.
The pilot tells us these details of the asteroids because it is what grown-ups
believe. They do not ask personal questions about your new friend but rather asks
about figures on his own age, weight, and even the income of his father or when you
saw a beautiful house, they would ask about its price to get the idea of the house.
The pilot tells us that grown-ups are like that so the children must be patient to
The pilot explains that those who understand life knows that figures are of
disinterest. He did not want anyone to read his book without any care or concern
for he endured the pain of setting down his memories. He would describe his friend
so that he will not forget him because for him, it is sad to forget a friend and
not everyone has one. If he forgets his friend, the little prince, he may become
like the grown-ups who only cared about the figures.
The pilot also apologizes about the inaccuracies and errors on his drawings. He
says that it is hard to draw again at his age for he only drew a boa constrictor
from the inside and outside since he was six. he also made mistakes in the
important details but he claims that it is not his fault because his friend never
explained anything. The pilot though that he is becoming to be like the grown-ups

Chapter 5 we are warned as to the dangers of the baobabs

As days passed, the pilot learns something more about the little princes
planet, and his journey to the Earth. He learned that the little prince needed the
sheep to eat the little baobabs, keeping it from growing and spreading over the
entire planet. If it is left unattended, it will split the small planet into
pieces. The little prince would remove all the baobabs once he can already
distinguish them from the rosebushes. The little prince told the pilot that he
should make a beautiful drawing so that his children will remember how it looked
like. He also told him that there was once a lazy man who ignored three bushes and
as the result, it covered his whole planet. The pilot then made a drawing of that
planet. He says that the drawing of the baobabs is magnificent due to the urgent

Chapter 6 the little prince and the narrator talk about sunsets
The pilot learned that the little prince is fond of watching the sunsets. The
little prince would see it forty-four times because his plant is so small that he
just needed to more his chair to see the day and the twilight falling. Then, the
little prince told the pilot that the one who loves the sunset is when he feels
sad. The pilot asked whether the little prince is sad on the day of the forty-four
sunsets but, the little prince did not answer.

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