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College Contract

Setting expectations for yourself and for you child can be very important before they go away to
school. Creating a contract and answering questions on your expectations can keep you both
from unnecessary arguments. When a college student comes back home for the first time, there is
a new found independence. They did not have to report to anyone where they were or what they
were doing for a couple months, so they will be out of practice by the time they come home
whether thats during holiday breaks, over the summer or upon graduation. They may want to
test their boundaries and limits at home, because that is what they are doing at school. Although
as a parent that can become very frustrating, it is actually a good thing for your child to do. They
are becoming an adult so treat them like an adult. You both will be walking this fine line in
between your child being a full independent adult and your child still being your kid in your
home. Setting up expectations regarding communication while they are away at school, and how
late they can be out when they come home on breaks, will be important for you both to sit down
and discuss before they leave. This will help everyone stay on the same page, and hopefully keep
the battle for independence at a minimum. Below are some questions to help start the discussion
with your child.

Parent Expectations
What are your expectations of your child while they are at school (i.e. communication, grades,
involvement, and money)?

How often do they need to communicate with you?

What do they need to communicate to you?

66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning

What should their GPA be every semester?

Do you expect them to fill out a FERPA form so you can communicate with whoever you need
to, while they are at school?

Can they ask you for financial assistance? If so how often and how much?

How involved do you want your child to be in the financial aspects of college?

What expectations do you have of your child when they are home during schools breaks (i.e.
communication, curfew, job, money)?

66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning


Communication: Do you need to know where they are going at all times, who they will be with,
and when they will be home?

What time do you expect your child to awake every morning?

Do you expect them to have a job during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and summer break?

How much do they need to contribute financially to the household while on break?

Child Expectations
What are your expectations of your parents while you are in school?

66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning

How often do you wanting them contacting you while you are at school?

How involved do you want to be in the financial aspects of college?

What are you comfortable discussing with your family while you are at school?

What would you like to keep private?

66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning

What type of flexibility would you like to have while on break; including your schedule and

Child Signature


Parent Signature

Path after Graduation

It is an expectation of society that after a person graduates college they will have a job and live
independently, however, the research completed by the Pew Research Center found in 2016 that

66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning

32% of college aged individuals lived at home. Due to economic factors, and your childs
experience on their resume they might not be able to get a job in their desired field that pays
them enough to live independently for a while. As a parent are you willing for your child to
come home and live there for a period of time? Creating a set of rules and expectations, can help
decrease the amount of tension, and potential arguments in the home once your child graduates.

What are your expectations of your child when they graduate?

Can they come home after they graduate?

For how long?

66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning

If they are at home after graduation how much do they have to contribute financially, household
duties, ect.

Rent amount .

Household Expenses Contribution

Phone Bill

Car Insurance

Health Insurance

Gas/ Electric





Curfew .
Household Chores

66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning

How much are you willing to give/ provide financially to your child after graduation?

For how long?

What if they decide to go to graduate school, how or will you support them, and can they live at

Child Signature


66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning

Parent Signature

66 Miller Drive, Suite 104 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. #301

North Aurora, IL 60542 Chicago, IL 60642
630-907-9830 (312) 379-0466

2017 Lighthouse College Planning

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