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Renar 1

Wyatt Renar

Ms. Lukins

Language Arts Period 4

17 October 2017

Redder Than Ever

As Roy and Ciara stepped out of the ship they stared into the distance and saw nothing

but a flat, barren, wasteland. Just then a dust storm blew right through them.

I can see the sand hitting the glass on my helmet! Said Ciara.

It sounds like strong rain hitting my window, Responded Roy

But lets not get too sidetracked, why dont we head after that silver thing I saw a

minute ago! So Roy and Ciara headed off into the barren wasteland to try and find out what it is

that Roy saw. After about an hour of walking through marss rocky desert they could not find

what Roy saw.

Are you sure that you saw something? asked Ciara.

Yes, I am one hundred percent sure that I saw something in the corner of my helmet I

think. Replied Roy confidently.

How can you say you are one-hundred percent sure when you said that you only think?

Ciara confusingly responded.

I dont know?! Roy said.

You didnt see anything did you Said Ciara disappointingly. There was a moment of

silence for a few seconds when suddenly Roy confessed.

No I just said that so that ground control wouldnt think that I am clumsy and just

slipped. Suddenly a voice played through the radio.

Renar 2

We put you two on mars to make groundbreaking discoveries, not drama. It was

ground control, they had been listening to their conversation the whole time.

Right! Roy replied.

After a while Roy and Ciara found a place to set up. They decided that they will build a

home out of the rocks that they found. Roy pulled out a pickaxe and started to break into the

rocks. They had brought some Flex Seal to stick the rocks together and eventually made a small

hut where they could live. Once they were done collecting Rocks and other cool materials they

found, they headed back to the rocket to eat and got to sleep.

The next day they heard a lots of loud banging coming from the outside of the rocket


Whats that noise? said Ciara.

Well I dont know, lets go check it out. replied Roy. Roy and Ciara looked through the

window to see a large dust storm going right through the ship. It sounded like shots from an AR-

15 being fired at a wall.

This aint good, what are we going to do? Asked Roy.

Take cover and tell ground control. Said Ciara.

Ground control do you read me? Roy shouted into the radio.

We hear you loud and clear Roy, what seems to be the problem The people down at

earth responded.

We are taking hits from a massive dust storm and it might be damaging the shuttle.

Roy said worryingly.

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Okay. Keep in contact with us until the storm ends. Responded ground control from the

radio. All of a sudden the radio cut out. One of the rocks blowing in the dust storm broke the

radio system.

Great, now we have no way to communicate with ground control. Said Ciara.

3 months pass and they ran out of food and water. Their pod got destroyed in the dust

storm so they can not return back to earth. It was only a few hours away until they would both

die from starvation and thirst.

So this is it stranded and left to die on mars. said Roy faintly.

Yup, so what now? responded Ciara.

We wait Roy said with a sigh. And so they did. They waited, and waited, and waited.

It had been an hour and Roy just passed out. There was no hope left for Ciara. There was no way

to communicate with ground control, no way to return, no food, no water nothing. She could

barely move. Ciara hadnt had food or water for 3 days and was so weak she could not stand up

since the suit was so heavy and Mars has more gravity than the Moon but less gravity than earth.

About 5 minutes have passed and there was nothing, It was only meer minutes before the

oxygen in here suit would run out. She had given up all hope of surviving. So she laid on the

ground, and started to sob. The utter loneliness of mars made Ciara depressed. All of a sudden

Ciara, removed her helmet. The vacuum of space sucked the air out of her lungs. The saliva in

her mouth started to boil. It was only a matter of seconds before the vast, emptiness of space

would take her final breath. But she didnt resist. There would be no point since there is no sound

in space. Then everything went black. The pod, destroyed and buried in dust. Silence. No

Renar 4

A year passes and the people down on earth had completely forgot about the two

voyagers who were sent to mars in 2020. The only remains of their existence are their names in a


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