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E-Book from Kanchi Periva Forum

The Essence of Hindu Tradition and Culture

Sri Hanumat jayanti Special Edition

Volume : 9
Published : January 2013

Copyrights reserved Kanchi Periva Forum &

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................... 3
Memoirs of Kanchi Munivar: A Floral Collection ............................................ 4
Divine Voice of Periva..................................................................................... 5
Why Vada Malai for Anjaneya? ...................................................................... 5
Tamil Version ............................................................................................... 5
English Version ............................................................................................ 5
Discourses by Sri Kanchi Maha Periva ............................................................ 6
Deivathin Kural Vol 1 ................................................................................ 6
Deivathin Kural Vol 3 ................................................................................ 8
The Greatness of Maruthi .......................................................................... 12
Anjanas Son may grant us Good Health.................................................... 14
Deivathin Kural Vol 7 .............................................................................. 19
Panchamukha Hanuman .............................................................................. 20
Significance of the Five Faces ....................................................................... 20
Prayers and Stotrams on Anjaneya .............................................................. 21
Hanuman Chalisa ....................................................................................... 21
Hanumath Pancha Rathnam ...................................................................... 21
Anjaneya Stothra ....................................................................................... 23
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... 25

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Shri Kanchi Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Saranam
Hari Om!

We are pleased to bring you the Ninth edition of the e-book series from the Kanchi Periva Forum.

This months ebook is a special edition on Lord Anjaneya, also known as Hanumanji, Maruti, Bajrang
Bali, Mahavir, Pavan Kumar.

This ebook contains very interesting excerpts from Sri Maha Perivas discourses on Lord Anjaneya,
some information about Periva and Anjaneya from one of Raa. Ganapathi Annas book, Perivas
explanation on why we offer Vada Malai (garland) for Anjaneya, some information on Panchamukha
Anjaneya, and some popular Slokams of Lord Anjaneya with English translation.

We also have for you a beautiful compilation of Sri Maha Perivas sweet audio discourse on Lord

We are sure that this Ebook will be a feast to your eyes and we request you to forward this to all your
friends and relatives.

For those who are not familiar about our website and forum, we welcome you to visit for a collection of rare videos and complete online library of upanyasams of Sri
Maha Periva.

Please also register on the forum to stay updated on devotees

experiences and to receive our regular newsletters.

We humbly submit this Ninth-ebook at the lotus feet of Shri Maha Periva. Though this book is for
restricted circulation among like-minded members of the society, this is a free publication like all our
other publications, which can be downloaded from

Any feedback or queries may be sent to us at

Kanchi Periva Forum

Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara!

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Memoirs of Kanchi Munivar: A Floral Collection
Author:....... Raa. Ganapathi
Source:....... kAnchi munivar ninaivuk kadambam, 240 pages
Publisher:.... Divya Vidya Padhippaham (Jun. 1995 Edition)
Translator : Shri Saidevo

Chapter 3. - AvatAra sthalam (The Place of Avatara). Pages 63-67

We mentioned three important temples in the avatara sthalam.

Where the avatara took place was also in a kOvil teru (street
with a temple). But then that temple is not among these three.
One who is a Bhagavan as well as a Bhakta is the mUrti who has
taken up temple there.

Yes, the avatara took place in the Hanumar Kovil street. Isn't
Hanuman the mUrti who stands as a Bhakta with his palms
joined, without showing his bhagavat shakti? Isn't it appropriate
that our Gurunathan who lived hiding his mahima in his
simplicity, taking birth near the Hanuman temple?

This Hanuman Alayam which remains as the own temple of a

private family has a special distinction. Isn't the custom of
setting up two mUrtis and worshipping them as twin PiLLaiyAr,
followed only for Heramba Ganapathi who is the Arambha swAmi? Whereas here, for the
MarutiRayan who finishes with a mangaLam, as a novelty seen nowhere, there are two mUrtis!

As elder-younger brothers, one measuring up in height to the neck of the other, two Hanumans stand
next to each other joining their palms and making us join our own. If the Ramayana kartA (author) got
the name as Valmiki by remaining inside an anthill, these two who are the 'Ramayana mahAmAlA
ratna', in the same way were found from inside an anthill in the foothills! About two hundred years
ago, following an AGYA (order) he received in a svapna (dream), a Madhva who was a resident of
Vizhuppuram, found and took charge of these vanmIka (vAlmIka) mArutis and sat them in a temple

What is the mystery of the matchless Anjaneya standing in a matched pair and standing in two forms?
One of them is He himself; the other--taking birth in his own Alaya vIdhi (temple street), by the
mixture of simplicity in greatness, was to become one like Him--did he show this in advance? Atma
jnAnam, bhakti, ulaka jnAnam, sollARRal, suya vAzhvE aRRa paNi vAzhvu, bhAvana brahmacharyam,
seyalARRal, dIrghAyuL (spiritual knowledge; devotion; worldly knowledge; skill of words; a life of
service with no individuality; wholesome, manifest celibacy; skill of action; a long life)--thus in

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everything wasn't Sri Maha Periyavar a match for the Anjanai Selvan? For this man too only
RamaNamam was the precious companion, in a very important situation in his life!

During that moment when he was totally upset with the tiding and thought 'A school boy, I have been
appointed as the JagatAcharya?', he only called "Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama!" for help. Rama's
sahodari (sister) who was not different from Him, took charge of the boy.

They say that today's Kannada Desham is the place Kishkinta where the vAnaras (monkeys) lived. The
man who found, not singly but as a pair, the mUrti that AcharyaaL speaks of as 'vAnara nikara
adhyakSha (the superintendent of the multitude of monkeys), was also a Kannadiga. Our SriCharaNar
w is an apara mUrti (posterior form) of that mUrti is from a Kannadiga family too.

He said once that during his boyhood he had done cheShTa (pranks) such as climbing up the
compound wall of this temple--thus also reminding the vAnara mUlava!

Divine Voice of Periva

Please click the link below to listen to Perivas sweet, beautiful discourse on Anjaneyar.

Why Vada Malai for Anjaneya?

Tamil Version
Read from our Forum:

English Version
Read from our Forum:

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Discourses by Sri Kanchi Maha Periva
Deivathin Kural Vol 1
Anjaneya Swami is something special. If we look into what all He blesses His devotees with, this
uniqueness of His will be somewhat understood:-

"buddir balam yaso dairyam nirbhayathvam arogatham I

ajhadyam vakpatuthvam cha hnumath smaranath bhaveth II"

The above slokam says that, just by thinking of Hanuman, His devotes happen to be blessed with the
following attributes:- "Brains and its optimum utilization in morally
acceptable ventures; strength of body and character; fame;
courageousness; fearlessness; total immunity from diseases; and
effective power of speech.

Normally all these qualities will not be available in one and the
same person! A brainy person may be physically weak. A very
strong man may be quite an idiot. Strong man, if he also happens
to be intelligent, may not be brave. If he happens to have all the
above qualities, he may be a lazy fellow. Then with all these
qualities, if he happens to be industrious too, he may not have the
power of expression!

With no such 'hiccups', Anjaneya, showers all these capabilities on

His devotees. The reason for this is that, what we normally do not
see as co-existing attributes; are completely concurrent in Him naturally!

For example, a strong man may not be humble. An intelligent person may be too bloated with ego. In
Hanuman, intelligence and physical strength is plentiful, while simultaneously, He is foremost in
humbleness and devotion. Though He is a giant and a Titan; He considers all his greatness as Sri
Rama's blessings and stands humbly, as a slave, without asking for any position or placement! He is a
contented slave without a want or demand. Devotees could be blind followers without an iota of

Actually there is often a conflict as to what is Bakthi and what is Gnana. But Anjaneya, while being
Devotee No. 1, of Sri Rama, was also Gnani No. 1, who could, when asked for, advice Sri Rama. There
is a Sloka starting with the words, "vaidehi sahitam", which says that, as Guru Dakshinamurthy gives
His Upadesa; keeping the four Sishyas, starting with the one named Sanaka in the foreground;
similarly, Sri Rama gives His Upadesa, keeping Anjaneya Swami, in the foreground.

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Residing in the flag of Arjuna, Anjaneya had the privilage of listening to the complete Bhagawat Gita.
In the language of the spirits, He is supposed to have given a commentary on Bhagawat Gita, full of
subtle and esoteric interpretations. He was a very learned man, to this extent that, Sri Rama Himself
calls him, "nava vyakarana vetta", meaning, 'expert in the nine different grammers!' But controlling
the powers of His body and mind, He is very happy as a devotee.

His pre-eminence in Bakthi did not mean that He ignored His worldly responsibilities. He fought with
mighty powers in saving the down-trodden from tyranny. He is a role-model for social service.
Simultaneously He attained and maintained the highest level of, bakthi, gnana, strength, bravery,
fame, humility and service. If there can be a personification of all these qualities together, that is none
other than Anjaneya.

Above all this is His celibacy. He is a clean and true Brhmachary with no thought of 'Kamam'. Without
any desire of His own, He fulfills all the requirements of Sri Rama. In Tamil Nadu, He is called
Hanumar. In Kanadiga His name is Hanumanthayya. In Andhra He is Anjaneyalu. In Maharashtra, He is
Maruthi. In the North, He is addressed as Mahaveer.

There is no comparison or parallel. Just thinking about Him will give courage, Kamam will dissipate,
with most humbleness, we will do good to all. Wherever there is 'Ram Bhajan', or 'Ram Dhun', He will
be there listening in, unknown to us, with tears pouring out of His eyes.

In these days of virulent self-promotion and self-propoganda, the most wanted qualification is silent
contentedness. Unsatisfied with whatever bounty we get, we keep wanting more and more of money;
name and fame; adulation and flattery; records and achievements; ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Our
own agitations and restlessness have to come to a nullity, if we are to become aware of God's
blessings. That is full, total, completeness. Hanumar has to grant us that.

His devotees will have no deficiencies, wants or unfulfilled desires. For Dharmam to spread in the
whole world, we must approach Him only. It is by His help that Ravana and Rakshasas were killed and
Rama Rajyam was established.

By His presence in the flag on Arjunas Charriot, He re-established Dharma Rajyam. Later, when
morality and spirituality was in decline, it was Samarth Ramadas, considered to be an Avatara of
Hanumar, who re-established Dharma through Sivaji. Even now His blessings are sorely needed. Our
sincerity is the key for opening the pandora of His blessings.

Read this link for the original version in Tamil:

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Deivathin Kural Vol 3
For the weaklings the support is Sri Ramachandra Murthy. nir bal ke bal ram says Surdas.

When one is overwhelmed by bad times, who can be our saviour?

It is Sri Rama only. We chant, aabadaama apahartaaram, then
agrata: prushta: cha eva, paarsvatasva maha bhalou; (1.2.3.
Dwadasa Nama Panjaram Uttara Bhagam), thereby meaning; at
the time of grave difficulties, the protecting force in front and
rear, on all sides, below and above, the most able, powerful force
is Bhagawan Sri Ram! He is ever ready with the strings of His bow
Kodandam stretched taut to shoot an arrow at our enemies and
weaknesses. His younger brother Lakshmana is equally ready to
follow suit, never leaving the elder brother alone!

aakarNa poorNou dhanwaanou rakshetaam Rama Lakshmanou

says the sloka, meaning thereby that those with their bow strings
stretched taut up to the ears, Rama & Lakshmana take care. But
this Avatara Purusha, the best amongst humans, this Veera
(brave) Raghava, this Vijaya (victorious) Raghava, has clearly indicated that, He could complete the
purpose of His coming to this earth as a human being, successfully because, He was so ably supported
by the Maha Veera Anjaneya Hanuman!

He assumed the human role to perfection. When He acted so truly as though He was just not aware as
to where Sita had been taken away and hidden, it was Anjaneya who searched for the Mother and
located her whereabouts! More than He suffered by separation from viola, Sita suffered ten million
times more! Ramas problem was that His devoted wife was not nearby. But she had to suffer
separation as well as bear with constant entreaty by that Raktchasa who had nothing else to do than
pester Her!

Woman is known as abala, meaning powerless! The very Mother of all existence Maha Lakshmi,
having come to the earth as Sita had to suffer all that threat and insult at Ashoka Vana! She was
seriously deliberating committing suicide, by hanging from the branches of that very tree, at which
she was looking up to, when She saw and heard Anjaneya chanting the name of Her beloved, Ram,
Ram, by which She was saved! (It is interesting to note by the by that, the name of that forest or
garden as Ashoka Vana was a misnomer! Ashoka means, devoid of sorrow!)

There is no end to Anjaneya Hanumans exploits, not just one or two! But, out of all of them, the peak
of His achievement was to arrive at the right point in time and space to be of help to Mother of all!
What was Her condition at that time? She was like the plant which was shrinking dry unto itself, due
to absence of rain. At that precise moment, He arrived as the man on the spot, like the monsoon

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clouds bearing rain and sustenance! That is why we emphasize this service of His saying, anjana
nandanam veeram janaki shoka nasanam!

Having been born as the son of a monkey mother Anjana, he gave immense pleasure to her. There is
nothing great in that! However much a son may be mischievous, he always gives happiness to his
mother! At least till he is a child! That is why the child is known as nandana to mean the one who
gives happiness like, Dasaratha Nanadana, Devaki Nandana and Anjana Nandana! That is alright. But
the fact that, Hanuman not only made his mother happy, He made the Mother of all existence happy.
Sitamma, the ideal for generations of mothers yet to be, it was Her great sorrow that He removed! For
this act of His, we have to prostrate before Him repeatedly!

At that time inside Sita, the fire of sorrow was festering. When they lighted up Hanumans tail by
tying a cloth around and dipping it in oil, it was not that fire which burnt the whole of Lanka. It was
Sitammas Shoka Agni, which was inside the fire on His tail! Valmiki the author says this. ya: shoka
vanhim janakaatmajaayaa: aadaaya teneiva dadaaha lankaam. janaka aatmajaayaa: = Janakas
daughters. Shoka vanhi = festering fire of sorrow. teneiva = by that only. lankaam dadaaha = burnt
the Lanka.

When Anjaneyas tail was lighted up, it did not affect him in any-way, because of Sitas wishes. We all
know this. But that He could act as the incendiary bomb, was the power of Her sorrow! It was that
shoka agni that Ravana put in the tail of Hanuman. Who gave him the idea to do so? When Ravana
got that idea, it was a situation of the end of tethers for Janaki. The one man who came to help her
was a prisoner. That was the last straw so to say on the camels back! The world could not have
borne Her sorrow anymore! It was like the volcano about to burst. Somebody had to bear it and let it
off. Who could it be other than Anjaneya Hanuman?

No one else could have done that. That is why, Ravana got the idea to do so. It did not make any
difference to Hanuman. He felt, How does it matter if they light up my tail. They do not know what I
can do with it! It was Janaka Aatmajas fire of sorrow that He took upon Himself to light up the whole
of Lanka. It was the fire of discrimination which punished only the wicked and spared the good
people. Because it was the fire of Her sorrow, it did not hurt Her husbands messenger and support!

The greatest assistance provided by Anjaneya was to find and tell Him the whereabouts of Sita. The
greatest assistance rendered to Sita was the assurance that Rama will come to save Her! That too
when she was seriously thinking of committing suicide. His coming to Ashoka Vana was the silver
lining on the otherwise dark perspective! Thus Anjaneya proved to be the tangible support for both
Rama and Sita. But how could He do all that? He could do all that by the power of Rama and by the
power of Rama Nama!

He jumped over the ocean between Lanka and the southern reaches of the Indian subcontinent. He
could do that by chanting the Rama Nama, by the power of those two words! When Sita was ready to
give up life, how did He save Her? Not by prostrating before Her and begging Her not to die! She
would have thought of him as another trick of the Rakshasas maya. Once bitten twice shy, the saying

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goes. Having been duped by Ravana once by presenting Mareecha as a golden deer, she was not going
to be duped anymore. Everything looked like a magic trick for Sita. Hanuman knew this. By his perfect
celibacy of years of Brhmacharya he could read others minds crystal clear! So what did He do when
Sita was about to give up Her life? He simply started chanting the Rama Nama. He started saying the
Rama Katha with reverence. Rama Nama by the mouth of Hanuman had the power to chase away all
duplicity and delusion of Maya. The fire of Sitas sorrow was quenched by being drenched by the
sprinkling of Rama Nama Amirta! In gratitude, She granted that the
fire should not scorch the giver of Amirta.

Both Sita and Rama often spoke about their gratitude to Hanuman
for being kind enough to save them from certain death. Saving Sita
when She was about to give prana aahuti, saving Rama and
Laxmana (who was dearer to Rama than even Sita), by bringing
sanjeevani oushadi at the most opportune moment; Rama felt
indebted to Hanuman, that can never be paid for! Both Rama and
Sita were forever looking for opportunities for returning the

How did they reciprocate for their indebtedness? Once the

coronation of Sri Rama took place, after a gap of 14 years, Rama was
giving away prizes to all the people who had assembled there. He had given a beautiful Pearls
necklace to Sita. She had removed it from her neck and was keeping it in her hands. She glanced all
over the assemblage and looked at Her husband again. As a couple with complete unity of
perspective, they both made a plan to felicitate Hanuman in front of all the assemblage. It is as though
Sita asked Sri Rama, just by her looks as to who should this pearls necklace be given to? The answer
was given by Rama that, the Pearl Necklace be given to the one who has indomitable power, wide
range of abilities, discerning intelligence, analytical brains and sincere humility!

Sita gave it to Anjaneya. As the award is given immediately after the citation has been read, without
mentioning the name when Rama listed the qualitative requirements, She gave the Pearl Necklace to
Anjneya Hanuman. Had He said give it to so and so, there could have been some reactions as to why!
Since Hanuman had all these qualities and all were aware of the same, the award was well received by
the assemblage!

In the ambient atmosphere of the Pattabhisheka (corona-tion), this was a grand gesture by Sita and
Rama. The way the pearl necklace rolled on his massive chest, it looked like some white cloud had
come to rest on a mountain valley highlighted by a full moon above (his face)!.

First time when Sri Rama met Hanuman in Rishya Srunga mountain range, it seems that Rama had
already decided that the story of Ramayana was going to proceed further with this man playing an
important role! At that time despite having Hanuman as his friend and guide, Sugriva was in a bad
state, having lost his wife and suffering due to Valis domination. He had carefully investigated Rama
and had identified that He was good, powerful and worth cultivating a friendship.

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He had sent Hanuman to Sri Rama for this purpose only. But Rama could easily foresee that Hanuman
is going to be a king pin! After all, the same Hanuman as Easwara had pre-decided that the drama of
Ramayana should unfold in such and such a manner!

So by the very way Anjaneya enquired about them, he could correctly assess His capabilities and
shower encomiums of praise on Anjaneya while introducing Him to Laxmana as, New master of
grammer, scholar of philology (sollin selvan) and so on. Do not think of Him as only good in talking.
He is a multi-faceted personality of many capabilities. If the world is a chariot, He is the pin on either
side of the axle, holding the wheels in place! In other words, He is the king pin! Though you may not
know him now, one day or the other, you will know Him in all truth! I quote, aaNi ivvulagukku
ellaam.......pinnark kaaNudi meymmai.

Due to the shaapam (curse) of a Rishi, Anjaneya was temporarily unaware of His own capabilities and
greatness. It was during that period that, despite having Him as his friend, Sugriva had lost his wife
and kingdom. Very soon Jaambavaan was to remind Hanuman of His powers, thereby annulling the
effect of the Rishi shaapam! Hanuman was yet to do the saagara dharaNam, Lanka Dahanam and
such exploits!

That is why Rama tells Laxmana that you will see for yourself as to how great Hanuman is!

Ramayana is a world by itself. It has seven cantos with seven worlds. This chariot came to a standstill
when Sita had been taken away and Rama started searching for her! The mo-ment Rama met
Anjaneya, He knew that He has found the king pin! The chariot of Ramayana starts running again at
once! Sugriva who was in a slump wakes up and challenges Vaali. Rama kills Vaali with His arrows. The
monkey teams start a search for Sita in all corners of the globe. Location of Sita in Lanka, the great fire
of Lanka, construction of the bridge on the ocean setu bandanam, Rama Ravana Yuddham (war),
fol-lowed by Pattabhishekam (coronation); the epic moves on inexorably only after that. In all this, the
major share of action is that of Anjaneya Hanuman!

Till half of Ramayana was over, nobody knew this Hanu-man at all. He enters in Kishkinda Kaandam
and becomes more important than the Hero of the epic (kavyam). Then the whole of Sundara
Kaandam is all His play. The ardent devotees of Rama will still do paaraayanam of this chapter
Sundara Kaandam only when it comes to using such action for success in their endeavours! Thus, once
Rama met Anjaneya, it was as though, Rama handed over the control of the chariot and told him to
take it wherever He wants to! Rama Nama was His. But He used Anjaneya to wield the Rama Nama for
saving Sita! He got Anjaneya to fly to Lanka by the power of Rama Nama, while He had to walk the

Whatever I do is all Ramas Grace, thought Anjaneya. He also knew that, It was all Sitas Anugraha.
He never took pride for having done sagara dharaNam and Lanka dahanam. He knew that it was the
power of Rama Nama, that He could fly across the ocean and that it was Sitas agony that burnt Lanka.
He was thankful to Sita and Rama, that they were kind enough to make use of Him for their intended

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We generally compete with each other in all our endeavours for getting aids, bonuses, prizes, awards
and free dole! Then we have the feeling that we have done so much for others and that we have been
dealt badly! But Sita Rama Anjaneya, all three of them, have the feeling that they can never be
able to pay back properly for the favours received! This is a big lesson for all of us in Ramayana.

Anjaneya who was mighty powerful felt that Rama was the cause of his powers. Directly proportional
to His powers, He was humble to the core! Generally as the saying goes, power corrupts and
absolute power corrupts absolutely! In the case of Hanuman, He was absolutely powerful and also
absolutely vinay sheel! We have neither power nor humility! Let us all pray to Rama to endow us
with the capacity for diligent work and lack of pride!

Read this link for the original version in Tamil:

The Greatness of Maruthi

Deivathin Kural Vol 4

The mind is often compared with the monkey. Kurangu Buddhi is

the catch phrase! Never concentrating on any one subject, forever
flitting from one to the other is the famous character of the
Monkey. That is how our human mind also behaves! Our
AachaaryaaL says in Sivananda Lahari (sloka 20), hrudaya kapim
atyanta chapalam! He says, Parameswara! Catch hold of my mind
which is extremely fickle with a rope and earn your livelihood by
entertaining people as a handler of Monkeys! This is better than
begging with a skull as the begging bowl! If you do that, you will
also make a good earning and I will also be saved from myself!

Thus when he is having a dig at himself, our AachaaryaaL uses the

phrase, hrudaya kapi. In English also monkey mind is an often
used phrase! To be without any control forever drifting, flitting and
vacillating monkey like is the correct comparison for our minds.
The ever quite and contained cow and elephant are herbivores. That is nothing much surprising.
Whereas the tiger which is constantly restless is a carnivore! Even when hungry the tiger will not eat
grass. If ever the tiger eats grass that will be a shock!

Aanjaneya Swamis surprising greatness is in this. Despite being a monkey famous for fickleness,
despite being physically very strong, he has controlled his mind without any monkey like behaviour!

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Having brought his mind and senses under control, he has completely devoted his entire being in the
service of Sri Ramachandra Murthy. That is his greatness. There is one more surprise. With complete
control of the vacillating senses and mind, he did not give up all his duties and retire into some forest
cave somewhere catching hold of his nose, like any other recluse! Aanjaneya is not like that. He is
known as, asaadhya saadhakar, meaning the one who makes the impossible possible!

He jumped across the ocean, lifted a mountain (Sanjeevi) and flew, destroyed a whole forest (Asoka
Vanam) and set fire to a whole township (Lanka Puri)! He never gave up against whatever the odds,
was never disheartened or disgruntled; with total focus he could concentrate his attention on Sri
Rams lotus feet bringing his mind to a standstill; with a body that could run anywhere and
everywhere in Sri Rams service! What is the fastest? Speed of air, speed of light or is it the speed of
mind? In the gross, air is the fastest and in the subtle the mind. Arjuna is complaining in the Bhagawat
Gita (Gita 6-34.) that this mind is running helter-skelter and is uncontrollable like the air: chanchalam
hi mana: Krishna!.....vaayoriva sudushkaram! Bhagawan also has compared the steadiness of a Yogis
mind to an oil lamp in a windless place, yataa deepo nivaadasto nengathe sopamaa... (Gita 6-19.).
The word nivaada means windless. By the words vaada and vaayu we mean the same thing, the air
or wind.

Who is Aanjaneya Swami? He is born a monkey well known for its fickleness. He is the son of Vayu,
the God of Air. Air again is famous for instability and dynamic random movements. He is known as
Vayu Kumara and Vaataatmaja. Aatmaja means son. vaataatmajam vaanara yoota mukhyam sri
rama dootam sirasaa namaami. Yootam means a mass of people. Vaanara yoota mukhyam
means, an officer of the army of monkeys. He has both the gross speed of air and the subtle speed of
the mind which he achieves not by the mind but body! mano javam maaruta tulya vegam
jitendriyam buddhi mataam varishtam.

The phrase mano javam means having the subtle speed of the mind. Javam means speed. Then,
maaruta tulya vegam means having the physical speed of air. Maaruta means air. The pleasant
southerly breeze is known as manda maarutam. As the son of maarutam he is also known as
Maruti. In bhajan they sing veera maaruti, gambeera maruti. As the mind-son he is manojavar and
we know that mind is ever vacillating. He is as fast as the air maruta tulya vega; and the son of air
also. Then he is the head or chief of a monkey army! The surprising thing is that despite all this, he is
jitendriyam buddhimataam varishtam; victorious over the five senses and foremost amongst the
intelligentsia. He has won over the senses and so is jitendriya. Mind being the controller of the
senses, jitendriya also means that his mind is under control too. That is why he is foremost amongst
the intelligentsia, buddhimataam varishta:! Buddimaan itself is a word of praise for being brainy.
Then amongst the brainy if you are amongst the first few, you are known as buddhimataam vara;
higher than vara is vareeya relatively and varishta superlatively. Even this is not enough to
describe Maruti. There is no place for comparison when we talk about him.

Amongst Gnaanis also such words of comparison exist such as, Brhmavid (positive), Brhmavidvara
(comparative) and Brhmavidvarishta (superlative). Like that Maruti is Buddimataam Varishta:.

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More than all this, his greatest value is as Rama Daasa, the servant of Sri Rama Chandra! He is the
foremost amongst all devotees of God! Amongst the brainy he is tops; amongst the physically tough
he is the toughest; and then amongst the servants of God he is the best! His most important duty was
when he was sent as the messenger of Sri Rama to search and locate Sita and convey the message of
encouragement with His Signet Ring! At various times throughout RamayaNa his words of wisdom are
worthy of note to be memorised and absorbed! He gave hope and encouragement to Sita and Rama;
Life to Lakshmana, counsel to Vibhishana, and saved Bharata from self immolation on completion of
14 years of Sri Rama Vana Vaasa! For all this and for our own hope and redemption, we should all be
saying Sri Rama dootam sirasa namaami and do Saashtaanga Namaskaar!
manojavam maaruta tulya vegam jitendriyam buddhimataam varishtam I vaataatmajam vaanara
yoota mukhyam sri rama dootam sirasa namaami II

Read this link for the original version in Tamil:

Anjanas Son may grant us Good Health

Deivathin Kurla Vol 5

There is a famous sloka that is chanted at the start of Ramayana

ParayaNam (chanting) on Aanjaneya (Son of Anjana Devi and the
God of Air, Vayu); which is like this, buddhir balam yasho
dhairyam nirbhayatvam arohataam / ajaadhyam vaak patutvam
cha, hanoomat sharaNaat bhavet //. It lists all the benefits of
thinking about Hanumaan the son of Anjana Devi and Vaayu
Bhagawan. What are those things? First is Buddhi, the power to
discern, comprehend, analyse, assess, evaluate and come to a
decisive conclusion. As you can see in it are included all the control
over the sensors, inputting devices, collection, collation, analysis
and evaluating of data all intellectual processes. Then the benefit
is Balam.

This can be taken as the strength of mind as well as the strength of

the body. Then is Yasha: the name and fame, followed by the
courage of convictions. OK. We should be brave and courageous, all right. Why is the very next quality
mentioned is Nir Bhayatvam, meaning fearlessness? The answer to that question is that, it is not only
your courage that is necessary, but also that you should not be causing fear in others. Only then
others will feel free to approach you, isnt it? Sanyaasi takes a Deeksha to get rid of his ferociousness,
so that he may not cause fear in other animals! Next point is arogataam that is, to be healthy enough
to be free of diseases. The devotee who does SmaraNa (that is to repeatedly remembering the name

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and qualities of Hanuman, happens to get so healthy to be rid of any and every type of disease. Then
is this word Ajaadhyam mentioned, meaning not being inert like a piece of dead wood. Then finally
is added the quality of vaak patutvam to mean the power of spoken and written expression. Not only
as a matter of the beauty of words and their appropriateness but the correctness and incisiveness of
the idea and thoughts behind it, is vaak patutvam, that is extolled in other words as, vaakku vanmai,
nava vyaakaraNa pandita: and sollin selvan as coined by Kalki Ra.Krishnamurthy.

Buddhi, Balam, Yashas, Dhairyam, Abhayatvam, Aarogyam and Vaak-Patutvam are the seven very
important qualities required in us all right. Without anybody telling us, we will pray for these things
ourselves alright. But the eighth Ajaadhyam, (listed as the seventh in the Sloka), requires a little
more attention. It may not be clear as to why we should be praying for it especially! But to me, that
quality of Ajaadhyam seems to be more important than anything else, looking at the way things are
going on in this world of ours. This is what we should all be praying for and this is what Anjaneya
Swami should be showering on us plentifully, it seems.

Instead of being Jadam to be sentient, meaning what? To be a dullard, without any sprightliness, to
be lazy and spiritless. All lifeless matter is Jadam, while animated lively forms are all chaitanyam
evolving out of Chit. From the root Jada is Jaadyam. The human life is supposed to have evolved
from the knot of chit jada granti. It is this connection with matter that keeps us grounded in
thinking ourselves to be the body instead of being aware of our spirituality! Gnaanis tell us to get rid
of the bodily awareness and become purely chinmaya!

Let it happen whenever it has to happen, that waking up to reality. Now, while still in the material
body, let us try to the extent that we can, to keep doing things of relevance for us and others; instead
of being dull and lazy. Let us be active and wakeful. Now we are in the grip of Jaadyam completely.
We are dynamically involved in totally non-essential activities such as gossip, rumour, political
discussion; drinking coffee or tea; reading second grade or even worse fiction. Thus having spent all
our energies on wasteful ventures, we do not have the necessary vim and vigour for the activities we
should be involved in. Half our distraction is due to applied science and the so called modern
amenities of life and their sales / marketing gimmicks.

Another half of the distraction is due to the inputs from the society in the name of reformation,
renaissance and revolution! Despite seeing such people being shamelessly involved in purely crass and
selfish ventures, people are sitting as impotent and imbecile idiots, letting Dharmam be swindled and
vandalised, allowing Saastraas go to dogs and permitting Indian culture go to smithereens! When the
great warrior Arjuna was losing heart and sitting on the ground on the battle field, having dropped his
arms and weapons; did not Sri Krishna exhort him saying, Dont be a gutless creature like a dog with
his tail folded between his legs klaibyam maa sma gama: Paartha, he said! Today Aanjaneya
Swami has to motivate us like that a lot.

There were supposed to have been 64 different disciplines in existence for which there must have
been the basic books of Sciences, Arts, Crafts and Saastraas! There have been highly qualified expert
maestros in every field and disciplines of knowledge and their achievements are still there for the

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world to see, for which there must have been the basic and
advanced theoretical books. Even if the experts are not there,
what happened to all the literatures?

For these irreparable and irredeemable losses, wasnt our

lethargy and slothfulness the reason? To save us from our own
torpor, and likely further losses, we need Hanumans Anugraha
of Ajaadyam, very badly! Ajaadyam has been mentioned
before vaak patutvam. Today we are all, vaai chol veerargaL
in Tamil and tees maar khan in Hindi, claiming to be great
verbally and good for nothing in actual practice! I wish that
Anjaneya Swami may reduce the vaak patutvam part a little
and to that extent increase the Ajaadyam part, while
sanctioning, thereby making us more effective in action!

He was like that only, as a living example of all the qualities

described in the poem, of Buddhi, Balam and so on. He was ever
active, always on the move. That is how he is seen in the paintings and sculptures. Effortlessly lifting a
hill, flying high in the air, without any indication of tiredness or laziness, forever working for the
fairness and rectitude. Especially faced with any amount of opposition and obstacles, he was never to
give up his efforts and was invariably successful! Are we not the exact opposite?

As it is, it is very rare that we launch ourselves in such ventures, worth persevering for. Then, if at all
we do so, faced with the slightest opposition, we are ready to call it quits! This is the Kali Yuga. The
very Saastraas say that this is the time for the domination by elements that are bad and evil. So let us
simply stand aside and watch the fun or listen to the story!

Since we are endowed with quite a bit of vaak patutvam, if required we will go one step higher and
as an explanation use such words as Adwaita and Maya and finish with it! But our AachaaryaaL who
came down as an Avatara for that very purpose and wrote copiously of Adwaitam, did not use it as an
excuse and did not keep quiet either. If there are two great historical characters for relentless
perseverance and enormous hard work, they were One, Anjaneya and Two, our AachaaryaaL! If we
are to be just quiet bereft of all activities, it is not a state where we can willfully go and sit down!
Starting from the first step in the ladder, if we keep progressing, at one stage or the other, we will be
made to sit down quietly doing nothing! That is the real summa.

So, the summa that we say now, is all summakosaram summa. (Periyavaal laughs saying this, as
there is a double entendre on the use of the word summa! The phrase summakosaram means just
for the heck of it!) Even when physically we are all quiet, the mind will be running hither and thither,
doing all its mischief or dope around! Over working like a dog and sleeping like a log, both are
equally matters to be ashamed of, for a human being endowed with the sixth sense, as compared to
all others in the animal kingdom!

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Many of us have started in a big way doing Paaraayanam, Japa, Upavaasam, visiting temples,
attending Bhajanai, Satsang, taking part in religiously oriented social service and so many such
activities, havent we? Then as the days go by, our keenness dwindles or some small incident becomes
a dampener! I myself started a plan called, Mudra AdhikaarigaL Dhittam, as though I will turn the
whole world around, by which many service activities and periodic prayer meets were organised;
which have all gone and vanished without a forwarding address!

Whereas, have we ever seen a club running a bar, card room,

dances and organised gambling; ever go bankrupt or pack up
and go? Many members may become bankrupt but, the club
goes on thriving forever! There is Ajaadhyam there!

No other history or biography or even fiction can match

Anjaneyas indomitable will to succeed coupled with a never
say die attitude against all odds and opposition of Himalayan
proportions! There is super Ajaadhyam there! Immediately
after his birth as an Avatara, the infant baby, thinking of the
Sun to be a red fruit, just launched itself in an orbit to the
Surya Mandalam! Then itself monumental obstacles started
cropping up! Indra the King of all Devas threw the Vajra
Aayudham (the bolt of lightning and thunder is said to be the
weapon of Indra the Vajra Aayudham) and broke his jaw.
Hanu means the jaw. Hanuman as a name evolved to
indicate a man with something noticeably wrong with his
jaw, I suppose. But, He did not give up at once. He went to Surya, approached him as a Sishya goes to
a Guru and learnt many things from him including the Nava VyakaraNa (the nine grammer books in
Sanskrit), without tiring and giving up, travelling from Udaya Giri (Hill of the Rising Sun) to Asta Giri
(Hill of the Setting Sun); facing the Sun all the time with due respect and reverence!

As a child also he played many pranks and got on the wrong side of many. Entering the quiet and
peaceful Ashramas of many Rishis, he would pluck the flowers and fruits from plants, biting and
tasting some, dropping many littering all around. One of those Rishis cursed him that he may forget
his divine powers, till when he will one day serve the purpose of Sri Rama Avatara! Still he did not pull
a face and sit down in a corner. He did all that he could in the service of his friend Sugriva. There also
obstacles galore came up.

The great warrior Vaali came up to vanquish Sugriva. So, Hanuman took Sugriva to a place inaccessible
to Vaali due to a curse and took able care of his friend. Then after he came under Sri Rama, his divine
powers were also back with him, after Jaambavaan reminded him of his super human powers, just
before he launched himself across the oceans from the Mahendra Hills, in search of Sita! Then he did
many impossible feats of valor such as crossing miles of oceans as though jumping over a puddle of

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water, picking up mountains as though plucking weeds from the ground, fighting with and defeating
well-built and strong Raakshasaas in combat!

Just note the number of obstacles that he had to encounter, while crossing the ocean through the air!
Three different Raakshasees (female ogres) came in the way to prevent him from proceeding further,
namely Surasai, Himsikai and LangiNi. Surasai opened her mouth wide for gobbling him; Hanuman
became smaller than a mosquito, entered her mouth and came out of her ears, without getting stuck
in the Raakshasees mucous membranes!

He could have fought and defeated her but that would have affected Swamis time schedule, delayed
release of Sita, affecting Sri Ramas return to Ayodhya beyond the 14 years of Vana Vaasa period; and
there Bharatha would have committed suicide by jumping in to the fire! He had to be calculative of all
that time and have the presence of mind that is Ajaadhyam to the core!

When you are deeply involved in your work, then you would not be aware of your tiredness or
boredom or Jaadhyam at all. From the middle of the ocean the Mynaaka Malai (a mountain of that
name) came up offering itself as a place of rest for Hanuman, who was travelling by the aerial route,
telling him, Sir! Please be kind enough to take a break and rest for some time on the salubrious
environs of this mountain top rest area of mine!

He told the Mynaama Malai, OK! Let the job be over, we shall see on my return journey! Thus he
gave a pat on the shoulders of that Mynaaka Malai expressing his appreciation and continued on his
way, like an arrow from Ramas bow that never misses its mark! Then how many Raakshasaas tried to
attack and kill him! How many pestered him in so many ways! Finally they put fire to his tail!

Did he ever lose heart and get diverted from his mission? Thus throughout the story he kept facing
obstacles and hindrances, one over the other and he goes on with relentless vim and vigour. The
greatest appreciable point in all this is that, amongst them all, so much Buddhi, Balam, Dhairyam and
Ajaadhyam; he did not make use of any of his powers for selfish reasons? He is a man with no
personal life of his own! We hear about a phrase, selfless service too often these days. Anjaneya
Swami was a true embodiment of what is selfless service! Was there a wife or children or family life
for him? Initially he was in Sugrivas service and then for Sri Ramachandra Murthy, he sacrificed his
whole life! As his ennobling qualities of physical prowess and mental and moral acumen were
embellished by lack of selfishness, in addition to devotion, humility and integrity; they mutually
increased the impact!

After Buddhi and Balam, the third is Yashas which is name and fame. True fame comes from
sincere service of devotion with no mix of selfishness whatsoever! All other qualities of brains,
strength, courage, fearlessness, health and presence of mind, as well as vaak patutvam that is, the
power of expression that even characters like Ravana of olden times and Hitler in the modern day
world had in plenty; but getting true admiration of yashas does not happen to all! When you think of
people like Ravana and Hitler, you feel like cursing, dont you? When you use all your great and
valuable qualities for the sake of welfare of the world at large, only then can true fame come to you.

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Thinking of him and us as well, one is lost for words; as there is just no comparison! (PeriyavaaL
becomes quiet and contemplative. Then suddenly he restarts with overflowing kindness.) Nobody
need feel bad. Please do not feel insulted that I am calling you names and things like that. I have no
anger or acerbity.

While talking about Anjaneya Swami, we should give no place for anger. Sri Rama gave him Upadesa
of Gnaana and Sita as the Mother gave him Upadesa of Prema. After Ravana was killed, Anjaneya
came to Asoka Vana jumping with joy, to inform the good news to mother.

One look at all the Raakshasees on guard duty there, he was about to jump on them and finish them
all off, for having been a pain on mothers side all these days! Amma Sita said, My Dear Anjaneya!
What is the defining character of high culture? It is unconditional love. Who in the world can ever say
that they have never erred or sinned? Do not touch them. They were royal maids. They have to obey
the kings orders. So whatever they did was as per the royal edicts. If now, VibhishaNa becomes their
king, by his orders they will do Namaskar. From that day Anjaneya became the very incarnation of
love and compassion! But, that does not mean that he will not punish evil doers. If need be he will
show anger or annoyance, with the deep care and consideration that we should abjure the evil ways
and adopt the righteous path.

So, if I do become annoyed, that would mean that I am not qualified to talk about Hanuman. As a bit
of a show of annoyance will cajole you on the right path, I do a bit of huffing and puffing like the
shock treatment given by doctors sometime! There is no anger. Nobody need be annoyed with
anybody. Prem should be the only attitude with all beings. That is what Anjaneya loves.

But he will not agree to the erosion of value systems and righteousness. He wont sit tight and watch
gradual deterioration of human value systems. So in action you have to be watchful and alert, if you
have to deserve his Anugraha. So that Anjaneya may bless us to be ever actively alive, effectively
abjuring laziness, let us all pray to him!

Read this link for the original version in Tamil:

Deivathin Kural Vol 7

Read from this link:

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Panchamukha Hanuman
The origin of Sri Panchamukha Hanuman can be
traced to a story in the Ramayana. During the war
between Lord Ram and Ravana, Ravana took the help
of Mahiravana who was the king of pathala. Lord
Hanuman in order to protect Lord Ram and Lakshman
formed a fortress with his tail. But Mahiravana took
the form of Vibeeshana and took Lord Ram and
Lakshman to pathala loka.

Hanuman entered pathala loka in search of Rama and

Lakshmana. He found out that to kill Mahiravana he
had to extinguish 5 lamps at the same time. So he
took the Panchamukha form with Hanuman,
Hayagriva, Narasimha, Garuda and Varaha faces and
extinguished the lamps. Mahiravana was killed

The story apart, Sri Panchamukha Hanuman was the

upasana deity of Sri Ragavendra Tirtha, the saint of
Mantralaya. The place where he meditated on
Panchamukha Hanuman is now known as
Panchamukhi, wherein a temple for Panchamukha
Hanuman has been built.

Significance of the Five Faces

Every Face of Sri Panchamukha Hanuman has significance.

Sri Hanuman faces East. He grants purity of mind and success.

Sri Narasimha faces South. He grants victory and fearlessness.
Sri Garuda faces West. He removes black magic and poisons.
Sri Varaha faces North. He showers prosperity and wealth.
The Hayagriva mukha faces the sky. But since we cannot see it, it is usually tilted and shown above
Hanuman's face. Sri Hayagriva confers knowledge and progeny.

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Prayers and Stotrams on Anjaneya
Hanuman Chalisa
Listen to this popular Hindi Prayer and also learn the lyrics :

Hanumath Pancha Rathnam

(Five gems on Hanuman)
By Adhi Sankara Bhagawat Pada

Translated by Shri P.R.Ramachander

Veethakhila vishayecham, Jathanandaasru pulakamathyacham,

Seethapathi dhoothakhyam ,Vathathmajamadhya bhavaye hrudhyam. 1

I think about the son of Vayu in my mind,

Who is devoid of all desires of enjoyment,
Who sheds copious tears of joy,
Whose hair stands erect at His thought,
And who is the great emissary of the Lord of Sita

Tharunaruna Muka kamalam , karuna rasa poora poorithapangam,

Saajeevanamaasase manjula mahimana manjana Bhagyam. 2

All my life I yearn to see that Hanuman,

Who is the good fortune of Anjana,
Whose face is as red as the rising Sun,
Whose glances are full of the mercy,
Who brought back the dead in the battle,
And whose fame is great.

Sambhara vairi saradhigamambudala vipula lochanadhaaram,

Kambu gala niladishtam bimba jwalithoshta mekamalambhe 3

My only refuge is Hanuman,

Who had reddish lips like the Bimba fruit,
Who is the enemy of the arrows of Manmatha,
Who has broad eyes like lotus leaves,
And whose neck is like a conch.

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Dhoorikrutha seetharthi , prakati krutha rama vaibhava spohoorthi,
Daritha dasa mukha keerthi, puratho mama bhathu Hanumatho Murthy. 4

Let the form of Hanuman ,

Which drove away the sorrow of Sita,
Which made known the prowess of Rama,
And which destroyed the fame of ten headed Ravana,
Shine before me.

Vanara nikaradhyaksham, dhanava kula kumudha ravikara sadruksham,

Dheena janavana dheeksham pavana paka ambuja madraksham. 5

I Saw Lord Hanuman,

Who is the result of penance of God of wind,
Who is the leader of all monkeys,
Who is similar to the Sun God to water lily,
To the hoards of Rakshasas,
And who is he protector of the suffering humans.

Ethath pavana suthasya stotram,

Ya patathi pancha rathnakhyam,
Chiramiha nikhilan bhogan bhukthwa,
Sri Rama Bhakthiman Bhavathi.

He who reads these five gems,

Which are the poems of praise of,
The son of God of wind,
Would become a devotee of Lord Rama,
And would enjoy his life for a long time.

Listen here:

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Anjaneya Stothra
Translated by Shri P.R.Ramachander

Anjana nandanam Veeram janaki soka nasanam,

Kapeesa Maksha hantharam, Vande lanka bhayangaram. 1

Salutations to the terror of Lanka,

Who is the heroic son of Anjana,
Who brought to an end , all sorrows of Sitha,
Who is the king of monkeys ,
Who killed Aksha the son of Ravana.

Mano javam , maruda thulya vegam,

Jithendriyam buddhi matham varishtam,
Vatha atmajam vanara yudha mukhyam,
Sree rama dootham sirasa namami. 2

I bow my head and salute the emissary of Rama,

Who has won over his mind,
Who has similar speed as wind,
Who has mastery over his organs,
Who is the greatest among knowledgeable,
Who is the son of God of wind,
And who is the chief in the army of monkeys.

Anjaneya madhi patalananam,

Kanchanadri kamaneeya vigraham,
Parijatha tharu moola vasinam,
Bhavayami bhava mana nandanam,. 3

I bow before the darling son of the god of wind,

Who is the son of Anjana,
Who is great among killers of ogres,
Who is like a golden mountain,
Who is handsome to look at,
And who lives near the roots of Parijatha tree,

Yatra yatra Raghu nada keerthanam,

Thathra thathra krudha masthakanjalim,
Bhashpa vari pari poorna lochanam,
Maruthim namatha Rakshasanthakam. 4

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I pray and salute the son of wind god,
Who brought to end the rakshasas,
Who is always present with eye full of tears,
With head bowed in veneration,
Wherever the praise of Lord Rama is sung.

Phala sruthi

Budhir balam yaso dhairyam nirbhayathwam arokadha,

Ajadyam vak paduthwancha hanumath smaranath bhaveth.

He who meditates on Lord Hanuman,

Would be blessed with knowledge, strength,
Fame, courage, fearlessness, health,
Tirelessness and mastery over words,

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We gratefully acknowledge the following blogs and websites which contained a treasure of information for
compiling this Ebook on Lord Anjaneya.


Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara!

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