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Mid-term 2017 Exam Review

1. Know what Deuteronomy 6:5 says

Deut: 6:5 love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and strength

2. What do we mean by vertical and horizontal approach to worship?

Vertical Love
- Two Greatest Commandment: Luke 10:27
Pharisees asked Jesus what is the greatest command
Love God vertical; order/ priority
o Love God more than people (Matt. 10:37)
o Love God more than things (I John 2:15)
Love people horizontal
o Matthew 5:23 24
Love is more important than your gift

Horizontal Love: loving people

- Love thy neighbor as thyself Luke 10:27
Whatever is good for you is good for another
- Love is the fulfillment of the law Romans 13:8
If we love each other there is peace, unity, grace
- Test of kingdom representation John 13:35
True discipleship is defined by how we love
Love is the truest test of our spirituality

3. Which disciple is depicted as being led by emotionalism?

4. What is emotionalism?

5. What are the four expressions or laws of love? Desire, passion

6. ality is a sign of what?

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