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Cultural Anthropology

Critical Thinking Questions

Introduction to Anthropology
1. Define anthropology.
2. What is the scientific method?
3. Is anthropology a science?

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

1. Define ethnocentrism and cultural identity.
2. What does it mean to be Filipino?
3. What does it mean to be Asian?
4. Think about all of your own "identities." How do you reconcile them

Symbolism and Subsistence

1. How does language shape culture? How does culture shape language?

Sex, Gender, and Society

1. What is the difference between sex and gender in every part of the

Politics, Race, and Religion

1. Describe the rise of states in terms of cultural anthropology.
2. Define "race" in varying ways: in terms of cultural anthropology,
physical anthropology, and modern terminology.
3. How do myth and ritual serve to sustain the status quo?
4. Describe several current subdisciplines in cultural anthropology.

1. What are the reasons why people create art?

Marriage and Family

1. Be able to interpret your own kinship diagram
2. Describe various kinds of families around the world.

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