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Logic of Phantasy 44

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 11
The important thing is, what is the structure of the surfaces thus instaured.


The images on the left - and that I introduced the last time so that you could copy the drawing -

represent for you what constitutes the most characteristic surface to image for us the function that we

give of the double loop. It is (on the top left) the Moebius strip whose edge - namely, everything that is in

this drawing (except this, which is a profile which is only inscribed there in a way to give rise in your

imagination to the image of the support of the surface itself, namely, that here the surface turns the other

side, but this does not form part, of course, of any edge) - there only remains then the double loop,

which is the edge - the single edge of the surface in question.





We can take this surface as symbolic of the subject, on condition that you consider, of course, that the

edge alone constitutes this surface. This is easy to demonstrate by the fact that if you make a cut

through the middle of this surface, this cut itself concentrates in itself the essence of the double loop.

Being a cut, which, as I might say, "turns back" onto itself, it is itself - this single cut - just by itself, the

whole Moebius surface. And the proof is that in fact, when you have made this median cut there is no

longer any Moebius surface at all! What I might call the "median cut", removed it from what you think

you are seeing, here, in the form of a surface.






This is what the figure on the right shows you. It shows you that once it is cut through the middle, this

surface, which previously had neither a front nor a back, had only a single face, as it had only a single

edge, now has a front and a back, which you see marked here in two different colors. It is enough, of

course, for you to imagine that each one of these colours goes to the back of the other, where because

of the cut they are continued. In other words, after the cut there is no longer a Moebius surface, but, on

(12) the contrary, something which is applicable onto a torus.






Which is what the two other figures show you. Namely, that if in a certain way you make this surface -

the one obtained after the cut - slide behind (a l'envers) itself, if I can express myself in that way, which

is quite well imaged in the present figure - you can by sewing - as I might say - in a different way the

edges in question, constitute in this way a new surface which is the surface of the torus, on which there

is still marked the same cut, constituted by the fundamental double loop of repetition.





These topological facts are for us extremely favourable to image something, which is what is at stake.


Namely, that just as alienation is imaged in two senses by different operations - where one represents

the necessary choice between the curtailed I am not thinking of the Es of the logical structure, the other

- an element that one cannot choose, of the alternative - which opposes, which connects the kernel of

the unconscious, as being this something in which it is not a matter of a thinking that is in any way

attributable to the instaured I of subjective unity, and which connects it to an I am not, clearly marked by

what I defined in the structure of the dream as the inmixing of subjects, namely, as the unfixable,

indeterminate, character of the subject assuming the thinking of the unconscious - repetition allows us to

put in correlation, in correspondence, two modes in which the subject may appear different - may

manifest itself, in its temporal conditioning - in a way that corresponds to the two statuses defined as

that of the I of alienation and as that which reveals the position of the unconscious in specific conditions,

which are none other than those of analysis.








Corresponding to the level of the temporal schema, we have the following: that the passage a l'acte is

what is allowed in the operation of alienation; that, corresponding to the other term - a term, in principle,

impossible to choose in the alienating alternative - there corresponds acting-out.



What does that mean? The act, I mean the act and not some manifestation of movement. Movement,

motor discharge (as it is put at the level of theory) is something that in no way is enough to constitute an

act. If you will allow me a crude image, a reflex is not an act.




But after all, this arena of not-an-act (ne pas-acte) must be extended far beyond. What is being solicited

in the study of the intelligence of a higher animal, conduite de detour for example - the fact that a

monkey sees what he has to do to get at a banana when he is separated from it by a plate of glass - has

absolutely nothing to do with an act. And in truth, a very great number of your movements, as you can

well imagine - those that you will carry out between now and the end of the day - have nothing to do of

course with an act.





(13) But how define what an act is?


It is impossible to define it otherwise than on the foundation of the double loop, in other words, of

repetition. And it is precisely in this that the act is foundational for the subject.



The act is, precisely, the equivalent of repetition, by itself. It is this repetition in a single line (trait) that I

designated earlier by this cut that it is possible to make in the centre of the Moebius strip. It is in itself

the double loop of the signifier.



One could say, but this would be to deceive oneself, that in its case the signifier signifies itself. Because

we know that it is impossible. It is nevertheless true that it is as close as possible to this operation.



The subject - let us say, in the act - is equivalent to its signifier. It remains nonetheless divided.

Let us try to clarify this a little and let us put ourselves at the level of this alienation at which the I is

founded on an I am not thinking which is all the more favourable for leaving the whole field to the Es of

logical structure.




"I am not thinking" ... if I am, all the more in that I am not thinking (I mean: if I am only the I that the


structure instaures), the medium, the line, where there can be connected these two terms, is the : I act;

this I act which is not, as I told you, a motor performance. In order that "I walk" should become an act, it

is necessary for the fact that I am walking to signify that I walk in fact and that I am saying it as such.







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