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Multilayer Architecture

Samer El Kaddoum (201410292)

Layered Architecture

The architecture is the enterprise-scale division of a system

into layers or tiers, each having responsibility for a major part
of the system and with as little direct influence on other layers.
N-tier Applications
A logical n-tier application is an application where all logical parts are separated
into discrete classes. In a typical business application, this generally involves a
Presentation Layer, Business Logic Layer and a Data Access Layer.
Benefits & Needs

N-tier application architecture provides a model by which developers can create

flexible and reusable applications. By segregating an application into tiers,
developers acquire the option of modifying or adding a specific layer, instead of
reworking the entire application.

This separation makes the application easier to maintain. The advantages of this
architecture are that all business rules and data access are centralized that make
them easy to create, use and re-use.
Practical Example: A Web Application

Presentation Layer : Web Forms, Scripts (client side

JavaScripts), Styles (CSS and custom styles for styling the
Business Layer : is the part of the program that encodes the
real-world business rules that determine how data can
be created, stored, and changed.
Data Access Layer : entities classes and objects to communicate
with the database.
Common layer : properties and helper classes to communicate
with all the three layers commonly.

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