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TCP1101 Assignment 2 Submission Instructions

These are some extra instructions regarding the submission of Assignment 2. Rules/Instructions
mentioned here will replace the same items in original write-up. Otherwise, all the other
rules/instructions given in the original write-up still stand.

1. What to submit?

Only your cpp source code file. The top of your cpp file must have the following info:

File name: TT0?_A2_Sheila_Majid.cpp
Course: TCP1101 Programming Fundamentals
Year: 2017/18 Trimester 1
Student: (Your name in CamSys)
ID: (Your ID)
Email: (Your most used email, for contact
if there is a problem with your
Phone: (Your most used number)

Optional declaration:
If you work closely with one or more course mates,
and your code have some similarity, please declare here:

1. Friend 1's name, tutorial class, % of code similar

2. Friend 2's name, tutorial class, % of code similar

If the above info is not found or not complete, 1 mark will be deducted from this assignment.

DO NOT submit zip file, exe file, txt file etc., submit only one cpp file. I repeat, ONLY

If you are doing separate file compilation, please copy and paste all your other source code onto
the main cpp file and submit it as one file. During interview, tell your lecturer to split these code
back to their individual files before compiling.
2. How to name your file?

We want everybody to follow the same pattern in naming your files. Failure in doing so will
cause us to have to spend time correcting your file name, and 1 mark will be deducted from this


a) TT0? - This is your tutorial class number (TT01 to TT08.)

b) A2 - This means Assignment 2.

c) Sheila_Majid - Your name as seen in CamSys. Use underscores ( _ ). NO spaces allowed.

If your name is very long, you can use short forms for commonly used names, e.g. Mohd for
Mohama), B for Bin, Bt for Binti.

3. Check your file before submitting

Try to compile your cpp file on someone else's computer, make sure it is working on a PC other
than your own one. Apple and Linux users especially need to try running your code on Windows
machines. If your code cannot

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