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Target Marketing



This is to certify that Sruti Sinivas , student of T.Y.B.M.S has

successfully completed the project under the guidance of Mrs.
Prasuna, coordinator of BMS of Sterling College of arts,
commerce and science for the academic year 2012-13.

Guide Principal


First of all, I would like to thank our guide, Prasuna Maam for
constantly supporting and guiding me throughout the project. I
would like to thank our principal for mentoring us.
I would like to thank my parents, family members and my
friends for their continuous support.
Without their help, it wouldnt have been possible to complete
the project.


Sr Particulars Page Nos

1 Executive Summary 5
2 Introduction 7
3 Importance of Target Marketing 9
4 Characteristics of Target Marketing 10
5 Need for Target Marketing 11
6 Strategies of Target Marketing 12
7 Basics of Target Marketing 14
8 How to Narrow Target Marketing 15
according to experts
9 Target Marketing profile 25
10 Background of Cadbury 30
11 Vision and Mission Statement 32
12 Cadbury India 35
13 Favouring articles from Economic 44
14 Success Story of Cadbury 45
15 Target Marketing of Cadbury Dairy 46
16 Marketing Mix Strategy of Cadbury 53
17 Company Profile of Cadbury 56
18 Marketing objectives 59
19 Cadbury India Ltd Annual Report 61
20 Cadbury Highlights (Target Marketing) 68

21 Questionnaire 83
22 Conclusion 86
23 Bibliography 87

Executive Summary
Cadbury is the world leader in marketing of chocolate and it commands about 70
percent of the Indian chocolate market. The objective of this marketing plan is to
successfully introduce the brand in the Indian market for young as well as adults. A
business firm should have a proper marketing plan to expand the business .i. e.
target marketing.

The consumers a company wants to sell its products and services to, and to whom
it directs its marketing efforts. Identifying the target market is an essential step in
the development of a marketing plan. A target market can be separated from the
market as a whole by geography, buying power and demographics, as well as
by psychographics.

A target market or target audience is a group of people that will basically need or
want your products and services. Target market is defined in terms of age, sexual
orientation, gender, economic class, religion, ethnicity, or location. This socio-
economic grouping process actually allows businesses to create profiles of the
typical consumers who will likely buy the products of your company.

It is very difficult to go ahead and take steps in connecting and building

relationships with your potential customers if you dont have a clear and full
understanding of who is going to be interested in buying the products that your
company is offering. Once you start defining the fundamental characteristics of
your target audience and start identifying the different ways wherein your company
can meet these specific wants and needs, then the process of creating a customer
base becomes and easier task for you. The job of qualifying and identifying a
target audience is a current process for any businesses regardless of the size.

The prospective customers of Cadbury dairy milk have changed from kids to adults
including every family member to celebrate any occasion with Cadbury chocolate.

It is not possible for a market to have similar strategies for product promotion
amongst all individuals. Kids do not get attracted towards products meant for
adults and vice versa. Every segment has a different need, perception and interest.
No two segments can have the similar ideologies or require a similar product.

Target marketing refers to a concept in marketing where it helps the marketers to

divide the markets into small units comprising of like-minded people.

Such segmentation helps its marketers to design specific strategies and techniques
to promote a product amongst its target market

Target market is a group of customers that the business has decided to aim
its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise towards. A well-defined target
market is the first element to a marketing strategy. The target market and the
marketing mix variables of product, place(distribution), promotion and price are
the four elements of a marketing mix strategy that determine the success of a
product in the marketplace.

Target markets are groups of individuals separated by distinguishable and

noticeable aspects. Target markets can be separated into:

Geographic segmentations, addresses (their location climate region)

demographic/socioeconomic segmentation (gender, age, income,
occupation, education, household size, and stage in the family life cycle)
psychographic segmentation (similar attitudes, values, and lifestyles)
behavioral segmentation (occasions, degree of loyalty)
product-related segmentation (relationship to a product)

In addition to the above segmentations, market researchers have advocated a
needs-based market segmentation approach to identify smaller and better
defined target groups. A seven step approach proposed by Roger Best is as

Select the target audience the customers are grouped based on similar
needs and benefits sought by them on purchase of a product.
Identify clusters of similar needs- demographics, lifestyle, usage behaviour
and pattern used to differentiate between segments.
Apply a valuation approach- market growth, barriers to entry, market
access, switching, etc. are used.
Test the segments- A segment storyboard is to be created to test the
attractiveness of each segments positioning strategy.
Modify marketing mix- expanding segment positioning strategy to include
all aspects of marketing mix.

Importance of Target Marketing:

One can understand the importance of target marketing. It is the best way to use
marketing dollars. It is the most effective way to ensure throwing away marketing
dollars and wasting time marketing to people who won't buy from you. To
acknowledge the importance of target marketing is a must in the online business

One cannot succeed and you cannot find financial freedom if one does not focus
on target marketing. It should be focused and market specific. One has to use target
marketing stay afloat in the online business environment. Without target marketing
one will be a small business lost in a sea of competition.

Characteristics of a Target Market
Psychographics identify lifestyle choices that can influence whether individuals are
potential users of your product. For example, to determine that the product
appeals to people who are physically fit, one can promote an aspect of your
product that encourages fitness. If potential users are fishermen, one can advertise
that your snack product is convenient to carry along on a fishing trip.

One also wants to know the type and frequency of usage for your product. You
may determine that customers are most likely to use your product only in certain
situations, such as when attending a social gathering. Advertising can create a
scenario in which a customer is at a party and a need for your product arises.

One wants to identify a common benefit that customers hope to obtain by using
your product. Users of a cologne or perfume may want a fragrance that appeals to
the opposite sex. Buyers of an automobile may want luxury or prestige. People
who buy life insurance likely seek the peace of mind that comes from knowing
their families are provided for if they die prematurely.
Geographic Location
Potential users of your product may live in a specific area, which can affect how
you market and distribute your product. For example, to operate the business in a
warm-weather area but the product appeals to those who live in colder climates, it
is necessary to decide whether it's better to relocate to that area or perhaps offer the
products by direct mail or the Internet.


Organizations can use similar kind of strategies to promote their products within
target market.

They can adopt a mere focused approach in case of target marketing. They know
their customers well and thus can reach out to their target audience in the most
effective way.

The beauty of target marketing is that it makes the promotion pricing and
distribution of you products and/or services easier or more cost-effective. Target
marketing provides a focus to all of your marketing activities.

Strategies for Reaching Target Markets
Marketers have outlined four basic strategies to satisfy target markets:
undifferentiated marketing or mass marketing, differentiated marketing,
concentrated marketing, and micromarketing/ niche marketing.

Mass marketing is a market coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore

market segment differences and go after the whole market with one offer. It is the
type of marketing (or attempting to sell through persuasion) of a product to a wide
audience. The idea is to broadcast a message that will reach the largest number of
people possible. Traditionally mass marketing has focused on radio, television and
newspapers as the medium used to reach this broad audience.

A differentiated marketing strategy is one where the company decides to provide

separate offerings to each different market segment that it targets. It is also called
multi segment marketing and as is clearly seen that it tries to appeal to multiple
segments in the market. Each segment is targeted uniquely as the company
provides unique benefits to different segments. It increases the total sales but at the
expense of increase in the cost of investing in the business.

Concentrated marketing is a strategy which targets very defined and specific

segments of the consumer population. It is particularly effective for small
companies with limited resources as it does not believe in the use of mass
production, mass distribution and mass advertising. There is no increase in the total
Profits of the sales as it targets just one segment of the market.

For sales teams, one way to reach out to target markets is through direct marketing.
This is done by buying consumer database based on the segmentation profiles you
have defined. This database usually comes with consumer contacts (e.g. email,

mobile no., home no., etc.). Caution is recommended when undertaking direct
marketing efforts check the targeted country's direct marketing laws.

A principal concept in target marketing is that those who are targeted show a
strong affinity or brand loyalty to that particular brand. Target Marketing allows
the marketer / sales team to customize their message to the targeted group of
consumers in a more focused manner.

Research has shown that racial similarity, role congruence, labeling intensity of
ethnic identification, shared knowledge and ethnic salience all promote positive
effects on the target market. Research has generally shown that target marketing
strategies are constructed from consumer inferences of similarities between some
aspects of the advertisement (e.g., source pictured, language used, lifestyle
represented) and characteristics of the consumer (e.g. reality or desire of having the
represented style). Consumers are persuaded by the characteristics in the
advertisement and those of the consumer

Basis of Target Marketing
Geographic location

Why target marketing? (Need of Target Marketing)

Organizations can use similar kind of strategies to promote their products within
a target market.
They can adopt a more focused approach in case of target marketing. They know
their customers well and thus can reach out to their target audience in the most
effective way.

How to create Target Market?

The organization must first decide who all individuals would fit into a particular
segment. A male and a female cant be kept in the same segment. The first and
the foremost step is to decide on the target market.

The next step is to identify need and preference of the target market. It is
essential to find out what the target market expects from the product.

Once the target market is decided, organizations can decide on the various
strategies helpful to promote their product.

How to Narrow the Target Market according to experts:
Companies that try to be all things to all customers are sure to fail

The process of finding a target market and narrowing your company's focus to
appeal to it directly often trips up new businesses, who find it difficult to turn
down business opportunities when they arise. But trying to be all things to all
people is a sure way to fail in the marketplace. There are certain tips to help
narrowing target market:

The Dangers of Being Unfocused

Whatever market you're in, you've likely got a lot of competition and static
standing between you and the consumer. Narrowing your focus to one specific
demographic or slice of the marketplace gives potential customers a reason to
notice you in the rest of the fray.

"If one is not differentiating yourself in the marketplace, what happens is the
consumer looks at price as being the motivator," says Susan Friedmann, author of
the books Riches in Niches and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Target Marketing.
"And they look at the cheapest."

If one doesnt know specifically which customers you are speaking to, you are
actually speaking to no one, says Tammy Lenski, a business mediation expert who
has advised clients about successful business through target marketing.

"The big danger is that without a target market, it's like standing in a park shouting
in the wind," she says. "When you have a target market, its like standing in a park
and talking to a specific group of people."
That means one can't be afraid to exclude certain types of consumer from your
marketing or to target your advertising at small groups. Some customers will feel
left out, but those are the sacrifices necessary for a successful business, says Greg
Head, founder and CEO of New Avenue, a strategic marketing firm.

"Focus requires exclusion," he says. "If you're selling everything, you actually
mean nothing in the marketplace. Exclusion is fundamental to target markets."

Become an Expert in one Area

One way to hone in on a specific sector is to become an established resource in one


"If you're an expert in your field, people will pay the price tag on whatever product
and service you offer," Friedmann says.

One can build up credibility by offering information for free through your
company's website or blog: things like tips, industry information, or niche data that
will help consumers think of you as a reliable expert in that area, she says.

"Your credibility comes with giving away information," she says. "If this is the
value I'm getting for free, what will I get if I pay for it?"

Entrepreneurs who do this successfully often start by following their passion,

Friedmann says. She recalled a massage therapist who loved cycling and found a
successful practice traveling with bike tours.

"If you can marry your passion with your profession, that's a really strong niche
market," she says.

Do the Market Research

Experts give several methods for whittling down the vast expanse of the market to
find your ideal target.

John Jantsch, creator of the Duct Tape Marketing System and Duct Tape
Marketing Consulting Network, which trains and licenses small business
marketing consultants, recommends a simple formula to identify who makes an
ideal client: he ranks customers by profitability.

"In that step alone, they start identifying work they have taken or would take that
they shouldn't be taking," Jantsch says.

Then he looks for clients that are already referring more business your way.

"They're referring business to you because they're having a great experience," he

says. "They're happy, they're beyond satisfied and that's why they're referring

Friedmann says recommends looking for growth markets to identify burgeoning

new areas that may not be claimed by existing businesses.

Lenski says some clients find their niche first by focusing on the areas in which
they already have a strong interest, or by looking at markets that already know
about you and your services. Then, look for areas of the marketplace where a
gaping need exists that one can fill with company's services.

Tweak the Marketing

As simple as it sounds, the name of the company is crucial when narrowing your

"I believe your name should say what you do," Friedmann says. "Using your own
personal name, unless you're like Madonna, isn't going to cut it. It doesn't mean
anything to anybody."

Words such as "branding coach" or "entertainment law" in official business title

help consumers quickly understand what you're all about.

Friedmann even created a new word to describe her focus: "nichepreneur."

One may have to change your branding strategy or marketing efforts to clarify your
mission. Once the target market is found, it is necessary to alter the advertising
efforts to go after the places and media used to generate new business.

"It's not just an advertisement that you do. It actually has to become part of
everything you do," Head says.

Marketing needs to highlight the specialization, which improves credibility, Head


"You've got to be perceived as the best at something," he says.

Then, once the base is identified, use it to improve the business through things like
social media and interactive marketing to find out more about what the customers
are looking for, Lenski says.

"One has to essentially engage that market. It's a two-way conversation," she says.
"That's really where having a target market pays off."

How to Use Target Marketing to Grow a New Small Business:

As the founder of a new small business, one is most likely looking for a cost-
effective manner of marketing. Therefore, it is the best interest to direct efforts to
the target market.

Assuming homework is done and researched the target market, one first needs to
consider how to divide up your marketing list.

Questions like:

Are you looking to reach a specific geographic area?

Are you looking for customers in a certain age or income bracket that you think
are your prime audience?

These questions should be framed and kept in mind.

Once the audience is narrowed down, one should devise a means of reaching them
by presenting something of special interest to them. Often, new businesses use the
fact that they are brand new to lure their target audience. People like being in on
the ground floor of something new, especially if one is catering to their specific

Lure them to the location or Web site with an offer of something that they would
appreciate, such as discounts or small giveaways. Foodies, for example, might stop
by for free samples at your new gourmet shop. Videogamers will drop in for free
downloads, software, or books and magazines that are geared toward gamers. The

key is to know as much about your target market and present them with some new
information, new products, new services, or new means of meeting their needs.

Once their interest is piqued, try to establish a means of communication with your
target group through newsletters, email, or mailings. As the core target audience
becomes satisfied customers, they will help to build customers through viral

Build outward from a targeted group of steady customers and keep marketing to
the loyal customers as business grows.

Everybody talks about target markets and taking aim, but not everybody does it.
Target marketing is the only effective way to optimize marketing resources.

Target marketing is a better use of resources:
The marketing budget is going to be most effective when it reaches the selected
target market. When one looks at the big picture and sort through the marketing
jargon, the benefit of target marketing is simple - efficiency. Solid target
marketing is a method to more efficiently reach your customers. Target marketing
is a better use of the companys most valuable resources, i.e. time and money, to
generate additional revenue. It is as straightforward as that.
The goal is to get to know as much information about existing or prospective
customers. The more one knows about the customers, the better they will be able to
make decisions that will enhance the ability to communicate and connect with

Questions such as, who do you consider will benefit the most from your products
and services? Who are your ideal clients? What do they have in common? These
questions should be answered by the marketer.

Think of the people and their most common characteristics and attributes. One of
the best ways to identify your target market is to look at existing customer base. If
one does not have an existing customer base, or if one is targeting a completely
new audience, speculate on who they might be, based on their needs and the
benefits they will receive. Investigate competitors or similar businesses in other
markets to gain insight.

Focus on benefits:
One of the marketing fundamentals is focusing on benefits. This perspective is
critical to target marketing. One should pay close attention to the needs and
section of the market behaviors. Establishing an intimate understanding about
the needs of your target market is critical. How will customer profit or otherwise
gain from using your products or services? Meeting this need is one of the most
convincing points for sales to be made, cash to flow, and profits to result.
One must seek to quantify the value of offering a solution to this need. This can be
done by asking these questions about your products and services:

How much can it save your customer?

How much can it earn for your customer?

What intangible benefits might customers realize, and is it possible to quantify

these benefits?

What is your customer really buying? People purchase products and services to
realize one or more of the following benefits:

1. To save:




2. To increase:




Personal relationships

3. To reduce:




4. To improve:




Peace of mind

The target market profile:
The target market process allows us to break down these groups of people so we
can better understand how to reach them. One way to do this is to create a target
market profile. Here is an example of a target market profile:

1. Geographics:
Lives within the ZIP codes 97401, 97402 and 97405.

2. Demographics:

Between the ages of 21-35.

At least one child.

Condominium or home owner.

Education experiences beyond high school.

Earning a combined annual family income of $50,000 or greater.

3. Psychographics:
Values time and considers it their single most limited resource.

Excited about accepting and using innovative ideas and products.

Consistent Web users. Prefer the Internet over magazines and newspapers
for information they trust.

Increasing resources invested into safety and security issues.

Beginning to plan for their future.

4. Behaviors:
They are leaders in product selection and respond to the opinions of the
industry experts when making purchase decisions.

This group will first look to the Internet to acquire this information.

They defend these decisions under most any circumstance and will
adamantly sell those that ask why they use the product or service and why
they made the choice they did.

This group can be a powerful, unpaid sales force resulting from the referral
network they build and use.

The more detail you know about your ideal customers and clients, the better you
will be able to make them aware of your products and services, and how to
purchase them through you.

Target marketing allows you to reach, create awareness in, and ultimately
influence, that group of people most likely to select your products and services as a
solution to their needs, while using fewer resources and generating greater returns.

How to Identify the Target Market?

Identify the businesss target market so that one can best serve
and advertise directly to the real customers. To identify the target market these
questions should be answered:

What are you selling, and what makes it so unique? For example, what makes
ones merchandise different from what people can buy from other
big retail chains?

To whom do you want to sell it? Is the person selling it to parents, to retirees
to environmentally conscious?

Why should people buy the product or service from you? Is the person open
very late at night so that customers who work long hours can drop by your
store? Does one offer free delivery of large items so that walk-in customers
dont have to lug the product home?
When one has the answers to these questions, two things need to be done:

Focus on the primary market. Many business owners fall into the trap of
believing that their products or services are for everyone that is, anyone
would be interested in or need the products. But even if the business appeals
to a broad market of diverse consumers, one needs to identify who your ideal
consumer is. After the target market is identified, advertising should match
that focus.

Research the market. Knowing the target audience is critical: the ads wont
work if they dont appeal to what the potential customers want or need. One
should research and identify as much as possible about the people the
company wants to sell to.

The market research can take many forms:

Demographics: If you oversee the advertising for a new business (or you
want to go after a new type of consumer for your business), you can start
by checking out some basic demographic information. The best research
comes from primary sources in other words, you should call around
for information.

Publications: You may also be able to find information in publications,

which may track demographics, sales information, trends in your
industry, and other useful consumer information.

Potential customers: Conduct an informal poll by asking potential

customers especially those you've identified as your target audience
what theyre looking for that other business dont provide.

Differentiate the business from the competitors (in a good way) by targeting
customer needs and attracting business!

Background of Cadbury:

Cadbury operates in the global confectionery market. The market is large, growing
and has attractive dynamics. The global confectionery market is the worlds four
largest packaged food market. It represents 9% of that market, and has a value at
retail of US$141 billion.

Chocolate is the largest category, accounting for over half of the global
confectionery market by value. Globally, confectionery is growing at around 5%
p.a., faster than many other packaged food markets. Developed markets, which
account for around67% of the global market, grew 3% p.a. between 2001 and

Research and development deals with innovation. Innovation is the heart of

creating brand image which people love. Not just new products and improved
recipe, but also innovative packaging formats and world-class brand & Foresights.
It might be as simple as just responding to gum chewers who want the flavour to
last longer than or as sophisticated as putting consumer insights together to spot
trends and generate foresights projecting forward to anticipate and meet the
changing needs of tomorrows consumers

Cadbury India Ltd, a subsidiary of Cadbury Schweppes Overseas Ltd is a lead. It is

the industry's second-largest globally after Mars, Incorporated With its
headquarters in Uxbridge, London, England, the company operates in more than 50
countries global confectionery company

Cadbury began its operations in India in 1948 by importing chocolates. It now has
manufacturing facilities in Thane, Induri (Pune) and Malanpur
(Gwalior), Bangalore and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and sales offices in New

Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. The corporate head office is inMumbai.
Since 1965 Cadbury has also pioneered the development of cocoa cultivation in
India. For over two decades, Cadbury has worked with theKerala Agricultural
University to undertake cocoa research.

Cadbury was incorporated in India on 19 July 1948. Currently, Cadbury India

operates in four categories: chocolate confectionery, milk food drinks, beverage
and candy & gum category. Its products include Cadbury Dairy Milk, Bournville,
5-Star, Perk, Gems, Eclairs, Bournvita,[55] Celebrations, Bilkul Bournville,
Cadbury Dairy Milk Shots, Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk, Halls, Tang and Oreo.

It is the market leader in the chocolate confectionery business with a market share
of over 70%.The Brand Trust Report, India Study, 2011 published by Trust
Research Advisory ranked Cadbury in the top 100 most trusted brands list.
Cadbury India will soon launch parent Mondelezs legendary triangular Swiss
chocolate brand Toblerone, to take on Italian brand Ferrero Rocher in the premium
chocolate market.

The governing objective for Cadbury India is to deliver Superior Shareholder


Vision Statement;
Cadburys set out a vision to achieve a Cadbury in every pocket dream by
increasing the penetration of chocolates.

Mission Statement;
We can easily understand the mission statement by following points like;
Cadburys mean quality
This is our promise
Our reputation is build upon quality
Our commitment to continuous improvement
It will ensure that our promise is delivered
Characteristic of this mission statement:
We can say that this mission statement is realistic because if we see the quality and
day to day improvements easily show that Cadburys have real mission statement.

Setting companys Objectives and Goals

Cadbury successfully turned its mission statement into its overall objectives and
goals. Cadbury says Cadbury is the name of quality and the Cadbury dairy milk
chocolate and also different products is the biggest example of it.

And it says our commitment to continuous improvement and the demand and
customers satisfaction shows that its products successfully fulfill the needs wants
and demands by continuous improvement in the features of products.

In short we can say that company turned its mission statement into practical form

and set its overall objectives and goals as Cadbury do and now a day become a
market leader.

Indian chocolate market is estimated to be around 1500 crores (ACNielson)

growing at 18-20% per annum with a production volume of 30,800 tonnes. Over
70 per cent of the consumption takes place in the urban markets. Chocolate sales
have risen by 15% in 2007 to reach 36000 tonnes according to one estimate.

Cadbury merged with Schweppes in 1969. Currently, this successful company is

employing approximately about 43,000 people worldwide. Today, Cadbury
Schweppes is the world's fourth biggest supplier of chocolate and sugar

One of its products, Dairy Milk was introduced in 1905, and has become the most
successful molded chocolate in UK history and the basic ingredient for many other
Cadbury products. 95 years later, Dairy Milk is one of the world's most famous
brand names and the company's leading chocolate bar by revenue.
Sales from Cadbury's Dairy Milk alone are estimated at over 135 million for
1995. Cadbury considers its success is based on three factors: quality, value for
money and good advertising.

It is important to investigate on the internal and external environmental forces for

the Dairy Milk in a foreign market. Relevant organizational and industrial
information is required for the development of a SWOT analysis

Of particular interest and concern are factors that affect their food- and nutrition-
related decisions and behavior. Many factors interplay to affect children's and
teenage youths' consumer decision making skills and behavior that can directly
influence their dietary choices and eating patterns. The family has been identified
as one of the most influential environmental factors affecting food- and nutrition-
related decisions and behavior, operating at the levels of parent modeling and
parent-child interactions. Commercialism is broadly defined as the vehicle of
communication that creates consumer awareness and induces the desire for specific
products; its goal is to increase consumer demand and commercial profit 1
Commercial pressures on children and teenage youth may encourage continual
consumption and acquisition at the expense of informed consumer decision making
and environmental sensitivity2. Children with poorly developed consumer
decision-making skills are unprepared to make wise purchases as adults, a situation
that has serious implications for the consumer habits and nutritional health of
future generations. Children constitute three different markets: the primary, the
influencer, and the future market. Certain products are simply children's products
for which they are the primary users/buyers. They sometimes either purchase a
product themselves or select the product before the parents purchase it.

The target market is non-exclusively 18-25 year olds. This follows previous
market approaches, re-enforces engagement withyounger audiences, connecting
with influencers and a large proportion of early adopters

The prospective customers of Cadbury Dairy Milk have changed have changed
from kids to adults-including every family member to celebrate any occasion with
Dairy Milk.

Cadbury India
Cadburys Dairy Milk started in Bourneville in the UK in 1905, but the journey
with true chocoholics started in India 43 years later. Cadburys has been the
number one market leader in chocolate sales for years. Cadburys has claimed that
it has been the source of every Indians moment of happiness, joy and celebration
whether this is true, its doubtful. To this day, Cadbury Dairy Milk alone has a
30% value share in the Indian chocolate market.
In the early 90s, indulgent chocolates were only seen as a childs heavenly dream
- only rewarded for good behaviour, or perhaps even for a bribe. However, in the
mid 90s a new campaign was released, (The Real Taste of Life) re-defining the
outlook from just for kids to the kids in all of us. This new campaign brought
out the forgotten child in every adult, flushing back memories of the very first
moment they tasted chocolate. Cadbury Dairy Milk soon became the ideal
expression of spontaneity and shared good feels .
ca Cc
Cadbury India Limited engages in food business in India. The company provides
chocolate blocks, slabs, or bars; snacks; coated wafer biscuits; malted foods; and
sugar confectionery products.

Currently Cadbury India operates in three sectors viz. Chocolate Confectionery,

Milk Food Drinks and in the Candy category.

It offers chocolates under the Cadbury Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Perk, Eclairs, and
Celebrations brand names; and milk food drinks primarily under the Bournvita
brand name.

The company also provides gums under the Bubbaloo brand name; and candy
products under the Halls brand name. In addition, it exports its products to Sri
Lanka, Dubai, United States, Maldives, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Ukraine.
The company is based in Mumbai, India. Cadbury India Limited operates as a
subsidiary of Cadbury UK Ltd

The variants Fruit & Nut, Crackle and Roast Almond, combine the taste of
Cadbury Dairy Milk with a variety of ingredients and are very popular amongst
teens & adults. Today, Cadbury Dairy Milk alone holds 30% value share of the
Indian chocolate market

In the early days, the brand had a huge fan following among kids. In order to build
stronger appeal among older age groups, the brand re-positioned itself through the
classic Real Taste of Life campaign in 1994. The campaign positioned Cadbury
Dairy Milk as the chocolate that awakened the little child in every grown up and
very soon, both teenagers and adults, were hooked on to this bar of pure magic.

With the launch of the Rs. 5 pack in 1998, CDM became more affordable and
hence more accessible for the masses. The ensuing positioning of Khaane Waalon
ko khaane ka Bahana Chhayie made consumption into a joyful, social occasion.

In 2004, the `Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye campaign was launched, seeking to

increase CDM consumption by making it synonymous with traditional
sweets (Mithai). With Amitabh Bachchan as the face and voice of the brand, the
campaign went on to become a huge success. People could relate to the
commercials that were aired to promote Cadbury Dairy Milk. How many can
forget the `Pappu Pass Ho Gaya commercial? The country cheered on as Pappu
fell in love in the Pappu Love Test commercial. Then came`Miss Palampur and
the country celebrated the beauty pageant with a difference. The`Kenya
commercial that was aired in 2008 celebrated the spirit of cricket and that of true

sportsmanship. In 2009, we aired another commercial under the `Kuch Meetha Ho
Jaaye platform, called the `Pay Day commercial.

In the year 2010, the `Shubh Aarambh campaign was launched, drawing lines
from the traditional Indian custom of having something sweet before embarking on
something new. With `Shubh Aarambh, Cadbury took the Dairy Milk journey a
step further into the hearts of its million lovers.

With the current campaign Khaane Ke Baad Meethe Mein Kuch Meetha Ho
Jaaye, our aim is to introduce the thought of having a CDM as a post
dinner meetha (dessert).

Cadbury sees great potential in biscuits, the fastest growing processed food
segment in India. According to a Nielsen study, the category grew at 17 per cent in

2010; but the per capita consumption remains low, indicating a big opportunity to

Cadbury India Ltd. will launch Oreo cookies. Oreo will be launched in April,
almost a century after it was introduced in the US market. Oreo is present in the
Indian market through the import route, but hardly had sales traction due to its
premium sticker price. But now, Kraft has slashed its price tag to INR 5 for 3
biscuits; INR 10 for 7 biscuits; and INR 20 for 14 biscuits so that it is within the
reach of a wider consumer base.

Oreos global Twist, Lick, Dunk (TLD) communication broke across media
including television, print, radio, below-the-line and digital.

Oreo has used the TLD proposition in its communication in over 107 markets for
nearly a hundred years. Says Venkatesan, We want our brand to encourage fathers
and mothers to spend quality time with their children. Oreos maiden television
campaign in India broke during the ICC World Cup 2011 to grab maximum

Oreo also had a hard-to-miss outdoor campaign where the Oreo biscuit packets
were mounted on bus shelters. A mobile van also carried the TLD communication
forward; there was a large fabricated glass of milk on a van and the biscuit could
be seen moving up and down as though it was being dipped into the glass of milk.

Oreo started the second part of its campaign in India recently by introducing the
concept of the Oreo Togetherness Bus. Starting from New Delhi on June 8, 2011,
the blue Oreo bus travelled across eight other cities Mumbai, Bangalore,
Ahmedabad, Pune, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mysore. People got to know

of the arrival of the Oreo bus in their respective cities through hoardings, ads in the
city supplements of newspapers and through FM radio.

The bus provided parents with a platform to bond with their children and
encouraged them to spend more time with their kids. This initiative by Oreo
germinated from a survey conducted by Cadbury, Oreo Togetherness Quotient,
which showed that parents today crave for a little more time with their children,
away from their hectic work schedules. Oreo decided to bridge the gap with its
Oreo bus. Inside the bus, parents and their children were encouraged to participate
in activities based on Oreos TLD proposition. Parents were also encouraged to
take the Oreo Pledge a promise to spend more time with their children.

Cadbury Bournvita is among the oldest brands in the Malt Food category with a
rich heritage and has always been known to provide the best nutrition to aid growth
and all round development. Launched in 1948, throughout its history, Cadbury
Bournvita has continuously re-invented itself in terms of product, packaging,
promotion & distribution. The Cadbury lineage and rich brand heritage has helped
the brand maintain its leadership position and image over the last 60 years.

The brand has been an enduring symbol of mental and physical health ever since it
was launched. This layered with the great Cadbury chocolate taste has made the
brand distinct from other offerings. It is hardly surprising then, that Bournvita
enjoys a major presence in the Malt Food market.

It is a universal truth that mothers attach a lot of emotional importance to

nourishment while bringing up their children. However, children always look out
for the tastiest option to make their daily dose of milk more enjoyable.

Cadbury offers two options to capture this appeal: Cadbury Bournvita, with its
popular chocolate taste, and its latest offering, Cadbury Bournvita 5 Star Magic,
leveraging the rich chocolate and caramel flavour of Cadbury 5 Star.

Advertising for Bournvita:

Tayyari jeet ki! (Preparing to win)

Todays world is an increasingly competitive place for children. They arent just
expected to do better, but also do more. Keeping this in mind, Cadbury launched
the new Bournvita in 2010 and launched a new campaign Tayyari jeet ki!
(Preparing to win)

Drinking Chocolate

Cadbury Drinking Chocolate is an essential item in every kitchen pantry. The real
chocolate taste of Cadbury Drinking Chocolate is ideal as an icy cold chocolate
milk shake during summer and as a warm full-flavoured hot chocolate during

Favouring articles from economic times:

ET crowned Consumer Superbrand again

April 13, 2007 | TNN

MUMBAI: The Economic Times has done it again. For the second time running,
the country's leading financial daily has been declared a 'Consumer Superbrand'
for 2006-07 by Superbrands India. What's more, for its second edition on
Consumer Superbrands, Superbrands India had shortlisted just one brand per
category for the final list of brands. ET is thus the leading brand when compared
to all its peers in the business news space, including other papers, magazines
and the electronic media.

Back to romance
August 14, 2002 | MALIKA RODRIGUES , TNN

If it's chocolate, it must be Cadbury Dairy Milk. That's how Bharat Puri, managing
director, Cadbury India describes his flagship brand. If that statement's inverted,
though, it might provide a pretty good summing up of the current phase of activity
at Cadbury. Back to basics, back to romance, back to CDM. Goodbye Cyrus. It's
perhaps the first big thing at Cadbury India under Bharat Puri, who took over as
managing director from scion Matthew Cadbury in January 2002. "The question
was whether in our quest for new brands, are we doing enough rejuvenation of
our old brands?"

Cadburys success story :

In 1984, John Cadbury founded U.K. company with one aim: - to create the highest
quality chocolate. By1969, when Cadbury merged with the soft drink giant.
Schweppes, Cadbury brands were already famous all around world.
Today Cadburys production are enjoyed in 120 countries, with 40 chocolate
confectionary brands, Cadbury dominated markets as far as the U.K. and Australia
thats why Cadbury have been dubbed The worlds master chocolate makers.
The secret of Cadburys success
What is the secret of Cadburys continuing success first theres the careful
selection of the finest cocoa beans from West Africa, as well as tasty hazel nuts
from Turkey and the fine sheet and choicest natural ingredient available to us
Finally theres skillful marketing Cadbury always takes extreme care in selecting
and marketing the right range of product in every cause.

The right product, the right partners, the right marketing, the promotional back up
and the right employees. These are the ingredients in Cadburys latest recipes for

Right from the stand Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate success has been based on
these factors: -
Value for money

Target market of Cadbury dairy milk;
The main target of it mainly is children and youths that are in the segments of
occupation and in the age group.

Cadbury dairy milk commonly targets all types of customers whether they are
young and old, male or female.

And now the target markets which is selected and targeted by it is according to
age, gender, occupation and income of potential customers.

Analysis of target markets:

Customer Need Analysis /Key Customer Groups Customer Needs
1. Children Desire for Chocolate
2. Youth Gift
3. B2B Revenue generation (Distributer, Wholesaler, Retailer)
4. Parents Care of own children
5. Old age After having lunch or dinner as sweet

Product benefits:
Chocolate 1. Tasty
2. Satisfactory
3. Healthy (In some cases)

Target segments on order of priority:

Primary market : Youth
Secondary market : Child

Tertiary market : Entire Family
Peripheral market : Replacement of sweet

Target groups:
The characteristics of the primary market i.e. youth are :
1. Influenced by advertisement
2. Fashion trend
3. Increase use of chocolate as a gift

The sales potential are:

1. Biggest market
2. Second highest market
3. India has the highest number of youth, 45 % of the population will be youth
by 2050
4. Increase of chocolate average consumption by 8 times per head in last 7

Share estimate:
Share of this segment should be around 45% of the total sales

The characteristic of the secondary market i.e. children are:

Emotional bonding with family

The sales potential are:

Chocolates was and will always be a first desire for any children and so there will
be no doubt on the sales potential of this target market

Share estimate:
The share estimate is 25% of total sales

The characteristics of tertiary market i.e. family are

1. To fulfill childrens need
2. To show care for children

Sales potential:
1. Biggest say on spending of income
2. Control over income

Share estimate
The share estimate is 17% of total sales

The characteristics of peripheral market are:

1. Positioning from company as a sweet replacer
2. Use as a gift instead of sweets on various occasions like diwali.

Sales potential:
1. India is a sweet friendly nation
2. There are a number of occasions to celebrate and give sweets
Share estimate:
The share estimate of this market is estimated as 13 % of total sales

Market Segmentation:
It means divide the market into group of potential customers on the basis of
occupation as well as the age group of the in the market.

It means all marketing process depends on marketing segmentation and it is the

foundation of all the marketing processes.

Cadbury dairy milk also divides the market into different group of customers. We
can understand it by following discussion.

Identify Market Segment of Cadbury Dairy milk

Targeting a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants.

Geographical Segmentation:
It can be understand from the following points.

Age and life cycle:

Under this type of segmentation the buyers who mostly prefer the Cadbury dairy
milk comes under the age group of 4 to 50 years.

For purchasing Cadbury dairy milk gender does not matter. Cadbury dairy milk are
for all type of persons whether male or female.

The price of Cadbury dairy milk is reasonable and affordable, so a person does not

need to much think before purchasing. They can easily buy it any time when they
want to buy.

Cadbury dairy milk will not be much affected by the generation differences. All
type of people like to purchase the Cadbury dairy milk when they want to buy it.

Behavioral Segmentation of Cadbury dairy Milk:

We can understand it by the following points
Decision roles;
The decision role is played by the children and youngsters. They play an important
role in taking the decision of when to buy the Cadbury dairy milk.

For purchasing the Cadbury dairy milk no specific occasion are required. People
can easily purchase it on regular bases also if they needed.

Cadbury dairy milk is easily available anywhere when we need it. The supply
chain of Cadbury dairy milk is very good also it a quality conscious. So there are
two main types of benefits given by Cadbury dairy milk are supply chain and

User status:
There are mainly the regular users found in the user status of Cadbury dairy milk.

User rate:
The user rate is heavy in the behavioral segmentation of Cadbury dairy milk.

Loyalty status:
There is mainly the absolute loyalty status.

There is an enthusiastic type of attitude of buyers.

Market positioning of Cadbury dairy milk;

Cadbury dairy milk made position of it product chocolate not only in the minds of
consumers but also in the market.

It means what is the view of consumers or concept about of your product like
trough adds childrens and youngsters view and action after seeing the add of your

To make position in the minds of customers company used different promotional

techniques through
By giving add through any superstar
Electronic media
Press media
Sign boards
By giving discount
By giving funds to welfare organizations

Market place for any product is comprised of many different segments of

consumers, each with different needs and wants. Markets segmentation can be
defined in a number of ways such as:
Demographic variables (e.g. Consumers age groups, gender, material states
income etc)
The lifestyle of consumers (i.e. their interests and activities) the benefits which
consumers look for in a product or on the occasions when the product might be
Cadbury takes into account all these factors when producing a range of products.
It targets different segments within the market, such as the.
Break segment products which are normally consume as a snatched break and
often with tea and coffee, for example Cadburys Perk and snack range.
Impulse segment these products are often purchase on impulse, eating these and
then. They include product such as Cadburys Dairy Milk.
Take home segment this describes product that are normally purchased in
supermarkets, taken home consumed at a later stage.

Marketing Mix Strategy of Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate
It is also known as integrated marketing or 4Ps of marketing. We can understand
the marketing mix strategy of Cadbury dairy milk by discussing the following four
Ps of marketing.

Now I discuss the Product, Price, place and promotional strategy of Cadbury dairy
milk chocolate.

Cadbury dairy milk is made from real chocolate. Its ingredients include cocoa,
butter and there is a glass and half full cream dairy milk in every 200 grams in
every dairy milk chocolate. Cadbury buys 65 million liter of fresh milk each year
to make Cadbury dairy milk chocolate.
The strategy of Cadbury dairy milk is to continuous improvement in the quality
and features of product. It is the mission statement of Cadbury to make quality
chocolate which have competitive advantage from the competitors products and it
enhances the goodwill of the company.

It is an important element of the marketing mix. The price for a chocolate bar can
determine whether a consumer will buy it or not it can be determined easily and
sales volume tells about that price is reasonable or not.
If competitors charge the low price than the Cadbury chocolate, it is automatically
affect the companys profit.
Cadbury dairy milk applies the reasonable and affordable policy to charge the price
from its competitors. Because it is the vision of Cadbury that Cadbury is in every
pocket. It charges the fewer price from its competitors and provides better quality
also. We can say it is used penetration strategy because have low prices as compare
to its competitors and have long life cycle of the product. Cadbury wants to survive
in the market for long run.

Cadbury dairy milk is produced at the chocolate factory in Bourneville in
Birmingham. After the chocolate is produced and goes through the process of all
quality checks. It is transported to the staff rooms and then Cadbury sells it product
to shops.
The placement strategy of Cadbury dairy milk is to sell the chocolate at every
corner shop, super stores, bakers shop, petrol pumps and even medical stores also
included in it. It is the mission statement of Cadbury to provide chocolate to all
type and class of customers.

The purpose of promotion is to communicate directly with potential and actual
consumers. In order to encourage them to purchase dairy milk chocolate the
Cadbury used different promotional tactics.
Cadbury dairy milk is used press and electronic media to motivate the potential and
inspires the actual customers to purchase the product of Cadbury.
Promotion is an important element of marketing mix because if it is not well
planned then company is unable to increase it sales.
The company gives discounts on different occasions.
To inspire the Childs to purchase the Cadbury chocolate the company made such
type of ads. To encourage the youth class the company hires the superstars for
advertisement of the products which inspires the all type of consumers who want to
eat sweet.

Company profile:
Cadbury India Ltd, a subsidiary of Cadbury Schweppes Overseas Ltd is a leading
global confectionery company with an outstanding portfolio of chocolate, gum and
candy brands. The company manufactures and sells chocolate blocks, slabs, or
bars; coated wafer biscuits; malted food; and sugar confectionery. They also export
their products to Sri Lanka, Dubai, Ghana and Maldives. The company has
manufacturing facilities at Thane and Induri in Maharashtra, Malanpur in Madhya
Pradesh, Bangalore in Karnataka and Baddi in Himachal Pradesh and 4 sales
offices at Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, and Chennai. The corporate office is in
Mumbai. The company operates in four categories namely, Chocolate
Confectionery, Milk Food Drinks, Candy and Gum category. In the Chocolate
Confectionery business, the company has maintained their undisputed leadership
over the years, which has some key brands, namely Cadbury Dairy Milk, 5 Star,
Perk, Eclairs and Celebrations. In the Milk Food drinks segment, the main product
is Bournvita, which is the leading Malted Food Drink in the country. In the
medicated candy category Halls is the undisputed leader and in the gums category
the company launched the worldwide dominant bubble gum, with the name
Bubbaloo. Cadbury India Ltd was incorporated in the year 1948 as a private
limited company with the name Cadbury Fry (India) Pvt Ltd. The company began
their operations in India by importing chocolates. In the year 1950s, the company
started the manufacture of Chocolate and Bournvita. Also, they launched
Cadbury's Fruit & Nut. In the year 1960s, the company set up a Cocoa Research
Centre in Kerala. They set up their first plant in India at Thane in Maharashtra.
Also, they launched Cadbury's Tiffins, Nut Butterscotch, Caramels, Crackle, 5 Star
and Gems. In the year 1970s, the company commissioned the Malt Extract Plant at
Induri in Maharashtra. The name of the company was changed from Cadbury Fry
(India) Pvt Ltd to Cadbury India Ltd. They launched Cadbury's Eclairs during this
period. In the year 1980s, the company was converted into a public limited
company. In the year 1990s, the company launched the Sugar Confectionery
business with Trebor Googly. They launched Cadbury's Perk, Cadbury's Truffle
and Picnic during this period. In the year 2002, the company increased the
production of Malted Foods from 6,570 tonnes to 7,900 tonnes. In December 2002,
Cadbury Schweppes Plc UK acquired the global non-chocolate confectionary
business of Pfizer Inc, USA namely Warner Lambert India Pvt Ltd. In the year
2003, Halls and Clorets were manufactured and successfully marketed by the
company. Also, the company increased the production capacity of Malted Foods
by 700 tonnes to 8,600 tonnes. Cadbury Schweppes Plc through their subsidiaries,
Cadbury Schweppes Overseas Ltd and Cadbury Schweppes Mauritius Ltd acquired
equity shares of the company in excess of 90% with led to delisting of the
company's equity shares from The Stock Exchange, Mumbai with effect from
January 20, 2003 and National Stock Exchange Ltd, Mumbai with effect from
February 7, 2003. In the year 2005, the company increased the production capacity
of Malted Foods by 4,600 tonnes to 13,200 tonnes and Hard Boiled confectionery
& Gums by 1,026 tonnes to 8,651 tonnes. In the year 2006, they increased the
production capacity of Malted Foods by 9,000 tonnes to 22,200 tonnes and Hard
Boiled confectionery & Gums by 1,489 tonnes to 10,140 tonnes. In the year 2007,
the company expanded the production capacity of Malted Foods by 4,200 tonnes to
26,400 tonnes and Hard Boiled confectionery & Gums by 6,630 tonnes to 16,770
tonnes and in the year 2008, they expanded the production capacity of Hard Boiled
confectionery & Gums by 7,830 tonnes to 24,600 tonnes. In March 2008, the
company launched Cadbury Lite for consumers with diabetes, which contains a
sugar substitute called Maltilol that ensures a low glycemic index in the product. In
May 2008, the company joined hands with Tamil Nadu Agricultural University for
a research project to promote Cocoa cultivation in Tamilnadu. In October 2008, the
company launched their dark chocolate Cadbury Bournville Fine Dark Chocolate
in India, which is the fastest growing segment in the confectionary category. The
chocolate is available in four different variants namely, Rich Cocoa, Almond,
Hazelnut and Raisin & Nut. In February 2009, they launched Cadbury Bournvita
Li'l Champs, their latest offerings for children. The company is setting up a new
manufacturing facility (Unit 2) at Baddi, Himachal Pradesh. The construction of
the unit is progressing well and is expected to be fully operational in the year 2009.

Marketing objectives

Cadbury Schweppes is a marketing focused company. Its success relies on

satisfying the needs of its consumers. It is able to do this by continually listening to
consumers and learning about their changing requirement.
In response to these requirements, Cadbury Schweppes seeks to create new
products, build on existing core brands and find new ways to add value to existing
products. A key marketing objective for large business organisations is to focus on
the most profitable opportunities in global markets in their particular product
category. This can take the form of value or volume or a mix of both and can be
seen in all forms of mass consumption products from shampoo and toothpaste, to
baked beans, confectionery and beverages.
The logic is simple - by gaining the visibility, profitability and volume in the
global market, a business is best placed to provide its consumers with quality
products and the best value for money.
In this respect Cadbury Schweppes is representative of leading-edge international
business practice focusing on the two growth markets of Beverages and
Confectionery, which between 1992 and 1997 increased in volume by 25 per cent
and 20 per cent respectively. Another marketing objective is to increase the volume
of sales and market share by a process of innovation - in products, packaging and
route to market. Innovation is the process of developing better solutions and
methods of conducting business.
Having a culture of innovation helps companies stay ahead of the competition.
Innovative business organisations place great emphasis on being able to take
advantage of new opportunities - identifying changes in the business environment

and, after evaluating market research information, allocating resources to capitalise
on these opportunities.
An organisation which is in touch with the changing business environment and its
consumers' changing perceptions, interests and needs will be able to create
innovative products which best satisfy consumer requirements.
The development of Cadbury's Yowie in Australia exemplifies these marketing
objectives and provides a good lesson in how to use Cause Related Marketing
effectively. Yowie is an exceptionally successful product which has won a large
share of the children's confectionery market in Australia. It was voted best new
confectionery product in the world in 1997 by the world's grocery press. It is a
value-for-money, exciting and entertaining chocolate product which is related to an
important cause - the environment.
n this way, the Yowie typifies the innovation process of adding more value to a
product in a socially desirable way. This type of Cause Related Marketing is
central to Cadbury's marketing strategies - to give consumers the benefits that they


We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of Cadbury India Limited (the
'company'), as at 31st December, 2011, and the related Profit and Loss Account
and Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date annexed thereto, which
we have signed under reference to this report. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the company's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. 2. We conducted our
audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those
Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well
as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 3. As required by the Companies
(Auditor's Report) Order, 2003 as amended by the Companies (Auditor's Report)
(Amendment) Order, 2004 (together the 'Order') issued by the Central Government
of India in terms of sub-section (4A) of Section 227 of The Companies Act, 1956'
of India (the 'Act') and on the basis of such checks of the books and records of the
company as we considered appropriate and according to the information and
explanations given to us, we give in the Annexure a statement on the matters
specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Order. 4. Without qualifying our opinion, we
draw your attention to Note 28 of Schedule 18, regarding the receipt of a subpoena
(notice) from the Securities and Exchange Commission, United States of America

by Kraft Foods Inc., the ultimate holding company, on 1st February, 2011, in
connection with the investigation of the company's dealings under the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act, 1977 of the United States of America. We are unable to
comment on the adjustments/disclosures that may be required upon completion of
the aforesaid investigation and/or if it is concluded that the company has not
complied with any laws and regulations in India. 5. Further to our comments in the
Annexure referred to in paragraph 3 above, we report that: (a) We have obtained
all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit; (b) In our opinion, proper books of
account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as appears from
our examination of those books; (c) The Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account
and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books
of account; (d) In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and
Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report comply with the accounting
standards referred to in sub-section (3C) of Section 211 of the Act; (e) On the basis
of written representations received from the directors, as on 31st December, 2011
and taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified
as on 31st December, 2011 from being appointed as a director in terms of clause
(g) of sub-section (1) of Section 274 of the Act; (f) In our opinion and to the best
of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said financial
statements together with the notes thereon and attached thereto give in the
prescribed manner the information required by the Act and give a true and fair
view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: (i)
In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the company as at 31 st
December, 2011; (ii) In the case of the Profit and Loss Account, of the profit for
the year ended on that date; and (iii) In the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the
cash flows for the year ended on that date. For Lovelock & Lewes Firm
Registration No. 301056E Chartered Accountants Himanshu Goradia Partner
Mumbai, 25th May, 2012 Membership No. 45668 ANNEXURE TO AUDITORS'
REPORT: [Referred to in paragraph 3 of the Auditors' Report of even date to the
members of Cadbury India Limited on the financial statements for the year ended
31st December, 2011] 1. (a) The company is maintaining proper records showing
full particulars including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets. (b) The
fixed assets are physically verified by the management according to a phased
program designed to cover all the items over a period of three years which, in our
opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the company and the nature of
its assets. Pursuant to the program, a portion of the fixed assets has been physically
verified by the management during the year and no material discrepancies between
the book records and the physical inventory have been noticed. (c) In our opinion
and according to the information and explanations given to us, a substantial part of
fixed assets has not been disposed of by the company during the year. 2. (a) The
inventory has been physically verified by the management during the year. In our
opinion, the frequency of verification is reasonable. (b) In our opinion, the
procedures of physical verification of inventory followed by the management are
reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the company and the nature of its
business. (c) On the basis of our examination of the inventory records, in our
opinion, the company is maintaining proper records of inventory. In our opinion,
the discrepancies noticed on physical verification of inventory as compared to
book records were not material. 3. (a) The company has not granted any loans,
secured or unsecured, to companies, firms or other parties covered in the register
maintained under Section 301 of the Act. Accordingly, clauses (iii)(b) to (iii)(d) of
paragraph 4 of the Order are not applicable to the company for the current year. (b)
The company has not taken any loans, secured or unsecured, from companies,
firms or other parties covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the
Act. Accordingly, clauses (iii)(f) and (iii)(g) of paragraph 4 of the Order are not
applicable to the company for the current year. 4. In our opinion and according to
the information and explanations given to us, there is an adequate internal control
system commensurate with the size of the company and the nature of its business
for the purchase of inventory and fixed assets and for the sale of goods. Further, on
the basis of our examination of the books and records of the company and
according to the information and explanations given to us, we have neither come
across nor have we been informed of any continuing failure to correct major
weaknesses in the aforesaid internal control system. 5. In our opinion and
according to the information and explanations given to us, there are no contracts or
arrangements referred to in Section 301 of the Act during the year that need to be
entered in the register maintained under that Section. Accordingly, clause (v)(b) of
paragraph 4 of the Order is not applicable to the company for the current year. 6.
The company has not accepted any deposits from the public within the meaning of
Section 58A of the Act and the rules framed there under. 7. In our opinion, the
company has an internal audit system commensurate with its size and nature of its
business. 8. We have broadly reviewed the books of account maintained by the
company in respect of the products where, pursuant to the Rules made by the
Central Government of India, the maintenance of cost records has been prescribed
under clause (d) of sub-section (1) of Section 209 of the Act and are of the opinion
that prima facie, the prescribed accounts and records have been made and
maintained. We have not, however, made a detailed examination of the records
with a view to determine whether they are accurate or complete. 9. (a) According
to the information and explanations given to us and the records of the company
examined by us, in our opinion, except for certain dues in respect of servic e tax,
the company is generally regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues including
provident fund, investor education and protection fund, employees' state insurance,
income-tax, sales tax, wealth tax, service tax, customs duty, excise duty and other
material statutory dues as applicable with the appropriate authorities in India.
According to the information and explanations given to us, the extent of the arrears
of service tax outstanding as at 31st December, 2011, for a period of more than six
months from the date they became payable are as follows:- Name of the Nature of
Dues Amount Period Due date Date of statute Rs. lacs to which Payment the
amount relates The Finance Service tax 6.15 January February, Not paid Act, 1994
2010 5th 2010 7.19 February 5th March, Not paid 2010 2010 27.80 March 2010
31st March, Not paid 2010 2.76 April 2010 5th May, Not paid 2010 9.78 May
2010 5th June, Not paid 2010 4.24 June 2010 5th July, Not paid 2010 9.46 July
2010 5th August, Not paid 2010 2.82 August 2010 5th Not paid September, 2010
5.05 September 5th Not paid 2010 October, 2010 0.12 November 5th Not paid
2010 December, 2010 0.71 December 5th Not paid 2010 January, 2011 0.98
January 5th Not paid 2011 February, 2011 1.66 February 5th March, Not paid
2011 2011 9.39 March 2011 31st March, Not paid 2011 3.55 April 2011 5th May,
Not paid 2011 (b) According to the information and explanations given to us and
the records of the company examined by us, there are no dues of income-tax,
wealth-tax and customs duty which have not been deposited on account of any
dispute. The particulars of dues of sales tax, service tax and excise duty as at 31st
December, 2011 which have not been deposited on account of a dispute, are as
follows:- Name of the Nature of dues Amount* Period to which Forum where the
statute Rs. lacs the amount relates dispute is pending The Central Sales tax 3139.78
1990-1991 to Appellate Sales Tax including 2010-2011 Authority-up to Act, 1956
interest and Commissioner's and Local penalty, as level Sales Tax applicable Acts
157.32 2001-2002, Tribunal 2002-2003 and 2005-2006 33.83 1991-1994 The High
Court of Allahabad The Finance Service tax 2.35 1997 Appellate Act, 1994
including Authority-up to interest and Commissioner's penalty, as level applicable
14.92 1998 to 2010 Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal 121.30
1997-1998 to The High Court 2001-2002 of Judicature at Bombay The Central
Excise duty 6856.02 1998 to 2011 Appellate Excise Act, including Authority-up to
1944 interest and Commissioner's penalty, as level applicable 6762.96 1998 to
2011 Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal 403.94 2006-2007 and
The High Court 2008-2009 of Judicature at Bombay 60.11 2005-2006 Supreme
Court * Net of amounts paid including under protest. 10. The company has no
accumulated losses as at 31st December, 2011 and has not incurred any cash losses
in the financial year ended on that date or in the immediately preceding financial
year. 11. According to the records of the company examined by us and the
information and explanations given to us, the company has not defaulted in
repayment of dues to any financial institution or bank or debenture holders as at
the Balance Sheet date. 12. The company has not granted any loans and advances
on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities.
13. The provisions of any special statute applicable to chit fund/nidhi/mutual
benefit fund/societies are not applicable to the company. 14. In our opinion, the
company is not a dealer or trader in shares, securities, debentures and other
investments. 15. According to the information and explanations given to us, the
company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from banks or
financial institutions during the year. 16. In our opinion, the company has not
obtained any term loans that were not applied for the purposes for which these
were raised. 17. On the basis of an overall examination of the Balance Sheet of the
company, in our opinion and according to the information and explanations given
to us, there are no funds raised on short-term basis which have been used for long-
term investment. 18. The company has not made any preferential allotment of
shares to parties and companies covered in the register maintained under Section
301 of the Act during the year. 19. The company has not issued any debentures. 20.
The company has not raised any money by public issues during the year. 21.
During the course of our examination of the books and records of the company,
carried out in accordance with the generally accepted auditing practices in India
and according to the information and explanations given to us, except as may be
concluded upon completion of the ongoing investigation in the matter referred to in
Note 28 of Schedule 18 to the financial statements and paragraph 4 of the Auditors'
Report above, we have neither come across any instance of fraud on or by the
company, noticed or reported during the year, nor have we been informed of any
such case by the management. For Lovelock & Lewes Firm Registration No.
301056E Chartered Accountants Himanshu Goradia Partner Mumbai, 25th May,
2012. Membership No. 45668

Cadbury Highlights (target marketing)
10 JANUARY 2011

This January, Cadbury Highlights is helping retailers to maximise hot chocolate

sales with a six figure consumer marketing campaign, during the key winter hot
chocolate season.
Beginning in early January, the campaign will reach consumers during the New
Year period when many of the target audience of 35-45 year old females may be
sticking to New Year resolutions, but still crave a warm, comforting chocolate
Running across womens press, radio and online platforms, the campaign will
champion the brands low 40 calorie content which makes it particularly appealing
to consumers. With the theme the lightest cup from Cadbury, the press and radio

adverts will focus on how light the drink is on calories, while delivering the same
deliciously chocolatey Cadbury taste that consumers expect.
To support the advertising, a sampling campaign will run concurrently, with
samples of ready to drink Cadbury Highlights, as well as take home sachets being
distributed through Toni & Guy hair salons. The campaign will also be bolstered
by an online presence for the brand, with activity planned for the Cadbury
Highlights Facebook page.
Susan Nash, Trade Communications Manager for Cadbury UK, comments:
Cadbury is the biggest hot chocolate and cocoa manufacturer in the UK and
Cadbury Highlights milk chocolate 220g is the biggest low calorie hot chocolate
SKU in the market . This ad campaign will further drive that position, as well as
highlighting the category as a whole.
This campaign is a great opportunity to remind consumers about Cadbury
Highlights, a brand which offers consumers all the great taste they expect from
Cadbury hot drinks, but with only 40 calories. This makes it a great proposition for
retailers to stock during the key post-Christmas sales period for low calorie hot

Cadbury's strategic success is due to three core pillars: high quality, sound
advertising, and value for money.

Marketing Strategy Models
Cadbury strategically applies marketing models as a combination of activities to
transfer its products to the end-customers. Vast variety of marketing activities
requires proper management of to effectively promote products on the
confectionary markets through marketing channels. In its strategic choice of
appropriate marketing model, Cadbury emphasizes on such strategic issues:
Connecting Cadbury with customers;
Performing sales, promotions and advertising;
Impacting Cadbury's pricing strategy;
Influencing product strategy through willingness to stock, branding policies, and
profit customizing.
The selection of the most advantageous marketing strategy for Cadbury depends on
a number of factors. Thus, marketing strategy should be perceived as the
designated action plan which will help Cadbury to reach its strategic aims and
objectives. Cadbury's long-term marketing strategy (based on Ansoff matrix)
concerns the launch of new chocolate brands and their promotion on the global
markets. Alternatively, the company should win more international markets
through the manufacturing and exporting new products (e.g. cereal bars). Further
recommendations concern the appropriateness of the strategic choices to be made
by Cadbury in the nearest future.
In terms of further strategic growth, Cadbury should apply Ansoff Growth Matrix
while focusing on new products and perspective markets. Apparently, there is no
need for Cadbury to advance and promote the existing chocolate products since
they are already widely acknowledged in terms of quality and high reputation
among the Cadbury's target markets.
Appropriate marketing channels set up the strategy which enables Cadbury to win
competition, avoid tactical mistakes, maximize profits and achieve success.
Cadbury should therefore figure out how it measures success before it can go out
and conquer it, whether it is market share, profit margin, return on investment,
residual income, brand image, a reputation for being environmentally green, stock
share price, or some other measure its stakeholders deem worthy.
Most companies compete in the market by applying competitive priorities,
including quality, cost, flexibility as well as other priorities, depending on their
manufacturing capacity. Top management support is the major driver of quality
management, which significantly correlates with other quality management
practices. In addition to this, customer orientation is not significantly correlated
with external quality results (profitability). At that, top management support,
employee training, and employee involvement are the three statistically significant
variables in explaining the variability in internal quality results.
Cadbury's marketing channels are aimed at the consumer market. The company is
focusing much on the needs and wants of the consumer and what exactly
differentiates its products from the competition to develop more sales in this
market. Thus, Cadbury is working on the promotion of its direct model to create a
better position for itself in the consumer market. The peculiarity of Cadbury's
advertising campaign consists in its focus on the emotions of the chocolate lovers
compared to merely logical side of marketing and sales. In such a way, Cadbury
reassures its customer support by applying strong emotional advertising campaign
focusing on the preferences and likes of the consumers when they opt for a
chocolate purchase. In addition to faster transactions, shorter lines and happier
customers, such strategic approach to market modeling enables to see interaction
with the business through the eyes of the customer, understand customers' values
and demands, and seek ways to disrupt the competitive balance. For these
purposes, the company is applying such customer-oriented sources as print media,
television, radio, Internet, as well as social networks.
While aiming to increase Cadbury's sales, the company's management emphasizes
on the appropriateness of particular marketing activities that would best encourage
the demand for Cadbury's products. Cadbury's marketing objectives coincide with
its business strategy priorities ultimately targeted at profit-making and sales
Strategic marketing models for Cadbury are identified as follows:
Profit maximisation;
Sales maximisation;
Diversification; and
Improvement of product image.
The rational combination of these strategic marketing models determines the
competitive market position of Cadbury's. Through profit maximisation, Cadbury
solves dual strategic task - withstanding competition, on the one hand, and
restoring its financial health, on the other hand. Through growth, Cadbury sells
new products and expands its exports overseas. This strategy model enables the
company to cover new market niches internationally.
As for now, the company is present in 60 countries worldwide. Meanwhile, the
company permanently increases and maximizes its sales. Through diversification,
Cadbury spreads its business risks regardless of the successfulness of the sales of
one particular product. In marketing terms, it is of utmost strategic importance that
Cadbury constantly improves the image of its products by: (1) launching new
brands; (2) introducing innovative logos; and (3) applying attractive and
convenient packaging.
For instance, while promoting one of its chocolate products - Fuse', Cadbury
marketing strategy was aimed at the growth of chocolate confectionery market, as
well as the intensification of its presence on the snacking sector. Prior to launching
Fuse', Cadbury ensured that Fuse' differed (had relevant points of difference)
from the already existing competitors' chocolates. While conquering the snaking
sector and establishing its competitive share therein, Cadbury created USP (unique
selling proposition) which meant that Fuse' had unique appeal which differed from
any of the existing rival chocolates.
It is apparent that the implementation of a successful marketing strategy model
requires solid investment. While promoting Fuse', Cadbury heavily invested into
testing product's ingredients. As a result, final recipe of Fuse' included a
combination of more than 250 ingredients. This indicates that in marketing terms
Cadbury closely related product development to the specialized testing. This
helped the company to reach proper consumer demand.
The desired outcome was to make each customer feel comfortable with purchased
product and not regret their choice. At that, Cadbury is not applying the methods of
extreme advertising since its most powerful advertising tool is the word of mouth'.
In addition, purchasing the products, the customers are feeling they are backed.
To enhance consumer demand for its products and establish line promotion
Cadbury actively applies available consumer media and advertising sources
(including popular magazines, Internet, radio, TV and newspapers). Since 1990s,
the company promotes its brands through the taste-stimulating approach which
claims that Chocolate is Cadbury'. Such high recognition is owned to the brand
values previously promoted by the Company, and so now the consumers associate
the name of a company with the chocolate' as well as the pleasure of chocolate
Since 2000, Cadbury Schweppes enters international markets with Choose
Cadbury' marketing strategy. The promotional strategy considers consumer
awareness as well as the rationality of consumer buying behaviour. The choice of
Cadbury's marketing strategy is built on the consideration of universal consumer
choice. In its strategic consumer-oriented thinking Cadbury developed proper
texture and distinctive taste that appeal to the consumers all over the world
regardless of their national chocolate preferences.
Cadbury's strategic marketing model was designated in a way to satisfy the major
preferences of chocolate lovers. Therefore, the company produced its two most
successful brands - Dairy Milk to suit dark milk chocolate admirers, and Cadbury's
Whole Nut', Dream' and CDM' to suit cream milk chocolate lovers.
Cadbury's product-specialized market strategy enabled the company to grow its
market share and lead competition with its main competitors on the confectionery

The annual sales on the UK confectionary market ranges from 5 to 6 billion.
Herewith, chocolate sales amount to about 70% and worth 3-4bilion accordingly.
Since 2003, Cadbury has been increasing own share on the UK confectionary
market which makes up about 1/3 of the market. The remaining part is distributed
among Cadbury's main rivals Nestle and Mars.
While segmenting its target market Cadbury divides heterogeneous demand
markets into homogenous groups which are grounded on similar features.
Homogeneous segment enables the company to divide its target markets on the
basis of homogeneous features. While dividing its target market into segments,
Cadbury applies segmenting criteria that particularly feature each part of the
Geographic Segmentation;
Demographic Segmentation;
Benefits-Sought Segmentation;
Psychographic Segmentation;
Behavior/Usage Segmentation; and
Situation Segmentation
Segmentation Base groups diversify target markets on the basis of such criteria as:
social class, lifestyles and psychological features (attitudes, interests and opinions),
and include the following:
Social class;
Income Level;
Education; and
Ethical background

Cadbury's target market is segmented on the basis of the benefits demanded by the
customers with regard to specific chocolate products. Purchase situation assumes:
Social surroundings;
Physical surroundings; and
Temporal perspective
The segmentation of Cadbury's target markets is made with the consideration of
how often consumers buy chocolate products. In this regard, Pareto's Principle of
80/20 indicates that 80% of revenue is generated by 20% of customers.
Segmentation variables used to segment business markets:
Product demand;
Purchasing approaches;
Geographic factors;
Situational factors; and
Seasonal trends
In addition, while segmenting its target markets, Cadbury considers the following
Differences in consumer preferences for particular chocolate products;
The co-relation of the variability of individual customer preferences with the
measurable variables;
The profitability of the targeted market segment considering its purchasing power
and size capacity; and
The accessibility and attractiveness of the targeted market.

Introducing Cadbury as an after dinner sweet:

One of the biggest marketing strategies followed by Cadbury in India was

introducing Cadbury as an after dinner sweet. Indians are fond of having dessert
after their dinner. Cadbury aimed at replacing the traditional sweets. Apart from its
after dinner advertisement Cadbury
targetedadults rather than children. In most of its advertisements, the brand is endo
rsed andadvertised by adults rather than by children even though it basically sells
Suchtype of advertisements have created a very wide range of consumers
for Cadbury. Its products are not limited to children alone. Adults like the products
of Cadbury as much as children do. Another reason for Cadbury being such a
successful brand was that it aimed at replacing the traditional sweet custom so
prevalent in India. Indians have the habit of carrying sweets as gifts when they visit
a friend or relatives. Cadbury items became the new sweets. It was not only
considered better but also superior to carry Cadbury instead of the normal sweets.
Cadbury also aimed at selling in bulk during festive seasons such as diwali and
rakhi. Diwali and rakhi packs are designed to give a feel of the festivities going on.
They are exclusively indianised. The chocolate packs contain special chocolates
such as dry fruits rich chocolates as people normally serve dry fruits during diwali.

.The most important marketing policy being, implemented during the festive
season. The sonsumptions of sweets is at its zenith during the festive season. India
being a country of rich culture and diversified religions has a hand full of festivils.
Cadbury makes most out of this season by introducing gift boxes thus spreading

Cadbury associates itself with emotions and sentiments of people through
relationships of friendship and brotherhood.3. Sponsorship- Bournvita kid contest,
Bournvita confidence academy, kya aap panchvi pass se tez hain4. In order to
capture the market particularly the youth segment the strategy adopted is to
promote SPORTS by encouraging events such as Karate (whiz kid
championship)In 1980 cadbury bournvita was the official health drink for the
Indian team at the Moscow Olympics

14. 5. Cadbury has not only restricted its market to child segment but through its
innovativeness has captured every segment of the society6. Innovation in product
range has been a major advancement by Cadbury in retaining its market share.
Examples of marketing innovation by Cadbury *Perks new range of ulta perk*5
stars new range of 5 star crunchy*Gems new range of fruity gems7.Print & poster

15. 8. Attractive packaging has been a successful way of attracting customers to

buy its products over other chocolates9. A huge atr value is associated with
Cadbury which inurn increases the acceptability in the market. it has roped in
bollywood legend Amitabh Bachan and the ravishing Preity Zinta to endorse its
products diary milk and perk respectively

Recommendations : Maintain dominance in chocolate, confectionery and market
leadership in blown drinks. New channels such as gifting, child connectivity and
value for money offering to be the key growth drives. Grow volume sales at least
20% p.a. over the next years. Achieve the goal of best manufacturing location in
Cadbury Schweppes world for Dairy Milk and clairs. One new major product
launch every year.

Choosing the right target market is essential to your marketing strategy. A good
target market will not only need and value your products and services but also be
profitable. Theres no point in targeting people who cant afford to pay, nor should
you try to convince and persuade people who dont want or need your services to
buy from you.
From your perspective, not everyone that wants to hire you will be a profitable
client. For example, you may have worked with difficult clients in the past who
never seemed satisfied. Odds are, you probably dont want more of those clients.
Youre left with a fairly small number of people who have a need for your services
and who youd like to work with.
How to Choose a Target Market
Choosing a target audience requires doing some initial research up front. You want
to make sure that you can offer services that solve your prospects immediate
problems, that you understand their motivations and psychological needs, and that
you can establish a good working relationship with them.

The first step to picking a target involves compiling the information you currently
have about your current customers. This includes details about:

o Demographics Where do they live? How much do they make? How old are
they? Their gender?
o Lifestyle What do they do for a living? What motivates them? What types of
interests and hobbies do they have? What type of car do they drive? Where do they
go on holidays or vacations?
o Lifetime Value Are they a one time buyer or are they likely to need your
services on an ongoing basis? How much will it cost to acquire them? Are they
price shoppers?
o Attitude Towards Technology Do they buy the latest and greatest, or do they
wait until everyone else is doing it? How do they connect to the internet, and what
do they do while online? What types of media channels do they respond best to?

Target Market Research

You can acquire a large amount of this information by collecting the information
you currently have on your clients from sales information to complaints and

You also should look at responses to previous marketing campaigns. How have
previous campaigns, either by your firm or by competitors, worked with target
prospects? Which media channel got the best results? Which campaign message
worked best?

Finally, trade magazines and published reports can fill in the gaps you may still
have. Many target prospects may not know they have a need for your service, so
you have no data to profile those youve never had contact with before. Or perhaps
data youve collected is now obsolete.

Creating Persona Behaviors
Once youve compiled your data, youll probably find that you have a number of
potential targets to choose from. The best way to analyze which to target is to
create an ideal profile for each group. This requires some brainstorming and role
playing to come up with fictitious personas. You should make profiles as true to
your target audience as possible giving him or her a name, a job, a family,
hobbies, technology attitudes, and media preferences. Using each profile, you can
play out different scenarios to best reach each person and move them through their
purchase cycle from awareness to purchasing your services.
Now you are in a position to forecast how much it will cost to acquire each person,
what media channels will best reach them, what types of information and messages
each persona will respond best to, and how much they will likely spend on your
services. You can back up your predictions with case study data from your current
and past clients. This allows you to calculate the costs to execute each scenario
against how much it will bring in. Clearly, the personas that bring in the best
returns will be your most profitable clients.

Market Orientated

Cadbury are market orientated - they use research to establish what people want.
They try to identify, anticipate, and satisfy people's needs through their market
research They know their market: 95% of people eat chocolate. They look for a
market gap because that will give them the greatest chance of success. It should
increase their effectiveness, profitability, and help them identify new market
segments. They are constantly looking for new ways of promoting their products
e.g. via 3G mobile phones. This is instead of being a product orientated company
where a business will design a product then find a market for it.

Cadburys want to understand the following areas in their research

Customers Markets

Suppliers Competitors

External factors trends

Research allows Cadburys to serve the needs of customers better, compete more
effectively and plan more sensibly


1. Do you eat chocolates?

Yes No

2. Which brand of chocolate do you prefer?

Nestle Cadbury

3. Which Cadbury product do you usually prefer?

Perk Dairy milk

4. Do you think Cadbury is easily available in the market?

Yes No

5. Do you think Cadbury product is sold at an affordable price?

Yes No

6. Do you prefer giving Cadbury gift packs as gifts?

Yes No

7. Do you prefer giving chocolates instead of sweets during festival?

Yes No

8. Do you think Cadbury chocolate is meant for kids as well as adults?

Yes No

9. Do you think Amitabh Bachchan is a better ambassador for promoting Cadbury
as he is of older generation?

Yes No

10. Can Cadbury chocolates be considered as desert after dinner?

Yes No


A survey was conducted among 25 people. It was found that most of people prefer
Cadbury Chocolate.

Conclusions drawn:

Almost all have agreed that Cadbury chocolates are priced at affordable rates.

Most of them like to gift Cadbury products.

Many of them prefer giving chocolates instead of sweets during festivals.

From the survey conducted among young and older generation, it is found that all
of them like Cadbury chocolates, as they are designed for young and old.

From this we can conclude that older generation also eat chocolates instead of
other sweets.

They like to give these Cadbury chocolates as gifts as other milk sweets are
perishable in nature.

Cadbury has emerged as the leader in the confectionary segment as it has
successfully enlarged its target base by designing chocolates for adults also, as per
their needs and requirements. Some Cadbury chocolates include nuts and dry fruits
which are nutritious. The taste preferences and choices of consumers vary
according to their age.

Cadbury chocolate packed with material, aluminum foil paper is done in order to
prevent it from physical damage and deterioration. Cadbury provides the customers
with a tempting and exquisite taste as Enticing Treats means a mouth watering
treat which is simply irresistible.

From the questionnaire prepared and survey conducted I feel that Cadbury has
successfully captured the target market through various marketing efforts and
expanded its business and has become successful by introducing new range of
products which caters the needs of young and adult consumers.

Image Courtesy: Google


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