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ae re ai Rarer Liens DEMIHUMAN DEITIES Eric L, Boyd Contents anda Stine (Gara rohan Gui Clit = Nebacrnssnocene Sse Eahco Unie. Maing Pasteon Brandobati none nnnae ywalee ‘Shela Pryoyd ms 175 Tmo Ure Yeo Appeni: I: Demibuman Prise 183 Appendix 2: Spel nde cone Credits ‘Design: Eric L. Boyd ‘Ong ud Sones Mater Deng: El Gren bet): Kn Clin MeCom, ‘Re are, Co suas War primi aoe of he deamon ‘heen Des & Deg Res Dat Volme Il Duane Dep Drow of ie {Nomar Meno, sy On lowed Grand Abo tate ogi ase ‘ttc fw gon. be ical Baer Bake, Watng Bur en Beachy ‘Gn ch ur rar ven Clea, Willan W Corns Dail 2 Cok Manic (EXE, Race W Col Eas Cnn Miche Don ue Donoran Nl ley Koren Who Fost Et Grenocd ei Ob, Guy Oat, Soa Hating. Pal [ae Sen Ker es andr iia aC Cos oo Productions Ma Adee Reser Amstnces Ban sb D. Gate coming alee ena ey ein ‘othe Veh Gos) Thr Mada, Cove and Bo "Dac Wack Ute help wth prosteadag) Tham Md Ga ous hp cotalinaing {estan ey) Ala Reine Madero mer” G awe No ‘Nol Resos Mera Hack Avtne “Ch of ene our, Ai ‘Fri ue, Betty Ca Dige® Nicol aay Beans" Bon De ‘otk Wack, Copter *Bendburn Dey Cuinel ‘Seine fr, Canali Makin Del ighmos”Me Poe Dad Mahe We tm En: Ea Snr” 5: Gee “non! Kacy, Gn “Scie” Ci, Joh Bahn” R. Ea, ay Pale le Secedl2" Jean Ke Milling. Kan "LAT Wiebe Une ese Maks Aa Nath Une il {ive Mak Neem Jaume? Olea, Marin "race Bate Mute Arar” Sey ie Wch66 Hl, Nigel Elaree Beane, Pip "Seen Wale Ue, Rich Basen." lek Ml Rasell "Waser Tm, yan she Silent Seon eGo, Thamar Maia M Cand Tey "Relanoce” Mabry Enc apsages Feranene he mise, ‘Te Ltt for ber wnconional lve an support, ty fail fo thei under standing te the tember the Rea tf hl tpn and thou po ‘hing pony o David Wise fri patence to Ed Greennood and Steve Shen for Ut avauble aniatance ad ey anes ato Jul Man te visor gia denier, eof thi ogy af soplement ho took = hance ns ected Real fan and novi nator ‘Compuign ein tne on the exiginal campaign word of El Greenwood felon te onginl Duncuone & Dnacn rae rested by Cary Gye ard Deve Arneson exe vn an ADE Ds er ee as Met ‘Coch Ste spel a moe Tae Exoren ‘rt wn near den lt TS [AUR chance de tan de doce hel eas one SETS ng Ahn ein ‘They bee ens ony ne ona pple cepnons aes cen ponerse Botte kris Rn Han aaa aon Bech anomie inthe ned Se nf Caray eer dots. Beats mse) Windbell, “Tope anh cag bn oh nd Sed ec. An psn atte ml ror mt ye nop eh a PACING, & LATIN AMERICA ZEIBS. Warne te Cont Beg wes GR) women EY Ao ronan Diss a companion product to Faiths & Avatrs and Powers & Pah. fn the Forgotten Reals the gods ae guess of the Reals are refered to power a they ate ‘pouped in coletions of gods efemed toa perder. Denfeenan Dates deals the anchors ‘fhe demibuman races inching the dave, lve (a dow) gnomes and ali. ‘Ovnensip ofthe Payers Hanaboa, the Dunoon Masta Gui, and the Toe of Mage re resi to we this prs. Ownerhip of Faths & Auta, Poues & Panos, Pages from de Mages, res rom che Fat the Moxraous MaNUAL" tome, the assed Monsrnous Conaxun Amal volumes the Puaxascare® Morstaous Coaexorva appendices and the for volumes af the Ewcctoria Macica™ ‘ome issuengly encouraged an woul supplement the infomation presence here. With them, DM wll be forced to subsite ther om information fom some heavily eerenced materia. Other products en ‘Sone n this ook are of teary njrtncevornaton referenced em them smeared inthis volume ‘ormay be omited completely without sigcaalyivluercng the favor ofthe entries presented here. ‘To avo excesve duplication hetween the thre supplements only an overview ofthe format of each ety entry is repeated in Derduman Dats, Fora genera overview of vie power inthe Ress, the reader steered w Fads 6 Atours. For deri n the new pret clases refered i thissplement, sch as the csader, mystic, and shaman, the reader refered to eer Fath & Ata ot Pavan ¢ Orrin ™: Spel @ Mage Format of Deity Entries “The enti fr the powers detailed inal tre supplements follow a sar format Notes that oat te sven here ina forma mimicking chat used in the text Name of Deity (Common Tite and Epithets) Power Ranking of Plane Name, Alignment Alignment abbreviations used throughout each deiys entry are: LG=lawfl good, NO=ncutal good, (CGschaotic god, LN lawfl neural, CN=chactc neural, Netrue neuen, LE-lawfl evil, NE-nevrel col, CEechaote el “These are the ope, thin ideas or emotions over which the deity as dominion, power, and control astakout which the det i concerned (Other names the pone is known by are ven here. These maybe “porpct Sp the ety fs hal snd ioral an eras ry ‘The layer ofthe plan the deity domain i found en isle hee, followed by the domain’ name Ifthe plane the domain ons undivided, the plane name ‘srepeated (Noe that some planes abo have ayes with chesame name athe plan they are par) Ifthe det takes orders fom another power, that powers sted her. Teadtiont allies ate given bee “Tiadionalfes re given hee. Powers the go rivals ce competes with are not foes. These are disused in the text, not hee A brief descrgion of the dey syal is given her ‘Theslignment required of desired wonhiper ofthe deity are ge hee. owes generally bea liberal as possible wo areact 2s much woh st theyean. ‘Thisintroductory paragraph describes che way a powers generally depict (or actual lok) ii dierent fom the deity’ avatar frm. I gives the accepted pronunciation ofthe power’ nae Ie etal akin ti tes and epithets the power i known by, commen wonkipers ofthe power, and the qualities tte othe sei suchas its general demeanor esting. axl penalty 1 alo diciases any relations hence the power and other powers nc covered by the "Ali and Foes entries above: YANTHEONS OF THE REALMS Deity Avatar (Chharactee classes and levels) ‘This persgaph describes the avatars appearance and the school or spheres of ‘tac fom which may daw spells: When deus inthis avatar sedon,& ey avatar iagoken ofthe dey, noc as “the avatar of -ando," to econo ‘eon pce. The avatar statics this format and these sbbreviions: SCs len MY open tg ene ci asumalto abaya be A) Sorting, B burn HE pls THACO ‘Tohit Amor Gu eAT ranberofatadopertowd Dog cal damage dene per atc (weapon fone se, Sent bons toxtion weap pecan nica) MR gira §7 St potion (inet) Sx Saeagh sae, Dex Deve ne Cox Conetition cor st Inteligee ore, Wis Wad core, Cua hit oe Sela ruber fit el pel eve inchting Wid pelo, ‘Wenumbere wistd pe per ell eel ‘Swe (ving tho) PPDM pon, partion death ge ving theo [SW ro. staf or wand ving hw, PP petcaton orl ang thow: BW beth weapon ing tow: Sp opel sng ow Spc AtwDef Tisenny die sesany spect els or defenses the svar ass mga ers cfnote, and any pcan wc ites 0 we. Other Manifestations This section dscuses other manifestations of «power aie from its avatar These manifestations are much move commonly encouncered than the ctl swat of deity. They ten convey benefits t the faith or incite avr ci ‘ection, danger, agreement or disereement by the dey. Sometimes they ae ‘merely sed to comfort and asure hee worshipers that they are awe of st ton cx appecate thei fll devoion ‘nthe eadgs i this section, the following abbreviations re wed fo chara ‘erehex Cxcenic, Crvscrusder, Dede, SP-speialty priest, Mon=monk, Mreemipcc, Shamshaman, Fotighter, Palspalain, Reranger, Wall wird clases, Menage, Abjeabjurer, Con=conjure, Chr=chronomancer, Div=di- ner, Encsenchante,Il-llusionst, ny=invoker, Nec=necromancet, Spellespeinger, Tractransmuter, T=thit, Brbard Note that the chrono ‘tances wiad character clas i decribed in Choomancer, the spelling wie and clases desrbed in Wizard and Rogues ofthe Rel, and the crusades, ‘non myst, and harman pret cases ae found in athe & Anca Cuno “The different character clases open to members of the leg rested hee. Always remember chat rego can have lay members ofthe clergy who haven character clas They are teted a a. level fighters ules otherwise specified Mernbes of any clas who belong othe clegy muse one ofthese algments (within the entrain ofthe alignment to which the clas ie restricted). The allowed alignment of speciley ess are speccally noted in hit section. ‘Abbrevnions forall character clases of clegy eu ‘whether thy ean tm undead Abbewarions forall character cases of clergy and whether they can command une Csmov A, Usoean: (how, Usa ‘Bonus profclences or other game televant material apliabl all pity ‘embers cfthe region’ clergy are presented in history paragraph, Following rargraphsin thisoverview ofthe chuch dicus the rear ofthe blir dhe religion, ype details of temple or shrine consrction, names Aiferent forms the cen al themeelver by, dsribucon breakdowns of kings ofcharcter clases within the clergy, chuch hierarchy. and tides of diferent rns cf cle Furherinmavon om the church roe down nt ine jg Dabs Heres deed tel tenet sti aang fhe won. Day-to-Day Activities Tpical activities ofthe church ae decribed hee ‘This entry covers what the church does, as opposed to what the religion Be lies This etry abo discs what believers an piss ofthe lion ae ex- pected whe cr donae to the church ot tice to tec. Important Ceremonies/Holy Days Important ceremonies and major Indy days the rein ae dscuse in his entry. "Major Centers of Worship: This er describes jor center the deity ‘worship. These may be the aes temples ofthe go thse withthe mast f- ‘aching nfuence nthe igi, or heeft intheregon. ‘Aliated Order: Knightly ane ralary ones filaced with the church arebiey dace in thn erty: Thy are named and the character clase thet ‘member belong are mentioned The unions and ties of thew order ard ‘ther information peainingo tel eationship tothe church are aso tached on brie Priestly Vestments: Thien descr the ceremonial vestments fees ofthe dey a any ferences beeen the vestments of diferent kindof iets ‘abo sve the deny Diferences in gab according ork rin fleren gions as alo diced here, Typical coloration o construction materials of symbols and holy symbol ofthe pol are mentioned hereif the reir. “Adventuring Garbs This enry descr he typical pric’ adventuring pb, Ilo dices any differences between the adventunng gt of diferent Tends f pists who serve the dey Spe ke) ‘The experience progres ible forall pres ype fou in Fy @ Avan ‘An optional specialty pris experience poi progression tbl i fund in Ap pend Dembuman Pest Requincuenrs "Minkum ablty repens fo his ype of special pres sty Pests (Class name fPapplica Pane Rea: bliss thar mu havea sore of 16 oc abowe oe the charter to eceive 10% eapeience point 9 Ausra ‘Specialy pits mast be the same alignment os their ga unles specially ned diferent hee Wears ‘Types of weapors pci piess are allowet0 Arson. “Types of armor speci pret ae llowed wo ine Mayor Senses: Spheres fps spelt which specialty pets have major acess Monon Seurnes: Spheres f priest spel to which special Frets Insve minor acoes Macicat rs: ‘The kindof magical tems speci pists are allowed we Reg, Prox "Nonmeapon or weapon poicincies pecily ries mint purchase with rofcenyslosat Ist level Bonus Pore "Nonapon or weapon poicincies pecily ess moive witha jending proney et Secideypeess may spend atonal so ronmal to inpeove te ls. + Theft bullet point inthis section noe the races ander subaces and ge eral a specialty pies by the power The econd bullet point notes mulls combinations thar aspecsy pret ofthis power allowed to ke pao and which kit any, she or he may apply this ocher clas oe clases Ths section contain ali of special power ranted to sect ries of thisdety. Clerics donot receive these bts unes that fact specially ‘ote (nal changes to oer priest clases of dey ave noted eal the ire texepamgraph ofthe desepeion ofthe church) 1 Spellke aii are often expres in tens ofthe spells chey ar sii ‘When specialty pet receive such an abil, iti usble nado to ‘heir normal pel complements tshould no be read at. estan on the umber fines that dhe pest can cast the comparable pel per dy o pet tenvay Such spel ike abies equ no veka, somatic, o material com ‘onents to se and Rinetion as nate abilities in combat (discus in the Trae Absliies subsection ofthe Special Atacks seton of the Combet chapter ofthe Dunaton Masten Gu). They have an iiive moter ‘of 13 no matter uh the casing tine ofthe spel they resembles. i z i : i 3 Extended Wizard Spell Progression Extended Priest Spell Progression sescipeidieeenemneimnaeae Ce eHEVI Edin tt i a ae (ee _e° Fruits [| | [cannnnn reer rrecnnnnneecceess puis ii o> Ga Be Bee ge ~ eo eee MILL | [ [oomsinnnnnomessernnninnnnecceeoceons || [roanannn nanometer tnonenancoccooconnnn [ee ee Banding trees tan nmmnnnnnnnecennnnnesneeae Fone emer enonunsn nes RRAnS ARSE RRARARARRRRS tii 18. |S -- 5-2 = “in | B= Be-- Be + Usable oly by priests with 17 or greater Wistom. ** Usable ol by piss with 18 or greater Wisdom. Priest of Priest of Cyrrolslee Urogalan Priestof Sheela Peryroyl Priest of Arvoreen Priest of Yondalla PANTHEONS OF THE REALMS Priestof Deep Duerra Dameron Priest of Berronar Truesiver < Priest of Dumathoin Priest of Abbathor — Geithym Priest of Hacla Brightaxe Priestof Laduguer F Prestof ae Priest of Vergadain “Thard Hare Priest of Sharindlae PANTHEONS OF THE REALMS: Priest of Shevarash Priest of Sehanine Priestof Moonbow ‘Cloakshadow Rife Priest of Relithil Solonor Thelandira | PANTHEONS OF THE REALMS «9 | 10. PANTHEONS OF THE REALMS [ PANTHEONS OF THE REALMS - 1 | dhe Sc-Tel Quessir of Abei-Torl the dak elven subvace ofthe Fair Folk have long ‘cen divorced fom the Seldarine, the traditional elven pantheon of Arvandor. The row, as they are now known, venerate a wide range of dark power, the most prominent of which are presened hereafter. The deities ofthe drow are a pantheon in name ons, united only by the common heritage oftheir worshipers, long-ignred familial tes among four of them, and occasional shorcived alliances forged only asa matter of convenience. By Corellon Laethian's decre, the desciny of the dark elves was placed long ago inthe hands of his consort, Araushnee the Weaver Arthat tie she was a minor buc secretly ambious, even power and ‘member ofthe Seldarin. After a series of betrayal of her fellow gods, Araushnee was banished fo the ‘Abyss by Cotlion for plotting against her lover and fr secrecy assembling a hast of el dities—the ‘nti-Seldaine—toasaule Arrandor, home ofthe Sekarne, ina bid to replace Cello ax Coronal of ‘Arvandor. After her bantibment, Araushnee asumed the name Lolth Demon Queen of Spiders She ‘setabout establishing her new cea in the Abys and diving off oe sbjugating vals ike Ghavnadaor, ‘Kiaransalee, ad Zana. Araushnce was not Une only elven power to be cast out of Arvandor and the Seldarine, however, or hee webs ensnared her ro children ay well When his mother’s perfidy was ex" poted, Viaeran, som of Arauhinee ad Corellon, was banished to Abeit-Tori fr his complicity inthe Weaver’ plots to replace Corellon as head of the Seldarine. Vhaeraun’ sister, Elistace the Dark ‘Maiden, agreed ro exile s wll although she was only an unwieting participant in her mother’ plots, Lolth dominates all che other powers and brooks (oat least aca) mo challenge to her ultimate suthovty Only Kiaransalee and Selvetarm acknowledge the Spider Queen as head ofthe pantheon, an ‘unavoidable acknowledgment of Lolth great power Eilistraee, Visser, and Ghaunadaur remain in dependent ofthe Spider Queen's coats, but none of them i strong encugh to challenge he directly, tnd their mutual enmity precludes any possibility of alliance against hee. Kiaransalee only recently fought fice of Lolth’ shadow, but she has itl influence (and few worshipers) in the Realms Seve" tart stl fly ereshed in his grandmother's webs, despite dhe effors of hi followers o beak aay from the Spider Queen's cule Eilstrace and Vhacraun are brother and ster, children of Araushnee (Lolth) and Corelon Larethian. Seivetarm isthe ofspring ofan ilL-ated ret between Vhaeraun and Zandilr the Dancer (Shares), odes of che Yui elves. Ghaunadaue isa primordial evl who joined the other members ofthe aniSeldarine inthe assault on Arvandior. Kiranalce x once-mortal datk ‘elfof another world who achieved divinity and was named drow before the fall of Araushnees ‘With the notable exception of Eilistraee, the dark powers ofthe dow pantheon ae intimately in ‘volved in the ives of ther followers, demanding absolute obedience and exclusive veneration in ex- ‘change for great power. Aside fom the Dark Matden, the gods ofthe drow pantheon care nothing for ‘the fate of thee followers except att advances thei own personal power. Allutone del in the Abyss ‘or other dark realms, embodying the banishment ofthe drow fom the Lands of Light. Eilstracescck redeem the allen dark elves and lead them Bock tothe grat forest ofthe surface world that thei an cesar forsok many millennia ago. However, che Dark Maiden t quite constrained in her actions by ‘the power of Lolth and the other gods ofthe pantheon, and she acknowledges the need for individual «row to find their own path to redemption that heavy-handed ncrferenceon her part woud prechae, “The origin of the drow is Grmly enshrined inthe mins of al the elven subeaces whose ancestors foxght in the reat Cow Wars that spit the Fie Folk. While the other elven subraces reall wth hor: tor the depraved actions of the llth, asthe dominant tribe of dack elves wae known, that led tothe ‘Descent, the drom weave their ow les regaing the perky ofthe Seldarine and the other elven races ‘whom they hold tured on the Sti-Tel Quest and unjustly banished them to the Undertark Only those drow who have ansvered the redemptive cll ofthe Dark Maten recall and preserve the elven myths regarding the ancestry ofthe Fat Fa, fr such tales ae of itl interes o those who vethe in anger atthe Creator they now scorn, Corellon. Drow culture is distinguished by a earicus mixture of monotheism aed polytheism uncharacteristic of ‘most man anu demhuman cultures ofthe Realms. Mos drow cites—auch as Gualliduth, Menasber- ranzan, and Ched Nasad—are ruled in che name of Lolth by priests ofthe Spider Queen and even the mention let lone the worship, of other gods s forbidden. few drow cites—such ae Llurth Dreier (Ghavnadaue) and Velddrinnshar(Kirarslee)—are ruled by the clergy ofthe other drow powers in simile fabian, bu they to forbid the worship oe mention oll other goa. The few dow cites that ex: Iibie the open worship of wo or more detes—such a beleaguered Eryn, located beneath the High “Moor, or Golthaey, fam whence the founders of Mentoberrancan and Ched Nasadfed-—ae ven by strife and are usally destoyed by civil war within a generation of such a split appearing. Nevertheless ‘most of the dow gods havea few secretive washipes in every deow enclave, as such devotions fod isdn ihe oppor fr ational weapons in the eles quest for ince reronal sation. Ase om the hl of Elsrae, who ven {he Dak Maen in fashion esembling the veneration of the Selene . br eberof other races mot drow venerate one (or in some cases tro) } de onef fe respec anda deste for akltonal oes of thet ow, ot caf any ese oe pet. ‘One 10,000 year ag, the Crown Wars expose the depths to which ek ses ia alle inh eve fl gover ch Vea, and Lath, despite the mitigating efor of the goed hearted ce Asn oy mame dc yh Fa esa cls were forever baie othe dep tunnels beneath Fern bythe Sele | hse and the allied elven nations and thereaer named dow (riially ‘Beran lsh es mening fof sha er of ab, os) The fn drow cviltatins aos inthe Undeak of southem Fern e4-9600 DR. The egret kingdom ofthe drow was Tl, with its aio inthe great caver of Bhacryren, the conguered ear of the feet king ofthe Stout Fl eel bythe dow in -5,000 DR. The stow fot among shemselves, noble gait nab, priest opine ret ferrule cf thet ne el Thi allo mateo aml rest magia ex: "eso that hough don the roo f Bhacryen The sling colaeed ‘eth hayng many drow a he haere Jaren ces tha hey oc ‘eu The cam now open othe ak, became Lown he reat Ri, sodthe chasm andthe wounding eaves wee ler rete by thea tomo the gold dwarves form the Deep Realm. Ina great dos ‘oon asthe Scattering, the surviving drow nobles and pers gathered ‘hat people slaves, and equipment they could sie and fed nto the Un- deri in serch oF laces vo del Since that me, cols ies and sulle ettlements have tsen and fallen, anid the drow are now found hwughcur the dep tunnels Beneath al of sein ad even fat ald ‘The woh of cha and rut thtenmeses the dw beri che eons sf berwecn the gothey vert. Likewbse, he hatred they bold fal oer ces, arcu the Fi Fo the urce word layed out ‘swell in the never-ending confit between the Seldarine and thove they. Send go, Onl al ation ave cured wo the uta nd ‘hires, peal byway ofthe weleming hand Elisa. General Drow Priest Abilities: The gener slits a fesrtons ef iow piss, aie fom the specific changes note ler nthe section foreach dow faith, ae sursmarzed in the discussion of dow pests Arpeds I: Denman Pest Eilistraee rk Maiden, the Lesser Power of Yegard, CG Portrouic, ‘Song beauty dance, swordvork, hunting, Aue: Domain Nase: Seranon: Aue CCallarduaran Smoothhands, Haela Brightaxe, Larue, Myst, the Sekarne,Seline Fou: Deep Duetra, Kensal, Laugier, (Ghaunadour, Lolth, Malar, Selvetarm, Vinaraun,Bilkdofpoolp, the Blood Queen, Diinkarazin, Drink, Great Mother, Grr sensing, Ibendten, Lacgee Maanzecorian (dead) Smmaci: Aa long sword outlined against a silver ‘moc, with silvery lament (Eistrace’s hai) round al in nibs Wor, Aun, IG.NG,CG. Eidtraee (Batis TRAY-yee) i the godess ofthe good diow-—thoie rare du eves sho year 3 ‘um folie on the surface Reals, existence akin ‘that enjoyed by elves ofthe woodlands eft behirs by the drow long ago. She isa goddess of song and ‘beau, goodness and light, worshiped through song tnd dance—preferably n the surface word, under the stars of moonlit night Eilistrace aids he faith {ulin hunting and swordcaft, and worship of hers usually accompanied by a feast Eilistrace also has worshipers of human, elven, and in particular, hhalelven stock (particularly around Silverymoon), snd she Tookskily ‘upon the Harpers: She is usually seen ony from aft, bu her song (of n- ‘artly beauty, driving mang to tea) is heard whenever she appear ‘The Dark Maiden is he ssce of Vhaeraun and the daughver of Arash nee, who was cast out and became Lolth, and Corellon Larethian After Elisa nearly slew her father with an arrow during area atl berween the Seldarine md a host af ell deities bent on conquering Arvandor, the Dark Maiden forswore the use of ranged weapons (although she permits them toher fllower). Although her arow went astray because of Arash ‘nee’ treachery ltrace chose banishment from Arvandor (ar the Se! darine) along with her mother and brother, foreseeing a time when she ‘would be needed to balance thet evil. On Abeit-Toril, the Dask Maiden strove for centuries agains the hated of Vhaeraun and his corrupting in- yence on the llth (southern, dark-skinned elves) Eilistraee’ power cbbed with the death of many of her fuithl i the Dark Disaster, and the tise of Lolth and Ghaunadus among che dark elves marginaied the inf nce ofthe Lay ofthe Dance for millenna. Only sn revent centuries has Elstrace’s faith regained a small amount of prominence in Farin, a the Dark Maiden seeks to lead the fallen drow back tothe long forsaken light Eilistrce isa melancholy. moody drow female, lover of beauty and pesce. The evil of most drow banks «burning anger within het, and when her faichful are harmed, that anger bape to spill cut into wid action les ‘ot her way t act openly, but she often aids reatres she favors (whether they worship her or not) in smal, immediarely practical ways. Elise is happiest when sc loos on bards singing or composing, erafrnes ac work, lovers, of acts kindness ‘While the Dark Maiden and the Selarine remain allies it isa strained relationship that reflects the divisions that pert among te elves. Among the elven powers Eilitrace is only elese with Erevan lesere, and she has ‘only ecenty worked out an uneasy truce with Shevarah,Eilstrace is un ‘ually close with the human goviless of magi, Myst Qilué Velador, seventh of the Seven Sisters, serves both goddeses as Chosen of Myst anid ay Chosen of Eilistrae. The Disk Maen hates the comruption and ssredeemable evil that both Lolth and Ghaunadaur represent, and she ‘mourns her brother's ceduring cruelty and slfshness. iistraee's Avatar (Bard 29, Clerc 24 Ranger 2, Fighter 21) Eiliscace appear as an uneld gly skinned femal drow. Shei 9 ft in height with antle-length, sweeping hair of glowing silver. Her aie and wandering silvery radiances cloak her body ina smoothly, continuously ‘mowing array of beauty. Elistrace can call on all spheres and schools of ‘magic but favors spell ram the spheres of anal, creation, healing, and plant and the enchantmeenicharm school AC-2; MV 15, F118; HP 165; THACD 0, #AT 7/2 Ding 18121812 (sngng sand of dancing 43 x2, +7 Sm, +2 pec. bonus in allswords) MR 50%; S2 L(9 feet high) Stn 19, Dex 20, Cow 16, ber 21, Wis 22, Cua 23 Spells Fe 12/2/12/12/1/83, W: 61/55/55) Saves PPDM 2 RSW 4, PP4, BW, Sp 5 Special AtvDef Eilstrace wilds twin singing swords ofdcing +3, cach swith al ofthe powers of a Bastard snort of dancing (ba ith a fixed stack pd damage bonus) and of a singing suowd (see elon). When she wishes to appear clothed che Dark Maiden is garbed in a set of deep brown leather ‘ors with all the powers of bors of elenknd os of eared racks, and bors of the noth that allow er to pass without mace and move in tora lence at sll She ako wears «dappled green cloak that shits its alos ro match the DROW PANT EON ilistrace +13 foliage around it, pro- viding concealment ‘sila eo that of a oak of evenkind and arin of cha- trace hae te seeing (continu ous, but otherwise fanetions 35 the priest spell) and can tanleash nine sl- very magle missiles pet round in akition to her normal avatar melee combat and spelleast- ing attacks fora sound. These issiles onertingly tnlice 244 poines of damage each ro all ee urs excep evil beings and us lead ereatuts, who sufer 444 ‘damage per mise ‘Once per turn, Elis ploy spell wring asthe ing but che effect works : agains all magic directed % against her in that round. FON i locate gi tack forthe round. Once per turn the avatar can also regenerate damage her self, restor ing even lost limbs with ‘ut a system shock rll and healing 1441 points of damage per round (This proses can contnve for 4 continuous rounds and precludes spell casting. but not other activities or combat.) ‘At will che Dark Maidn's avatar can create moonfite (se the Eis race's moore spell Blom), silvery light, ce dancing lights cause harp, horn (caro hocn is her sign), or fate musi wo sound: and sing. At wil, her songcan affect urea end evil creatures of 3 Hit Dice ot esa a repulsion Spell:can stun anyone being (saving throw vs. spell at to avoid) for | ound; or can act asa knack spell (as feast by an 11th-evel wird). She fan also leite at wil (elf only, horzontal move of up to 160 feet per round) She can ony be stack by +1 oe beter magical weapons. “The Dark Maiden seldom takes diet hand inthe afi of more, but she sometimes appents inthe mkt of a dance in her hono, leaping anil the flames ofthe feast unharmed. She also appears, radiance dimmed ard tla ina plan, cowled clos, athe campfires of wayfres in the woodlsnds brpnigh to tet heir kindnes “Mest worshipers see Eilistraee only from afar, perched on a hillock or buttement, silver hai streaming out behind her She appeas 10 show her favor or blessing and often rallies or heartens creature by causing a high, far-off hunting horn call co be heard. (On several occasions, this hs frightened off beigands or ore raiders, who thought aid for thelt {quarry ws on the way) When Eilistraee’ hunting horn i heard but fbes are present het followers interpret i ssi that someone neatby reds thei aud ee Eilisrac’s most used msinifeseations ae silvery radiance, sometimes sccompanied by a wordless snatch of song of few echoing harp notes. If the radiance surrounds an item (almost always a sword or other bladed weapon), that item eptally gains the fllowing two powers for 6 rounds: fall possible damage (maximum rll, plus all bonuses) and imu to breakage or cher damage (automatic succes of all cer saving threw). the radiance envelops a being, Elise’ favor typically gives any all of the following three aide for # rounds the ably to srk fein any ound, an increas in Armor Class of 2 points, and abonus of +4 toall attack ol, fnchding the ability to srike creatures normaly affected only by magical weapons of 2 or greater bonus Eilistraee sometimes manifests to a worshiper or nonworshiper who Ihonors her witha solitary dance 2s a slver radiance that tarforms thee ciplent’s ha into a mane of silver fie for a month or even permanently Elistrace has also Been known to ak her worshipers by providing fant si- very radiance when they need to find something dropped in darkness, of follow an unknown tail by night through dark woods, o when chibi ‘occurs in drkness. She sometimes sends a flute of silver swallowed ‘moths to show her favor, jin ina dance, or lead her faithful that have be- ‘ome lst oF need some indication ofthe be direction to rake. Tn rare circumstances, ales who worship Eilistrace—or beings without any priest powers who wort farther Elieace’ aims and need her vise essing and support (or ast some light)—wil remporrly manifest moon- fe (se Eilstraee’s moon below). Such manifestations are atthe will of the gees: the lcky recipient has no contol over the duration, intensity, and location ofthe radiance Elistrace is served by aasimay,asianon (particularly lights), asus cath shee, eiherlar, eladrins, mercury dragon, elven cats, feystags, fost, hol- Iyphanes, inearnates of faith and hope, Iyehari, mist dragons, soon dows, rmoon-horses, moral, pie, radiance quasiclemental, reverend ones al wer dogs silver dragons, spits, sunfies a teing or wo, and sllver stipe tabby cats oF normal-looking animals with solid silver colored eyes She demonstrates her favor trough the dacovery of mithral, moonbary moon- Stones, and silver, and the aiden inspiration to write a beautiful song or poem oF the shlled to craft gorgeous sword, Eilistraee indicates her di Pleasure with the sudden rising of a cold breeze, the disfavored one’s hands or feet growing chilled, a axiden ack of inepration for or capability in ay esti endeavor, or che inability ro cach angthing while hunting. (Cerin crsaders, nyt, specie priest LG,NG,Co (Gea, Gr No, My: No, SP: Yes G:No, Gru No, My: No, SP:No “Tons Unbeads Cuno, Usa Allclercs including multiclass clerics, crusaders, mystics and pecaly Priests (inching multilaned specialty priests) of Eilatraee eceive rel sion (drow), religion (elven, and reading (deowic) as bonus non ‘respon proiciencis, All clergy of Elstree must be female, but they may bbe of any incellgent race. Multilssed press ae permitted if normally l- lowed by race. (In other words they ae not dark elves.) Note that the ‘ase and mature spell ike powers as well asthe magierestanee and eaving throw bonus vs, magical atacks of neatly al priest of the Dark Maiden nave either faded due to extended sojourns on the surface or were never even acquired. A player character datk elven priest of the Dark Maiden ‘ever ecives any such powers. “The followers of Elistrace argues of legend in both she Underdark and the Lands of Light. They are che subject ofsuperstions an wy inaccurate ‘intr, hed by auface dwellers tobe the evl vanguard the Sper God Seats plot to plmge al f Faerin into darkness under her nue and held by those drow who follow the Way of Lolth (or other evl gods) tobe faerie (surface el) invaders masquerading as dark elves in preparation fr the com> Ing war of annhilation, Rare isthe indiveal-—dar elf or not —who ape ates that Elitrace is foging her own path, one that welcomes beings al ‘aces who revel i fe and the reform expression of al that entails, “The clergy of Eilteraee are collectively know ax Dak Ladies, although vidual temples often have a unique collective name forthe Dark Matden’s priests. Acolytes and aspirants tothe clergy who wish to join a temple or who have nor yet attained full priesthood are known at Matis. [ 14. DROW PANTHEON: Eilistraee Ay 3] ta nl po ay ayant ame ele al ea oom ore ici Moon Dans Man Sn Det Haney Aspen Malle Sword, Unsheathed Blade, . Bright Edge of Darkness, and Chas: of the Moonstruck Night. Specialty pest of che Dark Masden are opener! ‘Sitch! et) elmer (ha seen ela 1 clerics) in Eilistraee’ rr cleay, [ssoniouing to shcnk A sell ation (2%) of Lady Silvers ley the South, although that has ‘change in. sath ofthe Tine of Tobie, ae eee ¢ Darksong Knights. An even smaller. than 1%) of those venerate the Lady of the Dance are mystics. Such priests invariably “cove Elta on ther ove and come to wonhip the Dark Maiden ou side ofan established church environment. = ‘Temples of the Dark Maiden are eypcaly tablished inthe mo “ck cavern and ind forests on the surace word fom which ber can venture forth at right co brave the moonlight. Ree ae for clergy of Elite to founda temple below the sucace, even one ‘orld above asthe Promenade (se below). worship are ‘hoven and developed ina manner ofthe sface elves ed- ‘cated to the Sedarine. The Dark Malden’ clergy seek out pristine, natural ‘tes that need litle modification. Temple complexes typealy include » Temple Sh in ih dnc wm ic evi tt ml dk place removed fm the lh of day tick ec canon» pens Annette ‘ccaing rors an acces tunel o he Ueda td ein oem ot ‘ie thet metal state rte cafing of ors Howe the single ‘kine ofthe Derk Malden ries naught e moon ge and sont (rate or iagine) thet doe one ina dance DDogmn: Ai che wk song cu and chu alk; be lays ink se bale wath vl Entounge happlncs veryobee Hit hears tind word, Jom song od merimen Lan ow cod game ord Yow ber oun Lean new songs dances and mae with weap nd ‘etd es ad put eang on whenever pombe Lara how Slee ake, snp anal insntnens race mun eed one 0H Defend and al fle romain harmony between he ces Singer ae your fee The homeless must be even hee om sors under your own fof ined be. Repay rudeness with kindne Repu vlence mth uc lence, tha the ees maybe ht and ange fatemove fo he and Theft mac al ow who arenes, he dtrened ae uh ‘swith ther eow the combat to be spped with lite ode a Frule Soiong arte row met wither wethng even eter hey Sctobe ae and gven the mesag of Ellseace“A igh paste YPuinthe Reams Above, in de Land the Great Light Cae peace Aollve beneath he nn at, whe teen Howes pow Pins ofthe gona lowed to ecg and accnaiae mney sven then eesinge wth he unread tat ths wealth to Be ed ‘er fod mute insu ad othe tol (sucha goed son) ‘eve the wll o the poe Fiera of iimee ore alone oo abe Ingo ngs hy es and dfn the etalon he ay They sc ecoraged toad adentring prin, wth dhe pie of theta woke ovo of ome or of ent gil amr they can se a fling th nected sed of some Fahl of Ela ae encsuraged ive fod tothe eed wth Aner tothe gon to mt with Kindness nd fo ge ood and money Ny can pat the pre: nes ato fd emus ty hee oe feng a hurting sls x mich a pole and to uy to convert let oe stmger re moon tothe wonhp of Elstme: Ledinga conver ‘a rayer tothe Dak Maiden il tn eflering tothe golden who ska 62%) mans a aso othe conven, Whe pra the pln ‘sc fh ev they ae to burn thet he cv cetares they clays ‘ofr tothe fodder “unles such tenure ar ee and toner sean there oe hang fle near ‘Any ng tele net with, who ofr no teats ro be ed by thf of Elita. While traveling pists are to cat food with ths pose tal nes Where fot ano be prcase te tv muh ated or need fr. Fh ef Ele test ‘i ed nd give a fen pom orange in ned ry the ‘uteasts and those of other aces: fod yet remains itis tobe given tothe ists of Eilistraee, that they may do thesame, and none shall go hungry. ‘In times of plenty, store food for lean times ahead In harsh winters, ptr the lands about to ind and tak inthe ls, the but and those eaught in ‘the teeth of the cold. Whenever possible food shouldbe eaten with the ac- companiment of song. Except for properly sad feast should be accompanied by merriment; the faithful ofthe Dark Maiden are com- ‘manded to promote happines and gary whenever posible. "When fitful and ales of priest fall im bale any priest present must, ‘if posible, provide burial, a funeral song, and comfort othe bereaved Day-to-Day Activities: Whenever and wherever posible faithful of FElistace encourage drow to return tothe surface work and work to eo- ‘mote harmony benreen drow and srface-dweling races oer to ext lish the drow as rightful, nonevil inhabitants of Faerdn. They nurture beauty, musi, the craft of making musical instruments and song wherever they find i sist huncers and hunting, and help others in ats of kindness “whenever they see ways todo so. Priests must be silled in the playing of at lease one of the Dark Maen’ favored instuments—horn, fate, or har: bbe adequate singers and be i, graceful dancers. They gather songs and mix sical knowledge constantly and acquite training in the wie ofthe ord when they can Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: The customary worship to the Dark Maiden isa hunt, fllowed by a feast and dancing, and a Circle of Song n which the worshipers si and dance by turns ina cic each cme in succession leading a song. If possible, this is done out of doors, im a ‘wooded area, on a moonlit night. Daily prayers are sung whenever posible, tnd pists ery to lead others a song two every evening, even tno fr ‘nal situa is eld ‘Worshipers of Eilistrae tr ole out al ofthe gathered emotion ofthe day with an evesong. An eversong is a perional thing, often wordless and lone in privat, Priest ofthe Datk Maiden who have the coins to do are ‘expected 0 hire any strange minstrel or band they meet for a Song oF tO} lay worshipers are encouraged to do 0. ‘Whenever a sword isinished or ist taken into use by a worshipe ofthe DD Maiden priest res call down te Hsing of the goes upon i “This s done by planting the blade poine-down in the ground, out of does and by nigh, and dancing, The Sword Dance crles the blade and involves ‘the priest drawing blood from each of hee limbs by dancing momentarily against the blade, If succesful (45% chance, pe night attempted), the blade slows with avery radiance. For three months, it des noe break oe ras | drow weapon, ts ako made immune ton and removal fom -mdiation