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Cell Theory Timeline Famous Scientists Scientist Year Discovery Han & Zacharias Janssen 1595 | They made the first microscope by placing 2 lenses in atube. Robert Hooke 1665 He studied many objects in his primitive compound microscope and published a book of it. | Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1680 He described cells in a drop of pond water usinga simple microscope with only one extremely good lens to lookon the blood, insects, and many more. He was describing about the cells and bacteria. He made his own fine quality lens for use in monocular microscope. Matthias Schleiden | Theodor Schwann 1838 1839 He was stating that the cell isthe basic building block of ll plants matter because the tissues are composed of cells. An embryonic plant arose from a single cel. He was stating that the animal and plant cells have different structures. The tissues are made of cells. 1665 -- Robert Heoke English physicist Robert Hooke looked at a sliver of cork through d microscope lens and neticed some “pores or "ces" in it. He believed | the cells had served as contcners ffor the “noble juices" or “fibrous ‘threads’ of the once-living cork tree, Hooke was the first person to use the word "eel" te identify microscopic structures when he wos describing cork, 1674 = Anton Von Leeuwenhoek | Anton Von Leewenhoek was-me- first to see ond describe bacteria, ‘an Jarvis iltp:/wwtimetoast conv/tmelines 23002, a - | 1898» Watts Selden His methods hod led him to propose 4 ‘he cell theory for plants, He was \ the first to recognize the importance of cels os fundamental units of life. ————— 1839 -- Theodor Schwann Schwann proposed that all ‘ongenisms are composed of cells, He also discovered the cells, now known as alain the Schwann cells, that form a sheath | cell nucleus, =| surrounding nerve axons and conducted ___| experiments that helped disprove the "| theery of spontaneous ceneration, | 1700 | 1800 1900 | — 1864 == Louis raster | f) 1855 - i Puiof u | Louis Pasteur cid on )) Virchow experiment that determined | | that soup exposed to air only Rudolf Virchow published his ‘polled if the air was net filtered or if | in normal cells, the flask containing the soup had on pening that alowed micro organisms to cell stems from another | get to the soup. If he used flasks with cell"), He also stoted that | long S-shaped necks the micro al diseases involve changes |_| orgorisms that spoiled the soup settled in the neck and did not spoll the soup, ‘now-famous aphorism omnis cellulae celula (‘every | MGA SINAUNANG ie DSS Tm fore FO Gp GP 2D & 1590 Zacharius Jansen invents the compound microscope 1674 Anton yon Leowenhaok discovers unicellular organisms 1663 Robert Hooke discovers cells 1839 Theodore Schwann realizes g 1838 Mattius Sebleiden realizes alanine we wade afeate all plants are made of calls wie 1886 Ernst Abbe and Carl Zeiss invent the 1885 Rudolf Virchow proposes that modern compound all cells come from other cells microscope 1955 The Scanning Electran Fa] Microscope Is invented Yer Rec Contribution 19 Zacharias Tense Jensen creates the fist compound microscope. Hooke, using a microscope that be devised, viewed | 1688 Robert Hooke the cll walls of cook forthe first time. He comed the term ‘cel’ stll used in biology today. van Lesuwvenhioek observes the first living cellsin 167) Antonievan Leeuwenhoek pond water using lenses hate created fr hs Brown discovers the nucleus in plant cellsand ” tates suggests its importance in cell creation, . -.. _ Sebileiden proposes that all plant tissues are 1838 Matthias Jakob Schleden cnpdcfals Sevan cones ht ots plants, tot atimal hssues, a8 wel, are composed of one or 1) Tareas. aot at he elise unit forall organs. iw Bran taste sed ato he cel ry i. Rods Viton Vitehovr adds the third part to the cell theorystating 1888 thatcells only come from other living cells, JOHANN BALMER 625 1598 Swiss Developed empirical for 1 mulato describe hydrogen | spectrum, raat {JAMES CLERK MAXWELL 1831 1879 Scottish Propounded the theory of | electromagnetism; devel- ! ‘oped the kinetic theory of | {JOSEPH FOURIER 1768-1830 French Vestablished the differen- ‘tial equation governing Uheat diffusion and solved Jicby devising an infinite | series of sine and cosines capable of ap- ‘proximating a wide variety of functions JAMES DEWAR 1842 1923 Britich "Liquified nitrogen and jinvented the Dewar flask, which is critical for low- j temperature work, ROBERT HOOKE 1635-1703 English English pipsicist who discov] red the law of elasticity known as Hoke’ law, and who ald research ina remarks = ble variay of felts NHARD EULER 1707 = 1783 ‘Swiss Made fimdamental contibu- tions to fii dynamics, lar orbit theory (tides), and me- chanics; also contributed pm- litically to all areas of classical b mathematics ' ‘OSBORNE REYNOLDS. 1942-1912 [Contd edt the fle of [ydaulic and hydroiynam- ics: developed mathematical framework far turbulence and indeed the "Reynolds 1 umber” which provides. criterion fr dynamic ' ' OLIVER HEAVISIDE | “*ilanity and correct 1850-1925, English ‘modeling in many fuid- flow experiments "ilasaa ce idiemeue l ieoiecd gecieaicanck ‘ ‘ Seatac Nin frpeoncedisia

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