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Pressure cooker starts with a stainless steel disk. It is dipped in lubricant.

Disk is put in a die to make

rounded pie. Next Punch cutter moves to make notches on that rounded shape so that it gets locked
with the lid. This allows to hold steam pressure. Next they submerge an aluminium disk in a liquid mix
of aluminium and silicon to give them even coating. This disk is arranged on the bottom of rounded pie.
When the disk is still on the pie, it is heated more than 1100 degree Fahrenheit. This intense heat
activates the aluminium and silicon to diffuse the disk to the bottom of the pie. Then it is sent to a
cooling tank from there it is sent to next station. There two blades shave away the raged edges of the
fused layer of the bottom of the pie. This creates a cosmetic effect. This improves the heat
conductivity. Then sanding and buffing is done in a special chamber. Then it is cleaned sanding residue.
Then comes crowing part the lid. It takes 6 pressing operations to shape it completely. The holes for
the pressure cookers safety valves. These two valves are crucial to release excess steam. Then a rubber
ring is placed. Then comes brackets and handles. Now it is ready.

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