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Julio Cesar Hoyos Gomez 1424287


Difficulty falling asleep (insomnia difficulty falling asleep or conciliation) or staying asleep
(frequent awakenings during the night and / or waking up early or sleep maintenance
insomnia). In addition, it can be transient (days), short-term (1-3 weeks) or long term (more
than 3 weeks. Unrefreshing defines that common and subjective complaint of the patient
when insomnia has not provided the nocturn rest. In a study on Sleep Disorders in Patients,
(Davidson et al.) That refer those who complained of insomnia also had poorer physical and
mental health, difficulty in concentration and coping with stress. Sleep is a behavioral and
physiological Necessary for Health and Welfare Attitude. A poor quality sleep may interfere
with immune function, Altering responses to stress and the activity of the 'daily life and the
Quality of Life,
In a study of 982 patients Davidson and collaborators showed that those who reported
insomnia (300), attributed the same to thoughts (52%), pain or discomfort (45%), issues
about health (38.7%), issues related to family and friends (33%), diagnosis of cancer (32%),
physical effects of the disease (27.7%), economic (22.7%) aspects and 7% did not know
what to attribute
Knowing the nature and prevalence of sleep disorders in the patient is essential for the
overall management of symptoms because many of them can be effectively treated. Cancer
patients need to be addressed to reverse chronic insomnia and / or prevent it; psychological
intervention has been effective in treating some aspects of insomnia.

Bibliography and references

Davidson JR, MacLean AW, Brundage MD, Schulze K. Sleep disturbance in cancer patients.
Soc Sci Med. 2002; 54 (9): 1309-21.
Jorge Mat, Mara F. Hollenstein y Francisco L. Gil PSICOONCOLOGA. Vol. 1, Nms. 2-
3, 2004, pp. 211-230

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