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Made by: Jawad Saleem

Layered Architecture is a popular design
pattern that separates different aspects of a
software system into independent layers. ,
each with a specific responsibility. It promotes
separation of concerns, modularity, and
scalability. This presentation will explore the
benefits of this architecture pattern to build
robust and scalable software systems.
Working Process

1. The system is divided into logical layers, such as

presentation layer, business logic layer, and data
access layer.

2. Each layer has specific responsibilities and

interacts with adjacent layers through well-defined

3. Communication between layers is typically

achieved through function calls or message passing.

4. Changes in one layer have minimal impact on

other layers, facilitating maintainability and
Example Software Product
(E-commerce Application)
The application consists of multiple layers,
- Presentation Layer: Handles the user interface
and interacts with the user through web pages or
mobile applications.
- Business Logic Layer: Implements the core
business logic and rules, such as managing products,
processing orders, and handling payments.

- Data Access Layer: Manages the interaction with

the database, including querying and storing data.

- Separation of concerns: Each layer

focuses on specific functionalities,
making the system more modular and
easier to maintain.

- Scalability: New layers or components

can be added to accommodate changing
requirements without affecting the
existing layers.

- Flexibility: Changes in one layer have

minimal impact on other layers, enabling
easier modifications and updates.
Layered Architecture is a proven design pattern that provides several benefits
to build robust and scalable software systems. While it has some challenges,
they can be mitigated with best practices. By using Layered Architecture,
developers can build software systems that are easier to maintain, flexible,
and adaptable to changing requirements.
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