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November 1, 2017

Dear Dr. Haling and SFSC Members:

Please accept this letter and the materials included in my online portfolio at as my application for promotion from Associate Professor to
Professor. Within the online portfolio, you will find a collection of narratives and documents
that represent the work that I have completed while at Illinois State University since receiving
tenure in 2013. These materials are divided into the areas of teaching, research, and service. I
am quite pleased with the work that I am presenting in this portfolio, and I believe that these
materials provide ample evidence of the contributions that I have made to ISU and to the
profession and demonstrate that I am worthy of promotion to Professor.

In the area of teaching, the evidence demonstrates that I have been actively engaged in high-
quality instruction at Illinois State University and have taught seven different courses since
earning tenure. My work in the area of teaching includes not only the courses that I have been
assigned, but also the creation and teaching of grant-funded courses, mentoring graduate
students, developing and reinventing courses, and coordinating and redesigning curricular

In the area of scholarship, I am proud to have engaged in range of scholarship since tenure that
has included obtaining over $2,000,000 dollars in external grants, serving as a co-editor for two
journals, publishing one book and having a book translated into Spanish, publishing three
articles (with a forth in revision), presenting 12 national and one international presentation,
and writing annual grant reports each year. The evidence provided in this portfolio documents
the successes that I have had in nine of the 13 categories for scholarship in the ASPT policy
document. My scholarship has been cited over 200 times, reached over 100,000 students, and
impacted thousands of teachers. I believe that the scholarly work that I have completed has
made, and will continue to make, an impact on the fields in which I present and publish.

In the area of service, I have been active in all levels, and I have been able to find areas of
service that are interesting to me and have contributed to my growth as a faculty member and
to the growth of the School, College, and University. I have enjoyed contributing to the
committees to which I have been elected or appointed, such as the School Faculty Status
Committee and the Graduate Committee at the School level; the Clinical Experiences
Committee and College Council at the College level; and the CAEP Ad-Hoc Committee and the
University Hearing Panel at the University level. I have also provided excellent leadership in
leadership roles that I have accepted, such as the Associate Director of the Center of
Mathematics, Science, and Technology and several Associate Director roles within the School of
Teaching and Learning.
I believe that it is evident through the narratives and documents that appear in this online
portfolio that I have been very active and effective as an Associate Professor at Illinois State
University. I welcome the opportunity to share this reflection of my hard work with you and I
appreciate the consideration of these materials as you make decisions regarding my promotion
to Professor.


Ryan A. Brown, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Associate Director of Graduate Programs
School of Teaching and Learning
Campus Box 5330
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790

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