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There are apparently some 500 types of tarot cards in existence, and a
proportion of these are designed for a specific purpose, one example of which, is
the Inner child Cards. Most however, are new age fashion cards such as Dragon
Cards, Witches Cards etc., and on the whole are mainly play things.

True spiritual cards have to be based on the complete depth of human

understanding that exists within a persons character. It is also necessary that
each card gives guidance and direction of that life at that moment of time. The
pack that bests fits that needs are the Osho Zen tarot Cards. These again also
have an instruction book which can be used by the less spiritual or unawakened

For those who wish to communicate with their guide however, a strict
discipline of learning and patience is required, which is structured on the
following page. Please note however, that these cards are NOT religious and
were created from humanitarian writings of the early Buddha. Though they have
some similarities between modern Buddhism and the cards, there is a divergence
between their interpretation of Buddhas thoughts and the spiritual
interpretation which is given to those of a spiritual understanding who believes in
their guide and the higher spirit.

1 Do not open the book

2 Have a suitable size notebook and pen to hand.

3 Pick the first card of the deck.

4 Look at it write the word down that is present on the bottom of the

5 Focus your mind and your vision directly on the content of the card and
when you start to form thoughts about what you see, write it down below
the name in your notebook as completely as you remember.

6 Repeat no.5 for the next card, then again for a third card. Stop.

7 Leaving a minimum of 12 hours, repeat no.5 and no.6, selecting different

cards on each occasion, and continue this procedure until all 79 cards
have been covered. Make sure that you leave a sizeable space beneath
each writing for future use.

8 Once you have gone through the whole pack, you then repeat the process
by going back to the first card and continue the whole process until all 79
cards have been done and the second writings are below the first
9 Compare the two writings for each card, and if you have opened yourself
up to your spiritual guide, then the writings will show this by being more
ethereal and different from your normal patterns of thought.

10 It may be necessary to repeat the process for a third time, about 15-20%
find this necessary.

11 If one fails to learn this properly, one will find that your interpretations and
readings have a tendency to be wildly wrong.

12 Some people find their ability enhanced by doing a short meditation

before studying the cards.

13 When used properly, you will be guided by your spirit guide to give a
reading as directed.

14 A simple card can be chosen daily to make you aware of yourself and
your mood.

The use of the Osho cards as a spiritual tool makes it easier for the person to open
up their channel to spirit and strengthen and clear that channel. The cards are one
of a few techniques which improve and heighten spiritual awareness and

1 Single Card

A single card can be drawn for a variety of reasons. For example, it can be
used to help with a problem, or for the future, or an upcoming event, or for
the present moment. When choosing the card, it is important to keep fo-
cused on why the card is being chosen.

2 Three Card Spread

Three cards are chosen, for example, past, present and future. They are
picked in order and each one turned over one at a time and a reading given.
This spread can be adapted as necessary if there is a specific problem or
question in mind.

past present future
2. The Rosario
This method involves 7 cards over a 7 day period. Again, this is to aid you in
finding a solution to a problem of some sort, or guidance in an area of your life.

You spread the cards out with your problem in mind, and choose 7 cards that you
are drawn to, being careful to place them in the order that they are picked.

Next, you write them down in a notebook and then take the first card. With your
problem in mind, look into the card, or meditate on it and see what comes to
mind, and write it down.

The next day, you do the same for the second card. Then each card thereafter
until the 7 days are finished. By the end of the 7 days, you should have a more
in-depth overview of the problem you had in mind, with a solution or direction to
go in that will help. This is not only about finding answers, but also about learning
to understand how you perceive things, and those around you. It will help you
find a greater understanding within yourself and open your mind so you can see
the wider picture which helps aid decision-making.
3. Twelve Card Spread (for 12 months)
Twelve cards are picked with the following 12 months in mind. The cards are
picked and placed faced down in order without looking at them. Then the first
card is turned over and read. A pendulum is then placed over the second card to
see if it is relevant and if yes, it is then turned over and read also. If the answer is
no, then the card must be discarded and another chosen. Before reading the
card, still face down, the pendulum must be put over the card to see if that one is
relevant. Again, deciding on what the answer is, it will either be read, or another
card chosen. The pack must not be shuffled, but left as it is. After the second
card is read, the same procedure is done until all 12 cards are read and a picture
has emerged regarding your direction in the year ahead

This spread can be helpful for a variety of reasons and can show you your
strengths and weakness and which need to be looked at and worked on. It is a
useful spread for helping to pick up possible hurdles or problems of character in
the 12 months ahead. These can be written down if necessary and kept.
4. Twelve Card Spread
This 12 card spread is used specifically for personal needs or needs of a large
Remove the following cards from the deck and make sure they are shuffled b
fore placing them face down in front of you without looking at them:

The Creator

Ask for the solution to a problem, and keeping it in mind, Let your pendulum
move over the cards until you get a yes. This tells you that this card is the one to
be read for that question. For example, you can ask, What do I need to be aware
of? and then let the pendulum pick the card and see what you get from it.
Once you have read that particular card you could then for example ask, are
there any negative aspects that may hamper the outcome? and again, place your
pendulum above the cards and allowing your guide to choose the appropriate
card. You then turn over that card and read it. You then go on to ask another
question which follows on from the previous one. This can go on until you feel you
have turned over a sufficient number of cards to answer your question.
Alternatively, you can ask your guide via the pendulum, if you have asked enough
questions and turned over enough cards.

You can use this method to aid your growth, ask about a personal problem, or
help in dealing with another person or persons. Anything that you can think of
that you need guidance on. You do not need to turn over all 12 cards. It may
only need 2 or 3, or 10 or 11, you will feel when the time is right to stop, or you
can ask the pendulum.
5. Forty Day Walk in the Wilderness

This particular long-term reading requires the individual to sit down and focus on
themselves whilst at the same time, shuffling the cards before spreading them out
in front of them. Keeping themselves firmly focused on the subject of themselves,
they then pick 40 cards from the pack, keeping them in the right order. You are
then required to use a notebook to write each card down, one per page in con-
secutive order.

Having started the selection, you then write down the meaning of the first card on
the appropriate page. Thereafter, each day around the same time, e.g., you look
at card 2 for instance, keeping yourself in mind, and accordingly, answer it. Note
carefully here, that under no circumstances must you look at what you have writ-
ten previously. Further, you must work consecutively over 40 days. If you miss a
day, you must start all over again from the beginning. It is essential that you do it
in a daily fashion, as missing one or two days will guarantee a wrong reading.
Finally, after 40 days, you go back and read the 40 readings in order, one at a time.
It is important that you truly read and understand what was written each day. The
complete 40 day reading gives you an insight into your character strengths and
weaknesses; the shortcomings which are buried deep within and fail to recognize
and also your hidden assets which you have ignored or underplayed due to self-
doubts. Within these readings you will also get a sense of direction which may be
contrary to your existing direction you are heading in. However, the readings you
have done over 40 days have all came either from your higher conscious or
subconscious and are less influenced by your conscious attitudes, shortcomings or

Since these readings are often

related to your perception of life and
current understanding levels, it is
wise to do this reading annually to
see if you are on course or are
dragging your feet on issues of
personal perception.
6. Seven Card Spread (Linked to Pettiness)

This spread is to help you better understand yourself in terms of how petty you
are in life. You make sure the cards are well shuffled and you choose 7 cards in
order with the following words in mind:


You then get yourself a notebook and write the appropriate word at the top of the
page and the card you picked for that word next to it. You do this on each page
for each word and corresponding card.

It is advisable to sit down at the same time of day and clear your mind as much as
possible to allow yourself to focus properly. For example, on the first day you
think on the word envy in conjunction with pettiness and relate it to yourself. You
then do a reading for yourself with whichever card you picked for it. You then
write it down and wait for the following day.

The next day you do the same for Greed and so on until all seven cards have been
done. You can then read back what you have written and should have a better
understanding of how pettiness relates to your growth and perception in life, or
not as the case may be.
7. Mood Cards

Take your birthday (1st, 7th, 21st etc) and choose 1 card for each day from that date
until the following date a month later (e.g. 15 to 15 incl.) Pick the cards without
seeing them, one for each day .

This card reading is to give a clear indication of A your moods on a daily fashion
and B your level of understanding. It is important that your mood is referred to in
simplistic terms and should be the prominent thought that comes to mind. All
answers should be recorded until the complete cycle is finished. It is important that
these readings remain consistent, so should be done at a similar time each day,
preferably mid-evening. On completion the answers should be looked at for the
whole period in consecutive order. There should be at least 1 clear pattern of
mood behaviour. In fact, there may be a number of them. However, the simplest
way of analyzing this is to take each mood (i.e. sad, fearful etc.) and count the
number of times that is present in the given number of days. If you do this with all
the emotions, there should be at least 2 -3 clear patterns. Since ones attitudes or
moods are vital in daily existence, it is recommended that you completely write
down all details of this reading, put them away safely, then 2 weeks from the first
date, do a second reading of this nature, again analyzing the results seeing their
marked second reading.

Then exactly a further 2 weeks later, do a third reading. The results should follow
one of 2 patterns A- the readings from all three should be similar on each occasion,
or B- they should be different. If they are different, then two more readings
should be done 2 weeks later again and the pattern should emerge within that
number of readings.
Mood readings are significant and important in people who, for a variety of
reasons are irrational or have great emotional swings. In recognizing a pattern to
these moods, this helps the individual to be careful when they have important
decisions to make. Or if one overlays the results on a calendar, remembering you
have the first date of the first reading which can be matched against the day, this
will give you a pattern of behaviour. Say for example on the 14th day you were
depressed, a pattern should emerge showing this would occur again on either a
further 14th day, or possibly the 28th day. Moods are linked into biorhythms.
Biorhythms themselves are partly affected by strong thought patterns. This
reading allows you to personalize your rhythms to your behaviour patterns.

Finally note that any dramatic change in your growth in terms of understanding,
will eventually alter these moods. So this will have to be repeated again
8. Character Definition and Explanation
Choose a word which refers to character (e.g. creation, negativity, optimism, ego,
meanness.. etc.). Pick one master card and place it face down on the table.
Then take your pendulum and hold it above the card and ask for the number of
cards required to give the full answer. Then pick the number of cards, in order, and
place them face down after the master card. Then turn over the master card and
read it, writing down the answer if necessary. Then read each card in turn keeping
the aspect of character chosen in mind.

This particular spread is designed specifically to measure character growth and un-
derstanding. It should not be used more than once a month and care should be
taken to keep your mind focused on the selection of word and reading on each oc-
casion as well as recording the answers for future comparison and direction of
9. Fault-line
This spread requires choosing 1 card for each of the following words:

Fear Failure Forbearance Fortune

Keeping the first word in mind, choose a card. Then do the same for each of the
other cards, placing them face down on the table.

Turn over the first card, the one that relates to the word fear and place the
pendulum over the card asking for the number of cards required for that card.
Then choose the required number of cards for the first word, and then read them in
order. Give a summary in writing, then return cards to the pack, leaving the first
card on the table as it was.

Fear failure forbearance fortune

Repeat the same procedure for cards 2, 3 and 4, mixing cards thoroughly between
selections. It is important to keep the word in focus before choosing the card.

At the end you will have 4 answers and a conclusion. These answers should give
you the reasons for or against for why each of the headings apply when read from
left to right.

This card spread is based on the fact that most people have hidden fears or
anxieties which many try to pretend do not exist. But they do affect all decisions,
sometimes greatly and where this is the case, no answers arrived at are ever 100%
correct. If one in fact recognizes the key factors that create the above situations of
fear or failure, then one is able to take corrective action emotionally at that time to
improve the quality of any decision.
10. The Ten Ages of Man

Pick 10 cards and keep them in order without looking. Each card represents a
set age in life, listed below, so when choosing each card, keep these ages in mind:

0 8 yrs
8 16 yrs
16 24 yrs
24 32 yrs
32 40 yrs
40 48 yrs
48 56 yrs
56 64 yrs
64 72 yrs
72 80 yrs

Starting with card 1, turn it over and think back to that period in your life, in simple
terms and see if the card relates accurately to that period (the past should always
reflect accurately or closely to the card you have chosen). Each card in turn
reflects major highlights in your past, right up to the present age. The cards
thereafter represents the years yet to come and should indicate the future. Living
beyond 80 years makes little or no difference to the outcome. Note you must
concentrate on yourself when picking each card.
This particular card spread is meant to show you the problems of the past if any;
the growing effect on the present and the direction your life will take in the future.

The Ten Ages of Man is by its nature erratic in its reading, especially when there are
dramatic changes within a given age period. However, providing it is done
correctly, it will give all that use it a sense of direction and a great understanding of
what drives them forward or causes them to come to a standstill. It is not a
reading that individuals should use frequently, but rather use some of the other
spreads which are more specific. For those who seriously study the cards, it is
suggested that the complete reading is recorded including age and date of the
reading. Future readings should then be taken in the appropriate age ranges so
one has a continuous reference to the changing patterns of life due to ones own
effort or lack of.
11. Booster (5 cards only)

This is a group reading as opposed to a personal reading you do for yourself or

someone else.

You start by making sure the deck is well mixed. Each member of the group picks a
card and lays it down in order. The individuals selected to pick the card must be
classed in the following headings:

(1) Extrovert Example:

(2) Introvert
(3) Contrarian
(4) Optimist
(5) Pessimist





Before picking the cards, the group must decide by consensus who best fits these
headings. This is a group participation, so all must contribute where possible to the
answer. It is best that the main salient points of each card are written down.

Starting with the first card, the readings are commenced. At the conclusion of the
readings, the answers as written down for each card from 1 through to 5 and then
read out as a total answer of the group. Each individual present in the group must,
by instinct, recognise their own strengths and failings within each answer, whilst at
the same time being aware via the answers, of the strengths and failings of the
collective as a whole.

When groups are truly honest with each other, they will be able to see the
negatives or omissions within the answers that require to be dealt with individually
or collectively as a group. The answers themselves will collectively challenge the
combined honesty of the group, or otherwise.
12. The Dragon

The Dragon Spread is a 10 card reading for individuals who are stuck in their
growth or are too full of negativity.

The individual first starts by choosing 5 cards, leaving the rest of the pack intact.
The cards are then read for their negative parts only. The recipient of the cards
must be given 2 3 minutes at the end of the readings to digest what has been
said. The 5 cards are then returned to the pack and the pack shuffled thoroughly.

The individual again chooses 5 cards, keeping them in order and readings are
then commenced once again. This time the positive reflection is given, or if the
card reflects only the negative side of something, then that reading must be given.
Each positive reading within the 5 card spread indicates clearly the direction the
recipient must go in to change their life for the better.

Note the more negative readings there are in the last 5 cards, the more serious
the recipients negative condition and it may indicate a high anxiety state, or even
a state of depression.

The Dragon Spread should not be used on anybody who shows a high degree of
anxiety or neurosis. This spread is definitely not one to be used by beginners.

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