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INGLS Cincias Exatas e da Terra, Engenharias N.


Texto 1

The means by which waterborne disease agents are transmitted to individuals include drinking, bathing in
swimming pools and recreational waters, showering (mists), natural aerosols, contaminated hand towels
and wash cloths, contaminated water (fish and shellfish), produce irrigated or washed with contaminated
water, contact with water containing invasive parasites, and bites of insects that spend at least a part of
the life cycle in water. The lack of potable water for bathing, household cleanliness, and food preparation
also contributes to poor personal hygiene and sanitation and to the spread of disease. Underreporting of
waterborne illnesses has, with rare exceptions, been very common. Various estimates have been made in
the past, indicating that the number reported represented only 10 to 20 percent of the actual number.

Prior to the formative years of the field of microbiology, civilization regarded the onset of infections as the
curse of some undefined phenomenon of fouled air (miasma), and treatments of the sick were largely
relegated to the practice of quarantine or administering of harsh chemical potions. Pollution of water
sources was rampant. Asiatic cholera produced two epidemics in London in the years 1849 and 1853,
both of which were investigated by John Snow, a physician in the twilight of his life, who came to believe
that the feces of cholera patients were the source of the disease. Snow noted that the Broad Street well in
the SoHo district of Londonspecifically, St. James Parish, Westminsterserved an area where 616
people had died during a 15-week period, and the death rate for St. James Parish was 220 per 10,000,
compared to 9 and 33 per 10,000 in adjoining subdistricts. Snow found that a brewery on Broad Street
employing 70 workmen had no deaths. The brewery had its own well, and all the workers had a daily
allotment of malt liquor. It can be reasonably assumed that these workers did not drink any water. In
contrast, at a factory at 38 Broad Street, where only water from the Broad Street well was available, 18 of
200 workers died (900 per 10,000).

A survey was made to determine the cause and source of the epidemic. The house at 40 Broad Street
nearest the well was suspected as the source; there had been four fatal cases of cholera at the house. A
privy emptying into a cesspool, which served more like a tank, overflowed to a drain passing close to the
well. On further investigation, including excavations, it was found that the Broad Street well was a brick-
lined dug well and contained 7 feet, 6 inches of water. The house drain, 12 inches wide with brick sides 12
inches high and stone slab top and bottom, passed within 2 feet, 8 inches of the brick lining of the well.
The mortar joints of the well lining and the drain were completely disintegrated. It was found on inspection
after excavation that the drain was like a sieve and through which house drainage water must have
percolated for a considerable period into the well, as indicated by black deposits and washout of fine
sand. The drain received wastewater from 40 Broad Street in addition to the overflow from a cesspool in
the basement, over which there was a privy.

Fonte: Adaptado de SALVATO, J.A. et al. Environmental engineering. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

INGLS Cincias Exatas e da Terra, Engenharias N. DE INSCRIO:



Analise as informaes abaixo:

I. The actual numbers of illnesses are 5 to 10 fold higher than it was reported.
II. Only direct contact with contaminated water may lead to diseases.
III. Taking showers pose a heightened danger to low-income individuals.

(A) apenas I.

(B) apenas II e III.

(C) apenas II.

(D) I, II e III.


Onset e largely, em negrito no 2 pargrafo, poderiam ser substitudos, mantendo-se os mesmos

significados, por:

(A) outset e chiefly.

(B) outdo e mostly.

(C) outlook e primarily.

(D) outcome e substantially.


Como eram vistas e tratadas as infeces antes do desenvolvimento da microbiologia?

O surgimento das infeces era atribudo a um flagelo produzido atravs de algum fenmeno
indefinvel causado pelo ar viciado, e o tratamento dos doentes se limitava, na maioria das vezes,
quarentena e ao uso de poes de sabor desagradvel.


O que se concluiu sobre os ndices de contaminao na Broad Street?

(A) 70 casos foram fatais.

(B) 18 de 200 homens foram contaminados.

(C) 10% da populao se contaminou e morreu em 15 dias.

(D) 100% dos trabalhadores de uma cervejaria sobreviveram.

INGLS Cincias Exatas e da Terra, Engenharias N. DE INSCRIO:


Quais problemas foram identificados ao se investigar a fonte da infeco?

Uma privada que vertia em uma fossa, que servia mais como um tanque, e transbordava em um
dreno que passava perto do poo. As juntas de argamassa do revestimento e o dreno do poo
estavam totalmente esfacelados. A canalizao horizontal tinha 12 polegadas de largura, 12 de
altura e lage de pedra em cima e embaixo , e passava a 2 ps e oito polegadas do revestimento de
tijolo do poo. Descobriu-se em uma inspeo aps escavao, que o cano de esgoto era como
uma peneira atravs da qual a gua de drenagem da casa deve ter percolado por um perodo
considervel para dentro do poo, conforme indicado pelos depsitos negros e desmoronamento
de areia fina.

Texto 2


It was supposed to be the Green Games for a Blue Planet. Instead, five days before the Rio de Janeiro
Olympics, it became clear that the city and state authorities failed to comply with any of the ambitious
environmental commitments they made when bidding for the event back in 2009. According to David Zee,
a professor of Oceanology at Rio de Janeiro State University, the environmental benefits were the most
publicized and prioritized of the legacy promises, but in the end, they finished in last place.

The highest profile broken promise means large amounts of untreated sewage is still flowing into
Guanabara Bay, where the Olympic sailing events will take place. Olympic organizers had said 80 percent
of the wastewater produced by the nine million people that live around the Bay would be treated by the
time the Games started. Now officials admit that the new sewage treatment plants that have been installed
will clean up only 48 percent of the waste. Some say the real figure is much lower than that.

A number of international sailors reported falling ill or suffering infections after entering the water several
months ago, and stories of athletes feeling uncomfortable about competing in water that smells fetid have
been reported. The Rio Olympics have also been blamed for not cleaning up the Jacarepagua Lagoon
that surrounds the Olympic Park. Plans to dredge the bottom of the lagoon were suspended for a period
after Brazil's Federal Prosecutor identified irregularities in the tendering process and other procedural
problems, such as the lack of an environmental impact study. Then, in August 2015, about a ton of dead
fish had to be removed from the Lagoon. The fish reportedly died after strong winds disturbed decades
worth of pollutants that released their toxins into the main body of water. While there are no Olympic
events in the lagoon, it lies close to the Olympic Village where athletes are housed and the decomposition
of the sewage and organic material can produce sulphide gas. Strong winds can disturb the bottom of the
lagoon and give off this gas, causing nausea and headaches, if one is exposed to it for a long time.

INGLS Cincias Exatas e da Terra, Engenharias N. DE INSCRIO:

Rio's mayor, Eduardo Paes, views the unfinished sewage treatment work in Guanabara Bay as a relative
success because sewage treatment had been improved from 15 percent to 50 percent, even if the 80
percent target was still far off. That's an increase of 30 percent," he said. "You can't say that nothing has
been done. This was not enough to impress biologist Valerie Harwood who advised travellers not to put
their heads underwater after being shown the results of a study of the water commissioned by the
Associated Press. For her, the level of pathogenic virus is unheard of in surface waters in the US.

On the surface, the view of the Guanabara Bay and the iconic Rio skyline of soaring mountains and peaks
is unparalleled. But look closely, and one can find long garbage trails of debris flowing through the areas
where Olympic teams are training before the games. The flotsam includes chunks of wood, rubber
sandals, sneakers, and of course, plastic bags. Two athletes from the German Olympic Sailing team,
Victoria Jurczok and Anika Lorenz, are also learning the challenges of unique currents, tides and wind
patterns of Rio de Janeiro's Guanabara Bay, while keeping a look-out for floating obstacles. They can
either damage the boat or slow one down. Lorezn mentioned that they hit a lot of plastic bag and their
training partners also hit a chair. Other racers have reported hitting floating waste, including a sofa and
dead dog. One of Jurczok and Lorenz's teammates had to have emergency surgery after a race in Rio last
summer, when small cuts on his legs became horribly infected. The worst of the pollution is immediately
noticeable at points where urban canals spill out into the bay. At one such location, the air is thick and
toxic with the stench of raw sewage. Dark black clumps of debris float on the water's surface. Health
experts say the risks in the water to the public range from a multitude of gastrointestinal diseases to

Rio's authorities have also failed to meet the goal of planting 24 million seedlings to compensate for the
carbon emissions caused by the Games. They managed to plant only 5.5 million. While Rios water
pollution has garnered much attention, the toxicity in air that the athletes must breathe has not been talked
about. When Brazil initially submitted a bid for the Olympic Games, opening Friday, they claimed that
Rios air quality was within the limits recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).Turns out,
this was not true. Rio has surpassed WHO limits of dangerous air pollutants for years, and thousands of
people die annually because of health complications sourced from toxic air. People exposed to severe air
pollution have significantly higher risks of lung cancer, heart attacks, strokes, asthma, and other diseases.
Rios air has consistently been two to three times above the annual limit for PM10 (fine particulate matter)
since 2008. Rio has the dirtiest quality of air compared to any host city, with the exception of Beijing in

Fontes: Adaptado de Down to Earth. Filthy water, toxic air dont make Rio Games environment-friendly. Disponvel em:; Adaptado de MercoPress.
Dead fish and garbage in Rio's Guanabara Bay question Brazil's Olympic celebrations. Disponvel em:; Adaptado de James Young. Rio has broken
its promise of an environment-friendly Olympics. Disponvel em:
environment-friendly-olympics. Acesso em: 19 ago. 2016.

INGLS Cincias Exatas e da Terra, Engenharias N. DE INSCRIO:



Analise as seguintes afirmaes:

I. The levels of pathogens in Guanabara Bay are only found in shallow waters in the US.
II. Despite the high pollution levels in Guanabara Bay, it does not pose serious health threats for
III. Rio is in second place for worst air pollution ever by an Olympics host city.
IV. Rios carbon offset scheme for the Olympics has missed its mark.

(A) apenas I e II.
(B) apenas II e III.
(C) apenas III e IV.
(D) I, II, III e IV.


Como descrita a situao da Baa da Guanabara no 5 pargrafo?

Um rastro de lixo boiando nas reas de treinamento das equipes, com pedaos de madeira,
sandlias de borracha, tnis, e sacos plsticos. Os obstculos podem danificar as embarcaes
ou diminuir sua velocidade. Os riscos da gua poluda variam de uma srie de doenas
gastrointestinais at a hepatite. Um dos atletas chegou a passar por uma cirurgia de emergncia,
quando pequenos cortes nas pernas se transformaram em uma infeco sria. Os padres
especficos de correnteza, ondas e ventos da Baia de Guanabara tambm representam um


Qual das afirmativas abaixo corresponde ao relatado no texto?

(A) A large number of fish died due to the illegal dredging of the lagoon.

(B) Legal issues and lack of proper planning delayed the dredging of the lagoon.

(C) Pollution in the lagoon may be life-threatening to athletes housed in the area.

(D) It is generally agreed that Rio managed to clean up 48 percent of the waste.

INGLS Cincias Exatas e da Terra, Engenharias N. DE INSCRIO:


While (em negrito no 3 pargrafo) e while (em negrito no 6 pargrafo) poderiam ser substitudos,
mantendo-se os mesmos significados, por:

(A) At the same time e although.

(B) In the meantime e despite.

(C) Though e at the same time.

(D) Although e even though.


Descreva as discrepncias entre as promessas relacionadas s Olimpadas e os fatos descritos

no 6 pargrafo.
Foram plantadas apenas 5 milhes e meio de mudas, muito longe do objetivo inicial de 24
milhes. Durante o processo de candidatura s olimpadas, argumentou-se que a poluio do ar
estava dentro dos limites recomendados pela Organizao Mundial de Sade. O pas na verdade
vem ultrapassando esses limites h anos, e milhares de pessoas morrem em consequncia da
poluio atmosfrica. Desde 2008, o limite anual de material particulado fino vem sendo
constantemente desrespeitado.

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