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25, 2016

Principles of Public Relations:
Blueberry Case Study
Annie Merritt, Madison Grabau, Megan McDermott, and Trevor Rayhons

Client: US Highbush Blueberry Council (Folsom, CA)

Budget: Approximately $150,000

*A schedule of events is not needed for this case study.

Blueberries are relatively small in size, but have multitudes of health benefits. In one cup of
blueberries, there are 84 calories and contains phytonutrients like polyphenols. Polyphenols
includes anthocyanin, which is what gives blueberries the blue color. The fruit is a fantastic source
of vitamin C and manganese; therefore it is wonderful supplement for fighting sickness and gives
consumers the proper protein and carbohydrates needed in a daily diet. Blueberries also help
various tissues grow and develop. They contain dietary fiber, which has the ability to reduce heart
conditions and builds bulk to our diet, making the consumer feel more full.

Blueberries: 1 cup (148 gram)

Calories 84 kcal
Protein 1.1 g
Fat 0.5 g
CHO 21.5 g
Fiber 3.6 g
Vitamin C 14.4 mg
Manganese 0.5 mg

Targeted Publics
The targeted demographic for the campaign are both men and women, ranging from 25 to 45.
Focusing specifically on that demographic allows focus to be on individuals who are still choosing
which foods they consume to create a healthy diet. This is why an objective is to target subscribers
to Mens Health and Womens Health magazines. More than likely these individuals will be looking
for new and organic ways to gain a healthier lifestyle. Another targeted public for this campaign are
cable television subscribers, specifically Food Network viewers the show, The Kitchen. Network
television is also targeted, as the campaign will utilize ABCs The Dr. Oz Show. Lastly, reaching
publics through social networking allows the intended demographic, which are the current
dominant on social networking to be targeted.

Situation Analysis


In todays American society men and women tend to struggle with their health. Making a
simple dietary change by campaigning blueberry consumption can help people live a
healthier lifestyle. Therefore, the intention is to encourage the public to use food recipes
that utilize blueberries.


Externally, the campaign promotion is to raise the blueberry consumption and to encourage
people to live a healthier life style because blueberries help fulfill such a lifestyle. For most
individuals in todays American society, there is a choice that is made as to what one
consumes. If blueberries became a regular part of a persons life it can assist them in
becoming healthier.

Informal and Formal Research


Informal research is the collection of information from past research (already collected),
which is secondary data such as books, articles, etc. For the campaign, informal research
that was collected was facts and health benefits to blueberries from the U.S. Highbush
Blueberry Council.


Formal research is the collection of original data using the scientific method by the use of
surveys, focus groups, and experiments. Overall formal research is better and more accurate
information. For the campaign, formal research that was collected was that individuals are
more willing to consume a natural product to increase a healthier lifestyle compared to a
synthetic supplement.

Problem Statement
By not incorporating blueberries into ones daily diet, individuals are being deprived of multitudes
of health benefits given that blueberries contain high nutritional values that can assist in a more
healthy lifestyle.

To increase the public knowledge of the health benefits of blueberries through social media,
mens/womens health magazines, and network and broadcast television so that there is a
drive for a higher consumption rate in 2017 New Year.

Objective I: Social Media

To advertise through the following social networking platforms: Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Snapchat.

Tactic I: Facebook
Target health benefits of blueberries, giving out healthy recipes with paid
advertisements and boosted posts through Facebook.

Tactic II: Twitter

Send out four to six tweets per week with fast facts on blueberries as well as
targeting publics with paid advertisements (on Twitter) about blueberry
health benefits.

Tactic III: Instagram

Post photographs of healthy meals and desserts containing blueberries with
recipes once/twice a week.

Objective II: Health Magazines

To run a 1-page spread on blueberry health benefits in the month of January 2017 in
both Mens Health and Womens Health magazines.

Tactic I: Graphic Designer

Hire a graphic designer to create two 1-page spreads, one targeting men, and
one targeting women with various healthy meals utilizing blueberries, as
well as highlighting the health benefits of blueberries.

Tactic II: Womens Health

Advertise 1-page spread in the January 2017 issue Womens Health

Tactic III: Mens Health

Advertise 1-page spread in the January 2017 issue Mens Health magazine.

Objective III: Television

To promote a healthy lifestyle by the use of blueberries on ABCs The Dr. Oz Show,
and the Food Networks cooking show, The Kitchen.

Tactic I: Dr. Oz
Have Dr. Oz do a 5 to 10 minute segment of blueberry health benefits as a
type of blurb to audiences looking for ways to improve their daily lifestyle.

Tactic II: The Kitchen

Execute a 60-minute show on The Kitchen showcasing various recipes that
contain blueberries, wrapping the entire segment around blueberry health

Programming and Planning

Date Task Person Assigned Completed Date
2/19/16 Notify Food Network and ABC to ask The Kitchen and Dr. Oz Annie Merritt 2/20/16
use blueberries for their show
2/19/16 Contact Men and Women's Health Magazines about including Madison Grabau 3/15/16
blueberry ad in their January issues
2/19/16 Send ads to Men and Women's Health Magazines Megan McDermott 10/1/16

2/19/16 Design a blueberry ad for Men and Women's Health Magazines Graphic Designer 11/1/16

2/19/16 Design and perfect all social media ads Trevor Rayhons/Madison Grabau 11/27/16

2/19/16 Have ads published in Men and Women's Health Magazines Megan McDermott 12/1/16

2/19/16 Complete and post all social media ads Trevor Rayhons/Madison Grabau 12/18/16

2/19/16 Have blueberry episodes aired on Food Network and ABC Annie Merritt 12/30/16


Item Cost Per Unit Number of Units Number Donated Total $
Graphic Designer $100/per hour 70 hours 0 7,000

Facebook 0.24 per click 108,333 0 26,000

Twitter 0.50 per click 10,000 0 5,000

Men's Health Magazine 6,500 1 0 6,500

Women's Health Magazine 5,500 1 0 5,500

The Kitchen 70,000 1 0 70,000

Dr. Oz 30,000 1 0 30,000

Did we implement the activities we proposed?
Evaluate if we notified Food Network and ABC and had blueberries aired on The Kitchen
and Dr. Oz.
Evaluate if we contacted the Health magazines, designed the advertisements, and had them
published in the January issues.
Evaluate if we designed social media advertisements and had them posted by December
18th, 2016.

Did we receive appropriate public recognition for our efforts?

Evaluate the number of combined viewers watching The Kitchen and Dr. Oz show.
Evaluate the number of subscribers to each Health magazines.
o Mens
o Womens
Evaluate the number of clicks, shares, retweets, and comments on social media

Did attitudes change among the community, customers, and

management as a result of our programs?
(Pre evaluation) Evaluate the amount of blueberries sold across the country.
Evaluate how many blueberries are sold now compared to pre evaluation.
Evaluate a selected control group before and after eating blueberries and discuss how if
affected their attitudes, and overall healthy lifestyle.

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