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0 World Bank

1.1 Achievements

1) Universal primary education

Theres almost 20 million out-of-school children between 2001-2009 in
India. By the end of 2009, the number of out-of-school children fallen to
8.1 million after education after Education for all program been enrolled.
2) Assistance to undeveloped countries
IBRDs lending to poorest countries (increased from 1122 million in
1979-1983 to 3439 million in 1988)
Provides technical assistance to the developing countries by making
available training facilities through its various institutions.
World Bank projects have contributed over $1.4 billion in financing
for rural water supply and sanitation. About 24 million people in over
15,000 villageswith populations ranging from 150 to 15,000have
benefited from these programs.
3) General progress
World Banks membership increase from 30 to 68 countries by 1988.
In 1960, World Bank approved loan worth 659 million went up to 14,762
million in 1988.
4) Loans for reconstruction.
Its firstly direct to European countries (economies shattered during
World War 2) for financing their program of reconstruction. First loan
was to France in 1947 for post-war reconstruction.
In Burkina Faso, 610,000 people have gained access to piped water via
household connection and standpipes; about 440,000 people have gained
access to improved sanitation; and about 120,000 students have benefited
from improved school sanitation, contributing to improved child health
and school attendance.
1.2 Criticism1

1) Master of Illusion: Structure of the World Bank harm southern nation.

Western practices adopted and traditional economic structures and values
Catherine Caufield: poor countries cannot modernize without money and
advice from abroad.
2) Blame the poor for their condition
One of the strongest criticisms of the World Bank has been the way in
which it is governed. While the World Bank represents 186 countries, it
is run by a small number of economically powerful countries. These
countries choose the leadership and senior management of the World
Bank, and so their interests dominate the bank
3) World bank used as a mean to fulfill business
Large corporations interested to enter the natural resource markets of the
country and obtain the legal guarantees so that they can stay.
Political needs of the main IMF donors (mostly USA), that were
previously historically obtained by more direct activity

Kamran Abassi Changing sides, retrieved from

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