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Robby Page

Ms Lukins

Language Arts Period 3-4

9 October 2017

The Land of the Fiends

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh ,screamed Sullivan as I watched his craft spin out of

control, flaming vigorously. I prayed that wouldnt happen to me.

We just lost Sully!, I exclaimed as I remembered all the memories that Sully and

I made together, and all of them had just been lost. Even though I just lost a friend, I

had to focus. Suddenly, the missile tracker was blaring all over the cockpit.

I barrel rolled and released chaff and flares. However, this was no ordinary

missile. It ignored the distractions and kept speeding toward me. This meant I had to

beat the missile with menuevers. I spun around and charged toward the sea in my

damaged F-22. This was the best way to beat this fire and forget missile. If this were

any other kind of missile, it would be like playing with death. I quickly dodged the missile

and barrel rolled to intercept an incoming enemy craft. I fired my 50 cals at the enemy.

His craft exploded and spun out of control.

The odds were still not even close to even but we had faith in our better weapons

technology. The F-22 can in theory carry nearly 50 missiles. The craft is excellent at

hiding from view and radar so we had already lost the element of surprise clearly. The

enemy was using generation 4 technology i.e. the same generation of craft we were

using in the early 90s, so we had the tech and they had the numbers.
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The noise that I was hearing constantly in my craft was incredibly annoying.

Missile warning after missile warning. Then I saw a missile heading for me and it was a

smart missile. Smart missiles can interpret very accurately when and where you are

going to do something. This left me no choice but to eject. I left my craft with a loud

pffffTTTT popopopop!

I landed safely onto enemy territory.

The parachute went out fine and I was ok. There was one major problem though.

I will be in communist Russia for awhile unless I can think of something to get me safely

back to America. Hopefully I won't need to wait long.

Well its getting dark so I might as well set up camp. The lovely thing about

ejecting out of a craft is they attach a survival pack to your seat. There is a minimal

amount of vitamins and food but more importantly, a flashlight, a one man tent, a

switchblade for defence and most important of all: a radio to contact America.

After I set up the tent, I ate a bit of my food then tried the radio. The radio turned

on and went: kkkkkkkkkk tktktktk tkt. Then I started talking through it, attempting to

make contact with the Air Force. As expected, someone responded.

This is the United states Air force. Who is this? He asked.

This is ID#: 85837534. I work for the Air force. You know, the guys who save

the world n stuff. Requesting rescue. I replied

What are your coordinates soldier? He asked again.

I told him my coordinates and my condition and other mandatory things about

the situation.
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The responder concluded that there would be a search and rescue team by

morning. Now all I had to do was wait.

I knew that they would have my coordinates but not my exact position. So I

needed to make a fire. I know that its not the smartest of ideas but I am kind've

desperate, so I made one anyway. They did find me but we had to get out of there quick

because one of the Russian bases nearby had started to detect our craft. Luckily the

rescue team, myself included, made it back to america. When I returned, I received a

medal of Honor.

In the end, I saw, in the crowd, my boss. And he was smiling.

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