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Toddler Strategy Sheet

1. Braxton

Goal: Braxton will pronounce words with clarity 3 times each toddler lab.

Teachers can use self-talk and parallel talk when playing with Braxton to model how to pronounce and
use words

Teachers can expand on the words Braxton uses to help him hear more language and to learn how to
pronounce the words correctly.

Teachers can have eye contact with Braxton and keep their words really simple and short.

1. Josh

Goal: Josh will take turns with his peers/teachers 2 times each day in lab.

Teachers can ask Josh, I want to play, can you give the ______ to me so I can have a turn please?
(repeat 2 times if necessary) If he does not give it to you say Its my turn now and gently take it from
him and play with it for a few minutes. If he tries to grab it back ask, do you want a turn? Josh says
yes. Teacher responds, If you want a turn, ask can I have a turn please. Give the toy back to Josh. If he
does not reach for the toy ask, Josh, it is your turn now, do you want to play with the ________?

Teachers can thank Josh when he takes turns.

Teachers can do something with Josh that he would enjoy while he waits for his turn.

2. Matt

Goal: Child Outcome: Matt will count up to 5 two times a day in lab.

The teachers will model counting each toy they play with as they play alongside Matt.

The teachers will use self-talk and parallel-talk to model counting when while they play.

The teachers will give Matt the opportunity to count by asking him to count with them.

3. McKay

Goal: McKay will identify a color 3 times in lab each day.

Teachers will use self-talk and parallel-talk to label colors as they interact with McKay.

Teachers will give McKay the opportunity to verbalize colors he sees.

Teachers will model saying and pointing to different colors in the classroom.

4. Abby
Goal: Abby will share toys with other children in the lab at least 3 separate times during the day.

Teachers can give Abby and another child a part or role to play as they share materials.

Teachers can remind Abby to wait for toddlers in front of her to wait for them to go first (ex: slide).

Teachers can help Abby find something to do while she waits for her turn with a toy.

5. Jacob

Goal: Jacob will separate from his parent/caregiver without crying each day that he comes to toddler

Teachers will give Jacob options of different activities he can participate in and give him time to

Teachers will give Jacob warnings to help him prepare for changes in routine and transitions for new
segments of the day.

Teachers will give Jacob specific ways to participate in activities when he is hesitant.

6. Elizabeth

Goal: Elizabeth will use her words to resolve a conflict or express herself once per lab.

Use expansion when she says something. When appropriate, ask her questions, only about 2 at a time.
(Language Strategies handout)

Help Elizabeth label her emotions, and give her words to say to express these emotions. (Pre-Lab and
Post-Lab teacher discussions)

Model how to use words to express themselves and resolve conflicts with other teachers and children,
especially in front of Elizabeth. (Core discussion about strategies)

Sing songs, count, and use facial expressions to get her attention, and to provide more methods to
work on language. (The Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom)

7. James

Goal: James will use words to label and/or request three times each day in toddler lab.

Use self-talk and parallel talk to model different words, and use descriptive language to describe what
he is doing. (Language Strategies handout)

Use signs paired with language of concrete words (objects) when talking with him. (Language
Strategies handout)
Model language for him, especially when giving him choices or helping him request items. (Core
discussion about strategies)

Encourage him to use the props (especially in the block area), and label the ones that he is interested
in. (The Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom)

8. Emma

Goal: Emma will initiate play with her peers 2 times each day in lab.

Teachers will encourage Emma to share her toys with other toddlers in the lab so that they can play

While Emma is playing alongside other toddlers, teachers will invite toddlers to work together to build
something, or complete a task.

Teachers can ask Emma to help another student in the classroom while in a center.

9. Leah

Goal: Leah will name/verbalize the colors of 3 objects each lab.

Teachers will give Leah the opportunity to verbalize colors that she sees.

Teachers will ask Leah to locate different colors for them.

Teachers will use self-talk and parallel-talk to identify colors as they interact with Leah.

10. Daniel

Goal: Daniel will follow 1 to 3 step directions two times each toddler lab.

The teachers will model how to follow directions when appropriate.

The teachers will repeat directions after a few minutes of no response, when appropriate.

The teachers will give statements of what direction they would like to be done.

11. Hannah

Goal: Hannah will verbally express what she needs/verbalize words two times each toddler lab.

Teachers will model how to verbalize a request. (Im going to ask___ for the doll.)
Teachers will encourage her to use her words when requesting something. (Would you like the orange

Teachers will expand words to help verbalize her request. (baby, want You want to play with the

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