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Name: ____________________

Social Studies 7
Ms. Buckley

Human Evolution Study Guide

Homo Habilis Homo Erectus Species Australopithecus

Genus Archaeologist Archaeology Neanderthal

Homo Hunter-Gather Evolution Homo Sapien


Fire Africa Migration Bipedalism

You will need to know the following:

1. How humans evolved from apes to modern day homo sapien sapiens.

2. How ancient societies progressed from hunter-gather societies to cities.

3. What an archaeologist does and how they conduct their research.

4. Where humans evolved from geographically and how they moved throughout

the world.

5. The accomplishments and abilities of early human species.

6. The differences and similarities between different human ancestors (ex. Homo

Habilis, Homo Erectus, etc.) .

7. How evidence of human evolution is found/discovered.

8. How interactions between early humans and Neanderthals played out.

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