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Dana Fischetti

The Rhetoric of Aristotle

Com Theory

March 7, 2017

After watching and reading the speech Checkers there were many aspects I found

were significant to the Rhetorical proof of Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. Richard Nixon succeeded in

tying emotion, logic, and sincerity into this speech. Though he was forced to resign, he made a

great effort in this speech.

Pathos- emotional proof, which comes from the feelings the speech draws out of those who

hear it. When Nixon was explaining how much money him and his family have he got emotional

towards the end. He stated that his family received a gift after he won the election and the gift

was a little cocker spaniel. He explained that his daughter named the dog Checkers. It then

occurred to me that the name of the speech is Checkers. I perceived this as Nixon playing the

heart strings of the audience. Making them feel like they are kicking the helpless puppy out of

the White House. Its a known fact that once you name an animal it becomes harder to let it go.

I believe Nixon tied Checkers into the speech.

Ethos- perceived credibility, which comes from the speakers intelligence, character, and

goodwill toward the audience, as these personal characteristics are revealed through the

message. The part of the speech that is a clear example of ethos was in the very beginning. A

usual political thing to do when charges are made against you is to either ignore them, or to

deny them without giving details. I believe weve had enough of that in the United States
This is an example of ethos because Nixon is trying to persuade his audience that he has

goodwill and wants what is best for them. Nixon ceased this opportunity to highlight that he is

honest and trustworthy which is ironic because this speech is an apology for his dishonesty.

Another way Nixon used ethos in his speech is when he introduced his wife. My wife is

sitting over here, shes a wonderful stenographer. She used to teach stenography and she used

to teach short hand in high school. That was when I met her. And I can tell you folks that she

has worked many hours on Saturdays and Sundays in my office, and she has done a fine job.

By introducing his wife, hes trying to make himself look more human rather than a robot that

isnt supposed to make mistakes. He is trying to gain back his credibility by disclosing more

about his personal life.

Logos- Logical proof, which comes from the line of argument in a speech. I am going at this

time to give to this television and radio audience, a complete financial history, everything I have

earned, everything I have spent and everything I own, and I want you to know the facts. Nixon

read off his entire financial history to supply evidence to back up his argument.

Aristotle thought it possible for an orator to possess extraordinary intelligence and

sterling character yet still not have the listeners best interest at heart. (The Rhetoric, page

287). This quote from the book A First Look at Communication Theory is very appropriate for

the theme of this speech. Though Nixon presented a well thought out speech, he still didnt

have the audiences best interest at heart. This was an excellent speech that possessed Ethos,

Pathos, and Logos yet Nixon still had to resign to avoid being impeached.
Work Cited

Nixon, Richard. "The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Richard Nixon Checkers
Speech." The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Richard Nixon Checkers Speech. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2017.

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