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Directions: Most people believe that a Christmas Truce happened in 1914, but not everyone

agrees that a football (American soccer) match was played. Read and study the documents
about the WWI Christmas Truce in 1914, then answer the following questions. You may answer
on this document and turn it into Google Classroom when you are finished.

1. Write a credibility statement for each of the three sources that you think are the most
reliable sources of information about the 1914 Christmas Truce.
S tandard: IS.4.MC -Determine credibility of sources based upon their origin, authority, and context.

Source #1:British General Congreves letter, written to his wife on Christmas Day, 1914.
This source is very reliable because this letter was written the actual day that the Christmas
Truce has happened, it also states true facts about the war including 1st Royal Battalion playing
football with the Germans opposite them - next reports shooting each other; in WWI the British (1st Royal
Battalion) was fighting Germany. It is also a letter, so you can know that the soldier serving on the Western
Front on Christmas in 1914, it isnt someone random on the internet. The letter has also been updated into an
audio, so this is a very reliable source.

Source #2: Lieutenant Johannes Niemann, German soldier. (1914)

This source has very reliable information about the Football game and the source comes from a German
Soldier that was present at the Christmas Truce. In the document it says Teams were quickly established for
a match on the frozen mud, and the Fritzes [Germans] beat the Tommies [English] 3-2., this gives true
information of the about the war and the nicknames they had for each other (Fritzes and Tommies). This
doesnt come from the internet and the name is given from who wrote the letter, so this source is reliable and
trustworthy to listen to.

Source #3: Written by British Captain John Lew to his wife. (December 25, 1914)
This letter written by a British captain and is the last reliable source that explains the football game and the
events that happened. There was a letter from the British captain (higher-ranking) and German soldier about
the football game, this letter must have been giving true information if two sides of the war have both have
experienced a football game and the evidence given and written well. The letter was written on the exact day
and talked about the things that happen There was a truce between us and the German, we buried dead
comrade, exchanged gifts and even played a friendly game of Football. This source shows reliable information
and is written by a reliable British Captain.

2. What are some things that you are sure happened during the Christmas Truce of 1914?

During the Christmas Truce of 1914 some of the things that sure happened were that there was
a truce between Britain and Germany and people were exchanging gifts. Other things that many
sources have said was that they were showing pictures of their wives and exchanging them.

3. Why are you sure they happened?

These events happened because in almost every document given it says that they made a truce,
and the whole topic is called The Christmas truce. For example: There was truce between us
and the Germans. -British Captain John Lew. Another thing that many sources have talked
about is that they were exchanging gifts and showing pictures of theirs wives to each other. A
very credible letter written during the time of the actual Christmas Truce consisted of this

4. While people believe there was a Christmas Truce in 1914, not everyone is convinced that a
football (soccer) game took place. Based on the 10 documents you read, do you believe a
football match happened during the Christmas Truce of 1914? Cite and explain at least three
pieces of evidence that support your opinion.
Standard: RH.1 - Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

There was a football game that was played during Christmas Truce in 1914. In Document 1,
written by a British General, it clearly states 1st Royal Battalion playing football with the Germans
opposite them. This information giving shows that there was a football that was played by both sides. This
letter was also written on December 25, 1914, which was the day of the Christmas Truce, so this is reliable
information. You can tell that the author is very highly ranked because of his name, British General

Document 3, written by a high ranked German soldier in 1914, also shows evidence of a football match being
played December 25, 1914. In the text it says came with a football, kicking already and making fun, and then
began a football match. We marked the goals with our caps. Teams were quickly established for a match on
the frozen mud, and the Fritzes [Germans] beat the Tommies [English] 3-2.. This piece of evidence shows that
there was a match played between them and it also shows that there is evidence coming from both sides
(German and British) that there was game played during the Christmas Truce.

Lastly, in Document 10, this letter was written by a British Captain, who is higher ranked, on the day of the
Christmas truce. In this document the text states that We exchanged gifts and even played a friendly game of
football.. This letter is a primary source because it was written by a captain and on December 25, 1914. It
also provides information about the football game they played and exchanging gifts, which comes from other
sources too.

All of the sources given were from high ranking British/German leaders and written in the year 1914 during
the Christmas Truce.

4. Exceeding 3. Standard Met 2. Approaching 1. Standard Not

Standard Standard Met

IS.4.MdC. Evaluated the credibility Evaluated the credibility Evaluated the credibility Used fact and opinion to
Determine credibility of a source by analyzing of a source by of a source by determine the credibility
of sources based its origin, authority, determining its origin, determining its origin and of a source.
upon their origin, context and corroborative authority and context. authority.
authority, and (supporting) value.

RH.1 Clearly identified key Identified evidence in Identified evidence in the Did not identify
Cite specific textual evidence in the text that the text that supports text that may support appropriately supportive
evidence to support supports analysis and analysis of primary and analysis of primary and evidence in the text.
analysis of primary assessment of primary secondary sources. secondary sources.
and secondary and secondary sources

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