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I affirm Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be compulsory.

National service - As defined by Cambridge service in the armed forces, which young
people in certain countries have to do by law

The value is morality, as ought implies. The best way to achieve morality is through
promoting social welfare. Robert Goodin stated Public officials are obliged to make their
choices under uncertainty. Private individuals will usually have more complete information on
the peculiarities of their own circumstances. Public officials, in contrast, are relatively poorly
informed as to the effects that their choices will have on individuals. What they typically do know
are generalities. They know what will happen most often to most people as a result of their
various possible choices. Knowing averages, they can calculate the utility payoffs from each
possible rule.

Contention One: Compulsory national service aids national security

Subpoint A: The US has become understaffed internationally
A broad array of military experts agree that the U.S. Army is too small. Retired Army Gen.
Barry McCaffrey has argued that it is grossly undermanned. He also said that in spite of a
growing recognition that Russia is a strategic threat, the U.S. still has inadequate ground
combat power in Europe. The US Armys chief of staff Mark Milley told Congress the services
active force should add up to 74,000 more soldiers to handle the increasing demands, and told
the Senate the National Guard should also add up to 12,000 soldiers and the Reserves should
increase end-strength by up to 10,000 soldiers! Since the end of the Cold War, the Army has
been disestablishing permanent bases and reducing personnel levels across Europe. This
downsizing trend will make rebuilding a presence there much more difficult. Threats from Russia
are increasing and require US intervention, and troops are the key to deterrence. As, Richard
Sheriff states Putins strategic aim is clear: to re-establish Russias status as one of the worlds
great powers and to dominate the former republics of the Soviet Union. By complacently
allowing this and not checking Russias bet, we set the precedent for Russian dominance and
essentially give them control over the territory. In addition, Elizabeth Chuck proves that Russia
has about 300 more nuclear warheads than the US in military stockpile , which, when combined
with the aggressive attitude of Russian leaders, is frightening. The USA at a disadvantage in
this front can easily lead to nuclear war and thus extinction. Kim Sangupta also states that The
threat of a terrorist attack using nuclear material is the highest since the end of the Cold War,
with Isis actively trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction Isis has already carried out
numerous chemical weapons attacks in Syria; we know it wants to go further by carrying out a
nuclear attack in the heart of Europe. This, combined with poor levels of security at a host of
nuclear research centres in the former Soviet Union mean the threat of a possible dirty-bomb
attack on a Western capital is high. Affirming the resolution is crucial to averting the USA and
possibly the worlds collapse.
Subpoint B: Conscription provides for less conflict
As Thomas Ricks of The Washington Post states, The drawbacks of the all-volunteer
force are not military, but political and ethical. One percent of the nation has carried almost all
the burden of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, while the rest of us essentially went shopping.
He went on to state If we had a draft, a retired general said to me recently, we probably would
not have invaded at all. Simply put, we are allowed to recklessly initiate conflicts as civilians
dont necessarily have a horse in the race; in the negative I can sit idly by while my government
can make morally questionable invasions on smaller nations, as we saw in Iraq, a war which UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan described as illegal, saying that it was "not in conformity with the
Security Council. This was no small conflict, with the ORB International estimating over 1.2
million total casualties. Affirming is essential in the reduction of conflicts and impacts world

Contention Two: Compulsory national service benefits society

Subpoint A: Compulsory national service promotes equality
Zaq Harrison elaborates, Mandatory national service would distribute the burdens of
democracy equallyit creates a common experience, a shared American experience that
bridges the divide of race, culture, status and wealth. Currently only a small minority carry the
burden of serving in our military This is the problem.... every citizen has an obligation to pay
for their freedoms. Conscription in its purest form is colorblind, by instituting it we actually
ensure equality and provide for all peoples.
Subpoint B: Compulsory service boosts the economy
Saul Singer & Dan Senor point to mandatory national service being a crucial factor in
Israels economic miracle. They write about the leadership training and development of critical
thinking that is gained. Singer and Senor identify these experiences as significant factors in
producing an entrepreneurial mindset. It was these with other influences that have helped Israel
become grow from nothing to an economic powerhouse in sixty years.
Subpoint C: Compulsory national service promotes democracy
Again from Harrison, Mandatory national service would educate youths that democracy
is worth fighting for. We as a country see the percentage of citizens actually registered is low
57% and those who are registered that actually vote is low. Having ownership will change this.
The logic goes back to that of my previous Subpoint C; every American will have a horse in the
race; there will be an actual motivation to vote.
Subpoint D: Compulsory national security keeps young Americans on track
Americans, in their current state, are afforded the ability to not work and still receive
government benefits. Their excuses may be legitimate, such as having an actual disability, but
not all people have such a problem. The US spent $740 billion dollars on welfare in 2016 as per
Federalsafety.nets report. In addition to this, the US is predicted to spend more than $1.1
trillion on welfare this year at our current rate per US Government Spendings report. If we
ensure that US citizens receive employment benefits through national service, not only will this
them, but the able-bodied individuals who have no jobs will instead earn a living through work
and take away the immense financial burden on America.

I strongly affirm todays resolution and now stand ready for cross ex.

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