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Roberts Rebellion

In a land called Westeros, there was a kingdom under the rule of the King Aerys

Targaryen. There was tensions between the noble houses in the lands. The land was a

large continent separated into seven kingdoms. These seven kingdoms were called

Dorne, the Stormlands, the Riverlands, the Vale, the North, the Riverlands and the

Reach. King Aerys was an old man with silver hair and purple eyes. He desired to be

known as the greatest ruler ever but people truly knew who was really the brains behind

the operation, Tywin Lannister. Tywin was the Lord of Casterly Rock which was a large

castle in the westerlands. After the Kings infant children died and the Duskendale

Mutiny, where Aerys was captured and held as prisoner for half a year, the King

became insane. He refused to leave the Red Keep and became extremely paranoid. He

even grew weary of his hand, Lord Tywin Lannister. He dealt with him by stripping his

heir Jaime of all his lands and titles and appointed him to the Kingsguard this is a

conniving move from the king. This irritated Tywin to the point of giving up his position

as hand of the king and he returns to Casterly Rock. Tywins priority was to keep his

family legacy.

All of the high lords gathered for a tournament at the castle of Harrenhal to

celebrating the Advent of Spring. At the Tournament of Harrenhal Prince Rhaegar

Targaryen defeated amazing warriors such as Barristan the Bold, Ser Arthur Dayne,

Yohn Royce and Brandon Stark, who are all experienced and respected fighters.

Rhaegar was arguably the most handsome man in the kingdoms with similar features to

his father of silver hair and purple eyes. After winning, the crowned prince was allowed
to choose a queen of love and beauty. Scandalously, Rhaegar rode past his wife, Elia

Martell and gave the title to Lyanna Stark, the Lord of Winterfells daughter. The reason

this infuriated so many people was because Lyanna was already betrothed to Robert

Baratheon. Robert was a strong, bold, 66 male who had grown up with the honorable

Ned Stark and Jon Arryn in the Vale. A few days later Prince Rhaegar allegedly

captured Lyanna and took her to a tower in Dorne called the Tower of Joy with the help

of some Kingsguard. After hearing about these actions Brandon Stark took his best

northern men and rode to Kings Landing and demanded for the prince to come out.

Aerys put Brandon in jail, for plotting the death of Rhaegar. After this his father, Rickard

Stark, immediately rode to the Red Keep demanding a trial by combat. Aerys laughed in

his face and chose wildfire as his champion to fight for him and killed both the Starks

and their men. Days later, the king sent a letter to Jon Arryn, the lord of the Vale to

send both Neds and Roberts head. After this Jon Arryn, Robert Baratheon and Ned

Stark were so angry they declared themselves in open rebellion against the throne.

They began spreading the news and asked for the aid of other large families in the

upcoming fight. After gaining support of parts of the seven Kingdoms, the Rebellion


Each side began gaining support of any house they could get. Each man would

be needed to end the longest dynasty the land has ever seen. Small battles took place

between loyalist forces and the rebels. The most popular fight that took place was

between Jon Conington and Robert Baratheon. The rebels won and Jon was exiled by

the king due to his failure to win the battle. The rebellers gained majority control of the
Stormlands, the Vale and the North. After each side winning battles the forces were

about to meet with all their men behind them. Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, Ned Stark, and

Robert Baratheon and their 35,000 men met Rhaegar and his 40,000 men at the

Trident. When the royal army crossed over the river they were bombarded by the

rebels.After fierce battle and neither side gaining control the battle kept going. Even

after Lewyn Martell, the Dornish Prince died, the fighting proceeded. Finally somewhere

in the middle Robert Baratheon engaged in single combat vs Rhaegar. The prince

injured Robert initially but with one swing of his giant war hammer he ended the war

there and then. Robert struck Rhaegar in the chest and the gleaming red rubies

scattered all over the bloody battleground. The forces retreated after news spread of the

beloved princes death. When Lord Tywin heard of the victory he went to Kings Landing

to kill the King as an act of faith with the rebels. He tricked Aerys into letting him into

Kings Landing but once he got in he began to loot and raid the city. He then

commanded his bannerman to kill Rhaegars wife and children. He had arrived just

before Lord Stark and the rest of his men. Aerys told his men to ignite the wildfire and

burn the city which inhabited over half a million. Jaime picked up on what was going on

and caught up to the man igniting the wildfire. After doing that he ran to the King and

stabbed him in the back. Jaime was ridiculed harshly for doing this but truly saved

nearly half a million people because for the past several hours the Mad King had been

screaming Burn them all! Although Ned, Robert and Jon didnt fully trust the

Lannisters, they knew Tywin was a valuable asset to help run the kingdom. After some

meetings and decisions it was determined that Robert Baratheon would be the king and
hed marry Cersei Lannister, Tywins daughter. Jon Arryn was the hand of the king, and

Ned would be Warden of the North. After a hard fought war things began to settle in

with a new Protector of the Realm. In Roberts early years as King the realm was

thriving economically, except not due to Roberts work. While Robert was off drinking

and hunting, Jon and his advisors ran the kingdom. Although things would complicate

very soon. And then began the Game of Thrones.

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